Mgking tho Most of a (.union. en ?zardcna are- made tb yield more than half what they are capable of doing under good culture and taro, and it stTnl^be (ho purpo-e of ilii paper to desoribo some of the methods ia useflFhpng' the market g nd ners, by wkicb^jrfekeVgitrdeu in made to yield two, and ercii three crops in a season. I'm little more labor or manrre is net deil for the two crops than onc-^in fact, the amount 8tf* runuuro required to produce ?hAPtenp in pel faction wi'; generally Ct^mrzZdX&ViM %he focond with litt 11 at The Barly Crop* arc? The /.y \ nips, Piokles, J.ctlace.) Melons.' ( I ?ate Cabbage, spinach. \ -J Celery, Squashes, liccts. J ( Celery, Sweet K'y Cabbage... ^ Hcrlis, Sage. Beans. I Ma'joruin. Onion Sets.^ &c., Onions from Seed.j Turnips, .vv. Squashed, Celery The early crops must be well manured and tilled in order to be cleared nil" in season for the latter ones, and this musi bedone with prompness in order to pre vent interference. The itimssien given above is wha' is in general uso among gardeners, and admits some changes ? thus celery nia\ follow potatoes on strong, rich land, but not peas cr beans, as the amount o manure and moist land suited to | rodtiee celery in perfection is not gnnd I'm- j ea and benns. Where peas arc wauled in Kuccesa?ui,vng. thoy are in most gardens (though not in the market at \? rollt..!>!?? prices), the early ones may be followed by squashes, the latter by turnips or cabbage. Again, the amount of man ure needed to produce good, early lettuce, beets and spinach would b> wor?o than wasted on a late crop of tur nips, which would bo very largo but coarse and wormy. Moreover, c^b' : g cannot be to follow cabbage or turni] s or the reverse, without an interval at least two years, utileJfjj on aotne kinds o! limestone 1 ind. f When peas and potatoes are to b> followed by "squashes, every fourth row of the early crop should bo left blank in plantipg; in this blank row the souash scsd should bo sown the first week in June they will not run before July lOtb, giving lime to clear away the carl* cr6y**r^?T~p^("'the land belwc.:u the artaasbos. The same plan is adopted when celery follows potatoes ; the cJ Well. The spinach and lettuco will be all, cleared before setting the celery plants, but blank rows bhould be left between tb? b? cu and onions, as thea-will not come oil early, enonj|H^4"SAfi -the. celery, though in ample season for bankiug it up. Tin celery, rows should be ei-ut feet :.p..rt. at least when the Uoston Market celcrj is planted; the dwarf kinds can be planted closer, but are inferior. It s rather difficult to make melons do well aa a eeeond crop without hot beds in which to start the molons in puts so :e -to- set tkewaut about Juue fitii among she lettuce- or spinach ; or melon see 1 may bo so\vtvXuna 1st, in bills five feet apart, ntaain?%be lettuce and Spinach ; like all viuos, tliey need ligbt laud highly manured. Cucumber pick Lea are made to follow peaa, or are sown on a freshly turned greensward June 20th to July 10.h. Wheir^amdng pMs we usually plant b : twaen the p?as at the last hoeing. Sweet Corn may be cleared ?'ariy enough to be followed by fiat turnips, and may be sown lato alter u crop ol spinach or peaa. Sowu as late as July 5th it dues well ? Tomato plants are sometimes set be tween the iows of peas, but the practice is not recommended except when late tomatoes arc wanted. Cauliflowers may bo phtn'cd on rich lmd, July 1st to 10th, after early potatoes ItryTl He e;tn cc ? earthly rcition why women nuld not be allowed to become m* !i tal Men. HALL'S VEGETAOIE SICILIAN JTAJIt KENEWER. Every year iuereases the popu larity of this valuable Ilnii? Prep aratiou, wbioh is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray ok Faded Hau? to its youthful color, making it soil, lustrous, and B?ken. Tlio scalj), by its use, becomes white and clean. It romo\ es all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates ami npurishes tho hair-glaUd?. I>y its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness,i( restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. it is the most economical Hahi-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, ami gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. I I ayes, Sl.D., State Axsnycr of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents arc pure, mnl carefully selected for ex cullent quality; und I consider it the Best Pkkpa ration for its in teudett Jmrposcs." Sold bytUl Dryto ii.<:.< an ?' Heater* in Ucdtesne*. Flico Ono Dollar. BuGlcingham's Dye. VOR THJil WHISKERS. As our Ken ewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded \yiuskers, we have prepared this dye, in one pr> partition, w hich will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It. is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HAU. &. CO., NASHUA, N-U. mnv 11 _Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Foil riiurn.vii xiie moon, ? z - .? many 01 .?AA_ _,_^y ni.irvollo ^f^!' which aro truly liifctenito Scrofulous diti casc, where the system Boomed saturated with corruption, have been purified anil cured by it. Scrofulous affections And ilisordcrs,which were air gruvalcd by the scrofu lous contamination until tlipy were pninftuiy afuicllng, havo bean radically cured in such great numbers In ulniottcrerr scc ti'.n nf the cniinti^ , that the public scarcely'need tu lie informed <>r Its virtues <>r uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most de?true in 1 enemies of our race Often, this unseen and uiifull ii uaiit "i Uic organism undermines the con stitution, ami invite- tuoaUackof enfeebling or rac ial diseases, witlioul exciting a suspicion Ol" ilil presence. Again, it eeo-nia to breed infection throughout the body,nnd then, on gome favorable n icamloii. rapidly d< \ clop im ? enV or o.ther of iu hideous forma, 1 ither on Uio sntlnce or among the vital-. In Ilia latter,tubercles may lie Middenly di posited in tlio lungn or heart, or tumors formed hi the liver, er it i hOM ; ii - presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulccrndous on home prut of the body, llcnco the occasional use of a bottlo of tiii. "??'!??'?/ "i (7/>i di tivo symptom of disease appear. Persons af flirted with tie following complaints generally Ibid innnndialc n lief, and, at lungth, cure, bv tho nsc of this'A IIII,],A: St. Antho ny's Fire. /.'/??.? or l-:ry*lj>ria*. Tetter, Suit Ithrn.n, Sfiilti it, nil, Ittnateomi, Sore Hye*. Sora Ear*, ami olbcr eruptions <-r visible iaiuih of Srrii/'u/iiim tliscusc. Also in tlie inure con ccaled IbriUH. a* Dyspepsia, l>ropsy, Ilxttri 1H*i axr. Vita, t-'pflrit?f/t .\ 1 111 it hi 111, snV the various I'lcemun affections of the mnsouba and ncn ous By - tc.:?*. Syphilis or !>*#/?.?.-.?' find TITereitrtal Dfs ca*r* are cured l?y it, though a hoiK time is ro quircd for Btibdiiiitg these obstinate maladies by any medicine. Hut Inng-contillUCtI IIBC of this nieiliciao will cu'.e the complaint. Loueorrhacts or Whlh'H. I lerhtn ITIeerntlonn, und h'emnlm 1ti*en*ea, arc commonly ?min relieved and ulti mately cured bv It-, purlfvfng and Invigorating ofl'oct.' Minute direct loin for each caeoare round in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Uhrumntisnf and (Umt, when can-id by accumulations of ex trim con? mattet? in the blood, yield quickly to It, 00 al 0 Ii r. r ('mil plaint*. Torpidity, < 'oil t/rs timi ni lo/lam unit ie rankling poisnni m tlio blond. This SAKS A' 1'A HIl.i.A is a great restorer for the ttrength and \ifinr of the system. Those who nr^ Lan guid and 1.1*1 less, lteiportthtMt, St?njdoSS, and troubled with .Vrrco??? A?tptvhensfans or .i'i'ars, or anj <>!" the nrreetiorfu symptomatic of lI'mkneSM. will find immediate relief and con viucing Bvideuco .u Its restorativo power upon trial. /? n e p a h e d n r Ufr. JT. O. &YSH ?V r all tho ills of lifo. BITTE ^ ^ot? WikWi In YoitnrorOIil.M.irriedSJ'^^L >M)r Pin?l??, tlicss Hitters aro uti^V ?quullod and hav.i often beoa Uii^^v menns of s.ivjiiL,'life. W TRY ONE bottlk, > NOTIC'IC.?AII Povmoiin llnr in - ili mhnds niraiiiHl Rstnln of tin late Juhti Roiimd i will render ah aceonni < Ciein duly rtt.les|od tu, ;\:v\ o,(,s^ ili lcWc. ?.'?!; iniiK [inyinoiil f*? 11?undersigned. .IOHN Pi ia?^ N in r. ?: ?:-? HE WHO FIGHTS Agniust a strong and lively oonipetitor in trade, u:uat dovoto hiinsolf entirely U hie boa nees. He must kno.v bii market and suit bis customers, AND Ay H e selection of bis stock, and by his prices must invito trade. lie who RUNS AWAY with the idea that any sort or goods nil] do WILL LIVE To repent Iiis Tolly. A first-class stoek, and tko ability to itll at the cheapest priese will enable a mcrckaut TO FIGHT Sticeea fully a?y opposition and to conquer su< oeas. Ltl cusfnrseors oormo is. Whether (hey buy my Uroeorioe, Pure Liquors, Segars and Ueods or not, if ihej aro pleased tkey will return ANOTHER DAY. Tho beat Stork of Groceries ar?dl tho Cheapest. A full lias of Whiskies. Horses Stabled smi eared lor at moderate rates. A devotion to business. Tbsso aro vor gaarantees. Try me. C . D. KOKTJ Oil If. mar 1 e It A MAN WHO Starts Dnainess shoald "go In" to wia. In opening tke Eatsrpriso 8nloe?, tko Sabscriber (k-iei min cat to LAY In a full ami (lend Stock of Liquors, that would eeanmenri tfeeaasetves to ?11, and hj eeur teay and nUeiuion to place all who tririi him UNDER The necessity of admitting; that he was a fair dealer. Those wbo drank fmvm The Faucet of the Lager Beer Barrel Of his Saloon he do!?rmined should be satisfied and be iaducod to return. lie determin ed tu werk'all day and think ALL NIGHT. Eoasto estsblish a reliable castoss. He >*? succeeded. From Monday atorntnr'tao rusk cont \nues ant il SATURDAY NIGHT. From the time that Iii.? announcement FOUND its way into the pspors and TRST Upon the notion of (he public, until now, tho sa'.o of Liquors, Sogar? anal 7?W%eee> k?? COnliuued with unabated patronage. OPEN Doors, and hearty welcome has been the metto, and TO-DAY The ttn'fard'jHicd returns his th^nk* fur the liberal support he has received an? begs ite continuance at (he ENTERPRISE SALOON, kept BY J. HERMAN WAHLERS. fob IS Mew Goods + ARRIVING BY EVERT NORTHERN STEAMER, AT GEO. IT. CORNELSON. In order to be prepared for the demands of (he sesson. I am receiving large supplies of nil the various goods needed at Ibis time of the year; sueb st P'nntarion Supplies, Tool?, Plows, Iroa, And everything else neeessary to make a crop I am Agent for the following valuable and established Manures : LT I WAN GUANO, ET IWAN DISSOLVED RONE, ETI WAN CROP FOOD, ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE, ATLANTIC ACID PHOSPHAT?, E FRANK COE'8 PHOSPHATID PERUVIAN OUANOi LAND PLASTER LIME AND SALT. All the nlmve Manures are offered at manufacturers prices will be sold at tko tame terms asntthe works and will bo delivered ii requoalcd at suy depot oo the South Carolina '"j'eb l"' GKO. tt. OORNBLSON. DUKES' HOTEL* RUSSELL-STREET, ORANGEBURG, S. C. Th? Subscriber takes great pleasure in announcing to bis FRIENDS and the COM M UNITY that he has OPENED a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, at the Large Residence recent ly occupied by Mr. Dane Wannninaker. Comfortable Accommodations, a Beauteous Table and Cnurteue Attention are Uiiarantced. jan 18?3m J. W. II. DVKCS. AT COST IHK BALANCE OP MY STOQK OF Ready Made Cloi ling and Ladies Dross floods will bd - 'iL red for the next .10 days si nnd BELOW COST f,.r the ( \>Jt I. He>' UI?H '* *H. t New York. * i f p ?* I ? I ! ! I / fit ?' JUST ARRIVED FROM TIIK ABOVK MARKET A Splendid Stock of Fancy DRESS and other Choice GOODS. AT D. LOUIS' WHO IS OFFERING BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. AS WELL AS THE ABOVE GOODS AT AND BELOW COST ALSO A FULL STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES CALL SOON AND SECURE BARGAINS! ">a ' D. LOUIS, iWi ' it r REGULAR DAILY TRADE. ANOTHER TRAIN JUST IN AND FILLED \TITU DESIRABLE GOODS! AND CUSTOMERS SHOPPING AT BULL SGOVILL k FIRE, Making Selection from tbtir Extraordinary Large snd Varied Sleek aef GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Their assortment, with eonttaot additiona, in UNSURPASSED Both aa to 8TTLKS and QUALITIES. Their facilities in drawing aappliea from desirable Market? FOR THE CASH Enable thorn to make the beet possible RATE?, whioh ia the OLD RULE ti?ue4 Hrera Us ORGANIZATION? 18 42, Giving an experience nf 30 years in Business. Economy and Enterprise together with the Energy and gentlemanly deport ment of all their Assistants, are always found at the OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE ef BULL, SCOVlL't & PIKE. any Me ly m.v. jj ._i? rOlTLD TNFOPM TTTF PCRLTO THAT HP. IS BTTT.L CARFTPCC OX TUR CAR nsi;r Mak'uif in all its various branches, ami will Manufacture er Repair at the Shortest Notice, all Carriages, Buggies or Wagons. And am also prepared with *nKW PRESS AND G".N TO GIN AND PACK COTTON I SHORT NOTICE Cetten GINNED AT MT MILL baa brought from* to k cent more thsn ttisi Oihned on the common 1 v?t \: . 2 ly Jl RIQOJS. - SOUTH CAROLINA BAII.K?A? Chabis-to*. 8. C. lXe*?nal?ar SB*,|#k? ON AND AFTER 8UNDAT PBCBMBBB, 24, the FuMnnr Traia on ib? WisBBf Carolin? Railroad will run as tftUew t roa adossta. .':!*? Leave A. M. Arrir? at Augusta.4.2* P.M. fob colombia. Leave Charleston.JJ.10 A. af. Arrive at Columbia.....4.0* P. M. bob ay 1'aiscager Train, and runs through to Columbia. A. L. TTLER, Vics-Trssidsat. 8. B. Fickbbs, General Ticket Agsat. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, 6* P. P. TO ALB, Manufacturer mil Dealer, - S*. 20 Hayn* 8tr?at and Horlbeeh's Wharf CHARLESTON, 8: O. MfeT This is the L*rg-;t and mest Cnasv pletc Factory of the kind in the geaflerss States, and all articles in this Ran nan her furnished by Mr. P. P. To* 1 s at prises ?a ich dsfy eontpetit'mn. tHr A pamphlet with full and detailed Hit of all s.tes of Doers Sashes aad NUachv snd the priese ef e*eh. will be seat free acsfts ?est Paid, ?? applieatied U? ; r. P. TO ALK, CHARLESTON, at 9. jnly 18 wee HONE! CANNOT BUT IT! For S-gbt 1? Priceloa*!! RUT TUE LH A M?NS? 8PKCTACLB? WlIA FRKSBRYB IT. If yen rain* ynnr Fycnigkt aie then* Fejsv feat Lsas es, Groaad from Mia ate Cry sen** Pebbles, Melted together, aad derive tasks nsssr 1 *?*?unond" ea account of taeir Hard ness and brilliancy. They will last asaey years without ehaaga, aad are warranted superior I? alt eshore ia nan. Maaufaeriired1 by the Spencer Of tirntt Manufacturing Co., New Yerk. CAUTION.?None G caning; unNss stasap ?d with our trad* asifc. For Sale by Responsible Agnnta threagh eat the Unisn. B. J. OLIYBBOB, jaa 20?ly Oraagecarg, 8. THE Citizens' Sayings Bank OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Oraujfchnrg Braueh. Will pay 7 TER CINT. 1NTIRRST cat SFKC1AL DEPOSITS and 8 PBR CBNT. en SAVINGS DBPOSIT8,' Compounded Sesti annuaUy. ]_oojil Fiuaure Co us mittees. Hnn. THOS. W. GLOT RR. Col. PAUL 8. FELDKR. Capt. JNO. A. HAMILTON.' JAS. H. FOTTLIS, AssistaBt Caikier. s?ar 28 jaa e>tp At Private Sale. id: TUB PLANTATION forming a part a# the Estate of the late Cel. F.eitt, aad known as the DARBT PLACE. The ?r**4 eonsiste of about 000 acres, one half wekV I Timbered, tho remainder Rick, Bed, Leans Soil, adsptad to Crops of all kinds. Taften* are the Finest Lands in the District, snad at $20 per acre in 1888. We, be sold for one-half tha1 .rice new. fourth cash, the resnair er In throe tttsi snents Veiling interest Crem date and cured l>; mortgage of tha seme. This is a splendid chance for aneryne de siring to secure Rich Lands, lue Water Few er, excellent Cattle Range and a FsAnad Neighborhood. Apply t? Mrs. L. M. KBITT, Or J 0 KK1T1, Bcq. jnn 8 1 to #SO PKH DAY! WANTED! All elnssos *f worlds* people, of either sex, young er crA, ssnkw si siors money at work for us in their spar* SKomtnta, or all the time, than at anything else. FaxtUalara f red. Address O 8T1NOTN * fO . *'V- ' lo ?WfcBgPoril-in'i, Hatae.