The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, April 05, 1873, Image 7

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LOCAL, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1873 W. M BaIu ?V Co?Have received a lot of mult*. Just in time tot taleday. W. T. M?ller,?!? mtW afottad tho eojaer. Ho has a, little of everything and moat that is good. J?infoon;?Some of the beat hams (thetjf are really ?reellen?) ere to be had at the store of Messrs Museley & Crook. feverything needed is there ?in min - Supreme Court-?The appeals from the First Circuit will be taken up in the the Supreme Coert on Monday the 21st. ii Doing Jtenllco to the Teachers. Let'every teacher iu the county reojiee as he reads the notice of Treesnrer Andrews, endorsed by School Commie eieaer MoKinley. Appointed?His Excellency Go*. Mpees by proclamation (which is pub lished in another column) his appointed Trial Justice J P. Mays as Coroner of .V. k tho County of Orsngeburg. Rills of tht Banks of the State? The Supreme Court ef the United State has decided thut the bills or the Banks of'the Stste are not rceeiveable for Mr Fast.?If J'?u want a good, elsau shave and your hair cut and shampooed at thort uatieo just eail on John Mills over Merouey'a store. John knows his ob. .: jWOetW'rDr. A. C Dukes has juat received a let of the finest *nandy ever broil; hi to this tonrket, ?11 ye that have a sweet tooth had better call soon, ss the supply is going very rapidly. - anaa '??eaaMi Monday Next is Saletlay.?Five tracts .of land, containing in all two thousand, nine hundred and ?ixty, aere? and peraonal property eoo.?i ting, of eat* tie, mules and horses, ate to be said by the Sheriff. ? K ? k i . , "Crowtrari Inkwhleh."?It was rumored or diy tuis week that "ft 5?ronti:ient ex offici .1 v .d been brut illy gabbed and w?s dead. The painful Vuraor alm?st su.muoued the "Crowuers' iuk which when it was eutrageonsly ?hilled that the day was the wretched first of 1 trffi, fj?j? ' ' i ?? -- Oraiigewurg Division N^o. 21, Sons Temteiairce.?The in*tall? ?tO* -of trie oQicoYs of this Division, elected t? serve lor the ensuing quarter will take place aC their Hall, (b ?eement ef Presbyterian Church) on M-mday evening (7th inst) at 8 o'elo-k P. M. The public are invited to attend. **e1 :>S-r- ' ' ? ***Thlrty Days Hattt September Akpril" Cte.?April which showers so many delights upon us is oviu of the short months. A-roo, th?re is but a short JoeUs'l * period for preparation for the Tcurna. exeat iu May, Use well the intervening '?weeks, young gentlemen and felly illustrate what young Orangeburg ean do wbeu she wants to. A Terrific Disaster.? The tele grJMevof our exchange* tolls the h ..t rending story of the wreek of a Liverpool atesmer, off Nora Suetis in the early morn ing or April 1st, There were on board . 'Jr^^e'thousand men, women end tVitld.-en, and onlr two hundred and fif^r.succeeded in landing. The remain der ioeluding all the women snd ohil 4fsa were losi, The teasel snd ?\rgo evejre a total loss. M i bases sansi n f 7W\? or Dry-?There is to be an election In Winnsboro on Monday next for J*jtgandsnt end Wiedens. There are ?sbowt tare iiuadred voters there. Poli te .ft* ? r i t i\cM aro dnic?re>jl ana the rjueation is ffjf&?* a "wet and dry" eaaaeil. aa?? JTbere is also considerable cxeiteraent JJj?owg' tbe *welr' of the tow a on WsjB??nsrt ef Judge Mackoy's charge to .jury at Chester regarding *\lfb%e e-n? sell li?aor in riolstion of the ???^vaet law." Two judges Cooke aud wjeaaiaejiara enforcing shit IsW. A ward A Hot fttamtr AheatJ of ris?The "j|j|fll^t'nfiaiBa at* rW prognosticating asdaaWtlrataJsgiits eeemi to b? that the eon ;^|?a<rsaar trill be long, ant aad dry. {fc. Pripwr ef New Vork and the eWattfc officers of Charleston aad other ?It lea ere unite J in the opinion that the unprecedented cold of last wiufor will be folluwod by uouiually pTobugo 1 and fervent heat this sum then The health officers df Charleston are taking their usual precautionary steps. Let hi do likewise. if- B. Church 8outh.?The rota utes of the Annual Conference of, this Church held at Anderson in December last shows the following statistics ; White mcnberB, 39,041 increase 1,304 colored 658, decrease . 670. White preacher* 122; deorcas* 13; colored 2 ; decrease 6. Churches 346, increase 27. Parson ages 04 ; increase 1. Value of church property $507,500, iuercaae $64, 330. , The report ef Wofford College shews that during the year that institui ion re ceived $5,377, 88. ? Ii? ? ??n - KxcHotiiont.?On Saturday last our ?laid, proper and steady Town was "exercised in mind" for an hour or two. over a fighting, knocking outting and shooting scrape between Mr. R. B. Coloninn and Charles Green. Green was seriously but we l*arn not dangerously cut. Coleman, escorted by a large and excited crowd was conducted to Juftici-. Browning's office. The excitement arnund this offie: was in tens*, and resulted in sevaral minor catting and knocking scrapes. ColeniP*> was committed to jail, and thus the excitement alloyed. Subse quently CoiCtnan was released upon his giving bond to appear at the May term ef Court of Sessions. We have not investigated the immed iate causes or circumstances of this a fray and censure no one. But w; do say that these things are getting too frequent with us. There is too great a fonduoss for cutting etc. ; and there are ?oiuc who are too willing to incite dis turbance* and foment excitement. Above all, there is too much liquor drauk. Off to Gretna Given In an April Shower.?On the afternoon of Tuesday laet the streets of Oraageburg wero the j scene of rather unusual performance s. Dur'ng the prevalence of the severe storm of wind and rain that passed over us oa that day, a coup?* wer? seen outering the to n. The couple consis ted of a wall known young geutlemau or the town and a young lady who was ao thickly -Viled as to defy all efforts at roc gnition They war* ou home back and rode at full ep?ed, the lady attracting especial admiration by her gratelul and pertect horsemanship [or rather horse wonianehip j Of course excitement wae on tiptoe. Gossip raged louder - than the storm. Couutleea speculation* were rashly ventured as to who the was, and whither they were bound. No chic to the mystery could be had. lu all probbility it was a run away match. After dame rumor had exhausted her ingenoity and the town waa aroused to a pitch of excitement perfectly appall iug and when several "sounts" were obtain ed fur rash and hot pursuit, some bod> insultingly remarked that it was the first day of April. Pshaw! A man in Maine now tuakos good mer chantable oysters out of flour past*, tapioca, palt and water. These are olaced in second handed oyster shell, which are carefully glued around the edge*. When a hungry, half in*brat*d individual come* into the sal on a nd call* for a doxen raw on the half shell, hi reeeivt? the above describedfdeliot A Scotch postmaster, puzzling out n verry uncertain superscription to an I Irish, letter, jocoseloy remarked to an intelligent eon of Brin, who stood by that Use I rah brought bard names to Scotland. "T-hetoa fact yer Honor," replied tke) Irish in an," but they get harder one* after they arrive here." /;tl l 00 MMERGIAL. MARKET UEPOBTS. Ornoa er tu? OaxirnRatraa Hew*, ApriV, 9 ?1$. roTTOM?Bales during the weak 70 sie?. W* lusts; CrJ?m^:::::::::-:::::::::::^e'6 m*a**t.j.?.*> Boren Bira.$1.15 p*r onshel t.osy.. $1.06 per bushel Cow Puet.%* -.. J.OO per busliol. T ivnyas, . l.F.R r?r bash el. Assignee's Sale. 1N-1MN0K?UPTCY. In (he Matter of Cu Art lbs H. Thom son, Bankrupt, La Parte P. V. DiH ulk, Assignee. By virtue of an order of eale from tbe Honorable the District Unitrd States for South Carolina, I will sell at pub lic auction, at Orangeburg C. H., on Monday tbe 7tb April nest, at tbe usual hours of sale, l'or cash, the ('bones in Action belong ing tbo Kstate of above Bauarupt, consist ing of Bond of Ellen 8. Tliom-nn. W. R. Thomson aud James 8. Thomson en which is a balanoe due of about $15000.00. Also Band of John II. Thomson, . 8. Thomson and B. E. Thomson on whioh ia a b-dunce of about $1000.00. I>. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. March 21 at, 1873. 8t Assignee's Sale. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the Matter of Jno. C. KbnMKRLY and Jno. Huffman, Bankrupts, Ex Parle C B. OloYKB, Assignee. By rirtuo of an order of sale to mo direct ed from the Uonorntde District of South Carolina, 1 will sell at public auction at Or ungeburg C. II-, on Monday, 7th April next, at the usual hours of sale for oasb. . Certnin Judgments, Notes and Accounts belonging to the Estates of the above named Bankrupts. A list of the above enn be seen on appli cation to the undersigned. ;C. II. GLOVER, Assignee, mar 22 3t Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of Sundry Executions to me di roeled, I will evil to the highest bidder, at Orangeburg C. II., on the FIRST MON DAY' in April next. FOK CASH, all the Bight, Title nnd Interest of the Defend ants in tbo following Property, vis : 1. One tract of land containing'***) acres more or less, in Orangeburg County, bound ed on the Northeast by Columbia Road. Ewst by lands formorly of H. C. Wannanaker, South ami West by T. K. Sasportus. 5. One tract in said County containing 81H) acres more or less, bounded on the North and West by land of O. Farnnm. Bust by the tract above described, and West by land of T. K. Sasportaa I Mule, 1 Horse, 2 Oxen and 1 Cow. Lev ied on un the property of Audrrw Jnabinet at the suit of Jacob Aniakor. ALSO 1. One tract of land in saM County con taining 10S acres more or le->s. bounded on the Kast by land of Win. Metis, West by ol N C. Whettitone, Not th by lands formerly of Joshua Hair, and South by lands ot Win. Metis and J. I*. Merry. Lev ied on as the properly of U. V. Melts at the suit of N. C. Whetstone. ALSO 1. One tract of land 5n said County con taining 10.11 acres more or less, sw.-imp laud, hounded hy ,ands of K. Shulcr. George Shulcr, Sum'l It. Sbulcr, Frederick Carn ami Joshua Hu If 2. One tract containing 1031 aei es more or lesH, swamp land, hounded by lands of W. Hut to, J. R. Moorer. Joseph Howell. Sam'I It. Shulcr and the Charleston and Otan^eburg County lino. 3. And one other tract containing l'>ni acies muri or leas, swump land, bounds 1 by lauds uf Sunds of S iai'1 *R. Shuler, Joseph L. Shuler, A. Kuah's grant. Joseph Howcll and Abram K. Shulcr. Levied on as the property of Charles S. Bull at the exit of -Fretleriek v.. Bacon and Crowell if addea. Sheriff a Offoe, ) K. I. CAIN, Orangcburg C. II. S. C, >? 8. O. C. Mar. JOth, 1871. J mar 22 <d "In Medkuttt, (JualLt/ it e/(A< Firti Impor tance." * E. J OLIVEROS, M. D.( DKALKK I!f DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, NON-EXrLOSIVE LAM I'S. CARDER SEEDS, Ac., Ac, PBESCHITIONS prepared sritb ACCUR ACY and FIDELITT, fo| which purpose a full and complete assortment ef PUKE CHEMICALS and GENUINE DRUGS a-ill be constantly on band. Long experience?a successful business career of mere than eight years in Orange burg, a g.od knowledge ef the DRUG MARKET at home and abroad, will afford a sufficient guarantee that all goods sold er dispensed at my CNtablishmeat will be GENUINE and RELIABLE. Apprcoiafing the saeeeaa which in the past has attended ray efforts, I have de termined to spare no psins to merit a con | ,;unnee of the patroaage ao liberally bestow ed. IE, J. OLgVEROR M. D. Ne. 100 Kussel Siren Orangcburg. RIBBONS, V iLLILERY AND STRAW GOODS, 1871. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, kC. Armstrong Oator & Co. mpnarsns, MAMcrACTcaaas awn josssns Bonnet, Trimming, Neck and Sasb Rib bons, Velvet Ribbons, Neok Ties, Sonnet Silks, 8atins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, Ac, Sraw Bonnets and Ladies and Children's Hate, trimmed and untrimmed. And in connect ing wnrereome White Goods. Linea?. Em broideries, Lneee, Nets Collars, Setts, Handkerchiefs. Veiling. Head Neta, Ac. Ac Ros. 287 and 240 Baltimore Street, Balti more aid. These goods are manufactured by us er bought for Cask directly from the Barepean and Amerieaet ?sanfaeturers, embracing all the latest nsvelties, uoeoualled in uarie ty sod oheapnese in any market Orders filled with sure promptness sn<l despatch. mar. let 4t Notice of Dismissal. OTICB 18 HBRI'BT GIVEN THaTONE mf final account with tbe Honorable lug. B. |tuew\ month Aren? daU I will file me final ten, Judge ef Probate for Orangeburg County, nod ask for Letters ef Dismissal bs Guardian 6f Jacob Gariek. AI. ft. OARICK. Marek 1st, lS7S.-lm ROUND THE CORNER IS THE PLACE To Supply your Table with every LUX URY of the Season in tho ORtH'KKT LINE. My DeliCaeUs aro too numerous to #" ntfaflbn, but whatever you want in ' ' * *? ??????' ihoEATINO LINE just coll on W. T. M?LLER, ntl von wilt got it. Alee a larg supply of of fine CUTLERY and other UShVl'L Am iE ARTICLES. Como and see the quantity and quality of my Stock. My prices nill SUIT th* ajd fi ? ?1m*mw v?. times. ? ?* lf?< ,Ki4) .??I ? l \ 'S4J (Mil JUST ARRRIVEDI . 1 atfjKINE STOCK OF -X HORSES AND MULES ? *. z ve s . ;? itst .ti i AT W/M. Silin & COo'S STABLES, CALL SOON AND GET BARGAINS! a pi c J. WALLACE CA^lSrOiST has on hand a full stock of choice rr trr groceries, tobacl-o, cigars, am? fancy briar root pipes. With a complete stuck of choice liouors from the very ..est down I? a common art tele. All of WHICH is offered low for cash. Give nil a call J. YVaLLACB CANNON, mar 20 jan 1fi Ligbtfoet's Old Stand. JD R JAMISON ATTORNKY AT LAW. Will practice ia tha Courts ef ORANER BURG and BAKNWILL. OFFICBCO?RT HUURR SQUARE. Feb ?.a iw _?9 g_ T^TOTICB. ALL PERSONS HAVING DE _[_N| mnnds against tha Bstate of ths lals James k?. Qunttlconurn trill render an account af them duly attested is. ami tlie?c indebted will make payment te, aleasrs j|?r?r I Glover, Attorney* at Lgw AMANDA F. QUATTI.KDAUM, Administ ratri t. Omngeburg Fcbrmry 28th 187;'.. mar. 1st ??' St NOTICE TO ( RDDITOHS. All persons having demands against fhe Estate of B. G. Hunt, deceased, and all persons iudebted to said Estate will prwseat the aaaso and make paymeni to the under signed within three months from this date. JOHN P. SPIGENER. Qualified Administrator. February 11th,187?. 16 td A SMALL FARM FOR BALE about three quarters of n mile from the f ourt House containing In acres with nOOOD DWELLING. R1TCHEN. ?STA ULK and an Excellent WELL of WA Tatft. Also some CiiOICB FRUIT TREBS have recently bean set out. The above is one of the most desirable and healthy pUees in the State. Far par ticulars aj.ply to Z. M. WOLFE, Or to THAI). C. ANDREWS. jan 18 Sns _ * a. t j. M a. k _ F. P. Flsmiho. Jas. M. Sam'i.. A. N*i.sos. D. F. FLAMMING & CO *f 4 j *^ J r wnotssA(.n nsAi.sss in BOOTH, SHOES AND TRUNKS, HQ. ? HAl ^K-SIREET. (cosae* or cavsca.) CHARLESTON, S. C. No pains havs Wee spared la endeavoring to renders our Isrgo assortment of Goods at traetive sad desirable; and nothing has been left undone that lang esperieooe and assidui ty oould suggest, to deserve a share of yonr patronsge. Hiving perfeetcd arrangements by which wo receive our goods direct ; rein the man a fsclarers. ensur our customers the groat ad vantage of purchasing them at the eery low est rates and of th* most desirable ones. In prices and quality artb*li*ve they will compare favorably fitb?anp ft bar stook in the city or elsewhere. We shall bo pleased to offer these Goods for your inspection ai any time you iaa> favor ?p with a rail. All enters will hare our carafuli and j prompt aftenOaa-. Va'irs fcdy. D. P. tLEsfINO k CO. Feb i;>tk it *:g/f I'? .|v ir t_,_ CharlmlL Green. CATERER. The abov* named annouaees to tkssa interested that he ie prepared always to furnish. BEBF, POULTRY OAMB. tIAS. and M/eala dehrered to any eader. C rt OE11*. Job *?* .? ?..?<? DR. A. C. DUKES' CRANX1IBURG, 8. C, DIAIBB It PBT7G8. MBDICIEES. PAI5TS. AKD DILI, FIXE TOILiT BOAPf, BRUSHES ARD PERFUMST. PURK Tf INES and LIQUORS for Medieiaal u*ea. DVB.WOODS and DYE-STUFFS generell?. A lull linn of TOBACCO and BM %RS. ' farmers and Pkyaiciene fron th* Ceaalry will find our Block of Modieiaea Complete. Warranted "ennin* aad ef th. Beat QaalUjr. Lot of FRESH CARDER SEEDS. janll ? if Bo You Want NEW GOODS! 00 TO BRIGGMANN'S. IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS GO TO BRIGGMAXNS WHKRI YOU'LL UND Any and Eyerything. ?at 3 tr CANCER'S CORED BY DB, KUTSTE'? WON DEBFUL CARCBft ART!DOTE, Which destroy aad remore tho Cancer ?ntira without tho riak of tha Knifo or th* Loaa of Blood, and at tho tamo tinao eeer oonao tho tendency to Cancer In tho system. Wo aloo trout all fliana of Chronic, Loog Btaoding and Obeonro Dtnoaooa, with an j paralleled Success, especially Epilepsy or Fite, Rheumatism. Nesralgia, Asthma, I Screfula aad Secondary Syphilis. For full particulars, Circulars, Ao., sail ?1 or addroat R. H, GREBE. M. D . OeUbere, R. C. A. H. UND LB 7. hi P., Charlotte, R. C. Or J. I. DIRTLBT. M P.. jan 11-orn Bumter. i. C. A. J. ^V^NS, TRIAL J?8TICK, For Or an getan rg County. All haaiaaaa ?Btruetad ta has ohargo ?4M ho attended to with prom pin eat Ofieoat hie Mills aosr B;clss** e Bridge, South Edisto Ri*Sr. ?Opt 14 Iht For Sale Cheap. A small WELL IstPROTED PLACB ift a mile of Coder Grore 8tc*e, ta the Ferk. Terms tacy. TU IL C A*DMr*l. Jaa 25th tf WE ABE NOW OPENINO OUR Goods, Buchas WHITS GOODS, PRINTS, NOTIONS, AC. Als* n full Lin* of LADIES, MISSIS and CENTS SHOES, wit*, HATS, TIES, COLLARS and CUFFS iVINE OLD HAVANA CIOAKS. In these "Hard Times to Lire" we have on bsad miay articles that will contribute f7**C y ts the "creature comforts." Wo intend to keep always "FULL UP" in the GROCERY LINE A ml sell thrm CHEAP for cash. All are respectfully invited to call svul eaemlee STOCE and PRICES. MOSELEY & CROOK. OPPOSITE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK. mar 29 feb 8 ly THEODORE KOOT & BEOTKSaV ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT THEY ARB NOW DISPLAYING NEW SPRING STYLES IN DRESS GOODS, IN WEITE OOODS, IN EMBROIDERIES, IN TRIMMINGS. A Complete and Seasonable Stock of HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, VE8TINOS, HOSIERY, and CORSETS. The best Asserted Stock of SMALL WARES fand NOTIONS to be found anywhere and at the LOWEST PRICES. Wo sre enabled to offer GREAT INDUCE MENTS te Purchasers of DOMES TIC GOODS, SHOES of all Descriptions and Make and READYMADE CLOTHING. GENTS FURNI8IIINO GOODS, GENT8 and BOT8 HATS, CASSIMSRM, LINENS, and OTHER GOODS, for Gents snd Beys Wear. Oeer Three Hundred Pieces of SELECTED AMERICAN PRINTS Your Choice for 12} J. P. COATS SPOOL COTTON 75 c. per DOZEN. All we ask ef the GENEROUS PUBLIC is a oall at our. LITTLE STORE Where they will find the BIGGEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS at the the mos? BLE BATES evsr offered. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. mar 22 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING THIS DAY FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP U > t aus and Style of J. "W*. PATRICK & CO. i. -I'cctfullj call the atteotion ef the Public to the same. J. W. PATRICK LELARD HAGOOD We would recjlieet THO&E DESIROUS ef PUR CHASING to giea US a call at the 8TAND form erly oot-upied by bT. G. VINCE, Next doer to DR. A. C. DUE ES* Drug Store, and examine our WELL SELECTED STOCK f NEW SPRING GOODS, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Ac. ? *'/??". av Ymi hare only to CALL and SATISFY yourself that we are READY and WILLING I PLEASE. J. W. PATRICK & CO. mar 2*2 REMOVAL! E. EZEKIEL Inform his FRIEMDS that ho has MOVED into the BUILDING Istttf pled ss the POST OFFICE, Who be intends to opea a FIRST CLASS JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT And will pay strict attention to the BEHAUUNG OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JBWYUHT Will aiwajs keep oa hand CLOCKS. WATCHES, JSWgLRY, fiat CUT LERY. PLATED WARB, SILVER WARE, and LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEM. LOOK OUT FOR THE OLD SIGN OF TU BIG WA.TCH. mar 8 if , , mm >.i ?at IS AT COST THE ?ALANX1 Of MY ATOGC Of Ready Made Cletbiog and ?,adi?e Dress Goods win he offered fee the act* SO days at tad BELOW COAT for the cm. J. MeSAXAEA'S.