L O O A t?? - - - SATUK-DAt, MARCH 1,1878 Ad(1tt?W?Mr. J. B. Boyd ?ii Sat the 'J2d delivered an admired address before the Co?tlty Survivors Aisociutioo St the Presbjteriaa Church. i i mi? . ? . ?. ii - - A PrMty ttttWx.?The uew sign in trout of Dukes Hotel is a bright inj .x of the godd clleof that aw tit* tho traveller ttlid \isttor to onr burg Mr J. Wullncc Cannon sticks to his bur.tucssaud Is increasing it every day lie has some whiakey which he calls "White CtoW.'1 which is admirable, and Vi ry much admired. At Lhrhtfoot's old stand. l)r. OlIverOH.?One begins to appreci ate Dr. Uliwros witch one Is sick und Deeds'a little remedy lor the 'ills that flesh is heir to." The Doctor's rrpertoirn of experience suggestions and prescriptions ia only equaled by his stock of medicine*. Both are full, complete and always ou hand TllO YV?l!lIi?r,?On Monday night a fall of snow carpeted the earth. ^lt the Ourt House the fnll was not ns heavy as in other portions of the Co?nt/. Bain all day Wednesday, and boggy Streets of courfrt. March Winds are prevailing to a high degree in town during the last week. Was it tho breath of spring. MLa Niufa," ' Crown Jewels," "La S. lecta," "Part ago*," "Mount Vernon," "Sweet Home." 1 boss and a score of other brands of scgars are on sde at C. 1). rtottjohn'a popular store. Whiskies of all gr.tdcs and a full, raricl and complete stock of fumily groceries arc nn hand constantly ttt this well known stand. Farmers can leave their horso* arid b.aVo tliCm well cared for iu the ample stfJoles in rear of store. We nro deeply pained to Icaru uf the do'th of Dr. Tho*-II. Zimmerman lie med at his residence near Jamison'* Station on last Sund \y night the 2BrJ lust. Dr. Zinnerman was tho el Jest son bf Mr. John C. Zttttuierinan ofUlenn (springs, Sparenburg County. He bioved to this County since ihe war and engaged in planting in connexion with his professional busino?. Dr. Zi tu mur inen was a nobl?, whole souled young ban, and h\irj endeared himself to all Who knew him by his noble qualities of head and heart. Wc tcudvr to his bereaved.family nud relatives oUr he a rt ? felt sympathies. in?. trnsrwr^awiu. , At the Annual Meeting uf the Yo?og. Ameriot Fire KOgino Company, on the 21st, the following officers were elected, for the ooauiug year : I'retuhnt. J. W. MohKt.r.r., Vice- JW*i found, is tfvenjorked and receives the large 8ala 1/ of Ite hundred dollars per aucum ?Ut of which he has topi; his ?leffc. We slMdlJ have a large handsome depot with ample uccouiodatious for ?forage; freight and passengers. Cliriski.?On Monday and Tuesday evenings the Elliott Hall was thronged with large and brilliant audiences to wit ness the Performance' of Chriski tho ver satile artist and geuiu-i Voutrilntpnsiil, Jugglery, Leger de-iuiiu and a wonderful performance, upon tho slick wire filled and varied the Programm j which w'dJ accompanied by very good Music. Many gifts wero distributed among the audicucc. who were pleased and en tertainsd. This entertainment is certainly the best thing ul its kind that has yet visited Orangeburg. This fine Hall should be called into re quisition more frequently, and oppurtu uities afforded to our people to enj >y an evening. Why can't wehavo lectures, readings recitations and amateur theatrical. COMMERCIAL. HARKET HE PO BT?. Omca or tub OaASoaaoan News, February 28 1873. COTTON?Sales during lb* woek 136 bnlcs. We quote : Ordinary..... 1A <7rjlf, Lew Middling.17 jfdj Middling.18i (^u Kol on Rice.iSli'5 per ouahel Cons.i.$1.06 per bushel. Cow 1'kah... I.0? per bushel. Pini>r.ns....i. 1.6? per bushel. NOTICE. MULES Ft)it SALE UN UK 11 FORECLOS URE OF MOJITO AGE. By virtue ef the mortgage from Wro. C. Cefer and J. J. Jnekeon t? Pcl/'er. Rodgors Si Co., 1 will xell ?t Orangeburg Conn House, on Mouday :M 'lay ef March ne.vt, nt pub lie outcry, lor iash, three valuable .Mare Mules. VY, II. J01NKH, Fob. 1.1th. 187:;. Agent. feb 10 ::t Charles II. Green? CATERER. The abtrve named announces to those Interested that he is prepared always !?> rurniah, DBBF, POULTRY OAME, FISH, and Meals dhlitered to any order. C. II. ?JKEEN. Feb let P. F; Fll-Mino. Jas. M. Wilson. Sva'i.. A. NeLsoN. D. F. FLEMMING & CO wiioLBSAt.G 0R.w.r.Bs in BOOTS, SIIOJilS AND THINKS, X?i 9 II.tYXE-KTKEET. f*r.HSr.R tfr bltidtdtt.) CHAlU.ivSTO.N, 5. C. Nfl pSiif.? hnvp See spafJUd in endeavoring \tu re'ffders our It rge assortment of GuCdi at tractive and desirable; an?l nothing has been left undone that long experience And iism lui ty conld suggest, to deserve u share of your patronage. Having perfected' arrangements by which we receive our good* diruct ! roai the manu facturers, ensttr our customers the gruat ad vnntage of purchasing them ut the very low est raiaa and of the most deairahlr ones. In prices arid quality we believe they will compare favorably with nay oilier stock in ihe oily or eine? h?re. We shall be pleased to ?fter these Goods for yonr inspection at iny time you mm favor ap with n call. All orders will have our earefull and prompt attention. Yours traiy. 1). F. FLEMING. & CO. Fcb t?flr 5i Sheriff's Sales. ORANG EBURG COUNT V, In Common Pleas. C. B. (Slovex, Assignee, | Foreclosure Jacob F. Witt. Wm. P. j- of Witt and Geo, Molivcr, i C. C. P. Mortgage. Hy virtue of a judgment in tbi* case, I will soil on the 1st Monday in March neat, at tbeusual hours of unto, tin- follow ing treat of land j Ail that tract of land in Orangeburg Cettnty, containing l'i? acres rogre or lens, bounded dd the north hy land* of Win. p Witt and J. A Jefeeat-. South by KdUto Riv er, wast hy I hi U of I.ivuurHon and went 5y the boundary line betwetni Lexing ton und Orttitgeburg Counties. Terma?One-h*lf cash, balance on acred it ?f one year, purchaser to give bond fer credit portion, secured by mortgage Oi premises, and to pay for pnporn and record ing. Sheriff's Office, ) E. 1. CAIN, OrangehhTgC. H., 8. C, \ S. O. C. Feb. 8, f873. ) jau 18* td NOTICE. TTIIE PARTNERSHIP OF ITUT80N ? L?gare hitherto Subsidising, in hereby dessolvod by the withdrawal of Mr. T. K. Lv.,?Hre. The other partners will continue th iir husinesa under the firm name of Hut sod & Unison. W. M. HUTSON, W. F. HUTSON, T. K. LEO ARB. Jaw 8t Notice of Application for Final Discharge. THE SUBSCRIBER GIVES NOTICE THAT he will on the first Monday in March next, apply to the Court of Probate fdr his Final Discharge as the Executor of the Will of Rev. Samuel Sreolte deceased Jan. 2-fth 1873. S. P. SMOKE Earir. Jan -alb St Sheriff's Sales, By virtue of sundry Executionu to me di- , rcc'.M 1 will sell to tlte hip-host bidders, at | Orangeburg Court House, en the first MON DAY In Maren next, for cash, t lie fol lowing property, vii: Due iraol ol Und In Orang.-burg County, containing II** acres nioru or leas, bounded by land* of \>. A. Siiuler, David .-holer, aud Hinder Levied on as ibe property of H. Calvin'Shuler at the suit of Oswell lived r. ALSO One trrtc' of '.and in Ori*n^?,in-j county. coRihinif**- liti sere* morn or if-Ut, bouuduil by lands of W, P. Ay ort*, John Ay ab, A. T. Cain, W. R. Davis mid W. P. Sandle. Lev ittd on as i lie property of A. S. Sandle nl th? sun of Hull and ScovilL And on Tuesday after Kaledav. at thol.it reoidohedof Ai t*. Samite, 2 head Catile, h bead of I!. lot Corn, small lot Bacon. I Hun, 1 silver Watch, ?iid various art id s ot Houaeliold and Kitchen Furniture and Pa lifting Ufeuail.i. Levied on as the pro perty of A. S. Sandel at the etrlt of Bull ?\ Soovill. Sheriff's Office, ) E. I. CAIN, OrnngehutgC. II.. S. C. J- S. O. C. Feb. b\ I ?72. J fob Li td THE SURRENDER OF Li EN. LEE, AT A I'l'O M ATTX O. II., VA., a t-ii 11. Or it lMi.'i. AMAUNlFM'iFNT Hx 18 in h ENGRA VING of the surrender at Gen. I.edi beauti ful oolored. Engraved in the highest style of the rirI and printed on heavy plat f every Southern hc Sent hf mail, m*mn t-l tttl a t oller and post paid, on receipt oj 20 cents, <>r :'. for&U cent. Agent* Wanted* Address. .). C, & W. M. BURROW, Pi ist itl Teun. Bataloguca of Pictures, Books, ft., aent free. fob 8 -It OO A V-iImiblc Invention Ot) A:1 PN fl RELY NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. ONLY FIVE E>OI,I,i.iS. with tiik Nr.tr Paltml UiidoH Hole Worker. THE MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMI CAL IN L81*. t A MODEL OF COMBINED ST REN' '] AND BEAUTY. Complete in nil its part--, uses I he Ptraight Eye Pointed Needle. Seit TIi reading* direct, upright Positive Motion, New Tension. Self Feed and Cloth Guidcr. Oper a tea* by Wheri and on a Table*. Lrght Running. Stuootb und tioiseles? like all good high priced machines. Has patent check to prevent the wheel being turned the wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the ?pool. Makea t!te Einstie Leek Stitch (finest and atfOligeet stitch known ;) ttrm, durable, cloae and rapid. Will do nil kinds of trerk, fine- and coarse, lVnm Cambrie te' berry (Both ?r Leather, and uses p.]) neseriptlot's'of thread. Tjie best mechanical talent in America ?in I Europe, has been devoted to improTitt'; and simplifying tfuf Machines, c'otnhiniug only ?r?*!t trui-di *s practicable, and dis pensing ?rid d'l complicated sttrroun ling generally found in other machine*. Special iefma ?ud Mira inducement< to male und feft:nle ago t;-. ptoi-e keepers. k<. . who wi'.l establish agencies ilm>ugli the coilritry and keep our m. w machines on ex - bibition and sale. County rights given lo smart agents tree. Agent's eoirrpleio outfits I'll rai shed wit haul tiny ex-ra charge. SanYplr's of sewing, descriptive circaiara containing terms, testimonials, engravings, Aic. sent Tfee Aildress. BR0"K8 SEWING MACHINE CO.. No. I32'J Broadway, New York. feb 8 ly For Sale Cheap* A small WELL IMPROVED PLACE in h mile of Cedef Giove Stufe; in the Fork Terms easy. Tfl U) C. ANDREWS. Jan 26tfc tf MR. C. D. BLUME. Reg r td infoi rti the pec j le of Ornnr-eburc and vicinity that he will CONTINUE his I1U8INE S at his OLD STAND over Capt. P. II. W. Brigginaun'a store, an I as he has made VAST IMPROVEMENTS in PICTURE MAKING1 of late, is now tilde to execute a? GOOD WORK as can be dorr.? elsewhere in a Ferrotype ?aller?/. He else has on hatrla lot of PICTURE FRAMES of every description, ul reasons ble prices. COPYING done to order in any desired Stylo. Come one, come nil and give me a trial, jaa 4 aj 20* tf I^XKf UTOIT? 3#OTICK.?All j Persons having demands against the Estate of the late Jno. M. (rick, deceased] and nil persona indebted to said Estate, will present rticlr' demands properly swsro to and make payment to the undersigned oi their Attorney-, Messrs. i/.lsr A* Drhhle. Ornngebltig, b, t ., within one month from this dale. J. A. M. IIAIOLER. JNO. W MACK. Jan. M. lS7*T. Qttalineil1 Ezeeutnts. jan 18 4i DR. A. C. DUKES' CRANGKBURG, S. C, deai.bb in DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, AND OIL8, FINE TOfLFT SOAPS. BRUSHES AND PER KU ME Y. PURE WlNF.S and LIQUORS for Medicinal uses. DYE-WOODS and DYE-STUFFS generally. A full line of TOBACCO and SEGA RS. Partners and Physician's from the Country will find our Htook of Mo-lic nes Complete, Warranted Cenu'ine and o*fth? Rest Qfualily. Lot of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. jari 1 i < W AM. WHO WANT A beautiful p'cture with which t# adarn ihe walls of their parlors, should immedi ately enclose the subscription for the "Ad Toeate.'' ($'_'.00) snd they will receive by return innil* our "Fruit Chrome," which we lire giving to every yearly subscriber to our pnpefi Don't remit by luaili Address FRANK 1'. HEARD*. Cajiukn, 8. C. . .i. i i , _ A SMALL FARM FOR BALK about three ?piaHers of n mile fron, ihn ( uttrt Home containing IU acres with a GOOD DWELLING; KITCHEN. STABLE and an Excellent VfEf.L or W A TF.lt. Also sotu- ('HOICK I'nrJlT TREES ImVe recently boon sei out. The above is om- of the most desirable and healthy places in Ihe Suite. For par. tic.tlars apply to t. M. WOl.FK, Or to * TIIAD.'O. ANDREWS. jun IS 3iu Tis? Baltimore ISobery Deniinstrates the oft-told tale that cbeap safes, old fashioned safe*, safe* not up to the times, arc the temptations to burglary. Bankers' rtlny provide tfttehiMen) and may use other safeguards, hut ibvy will uot put their money in the watphipatt'l pocket, or trust iu a tin or wooden boJt, no mnttur how many guards nrc U9V?d. The safe, alter ?II is the last respectable. No amount of watoh ing or gaardiltg will ever make a poor old vtyiu safe trust worthy. This is the citndol. and should bu the best thNB IIKSt. Ii KRH1NG8 k FAKRF.I.. Noa. 201 and 2ti% Broadway, corner Morray ?ircet. Only manufacture? of Herring ? New Patent. .Champion Hank Safe.? Messrs VTnlkrr. Kvana& Cogswell, Ageuta. Charleston 8. C oet ."? tf NOTICE. Notice ?- hereby given that APPLICA TION will be made to the 0KNF.lt A I, AS SEMBLY ni ita uext Session for a Hevirul of the Charters of < IMNK GKOVK CH ?RCH" and "TRINITY CHURCH" under the juris diction of the "Evangelical Lutheran Sy nod of Soulh fsrolinr? ami a-'jaoent States.' nor 9 8m CANCER'S CdRsijf WONDERFUL CANCER ANTIDOTE, Which destroy and remove the Cancer entire without the risk ef the Knife er the Loss of Blood, sal ut tho same lime over come ihe tendency to Cancer in the ?y stern. We alsi treat all forms ?f Chronic. Long Stunding and Obscure Difcaiea, with un paralleled Sucoesj, especially Epilepsy er Fits, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Asthma, Scrofula and Second try Syphilis. For full particulars, Circulars, *e., sail en or address E. II. GREEN, M. D., OoUboro, N. C. A. H lixrlkL M d ClitiMoMe. SC. Or .T. E. Dl-NTLRV, M. D.i jan il- Co Samirr, j. c. Vo You Wftwt NEW GOODS! CO TO BRIGGMANNS. IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS GO TO BRlGGMAtfFS W II EKB YOU'LL Pl$D Any and Everything. nov*5 tf SCHOOL BOOKS! MUSIC A STATION Kill, ALU VYS ON HAND AT TRI knc; ine Holtsi :. The celebrated PEN LETTER BOOK tor Copying Letters?used without* a I'ress? evary business man should havo one. Anything in my line not on h.Mid ona be ordered irr? .-Wort time. K fie Ii SCOII1XSOA'. jnn 6 c ly Moiiao itMd I.of for Siel?-.?*A DESIRABLE HOUSE and LOT a: ('s 1'iimp' is offered for sale upon LIBE RAL TERMS. The Let contains one aere nn i a half, and ba> four New Ruildinga thereon including a STORM, which is well finished and a good lluiiueas Stand. Apply tc w. p;. COLrfON, Howe's Puinp, 8. C. Or to CHARLES COL80N, Charleston, S. C. jan 11 31 READ THIS MERONEY & BAXTER WILL DOJ TIIK HAULING Ff?R THE MERCHANTS Of OHASdGnilRG CHEAP AND Wltl|j DI8TATCU tmy Tl*v are als? prepared to BOARD HORSES and hire BlUOlKr? a*d CAR RIAGES at moderate prices. Call on them a( Mardncy "?i If.'Tt I MKR?NET & BAXTER. aug SI t tf HE WHO FIGHTS Against e strong and lively competitor in trade, must devote birns IT entirel/ to bio busi n?M. He ?ii.3? kilCv bis m.irkut n:i. nml the al'ility to sell ut t!ie c'lsajVj'l pric"e< .?rill enable a luCri'uaut TO TIGHT SueresHr'llly any Opposition nnd lo conquer success. L?t customer* eonie in. WheGiT they buy t iy Groceries, Pure Liquors, Sugars and Goods or not, it' tbey ars pleased they will isturu ANOTHER DAY. The brst S'ock of Oroccri-s and the Chert- est. a full lint! Of Whiskies. Ifd--??" St:tbled snd eared tor at utoderato rates. a devotion to busiito-s ThOe nr< ntr truarants ?. Try me. <_. I*. KOKTJOIIX. war 1 c Iy A MAN WHO Start? BuSinewi should "go id" to win. In opening the En'crprise Saloon, the Subscriber detci milled (0 LAY In a full and St-?<-k nf LI q Mors, tluit would eoiDtuC'nti thatttzrtlss to all, and by cour tesy and attention lo place .ill who tried liiiu UNDER The necessity of n Ithitting that he was 'i fair dealer. Those who drank from The Faucet of the Lager Beer Barrel Of his Saloon he determined should he satisfte 1 and be indtfeovl to return. He Jetet min ? ed ?o work all day and think ALL NIGHT. -oastn est sblish a reliable custom. He has succeeded. From Monday asoming the rush cniitiuhes until SATURDAY NIGHT, From the time that his announcement FOUND Its way i:.to the papers antablish-ee> Neawwrajf: ET I WAN GUANO. ETIWaN DfSSOLVED BONE, ETI WAN CROP FOOD. ATLANTIC I'll OS I'll \TF, ATLANTIC ACID* P<|o?Pl!ATK, H I RANK f'OE'S PHOSPHATE, PERUYJAN GUANO. LAND PLASTER LIME AND SALT. All the above Manures sre otfered at manufacturers prices will be sold at the same terms as at the works and will be deliver*.' I if requested at any depot on the South Carolina Railroads. jcb 1 GEO. H. COKNKI.SUN Fever and Ague* from which maukind suffer over _>4ejpe part of the globe, it ttio txmsequeoce of a di4crr?.?4 action in thi> sVstem, indurcd by tl? poisonous nuaam of vegetable decay. Tili? exhalation u evolved by Hi* action of solar heat om wet soil, and rises with ., the watery vapor from it. While the sun U lieldt* the borUoii this vapor linger* near the earth's sur face, ntid the virus in taken with it through the lungs into the blood. There it acts uan irritating poison on the internal viscera and cxcrctiiiK orjtao of the body. The liver become* torpid and fails Ui secret.- not only tbia virus, but ol ??> the bile from the Mood. Both the virus and the bile Accumulate iu the circulation, "ltd produce violent coimtlta tional disorder, Tlw auleen, the kidney., and the stomach sympathise With the liver, and become disordered also. Kinolly, the IpfUoet of our er K.-irii_m, a* if in an atte...pt to evpn Uie union* tat?dou, concentrate* Ihn whole blood of the b-"lr in tl\e intern A cxerqtori?e to force tUopi to oast ft" out. The blood leave* Bit ?arfV -4 uu 1 rui'iet- W the central organ; with oe_ge%t_vo violence. Thi? i . tbeCitlU.. bat La taW ctfoit it fail*. Tudl the Fbvkr follows, in whk h tlie Umd lcavci the cen tral or* an- aud ruwii*- to the surface, a* if id Mother effort to expel the irritating poisou tbronah that other great excretory?the akin. In tale thai it fail*, und the svfctein abandons the attempt exha_?te"d, aud waits for tho recovery of strength, to reheat the kopele_a effort another day. Thea? are tM fits or paroxysm* of Fkvkr asp Aap?. Bitch constitutional disorder will of course under Untie the health if it U not removed. We have labored to tinJ, aud have found, an antidote, Ayer's Ague Oiire, which neutralism this malarious poison in the blood, and stimulate* the Ii*er to expel it frotej the body- As it should, so it docs cure this afllicting disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather doot what I* of moro service to those sab? ject to this infection. If taken in season it expetc it from the system ai it is absorbed, and thus keejpe those who use it free from its attacks ; keeps tk* System, iu health although exposed to the disease. Consequently It not only cure*, but protc. U from, the ?real variety of atEections which are induced by this taaligriant lutluenco, auch as Remittent . Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague. Periodical Headache, or Bilioos Headache, DiueuS Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, PalpltaV (ion*, Painful Affections of the Hplcen, Hysterics. Colic, Paralysis, aud Painful Affections of the Btmnach .nd Bottom, all of w)>?rh: when arising1 from this cause, will be found to nssun-.e more or less the itacru?ttent type. This " Aot'B CoBBr'*: I removes the cause of there derangements, and curce the disease. This it accomplishes by stimulating the exere* tones to expel the virus from the system; ana these orgahs by degrees become habited to die this thHr office of their owu accord. Hence arises what we term qxxlimatation. Time may accomplish the same end, but often life is not long enough, or is sacrificed In the attempt, while this " Aoj-'E Craa docs it at onco, and with safety. Wc have great reason to bcliero this is a surer as well aa safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which are* caused by the miasmatic infection, than any other which has been discovered; and it has still another" important advantage to the public, whichis, that it is chesp as wcL as good. rntrAucn* nt DR. J. C. AYER & CO, LOWELL, MA88. P lifts One DuI.LAR TSR BoTTLt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself each a renown fet the. core of every vanVt .? of Throat and Lung Complaint, that h is entirely unnecessary ffcrr us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant Vmw throughout this section, vre need not do more th*__ aaeurc the people its quality i* kept up to the beet it ever has been, and that it m?v he relied on fcs do fur their relief all it has ever been found to do. *' *-' ' ?'' 1?*?J Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A PURGATIVE KEOtCMa) Fon Costivexess ; Foa the Cuiut or Drarersia; r For Javndicr; For tms Ct nr. of Ixniuaantne-f For H-ADAciik ; For. tiik CcitE or DYaiwTEr.t; Fon a Fot'L Stomacw ; Ton tub Ciuk or Kktsii-rum; Fob tue Pii.k* ; Foa the L i nr. of hcuurru ; F_s am. Bca?rrtoca Complaints j For tub Ciuk of Uiiki m_ii.*_i ; Fou Diseases of toe Skin ; Por thf. yf &ffii&Ifc r r' ' run the Ct'rk OF TeTTKR, TcViORS MO BkVt For Wolaa; For the Crun of Govt; Fon a Dinnkk. Pjll; Fon fus Cru.*. of'Nktuai.?si4; ? Foa PuairviNo the r.Loeis. They *.r? sugar-coated, ?0 that pie annet sensi tive can take then; pleaaantlv. aud being purely vegetable, no harm can ??*c Uu.a their asc in nay quantity. n J ;i| Ptioe 25 cent; per Pox; Tir* Vekea for 9L0O. Great numbers of Clrrgyineit, Physi<-i^ns, States men, and eminent persona^e?, hate lent tktV names to certify the unparnll?l&8 nseAihnestlof fa%ce remedies, but our spaeo aere Will m l pannitlhe insertion of them. The A gouts .below |. aiu cd fur nish crafis our Awrvjca^ Ata?A> AjC in whichU)cy are gives ; with also full descriptions iff the above Smplaints, and the trcatmcut that should be fed wed for their eure, l . >,? ^ Do not be put otf hy unprincipled dealers wifH other prcpararior.s they make more profit -en. Demand Avsa's, and take no other*. The sick want the beat aid there is for thcm.'anA they should have it. > J*t;?a wrtt^ All our Remedies arc for sale by _ ' --1 -BSM JUST ARRIVED si^i.l:> All fineness entrmtelT *?fice at bis Mills ?rar Holman's Bridie. South KdUio ttlve>. * .- -Pt 14 Sei O - to 920 PER lb AY! 4iceniia xJtO WANTKD: All clsssee of working, people, of either eex. young or old, make mere money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the lime, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address , C. ST I \PON At CO., trp V -lo Potihnd, Maine.