The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, February 22, 1873, Image 8

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LOO A L > ? SATURDAY, F?ll. 22, 18?3, The Legislature haa conclude 1 adjourn atne die on the 26th, instant. - - I Gxtano ?The Depot at (jrangeburg It redolent ol Guano again. , ,?;, S?gars.?A very largo and fine atock of eegara are to be aeon at tho enterprise Saloon. Taxes,?. Tho Delinquent list of this year is very small. Only editors grutu bla about taxes and sidewalks; othci people "grin and bear." Ott thanks are due and toudorcd to Hon. R. B. Elliott, Member of Congress for Taluable public documents from Washington. 0?1N AND BEAR.?Or rat her 'Smile ' and "Beer" are the terms of art at Mr. C. D. Korjobu'a popular Saloon. Fine Began also. Valentines.?Valentino, day was throughly celebrated by uur young folks on friday last. Ours arrived ; content* noted. Dukes HoteL?Tho substantial com* forts of Dukes Hotel arc most iuviting. Quite a revolution iu the matter of Ho tel? haa taken place n Ornngeburg du, ring the past year. Lato Card.?*D. K.Jamison Esq. who ii well and favorably known to the com . munity advertises his law card in thi-> iisue. Hia office is that formablo occu pied by Judge Couke in Court House Square. The newest and best fence in town has) been undermined by 'grunters." -Still we believe in pork. So let them run auM root. Our eitiaenaare cqujilly divided ou the hog question. 'The two parties oonsist of those who owu hogs and those who do not. Post Ojfice Removal,? A ??w build ing eroded next to Moseley ?fc Crook 's 'KfcOrw tjti Market Street is to be occupied by Mr., DeMafs as the IVst Office'Why the Government are moving fru'3 under tie, Wt have no dndertlamling. Still it iJ Well to be) posted about too posto.Tiee. - I UK SrMSl.. i - The Young Americas afs preparing %9 lit down to their Anniversary liau quet at Mcroney's Hotel ru vt go to press. This is the Nineteenth Anniver sary of this spirited corps. The parade of the Companies in the afternoon was wery handsome. Aftre (Mayor) Mention.?SeveraJ days bf tain bare rendered the streets navi gable for snjull craft again. Our Muni cipal Parents have hardened their hearts. \Vould that they harden tho pavements. As long as our citizens continue talking bo this subject, we will have to continue writing a>^it it It may do good. Who ?any tell r Columbia.?A hasty trip to Columbia during tho week convinced us of the rapid growth of that city. Main Street Is built np, on both sides, and the buildings arO substantial large and handsome. The Wheeler House bus bean recently opened and truly It is a magnificently appoiuted hotel. We enjoyed tho pleasure of a Visit to tho Evening Herald office, Judge An. drews papsr. Onr representatives wore all at their poets. Wc were hospitably bhUrtaihod by Mr. Rose at his hotel, which Wo recommend to our readers Visiting the rApiteL Tun Jolly Professor.?One Pro lessor Mason, travelled aud learned to a wearying degree, edified a pleasant rrowd on Monday night The "Elliott" Hall waa his place I Hie theme all space. Science superficial indefinite and general Was his subject. A pot poutri of profound but familiar f posUftm? about the Solar system,' lbs polea, the poll, exquisite suggestion! Lebout connubial kissiugs, end a hasty Ldusjh of the New 'Jfcstanieiit, invo^^n fc,, laughable sB&ch, e^ Chst^ hispid made u? eMKtaWUf^ Itl^rrofeeJ^ was elegantly hubited and ohuokled over his fifty cents, which wero pocket: l\ A)U K 17.??/ ' , One salient point mado in the course of the luoture, was that tho U. 3. had purchased Alaska to secure a rotrdal vm?AVa ^\#AA^> -C iCl from the storm of heat that will soon succeed the melting of the poles now 10 process. .&(iOL*li> GOa" The Professor deserved great credit for his "check" but uot much in hit Contracts. The Prolcssor we understand examined many heads of eitittons, all of whom to use his owu phraseplogy at the lecture ho found to**' bo "almighty geniuses." petroleum.?The frightful accidents aud horrid deaths which arc daily caus. ed by the explosion or bruakingof Grlasfi Lamps, and the fact that these calami ties arc incro isiitg with alarming rapidity demand that Kerosene or Coal Oils in all forms must be burned in Mental Lampti, so constructed as to be perfectly safe from explosion. Avoid its Ifnrrrors by using Purkiuscv Heuuo's Safety Lamp, which is made of metal and is constructed upou such scioutilic principles that it cannot be exploded by the use of the most Inflam Diablo Oils qor, by anything short of Nitm-Glyocriue or Gunpowder, and is absolutely as sate as n caudle. These lamps are attracting great at tention ut Dr. A. C. Duke's drug ptore, where they sre on exhibition and for sale. Hkyi.e uk la Motu: surpasses every other Fashion Journal of its kind. it is imported from Paris and translated in English. It gives yearly over 1500 beautiful fashion cms, ami Pome 200 Valuable patterns, varying in style and size to suit all, besides novelties for tri urn. yog and fancy ' work. It is re ceived** monthly" fn Ravancey nnd put at" the astonishing low price of 83.50 a y- or ; single nUurbcrs 35 cents. . / , One Williamson at Philadelphia Sat urday ^ tried'-to escsric frwin a woman Mrhbm he had HurRAd sixteen years, agi and by whom he has hnd seven children I on the plea th it the""marriage was u?H valid according to the English statutes he being Protestant aud she Catholic. The judge said that the English statutes being :n violation of all morality were not recognircd in this country. COMMERCIAL. 9 I MARK FT IHI.POKTN. OrrldS or thi OaAHnaauaa News, February 21 1873. IWCWTOK?Sales daring the w?ek 185 balesi We quote : Ordjn?ry*.o.a.f...v...Ifl Ot,\C E^Wdflfe|. .W.:..:l7|^d E fnoMliriaft....?..-...lSJfce ROL'QH RlCK ........$1 yrf .HI 'it 1 Cohn...$1.<M> per biiHhel. Cow Phas....... 1.00 prr bushel. I'indsks.i....... 1.65 per bushel. VTOTKTi:.?Th? fe-Partner. SHIP heretofore existing between D. VY. MUSTARD, und THOMAS P. ROSE i? hereby dissolved, by the death of the latter. The husin?-SH will bo curried on at the same place- by ?. W. MUSTARD from February 12th A. D. 187:*. D. W. MUSTARD. Feb J2d 4t Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS IIERERY GIVEN THAT one Montli f om dato I will Ale my final/ account with the Honorable Aug. R. Knowl/ ton. Judge of Prohn*? for Orangebari: County, aa Guardian of I'onsld vT. Raxler W. H. REED18H, / Fab. fib, 1873. Guardini fob 8 "Tm NOTICE. MULES Ft>R SALE UNDER FORECLOS URE OF MORTGAGE. By virtue ef the mortgage from Wm, C. (v.fiu- and J. i. Jaekson te l'eliar. Rodger* & Co., I will sell at Orangebusg Court House, on Monday 8d day ef March next, at pub lic outory, for cash, three valuab'e Maro Mules. W. 11. J01NHR, Fab. 13th, 187?. Agent. feb 15 3t Charles H. Green. CATERER. The above named annnuncea to these interested that ha is prepared always to furnish, REEP, I'O?LTRY GAMS, FISH, and Meals delivered to any order. C. II. GREEN. feb Ut t( F. F. Fleming. ?Jas. M. Wilson. Sam'l. A. MeLsox. F. FLBMMING am wuo i3oorrs7 s AND TRUNKS, NO. 9 UAYNE-8TREET (cousmr or rtnuRni,) CHARLESTON, S. C. No pains hsve hoc epiwed in endeavoring I \D renders our Inr^e assortment ot <J.>o Is at- | tractive ami desirable; and nothing?bun been left undone that long experience And assidui ty cuuld suggest, to deserve u situ re of your n&tf<>nigo; , k , P\r?*n lnrviiig* jwrfeeted arrangements by which we receive our goods direct I rotu the m um factarera, cnsur otir customers tho great ad vantage of purchasing them tit the very low est rates and ef the niOHt desirable oneB. In prices and quality we bclit To they will compare favoruhly with any Other stock in the city or eleewhcre. Wo ?hall he pleased to offer these Conds for y'our Inspection tit uny time you ma? favor up with ucall. All orders will hnte our cnrofull and I prompt attention. *^?a2w . ji Yours truly, D. F. FLEMING, k CO. Feb lf)lb 6t THE SUnKKNDEIlOt? (f KS.?KK, {. AT AF,POMA(l\ 9. _I^YA., APntL 9tii I&iJ?. I AMAONIFICIFNT 14 x 18 in h ENGRA VING of the surrender of Gen. Leo. heanel ful colored. KngraTejl in the highest style of the art nnd pnhtcd'on heavy plate paper, It is truly n getn of art, one which should hung in the pnrior at every Southern home Sent by mail, mhi^liffd* ?'>n;a'rdller and post paid, on receipt'?/^O cenfB,5>r 3 for 50 oeot. Agents Wanted' Address. J. C, & W. M. BURROW*. Rriatal Tetin. Eatalogues of Pictures, Books, A., sam free. JJ < feb 8 4t -1--4? ?jO A Valuable Invention AS FNT1RKLV NEW Sewing Machine! FOR DOMESTIC USE. - O r f OM.Y FIVE BOLL.1R8. with tut. nsw Palmt IIuHon Hole Worker. THE MOST SIMPLE AND COMPACT IN CONSTRUCTION. THE MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMI CAL IN U8K. A MODEL OF COMBINED STRENGTH AND BEAUTY. Complete in all its parts, uses ihe St i aight lye Pointed Needle, Self Threading, direct, upright Positive Motion, New Tension. Self Feed and Cloth Onider. Operates hy Wheel nnd on n Table. Ligkt Running. Smooth und noiseless like all good high priced muehuies. Has patent cheek lo prevent the wheel being turned tho wrong way. Uses the thread direct from the spool. Makes the Elastic heek Stifrh (finest nnd strnngect .-tiieh known ;) firm, durable, close and rapid. Will do nil kind* of work, line and ?oarso, from Cambric te heavy Cloth or Leather, and uses nil descriptions of thread. The best mechanical talent in America and Europe, has been devoted to improving nnd simplifying our Machines, combining only that whioh is practicnble, and dis pensing with all complicated surroundings generally found in other macliines. Special terms and extra inducements to male and femnJe agents, store keepers, be. who will establish agencies through the ciouutry and keep our uew maohinjcS ou ex hibition nnd sale. County rights given to smart agents free. Agent's complete outfits furnished without any extra charge, ?ample of sowing, descriptive circulars containing terms, lostiniojiials, engravings, Ac, sent free Address. BROOKS SEWING MACHINE CO., No. 1320 Broadway, Now York, lab* Jy For Sale Cheap. A smalt WELt mile of Ceder Grote Store, In tho Fork. Terms ea?*y. TH AI) O. ANDREW8. * Jan 25th tf MR. G. D. BLUME. 'Beg s to infoi m <lie peo] 1c of Oron grhurg .in.I vicinity thai he will CONTINUE his RUSINE S ut his OLD STAND over Cant. F. H. YY. Brtggmauahj atoi o, and an he bus made VART IMPROVEMENTS in P1CTUR E Marino or laufe. i? now ?tic to eaecnte as GOOD WORK us can be dona clsewhcro in a Ferrotype Gallery. ilealsw bus, on haud n lot of PICTURE IjR am F.S of every description, at reasona ble pftoatf* ? il . It . ?. COPYING dono to ordor in any desired |tyM.- " " ? " ? ? ?* Come one, come all and givs mu n trial, jan 4 a] JO tf [DR. A. C. DUKES' CKAN.i i'.HcHfi, 8; C, M \ : 111! i m k DRUGS, I MEDICINES, PAINTS, A>rD OILS, FINE TO 11.FT SUM'S, BRUSHES AND PERFUMEY, PC HE WINKS and LIQUORS for uses'. DYE-WOODS sud DYE-STUFM generally. A full line of TOR \CCO and BEG \ R8. Farmers and Physioinns from fbe Country will find our Sioi K of Medicines Complete, Warranted Genuine and ofthj Rest Quality. Lot uf FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. jan 1! c tf Ex*xx'tor-H xotigt:.* All Persons having demands against the Estate of the luto Jno. M. trick, deccassd, \ an I nil persons indebted lo said Estate, will present tlieir demands properly s'vorn lo ?t..t niske pnyment to the undersigned or their Attorney-', Messrs. 1*l?r & Dihhlo, Orangcbuig, B.C., within .ni from this date. J. a. M. baigler, JNO. w mack, Jan. 14, 1H7.1. Qualified Executors, jan Iii -It NOTICE. rrvniE partnership 6f hutson* I hegare hitherto HubaisJaing. is hereby dessolved by tlie withdrawal i f Mr. T. K. Legare. The other partsflrs will continue their business under the firm narhc of Hut sou v iiuison. V./.i ft. M. HUTfON, W. F. HITTSON, m T. K. LEO ARK. m Jan 2olh 3t ?1 ali. WHO n tXT I A'hesntifnl picture with which to adorn |e walls of their parlors, should inunedi cly enclose tho subscription for the "Ad ($2.00) and they will receive hy turn mail' our "FruitOpronio," which wo iving to every yearly subscriber to eur icr. I'r.T,'; remit by mail. .nrf"fl rr>AN4' r. BE \ r> :>. CaJtOaa, '6. C. A SMALL FARM FOR SALE about-Ihre" ?|nart ws of :i isle from the t ours Ii? containing !''? ?eres wlthaGOUD DWELLING, KITCHEN, STABLE mi 1 an Exc?dlcnl WELL nf WA TKR. Also some CHOICE FRUIT TREEo have recently been .-;-t out. The above is on* of the most desirable and healthy places in the Stale. For par ticulars appi/to Z. M. WOLFE, ~~~f>rto TU AD. C. ANDREWS. I jau 18 .".in V*Y. J^OLITEROS, M. D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. DKAf.ER Ef PrfrrlS. MEDTOfNEM. CHRMICM^, PAINTS, Ol LS, VARNISH. GLASS, PUT IV, RHCSUES AND CUTLERY. Jtl.>r? , PEi: P1IMEBY AN P FANCY AKTICI.RS j:. n 4 aov 1 ^ 1 v Notice of Application for Final Discharge. ^THB KCRSCRlRER-rUVKS son^r THAT he will on tIn-first Monday in March next, apply to the Court i>f Probate for hie Final Discharge as the Executor of the Will nf Rev. ???inu*d Smoke deceased Jan. Jlih 1*7:1. 8. I? SMOKE Exor. Jau 2">ih 3l The Rnltimoro Kohtry Demenstratca the eft-told tale that c?e?p , safes, old fashioned safes, safes not up to the times, are ths tempt at i en's lo btfrglsrv Rankers may provide watchmen, nod mav use other sufegnsrds. but they will not pul their meflcy in the watchman's por-kot, or trust in a tin or wooiien bos. no matter how innny guards are used. The safe, after all is the lest rospoet.iMc. No at-iount of watoh i?g or gaarding will ever mako a poor ols styls safu trustworthy. This is tho oitadel, and should be the li-st that eaa bo made. Tinas is (ml oxi bkst. HERRING? * PARREL, Mo*. 261 aod 262 Broadway, eoraerMarray sjrest. Oaly manufaatarvrs of Herring ? New Patent. Champion Rank Safs.? Messrs Walker, Evan* & Cogswell, Agaat?, Charleston 8. C. set o ff Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HER FRY GIVEN THAT ONE month from date I will file my Final Ascount with the Honorable tug. R. Kuowl ton. Judge of Prolmls for Orangeburg County, and ask for Lottera of Dismissal as Guardian of Jamea, Eugen?, Anne, John, Adriaiiua and Mottle Barber. MARTHA B. BARBER. Guardian. January, 2otb, 1873.?lni. A MAN WHO Stnrts Busineas should "go In" lo win. In opening the Enterprise Salooa, the Subscriber dcteimined to LAY In s fittl und Good Stock of Liquors, that would commend themselves to all, and by cour tesy aud rtllenliou to place all who tried him UNDER The necessity of admilting that be w;is a fair dealer. Those who drank from The Faucet of the Lager Beer Barrel Of his Sabnm ne determined should be satisfied and be induced to return. lie determin ed to work all day and think ALL NIGHT. ?oq4 in establish a reliable custom. He has succeeded. From Monday morning the rush continues until SATURDAY NIGHT. From (he time that his announcement FOUND Its way Into the papers and BURST Upon the not ins of tue public, tintil now, the sale of Liquors, Segars und Tobacco has continued willi utiabaled putrounge. OPEN Doors, and benriy tfolcotlte has been the motto, nnd TO-DAY Tlic un'Yer.Mgncd rclurns Iiis thanks for the liberal support he has received nn l begs it* continuance el the ENTEKlMtlSE SALOON, k?-pt BY J. HERMAN WAHLERS. feb IC ly - ? ? ..... ? i ? . ? , . . . rl-, g i m flgj i.'.- E?BtSSS MOSELEY & CROOK. COPARTNERS] til? >70TTC3i:. HAVING THIS DAY FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP ?NDDR THE FIRM NAME aid Style as above, we would respectfully call the attention <>f the Public to the same, nnd would request yen. (one nnd all, io eall at Mr. R. F./F.KIBL\S OLD STAND opposite the Posl Office, nnd ex.itnin? our Complete and well selected stock of DRV GimiDS. N'o'lTtiNS. HATS, CAPS. ROOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES, CROCK RY . GLASSWARE. TIN w A RE. II V R?WAR E, and (TTLRR F. Alao FARMINO and GARDEN IMPLEMENTS, such an PLOWS, HOES, SPADES, SIIOYEL8, FORKS and RAKES. A peticral Assortment of QEAItS. namely: SADDLES. RR I DLRS, TRACKS. HAM ES and BACXBAXDg. AIs<? k full variety of GARDEN SHEDS. &c. In order to keep the Various Branches of nur Stock well supplied, we find it necosidry with our limited capital to make QUICK SALES Strictly for CASH at very SM A.LL PROFITS, and we therefore fee! issur d Hint w c?n offer GKKA1 INDUCEMENTS to Ihcrpitbltc, and onlv ash yon to GIVE U'fl A C111 lb ! ?Ibra purchasing elsswhero. k.sp,.,t!uiiy j. w. .mdjjklrt; feb vS?ly \V. K. U'iUtrjK. 1 Mew Goods ARRIYIX? i;v KViiuV NORTHERN STEAMER, IA ZKlOAa At GEO. II. CORXKLSON. In order to he pfep i'flfd for life demand* of Ore Season, 1 am receiving larg? supplies of all the vntious govb ueedoxl at rhis time of the; such LCaniatiOji 8upp)ies, Tools, Plows^ Iron. And everything cUe neeosaary to make a crop. I ata Agent for the following valuable and c*t?f>U-<hed Manures : ETIWAN orMN". ET1W VN DISSOLVED BONE, ETIWAN CR I' FOOD. ATLANTIC PHOSPH ATE, ATLANTIC ACID PIIOSPII \TF. E FRANK COB'S PHOSPHATE, PERUVI \N GUANO. LAND PLASTER MMR AND SALT. All tbe shove Minnroi are offerol -\t m \nufacturers prices will be sold at tne ?nme 1? i ui.- hka( the Works Hinl will bu delivered if requested ?t nay depot on the South Carolina K ?! I lrorvd*. jch 1 GF.O. ?. CORNELSOX. 18731 FEBRUARY, 1S7;>. FEBRUARY. LAST MONTH Of the Great Clearing Ont Sale of the entire Stock of Winter DRY GOOD OF THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER, COMMENCING ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, 1873. And every day thereafter nntrl all rs s<>id. at from to ."?0 por cent below usual prices in order to make room for our extensive Spring purchases. Closmg out of DRESS GOODS. Closing out of FLANNELS. Closing out of all WOOL OOODS. Cloaiog out of IIATS. Closing otu of SH0B8. Call soon and be convinced. THKODORK KOHN A BROTHER. fob 1 k ly SCHOOL BOOKS! MUSIC k STATIONEB1, ALWAYS ON WAND At T?r eng-ikjs HOUSES. The celebrated PEN LETTER BOOK 1m*<\ Copying Letters?-deed without t> Pre**?r? every business mnu should hare em. Anything in Biy line not en hand eaS%f A ordered in (t short tin*. ., - . M? KIRh HOBIMSeif. jao 6 ? If ? _ ? - __..-, ??j^jb.jj. bead This MERONEY & BAXTER WILL D0| ' ' ^ KOR THE MERCHANTS OP OKANGEBVKG CriEAP AND WITH DISPATCH. JC-^y- They are alae preoared1 to BOAR? HORSES and hire REGGIES and CAR* R1AOES at moderate prices. Call *e them at Maroney'* Hotel MERONEY A BAXTER.^' ^v. j. EVAiisr?i TRIAL JU8TICE, F or OrangcbttfS Count ? a All business entrusted to his charge will be attended to with promptness. Office at bis Mills near Holmaa'e Bridge, ^ottih Edisto River. sept 14 ?m I)o You Want NEW GOODS! 00 TO BRIGGMANF?. IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS :? '!;' P GO TO BRIGGMAtfTg? fl >* WHERE YOU'LL FINsVa Any and Everytlliligs bov '1 t-nrSf s'-'l I./sis) CANCELS caK$9.; by de. klinb'9 WONDERFUL CANCER ANTHXHB, Which destroy aftfdl remote th? Caaoer ontire without the risk ef the Knifo er the Less of Blood, and at the seme time over coma the tendency to Caucer ih 1 ? e also treat all forms ef Chronic, Long Standing and Obscure Diseases, sruja paralleled Success, especially E]Mewf er Fit?. Rheumatism. Neuralgia^ ' Aal h ma,. Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis.. For full particulars, Clrca1srs?'fMl| 1MB en or address a djtw A. H. L1SDLRY, U Jfc CharloivJfJL? Or J. E. BENT LIT. U.V.. jun 11 ~3m Sumter, S. C. - -_-.U? NOTICED Notice is hereby given TION will be made to the GEStRAL AS SEMBI.Yat its next Session ferWttetivel of the Chart ers of "PIN E G ROVE CHURCH'' and-TRINITY CHURCH" aade/$f jaris* dictitfh 6f the "Evangelical Latheras Sy nod ef South Carolina sad adjaecat States/ aov 9 ^ " Mm _- .>. j i>rft JUST ARRIVED Sl'LIS^ lOXT) LOT* or Mules and Horses HOBS ES ! nORSEIl I If ?J L.E?! We respectfully call the attention of the cilizens of Orangeburg and* Orangebarg County to the fact, (feti we will hate a cheloe tot Of horses from Virginia, en this market t>y the twenteith ef December. This stock has been selected from cbolos sfeek raisers ia the Old Dominion, and with an eye te the necessities of this market. They will eea> tist ef tine Saddle and Harness heTses. We also oall your attention te the fiffle let ?*? mules we now have on hand. We? expect te* keep a full supply of both btfrrti and male* constantly on hand. If ear stack dea't give' satisfaction, you can return them, and gei I yenr money back, with iaterest. Try si*/ that's all we want. SALE STABLES Ofr W. jM, SAIN ?% CO. ?et 2S ang it Honne and Lot far Mule.?** DESIRABLE HOUSE eMl LOT mA howe's Pump ia offered for sale uptftt ht?? RAL TERMS. The' Let eVflarffs oa? and a half, and bee fear No*" " ',JT*r* thereon including a 8T0R" ?u.,M,Ilf? W. F. CdLSON, Or to Row's Pa-p.S.C. CHARLES fldLBON, j.nH ChMle^eVt.r.