The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, February 22, 1873, Image 11

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A .Small Pox Remedy. SChe fbilofitigi statement of a co res pewkeot,ofitUo Stockum (Ca.) Her.'hl haft been going the rounds of tho pape 'f. Al^ejy^a^lyBnj^'n says lie has soot, it teatedicith entire snccess. We repro duce^WeFeTorV, Tor what It \* worth, ''I here wit li append arcoipo which It's been ue^jtegn|y- kuowledgc in hundreds of AMSLjLJUr*')X prcvct:i or cure th HflSffAbAd 9? P??"'ff *r0 filling. When Jeuncr discovered cow pox in England, the world of science hurled uo avalanche Of fa tue upon his head : but when the most scientific school of (medi cine in the world? that of Paris?pub lished this rccuipt tut a panacea for small pox, it is passed unheeded. It is hanu leee when taken by a weli person. !t will also cure scarlet fever. Hero is the rttape as I have used it, and cur d mj children of the scarlet lover ; here it i ??^L'wdit to cure small pox:. When physicians said the patient must ^ie, ii ourod ; Sulphate zinc, one grain; foxglove, (digitalis), one grain, half a teaepnonful of sugar, mix with two tablo opoonfuls of water. When thoroughly nixed, add four ounces of water. Take a spoonful every "hour. Either ' will disappear in twelve hours. For a child, spialler doses' according to age If counties would compel i h? ir physi cfVtos to use this, there would be no need of pest bouses. If you value a Ivica nod experiouce, use this for that ter.ib'c disease." The Chelsea (Jfaas,) Public says four or five oasoc of. the disease have been cured by the above remedy in thai town, to tho editor's personal knowledge. ? ? ?JaW ? - ? ? Eight Locks to the Moll. T1IK OKIUIN AND GUAR ACT. It OF THE T r 'h 41 . ' P?ODlOY COTT?M. Tho unparalleled pr -ductivencss of Canuon's prodigy cotton bids fair to in augurate a new era in cotton planting, aojd, as the.o is evidently a disposition en the part of enterprising planters to give this cotton a trial, a comprehensive description of its origin and character will be of interest. The prodigy cotton is :. new and dis tinct species of short -cotton, bcari g eight locks to tho boll?twice th > nuin ber born by ordinay cotton. It is pro greaflivc, the tendency being to increase. ^^JteVeral bolls have bcoo gathered from tha eight lock stalks which twelrc *?a<le*Aa. Tho double fruitage of the eight **J ttel cotton is in itself a jrreat consider* ""t*'rv 9wm'i airiML ?? j 1.1 ? ~ ?<4Rf9^M.|t;Will by iuoreosing the \yield diminish both the quantity of land to be 1? jpitnl and tho expense of labor. In ftoduetirenoss it far surpasses any on H?? fftftf(ft.^aTin? yielded the past year, with a limited application of fertilizer*. ^l^UjOppcrfcct cultivation, a', the rate of fit thousand pounds to the acre ! Colo Del Cannou in 1871 started with one boll of eight lock cottou : ho has now *eed enough to plant threo quarters of an acre, from which ho expects to gather at the rato'of seven thousand pounds ol -??od cotton to the acre. The genuine eight lock seed cati bo obtained from ? v-Jcb? Thompson & Co., soodsmeu and *H*>.goiiats, No. 388 King streot. at one dol tar % ?e?d, aud some of tho seed growing ob the same stalks from which the eight K locks ?ss gathered, but pcaring lor and five locks to the boll, will be sold . for eeventy-fivc cents a seed. The.-e laut will prod c oight look bolls, but not in the same ratio as tha genuine eight , , . Jock.? Charleston iVeios. ?? f < T ? ~_ Urning Hams. bRowing is1 a good rocipo lor curing hams : Two and a half pounds saltpetre, dried a?d finely powdered bilf bushel be-: Liverpool salt, three pounds brown sugar and a half gallon molasses. Mix all in a vessel, rub the meat well with same, aud pack with skin down. The above is tho exact umount re quired lor 1,000 lbs. of pork. Af ter be M* ing in salt three or four weeks, take out, wash clean the pioccs, dry and hang it up for smoking. Three weeks is sufii ciont to smoke them thoroughly by tire made of hickory wood. When smoked, take d >wn and bag or pack away in dry chaff or cut straw Examine thorn occasionally, and if found to be at all damp, renew the pack ng with dry material. fco }' ) ^Tho'hca.vjcst corn crop ever grown in tha United States was that of last year, which tho Agricultural Report states at < the huge total of 1,100,000,000 bushels. ?Not only la this the largest crop, but it, is aaid to bo coru of better quality and of greater intrinsic value thun usual. Iowa was the banner corn growing State, bar avcrago being nearly forty one bushels an acre. Unfortunately for some of those who would like to have the Iowa corn, it takes the price of four bushels of aaid corn to get oue bushel to /.he Atluntic markets. This is one of jthe reasons why some people are demand ing cheaper transportation between the Wtat and the East. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A drossing vrlZ*u is at onoo agreoablo, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is toon restored to its original color, xcith the gloss and freshness of youth Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair cheeked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can rcstoro tho hair whero tho follicles aro destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can bo saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. 1*8 occasional use will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Froo from those deleterious subt-tnnccs which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious to tfio hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely fur a HAIR DRESSING, nothing oIpo can bo found co desirable Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil whito eambrio, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lusUo and a grateful pcrfuma. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer dt Co., Practical and Analttical Chemists, LOWELL, XIAfiS. TRIGS ?1 OO. may 11 c ly Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diaoaaes of tho Throat and Lunga, auch as Coughs, Colcl?, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history of medii'lnq, tum any thing won c<? widely anil so deeply ui'on Uio conilduucc or mankind, u* this excellent remedy lor pulmonary complaints. Through a long Hortca of years, nnd among moat of tho races of uieu it lias risen higher and in,;iicr in thcircsttmntinu.un it lias become bctlci known. Its uniform elwracter and power to cure lha va rious infection * of the lungs ami throat, Iuito made it known as a relittblo protector ngaurst them. While adapted to milder forms of ill.:! and to voting children, it Is nt the same lime the most effectual remedy thai can be given for incip ient consumption, and the daugerons alfcetlona of Uie throat and lungs. As a proviali n against sudden attacks of cwni), it shui?il be kept on band in every family. and indeed as all are some times subject to <oh"l* nmt coughs, ull should bo provideil wi?i tin. nutidotd ter thorn. Althongh settled ConsumtpUon is thought In enrabie, atlll gmt numbers' of caaea where tho disease seemed settled, have been completely eared, and Uie nnticut restored to sound health by tho Cherry I'erinrul. So complete is its mastery over Hip disorders of the 1.lings nnd Thront,that Uio most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing ehie cotih] reach them, muter tho Cherry Pectoral they suertde and disappear. Ringers anA l'ulilie Bp*alters ibid great protection i'i oi,i It. Astthtna is always relieved and sflen wholly cured by It. Uronehiiia is gtmrnlly cured by lakiiiK im Cherry 1'ertornl hi small and nenuent closes. 80 gcnorally nre its virtues known, tbnt we need not publish the certillenteu of them here, or do inoro than asMirw the public U1.1t it - nualiuoa are fully inahilaiaccL Ayer's Ague Cure, Tot Fever and Ague. Intermittent Fcvor, Chill Fevor, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Peru heal or Bilious Fever, &o., and indood all tho afToctiona which arise from malarious, march, or miaamatio potaona. As Its nnme implies. It does Cure, nnd doe? not faU. Containing neJaner Arsenic, ?juinluc, itia mutli, Zinc, nor nny other mineral or poisonous anbstance whatever, it in nowiae Injures any pa tient. The number and importance of its eures in the ague districts, aru Literally beyond account, anil are believe without a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by Uio acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where oUicr rem edies, bad w holly foiled. Unaeclioiated persons, either resident In. or travelling Uiroiuh miaamatio localities, will lie protected by taking the AOVB CV11K daily. For J.Jrrr Complaints, arising from torpid itv of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimu lating the Liver into healthy activity. For Ullious Disorders and Liver Complaints, It Is nn excellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cores, where other medicines bad failed. Prepared by Pit. .T. C. Ayf.U \ Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, .Mass., and told all round Uio world. PItlCE, $l,0O JtOTTLJi. Buy 11 e ly rHE .GREAT BLOOD: PURIF1ER* l'o-Misdiiff Towcrful invigorating Tlieno Bitten 1.: 1 1 ? 11>- Invaluable in ' Xlicy puiiiy the system, nnd vill euro Iternittint and Intermittent i'overe, WBLWBmMMtiBkW and aro a preventive of Chilli and Fever. ? All yield to their powerful cfllcacy. Are an aaUdoto to chango of >> a tor and Diet, to the wasted frame, end correct all IRREGULARITY OrTHE^OWELS: "Will save day .* of Buffering to tho tick, and mkmkimwBwem Tbo grand l*an?cca for all tbo Ills of lifo. TRY ON Er^BOTTLrT Tbo MM /V PHYSICIANS THERE, rJflSi PRESCRIBE IT II )EEUlHYXln Young or Old, MsrrioiNj^^10* >M;r Single?, these Bitters are un^V ^^equallod and have often been thu^y means of saving life. flY ONI BOTTLE. ^ FOR SA liK OR TO REST. ONE ACRE LOT with STORE and DWELLING, at Branchvillo, 8. C. Apply to D. LOBB, ?mg ^ I ? :Jru Charleston, 8. C. 1-?r DUKES' HOTEL. RUSSELL-STREET, ORANGEBURG, S. C. The. Subacribcr taken grept pleasure in announcing to Jut FRIKND8 and Iba COM MUNITY he Ima OPENED a FIRST-CLASS HOTKL, at tha Large Raaidance receat It occupied bj Mr. Ilane rVannaanaker. Comfortablo A -.uommodk?ODi, a Bountcoua Table and C?urtaua Attention ara Guaranteed. jan 18?3m _ j. W. JJ|n d?kk1. CLOSING OUT SALE! TO MAKE KOOM FOR SPRING 8TOOK. T. G. VINCE, or sr vs()\,iiiLi: dry goo?m, a*. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, fiC. AT UN USUALLY LOW PRICKS! T. 0. VIN0K, Neil door to DU. A. C. DUKES. jan8 AM HAPPY TO IN fotm my nienda thai f have established ;i Fl RST CLASS GROCERY. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES AT POPULAR PRICES. I make it a Speciality and keep a lull supply of LIQUORS TOBACCOS AND ?BGARS. Give mo s call J,. WALLACE CANNON, jan 18 Li^htfbet'a Old Sta jan 18 AT COST Til F. HA LA NT F. OF MS ygWOWft >P Heady Made Clothing and Ladies Drcna Gooda will be offered for tbo next 30 daya at and BELOW COST for the CASH. J. MeXAMAIlA'g. INDUSTRY, ECONMY & FERSEVERENCE -o LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I am happy to say publicly to you that I have NOW one of the best ASSORTED STOCKS of Domestic and Fancy GROCERIES on hand that has ever been brought to this MARKET. Call and Examine for Yourselves. W. T. M?LLER. ? All Goods Promptly Delivered. dec 21 tf A New Energy Infused into Trade. FRESH LIFE! ?J JJ) X^OT^TiTOI'ti^N* takes groat ploasure in announcing to the (iOUlM'OLK ol Orunguburg Town mid County, that he has purchated the Busiuoss hitherto carried on by Mr. II. I'UNDERBURK, and thai be is now to be louud at ibis well-known STAND, surrounded by EVERYTHING GOOD, In the line of EVERYTHING NICK. EVERYTHING FRESH, GROCERIES, LIQUORS & SEGARS! Here then, at this Popular Staml the Subscriber has established himself wtih u resolution to plsse all, to soil all, and to build up a Busiaess Second to none in Orangebarg. Hero ho invites all his friends and the publio generally to come and^be suited and satisfied. A fine full Stock equal to any in the market. A spirit of courtesv and energy and attention must win the Golden Meed ef gu 1 ' C. D. KORTJCHN. ore 23 ft fil "W JUST ARRIVED FROM THE ABOVE MARKET A Splendid Stock of Fancy DRESS and other Choice GOODS. AT D. LOUIS' WHO IS OFFERING ATS AND CAPS. E ABOVE GOODS LOW COST .L STOCK OF ROCERIES OON AND BARGAINS! 3D . LOUIS, AILY TRADE. ST IN AND FILLED WITH E GOODS! ERS SHOPPING AT iHHBlLli k Making Selection from their Extraordinary Large and Vsriod Rlteok ef GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Their assortment, with constant additions, is , .UNSURPASSED Both as to STYLES snd QUALITIES. Thsir facilities in drawing supplies from desirable Markst? FOR [ Enable them to make the best pm tinusd from its ORGANIZAT Giving an experience of .'10 years Economy and Enterprise toget ment of all their Assistants, uro HOUSE of always found at thu OLD BULL, SfJOVILL & PIKE. may 25 \ . ^ WO?T.T) INFOPM T?B PUB f. TP TTTAT HB IS HTTt.T. CARRYING ON Tni CAB rlagc MaVittf In all its vnrinua branches, and will Manufacture or Repair at the flhortest Notice, ell Carriages, Buggiea or Wagons. And am alae prepared with NEW PRESS AND G NI TO GIN AND PACK OOiTON SHORT NOTICE. Cetten GINNED AT MY MILL has brought fretsj \ to \ eeat store than that Ginned on the common G<vs. eet >pl 2?ly |l. BIGGS. ' I 1-1 >? - it* 1 SOUTH CA KOLIN AR All KO AD Ciiabi.ksvon. S. C. December^, 1871.^ k ON AND A FT KU SUNDAY DfcC^rTBJjri1* 24. the 1' nssengtr Tr/rtft on the liouth Carolin? Railroad will ruu*s tv/Pf** Vwa^Q FOB augusta. Leave Charleston.8.^*."?.' m Arrive at AugUara.r^^..t..**isBe*eAd<fc P M. roB coi.*MB;aa.r A?.*^t$\df. Leave Chariest en................4. M,..S.tO_A. M. , I Arrive at Columbia. .?LTOrlUB ? rOB r>HABL?STOy. wf\ 'ntft Leave Augusta. Arrive at Cliar 1 Leave Colombia......T.'?"*. Arrive at Chariest*!....iW^sN **ft. TUimtT.H WILMU?QTOM t^.AIB ^ v -el jlkM- Wrf Leave Augusta.3.00 A. MY Arrive at Kingville. .?5UX> A. M, Leave Kiugvillc.12.10 P.lT* Arrive at Augiiitl'^'.?.Wllliul ?0 P. M. aooubta nioiit T. x Tbks?-s w X datb bxc??ti? Leave Charleston.JJ."0 P. M. Arrive at Augusta....7.30 A. M. Leave Augusta.COO 1*. Si Arrive at Charleston......6.G5A. M. COLt'moia miuiit SXTKESS ? BJ.HDAY? IX0KFT? Leave Charleston..:'...;.?.?>?.'tl.^Ltf.K)jP.kM. Arrive at Columbia.v.,.7.30 A. M. I.i??r?, Colombia.O.OO P. M. Arrive at Charleston.7.00 A.M. . gr j e it : ??x a o SO/MMKBYIt.l.K tbaik. ? ^ ' Leave SurnmcrviP.c at.-7.85 A. hi. Arrive at Charleston at,.^,^,.B.Ab A. If. Leave Charleston at........8.80 P. M. Arrive at Summerville at/......AAh P. If. CAMUE.f BBAXCH. Leave Camden.GIGA. M. Arrive mi Columbia..,0:*V,:?V *** Leavo Columbia.1.45 P. BR Arrive at Camden. ?.25,P. VI. Day and Night Trains make close connee tion at Augusta with 'ieergia-?^ilrcsd sad Central Railroad. Night Train connects with Maeoa and Augusta Railroad. Cobim bia Night Trnm ' conheot* With Greenville andColumbia Railroad, and with Charlotte Road to points North.*'?' * mhuQ Camden Train connects at Kingville daily (except Sundays) with r>ay P*iftrehgWTMfh, and runa through to Columbia. A. I . TYLER, TOe4WsMejnt?rv 8. B. PveMMM, Ceaawral.TicUct.Agent. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, 'Ac* ?I bn? ft** ni i?vh* tnrweui P. P. TO A tB, Manufacturer and Dealer, No. 20 nayne Street and HeriWea's Wanef CH AHLESTON, TB? (7. Bfar This is the Largeat and nteat ???*>?? I plete Factory of the kind in tho Sentker? t*a. and ari articles inTnt* line caa he? ' furnished by Mr. P. P. Toalb at prices wfciefe defy competition. 9tSr A pamphlet1 vrfftht:f til: ?M ejaUtteel liat of all sites cf Doors Sashes aad Ehude, and Iheprteee or each, will tie' s^Lfre^aad neet Paid, on applicatiod to] ? JT*. P. TBAB*^ CHARLESTON, r. 93. Jhly IS ? hiintiWiiOl HONEY CAXN0t5U*t?Ft! for flight f* Pr4r?lej?414r BUT TTtB miMONtweaai^ACLBS WlUr PR?SIR^^ ^ iT 4?tic} If yen value your Fyeeight ess these Ttt feet Leases. Ground frees ?i*ntB"UJryataa Pabblea, Melted together, and derive their ? awe "Diamond" ea account ef't3lefr J!ard neaa and Brilliancy. They will laat as any yeara without change, and are' wssraated superior to aU olhera in. nee. Manufactured by the Spencer Optieoi Manufacturing Co., New York* - . CAUTIf>N.~None Genuing unless ataasp ?d with our trade mark. <-ta,T ein \& For Sale by Responsiblo Agents tareagfe out the Union. m 9ml <jfi*fw> S. J. OLIYKROS, jan 20? ly Crangeburg, ?. 9. -.-' l\t,n# m ' Citizens' Saviugs Bank OF SOUTH CAROLINA. uvranscbnrg n#?nai|e> Will pay 7 pfftt CfiST. INTEREST en SPECIAL DEPOSITS and C PaVR^CKNT. ea SAViNOS DEPOSITS, Compounded Sessi annnauy. Loral l lnaiu o t ommUlt^ Hon. THOS. W. GliQYRJL Col. PAUL S. FKLPKlv Capt. JNO. A. UAWHUT?N.,> JAS. II. KO*^L*8, Afsistact Caehier. ?aar 2? >B? U994t oEj -?**i+9mm-?? $r 10 ?ao i?ki& day: Ap? ni? 0 WANTED! W\ cborsee of working people, oX either acx, young or .old, make more money at work for usln 'Mtir spare moments, or all d'tte time, than at anything elae. particulars freu: ' Ad^^^T!^?,, G. STINSON ACO., aept ?lo Porthn?!,*Maine^ -^ . Tri a^nfttUtf At Private Sale. rjw. knewn B PLANTATION forming a pert et the Estate of the late Cel. Keitt, and n as the DARBY PLACE. The traet consists ef about ?Op a^crca.Ane half well^ Timbered, the remainder nlcB, Bed, Lease. Soil, adapted to Cropa .ef 'all- kiads. Thea?? are the Finest Lands in the District, aa? were valued at $20 per aar? in IfaHC). Weal* be aold for one-halt tha* jrice now. On% fourth cash, the remair or fa 1lree instsU meats bearing interest from date aad ee? enred by mortgage of tho same. This is a splesdui eheutoe f?e<any one d?-. airing to secure Rioh Lands, fine Water Ppws _ er, excellent Cattle Ba^ge Mtti a Beftnefl iKeighba^ead. Apnlj to Mr?. I.. BT. KB1TT, Or J G KEITT, Esq. I jan ? 1