The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 04, 1873, Image 3

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THE ORANGEBURG NEWS ???? tt 'p ' i ....... .. . .I . GFOKGi: IIOLIVI.K, FlNl.n. AM) I'm in....- MaNAGSR. Official OMIVMk* o& the Slate nmi THE ?lfeij^^ ?The (MfcttWRfl,is $o 5ffi| cial' pai'A^M* aiatav?tuto, and County That thfa^W>(jl?f!?i!?f?}ourbu4.ti Jim? .besisj and greur^aftfftttglfWn'not be dcuied. Not onHA^j means of conti nunnflc ftnd pcrja^flflfjeo.,uiTorded, but oflieml and legitlftiiitiefiS<ore found in our c'of ttmnsf \i*Wofil>?xe of import'uce and in terest t(^WWy7in^abitaiilt of ..this Coun ty. Th^l^* nictated here, not in a. Spirit 0ti?t?Mj?jPr triumph, but as* a guaranj^tihat this journal will live und Will betRmAife.tjfci.tYerj-bushyss man and farl?W^Ih'We County. Jh is alouo. is a suthcic nt for every eiti *en toJkoAronizc find Mlpport tliis paper. ButdfcftWtm^vs v\fNPa a" 0,lKr an^ atrongelWinld.upQn^Ujs people lxcrflftftcsn^whcu jto . he. auch was considWc?'SaWth this Slate hy certain of 0U^Jg|^^^^np?bli'cau, uoW, when it is ^8'ieull to Jcfine the position of thoSQjjJihn arc nut, tins paper has been Btoull$?&nd consistently ami eon.-ei. n tiouBr^lllf^fcWomtt'?Ud will bo end or (be chapter. This, however, can ncve^^S^'reason why this pn'peY inay iwt s^ijjj^jggp^n^t represent the' material and true interests of this wbulo . people. "Whi^T w"C~mff lH)?tf^f arnoat <tu?l in cxpx^s^iig^anujn'jvocaf j'ng our pofiti eal position atiof opinions, wo have ever andt^?aAjwer ? cespeet an honest, diifer ence*W*l(|iiBk)n.v-'' While a captious op posjf^n*''tfl?y,6nvH'' and sucer nt us. it can no Loo s?iu1' thai the Nkws has eVeV pro^fpd^^r. ao^Toeatcd any measure of Shii#/?jjijunty or .municipal policy wbieb Hiiftfercd agninst>tbe b?^<t interest* of lbi?jW*1c. lo%Mifk?din locality,, ujlo rests ami prosp ith the ettl/.eits' of , thiaJbjui.aua^ouiify as Hie propVBu/rsj ? t nnthimwm^M Uua ^r?jd^arc. it . would '?e atrauge if course blu,uld" ->n.,.-.iti?j? or ^?lgP"'?". tv tho y oitTTTs ooniuiiuiM ^-y&tt ?? uu*it t-hjoj?? '. . co#o>a?d fear in ot, the ?cjadjet,, t k | c* NkWSMoW Oat ioipoft tbc jout|iQ# OTj?no'tH}ru jeflr 'fMtIF its ^njfc as ihu uture. W<tVa^eqp.uo, yjwtor,.at. every home, to ?fj)*i Hl eniee* ikfjQSvfi itiiA a4Yanccmi:" ' Wf^MSf pexhpiOT4jj?Toapewty, Uoaibecu and a^^trnJQ*e*frf^>tr,b4r*ndJ^ml aim. on e ?V - ? .?. i -^ 'v/^aiSf?rif'ef ilitVSI'flsfoii. ?'JKo jOencKif \sscuibly ^adjourned j?jalbesevojith^t rc-C9nvenes. The noli day has bc-.'u a long one, but this is not objectionable :f the time thus aiTorded for rcneeiion and recapitulation is used ^UTantageously by its members. IjjJBauoh has boon done, and mueb good. Only % cnvalltng spirit can see ^luight to tbu Legislative action up tt) this period of the Session u Tbe tni ?U05riron' has boon tuet and le $t 1 ??ettled, and it has ?con-settlcd wisely .. ..tmm**-'* '? ? la* m u.:and well. However onerous-the burden taxation may be upoir,our people, the ? responsibility - is not upon the presont administration. The necessities of tho ^ grovcrnment, and r'ie bublic systems of *' ?, ifnportance, charity and need, bad to be provided for. Tbc figures arc not high )ww in proportion to these-weccssitie.-j, wb.ieh m i**?*6rX citizen knows mind, be nice. ~ xr Beeide^aettiiflg t^?y iu*poftant <|ucs ?t**|ion tbt \ho boat, the Lcgislutivo ba.s en tered upon nnd ttofed t.m hitln-rto imgood ' f**^ f?itb tho measures' of rcform-and. re tint ^j^enchinciit of expenditure which woru i\<i"V-iK> tvuqh demanded aud wbieb wore u* pledged before the ?lfe?tion., For tHus roduction of the rtuinher otjtttmJie*, the Legislature deerves credit, und plaudit. *V i *The' license law has been virtually re pealed; wliiob is another right step. The election & tlUU have been held during 4be Sesfioo hnve resdlied for tho good of the peopln." ?Tudge Carpenter's clec Uon is commended and endorsed by the entire press apd people of tho State. Important and beneficial bills have passed or arc rapidly progressing to bo come laws. When the Legislature reassembles it is hoped that immediate aud vigorous work will characterize i^s proceedings. Two important bills ate before tbo Assembly which should receive the care ful thought and investigation which they deserve. One of the*e is the bill to make the office of thelOutt'Uiy Tveaaorer elective by the people. The other and more important ono is the UbalJ to rogulute the d.t*bur*emcri| *of':\hc ptiblie moneys iu tUe several '{'..un! ics iu thin Stake/1 v.'"7V ? 7. 'J jiia bill provides that tbo Auditor of nach County, shall once iii e.lory UMrreo months audit all eccouiiia aud ehiiiits of County Commissioners and Treasurers, and keep a record of thorn in his office. Immediately upon the pacsagc of tbo ne! ihn AuditOl is h> pro ceed to ascertain the amount of out ?standing ^claims against the County and register tlicni. The clcik of the Court in each County is then to reecivc nil claims against the County and decida whether tliev he paid or *u"t. Any eloiuinnl dissatisfied with the decision of ibe.clerk can appeal to the Court or Common Picas where the question will bo submitted ton jury to decide finally. It also provides that tio claim shall be satisfied out of any money except thai collected for tbo same li < al year, unless there bo a surplus in tbo Treasury for thai year to pay such old (lain ?. The Auditor is required to make quartet ly reports to the Comptrol ler (Jenoral of v h it appertain* tri the State, n?i*l to ti e Court of Common Pleas, at each Session of all claims and disbursements pertaining to the County These reports are to be presented to the grand jurj, wh> arc to cousidcr and publish thoui. '1 be u: er its of this bill arc patent. Such measures as this furnish uhcckR and restraints to corruption, negligence aud misconduct on the p u t of County officials, nud remove much ol the lompta tibn that now exists to be carriers or criuth il t , T?> work, then.when the lo'^i.datii *r#.i -cmbb ? AVork is t>j be dime, plMgc* are tu4b? ^cdeciiied. pmX FitTi: Firol!! MBajfaff) ta*he. enctie'vd with oonflugrn Mitce* our last isauo disastrous fire.; hujva occurred iu Now York, Wilming ton. Columbia, ami- in several totvns in <Jc?rgla. 'iili itoti.wn, residences, f.e I t'<tics, stores are b. iug burned every tj'iy The latest dis sters wero the burning fc>? Baruum's new Mus um, vi race Chupcl, and the extensive factory in Ccutre ilicet ill Now York. Iu the laltrr seven young gii-ls were rousted to death. Omngcburg is ? pared ! Are wo prepared for the emergency which may l.appi u '( Is aur supply of water ade quate ami convenient '{ Are the appa rawt'sos of the Imim Depareuicut perlbvt aud read) i Tin so arc questions for our City Fathers, our Fire .Masters and our cit'iRitis generally. A Now FttpiT in Columbia. It is thought that the uew paper fTinl is aeon to make iteappearance in Colum bia as an afternoon* journal will- be a Brilliant sncee-s. The offieo on J its ap poii Intents are handsome and complete, and uiub r the able management which will steer its course upon die journalistic sea, the 5*0 vwdaily nm-t attain to a good old age. It is not positively-known how many persona af*" comi-'fcloe? with tho cntqrpri-c, or how tnnr.h capital is-at its back; but our kno\vlel;:e of Judge Andrews, and his shrewd business tuet, induces the impression that our contem porary iu prospective will bu a constant and agreeable visitor to our sanctum. Sueecss to the enterprise. Slojj? are on foot to extuud the lower part of tho thomioiiiuUir. wasdulycelebrated I y the colored citizens of Charleston, No ono yot elected Juilgo of the Eighth I ireuit. 'J be legislature meets again on the 7th luetaiiK P. II. Cbambcilain, late Attorney General, mid S. W. Melton, Attoruoy Geueral, have funned a co partnership for lb*- praetiee of law in. l>lu nbia. Tho CoUctou Gazette bcrutes Goveru cr Moses weekly. I3x Governor Orr, Minister to Russia, expects to sail in January. Barnum's Museum was burned down, last week. Tbis is the third time. [t'OMMUMC A T ED.] The Judicial Honors of the filghlh OSfeefclU Tho Legislature will rcasscmblo on tho seventh proximo, and the canvass Ihr the judicial honors of the Highlit Circuit will bo renewed with increased vigor. This is a matter of considerable interest to bhe people >f the State, be cause it is gouerally beliovcd, that if a .Judge was elected, who while intensely republicuu, would not from his anteccd ents. be altogether to the people of that BCCtloo a better feeling would prevail, and the groat principles of tho llepublicau party ox rt their natural influence. It is Lsseutrul that the judiciary should ndmiiiist r justice, under the light of the Republican priuciplo, and we tbcreloro think that neither Gen. MoGowan, c Democrat of Luc old school,upr Mr Trcs:outt, a Demo crat of the new school, h;;ve much reason to hope lor success, however excellent their individual character, or eminent their professional ability. Tito contest seems to be narrowed down bstwoca .Mr. Northrop of Charleston, Gon. Whip per of Beaulort, and Mr. Mur\iy of Anderson. Mr. Northrop, was a member <d' the Bur iu this State before tho war and has been a distinguished member uf tho Republican party for some years, iu Charleston County. Ol General Whip per, wc need not speak, and of Mr. Murray we know very little, except that lie was defeated for thejudgohhip of the seventh Circuit by Judge Melton and was in the last election the candidate fur Comptroller General on the opposi tion ticket. The Circuit is composed ol n largo wjiitc Democratic majority and if a must be elected, they would certainly prefer, one who would at last bo entirely free (Vom any local o: personal influences. They would care very little bow earnestly he might sup port the Slate administration, not that he came to thotil with a good profess ional record. Taking into further con sideration, the decisive test vote post pouting the election, which was strongly opposed by Mr. Murrays friends wc think- that his chances are by no means as good ;\H when defeated by Melton, jiatj jiliiltji' 1J .1 ??[?' OS Toriiiida liuablc canotutc, but w-J arc at a loss to sec how be Would seek, the evident discomforts of such a high* lath l?de. Mr. Cookc of tbis County has also entered the Ii Id with bis usual vigur uud ability ; and while we think Mr. Northrop has clearly lh*o inside track, the contest will not bo without interest, excitement and much confusion. A Sensible Suggestion. Editor Qrxntyth?rg iVSAcs : Would it be asking loo much of the Towu Council to suggest the propriety of having tho side walks repaired a little bit '(' During the recent heavy snow and sbet storms, pedestrians found it exceedingly inconvenient to travel the -trects efr Orangeburg; and it is a netto Hona fact that female pedestrians were absolutely deprived of the privilege of | stepping out doors. Tho New Street, it ia noticeable, is iu a good condition. Will our City Lathers give an eye to the louwucruial c-uitre of the Town '{ l'LDLSTlllAN. OrnugcbuTg, iKie 31st, 1872 A Card. T desire to say to my friends that hav ing been appointed to the important and grave position of .Jury Commis sioner of this County, I feel my posi lion. There may bo legal defects in the jury for next term of Court, but follow cits the fault is not hero. The jury was drawn with all that ceremony, di{ uity, formality and pomp, with which 1 feel myself invested. Tbis statement will be substantiated by investigation which I court. 1 have demanded of Judge Graham and Sol. HuttK that they be here on Monday next. Until then I am respeelully, , JQEL LAIIKIN, Jury Com. Supplement to Farmer's Advocate. The subject of co-operation among farmers is begiuing to attract very much attention-in all parts of the country. At St. Louis, last May, the Natiou?! Agri cultural Congresa was organized by the consolidation of (hp National AgrlcuUn ml Association and tho Agrleultural Congress, and ut onco by wise and judi cious action secured the confidencoof so ciotiet throughout ths country both col lootjvoly and individually, $1 ?jnfty jit'ts of tlio country dqprf j|co^Ci?t^P9^ hate boon calluii and numerous.!* ,;Meud cd by the farmers, aud the resolutions adopted evince a growing appreciation ol* tlio value und necessity of eo operative acttiori. The Anteiirctit Furvitr'x \ifcor.n/ct which has espoused the causo of tbo |C^ongY<jktfJ(ns^"wij,h full cunGdiucu in tb^ 'growing popularity ol' thid movonfottr. beon seilt to every agricultural society and to nil tmr newspapers of the country I'nttho individual expense of the publish ers. It has p^rscvoringly presented tbo benefits of tbo Congress, nud we can heartily coiuuiotid it to tho attention of ovcry farmer. The Congress holds its next meeting in May, at Indianapolis, Ind., and it promises to be an occasion of much in terest to ugticulturistr. Kvery Bocicty iu the country should be represented there. Full information in reference to it may be obtained by addressing the Sec retary. Cha8.\W. Green, atJacksotivillo, Tenn., at which point also the Advocate i< published. Ki tract from ft h Iter fnmi Mrs. J. C Auirich] iVawteon, Fulton Co., U. '?It. I*. Hall it Co Gtnt'cinco,?IMcate send mo one dozen bot tles of your Sicilian Hair Kemewcr. Our 'bald aud gray' do not want be out. My mother is a living rocouyiiciidation uf the results from the uselof the H?nower. Being almost seven] y yecrs old, aud having worn a wig o' cr thirty years, it seems a miracle to llOsc who have known her so long .-o bald and what ?ttlt? hair she had being perfeatly white; now her wig thrown aside her b lir grown out. and a smooth, glos ly brown, us in girlhood. Hoping yon juay lo ig continue to pour blessings on Ihc boids of the afflicted, f remain yours truly." Such cvi pence, with the indorsement of the gro.itIhcmists of New Knpland, Dr. A. A, Ilaycs aud S. Dana Hays, itisjV gny one. which of tbo ptoparationsVproducc the bast remits. A CiuvfcK Custom.?A roo3t r;::: us ChnAe custom is that of rclea"iti^ medium reports to tho survivorJ*ol any I one deceased that their relative is gone to- the regions- of everlasting punish ment, it at bnco^bescmea their blanden duty to release blm from his paius. With this object certain priests are consulted, who provide fivo common earthen tiles, whioh uro placed on the ground, one in the eeuter and four at the corners ; in the midst nre placed a number of images of persons aut out of paper, and some iimck MHMioj?the tiles rcpresent hell,,| and the paper images a portion of its oiciqauts. Kach priest then takes a kind of staff in bis baud, nnd they solemnly walk round repeating formulas, nnd after n time the mock money is set fire to, und tho instant it is consumed each tile is broken by blows from the staves, and eauh pries", seizes and rushes oil with as many of the paper figures as ho can grasp, the attendants beat in; gongs nnd firing crackers to frighten tbo devil away, should he attempt to follow them. After this burgi lariom effort on tbo part of the priests, the relatives are quico satisfied that the dopurted ono is out of limbo, or ir he isn't, that's bis lookout, as they have done all they can. K it.1.1 no Potn.TllY. ? An ccchangc says the driest, quickest and best way to kill a fowl is to oqen bis brck, and then, with a pointed ond narrow knife, make an incision nt the back of tbo roof whioh will divide the vertebrae, and cause immediate death: after which bang ti|e fowl up by the h ps till the bleeding ccrscs: then rinse the beak out with vin egar and water. Fowls killed in this manner keep longer, and do not present the un-iglitly external marks of those kilied by the ordinary sysrem of wriuj. the neck- In this connection wc wi.-di to impress on our readers the inpotuuee uf special care in dressing poultry for market. The difference in wrieo will more than enmpensat for tbo troiibb Also, bon't send in doitltrp In poor con dition; halt lay customers all look foraud will take only fat birds, Tommy hns discovered when in; hii mother resembles thno. It is nt/ ti nt she lays hor hand gently on lior father's brow nor that her footsteps full with noiseleds tread nor that she waits for no, [ man, nor that sho writes uo wrinkles on her nanre brow, nor that she acts liko time, nnr is it her ago nor any ol those tbtugs, Tommy avora. Ho say* you might guess all day. it is that her 00? blest offspring is her lastend tliit's my. ' self. hoping? grow muscle till it crowds oO ptids nnd p.tent calves. The London 'spectator nays th ero is probably more flagrant perjury couimited \nf tJfia Itoplieh dWonpo m anj ono year tnitu in Ay jEthlr{cj}t if fve/ J. H. Crantfdl a veteran stag e-didVe? of California; who drovo the first stage over tho mountains to" Virginia City, was recently thrown- from' hie box and killed. A Heaver Dan chap maVriod" nnd thought it would be well to make a lUtle' noise about tho thing, and accordingly offered a brass baud a keg of beet toscr en ob" him and her. 'An insane lady of Lexington' Ken tucky, fitted from the second story win dow of her husband's residence in' bor night clothes, the other evening, and | hasn't becu hoard from since. A ma?i iu Muakingum Ohio, lost con siderable time nnd perspiration recently trying to commit suicide by tying one end of n rope around bis neck throwing the other over a bourn and tugging at it. ' ? - ? o . TAX NOTICE. 0F F1C R OK COUNTY TREASURE a, Osyncshuuro Cou.vrv, Onvxor.BUKO 3. C, DaomSer 27th, 1872. Notice is hereby givan thit my b->oka ire now open for tho collection of Taxes, at my 0.1i:e in O.Mtigd'mrg as follow* : To meet appropriations for the1 Steal year e<i'i;:a3ni:iu? Nivcwbir 1st, 1S72. tivo (5) Mills on a dollar. Por"pay:n*tit of D^'iaioneei f??r the Sscal year en I'm;; Ojtooor Ulst, 1S72, :ivo (Ji) Mills on a dollar. For support; of the e reo Ssh >oU, two (2) Mills on a doll ir. F>r County purpnos, thre? Q3) Mills on a dollar. ALSO. (Vinty School District Assessments as follows : For Amelia Township?two and a half C2*) Mills on a dollar. For Lranchville Township?two (2) Mills oa a J'dhr. wek" Cv** T.iwnshin?one and a half (ij) Mills on a dollar. For Cow Castle Townfhip?two-(2; Mills on'a dollar. For Edisto Township*?one and a Ulf (U) Mills on a dollar. For Elizabeth Township?one (1) Mill on a dollar. For Goodbya Township?one (1) Mill on a dollar. For GoodiKud Township?ono (1), Mill oni n dollar. For Hebron Township?three (3) Mills on a dollar. For Liberty Township?threa (3) Mills on a dollar. For Lyons Township?one and one lialf (IJ) Mills on a dollar For Millie To.raship-jne (1) Mill on a dollar. For New II >pe Township?tw>(2t Mills on the goneril tir. For Qran?o T iWasSip ? * is h?lf of ono Mill * i) on a dollar. For Fine tJrovo Township ? tw ? (2) Mills on a dollar. For Poplar Township?two (2) Mills on a dollar. For Providence Township?ona an! one quarter (11) Mills on a dilhr. For Hooky trove roivoViip ?oia (1; Mil! on a dollar. For Union Township?two (2) Mills on a dollar. For Vanoes Township?one and ono quarter (11) Mills on a dollar. For Willow Township?one and o:ie half (H) Mills ou a dollar. For Lion Township ?three (3) Mill* on a dollar. I expect to visit tho following places nt the dates mentioned : Hr.inohvillc ? Wolnosdiy, January 1st, 1373. Lewisville-?TI|or<4*y aM F*"1 * * January 2d and 3d, 18X3? Foit Motto? Sat unity 4th, 1873. Folders Store?Tu.cnJ.iy January 7th, 1873. Diok Glcatons Store?Thursday January 9th, 1?73, i ho penalty of 20 por oont acuos after the tiHoouth of January ld7*3\ TUAD?U. A^DUKWS. Treasurer of Oran^ebur^ (Xtjinty. Ora?Ecimrg Division No. 21 S. of T Your RE(iTjj,.\ II MFEfUfG W?lscheid at your Hall, (the BHsewurnt of the Prajaby tcrian Caurclr) on MdNDAT EVKN4N (6th intfarit), at 7 o'clock. A pnncfairi at tendance is requested, as Installation ol Officers will tnke plnce. The Installath will be in public. By order of the W, P. 8. B. WALTERS, lt. S. EuVi-kai Chapter, No. 13, It. A. M. Tha REGULAR CONVOCATION of the abovo CHAPTER will be held ou Friday Jan. 10th. lH73,-at G o'clock P. M. By order of M. B. 11. 1?. THEODORE K0IJN, , ? jau 4??tf Secretary. NOTICE, f lie late firm of W C. Cofer It Co., trad ing at Fort Matte, hnving bevn dissolved'by the rihaili of-W. C. Coffvr, all tho creditors of (aid firm are requested to secdMheir claims to W. J. DoTraville, Esq., Attorney ? at Orangeburg, FT. C. In whose bauds the sO'Ueinenl of the business oi suid firm has bccn'pVaced. WU.N J. JACKSON, L. P. RA?T. Jan. 4th 8t E. Jf OLIVEROsTm.^, WHOL.SALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. DEALI1H I* DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, GWhVSS, PUT TY, BRUSHES AND CUTLERY. als* PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ono or two youths, between pie ages af 10 aud 17 years, to learn DKUO liasiness. Nona need apply except those at gaod moral character, uud who ran com* welt rs eonintuudad, aud will CoNSKNT to b? BOUND t? the bualnsss tor a SERIES of YEARS. Applicntions must be in the handwriting of tue Applicants, and addressed as follows: POSfOPPlCE HoX No. ?'J, Oiangcburg, 8. C. jan 4 nov 18 ly Sale Under Mortgage. Ry virtue of a Mortgage t* A. B. Griffith by .Miro She]er nnd Serena Shnler, dated ??ih MarOh, 187U, and with consent of par ties. 1 will 'selli on Monday, f.tb Jan.. 187:1. at Or.ngrburg C. H., during legal hours, for cash, one Mule. E. I. CAIN, jsn I ?It S. O. C. FOR SALE, ORAXCIKBUlCCi LANI>. About 300 ACRES of LAND in lot* of Ifl io 4U acres, localud ou the South Carolina Railroad, bslow aud within l.l miles of th? Town of Orangeburg, will be sold on Mon dsy. the Dith of January. 187;!. The lots will he platted and numbered a* as to be ex amined by parties desiring to pure has*. It ?.., . . -v- ?- .,r i^- ' - - in i f I tho locntion to persons .T:-miliar wiih aud wishing these'beauliful lots. The plafcan be seen nt Mr. C. B. Glover's office, cstrand afiarthe 1st Monday of Janu ary. T^r?.s s-.adc known on day of aale. Jan. 4th' 'it Notice of Dismissal. TyrOTlCE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT j_\ one uwnth from date 1 will file nrjpflnaP acrouut with the Hnncrabl* Aug. B. KnowU ton, Judge of Probate for Orangeburg Coun ty, as Administrator of tha Eslnte of John M. ?)*Cain, dee'tL and ask far Letters of Dismissal. M. J. D. DANT/.LF.R, Jan. 4th, 1S73. Adasiuistraior. jan 4 lin Notice of Dismissal. "VVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATPftV iN mouth from date 1 will Fil?-my Final Aceouut with the Hon. Aug. B. Knowlton, Judge of Probate for Orangahwrg County, and ask tor Letters of Dismissal as Adminis tratrix of tho estate of Richard V. McMich acl, deceased. ANN W. BARTON, Jan 4th, 1878. Administratrix, jau. 4 Ira Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT one Month 1 om date I will file my final account with the Honorable Aug. B. Knowl ton, Judge of Probate for Orangeburg County, ns Guardian of Jerome W. UcMich ael. DONALD K. BARTON, Jan. 4th, 1873. Guardian, jan 4 Im IN THE COURT OF PKOIJATE. Wiit r.> ss. Rebert E. Mellich.imp haih applied to nie for letters of Admidislration on the Estate of Rev. Stiles Mellichamp, lata of Ornugcburg Couniy, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho Kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear be fore me at a Court of t'rohnle for the said I County, to be holden at Oraiigcburg on tha I 17th day of January 1878, at 10 o'clock A. j M. to stiow cause if any, why the said Ad ministration should not be granted. Given under my hand and the Seal of my Court, this 1st day or Jan., A. D. 1872, aud in the ninety-seventh year of American Independence. AUG. R. KNOWLTON, | [L.8.] Judge Of Probate O. C. jan 4 2t MR. C. D. BLUME. Regs Jo inform tha people of Ora?g*burg, and vicinity that, h? will CONTINUE his BUSINESS at his OLD ST Ais U oves Capt. P. H.. W. Rriggmaun's store, and as he has made VAST IMPROVEMENTS in PICTURE MAKING of late, is now ablate execute a* I GOOD WORK as can be dona alsewhor? in a : Ferrotype Gallery. He also has en hand a let of PICTERR FRAME8 of every descriptions at reasaaa ble prices. COPYI-NG done to order in- any Style, Coma one, (offlt all and give me a trial, jan ?* ?j 20 tf ALL WHO WAXT ^ jfljoauti/iApiqturo with which to adorn jthtffralls ot&oSrtearlors. should inmedi. SAelr eneleaMhcJkhsC) ip'ion tor the "Ad te," (k?kitf?ti*\d the/ will receive by it *eajil'jakr k'F? uit Chrerae," which wt arc giving toevery yearly subscriber to eur paper. Don't remit by mail. A. 1.1 re s FRANK P. BEARD. CAxnay, 8. C* Sale Under Mortgage By virtu* of a mortgage exeouted and) .Delivered to uiu by Govan Jams* en the* MCTon'h day of March AD 1872. 1 will toll uu Monday. - tho sixth, dey of Januar? A If lfS7;{, at Or.-ingeburg. ia I tont of Sheriff"* O?iee, imttiL'diuttly ifter the official at.l?a, etio Iron Ciruy Mors? named "Billy. Tarias Cash. [O. B. R1LEY. Orangeburg S, C. Bee. '21st 1872. Dec 2? ' '2*f * Td' Execu ors, Admimsfriiv tors, Guardians, &c. EXECUTORS, A D M I N I ST R ATOEB*, GUARDIANS and TRUSTEES are hereby uotificd to make "their Anneal Returns W ? he Jndge of probate at the January Term* of the Court of probate. Tl<o?e.iu Default will be proceeded against according to :lrw. AUG. B. KNOWLTON, Judge of Probate. Dec. 20th, 1072.? 21 4t Administrator's Sale. By virtue of an ordar of the Probate' Court, I will Kidl on theeeventh day of Jan iisr* A. IV 187H, at the late residence cf George K. Kai rev. deceased, all the personal* property docen?!ML consisting of Household nnd Kitchen Furniture, Planta- , Hon Tool*. Wagon, Buggy. Hwm, Cattle, Hog*. Corn Fodder; Rice, &c. Terras oash. O 1* H. FAIRKY, 1 Qualified Administrator. December IRth, 1872 ?21 2t THOS: W. ALBERQOTTI, TWO BOORS' #?6T Or -_ JF . 1?. II A Jt+Mi H JF.?fasinQ Russell Street, Orasgeburg, ?ftE^ Has JUST RF.CK1 VKD a fresb supply ?f FRENCH CANDIES, AHfH F1?K t'ANDIES, ;lA%t SCT8, ?11 serte, TOYS, CHINA TA1JL Large and Small FANCY BASKETS, RAISONS. PICKLES, *c , Ac. Also FRESH BREAD always o? ksejcL/ and cuppltcd to regular customers every , at t hoir doora. . < In my cake department yon will fiad. FRUIT CAKES. FANCY CAKES. HUNGERS, Sic., Always on band and freah. KINK RR I DAL fli^SBWf?. FRESH PIES constantly on hand. YYEDDlNGSj supplied: witb all kinds a>f Cotef."'"' l >"r"-^^? * *******. Tho above ^.?Ji cannot b? excelled tnJ I^...Jiry and prir? AH trora warranted to *??? eat.>ia?tioc. est 12 !- ,V"i4 Do Yo* Want GO TO' BRIGGMANN-&". W ?OU VTAST CHEAP GOODS GO W BRIGGMAIV WII KUR YOtTLL FIND ? v %*?? tftif jiy and Everything, ./ . . . j>>r4f**fff nov 2 rf _. , ESTATE SA? By virtue of power vested inf tffijufecr the Will of David Sbuler. late of the County of Orangeburg, deceased, and under certain Deeds executed by certain of the parties in interest I will sell at public auction at Orangchurg, So. Ca., in front of. the Jher> ill's Office, on Monday, the m^h way of January, 1X78, during the customary hoars of legal sales: 4. The Dwelling and Outbuildings and It hi acres ef land, embracing and adjoining; the same, parcel of the body of lano^faers upon the said Col. David Shulcr Maided at the timo of his death, bounded by lands ef. David Bull, Estate of Shuler, Mrs. fSre^ow Black, and tract No. 2 below mentioned. 2. The remainder of the , body of Isndt known n> Oak Hill and Ball's Branch Plan t at ion. containing-? acresT more or lese, and hounded by lands of Mrs. Virginia Black, J. H. Felder, William Way, Themes Collier and the 400 aerss above mentioned. 3. Tacti.-ct of land, sHuntslat the Cons ties of Orangelmrg and Clarendon, on. sothV ?idea of Santes River, koown as the TaseVe Ferry tract, containing >>50 aerss, more or less, awl bounded by lands of I*, 4*. Benbow,. William A vinger, Estate of Lawrence A vin ger, sad P. J. Taxe. The aaid lands will be sold in eo#e^ni?nt* parcels. *C \+*M . Terms?One-third eash, balance^W a* eredtt of one ? and t we rear*, pnrshsser to> give Bond and >Iovtgago .tat, ptoenftyts pur chased, bearing interest from day of aalSt tor credit portion of purchase money, and te* pay for paper* and icCsrAini. ALSO> f\j vieHste nf order Jof the .?isi%o of Pre. bale for Ornngebnrg County, 1 will sell at the-residence or the. lato David Sbttisv, de ceased,- on- WedncHdsy, She eif^wk day of JamHMry, W7:t, the pUntatdow SVock and other Pcvseaal Prepevty of fas- Estate ef the ?aid David Mhulerr coasatratg of Hersea^ Mstles,- Wagen?. &o. Terrus -jash. WRLIAM M. ?ntJ?ER. Qualincd EttoutO^ e^ WJrK?f Late T)6vinn?Miftr. dee'd. dec 21 f ^ .