The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, November 16, 1872, Image 9

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SAT^D^AY^MO^lg, 1872. All Advertisements be handed to the Business Manager before Thursday Noon. Wo learn that Mr. James Cannon, Sr., has opened a grocery and liquor tdorc on Busscll Street, opposite Mr. Rigg'a residence. We learn privately trout Columbia that the tax this year wiU amount to t bout 17 mills on the dollar, so our "citizeus cati jnst compute the amount they will have to pay. Our advices from Charleston state i bat nil the Insurance Com p. nies who have agencies there, uro ull right, and that the Boston Ii? e has not materially inconvenienced thorn. Our citizens, to save expense in their purchase of ah ose, would do well to buy up their Winter supply at once, before the prices, in consequeucc of the Boston fire, takes an upward tendency. Our County officers elootod uro vory busy arranging their Booksaud prepar ing to qualify, while the "outs" are .btraighetiing up their Books pr;par -atory to rcsigniug their several offices. The State Cativassers in Columbia are busily at work in deciding upon the ?contested cases. The enso front Charles ton County between Maokcy and Bowen comes up on Friday, tho probability is that Mackey's dJegaiiou will bo seated ? entire. >*4*'* -an , Victor Valdoz, who sUot tOiU<stiq) '1 is! summer a cuhlin by h?mo Perez was re Ciitly tried in ChurK&tuft before Judge -Graham, and tluJ jury returned a ver tilgt of - not guiitv," without leaving ?their seats. Wo call attention this week to the advertisement of Mr Mullur, our entor J.lisjng ,<*r<*er4' nrid Mi\ S?**der, the Charleston photographist, who ja at present taking phot ?'graphs tu o#rto wo. Call and sec hi in. Ths Charleston X- <cs, and the Conr tf r, arc hammering away at each other Quite ?("war of words" is beigg waged .it so.'oi.h." " Well, giiijtlj-'lOG Sght it out, ?we'll look < n caholy and applaud your *j?ood things. We call attention to the sale of the estate of JorlMlMEMtilVbrt -appears in our columns. It U to be sold inveight separate firms, on each of which there is a good eUweWJmg ?"d outbuildings. Tlie ColloAuu ' laud* arc ?also to bo divided. ^%s*^,*i '.O.tfr Town Couu-ciJ would greatly .assist 'tho locomotion of our^itizonB in . ruiny weather, if they wouWrepair some ?uf uui rliito. ;,v?o puuulca in some places on onr streets are simply irapnss Sp*''*'* 1 able, a few cart loads of sand would . make a vast improvement. ? Our Devil is a sharp one, and knows a thing or two, being asked what wasJ i| ?the cause of tho fire-in Boston, ce lled, "Ob, the "lIub^T^^d^etwingJ .and as they didn't grease ft, it tookj ?fire." Dou't you tUwk fitfaud reader . . . : - * ? he is a precocious you-rh i a on . During the Pession of the Legislature .?hi.- Winter, wo expect to have a regular correspondent) stationed at Columbia, , ,vho will inform our roadors by a letter , every week, of tho sayings nnd doings jj ^ of pur representative?, nnd of all watte is i , of interest that may happen there. 1 ^ ?? Pmiiaii.L-- J ?.Mr. G. \V. Baxter has opened lue .-satten, ,rfej6L doe* to tKohn * Bro. JoW T. Butler is tho caterer of the .establishment, and the palate qf .every .person who \may call upon .bim jwill be satisfied by taking one drink at his .CDL&Hter. Mr. Baxter is an enterprising young- man and deserves tho pat rojiage fj ,tho public. Call rip ^aod see h quarters. ^^bixlahy.?We learu that Mr. John 11. Marlcy no old railroad man, and one; rT*> '*.*<? t who was uuivcrsally respected and liked ..%jf..nlt persons, died iu A ikon on Wad J i ncsdoy last after a sudden attack of -^Pneumonia. Mr. Marloy ' known tot i a'.most everybody, a^d wo are certain jthot,^any of,bi8 fricuds i,o Orapgebur^ .?willl^m^ftih]^?,jd^. Tb? Kpisooty ?tili prevails Jn our largo cities, and the extremely b id waetherMtn bavo had increases it. Our caution as regards their stock. Charleston, and other places seem blest with amusements of nil kinds. Its a pity our littlo Town can't get any. Orangeburg wants something to stir her up, sinne tho visit of tho circus, nnd tho closing of the Fair, and last week the visit of Prof. Kirby. Things have grown superuaturally dull, and we are obliged sometimes lo got tho assistance of our "Devil" ?o as to grind out "locals." Our irieods must not forget (he "En teprise Saloon." Mr. Wahlers still lives and still employs those very indofntig able and obliging assistants Messrs Harting and Wunnatnaker. He his just received a fine assortment >>('the 1 fittest brandies, whiskies, gins, and otlur liquors, also a fine lot of sogars, among them some ot tho famous "In Ninfa" brand. Call around then and see him. Notick to Consignees i?er So. Ca. R. R.~--Ry orde4 ?f the Vioe-President of tho above road all freight charges, both local and through will be collected at this ng-iiey, and no goods will be delivered until charges have been paid at the Depot. The above to go int< effect from date. , Wm. P. Camiojjs, Acting Agent. Orangcburg, 8. 0, Nov. 9th, 1872. We oal] tho attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. J. S. AlbcrguUi, our enterprising young townsman. Mr- A. has on hand at all times the finest and most choice grocer ies, and does bit best tn please his customers, be se|U us cheap as any house in Orangsburg on 1perhaps cheap er. W# think Mr. A should be tin soured, end woujl suggest to nqr .readers that if they dosira good and cheap groeerins. Mr. J. 8. A Iburg ?tri s js tbe place to procure them, ho ocou pies tbe store fcnuerly kept by .Icllords & Company. Mr. Ezekiel has on hand and is con stanlhy receiving fine groceries and dry goods. He ajso keeps the bo>t pcrfum ery and fancy toilet articles to be found in Orangcburg, also ? large and line assortment of watches and jewelry of nil descriptions Call and see him, and bu will B*4i you anything y.?u want. His clerks ero affable and courteous to every body M)d Mr- Wallace Ca du >n is .] geuistHy perscott^e, "bo is obliging, ami will show you anything and everything, whether you desire to purchase or not. PaqV. fail then to walk around, the store is rfgfct opposite the jScf* office. Accident ; ;at lkwuvillk.?On Friday as tbe day passenger train from Columbia was parsing, sn almost fatal accident occurred Jo* Sweeny. lie was engaged jyp 4|uietijig some horses biteAW *o che pole of a large, wagon wh#n they became uumanageable at the whistle of ? the looomofivo, and starting A tp,preak away.forcud Mr. Sweeny against a post, and the end of the pole struck b*? , ?P ,tf\e Jpreastj juflicted a d,iu je.roui iiud ^xQjnbaps -muotal injury, blood gushed from his mouth sod nose, it was almost impossible for him to breathe, at last accounts he was io a critioal couditipu. ! Attend to tijjs 8omeb3dy.?The roads and bridges of our County arc iu /? miserable couJition, and r.quire .immediate attention. Nearly all of the rpads .are in need of Ulli og in having become alutPAt ?wpassable b; reason of the .re,Qqu.t jbeavy rafus, and tho bridges are iuel' n bad, for instance the bridge at Fou.r Holes U io a very bud condi-, tion, gpd at woujd bo suicidal for any one ,to attempt the crossing It Stands in need of thorough jrupair, and ?will cost a pretty heavy ay in to fix it as it should bo fixed., .hut sre say-repair it,.| and we are cc.rta.ip n,IJ good eitizons will \mJ JIWW 1>f bridge at Oa\r Qzyt SwampJ* wj b*V**e pmlargoipg rop lirs. We b jpe Ae/>ont/4ctQr will piuah 1t pps securely, and lie wlJ Ssortfiuly' reccii our thanks $1000 Reward is offered by tho pro prietor of Dr. Pierco'e Golden Medical Discovery for a medicine th\t wiJI equal it in tho cure of R'onch.itis, severe Conghf.fftd tim?t]j, .sta^esof Ooiiaump Twenty Yea its Younger.?To say hu?dresd of m \ids, wires, and wid ows took tt?onty years younger than they are in consequence of tho complexion*! ir^PMBptho oliajUfl simpel i ht bo vcriGod by direct testimony c<fcrt|as willing to tell tho'r ages as to u?o the best menus nf making themselrrA lively. Nature sometimes, but very rarely, crown tho charm of perfoot fea turos will\ a compluxiuu uf exquisite olearncss; but ovon thuu tjuui suqst begins to make inroads upon the velvet checks, tho fair white brow, the ivory bust, thu rounded nrm, To preserve the ''glory'of j woman" unblemished, even after the me ridian of lifo has boon passed, it is only necessary to uso daily this cuuliug health ful vegetable prep liution, commercialT M .1 It K KT RE PO RTS. ?rncr. or tum OiiAvnaioan Nkwb, November Y> 1?" COTTON?Sales during the week 2(53 bales. We quote : Ordinary.,.,.I Low Middling...,1 A<4 Middling,,..,17 f?? Rotrnn Rio??Sl.'.? per eushel ('ok.N:.$1.00 tier bushel. Cow Psas. 1.0O per bushel. Pi.nukus. 1.66 per bushel. TO (OMRACTORS. SKA LEU PROPOSALS for the BUILD ING of RETil LKHKM CHURCH in ths Fork of the E'diatO will be received until 1 Oth of November. For particulars address WM. H. 1ZLAR, Chairman Committee, noy 2?:tt Midway. S. C. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. rOH tuk RASTKHS IHSTHiCV Of SOffH CARO LINA. Ill the Mailer of. ) A It red .). Frederick, > Bankrupt. Batikrupt. j TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN?The undersigned hereby give? uotioo of hi* Ap ]ioiutnieut ns Assignee of Alfred J. Frede rick, of. the Town of Orangeburg, in the County of Oysjngeburg and Shite of South Carolinas within t-aid District, who has be$n adjudged a BANKRUPT upon bis own Peti tion by the District Court of shidTHstriet. Dated at Ornngeburg t);/e l*l day of No vember, A. D I?7i C. fa. GLOVER, nov 2?!lt Assignee. Do You Want NEW GOODS! GO TO OX ~ L IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS JRIG?MANNS. GO TO juugghaws YVUtfRB YOU'LL FJND Any and KvorytUiug. nov 2 TTTCrr AR1cTV1?.n A syfcis^i>ir> lot ; ! OF Mules and Horses FINEST DRO^E OF HORSES EVER RROUG HT TO THIS MARKET. Those in watit of u OOOD HORSE had better call at j.u>;o at the SALE 8TARLES.OF w. ? SxVj^r & co. nov 2 ' SjUg 81 If DR. A. C. MIKES, Ai tlvc Old Stand pf 1>R. B. M. SHVIiKll. VAS JUpT RECEIVED A fresh pippt/oT x *5 1 DRUOB, MEDICINES, A f (TTT ?w ' V ARN ISn ES, &c. ,A splendid lot of STATIONERY. ? ' <i PERFUMERY and 80AP3 In greot/?i Ticty. A fine stockof CIOARS and TOBACCO. And one of tho finest assortment of POCK ET KNIVES ovqr offorpd here at the prices. Prescriptions cnrefully prepared. OFE10K HOURS ,an,^s BABBA/THt (From OAs; 10 A..M,.??f<l./rajn;*'i^P. M. eedi 2 . THE KU KLUX. Raid through our qitict villngo Son ago, did not engender as much exoitemeS As did the intelligence that Mr. II RUM AN MVAIU.KIIS BJ'S it; N BD youoiring A JfHtST I CLASS I) It IN KINO SALUpl ,1/ ? j . IN OUR MDSiV1 Ami when THTCFua^T Was REALIZED, The confusion, of the peopU was almost equivalent to that ?j ? ?? Caused to the builders of the-tower of PaBei when thejr language was cou/usml. SODA, <UN, WHISKEY, AND Bit ANDY COCKTAILS, Such as we hint nc.*or soon hefnr ??WINES, CM \MPATONRS, and SEOAItS the tike/of which wore ni ran- as a white crow; or ice in June. ALK and I^AGRIv. that would make tho leanoU man in tho worM fat, are only a part of Mil. W?HLERS COLLEC TION that Caused so much FrigljSrL us all. To this. Day There are men whose f LIKE IS IN A DOUBTFUL. 0OXD1, TION. This wee Caused by his manifesto, request LOAFERS To keep awa^on pain of .a heavy [ Jo hadfoftl their power to Be geniaT?-\vtro-fjnorv^n" were renHered unsteady by ill)o use qf bad liquors, nip| whose oqt|t|teuaiico hoee a downcast sl|oppisl) bjok?ty this day tho advertises says Iboro oro men like the3?. who havu boon happy, infinitely since imbibing once at Mil. WS SALOON. There fore the exerlation. COME YE Thai thir<t for healthy boreragoj, thoidfc pressed, the aged?? :ik><I Ih'c poiftorted AND RECEIVE tD ER ALM That can onlv be bad at the ENTERPRISE SALOOg. ft Ail You'll Find No LOAFERS, NO JlAXORilS - AROUND, NO Me? wi^osc eyes nre redened with .MlXTf'HKS OF STRYCHNINE ft CREOSOTE, You'll find a gcujal healthy set of TEMPER. A NCR LOOKlNljf MEN, and the grcatost desir? on the part tho p?^M?l'OR_ls to ptease. the want* nf his custoitreT^S Give mo a trial at tho STAND formerly occupied by JOHN PATTRUSt IN*, dee'd opposite Messr- Bull Scovill and Pt'^o. J. II. W All LRUS July 10 e SCHOOL BOOKS ! MUSIC & STATIONERY, ALWAYS VN I.IAXJD ax a he KisTGTlSTE: liOIJSi :. The celebrated PEN LETTER HOOK for Copying Letter*?-used without a IVess ? every buHitfees man should havjr guc Anything in my line net on hand oan be ordered ip a ?h?rt time. Uli. KTK^ jan 6 e ly uk.-vi MERONEWPBAXTBR'' v. ILL DO| TiLIIiI IJ.VUJ.rXGr FtHt THE MERCHANTS OF ^viljl fc IS PA TCH. als.. prepared, to P.OAKl) re^UOfllR.'? and C A it - at moderate prices. Cull on thorn at Maroncy'a lloiol MERONRY h BAXTER, aug Gl tf ATTENTION ALL. "f")ersons iiuiohtvd 'C we by open Account, |~ J>ote, ll^nd and Mortgj! ? or l^eu, :?rc uoti?eur fhat they- M?rH i?..k^ payment l>v th? tAuCiar hr.Ot-t..qei '?w. pt p.kpei? will bo placed in the um Is or (ay Attorney for collection. 1 am in da^J earnest. 1 oiler FOR SALW AT TEN PR II CRNT PI8COUNT ON COST, SI* 'J^^^ljAUIKK^pK Situated in ?Orangeburg County, Including the property known as the Wkitniore Soap Factory, and other Lots in luv Town of 01 ingeburg. Als ? one valuable Jraot, of land containing >ix hundred acres, sitiiateilih Alken County. >Ono three hundred aoie tract tdtualcd in Lexington County. One tract ooutaining one. hundred aj:d '.tkdryr ueres.situated on John's falapd. Ali ot wljlun laiais \fcre bought cheap apo will he sold.lpr cu/h ten *^^^aU,?SMM sag. 81 tf. IN PtflfSPANrR OF AN ORDER FROM the Probate Court 'of, Orangoburg Couu ty. L veUlacll lor ce .h. qn "Wodocsday, tho (hk> of November, at the Plsnlaifoivof John T Jennings, deceased, in tho Fork of the Kdistoe, ,8 or hO bead of H orses andvMules, '60 or i'? head of Cattle, a few Sheep,. Conn and-i'oddcr, Cotton Seed, Wagon and Cart, 1 Raggy, Ori?t Mill, Cob Mill, Ola, one 12 horse power Steam Engine*.and other arid AdminiBtrttor Orangaburg, ?. C, Oet M, 1ST2. * set 19 St J. S. ALBERGOTT I t CHEAP GROCERY HOW, ?,.< I ffOlMj ^eJsKLL'si4lKat^J0)llAiLUOAD AVENUE. Uas oii^iaiiJj dnd constantly nrriving a well selected STOCK of / J j GROCERIES Which tiro oT rod at a v ry smal ad fan A 01 Cha listjQi J1 l'jnyjns in want of the following articles will do well t> call an 1 price before purchising : " f . Spl s, Shoulders,. Hams, Strips, Bugtrrs, I CofSee, Sjrup! "Mi.In sen, Floor, Cheese/ Biscuits, hard. Canned Good*, Jellies. Candy, Bronon, Qeletiue. Buckets, Brooms, Crockery and Glassware. fCaroe'n j and Naptha Oils. High cut Caph price paid fur.Poultry and Eggs. nov lG oct 12 k 1y WILHELM THEODORE M?LLER, Just received another LARGE SUPPLY of FAMILY GROCERIES. WANTED. 40 Dm. PRIME CHICKENS. 100 Drw. EGGS, (new borq ) 500 Hush. COW TEAS. 50UU Lbs GOOD FOD OHR. Yours Resppctfully, W. T. M?LLER JUST 'fiQUXD THE CiUtXER* nov |Q e if 4.. C S. A. SOUDER, Artist and Photographer, Hogs to inform the People of Orangcburg that }p3 will open a Qrnnoh of his CHARLESTON ESTALISHM KNT ?= BRIQGM ANN'S BUILDING. (HItime's Gallery,1) Main Street, and can Remain during tho n)QhU) qf NOVEM BER ONLY fur the purpose of making FINE PHOTOGRAPHS of every description. Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged to any desirable sizi. Views of Stores. Ilcsidencoa, etc., made on Reasonable Terms All Work fin ished in tl ic Same Elegance of Stylo as that for whic!? my iALLERY in CHAR LESTON is noted. A nice assortment of FRAMES, &o., at Reuiqnable Prices. Please call and examiue Spoj'iiiicus. . i nov 1) 19 tf New Store! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! JOS. ,11 o\ A MAUA IKflTES THE ATTEST/ON OP TIIK PCRL1C GENERAL NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK, C0MFlti&i*fl EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN THE VARIOUS DEPArtmfvt5 o. (i rn:ST-('LAS-i <;OI'XTltY STQItK, and fe.H eonfident that his fHenfl* can $ A VK MONEY by calling upon him before purchasing elsewhere. 1 request tin examination of my Stock?NO TLOUDIE TO S^IOW GOODS ggy Thanking my customers for past favors 1 soweit a continuation of the Name. nov 1 JOS. McNAMARA. T. Kohn & Bro, WE CALL ATTENTION rthis week to a Hojp assortment uf New Goods "~ It have been carofully ae- 1 ejith a view to meet the re its of our Trade and the appro |tr Customers, wo aeem ourselves fortunate in being able to pluce before tho Rub lie Complete uud Unbroken Lines of Goods, Second t^) in.ue \\i point uf iMylo and Beauty, and Ijr BKLCjW auy IN PRICE. -ta - ^. cQ B ? S ? ti S S 2 -^eaa^f \ ? J5a)|*"' W -urtsK BARGAINS IN 0>IWESS GOODS, SHAWLS, WORSTED GOODS, HOSIERY. Mol RNIN'G in every DBS IR ARLE STYLE. UNDER GARMENTS, * CORSETS and PANIERS. ! ' ? Woarom.w SHOWING the *? LARGEST STOCK Of Liriii'SEK EEPIJTCJ GOODS c.ey oOercd. ?We nfc prepared to offer greater inducement* ,th-in . ever, and we can assure our Cuetoujera that, not.witb ?tantRpg^the Popular U.-piit aiion wo have achiev ed, we a|iuU jCoptinue to keep our Liues of Goods fpr Uqusehold mid Domestic pur poses constantly up to tho Stand ard of tjbo best in Town.^t being continually ro- , plcnished with the Choicest (J.iods. QQ C.VitflMERES, J*J FURNISHING GOODS, ^ |H READY MADE CL-pTIIING ore always to be (pnpd at oar establish n.ettt. CQ : Boots,, Shops, Gaiter^ India ^tubbors Of.^ll STYLES and QUALITIES at the L-tDWEST PRICE 0 oct 26 k ly NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, V>(rA?VVUL-JtQ, ?? C,, t AJ |-? October 190?.. 1872, , * i ?>T ? ?* ''Juli N?'M?. U *jjerehj given that SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until November 16, 18Tlr?or-REBUILBING the POUR HQLE BRIDGES. A" Material to be furnished by th? Contractor. Nona of thepresOni Material tu bo used ?xoapt suea as la perfectly sound. J. FELDES MEYERS; Attest. JASL< Yam\ TAS8EL, Clerk. C. B. a; C oot jjk .81 TlrlTlIaltimOkC Kobery Demonstrates the oft-told take that cheap cafes, old fashioned safes, safes not up tq the times, aro the temptations to burglary. Pankers may provide watubinen, and may use other safeguards, but they will not put their money in the watchman's pocket, or trust in a tin or wooden bos, no matter how many guards are used. The safe, after all is the last respectable. No amount.of watch? ing or guarding will ever make a poor old stylo safe trustworthy. This is the citadel, and should be the best that can be made,. Turks is bct oxe debt. HERRINGS St FAR It EL, Nos. 251 and 2f?2 Broadway, corner Murray ?licet. -.Only manufacturers of Herring? New Patent. Champion Bank Safe.? Mcssra Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Agent?, Charleston S. C. ocl 5 tf THOS. W. ALBERGrOTTI, TWO DOORS EAST OF J. P. II A It LEY'S Rttgsell Street, Orangeburg, So. Ca.r Has JUST RECEIVED a freeh supply of FRENCH CANDIES. EINE CANDIES.' N UTS, all sorts, TOYS, CHINA WARS. Lar^e and Small FANCY BASKETS, kAisqns, PIOKLRS, &c , Ac. Also PRS&I! Rlt RAI) always on hand, an ! supplied toVc^ular customers every day at tholr doors. In my cako department you will find. FRUIT* CAKES FANCY CAKES. GANGERS, Ac., Always on hand anil fresh. FINE BRIDAL PRESENTS. FRESH PIES constantly on band. WEDDINGS' supplied with all kinds of Cakes and Confectioneries at the shortest i notice. Tho above "gooUi cannot be excelled ft quality and price. All work warranted to give satisfaction, olt 12 ly dec If DR?LIVEROSr li^ VLER IX rURE DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, 0\LS and VARNISHES, WINDOW GLAJ3S and PUTTY. Just received another lot of the YACU* UM" OIL for Greasing and Preserving Leath er. Also the DIAMOND SPECTACLE for Pre serving Sight. " ? * Also a Superior lot of CUTLERY, snca as POCKET KNIYSS, RAZORS, SCISSORS and PISTOLS. ' . Also a Choice and Select lot of FLOWER SEEDS. ' '"' .' : , Also rco^iving almost monthly 100 to 200 pounds PURE CANDIES. Onaraoteed. Also a fino lot of PERFUMERY aad FANCY ARTICLED. Call and satisfy voursjlves at the DRUG STORE of . T DR. OLIVEROS, Or a n g.-bu rg C. H., C-"-' Tiar 80 noT IS Jy PHOTOGRAPHnjaf ?mr/ T-T, ? '?' ? I herewith return MY THANKS Jho MY FRIENDS for their 1? A ST FAVORS And still hope to merit thoir future FATROJX AGE?<;<! ,1, valiiuy ^ ?fJK>K >k . ^ I am still over .. ^ | ^ CAPT. BRIOGMANX'S 8TORB Prepared to EXECUTE all WO ropareu to KXriCLJK aU W^ a.t INR in tho LATESK and MOST IM PROVED STYLE. W SATISFACTION guaranteed <e aiL CD. BLUME, ARTIST. July 20 a*120 . tf ^O.K 8ALE! SIX n?>?)RJ?) ACRES OF t.oop cottq.v axp c^ns't\xo9 Sincited on the Old Charleston Road, tho Brnncbyille Road ami tho Soufh Carolina Rail Road, one and a quarter miles below the THRIVING TOWN of ottANGEBURG. Will be sold'at jfctvet/d Sale la Lota to suit ?j ruro'hasers. ' ' ^ Those Lands ere High, Healthy, well Watered and Timbered, and hate beautiful Sights for Residences. Convenient mTjV$hy way to Orangeburgr Columbia, .Charleston, ftnd Augusta. " ' Persans ir. want of such Locations will please make application to the lu- Jersignecl within thirty daye from date. If not sold at private sale by that date, the*?e L?n*f<i will he sub-flivi'ded and sohl at public orn ery. THAI). C. ANDREWS. oct 10 ft -.-? ?-? I r-_, Notice of Dismissal Caroline Karick and D. J. Zeiglcr, Ad ministratrix end Administrator of the Es tate of Adam Korick gi?< notico that tsjev aii; apply"for a Final Discharge thirty days from date, 2Gth October, 1S72. ' ? oct2S i\ imwJ ,jlt ???' :t '?r.v.-,,, ? iNotiije.'Pf dismissal. N,(fTJA7E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the lSi h day of Nov.OJUC&Qr next, I will File my Final Aooount with tho Hon. T.had. 0. Andrews, Judge of Probate, end ask for Letters of Dismiasul us Admini?tri.tor of Uw ostato of Mrs. Rachacl Corbitt, decoased. . J. W. ROYLSTON, o 110--?t Administrator,.