THE OEANGEEURG NEWS GEORGE IlOLIVER, Financial and Bcsixkss Manageii. Ofllcitil Pap?vgi the State and of Orainffcburff 'County. SAM HI^JP, jflt fr 1872. Fore^l^|ideiit: Ulyssesr**ft.! Grant. Vice PreaMeatT Henry. Wilson, M iVS^J IJ U SETTS. '*?< Cur N^ |/dn)iiiis."? J^ufc uow that the campaign is over, mid i-hings .aro beginning to as mmi c tli.-ir -voutcd aspect, we thiuk that it is nil mit'df place for us to say a few words about OCR NEW A1?M IMSTRA - OStli ? ? "iti'n. I'^.j lie fii >f place,'Mir ."-t ttc is in debt, ], '1'^ju debt, an 1 requires a firm ai.d mi verfug.pulley-to lilt her out of it. Cur MStftti arc closed, the eiiuca .tun o; ifldten^s being urglectcd d< ti ;.n>ls^|^n1tiin. State Treasury arc nit v. ?'?h^JytVj'rp%" oin^no money." Our ] m.titic A^jJyoAffia being supported by piiviite oktttftTyad Our Pou-tontiiry is in an ? 'il'?ty^'?*fffr,lit'0?T Our Jiabili ti < :\v- *niif\ie'n?o, and tho taith and er? Uit 0Jt^^'5^c 1S 'O0 tf nly a thing of (be ITUjfuJTM^vt80 ''""J^ rerj'u "ro a nco enjoyed, and can n:akc h?r. b'ecc;?ic a Khiuing star among the S&gffif States. Now how can they ?fis^mplith all thih? Why, easily cnonj^i* Ht' tho beginning they must j rcputR?riPllfe idea of creating any fin til ler debt, Unless they can do so with the certainty of its. lein?; paid at the expi ratiotiyof the time allowed, and again they - should see to it, that the money colleiUltl'^for school purposes is paid only '"to the teat hers, and to none overnor Mores and the Gen *4rg it . oral ^tseinbly will do these things, and **? ' -W a .ai wc tye certain that they will, then our new -administration will be a prosperous one,'Hud will reflect k dazzling lustre upon the escutcheon of tho Republican party. Ln the words of Hunt: ?'lie who maintains his country's laws, ATOne H jj*.eat lUit hi Who brings to hor prosperity , Is the peer of Jove himself." I Our Inactivity, t! 99 . _ ? jjho November Klection is near at ha^d,,. and the Democracy nro exerting lltdu?#i?v*2s some what to try and elect at lctet opc4JJeiuocrat as 11 President!) I Ulfrctor^ und ftbey will succeed unless inert'i* nioi# enthusiasm, more energy i'iVa^'^ among t'U) llcpublicuns We inu^t#nyt t.^k'c everything lor grunted. JsVe ?'?i4,sa-?! not^c^npiitlietic, and let our Ktata' go' IgrJdgIjguJt. At all times' we niTis?iW?rH,aiid.ri\ik /??/ many rrmM^RM have won t?o easily, that We haVe'fcst that /ist, that incentive as it were, to battlo, ami we lako our way without ninch cxcrUon and win, but this is the bane of ??n of the fluid, for the reason that it is not sold under the name id' any excisable spirit and apparently an net of Falli ment will have to bo devised to moot the difficulty. cheap fooii.?Three pound.) of flour f said to emit tin as much nutriment as nine pounds of roast beef. A pint of white beans, weighing one pound con tains as much iis three pounds and a half of roast beef. A pound of common! goes as far an n pound of flour. Ifcorn and wheat were ground, und tho whole product, bran and nil, were made into bread, fifteen p"r cent, of nutriment would be s ivod.and much health fulness secured. Of all articles that can be Catcn, the cheapest is br -nd, butter, UlO'lnssCS, beans, and rice,?the cheapness being rated by the amount of nutriment contained, compared with the cost. -, |l IBM ? - ? Mil I - What it Costs to Use Tobacco. Tho man who spends thirty cents per day f?r cigars, will spend in forty yours, nt rate, >'} 3S0. And that young man that spiffs lii'ty cents per day forunncc cFsary cigars, will spend in forty years, j.t xlutt^rnte, ?7,300. Agni.i the man et'no -pviid.-. lii'ty cents, per week for chew -usg tuUicco, will spend in f ii'iy years, at tlint^rst?, #1. 010 Imagine a fun ly of .lilt.fbe father, uiollu r, am' two of th boys u-e loll)icco,ua?Uusingtiiiny cents worth per Weck, Thy W.ll spend in folly >ears, at that riltO, $2,49G. That loaned at ten per cent interest would iu for!y years?addiug tho interest to the [?riiicip!?amount to *0'J-M, when, Ic ' a\tn-fc time, ?cu^hey pesist u?, thistJft court <>; UNlTW? STAT 138. for TBj^feA?TKnN dihtbict of ?ocrrt Caro lina. In-tue Matt er ef ) Alfred J. Frederick, i Bankrupt. Baakrupt,. j >TO JJrOijS MAY CONCERN?The uh4er?%?cd J?erjfbl a?Ty*Tnotice of bis Ap pointment as Assignee of Alfred J.Frede rick, ef the Town of Orangeburg, in tbo County of Orangeburg nad State of South Chrolinn, Within raid Distriot, wii? bus been adjudged a BANKRUPT apoa his own Poll tioo by tko District Court of said District. Dated at Orangeburg the 1st day ef No vember, A. D. 1872. C. B. GLOVER, nov 2?fit Assignee. Do You Want NEW GOODS! GO TO BRIGGMANNS. IF YOU WANT CHEAP GOODS GO TO B'KIGGHAXN'S W II KHK YOU'LL FIND Any and Everything*. nov 2 tf JUST ARRIVED A ' bplenmd lot OF Mid^s^nd Horses FINEST DROVE OF HORSES LVER BROUGHT TO this mark et. Those In want of GOOD HORSE had better call at onco at the SALE STABLES OF W. ^T. S A ITsT CO. nov 2 ung 31 if NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ORAXtiF.BIlUfl Coontt, S. C, October 19th., 1^72. Notice is hereby given thai SEALED PROPOSALS wiU he received at this Office until November 10, 1872. for REBUILDING the FOUR HOLE It RIDGES. All Material lo be furnished by the Contractor. None of thfl present Material to be used except such as is perfectly sound. J. FELDER MEYERS, C. B. C. C. Attest. J AS. V an- TASSEL, Clerk. oct "Jo 'M NOTICE. By REQUEST of CITIZENS of the "FORK," I hereby notify the people of the -ai 1 vicinity, that I will HOLD COURT at V? ilks Sawyer's Stote, on Saturday, Nov. 2d, 1872, to-day. ?lohn II. Phillips, Esq., has been appoint ed Special Constable for the said t'ourt. A. F. BROWNING, Trial Justice. oct 10 8t for sali:! SIX HUNDRED AC 11 KS OF GOOD COTTON AND CORN LAND, Situated on the Old Charleston Road, the Dratichvilte Bond an t the South Carolina Hail Koad, ono and a quarter miles below the THRIVING TOWN of ORANGEBURG. Will be sold nt private Sale in Lots to suit Purchasers. These Lands arc High, Healthy, well Watered and Timbrred, and have beautiful Sights for Kesidenocs. Convenient in every way i o Orangeburg, Columbia, Charleston and Augusta. Persons it want of such Locations will please make application to the undersigned within Ihirtt days from date. If not sold at private sale by that dale, these bands will be ?ub-dividtd and sold at public out cry. THAI). C. ANDREWS, oct 10 7i Notice of Dismissal, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Til AT I will, oath* Dub day of November. 1872 tile our tin id account frith the Honorable Judge of Probate for Orangeburg County, as Administrator ?/ V. DrM AHS, See. The IIa Hi mo re Ilofoery Demonstrates the oft-told talc that cheap , safes, old fashioned safes, Bafcs not up to the times, are the temptations to burglary. Bankers may provide watchmen, and may use other safeguards, hut they will not put their money in the watchman's pocket, or trust in a tin or wooden box, no matter how uuiny guards are used. The safe, after all is the last rospcotable. No amount of watch ing or guarding will ever make a poor <>1 1 style safe trustworthy. This is the citadel, and should be the best that can he made. Turns is hit OX It hkst. II RR RINGS & PARREL, Nos. 251 and '2~>2 Broadway, corner Murray ?licet. Only manufacturers of Herrings New Patent. Champion Hank Safe.? Messrs Walker, Fvans& Cogswell, Agents, Charleston S. C. oct ? tf OTEAYEI) OK STOLEN ?20 f> REWARD.?A ltaik Bay Mar?, about 18 years old, with a piece of I?rIm cut off, was stolen or Btrayed from Ornugeburg Court House vii the 12th instant. The above reward \\iil be paid if delivered to RICHRD DAVIS, oct l'J?2t Rowe'a Pump, S. C. Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of sundry Executions lo me di rected I will soil Id the highest bidders, at Orangeburg Court House, on the first MON DAY in November next, for cash, the fol lowing |iroperty, viz: All that tract of land contning '.tin) acres, more or less, in the Fork of Bdisto, hounded hy lands of David Smoak, Benjamin 1* ooser llavid Boxnrd, Morgan Smoke, and Bdisto Rivers. Levied on as the proprcty of Isaac S Jennings, at the buii of Norman A. Hull. To be sold in two tracks, A LSO 1 House and Lot in the Town of Ol ange h?re, situated at the corner of Market and Amelia Street. Containing about } acer, bounded on the Fast by \V Ilutsou and South hy II. IL Riggs. Levied on as the proprcty of Elisabeth Marchunt, at the suit of George Buiivor, Clerk of Court. Sheriff's Ottice, ^ II. RIGGS, OrahgeburgC. II., S. C, [ S. C. C. Oct. U, lf?7J. j oct 12 Id Sheriff's Sales. "~W~ OT\XT\d 1.l!W.l? ?JJlrifcSfc: In Common Pleas. P. V. Di-.'.' v Adm'r, 1 Supp?e?netital Bill (/.? bo i" ?I ni lor nnd Assignee, I Injttnethvt, Marshal vs f * ling \s?e?is, Eli is O. Holatan, | Instruction and Adm'r, et. al. j Relief. By virtue of the judgement of the Court herein. I will sell nl Orangeburg Court House, oa Mond ty, the 4t"i d ly of Novem ber. 1872, during the legal hours of Snlo. Ail that tract of laud containing H\'\ acres, more or les?, in sahlCoilU'y, on whioh Absalom B. Glcaton and Julia F. his wife resides, being a portion of the hinds of which the lute Urbane E. Jefooat died seized and possessed, and formerly allotted to his widow under proceedings in partition in the Court of Equity for Orangeburg Distri -t. Terms: One-third eash, balance on n credit of twelve rr out Iis, purchaser to give bond for credit portion, Beaured by mort gage of the premise*, containing a covenant for resale on a breach of condition of Ron?!, and to pay tor papers, reoording and stamps. In ease of failure to comply, to be resold ou next succeeding Sale.lay. at foruer p irchas ers risk. A LSO G R A X <: K BT R f 1 COC N T V, In Pleas. Joseph Fiekling, ] Hill for Account, Adm'r, et. al. { Marshalling Assets, vs I Injunction and Kc Mnry R. Tyler, J lief. By virtue of the judgment of the Court herein, I will sell at Orangeburg Court House, on Monday, the 4th day ot Novem ber, 1872, during the lepa' hours of sale. 1 The remainder (after the determination of Mrs. Mary 11 Tyler s Estate of Dower) in 119 acres, m?.re or less, bounded North and West by other lands of the intestate D. S. Tyler, East hy lands of Lewis Garick, and South by lands of ti. \V. Kitt roll. ?J Track of 80 acres, more or less, bounded by dower tract and lands below described, and by lands <>t LewdsGarick. :! Trai l of 100 acres, more or less, b ?Unti ed t>y the two tracts above described, and In lands of Marion Gue C. Dowliug and J. w. Ree I. Plats of the ahove tracts are attached to the judgment roll, from n Surveyor J. J. Getsingcr, Serveycr, dated July 22, 1 H?*?t?. Terms: One-half cash, the halancc on a credit of one year, Secured hy bond of purchaser hearing interest firoin day ol Sals and a mortgage of the premises purchased, containing a covenant for resale in case of hreach of bond, purchaser to pay for paper stamps und recording. A LSO ORANGEBURG COUNTY, In Common Pleas. R. W. Bates, 1 Complaint vs > for Uavid W. Evans. ) Forcchsure, Ac. Hy vlrtnro of the judgment of the Court herein I aril lsell at Orungehurg Court Howie, on Mommy the 4th day of November, 1872, during 'he legal hours oT sale. All that plantation or track of land, situated in Saint Matthews Parish, Orange burg County, on which defendant resides, containing 1300 acres, more or less, bound ed on the NorthWeast by lands lately of Wado Evans, on the South by land! now or lately of VT. C. Evans, described in a plat of Thomas Medard Deputy Surveyed or, made in 11*00. Terms: Onc-hnlf cash, the balance on a credit of twelve months, secured by bond of the purchaser, with interest from day of sale, and mortgage of the promises purchas ed, in ? hieb shall be a covenant for resale on breuc'n of the condition of tho borid, pur chaser to pay for papers, recording and stamps Sheriff's Offer, Orangeburg C. II. S. C, V 8. O. C Oct. "Jth, 1872 i c oct 12 td STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Executive Department, j To iff Commirtiourm of Election : IN accordance with Section rt, of Article '.?, of the General Statut?? of this State, you are herehy notified and required to cause an election to be held in your respec tive Counties on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November next, being the ?th day of the month aforesaid, for seven (7; persons as Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States. Now, therefore, yon and each of you are hereby required with strict regard to the provisions of the Constitution and laws of this State, touching your duly in such case, to cause such Election to he held in your re spective Counties on the day aforesaid, and ?or the ascertaining ami determining the persons who shall have been duly elected thereat. All l>ar-rnoms and drinking saloons shall be closed on the day of election, and any person who shall sell any intoxicating drinks on that day. Bhall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for a period not less than one month, nor moro than six months. In testimony whereof I hnve hereunto set my hand und caused the great seal of the State to be utlixed, at Columbia, the Oth day o! October, A. D., 1872, and in the Ninety-seventh year of the Independence of the United States of America. ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor. F. L. CARDOZO, Secretary of State, oct. 28 3t official. OFFICE OFCOMjILSSIONEUS OF ELECTION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OnAXusDuna Couxtt Obaxgedubo S.C. October 20th, 1H72. Notice is hereby given to the voters of Ornngcbnrg County, that in compiacu with I i heaboTe Proclamal ion and in pursuau ?e of an act ol theOeneral Assembly approved Match 1. 187,0, entitled "An act, providing for the ioneral election and the manner of conduct ng the same, amended by an act approved ittarcdi 12, lb72, un election will be held in (ltd t'otoov of Orangeburg at the usual Colling precincts mentioned below, on the ?lh day of November, tor seven President oil Electors. Ail bar-room? and drinking saloon" shall be clcscd on ite day of election, and amy perei n who shall s?. 11 any uitox.eating drinks orfeef.o d.^-^^^^r^^^.11 bo guilty <.| a misdemeanor, *^aVr*^Tir^ToiTviot ton iru . ?r, shall bo fined in a sum not !e- ItnprisenOU not 14*41 than one month, nor more Ibau six mouths. The managers of Election at each Pre cinct will bo furnished with a box Whielt .shall be publicly opened and inspected, to see that it is puipty and -o cure, and then locked, just before the opening of ihre Polls', by two or more de* Int eres' cd parties, and the keys relumed ti the managers, and shall not be opened during the Election. At the cloy;? of (he Election the Managers and Clerk shall immediately proceed public?v to 0| On the ballot box and count the ballotd l hei til), and ContinUO such count with out adjournment or interruption until the same is completed, aud make such statement of the result thereof, and s-gn the tame as nature of the Eloctioq shall require, if in tinting two or more like ballots should be found leldcd together compactly. c?nly one shall be counted and the Others destroyed, but if they bear different names, the same ?hall be destroyed and not counted. If more ballots should be found on opening the box than there are names on the poll lict, ull the ballot* shall bo returned to the box, and thoroughly mixed together, and Oue^of the Managers or the Clerk Bhall with out seeing the ballots, draw tberefrom and immediately destroy as many bailotsas there aru in excess of (he number of names on the poll-list. Within three days thereafter the Chair man or one of the managers to be designa ted in writing by the Hoard, shall deliver to the Commissioners of Election the poll-list, the boxes containing the ballots, and written statement of the result ot the Election in bis precinct. The Polls shall be opened at ? i o'clock in the forenoon and closed at G o'clock in the aftern on, on the said day of Election, ami shall be kept open during these hours will-out intermission or adjourn ment, and the Managers shnll administer to each person offering to vo'e, an o.ith that they are qualified to vote at this Election according to the Constitution of this State, and that they have not voted during this Election. In compliance with the above, the PolU will be opened at the following places and the following persons are hereby appointed Managers of Election. A VINGERS?1). *R. Norris, January Mc Neil. II. Hieharlson. I.KWISVII.l.E -Dr. C. R Tabor, Rev. F. 11. W. Tnrrant, P. M. Jones. JAMISONS ?L. R. Rcckwith, Paul Go van. .1. Colter. ZE1GLERS? T>. C. Hihlebrand, Peter Gladcn, Israel MoGovan. FORT MOTTE?P. P. Porcher J. G Dun can, Jos. Stuart. BROWNS?J. D. Jones, John H. Phillips, Frank Jnimsons. FOG LBS? I). R. Fogle, John Wannamak er. Adam R. Flood. REARS or FOUR HOLES?W. S. llarton, W. II. Logan, Andrew S. Aycrs. F.I.LIOTTS?Caleb Guinnard.W. H. Rennet U. J. C. Knights. CLUB HOUSE?T. K. Koller, A. C. Wil liams. F. G. Williams WASHINGTON SEMINARV?Hugo She ridan. Robin Mass, Hilliard Hanton. BOOKH A RUTS?H armon Bush, William Pauling, Abram Mingo. (KHAR GROVE?L. T. lilar, Allen Br?>? n. Itinc Anlley. GUI FF1NS?Frederick Dandier, Dr. Vnight, Solomon Felder. KNOTTS?Joe. E. Knotfs, Rufus Whet- I atotn?, Joe Bush. j ORANGEBURG?A. A. Connor, Peter i Walkor. T. C. Andrews. EASTKRLING8?C. C. McMillan, A. G. I Mvcrs, Julius Auabern. COR BETTSV 1LLE?G. J. Odom, Robert Washington,-Federick. FEEDERS?.A. P. Connor, Re*. Thos. Phillips. Henrv Phillips. RPANCHViEEE?F. W. Fairy, W. n. Beedish Edward G?-eon. HOWES PUMP?T. F- Barton, Van ly Uowajaja, Jainea Melvin. 1 GLEATOSS?Barnct Livingston, Nero* T. K. SA8P0%TAS, ^ LI.airman Board, Commissioners of Elections. TDismissaL ??* Kaflkfed D. J. Zeigler. Ad. ?rix lu.Stk Administrator of the Re idmn firictgivo notice that ttavy \y for ?inw Discharge thirty days 2t?t h Oesj#cr, 1872. 4t Administrator*?* Notice...-AII persons hiiring Claims agninit tbs Es tutu of W. D. Dell, deceased, are requested to present them immediately to the under signed, and all persons indebted to said Es tate will make immediate payment. A. J. IIYURICK. Oet. .31 st, 1872. Administrator. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER FROK th/fd'robate Court i?f Orangeburg Coun ty, I will sell lor cash, on Wednesday, the) Gth of November, nt the Plantation of John T Jennings, deceased, in the Fork of the Bdistos, H or 10 bend of II orses and Mules, 80 or 40 head of Cattle, a few Sheep, Corn* and Fodder. Cotton Seed, Wagon and Cart, 1 Buggy, Grist Mill. Cob Mill, Oin, one 12f horse power Steam Engine, and other arti cles usual on a Plantation. P. P. JENNINGS, Administrator. Ornnseburg, S. C, Oct 8th, 1872. oct 111 3t Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the 1 Hth day of November next, I will File my Final Account with the Hon. Thad. C. Andrews. Judge of Probate, and ask for Letters of Dismissal as Administrator of the' estate of Mrs. Itachaol Corbitt, deceased. J. W. BOYLSTON, oct 10?It Administrator. THOS. W. ALBERGOTTI, TWO DOORS EAST OF J . I?. IIARLEY ?. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, * * a wti V*et.*i*? VARNISHES. &c. *A splendid lot of S*l ATIONKRY. PERFUMERY and SOAPS in great v?* riet v. A* fine stock of CIGARS and TOBACCO. And one of the finest assortment ef POCK I'.T KNIVES ever offered lure at the prices. Prescriptions currfully prepared. OFFICE HOURS on lbs SABBATH? From 9 to 10 A. M.. and from^1 to 5 P. If 1 ?Ml 2 ? PHOTOGRAPHING! I herewith return jNt^T rri l A ANTICS to my FRIENDS for their PAST FAVORS And still hopetojncrlt their futnrs PATROX AGB. I am still CA Prepared^ta^nHPCll^PH^nsWla ?? LINE in tko LATESE sad MOST IM PROVED STYLE. fey* SATISFACTION guaranteed ta aU. ?. D. 1IIA!MK, ARTIST. july 20 apl 20 tf Notice to Creditors. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. In Common Pleas. r. P. Jenning?, Adm'r of John T. Jennings, 1 r P. S. Felder nnd others, Cred itors and heirs at Law. j By an order in this ease it is provided: II. That all Creditors of J. T. Jenningsv deceased, be enjoined by publication from commencing separate suits against his AdV ministrator. or enforcing any Liens on tha Lands of which he died seized, until the further order of this Court. III. That tho said Creditors do prover their Claims before Mortimer Glover, Esq.r as Referoe, st Orangeburg on or before the first of January next. MORTIMER GLOVER, Referee. Ornngchurg, Oct. 17th, 1872. 19 4t DE. OLIVEROS, DEALER IX PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES, WINDOW ? GLASS and PUTTY. t * yr?" - , t#i rv ?1 i *,. Jusf receiveJ. another fiifftMt&AftT U M OIL far Greasing and Preserving Leath " Also the Dl AMOND-SrEOTACLK for Pre - | serving Sight. i*^* i Also* Superior lot of CUTLERY, such as POCKET KNIVES, RAEORS, SCISSORS and pistols. Alia a Choice sad Select lot of FLOWER SEEDS. ? Also receiving almost menthly tOO la J00 pounds PURE CANDIES, luarantee*. Also a nno lot of PERFUMERY sad . FANCY ARTICJUAL^ Caltasvk t*aa?fy jourrolves-ai tha DRUG STORE otT ""?"?TT* -; Wt OLrVERfX% Ornngchurg C. R?.C. nav 30 nov 18 1/