FrjAKOIA?, &*$?BBA1, 8HPT ?7 Wilsen, '' ml I i;.iiuu WjlJgHtf if.flatus does not go wjto ef-Qov, Orr'f inspirations o f tVUiiIl Tii iT Mi -1fr8umter iYsv* against the Orr Rfciojrff ^?i^f Rtn l (anm? 'ir t? the Osryntlsr and Butler om of 18Yo. "Wo MW wea a (tfs?pse of the she^'now^-days. i .. . . . i ... 'pid J^..?raat sssd the gallant Msj. Merrill down here for the purpose of arresting #e fUKlttxnr todrowo, with hi? band) the voice of free speech ? This shoulder strapper should be to know bill Judge T.J. MaV&*yis doing gallant act vie* in tbe Hp try. Wherever iiit* voico is heard, tap i^tpwibis whin ing cr?\r who are laid to ba booked by the Federal appointees, haog their heads iti^sbame.. Xl is said that Collector Clark has imassijfl four per cent, of the salaries of his Assistants and laborer*, in tbo Custom House in Charleston, for tho purpose of dofruying the expense* of.Jt.ho Bol^w, campaign against hones ty. It tWe fellows are fco honest it would aorn ?bat tbo people would rally to thorn without' moBoy and vithout price. The Charleston Republican, that queer jouualistic phenonaoeou, which! waudcrs forth on occasions Hum tne"cor-T uur of floating and Market streets has iiorniuated its editor for the Legislature, declaring that, by his election, the lions und tbO lambs of Charleston would b ? jnado to clasp bands across tbe bloody r Our clever neighbor of the .whose enterprise and fertility of Hfppuaticu hare never b.-eu equalled, \filj;jind cause for emulation now. We, fcaij,. that the ambition of tbe iy too ridiculous to be ec hoed Lord, deliver us ! ^mmi tte?ev Orr, our modern Solo mou?with tho wibdom ol the ancient I*lace Cprbio astride a rhinoceros, and .. S' r ? ?letvhim be preceded by tbe baud of the the^ ^military v. satrap, Maj. Mcr r^^u^'y^ur JViepds will bo found fol lowing : in .the wake. From this, our readers fan' infer who aro Orr's tools. -1 ? ?i fto County OonTention. kw a ,;i . w-. **|Iu a few weeks tho County Conven tion \vill transpire. Perhaps never be ?qsc iju. the bjstpry of.this County, cer tainly never io that of tho Republican n. The sound judgement of the tnas.scs.can be appealed to in no other-maftwef. We waft, a1 tfctkj^bg* qnaMtfes will .com MCftd itself even to lb4 oppoeite party. ' -ows- fate . for 3 eara^-potbapt forever ! ^low oa^tionsly v guarded w* should be iu^ every aet* of our political lives! It devolve! upon thn shoulders ot f?r*ry so pat forth his boos | If V^^^ss^l^l afcoald befall us, the penalty that ?ill follow must be wkhow* ^.mur muring on our side. Republicans, do your doty, perfuna it faithfuly snd with an eye Used upon the fat ore interest and ths good of your party. A Charleston oontempory has the foilpwing iu relatiou to the Circuit Solicitorship: '?Thero has been considerable talk about the Solieitorshlp of Charleston County, nod there sre now two gentle mon Claiming to be the regular candid ates of the Republican party, C W. Butts, Ksq., and L. C. Northrop, Esq.. We argue that it is a well known principle that every Convention i limited to the purposes of it* oall, aud the nomination of a Solicitor was not srnong the purposes of the call of the .Columbia Convention, and we therefore think ' it mote thab probable that the County Convention will repudiate the action of the delegates ia Columbia on this subject, aud will chose delegates the n> sei van to make the nomination. Thig \\as bees the prtetice l%^r*?tofore, and as it hss boen the custom, it has, therefore, become the law. We expect, from these reasons, and from what we have heard, that the County Conven tions of Oraagoburg aud Chat lac too will saasaa to this matter. Vor tbo life ol us we cannot see by ?hH right delegates to a State Ceaveu ties), "eddied tor certain purposes aud SftttfcBg objosts, not elected fos that pur teas and sot oven authorised so to do, chose candidates for County offices, and we think there are now uo roul corni mos in the field, for the Solicitnrship. We believe that this mutter betougs exclusively to the Circuit and that i: will be detormioJ withiu the Circuit." A Kew Bead Proposed for th.* Fork. At the hat soasion of the Legislature an Act was psoasd to establish a public road in the Counties of Barnwell and Orangeburg, leading by the most direct route from Bamberg to Fogies mill The Act confers upon ocrtain'person* there in uamed, the authority to order out all^^ftons fiafcfo* to^Mgh way duty, who rseidie within five miles of the line of ssid road, to peeform throe days labor, in each month on said highway until its completion Ninc-tcutha of ths citizens of the Fork being actively op posed to the establishment of the pro posed road, and it having been alleged tbst the petition to live last Goueral Asaembley to have it opened, was not signed but by a handful of the people in the Fork, a petition has been drawn up, directed to his Honor, Judge R. F. Or ahum, praying that an injunction be granted, to stay work on sjid high way until the Legislature shall assemble when an effort will be made to have the law repealed. The main and strongest reasons in the petition, asking for an injunction sre: 1. That many of the names aoout panyiug tho quasi petition, which was p.eeonted to the Legislature, praying for the passage of the above mentioned set, were obtained without the know ledge or consent of the persons which they represent, and were therefore for ged j snd She fast can be established by the ott iavit? of the parties to whom tho injustice was done. 2. That a largo number of your peti tioners living withiu five itt'les of tho line of said road aa now located, knew nothing whatever o' mo ?ameuw of any position to the General Assembly, praying for the construction of said road, and. was not oven coguizaut to the pas sage of the set in relatiou to it, until assessed to perform duty on said high way. 3. That the usual- novice of ninety days was not advertised iu the County parper. 4. The petition praying the Quo oral Assembly for a oharter for said high way was clandestinely circulated in Oraugeburg and Baruwcll Couutics, and Was generally presented to those who were known to favor tho opening ot'stid highwuy, or. to those not liable to high way duty, 5. The merchants aud other citizens of Bamberg who nearly make up the sum total of the citizens of liorawe I County, in favor of the opening of said highway, and whom, it is intended to benefit moro than any others are, strange to say, ectempf hy this -specf:tl apt from ?Working on ths* particulorr?hij?bw?y. - ft. The Oiangebovg side of the South ftdiato River Swamp; through which said highway will lead as deoigu.itcd by the Commissioner*, is a low fiat, deep, marshy area, of land, subject to overflow to the depth of several feet, extending jn width fjorp the yirer bmV tr> (he i'mmmm oMfc .Mured ywd?. The di?ten?? itfVWth in cmmed by auniercw* takes an* lagoons, mhich will require over one hundred yards in width of bridges to spaa them, independent of the enormous oarthen dan or causeway, wbieb it will be nseessary towuild to render tho swamp passable for"loaded vehicles. The entire width of tbe swamp 00 the Orangeburg side of the river, at this point, is at leut jeventeen hundred and sixty yards. To complete this dam, and build tbe necessary num ber of hollow bridges will require an in calotilsbln ejttlag of labor, which the merits of tbe matter in question do not now, and never will hereafter half justi 7. To calculate what it would coat, and the length of time it would proba bly require to complete this dam and these bridges is beyond tho power of any man to solve or to approximate, as near ly everything depends on tho state of the weather. Except when the river ia ex tremely, low which is not generally tbe case, more than onco or twice duriug tho twelve months, it would be next lo im possible to complete the dam at all, as tbe water would wash away tbe dirt as s jom as deposited. 8. Tour petitioners further ahoweth mat the periods at watch the waters of the South Edisto River are most likely to be shallowest, are during tho lato Summer months, when malarial fevers are moat apt to be contacted by exposure aud your petitioners in rendering service in tbe atiasmatio bags of the South Edisto River Swamp at such time would be plueing their lives is jeopardy for no benefit t?> themselves. 9. Your humblo petitioners further bboweth that it is the object of all law to do tho greatest good to the greatest u ember. The operation of the lawe relative to this proposed road militates to tho best interests, aud is contrary to the expressed will of your petitioners. 10. We have btrong grounds for ex pressing tho conviction, (hut upon the presentation to the Legislature of tho origiuul petition, praying for the charter for the above-mentioned road, falso re presentations w.-re made, and that the member who introduced the bill in rela tion to said road, was not aware of tbe iujustice of framing suoh a law at the titn" be introduced tbe bill. 11. In conclusion your petitioners pray and ever will pray your Honor to grant an injunction te be served on J. D. Cicckley, J. S, Bauiburg, F. E. Sa lmas aud Daniel Quattlebaum, the Com missioners created by this special Act, and cause them to stay work on the aforesaid road till the meeting of tho General Assembly whea- your petitiouer* hope to have said Act repealed. That the popoeed road will do the County of Oraogeburg no good what ever ia evidenced in the foot that the bill- to establish it mas gotten up oa tbe Barnwell aide of tho river. It passed - the Senate through tho influence of C P. Leslie, and was galloped through the House in such a hurry that scarcely one of our members knew of its passage. It is manifestly in tbe merchuntilu interest of Bamberg, and if completed will de teriorate from that of our town. Agaiu, the road will jiquire an annual outlay ot five or six hundred dollars after it id built (0 keep it in repair lor travel. Our citizens will have to be taxed to raise this money- It will be expeuded, uot for the purpose of euhauciug tho inte rests of our County, but lor the building up of tho trade of & town that is a rival to theirs. The above petition will bo circulated among our citizens for signa tures. We have uo doubt of his llouor, Judge Graham, hesitating for a moment to grunt an-injunction, upon the grouud( act. forth therein. Tbe road will certuioly injure tbe trade of Oraogeburg to n considerable extent, and we call upon our merchants to loud their aid aud assistance to the effort to restrain the Commissioners from proceeding any further uutil the Legis luture meets. Tub Art or Making Montr.?One great ;a use cf the poverty of the present day is the failure of many people to ap preciate small things. They say if they can nut save large 'urns, they will not save any thiug. They do not realize how a duily addition, be it ever so small, will make a large pile. If the young men aud women of to-day will ouly be gin, and begin now, to save a little from their earnings, and invest it in some savinga bank and weekly or monthly add to tbeir mile, tboy will wear a happy smile of content and independence when they reaclv middle life. Not only the pile itself will increase, but the ability and desire it increase it will soon grow Levthe clerk and tradesman, laborer and aitisan, make now and ut once a beginning. Store up some of your force snd vigor for future contingency. Let parents teach their ehildren to begin r-ily to f.*re. Begin at th* foundation heeTto^os^ m reit tu > between the choose our youth go on ganeo for, fifteen. y< hare foir fifty years have a nation of aristocracy. Let as sare in email sui shall be free from, bitious for extra vi that which it is to obtain?iudo] sble home. Weall j danco is within tl be had by only ~oi New Jersey Mec??tmta, stream of extra r?-* rk Will be easy to ssssjriebc*. Let way of etrava to oomo, as they past, sad we shell with a moneyed ] generation of such bo resred, sod we rant. Do not be aro int fortunes, but seek I?. duty of erery man leppo aad^a ootnfprt in suSeient abua leh of all. It can process?saving.?- 1 f Wry ws Should Weak Beards. ?There are more inducements for wear ing she beard than) the mere improve - munt of a man's pe/raonal, and the culti ?ation of such an Aid to the every day diplomocy ot Ufa/ -The hair of tlu moustache not ool tnro and miasma: the air from dose smoky oil lea. It scientific manner le* home like 6:. a spplinaces w Tofiatt and Li vi and many other t night oo wrapper J A remurkable fa like the hair oft the best of the su absorbs the mo is bo fogs, but it strain soot of our great, also in tho moat ?y taking beat from the warm breath alp it leaves the oheot, und supplying it tt i the eold air taken in. It is not only- ? respirator but with a beard entire we t Sra supplied with a comforter as well, i and - those are aeve r the umbrella and all n they are wanted, tone, the explorers velcra, say that at equal the beard, too that the beard head, protects agaiust ; tt acts as the thatch does to the W? httsjse; but, more thau this, it becomes m oist with perspiration, and then by evap< >ration, cools the skin, A man who aoce*. it* this protection of | nature may tace ?be rudest storm and the hardest wiute^. He may go from the hottest room into the coldest air without dread, or d we verily believj he uji-U sleep in a morass with impunity, at least bla-ohaojeVof escaping the terri ble fever would feje better lhao his beard less companions. ( * aW"^ '" ''aaaWi i ? Where tbb ?"Contounded Moth er" Was.?A gwbtleroau who camo up the Hudson an tho St. John yesterday, tells this story : ? "I noticed," ha said,4 a serious look ing man, who looked as if he might have been afslerk or a book keep sr. The man seemed tobecaripg for a crying baoy, awr-was eWiag c^^tUiWig he OL COMMISSION JJR. 1 Oa*?c|*c*ov c*V9TX, aV:Ci September 6tbr 1873. All persons desiring to teach in the Pteb lie Schools of Orangeburg County ere here by notified that the Hoard of Examiner wiii be in Session from 21th of September and continue in Session until 28thr 1*72. Per ?ons wishing to be examined must apply by letter' and state what Branches they wish to teach, a recommendation is also required. The Session ef each day will coinmene* at 10 o'clock A. M. and close at 2, P. at. E. 1. CAW. T. C. ANDREWS. B. TURSISR. Sept 7 8t "INSTATE NOTICE_411 Per Xjj bods indebted to the Estate of the late Captain Daniel Zcigler will wake payment o the undersigned, or to T. H. Cooke, Esq., Attorney at Law, Orangeburg, S. 0. All persons luring demands will present tbem as above properly attested. JANE M. ZETOLER. Qualified Executrix. September 7th, 1872. 8t Notice of Dismissal. T^TOTICE IS HF.REBV GIVEN THAT ON r^j the 6th day of October next I will rile onr Final Account with the Hon Thad C. Andrews, Judgo of Probate, and aak for Letters of Dismissal aa Executor of the Es~ ato of L. A. Carn, deceased. EZRA CONNOR, sept 7?At Executor. Notice of Dismis .al. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the 4th day of October next, 1 will Silo my Final Account with the Hou. Thad. . Andrews, Judge of Probate, an ask for Letters of Dismissal as AdminissratoT of the estate of Jas. W. Barber, deceased a. o. HOLM AN, sept 7?h Administrator. IN THE COURT OF PRORATE. W ribras, J. II. Felder and John Sanders hath applied to me for letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Oantt William-?, late of Orangeburg County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear be fore me at a Court of Probate for tire Hard County, to> be holden at. Orangeburg on the lHili day of September 1872, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any, why the said Ad ministration should not be granted. Given under my hand and the Seal of my Court, tbia 4th day of Sept., A. D. 1872, an 1 in the. ninety-sixth your of American Indepeudence. THAD. 0. ANDREWS, sept 7?2t Judge of Probate Eureka Chapter, No. 13, R. A. ML The- REGULAR! CONVOCATION of the above CHAPTER will be held on Friday, September 13, at 5 o'clock P. M. By order of M. E. H. P. THEODORE KCIIN, August 81?2t Secretary. Rally, Rally, Republican*, Rally ! The REPUBLICANS of thrangebarfl Coun ty Will assemble in MASS-MEETING Si the Court House on Saturday 7th Sopf ember Ths Citizens of the County are invited to at tend. v. J. Moses, Jr., Judgo T. J*. Maek ey and R. II. Cain will speak. J. L. JAMISON, Chairman County Republican Party, aag 31 2t SCHOOL NOTICE, The EXERCISES of Miss R. S. ALBER GOTTI'S SCHOOL will be resumed on MON DAY, SEPTEMBER 2d. at the reaidenee of j Cap. T. A. JEFFORDS. Russell 8treet. The greatest care and attention given to the studies and deportment of pupils placed under har charge. For terms apply as above. August S! tf NOTICE. The BOARD OF HEALTH appointed under an ordinance of June 20lli, give notice that it is tSeir intension to commence a GENERAL INSPECTION of the PREMISES of the citizeno, on the 27th of August, and invite the co operatinn of all, in CLEAN SING and PURIFYING thc'>r YARDS and LOTS, so as to render any compulsory courso unnecessary Regarding the health of tlie Community as of special importance, and having the power to enforce an observ ance of the" ?'HEALTH ORDINANCE," they ho(n that all the citizens will assist in securing tb? aim of the Board. By ordor of DU. A. S. SALLY, .1. A. HAMILTON, Clerk. aug ifl ' ft WArf TKIK-AaV ExttftfWeiwd* CLERK' irf the Grocery and Dry Goods business, is wanted at Lewisville 8. C?, any one applying will be required to furnish testimonials of business capacity nird character. For ftfrtber information apply to, L. D. CLARK. St. Matthews, P. O. S. C. asjg. 81 * 2t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the l??h of September next. I will file my finul accoutt* as Administrator of W. L. vYaunsritsfcer, dee'd. in the Probate Court of this County, and ask for my final dis charge. N. E. WANNAMAKER, Administrator. Orangeburg, Aug. 9th, 1872.?10, 4t 1}. AV. ROBINSON, MEUCHA NT T ILttlt, IIa? REMOVED and is now' LOCATED on Rusk 11 Street over F. H. W. BRICGMANN'8 STORE, -vhere ho is pre pared to*PIT. gentleman With CLOTH ES of the SKWEerT a?d tneKt AP PROVED* 8*m.i6f SATISFACTION guaranteed in every in itance. D. W. ROBINSON, ajd 20 NOTICE. * Oramomom 8. C. Aag*" *-?U? 1872. Notioe to hareey cjtoem laa?she ef Boeatisailoa win asset ft* tjbto flpass on Monday September 24, 1872, far t**B*rp< of equalising tbo personal property, and credits of said County, and will con tinue in session for several days. JAB. V ABYSSAL, Coaawry Aadtter. aag. 88 It QTH4YEB k3 from my pjaco oa Liaaaetoaa ea Tieev" day the 27th instant, a BAY MARB with short maae and all four of bar feat white, and round while star in forehead- A labe re] reward will he paid if returned to J. O. DcrONT. ?U?81 _ RKAD THIS i MERONET ft BAXTER! WILL DOJ THE HAULING FOB THE MERCHANTS OF OBilTCIEBVB? CHEAP AND WITH DISPATCH. as?Y* They are also nrepared f o BOARD HORSES and hire BUGGIES and CAR RIAGES at moderate prices. Call on them at Maroney's Hotel MERONEY A BAXTER. aug 31 tf JUST ARRIVED I,OT or Virginia Hortes. DROVE OF BORSE& EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MABKfeT. Thoee in want of a GOOD HORSE had better call a\f once at the SALE St ABLES OF sag 81 tf THE EU ?LTJX. Raid through our qfdtet village sometime age, did not engender air much EXClTEMElSTt As did the intelligence that Mr. HERMAN W?HLERS DESIGNED opening A FIRST CLA'SS DRINKING SALOON IN OUR MIDST. And when THE FACt Wae RKAWZED, The confusion of the people was alsaect equivalent to THAT Catrfced te the buildera of the tower of Babtl when their language was confused. SOBA, aiSi WHISKEY, AND BRANDY CO0KTAIL8, Such as we had nerer .toes before?WINES, t il VMPAIGNES, and' SEGAttSHbe like of which were as rare as a white crow, or ice in June. ALE and LAGER, that would make the leanest man in the world fat, are onlv a part of MR. W?HLERS COLLEC TION that Caused so much Fright tb us all. To this Day There are men whose LIPE IS IX A DOUBTWL CONDI TI??L *?*-!- ?-_- ? ? ? Hvhta ?aauftifaaUk. ronu?Rt LOAFERS To keep away oe paiu of a heavy PENALTY. To this day there art others who had lost their power te be genial?whose nerves were reudered unsteady by the use of baa liquors, and whose countenance bore a '>,. ncast shaapiah look?to this day tmm . Ivrrtiser saya there are men like these, who have been happy, infinitely so siaee imbibing once at MR. W'S SALOON. There fore the exarsatioa. COME, ALL YK Thai thirst for healthy beverages, the de pressed, the aged?and the poironed AND RECEIVE THE BALM That can only be had at the ENTERPRISE SALOON. You'll Fin* No LOAFERS. NO HANGERS AROUND, NO Mea whose aye* are redeaed with MIXTURES OF STRYCHlSfNfl . CR^QSOfU J Yasr-R find a ewsiel healthy- sat af TEMPER ANOB LOOKING MEN, and the greatest desire ott the part of tho PROPfflCTOR is t r please the' wants ef hi* oustomepH, Area sea a total a* ^aT^Kpitvtuiirij occupied by JOHN" ?M' opposite Messrs Bull Scovill and Pike. J. II. WAHLERS. July 13 s tf Lsags si Le4ge !???, rjr) r?*?e.* P S.?Ail aU w*%%*m*m10mmL*mm a*. ear ara Bftsevtelle^SBrilBBlAeiaABBaA mjUa ;? ???' tf ?Hf abwiM^'' or mn OR ANCrEBUMfr A^RICtJ^TlT??l. SOCIETt WIM. BB ?Ei? AT ANDREW'S FAGTUaX MI|ktp||^ ??MUgJfftrt of. TtwMuWmjrfer #1*4. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A*-" nonnee that they ?tre Basking arruai menu to deublo the PREMIUM LIST. and to increase the attractiveness of the FAIR it* every particular. They appeal to the pBOft? of the coftnty for their ce-operatioe tm fm work of tftakia* to fl great oucceas. TBe hvdioB especially arc invited to iisMliltBjftf; and more than twice as znaay paaBBBBBB%BBl at the late Fair, will be offered tot that* de partment. ' 1 ? ' The -?' ' H in i IIBBBBJ II Bj||ltl l I iaBBB oBerieV r a.?* r^r?.*^ ;f[ DEPARTMENT A.?field cm***]. For largest, yield of cotton upo? BM acre,' 10. ' ;~ .#*3*? F?r largest yieU of e?*ai ?pa*> **a ?eres of high land, $15. - For largest yield of corn upon tri aertS of swamp ratfd, $15. - For largest yield of com open Ott? acre of* high land.- $5. J-'or the largest yield of cor? upon one acre of swamp land, $5. ^For largest yield of Bice upon one acre. ^Fot1 largest yield of ?c*a upon one acre, For larseas yield otfPweet Potatoes ape* oae acre, $5. For Unrest yield, of Irish; potatoes upon f For largBBt ytefctof turnips ape* }4aW*V $2 50. . For largest yield of GrMto* B*ts +*WkHK* acre, $8. . FOr the lBYg- st yield of Hat ire ?TW**? upon uKftTttT "A lu 1 - For larwaeC yield a*tSe> Vfcae *a# apon owe aare, $e. Fo> large.* yield of Sorgbwaa 8yr?p $** ob? fccra, $6. . ? For largest yield of Swgar Cane N?*?p from I acre. $5. Parties wishing to oaeapaia for these PrevmOmts- mmm* -aoiirj rasr JTaXBii'UaBi C?B> mittoe before commeucingto girhatf'r?e* re apective products, in order" that srrratige nie nts mnj be made fcr an in - partial tea*, of Ike respective yields. Those premickbs t. be paid ra AariauUnral Tools' a* f at Bvarfee't rates. sample* ortitors JOHN W. SELLERS, Bs?,, BaBjliiBSt^dBnt. 17 P/BBilBBBa, worth bbbbj 1 to $>nt ' C. garden and' orchard .r?& Maj. JOHN" J1. SALLEY, top n IbI BBjaB* ? 12 Premiuma worihjfrom 1 t?-AlO!', household dmt a htment. D. KEATING N0BRI8, Esq., 8up*rin't. 28 PremioBM wseAfe fron 3 to $8. WACtHNEEY and wanXfWACtVEES. Cet. PAf?E. fWaBI 21 Preatidtna w>?>Mb Ml 4 JOHN W. BAKTELE?; EsSoperi?,t. 50 Premitisaa worth froaa 1 to BIO. stove:?bouses and mules. Ob. ALEX R S. SALLEY, SuperinUndent. 20 Premiums, Medals and DiploBiafr 2. c?ttlm. IlENRT N SNELL, SoperintOBJUBU 10 Premiums, Medalrand Wplawer. 3; OTHER stock. Cox. JOHN C. EDWARD?, 8nBeriBtondent. IB Pruiniuim. Meil^.!^ maid DinloBBBaV' In this Department especially, as well as* in others, separate Premiums ftre ejYers4 for Imported Aaimala and ActioleB. rOWLTET. J. GEORGE V08E, Esq., 8irp?rintfeB4en^ 12 Premiums worth tram'? to $6: WLOEtCULTVRS. T-. C. HUBBLE, Esq., Supertailililtil. 5 Pratftiama worth from 1 to, $3. I , miscellaneous. Carrt JOHN A. HAMILTON, Scporlafen't 20 Premium worth fratti 2 to MO. Those dsjalrlrvg to oahibit, or to BBtertain further particular s, are r* owe a* eft to apply ? o any of tne nnderaigned for information Premiums wltl also 00 offered, for plawing^ and for athletic skill: A naw, varlra and at tractive prograaaaia of wmuWaaeats will be curried out, under the ?barge of a com poteat committee of gratleaaea, whoao aataas' willaeroafUr appear. Every eifert will bo Btad4 to render the FA1B worthy of ha great Agricultural sec tioB'Bf wh;aht)iaaaBjbM?|fU bke SaWfJl abb>' in order that this shall h4 the ease, the work of preparation b?? be part lei pat?4 ia by> an wirb bat? the interest or ottr*8Ut* a*d cbtnty at heart. AANCEfL I?BALE, WBWKV v*. CUL^aTB; HAK PIN RIGO-, \ ? - Bit?irwrt? V aatataittmi. u:-21 er*