The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, June 15, 1872, Image 5

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Dry Details?The provisions of the liquor law. They don't say hogs in Indiana; "crude bacon" is the term. An organ grinder of Taunton, Mass., has a bank account of 910,000. lebody has discovered that 1,500 HssaMMI of ?i? alte of 1'ittsburg were once ? TJliMUlmif' r'yrr i1 "Ti lir * m ilrr fitrttr outh who drinks beer Mlhef night. - i?aT * fcna is a cat iii Westport, Conuedt takes delight in otching , y\? of Michigan died of? by barrel last winter, the cold weather 'V-ir commissary supplies, dog recently followed a thirteen miles, aud over at lust. Ilia matter was on board. a b?y down east so bright unit her has to look at him through a piece of smoked glass. loftico Greelty Bays there will bo no iuut crop this fall. He says the 'h?ldp^rtAf%dfctuer killed the buds on {flriMMtdgit ffebt. ?CY? youchango a two dollar bill '!' t>aid an impecautovu drinker to the bar tender. 'Yes.5 VYfrH, when I get a two dollar bill I'll bring it in.' A great many boxes arc beiug manu factured in Aikon to ship peaches as t-oon tts they ripcu. The crop will bo small. A little b.u*?y ' bumble bee" drove a man out of church at Indianapolis, the other day. by tryiug to gather honey irom his bald puto. "Old u?jo is coining upon me rapidly,'" as flic urchin said when he was stealing rjupples from an old man's garden, and suw the owner comiug up, whip in hand. A Revenue Assessor in Ohio, asking o the" usual questions, inquired, 'Did your -3a*ifb have any income last yeur V 'Yes,' replied the assessed, *ehe had twins? lutlrgirls.* What would ynu do if mnmma should die?' asked a lady of her little three-year old girl. lWoll, mamma,' was the mel nuchol^ Tesponsc' 'I s'posc I should li ne to spank myself.' A u-an in Kansas lately rode twelve Viilcs, heing bitten by a rattlesnake, be fore he could get mcdicsl assistance. He did it in less than an hour aud.u half und his life was saved. ?4T wnudrn^, where those clouds arc going," tdghed Flora, pensively, as she pointed! with delicate finger, to the heavy masses that floated in the sky. "I thiuk thoy arc going to thuudcr," suid her brother. Conversation between ioquir ng stran ger nndsteamboat pilot: "That is Black Mountain 7" Yes, sir. highest mountain aiout Lako GsosgeJ' "Any titory or legcud connected with that mountain?*' "Lqtsof'cm. Two lovers went up that mountain once, and ucver came back ggft^u ?" /'Indeed ? What became of them?"' "Went dowu the other side." A romantic marriage occurred at Cleveland, Ohio, last week, the parties to which had never secu each other until an hour before the ceremony took place. This novel affair was brought about by tlie proprietor of a' tailoring establish mcnt to whom the woman applied for work aud who advised her to'marry one (if the workmen who was matrimonially ijudinud. Thus the ice was broken; in tw^my^toibutes they were engaged, and within one hour from the time the woman entered the stotc, the twain were one. *>,' The Portage Lake Mining Gazette icuui?s iiie ioiiowinr; society conversa tion], -.Young Gentleman?"The assem bly jtore this eveing. Miss-, tar ex ceeds Mr, Van A mien's anticipation." ty'Uilg ?/#ady-''Hay, w'at yer say '{" tfauug Gaiultxmnn (voice a key higher i ?"The assembly hero this, evening far exceeds Mr. Van An den's anticipation." Young Lady (looking in wondertneut) ?"Wu't yer say?" Young Gentleman (slightly rullled;?^"There's a d-d big crowd here to night, Miss-" Young .^ady (brightening up)?"les sir-rce-bob, tbore is." A celebrated Irish farmer gives this advice to one young in the business: "Ah ft breeder you must be careful not te lose the calf flesh. If you do so bv starving the animal at any time of his growth you lose the cream?the cover Utg of ffeeah so much,prized by nil our yetaii'butchers. Wine re do ull the scrag gy,.bid-fleshed.beasts- oouto from that wo see daily in our fuUunxkets, and what is the cause of thwir scruggitiuas ? U is hcoause they have beou stinted> and btarved at sonic period .of .Uieir growth. W til* calf flesh ,is ouco lost it can neve a he roguitied. A great ot tallow, .-nay be got- internally by high feeding, hut the animal can never again bo made une that will bo prized* by the great re tail butcher. The Washington Star eaye: Col. W. W. Wardeu, as attorney for Mrs. An? M. Fita>a?n,^t?-d?T filed ^ the largest eki era for ?375, for duriej flstuto of Mrs. Fitch ugh in Fitirtax fiOUDty^JTt i twin? m 'iBaxenaworth." Among the papers filed ia a aafegaard in the handwriting of General Winfield a^ewiW^itfli jfrne''ft, IBM, WalcSl reads as follows: "Mrs. A. M. Fitshngh. of itavensworth, a lady of great ex ftaUeaee, oonwaoeed with -the fatniry^oF aJJa^i-J^JA* vffih Gutoiirpi&h with her latotly servants, hones and ?pVbpe'fty,<> placed under the safeguard of the army ." THE ORANGrEBURG, NEWS EftlTOB. - set iw toiatps i?s.- o-?r C1EOROE BOjLITjEB, Financial and Bcsikbss Manaoeu. a..v ?--v--?r-?-1 Official Paper of %Wm Stmte stod of Or:mRcl>Hrfi; Camnij. SAT! BHA *\ JL'NB 15,1872. For President: Ulysses S. Grant, Vice President: Henry Wilson, or M ASS A C II US KTTS. Js it Sol We are informed that the Citizens' Savings Bank of this State has recent ly been cugaged in a speculation, which, to the ordinary observer, a/ight uypear to be somewhat ?atsido the limits ef rta corporate powers?hut which may, per haps, be as legally sound as it promises to be pecuniarily brilliant. The Suite, it seems, bus lately been rather hard up ?"which nobody can deny." Mauey was wanted aud Treasurer Parker hit upon the following plan for raising a supply ai the needful. Notes were drawn by the Treasurer, iu his official capacity, pnyaMo wv? day alter date and bearing interest at t!.e rule of a&ecn per. ocut per auuutu. These, os-somc of those, notes were bought by tho Savings Hank nt the pretty little discount of twenty per cent from their face value. A peat operation by which, if the notes are paid, say a year after date, the 12a nL rcoeives $llf> fer every risked1?in other words, a bonus or interest at a> aatv exceeding forty per cent! It wotdd seen) from-this?ambcousid ering the personnel of the Baak direc torship?that Republicans aro not thu only ones interested iu the prompt pay ment of taxes. The question may suggest itsell to the Bauk's depositors?farmers, mer chants and others, who aro pnid only from four to seven per cent interest on their deposits?"What will become of our money should these notes prove worthless V On which point we aro obliged to refer them to the Saviuga Bank for the desired information. On the 10th of June, 1871, in S*jy? York City, after his ret urn.' from-Uexna, Mr. Greeley spoke as follow*: "Fellow citizens, the Ku Klux are no myth, although they ahroud themselves iu darkness. They aro uo Sitting ghosts; they are u baneful reality. They have paralyzed the Right of Suf frage in many ooimhcs throughout the South, and have curried States that they ought not to Save carried:" Mr. Sxeeley. than, paid his passing rcfpccts to "thieving carpet-buggers" and continued :: " Well, then, do you justify the Ku Klux?' I am asked. Justify them is what? If they shou'd choose to catch a hundred or two of these thieves, place them tenderly astride of rails, and bear them quietly and peaceably across the Ohio, 1 should ot course coudeiuu (ho act us I condemn all violence, but the tears live iu a very small ouiou that would water ull my soriows for those*, (Laughter and applause i Hut they, du nothing like that ; they don't go lor the thieving carpet-baggers; but they skulk around wretched capitis, and drag out iriolfousivo negroes, to lush ,and tort un them, merely for standing up)fur.their rights as men. I'or this, I </o exeuralt the Ku-Klux. I say they are a disgraco to Suuthorn chivalry, and they would be drummed out ot the South if there were any true chivalry there." CLOW tliis language is good and true (save that vre arc witling t > admit thai there is and always has been some "true chivalry" at the South?though iu such a woeJplT assail mitmbj mUoJ* al do to make any effectual ? ttyo harrora of Ku kluxisnj.) IhftjUAtf Mr. Greeley's South haCnfcised thousands fee lawyers from a dUtaned^B^pfend Ku-klux prisoners, the Democratic press of this section has a 1 coos> without exception insulted,Tilia^ndJ||oj^^ the Conrt. u^ftQ* otWsf engaged in the proseoutloi of these most damnable of all midnight murder ers, and . in all the broad land of |be I eager denuiyjiatiop or eron. of. earnest I reproach has bee a heard from anj Dem ? ocratio source against this abhorred and abominable or^niAtioift *** spoiled I Outraged human uaturo has at times urged the Southern press, to some , ex press ion upon the subject. Bat what has been the almost universal character of these utterances? They have'not "damned with faint praise"?they have praised with faint reproach. Iu the face of all this, we would ask whether Mr. Oreo ley's 'chivalry' have found him, or whether he has fouud them * Pradtleat ttrant'a Acceptance. The following is the President's letter of acceptance of the nomination : Executivk Mansion. Washington, D.C., June 10, 1872. Hon. Thomas Settle, l*rexident of the National Republican Contention ; Paul Stroback, Elixka Iittxtrr, C A. Sergeant and other Vier /^resident* : Okntlemkn?Your letter of this date advising mc of tho action of t ho Couveution held in Philadelphia, Pa., eo the 5th and Gth of thin mouth, and ?4* say unaoimox* nomination Sot the Presidency, has been received, i ac cept tho nomination, and through you return my heartfelt thanks to your constituent fur tili? mmk of tdiei? con fidence and support. If elected iu No vember, and protected1 by a Laid Provi dence with health nnd strength-to per form the dtities of tho high trust con fered on me, I promise the Haine liul aud devotion to the good of the whole people iu the Juture of my official life as stiowti iu the past. Experience may guido mc iu avoidiug the mistakes inevitable with novices iu all professions aud in nil occupations. When relieved from the respousibili ty ol my present trust by the election ol a successor, whether it be at the end of this term or next, 1 Impc to leave to htm as Executive a oouutry at peace with ouleide nations, u i.wdil at home and abroad, and w-itlmur eiuhacsussing t|uet^ioad to threaten- its future prosperi ty. With the expression of a desire to : sec a speedy healing of all bitterness of i feeling between sections, parties or { races of citizens, and the time when the title of citizen carries with it the pro tection and privileges to the humblest that it docs to tho most exulted, I sub scribe myself, Very respectfully, your obodicut ser vant, (Signed) U. S. GRANT. English Sentiment on Urecley's XoJUaiiialliUL (3rom the Saturday Review, May 11.) No candidate could be suggested who, as* president, would be less likely to cultivate f^eudly relations- wttb king land. The dislike which Mr. Greeley expressed a quarter of a century ago by his subscription in aid ?!' the Irish rebels has not been iiilrigotud by the steady adherence of tho English nation to the Free-trade doctriues which he { has never- sucoeodod iu-understand ing A narrow fanatio iu all --political a-ud commercial question!*, Mr. Greeley has habitually attributed to oppsiitiiKiv the worst possible motives. When* Mr. Wells published the statistical docu ments which proved thu mischievous working of tho American tat ill; Mr. Greeley repeatedly as+M-rtvel- that Mr. Wells had been bribed with English gold. It the President hud withdrawn the claim for consequential damages, Mr. Greeley would in ull probability have attributed the concession to similar motives. An Knglish Mr. Greeley would> not be re'garded as a serious politician, though ho might perhaps be an estimnblc bigot; but in a country where political power is wiulded by small. *"-.? i !!?<.- and mechanics, Mr <'reob>y* !?**? acquired extraordinary in nuouco by his sympathetic reproduo tion of their own prejudices. (Prom the Lon(loa"7*//nM, May ?.) Wu caii-twot that Mr. Greeley has any iin^ivc-iaide ojiaueo of being elected to (he IVesidunoyv hut it by no rocuns follows that bis nomination ?a-a candidata makes General Grant's re election secure The Dcmocr^ttf rv?rty have held back so far to allow the Ho ??hl I sane to develop^tbeir own quarrels; [lotet period of the totoke the fiold, a in .in us Mr. Adams ndidate, they^^gMsenrc for tbemsob^Oi, It is aug OonflMl flram abmiM d!s uiles air. i*ish as one means of redeeming his own popularity; but to aot upon this suggest ion would be a grievous, if uW~o ^ fatal, error. If President Grant seoks to rcstorn u waning popularity, he must do it by correcting the faults whieh hare caused it to wane. His gravest fuult aa a President has been the nomi nation to Office of persons totally Vu worthy of-dais 'trust, add unfit to dis charge the dbtios'assigned to theiu. Iii? beat friends should advise htm to con sult the serious side ol (he American character. Wo greatly misconceive the people of the. P nit cd State:* if wo are led by certain superficial appearance* to suppose' that the mus.Vol thctn have not ; a truly British taste for respectability and decorum - _ <j ttmm mum 1 State News. Mr. John China, of Sumter, is dead. Bill McLaughlin, a postffiee" robber: has been arrested. ?t Marion. A field of cotton eighteen inches high is reported in Marion country. The cotton and corn crops in the neighborhood of Unrow ell ure good. Marlboro complains that the turpen tine boxes are all ruuuing over. Tho Union Tiniest wants a hotel built at the town of Uuion, immediately. lleua Washington has been found guilty of the murder of a child iu Char leston. Miss Fannie Reid, daughter of the late Lemuel Heid, of Abbeville county, died last Saturday. The fanners of some of the counties above - arc troubled with au over tiuppy of grasshoppers. Mr. J. J. Britten's dwelling house and corn orit>r sin miles Kfonvtiutnter, wa* burned- ku*t Thursday. 34rs. John lt. Wilsen, o> Upper Long Caue, Abbeville county, died last j Friday, after a short James HcC'uslan, F.sq., of Caliioun Mills. Abbeville county, w:us severely injured by a fall a few days-ago W. B Murchison. L.-q.. u prominent citizen of Greenwood, departed this life on Friday la'st,vof heart disease An exhibition 'will be given on the 4th of July, proximo, by the pupils of Bethlehem Academy, near Greeuwood, Abbeville county Men arc lik*; til*) gro it bids wrh ?ro form | .uiuiv is piludu4vfo4*iu<ition; butjwt when tint bouei* comes to?seuroh for e>al. h >i oft on. b is to-puss thmugh iron ere he finds that which he seeks. And what is tho eudof all seligious search but a question of responsibility? Hereafter will this I conic home to me ?-? as I sow shail I suro- | ly reap '( If the seed be the down of this tles, is it certain that iu the shadowy fu ture thistles shall grow up and cover the Held ?the pleasant fields of lifo t T us vaguely underlying all human lives is hidden this problem of future responsi bility. The geological strata ot Hie earth arc not more singular than the strut of meu's minds. Ktcterually the ground may be ^reeu or the formation rocky, but in neither ease is the surface reliable. There may bo layer upmi layer, no* dark, now light, uow bard, now soft; the exterior may be that of au infidel undaooffcr, with seemingly never a >eri ouh thought of life, morals uud religion, while even the man, a reflex of the world-1 opinion, styles b'.titoell 0*84(00410 And yet there is?a*iiieth?ug l>ing* deep searching out to be a pearl of great price. I?IST.! MINT ! I MINT III j^Losi between Messrs Doyle \ Wiles' uui il&rpin Kiggs* Carriage and Huggv Shepaj in-Kuasell Street, in Orangeburg, on lha "ii ixutU, the sum of Fifty Dollars, most ly in Five Dollar Hills and a few One and Two l'ollar Hills. Also three Notes payable to the undersigned, signed by .lohn Sue; berry, John Watson and VY. Wslkcr. *pu raiely. All Piersons are warned sdaiu-t trading for the -sine. A suitabre reward will be paid for the recovery of the money und notes, or eitlu-r. RANSOM DLAK.NLV. Enquire at Tost other, juuc * '<H Eureka Chapter, No. 13, R. A. SI. The REGULAR CON VOCATION of the abpvo CHAPTER will be held oil Friday. June 21, at 7 o'clock P. M. TJIKODOKB KOIIN, juno*8?2tj y;' ' Secrets NOTICE OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR, Ohanoeuuuu Colnty, S. C, June 5th 1872. Pursuant to an Act PROVIDING lor the ASSESSMENT and TAXATION of PRO PERTY, approved Sept. 16th, 18tS8, and all Act? amendatory thereto: Notice in hereby given that this Otlicc will be open for re ceiving RETURNS of PERSONAL PRO PERTY, from the FIRST DAY of JULY to the TWENTIETH DAY of AUGUST, 1*72 All OWNERS, AhENTS; ADMIN font! A*. TORS, &c., ?f Real Estate are earnestly rk ouestcd to make their RETURNS to this OFFICE jo order t.e prevent ERRONEOUS ENTRIES from being MADE in the TAX ROOKS. All persons felling to make their Ret?.frt* on' or before the 20th day of August, a Penalty of 50 per Ce?l "will be added t-o their Assessment. JAMES VAN TASS Eh, ? County Auditor. Oraugcburg County, jnne 8 lit 4 ?Jim Intel rotor*' Not ice.-? ?II XJL Person? having demands against I lib Ksi.iic of Col. 1). .1. Rum if. deceased, will present the same duly 'attested On or before the 1st day ot August uext, and nil persons indebted will niiike payment to the under signed, or to their Attorneys, Messrs Izlar & Dibble, Orangeburg, S. C. W. C. WOLFE. JNO, S. LOW E, Qualified ,\ dotinistrators. Orangcburg, June 4th, 1872 ?k?It 1^STATUS XOTICE.?All l?cr j sons having demands against the r. t.ito of J. Allen Jefooat. deceased, will pre sent the suinc, properly attested, to the un dersigned, or to Messrs. Izlur.V Dibble, At torneys, Oraugcburg, S. ('. All persons in debted to suid Estate will make immediate payiueut to the said Attorneys, or to SAMUEL W. .IKFCOAT, Qualified Executor. June 4th. 1872.?8?4t Sheriff's Sales. Ily virtue of sundry Executions >o mir di rcctcd 1 will sell to the highest bidders, nt Orangeburg Court Uouse, on the first MON DAY in July next, for cash*, tire follow ing property, vii: At i i?kot former purchaser, all that plan tation <>r tract of btn<f ?n Sautee Kiver, in Orangeborg Comity, containing 2?00 acres, more or less, bounded by hinds of E V Shli ier. James Felder and J O. Parier. Levied on as the property of Win. Izavd Rull at ihe suit of Paul Trojin & Theo Debon, Ex'rs of Sarah Dehou, dee'd. ALSO ftu** rraet ?rf lantf containing ahnot 200 acre*1, ia Si. Matt>ke?s Pfirish in 1<hs- nt about ?">(> acres, (plats of which may bit seen ni my office.) Levied on as tiic property of Oco. I'. h ick at the suit or W. W. Watt. Sheriff s Office, ) II. RIUOS, OrangcburgC. II., S. C, > 8. O. C. jnne 7, 1872. J june 8 td NOTICE. OFFICE Ol SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, ) oranosiicimi oountv, S. c. May 30th 1*72. j All persona hstdlng SCHOOL-CLAIMS I against the Free Scho<d Funds of Orange- ? burg County?those already audited, as well ns those not yet presented?will pre sent them to this office, en or before .Dine 2otb, 1872. The intention of llieabove-no tice is to uetcrmiiie the outstanding Indebt edness for services rendered during the above mentioned time. B. L CAIN. School feJeuoiLssioni-r, june l--3t| ! ^tanga'r.urf:?-:?'., ..?f. C. ~ -KOTIGE. OFFiOE SCHOOL COMMWS 10*JB R, Obanokuiho Cnrsw, S May alst, lt?72. To TRUSTEES of FREE COMMON SCHOOLS-in vorions School Districts of the abotte named Oioonty. In accordance with iustruationa received from Stale Superinten dent of Education to the effect that that the money appropriated for (hp support and maiutain?ncC of Free Common Schools for the fiscal year ending September ?'!'*. 1S72. Tvill not be paid until the Collection of the . next General Tax shall have been made, 1 :, ?...... -.i. :_ . fM.OfiH al joueo, all the FREE COMMON SCHOOLS j under your Supervision, except in those j School Districts which have an unexpend ed balance of School Funds on hand. E. I. CAIN, School Commissioner, Oimngeburg County. S. C. june i lit W. ROBINSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Hits REMOVED and is new LOCATED on Rnssoll Street over F. II. W. DRIQGMANN S STORE, whore pre not ed to KIT gentleman with CLOTHES of the NEW EST und most AP PROVED STYLES. S \TISFACTION gunrantecd in every in stance. D. W. ROR1NSON. apl'2D 8m I2STATI: jfOTI <!K.?PC UNI *ijANT to order of Judge of Prohit.', I I vi)l sell at the Ute resident of .laby Weeks. : .'r., deceased, at public OUlcry, for cash, on , Tuesday, the ISth day of June. I *7'2. the pcr< s.mnl property of the Estate of said deceased, j consisting in part of Hogs, Cattle, House hold und Kirchen Furniture, RlavKsmiil.'fl I Tools. <tc. Persons desiring to purchase ! >? ill please take notice. , All persons indebted to the said Estate will m-.ike inimedfate pay men I to the under signed, and all pcraens-naving'claltns against I the sinne, are requested to present them properly attested lo PATRICK M. CARSON. Qualified Administrator. M?' r*7?b, 1872 iun ? I --i NOTIC OFFICE OF SCHOOL Oba The i?i lent ion of of SCHOOL T School Districts School Trustee* of such DiatricTs is her culled lo Seutious 29, 49, 50 rod 51, of an Act entitled "Au Act to amend an Act enti tled 'An Acl to Establish and Maintain a System of Frew Common Schools for the Statu of South Carolin*!* " approved March Gih, 1871, and especially to Sec. 49 of said Act. The following are the Sections in ques tion: '"'**??*- ? - " '~^t?*? Section. 29, The County Treasurer shall;} pay over all money.* by hiiu received, which shall have been assessed by .virtue of tti/e vole of uny district fne'efing, as hereinafter ].n.\iili'il for. in the C,only it which such District is si'uatrd. or. ihe order ol'the Clerk of the Hoardtof Trustee? q'f, aieid Distridt countersigned by the Count/ School CommiaV sioner, to be used for the purpose directed by the District meeting so held. Said mon ey shall ho assessed and collect cd at tnctime, and in the tftohncr that County tax** are as.<>???*.-d and collected; and if ihe inhabit in is of any School Duftiic't, at their annual Dia Irict meetinm, ? shall foil to provido tor the raising of such tux, then the County School Commissioner of the County fu which such District i* sTttfnte?f, pwulffru required to with hold Irani said DhUrtet that purt of the State appropriation derived from the revenue of i he State, and 'o apportion and distribute the same to the other Dhttrictsof the County ivhich have coo, plied with the requirements ?>f this Act: frovi. led. That in School Dis' tricts w here there are leas than one hundred children between the ages of six and sixteen the inhabitants may raise such a sunt, per child, as will be stltficieat to maintain then Sc heels. Sac. 49. An annual meeting of eftc"*? School District shall be held M Hie last Saturday of June, of each year, at i'2 o'clock M., ftoficc of the tinve' and pfnee fteing given by the Clerk tf the' Board of Trustees, by j.if-iiiv written or printed notitfes in three public places of the District at least ten dnyi before the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the Hoard of Trustees, or by a majority of the legal voters >',f the District; r>nfnotice of such special mooting,, stating tin? p?rrpt?ses for which it is called, shall be posted in ut least three public places within the District, ten days, previous to the time of such mect ing. And no business shall be noted upon at any special meeting not specified in said notice. Sr.e. f.f). The following persons shall be entit'ed to voto ut any District meeting, vix: All persona possessing the qualification* of electors, as'defined by the Constitution of thin Stnte, and who shall be residents of the District at tbc time of offering to vote at said meeting. Sr.e. 51. The inhabitants qualified to vote at a school meeting, lawfnlly assembled, shall hard power: fat. To appoint a Chairman to preside over said meeting. ?d. To edjeam from time to time. 8d. To choose it Clerk, who shall possess the qualification of a voter. 4th. To raise by lax, in addition to the amount apfnriioned by the Stufe to-thoir nse, an ?h f*.i?rher ?oms of money as they may deem- proper f*# the support of flublic ?oh>ols, raid sim not to be nmrr thai* Mrreo dollum fur eTcry ohild in tba District bc tweon the ages of six and.s'xt.ccn, as ascer tained by tiro last enumeration, ssid sum t.?< be collcoted by the County Treasarer. snu* to be held by him snnjeet to the order ef ihe Trustees. countersigned by the County School Commissouer : such sunn of ixmcy to be used as .-hall be agreed upon ?t live incut - ing. either for the psy of teachers' salaries, or to purciiu?e or lease sites for school houses; tu build, hire urrpurchase such school houses j td keep them .In repair, und ttirnish the same with necessary fuel und appendages ; or to furnish bl ick beard*, OTtFiae maps, and apparatus fn. ifiust rating the principh s of science or to discharge any dcb'<? ?r liubilitica lawfully incurred. otb. To give such .direction and make ?Mich provisions' an may be deemed necessary is relation to the aroseeution or defence of any suit or proceeding in which the District may be a party. tlth, Ta anxfltoaiae the Beard ef Tr .stees to build school* henses. or rei.: tboaauie; to self any school* house site, or other property belonging to the District, W-hen the-same shall no longer be needed for the'as*, ef the Distyict. 7th. To alter or repeal their proceedings", from time to time, us occasion way require, and to do any other business .ontemplated in this Act. E. I. CAIN, School Commissioner, Orangcburg County, S. C. june 1 5t NOTIt-E.-AII l>e* j sons indebted to the Estate of the late Col. David Shu]er, will make payment to the nndersignod at Georges Station, S. C, or to Messrs Izlar A Dibble, at (iran^eburg, S. C. All persons having demands will present them as above, prop'erlv attested: WILLIAM M. SHULER. Qualified Executor. May 'J.S 4t W arm W eaiiier Mas* ?omt? I Avn- so' it v? ose ar tub FISHST, CHOICEST AND MOST Ct FLETE STOCKS OF Dry Goods, Groceries, & AltHIVCn at IV II. W. BRIGG.MANN'S STORE, IN HISSKLL STREET, rpiIAT CA'N HB FOUND' IS ORANGE? burg. An inspection will satisfy all. No trouble to show Gm da. la'addition to the above i have on hand and forr sale a number of the AMERICA?? RrTTO^'-IIOEK Jfcitf'lI'ltfES. This machine vnll do in the best possible man ire r every variety of FAMILY SEWING that can be done on uuy machine,*and in uddiMmrenihrorder? on the edgns. overseams, and makes beautiful button mil eyelet holes in all fabrics. This Is "unquestionably far beyond the capacity of any other machine. Instruction given, and satisfaction guaran teed to all purchasing a machine. F. ?I. W. HRIOOMANN. May 25 tf NEW BARBER SHOPl OVER CAPT. BRIGG MAN'S STORK. Where I am prepared to do all WORK in the above line with neatness and dispatch. Terms reasonable JYtllX ROHIXHOX. ra?j 11 o OU; >E. EZEKIEL HAS REMOVED TO THE CORNER FOR MERLY occurtj? fff ?*? '^Yrtf rTltWtltifirtlTn 3DBT 10,000 lbs RA08. \ Also highest price paid for COKN, und all other ,, - COtNTB* PlftiJflt'f ^ 4 rstsno SCHOOL BWMT MtSIC & STATINE!.*/"' ALWAYS ON:HA%aV T7S at tm* The celebrated PEN EEft'Eflf'BD&K'fer Copying Letters?usttd without a Press?' every business man should b%veens. - i Anything in my line net *t> hand ea* %r ordered in a short time. jan o^ e '?>'-- ^5 WILLIAM ft WH1LDBN, DEALER' IN WATCHES, JRWEMl*, STfrTOR WAtfE, CROCKKVtt]1*^ - CHINA, '4} L A S 8 W A*S Jfc* *** KING HTBBBTjT ^S<4 CltA'RLESTO\, Persons residaxrg 6?t of tWtfit/. 'ct have their ordre? ?wref?Wy ?U?dt, *!Vl-aH in formation as to qualify anrf pirtee giyett. ?itri7a mJKESy At the Oltr Stand of DR. B. Wk. SilVLEB. H-A8- J?ST RECEIVER A- ires to ksupplv of DRH,Q0, MEDICINES, f#?. , * * PAINT8V OILS, VARNISHES, fco. A splertd? \prof ST?TONBRY. 'Jf pERFcSfERY. and S(l\PSIn grWt va riety. " * '' ?? '' -. - A ftoe stock of CW^AllS an4XQ|ACCa And*otic of tlic finest a&sorfffleiif orrTOCitV ET KNIVES ever offered here at the price. Prescriptions osrefully*prt Mflfd^Dq**?.< WFICE HOURS* on the SAjtfkAJH? FronrW *o- A. M., and 1'iom 4 to & P. M.. dee 2 ???-t ^.,,7 ly A Want L^F?Supplied I). D. P.LUME, Artist hn:r' opened a GALLERY where he ii prApsArd^lo take DAGOBRBB^JPTdjES, FERROTYPES, in & few minutes ut the LOWES RATES. . ialfioQ Walk up Ss-tbc 0A*LI$^?*wvr Mfc.? W. RRlGG?.tSN'S. SljORE, Jf yon want te obtain s present thst is always appreciated' ^SffiwwjwOTHnr,5-' Satisfaction gi 1)11. OTil yer< PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES. PA4STSV OILS and VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS and Just received another tot of the VACU UM OIL for Greasing anil Preserving Leatk '?Also the DIAMOND SPECTjfcGL? scrviug Sight. Also a SUiuiriorlut <.? CtfTT^IvV, ?ue>>* ?infrMaf'''" ^^?r?iWP Aisc a Choice and Select lot of FLOWER, SEEDS. Also receiving almost monthly 100 tslW FANCY ARTICLES. Call and ratisfy yonraetves at the DRUG? TORE of DR. OLlYEROfcV Orangch'nrg.'!?' H., ? C ?nar .10 uov 18 ly a I ist a e"w PRKMIVMH. GOLD and SILVER MEDALS and DIPLO-* MA awarded to SINGER SEWING MACHINE at Savannah Fair,; November, 1871. FIRST PREMIUM at AtUat*. tsir, QeSeAer,, 1871. for REST FAMILY M\Pj(fKj|. PREM!''M o? the Macon Fair OitoF%ft Wllt> for FAMILY MAOHirtffi #ltw**fest'* and most iMuful attachment* > *? FIRST PREMIUM *t ? Thoraasvttle. NdtcMw bcr 2, 1871, .for beWfSBM^l X?T MACHINE. C.C-LD MEDAL and THREE SILVER MW ACS awarded the SINGER at the AuguHa Fair. Nsvem Issr, lg7l. Examine the c4NHMkl SINGER "NEW JTAmijV S.'.WINO M \CI1 REST MACHIXP in the world. -%><**MMft flfil M mummt uM H 0. BAWLBV, ^ General Ages' for Soulh'Carolina, Georgia aud Florida. J. K. WHITE, Agent for Orangcburg County. ? Local Agents ^ mesrly every c*Wy |?r 8outh Carolina. uiur Z6 r