TOR IHK ORANUXBUBO JtSWS. March 7th 1872\ Mr. Editor:?On the morning of the 2d instant the sun failed to mako his usual appearance, as the sky Was hiddon by oiouds Yfhich sevtncu iu iuulvitw th*t the weathor would be unpropitious for the celebration of the first anniversary of the '?Jamison Union 8unday School," but between nine and ten o'clock pant ing ar^d perspiring horses arrived at Jamison's T. O. and were gladly re lieved of their reluctant loads of ladies, ijehfletneo, children and well-stuffwl L ?lafckc'fo* the down train of ears stopping also to contribute to tho number of vox strirnW At cleVen o'clock the procession i?J ? formed iu the School house in the follow **-k?s%*order: First, two sunday school scholars learing banners; next, the orator of the day Ac ;.next, the snpeintendant and assistant supeintendant, treasurer, secretary and librarian, followed by the !tT':laackera, each in front of his or her class ^^'?PWltrpihi; who were uniformed in white - wearing biuo badges upon which was painted a lamb. Upon each teacher's badge was painted a hand, tho index in ? pointiug position ; the superintendant' badge represented tho Bible ; tho sec retary's, an inkstand and pen; and upon the librarian's badge was represented a #1 "-?key. ! As they marched from the school -w "house in doublo filo they sung "I'mglud lawjvni jn this army," and, upou arriving at the place under a grove prepared for the orator and audience, they marched sentit mverted order to their positions and were1 seated, tho flag-bearers each hav -?-ing phiutcd a flag upon either side in front of the platform. Over the plat <"< form'was a beautiful arch of flowers from which was suspended a flag with the incriptiou "Of such is the Kinq 3 dom- Ol' Heaven." Upon one of the I ?ug-bcnrers' banners was represented the Biblo enveloped in a bright cloud, and from the cloud a hand pointing down ^ waid to a flock of lambs rcstiug in a ? green pasture just below the word, *xmi/,\ emblematical of Christ's com maud to Peter. Upon the other banner were represented two hands graspin* each other, representing the Sunday School Union, With the inscri ption, "J S. S. V. Founded May 2d, 1S71. First anivkr8ary May 2d 1872." All being now seated, "Happy Greel fngf. Was sung; after which a portion of scripture was read aud prayer ofTerod by Mr. Bobt Riley, the paster not being present. Miss Lillio Rotten, flag-beurcr of the procession, in a beautiful and pathetic stylo then addressed the audi ence as follows: * "Th?b insignia banner, which our a school has confered the honor upon me of bearing to-day, is emblematical of our school and its designs. The Bible re presents the head of tho school. The inspiration descending through the emblematical teacher's hand is iu accord* mice with our musters c^uuuaud to -'"filter. Peed Aty Lambs. vi ~av " ?ffavior! who thy flock art feeding With the 8hcpcrd's kindest care, All the feeble gently leading, "While the lambs thy bosom share, Mow these little ones receiving Fold them in thy graciouB orras ? There, we know, thy word believing, Only there, they're safe from harm. . Kerer, from thy pasture roving, Let them be the lions prey; Let thy tenderness so loving atiO v keep them through life's dangerous way! Then within thy fold eternal I Let them find a resting place, Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of thy grace.," It was now the turn of Rlnster Johny r, 3 Moorer, flag-bearer also, to repeat "The ^3iblc, the Bible! more precious thau rf' ifeb? eudiug in "Our banners in scribed with its precepts aud rules, shall Jong wove in triumph, the joy of our school;" which ho repeated iu n very creditable manner. "Anniversary day" having been sung, Mr. Samuel Bibble, superintendant of the Oruugcburg Sun J;. e..v~?t -rnm 5n*rnrl Orator of tho day, nud every soul feasted upon his eloquenco, as be, in a Very 'appropriate and happy style, ad dressed tho suuday school upon the tmM&cti of "Faith Hons and Ctiaritu" ?'? throwing out some very valuable hints, also, about the dutios of Sunday school Icachcrs und parents, aud Sunday school scholars. Tho Sunday school was now dismissed, and a bright smile played upon each countenance, ns, under another shady grove, the ladies, in a general stir, bo gauto open their tempting bankets ; and, placing their contents upon a long piuc b*J board table spread with cloths, clearly indicated that they intonded to give a feast a ho, which, if not so eloquent, wan at least moro palatable than the mental . least just enjoyed. Carvers wore soon busily displaying their skill in divert ing porcine hamcs and winged bipods amidst the olnttor fof orockory-waro as the good dames, ware arranging tho various producta of the culinary art upon the table? Dinuor was now uuuour.vcd the- table, surrounded, and caoh elbow played to the music of knives,and forks while ever.and anon a pleasant jest as.a hearty* laugli secmedto whet the:appje. tibe aud oheer it on iu the general on slaught upon the table whi?n soon yielded to the inccssaut attack aud sur rendered its stores of delicious edibles to tho Jamison Co. of" the S. S. army and the viators. Tho afternoon was spept by a majority' of the ladies and gentlemen, in various groups, engaged in conversation under the invitingshado of the trees, whero branches were ar ranged for their convenience ; and the children merrily enjoyed their child-likw romp until the occidental sun, nestling in the western horizon, reminded them that it was time to disperse for their homes. Upon the whole, the Celebration "?ras a success." The day seemed to be en joyed by all who were present, and we hope to be present at the next anniver sary. These social gatherings, besides giving a temporary relief from the busy cares of life, tend to strengthen the ties of friendship, promote charitable feelings, and act as encouragements to the 8. S. teachers in performing their arduous duties, aud to the childreu in receiving instruction for their moral aud religious improvement. Mr. L. K. Smith, the superintcadant, Mr. duo. Vaughn tho asst. superintend ant, the other officers, and the teachers of tho Jamison Sunday school, deserve great credit for the care, diligence and persevering energy with which they have applied themselves to the proper training of their Sunday school "lambs" ?May their continued efforts be orowned with a success equal to their responsibility. NOW AND THEN. THE ORANGrEBURG NEWS AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, EDITOR. GEORGE BOLIVEIt, Financial and Businsss Manages. Official Pnper of the State ami of Orangcbtirg County. SAT Vit DAY, MAY 18,1872 ~ For President: Ulysses S. Grant. The Alabama (Maims That d istinguished lawyer ami able jurist, Attorney General Chamberlain,in his recent letter to tho lion Hamilton Fish, Secretary of Stute, upon the subjtfc^of our claim for indirect damages I says: But you are reported ns saying to General Banks that "a great nation can not deliberately put forth a claim to day and recall it to morrow " I respectfully ask whether that does not depend whol ly upon the other inquiry;?whether the claim is founded in good policy, and is likely, to accomplish good results 7 ll the claim is an unwise one, and is seen' to endanger far greater interests, why is it that a nation, tnoro than uu individual, is bouud to adhere, remorselessly und recklessly, to the claim when once made? There is, Iu my judgment, no such de mand upon us as a uation. Instead of supporting our dignity we display con spicuous folly. Instead of playing the part ot a greut nation, we assume an at titude of weak and timid willfulucas, which is us iuconsisteut with national us with individual dignity. Why eau we not crown a work, soweit planned und begun, with a final and B'goal act of practical und dignified straightforward ness and common sense,?the unqualified withdrawal of the unfortunate aud obuox ious claim ? This language wc believe expresses lite honest conviction of all men who ho d that a government is to be udiuinistored with reference to the highest good o! the govorued rather thau to the person al feelings of the individuals who for a time control national affairs. We have never for ouo moment eutertainod the idea that the claim for indirect damages was based upon any sound principle of international law, and, looking at the matter in a merely professional light, we bclicvo that the sooner our govern mcnt abandons a false position the better will it be not only for tho dignity of the uatiou, hut for the professional status of the lawyets und advisers who are uow supporting tho American ?'Case." And the higher the stand point from which the question is cou sidcoedj when we rise from considering it as a present matter of dollars and cents aud look upou it as involving vital principles which may now, by wiso action, be settled in such way as to secure and advance the noblest interests of commerce?and fiuuily when looked upon as a question of abstract right? tho moro thoroughly aro wo eouvinccd that it is our duty aud well bellte our dignity to withdraw this obnoxious part of our domaud. f Tho Rev William Dunnelly, member of Assembly from this County, died afci 112 o'clock noon yesterday; Obanoeburo, S. C. May 13th, 1872. Extra mooting of Town Council bold this evening. Prcseut,?the Mayor, Aldermen Boliver and Martin. On motion of Aider.".r.n Marlis, Alderman Boliver acted as clerk pro tern. Minutes of the three last meetings were read and confirmed. Report of Committee consisting of Aldermon Boli ver and Olivoros to alter and amend ordinance regulating the Fire Depart ment was adopted and made an ordin ance as follows: Be it ordained, by the Town Couu oil of Orangebarg, in body assembled, as follows: Section 1. The Fire Department of Orangebnrg shall consist of a Chief, an assistant. Chief, the Mayor of the Town Ex-Officio. Seo. 2 Tbe Chief and assistant Chief, shall be eleoted by the members of the Town Council, the Presidents and Vice Presidents of tho Churtered Fire En gine Companies, and the Foreman or Foremen and assistant Foreman or Foremen of the Chartered Hook and Ladder Company or Companies, Pro vided however?that no officers of any such chartered Englue Company ahull have a vote unless their Company has at least twenty activo members, and no officers of any such Hook and Ladder Company shall be entitled to a vote, if such Company has less than ton active members. Said officers shall bo balloted for separately, nnd the one receiving the highest number of votes shnll be de clurcd,provided, he bus received a majority of all the votes cast The first election hcreundcr nhall be held on tho fifteenth day of May 1872. Sbc. 3. 1 he officers provided for by this ordinance, shall hold their office lor u term ol two yeais from tho date of their election, except tho officers to be elected at the first election after the adoption of this ordinance, who shall hold their offices uutil their successors are elected. Alter the first election, the election of such officers ahull be held on the first Monday- in October A. D. 1873, aud every two yean thereafter. 'fr EC. 4. 'J he*) Chief and assistant Chiefshall bo held amcuablc to the Town Couucil lor any gross neglect of duty in the Fire Department, or any palpable violation thereof in tbe government ol' the same, and shall for each offence be held su'nject to such penalty as the majority of the Town Council may im pose, not exceeding the sum of tweuty five $25.00 (dollars ) Sec. 5. In the absence of the Chief, assistant Chief, or the Mayor Ex officio, the Presidents and Foremen of the Fire Engine and Hook uud Ladder Comp auios, shall act as such Chief aud assis tant Chief, and shall take rank accord ing to the date of the charter ot their respective Companies. Sec. G. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordin ance tire, hereby r open led. F\ IL W. BUIGGM ANX, Mayor. Qeo. B'lMVER, Clerk Pro Tent. Answer of Mrs. Mary B. Trcadwell, to the notice of Town Council, of their intention to run a street through her laud, was read. On motion of Alderman Boliver seconded by Alderman Martin it was, Resolved That the Town Council do move and put in good repair, or make a new fence on the now street when tbe laud owners claim no compensation. Bill of Mr P. O. Caution ??for re pairing fire w dl pu np" $2 .) ) trnl mi motion ordered paid. On motion it was, Resolved, That the Clerk of Couucil notify the officers that have the right by the ordinance to vote for a Chief and Assistant Chief, to meet at the Engine Hall, Wednesday evening 15th iust. at 8 o'clock. There being no further busiucss Coun cil adjourned. GEO. BOLIVER, Clerk Pro Tern. 111 porta nt D KCl S10 N-N Et llto D EBTS ?The Supreme Court iu a rucent do cisiou has decided that notes und bonds givuu for Slaves aro valid. This deci sion will give lise to considerable li'iga tion, as all doubts being now removed, the obligations given ure binding. The decision given is that the contract being valid when made, is enforceable iu all tho courts, that subsequent legislation, either by statute or constitutional pro vision, could not render it invalid. It has been suggested i.'mi ., ??'???;?? should bo made, nnd we think tbe sug gest i n a good and timely ono.?/v.r change. ? 1ST OF LETTERS Iteiaiilsi |j ing in the Orangcburg Post Oihc* to Slay 15, IS7-2. C?Rov W C Clark, H 1> Cook. (i_M I) Urn}. II?Thomas Ho >k. M?Richard Miller, Detty|Matthows. S?Rose fjullins. W?Rev Jtto Wilson. Person'* calling lor the ahots letters will please say they ar<> adTcrtitied. F. De Mars, P. M. NEW BARBER SHOP! OVER CAPT. B1UGGMAN'S STORE. Where I am prepared to do all WORK in the shove line with neatness and dispatch. Terms reasonable JOHN KOIII-VNOX. may 11 o 8tn Notice of Dismissal. T\TOTlCK 18 HEREBY Ol V-K?* Til AT I 111 will, on the 4th day o# June, 1872, fito my final account with -the Honorable* Judge of Probate for Orangcburg County, as Ad dnistratrix oT the Estate of M. P. Huff man, and ask for betters of DiHtnistal. FRANCES C. 8HULKR, ntay 4 ~4l~ Adatiaistratrlx. Dciinqueiit Land List OF ORANGEBURG COUNTY ^ FOR THB YEARS 1808, 1860, 187? and 1871. FOB THE YEAR 1871. Amelia Township. E VLBrftrtdy, 318 urn, Mra3t Everhart, 84 acres. Elizabeth Moyos, Estate, 560 acres. Edisto Townmiip. Harmon Howe, 800 aores. M ?Amanda Dantzler, 100 acres. . Br.AscuviLLs Towaauir. YY D B Reeves. 149 acres. CAw-Cagr Township. A O Bally, 6 acrelY Rachel E Stale?, 00 acres. E R Wolfe, 500 acres. 1 Cow Cabtlb Township. Morgen De Witt o, 240 aorcs. Elibabbth Township. Est Sam I Pearson, 80 Margaret Hooker, 100 Edw Wiles, 2000 Robert Gorvin, 516 Est Ben; Golaoo, 39 Jolm Iloiftnan. GO John Stoley, 100 Gooddy'b Township. W J'McGrew, 291 Evriti Judy, 90 Jini Kmeetly, 90 L M Katnbert. 260 Geo W Bruucr, 200 Goodlamo Township Est Hulda Yon, uGG Jae>b E Dooley, 215. Hebeon TowMsitir. E W Bolard. 150 Josiafc Chavis, 125 Raehjsl W Carson, 200 Hqpbwkll Township. Matilda Smith, 80 Henry Cooper, 406 Liiu'.isty Township. D 11 Barton, Guard, 1000 Miss V C McMichael, 626 Dr B Miller, 374 Lrox'a Township. George Gates. 435 T E Rickcubackcr, 70 ' MtDDLB TOWNSUIP. Henry Adams, 50 Nkw Hora Township. Mrs K Frederick, 1.120. oHanoi! Township. Mrs J B Ehney, town lot ^ Mrs S A Glover, 275. Rachel Stuoak. 30 Henry H Smith, 1 towu lot Rink Giiove Townphip E Dufford, ?dui'r cut of Mary MoClure, 21 acres. Poplar Township. J F Smith, 150 "'.?. r F Parier, -?S4. 1) F bantzier, 127 ti W Thompeou, U>0 JainCb' W Moorcr. 94 Rocky Qhovk. Burke Able, 1:57 Union Townsuip. Charlea Salley. et al, 408 C t: McMillan. 1C00 11 R Tyler, 897. Vanck's Township. Francos Jone*. 388 acres. Buaau Kelt , 841. A B Snioak, 9<>. .1 II V T?te, H.-,0 Mra F l fato, ?00 Estate A S T?te, 2200. Willow Township. Mra M l fnnnon. 9:1 acres Temperance E Foglc 142 Alary Gariek l?l Mrs Mary tiraves 10"> Miss Sarah' Graves, '."JO C ti .Stephens. 625 Marvel Stone, 200 Handford Stewart, 1100 S 0 Sawyer 40t) Ezrn Suellgrovc, 7."R Frances ThurkUl, 103 Jacob tiydriok, Zion Township. Elvira S Mount. 750 acres FOR THE YEAR 1870. Elizabeth Towkbaip. Est ji F Golson, Ko aerea Joint Huffman, 00 acres Goodland Township. Hulda Yon, 600 acres. Joseph Cartln, 24 Hopkwkll Towasmr. Matilda Smith, 80 acres LlBKRTY ToWNSUir. D It Barton, Adtn'r, 002 acres So*st. E Pearson, 100 Lyon Township. Qcorgo Uatca, l 'ii acres Poplar Town mir. Hetuy Wiles, f>9 acres Eil ward Faulting, Sr, 1">0 Providence Township. G W Thompson, 10O acres. Jno U bhtller, ?9 acres. l M Burkott, Hit) acres. Vanol s To wn8ii1 p. Em a S Tale, 2200 acres. Frances Joiie?, Willow Township. C C Cooper, Adtn'r, 1890 acres. Joint D Brown, io:t acres. Jas R Davis 70 acres. DrC U Stevens. 025 aores. Ztt)n Township. W N Mount, 7u0 acrcoi. Orakob TowKsntr. w J DeTreville, acres. Rocky Grove Towxship. Buarks Ahle, 187 acres FOR THE \*EAR 1869' FlIUJT DlSTBICT. ^ John Barber 12f acres. ??III?.'II win I Rachel Bars, 181 acree. J 8 Bozaril, 68 acre*. . Mary Ann Bozard, 288 ?eres. V7 0 Bonnett, 800 acres. Mary A EJradham. 8a,acres. Vi m H Dabtzler, 809 noren. D D Dantzlor, Agt, '222 acres. D D Dantzler, Agt, '222 seres. ' Margret Darnell, 40 acres. iH Felder,. Agt, 1272 acre*, ttfus Myers estate, 478 acres. Mary A Preacher, 68 acres. J D Uiokcnbaker, 60 acres. E B Rush, 440 acres. Estate Jacob Snider, 800 acres. J A Sanfort, Agt for David Hair, 220 acres. J A Sanfort, Agt for M Donntll, 40 acres. J E Sbuler, 2t>8 acres. James Shuler, 420 acres. J F Snell, ?2 aorea. J W Smith, Agt, 200 acres. RL Shuler, Adin'r, 142 acres. R L Shuler, Adm'r, 248 acres. R L Shuler, Adm'r, 200 acres. R L .Shuler, Adm'r, 188 acres. Est H H Shuler, 426 acres. Est D Stoudcmire, 84 acres. Anthony Thicw, 288 acres, Est A S T?te, 2200 acres'. Mary. Utmcr, 160 acres. Victoria Utsey, 808 acres'; J IV Weathers, ?00 acres. J D Zeigler, 120 acres. Second Disthict. Margret Bonnet, 10 acres. Oeorgintina Bonnett, town lot. Mrs D Beach, 170 acros. Richard ''orbett, 107 acres. D N Carson, Agt P M & T J Carson, 393 Jncob Cridor Agt, 06 acres. J 11 Older, Agt, 134 acres. Frnzier & DPI, 1?OU acres. M Dolin. 120 nores. Mrs M M tiuriok, 340 acres. Eliza Geigletnnn. 21 ?'? acres. W C Hnae Agt 500 acres. Est E F I'oosor. 720 acres. John 8pighur, 100 acres. J W Sloiler, 200 acres. J II Smoke, 00 acres. TS Thompson, Adin'r est M E Taber, 744 Mary E Uliner, 120 acres. Est A S Wannamakor, 800 acres. " L Wise, 20i> acres?. c Wtn Wise, 52 acres. Est 4 acres. W I* luabinett, 800 acros. Frederick Livingston, Agt. 075 acres. Jacob Stabler, Agt, S5U acres. Diinie! I liner, S5 acres. Joseph Wolle. KM)acres. W II Wise, 200 acres. W D Williamson, 200 acres. John 11 Zcigler, 10O acres. F A Belgier, 1 Di acres. Francis i&eiglor, 289 acres. Tiiinti District. Macoti Gunther, loo acres. Thomaa Uurdunr, 151 acres. Uideon Han ,?. 400 acres. A -I Hartz ?g, 100 aores. J A Hart zog, 10 ? acres. J 1' Martin !Stl aces William Minnicken, 20 acres W W Pin. loo acres. J W lliley, 120 aeres. W I? Valentino, *>1 acres. L A w right, 044 acres. Pursuant to An "Ad to Amend An Act entitled 'An Act providing for the Assessment aud Taxation of Property,' passed Sept. 16, 180r\ and all Acts amendatory thereto," ap proved March 12th, 1872 ,notice is hereby given that the wliolu of the several parcela, lots and pans uf lots of Heal Estate described in the preceding list, er so muoh thereof as will be neoeseary to pay tha Taxes, VeceUdcs and Asaraaments charged thereon, will be sold by. the Treo*aver>of Orangeburg Coen> tv. So oh CareUna. .on First Monday, (3d) of J UBS, A* D. 1872, and titles given in fee simple, unless said Taxen, Assessment! and Penalties bo paid before that ttm?; and such Sale will be continsicd from day todav, Smi dii^s-excaptcd until ill of said Faroels, Lots and Parts of Lote - of Real Estate shall be sold or ofTercd for sale. JAMES VAN TASSEL. Auditor of said County. Office of County Auditor, Orangnburg Co. S. C, May 17th, 1872. may 18 W J .Mill HHIW" NOTICE, ft OFFICE OP 8CH?OL COMMI88IONI?, ORAJtaM?Ra'CoMTY, 8. C, Aprli 26tk, 1872. Notice is hereby gives thai ?11 parties holding Teachers Pay Certificate or siher ' Claims against th? School Panda of Orange burg County for the fiscal year ending 8ep tember 80th, 1871, will present the naa at the Office of County School Commissioner, to he Audited on or before ths 10th of June, 2872. The objeet of the shove Notice Vj to determine the amount of indebtedness oat. standing, in order that the Teachers asay obtain the benefit of the deficiency funds ap-^j propriated at ths last Ueaeml Asjessely. P., t CAIN, School Comssissioaer,' ? apl 27?8t Orangeburg Couaty. License Law Penalty. OFP1CB COUNTY AUDITOB, OsAjtaxavaa CortaT, 8. C? April 26th 1872. I ass directed by the State Auditot to notify Merchants, Hotel Keepers, Tavern, Boarding House, sad Saloon Keepers, Per sons selling by sample or soliciting Orders, Physicians and Surgeon Dentists, and all who arc liable to pay license uuder the recent Aot of the General Assembly, that after the 80th inst., the full penalty of the law which is s fine double the amount of Btiid license and six months imprisonment, wilt be imposed upon all who have Rot complied with tho provieious of this Act. JAME8 VAN TASSEL, County Auditor. Orangcburg County. April 27 tf DR. A. C. DTJKEST At the Old Stand of OR. R. 51. SIHM R. HAS JUST RECEIVED A fresh )supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, kc. A splendid Id! of STATIONERY. PERFUMERY aud SOAPS in groat va riety. A fine stock of CIO IRS and TOBACCO. And one of the finest assortment of POCK ET KNIVES ever offered here at ths prises. Prescriptions carefully prepared. OFFICE HOURS on the SABBATH? From 9 to 10 A. M., and from 4 to I P. M. dee 2 ? ly A Want Long Felt Supplied D. D. BLUME, Artist hss opened a GALLERY where he i> prepared to lake PHOTOGRAPHS. AMBROTYPES, DAG U ER K EOT Y PES, FERROTYPES, &c, in a few minutes st the LOWEST possible RATES. Walk up to the GALLERY over Mr. F. H. W. RRIGliM ANN'S STORE, if you want to obtaiu a ) i i ?( nt that is slttuys appreciated by Lovers, Snectbtarls and others, viz. your*elf. Satisfactluu p. r-r.uitee I. spl JO tf DR. OL1VEROS, DK iLI.U I\ PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES. WINDOW GLASS and putty. Just received another !., State As.sayer of Maasachu aetts, says, w The constituents are pure, and carefully selected-for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Piucparajxon for its intended purposes." Sold by all Drngi/Ul* and Pealcra In 3Iedtclnes. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. ^. As our Ren ewer in many cases requires too long a time, und too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, winch .will ?uickly and effectually accomplish iis result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. KAU. & CO., NASHUA, HA may 11 c ly At Private Sale. ? TUB PLANTATION forming a part sf the Estate of the Lite .Cot: Iteltt, and known as the DARBY PLACE. Tb? tract eonsistB of about 000 acres, one half well Timbered, the remainder Rieh, Bed, Loam Soil, adapted to Crops of all kinds. Theas are the. Finest I.amis in the District, and wore valued at $:2U per acre in 18G?). Would be sold for onedialf that price now. One fourth cash, the remainder in three instel inrnts bearing interest from date and se cured by morlgag* of the same. . This is a spleud'd chance for anj one dr. siring to secure Rich Land?? fins Water Pow. er, excellent Cattle Range and a React* Neighborhood. Apply to m? > Mrs. L. :*l. KF.ITT. Or J. G. KKITT, F.?? jan 6 * tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Fes riHiTVBie ma ,Han?s?sji?n The reputatioa this ex> reiten t medicine enjoys, ts derived Crom Us euros, many of Which are truly marvellous,' Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dis ease, whore the system teemed eatnrated with corruption, have bcea Suntied and cured by It. crofulous affec?onsand disorders ,which were ag gravated by Use scrofu Ions contamination until thoy were painfully afflicting, hovebcen radically owed in stiel? great numbers In almost every sec tion of the country; that the public scarcely need to bo i-i i'.".,nr. I of its virtneo or uses. Scroltilou. poison is oao sf the most destruc tive enemies of our rac?. Often, this unseen and ?feit tenant of Ukc organism nndoTsninee the eoa* tot Ion, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or fl> to! dUcabCa, wiUiout exciting a suspicion of Its prc?en<-e. Again. It seems to breed infection throughout the oody, ami then, on somo favorable occasion, rapidly develop into ono or other of Its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be tuddenly deposited In too tangs ?r heart,' or tumors foissil in the liver, or it shows Us presecco by eruptions on the "kin, or foul ulceranoo* on some part of the bodv. Uenco the occasional use of a botua of Uils ttavPstparillM la advisable, asms when bo active symptoms or disease appear. Parsons sf aictcd wltti the following complaints generally And immedhUs relief, end, at length, cure, by the use of this BARSAVAJU?PEj?, Ht. Antho ny's Fire, Hoar or JZrjettpclas, Tetter, Sett Jt/tfam, Hcaltt Head, Miotatvornt, Sore Kyea. Son* Kar*, and other eruptions or visible forms ? of fttt ofutoua disease. Also in the more eon rented forms, as J)?m?mI?, JirOpnj, IIearl Disrate, JPitr, MZptlrivt*, X??a*m?glm, ans? \ iro T*rious Vlecrmu, aflWc**Of the musenkf and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and McmirtaJ THt maaea are etired by tt, though a long time Is re quired for buliduiap these ohbUnate maladies by any medicine, lint long-continued uso of this mWUteiue will cure pie complaint. XeMeerrAsssa er Whli^Si Cte'~ t'l^rrntlonm, Ond Female IHaensea.'tvre commonly soon* rciieved and iu? matelv cured by its purifying and invigorating effect." Minute dtrccthms for each ea*a are found in our Almanac. : uppliod gratis. .Zfhrniwatft?sj nnd tiout, when caused bv sceutniflatlons of cx traneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to It, aa.aho7.trrr Complaints., Torpidity, Conge** tton Or Ttt/tammntton of theJ?ww, and Jaun dice, when arising, as Uiey often do, from the rankling pol.-ons in the blood. This SAJtiA." fa ItILjLa I* ? great restoror for the strength an?t vigor of tao i-vstetn, sTbcscwho are lan guid and IA?tleia, l>e9pondeut, Bleeplta?, and troubled nitb A>rro>(* A-jytrehenadont or ??????, or anj- of the nftee'Jons symptomatic of, will find immediate relief and con vincing c\kkucc of its ie.tor.Uivc power upon ^ i mm \ Irt&Msj fur pa jied b r Dr. S. C. AYtn & CO., IVsjsaroll, Mas*-, Practical and Analytical Chctniatt. soli) by ALU. UM.*. u?i-Ii may 11 c ? SING- m ? ' BTjLij TRlUMpil ANTV 1? R K .111 V M s. COLD and SILVER MKOaLR a'nd 01PL0 M A awarded to SI Mi ER ftKWINQ MACHINE at Savannah Fair" November, W71. FIRST PREMIUM at Atlanta, Fair. Oetoh?r, 1871. for BEST FAMILY RfACUlNK. PREMIUM ?i the Macert Fair Oelober, 1S71, for FAMtlf MACftlNB. with best an'd snoot nsefnl attachments FIRST PHEM1UM at Thomaaville, Novera ber 2,-1871, for he?:FA3|lLTl/ MAOlllNtUUstWr/ GOLD" MEDAL and THREE SILVER MRJ ALS awarded the SINGER at (bs Augusta Fair, Novem ber, 1R71. k Examine the oeisbrated SINGER "NEW FAMILY"' s.-wing M*rr?ixit-(ho Best machine ' in tho world. H. D. HAwsEY General Afentior South Corolla's,-',Oeorgis. ani.Plorlda. J.' k. whit*, Agent for Orangebu/g Coonty, '. Local Agests ; nearly every sosaty 1* 1 S??th Caroltao. idar 28 1-^7: ' iL''