I, o ca. X. urn vivi/n i, .'i.m. tola. All Advertisements must be handed to the Business Manager before Thursday Noon. MR EDITOR?IMcaso announce D. A. TORT Ell at ? Candidate for Sheriff at the naxt Election ami oblige Ida many friends in tiio FORK. j?i? : .' m . _agsr THE NEWS HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY Last Thursday evening a dwelling hotiso owned by Mr. D. Louis, and occu pied by Mr. John Riley, about two miles from 'Orangeburg, in the Edisto Fork, WjSA destroyed by fire. Tho fire, wo are informed, was accidental. A meeting of tho Trustees of the South Carolina Agricultural College and Mechanics' Institute will be held at Orangeburg, on tho 28th iustant. The Trustees of Claflin Uuivertity will also meet at the same time. te Express Office will hereafter be in the store or Capt. John A. Hamilton. Tho locality is far more convenient for our business men than has been the case heretofore. No better appointment could have been made than that of Cnpt. II., to this responsible Agency. Tho winter term of Claflin University closed hist Wednesday. The evening of J that day was devoted to a public exhibi tion and examination. We are informed thai- the proceeding.) indicated a very ere Jit able degree of profieieucy on the part of the pupils. Our neighbor cnlls the News a rara, aui generis, avis. Wo regret deeply to be obliged U\ re ply that tho 7Yt*<-s is a Kreutzschocksc -hwcrnothhciligCKlonnerwcttcrbouibeiiu ? ndgranndenconstaniiiopolitauisehcrdudc -Isnckpfeifergoell ! The following persons have been ap pointed ? rust cos of the "Statu Agicultur al College aud Mcehauics' Institute," located at this place. Judge A. J Willard, Columbia; J. J. Wright, Beau fort ; Hon. John Wilson, Anderson j W. I). Harris. Columbia; Gilbert Pillsbury, Charleston ; Uenjamin Ryas, ' Orange burg j'R. J. Donaldson, Choraw ; C. W. Wilder, Columbia; II. W. Duncan, Spartauburg. The Elliotts are vigorously ut work on their project for building a Truck house. A building of the character they propose would supply a want which has lung been felt in our community, and *#hith is becoming more and more pressing with the rapid growth of the Town. We have no public room here large enough for the purposes of ab exhibition, a lecture, or anything of the ktnd. n Tho Elliotts intend to supply this want aud to meet, also, the equally pressing Ueccesity for a Town Hull. Wo cordially commend their subscription list to the favorable actioa of our public spirited citizens. -1 ? We have heard the same "rumors i?s tho streets" of a forgery on the Comitjj T'reaseVy of which our neighb >r *p?kc last woek, aud hare applied to the Treasurer for information on the subj c He desires us to suy that he knows ol sio fttota supporting th?*se rumors und lofti that his office, books, accounts and vouchers' arc freely open for public in :spoctioti'.: Ho :znquests us father to say that on tho 1 si,[Tuesday of . April proximo he 'will mukc his annual settlement witli ?the Cou.tty Auditor for all tu o I collected aud disbursed by hin: i St und County accounts during the curr< u j-cnr, on which occasion it is his pailisu Jnr*desire that all parties iuleroated ?halt .attend. ,A Woiid A lout Proof Headi.su ? Every column of a newspaper tout, i . from too to twenty thousand distinct pieces of metal, uncording to the size ol the paper and typo. 'J he displacement of a siuglu one makes an orror. Is . toy wonder that errors occur ? In the mrgo offices ptofeasional proof readers are kept, whose .practiced eyes, passing twice over every* line of prool, detect uiost ol the error.*, a boy, also kept fur that pur pose, at tKe-.tainu time reading tho copy aloud. Still mistakes arj frequently occurring, after coming from auch hands and probably no nowapaper or book ever waa jet published without errors that might be detccto 1 by the merest novice Iu book printing it la estimated that proof-i ending costs half as much as composition. In country offices, the editor bat generally to be his own f >re mart, pi inter, book-keeper and aiuiost everything else, and if the same care had to be exercised that is deemed indisponible on the best city sheets, tho country paper could not be published at all, because ol the expense?Printing Gazette. Venetian Blinds.?No invention was ever so important to the people of | hot climates as the Venetian blind. Ad mitting the air and a shaded light, while keeping out tho heat und glare, they are absolutely essential to comfort in this country. If the houses of any of our rea dersare destitute of these valuable con trivances, they should at once, before tho hot weather sots in, send their orders to Mr. P. P. Toale, No. 20 Hayno street. Charleston, S. C, manufacturer and dealer iu doors, sashes, blinds, ba lusters mouldings, &c, ko. A Sad Fallino Out.?It is indeed a sad fulling out when, after ye- ra of j the closest intimacy, the hair parts com pany with the head. Fortuu Holy the lamentable separation m y be easily pre vented and the twain more closely uni ted thnn ever by a timely and aystemntic use of Lyon's Kathairon, tho most potent invigornnt ol tho hair and prom oter of its growth and beauty known to modern pharmacy. It completely obvii tcs the dry and pnrched condition of the roots of the hair, which is preliminary to its coining out, by supplying tho pre cise degree of moisture requisite to its preservation iu a healthy state. It is the only true dissolvent and ev.iporant of* | dandruff and other impurities of tho acalp whose presence is injurious to the hair. As a beautificr of the bend the Kathniron has no equal. It not only in creases the quantity of the hair, but improves its quality immediately, impart ing a lustrou* appearance and silky tex ture which are exceedingly attractive. PricioE Committed,?As the result J of on inactive state of liver uud stomach | producing headache, obtuse intellect, dullness, despondency, mid finally insan ity, is no uncommon occurrence. All these disagreeable symptoms and bad feelings arc most cort&faly dispelled by the use of Dr. Pie.rco's Gulden Medical Discovery. It revitalises und builds up the whole system A little book on Chronic Diseases sent free. Address R. V. Pierce, M. 1)., Buffalo, N. Y. Golden Medical Discovery sold by all druggists. COMMERCIAL. MAUKKT REPORTS. Omen or the OaAxnaanao Nkws, Mcarh, 22, 1871. COTTON?Sales during the week 30 bales. Wo quote : Ordinary.10 (a) Low Middling.20 &> Middling.20\(n\ ROVOH Hier..Sl.liO per misbol Comn.5> 90 per bushel. Cow Pbas. 1.00 per busticl. Pi.nof.rs.$1.00 per bushel. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD Cn am-f.ston, S. C. December 2.1, 1871. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY DECEMBER 24, the Passenger Train on the South Carolina Hailroud will run as follows . roa acocsta. Leave Chnrlesion.8 10 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.4.2? P. M. rOR coli'MOIA. Leave Charleston.8.10 A. M. A'rive at Columbia.4.0? P. M. for oha&iESTOH. Leave Augusta.7.40 A. M Arrive at Charleston.^.8.20 I?. M. Leave Columbia.7.40 A. M. ?r-!r.- : .o.ZO I*. Si. TlllloUOII WH.MINQTOS TUAIM Leave Augusta. .8.00 A. M, Arrive at Kiogville.b.oo A. M. Leave Kit.gvilU;.12.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.?.30 P. M. At'Ol'S r A KIOUT EXrBESS-SCXOATS EXCKPTIO Leavo Charleston.8.80 P. M. Arrive at Augusta. .7.?0 A. M. Leave Augusta.,0.00 P. M. Arrive ,n Charloslon.r..&.6u A. M. C01.1MHIA NKSIIT IWIUUSS? Sl'SUAVS KXCKPT Leava Chut lesion.7.10 P. M. A. i vc at Cblumbhi .7.80 A. M. I.cum- Columbia.?.00 P. M, Arrive al Chnrfeston.7.00 A. M. nl'VMI.UYli.l.K THAIS. Leave Sumtnervillc nt.7.2o A M. Vrr.ve nt Charloaion ul.k j , a M Leave Chnrlesion at .8.80 P. hi. Arrive u Siimim-rvillu at .,.4.46 P. M. CAMI.CN lit: AM li. Lsa.vo C.itiidcii . .n. Id A. At. Arrive at Columbia .10.40 A M. Leave Columbia.1.46 p. M. Arrive at Cumdcn.l>.25 p. M. Day uud Night Trains make clone eon nee lion ut Augusta with Ueorgia liaurou i uud Central llailroad. Night Train connects with MaoOU and Augusta Kail. end, Columbia Nicht Train eonnucis with Ursen vi lie ami Columbia uaili sd, an with Charlotte Road lopoinis North. Camden Tiuiu connects at Kingvillo daily (except Sundays) with tmy Passongcr Train, and runs through to Columbia. a. L. TYLEh, Vicc-Prasident. S. B. Picks**, General Ticket Agent. WBt ML SAIN ft CO. S column: WE WILL HAVE ON MONDAY A FRESH LOT OF FINE HORSES AND JUST FROM KENTUCKY FOR SALE CHEAP!! Those in want of GOOD, SOUND and CHEAP STOCK would d-? well lo call early. J W. M. SAIN k CO. FAMILY uu JUST RECEIVED A lilt 1 VING DAILY! INSURANCE AGENCY. FIBE INSURANCE. LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY? Capital $20,000,000 Gold. LIFE INSTJEANCE. PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON life INSURANCE COMPANY? ? Capital ?2,500,000. J AS. II. FOWLE8, AGENT, At Citizen?' Saving Bank. FOR 8ATJR.?100 ACRES LAND on Belleville Road. 1} mile* from tho Court House, (60 acres Cleared and GO Woo tland.) Also 10,000 BRICKS for aulo. Apply to JAS. H. FOWL ES. mar 28 .0 lj FOR THE SPRING OF 72. T. CARTNIILL Is offering his assorted STOCK of GOODS at a GREAT REDUCTION on former PRICES to make room for a new Stock of SPRING GOODS! T. CAETMILL, RUSSELL ST. ORANGER URO, S. C. mar 1G ljc oct 7 WAR! WAR! WAR! IN consequence of the EXPECTED WAR between Great Britain and ?hc United StaUa, JOS. McNAMAEA is determined to SELL OUT his entire STOCK for Greenbacks to mvesi in G?hl?should the war occur Grceubackfl won t lie worth a cent, therefore be gives his Customers and the Public generally, u chance to invest the same in his Cheap DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c. SUGAR, 8 lbs for $1.00. COFFEE, 4 lbs for $1.00. LAUD, BACON and MOLASSES, D\RRS Celebrated DIAMOND II VMS, SUGAR CURED IIA MS at I2j ct. p?r lb., FLOUR, RICE and a general assort n? out of FANCY GROCERIES. SMOAKS' PLOWS always on hand. Also a fuli lino of FARMING UTENSILS, such as HOES. SPADES, SHOVELS, PITCH FORES, IIAMES, BRIDLES, AXES, Jte. mar '2 c ly JUST RECEIVED The largest and most varied Stock of canned goods ?ver off. red in this Mark t spiced salmon\ green corn, peaches, fresh sal.mun, green peas, peaks, lobsters, tomatoes, straw beries, OYSTFLiS, 1 und 2 lbs, PICKLES, PINEAPPLE, b ROM a, g ELaTIn E, &o., &c. hams?bacon of every description. * All grades of Augusts? and Western FLOUR We are also nffcriug nur entiru Sinok if DRY GOODS at COST. shEOS, hats CUTLERY, FELDER, V0SE & IZLAR, to)- GOODS DELIVERED FREE or CHARGE in any portion of the Town, ma 2 c ly bacon, bacon! bacon! 3000 Pounds C. R. SIDES, 2500 Pounds SHOULDERS. IOm.0 Pounds HAMS, 1000 Pounds STRIPS. FLOUR! FLOUIt:. FLOUR!!? A Choice Lot of this article arriving and in Store. Ju?t reccivod a Choice Lot of TAYLOR'S PREPARED HAM, to which we call attention. All of the ABOVE GOODS are .ff red at LOW ER PRICES than can be purchased ?? au. other House in Drttio ar.'. Our STO K ?>. G ROC ER I E - ? e r i iv I Weekly from the Cheapest Mar ? ot.-. ih.t r w ? l"ui im.t oul II vPNESS but FRESHNESS. t. a. jeffords & co. war '2 c ly JUST IN AT Tfi?DOffl kohn m:i oo PIECES OF CALICOES 85 i:d for the ISON!!! Which, together with the balance of their full Assorted Stock will be sold at Eeasonable Figures. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. febl7 ly FAIR WARNING ?AND NO HUMBUG! BUT CALL ON ' WlUim T. LIGETFOOT, AT THE COrtiNTER, And secure a BARGAIN in DRY GOODS GROCERIES, SHOES, HARDWARE. And an ENDLESS VARIETY* of the Best Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, &c, All of which will be sold at once without REG ARD to COST and NO HUMBUG! Ono DWELLING for sale on Middlcton Street. Also my OLD STAND STORK on Rossel! Street. jao 20 dee 2 c ly SEED POTATOES! SEED OATS!! EARLY ROSE POTATOES, BLACK SEED OATS. ONION SETS, TURNIP and CABBAGE SEED Also WHITE BEANS for Baking ORDERS RECEIVED For M APES' 8UPERPII08PHATE, a Fertilize? Composed mostly of FISH, rated second only to Peruvian Guano. Also for PERUVIAN GUANO and CCANAPE GUANO. JOHTST _A.. HAMILTON, MARKET STREET. Agent for FIRE and LIFE 1X& ERASCE. jaa 20 c lj DR. A. C. DUKES, At the Old Staad of DK. IB. M. SUTLER. m HAS JUST RECEIVED A fresh ?Bfe'upply of '?ry DRUGS, rasa MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, kc. A splendid lot of 81 ATI ON Ell V. PERFUMERY and SOAPS in great va riety. A fine stock of CIGARS and TORACCO. And one of the finest assortment of POCK ET K?IVE8 ever offered her* at the prices. Prescription* carefully prepared. OFFICE HOURS on the SABRATII? From 9 te 10 A. M., and from 4 to 5 P. M. dee 2 a ly LOOK FOR THE RED fJOFFEE POT! II OME MADE TIX WARE OF THE BEST QUALITY AND OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION?WA UK ANTE I). .ALSO Ca&es and Confectionaries ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT STORE OP THE RED COFFIE POT, NEXT TO MIL W. T. MGHTFOOTS OLD STAND.* DJ B. F II, Fl^RSON. THE OLD ESTABLISHED ortrbs and DSAtttrs in Giaxos, 148 Buy St., Sne'?i}ivhi Cfa, lfil En*t Buy, Vtarttttoa, S. C. For further information applv r addrrve as above for Almanac for 1872. BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE, Agsatt at Oraag eburg, S. C. r>5 wee 3m