TWO DOLLARS I'KR ANNUM. )? GOD AI^D OUR COUNTRY. { ALWAYS IN ADVANCE VOLUME 6. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1872. " kuM?iil TEE OBANSEB fTRft NEWS PUBLISHED AT Eyory 8a{ nrtlay Mornlna,. TIY TUR 9RANGEBURG NEWS COUIWNI TERMS 07 SUBSCRIPTION. One Copy for. one yenv. $2.00 M " ?? Six Month*. .... 1.00 Aey one sending TEN DOLLARS, for n JMni of New Subscribers, will receive an RXTRA COPY for <>NE YEAR, free- of | ?karge. Any one Beinling FlVII DOLLARS, for a Club of New Subscribers, will, receive ?a EXTRA COrY for SIX MONI ilS, ri ce of r" RAT KS OF ADVERTISING. 1 Square 1st Insertion. $1.00 W e. QJ " nr>i ?im-wj-.i. llPO.. A Square eonsists of 10 lines Brevier or one inob of Advertising spnee. Administrator' Relicts of^Bisml minist r at ors, Executors, &c.00 Centrsct Advertisements inserted upon the aaest liberal terms. MARKT AO B ^ and FUNERAL NOTICES, i )t ?x ;eciliug one Square, inserted without uverusing fpwev. ?missnl of Guardian?, Ad 3 ?karg?. Terms Cash in Advance. "*-?a MALCOLM I. BROWNING attohm:yat law, ORAXQKBl'HG C. II., So. Cn r*voT *M lo ?.MU*.f v . o nj IOJ nov 4 AUGUfiTQS B. KNOWLTON (Formerly ot ilie New York Bar.) ATTORNEX Ay_P^C>UXSELLOR July R _ If ? c *>8 u of rautD, ss E^fTuutf pri kailie cfully attend*.! to. OK LEGARE, KON DENTIST, m&ie IInilluiore college Denial Surgery. OFFICE MASK|J'4i.r|)VER jStO^lsJoF J. A. HAMILTON, ALIG GASES. ^ ^ Tii^^^ir^^s^^^i^ ?11 of the various Ki2it? of the nbovo (': which can be furnished immediately on plication. Also manufactures WOOD COFFINS ns usual, arid at'tho shortest notice. Apply to IT. RIGGS, mar 5??ra Carriage Manufacturer. - ItEKDER & DAVIS, trxtrwrr- A'JbWO'S FACTO US i ?!-! I * \i\ fkKn I i.1 ?ill Commission 3tcrehauts, Ailrfrr** Wharf, CHARLESTON, 8. C. OsWKLL RkKUKII. Zi.M.MCItMAN DAViH oet 15* Cm T. F. BaoDtK. U. It. IlunntXH ^*VW ^H.^tfrT^.Ns. BRODIE & CO. cotton FACTORS axi> COMMISSION M ? R?IIA NTS, north Atlantic wharf, CHARESTON, S. C. Liberal Advances made on Consignment. to Andrew Sitnonds, Esq., Bres t 1st National Bank, Charleston, S. C, may 21 wuc tf WASHINGTON HOUSE BY Mrs. M. W. Stratton, GERVAIS* ASSEMRL\ STREETS COLUMBIA, S. C. Convenient to tho Greenville and Charleston . Railroads and tlio Business portion of the City, Kate of Trail,lent Board?Two Dolla.H per Day. Regulnr Boarders received at Rcasonablo Rates. . dec 10 tf Hu ins' Fnrowclt to the Urethren ol St, Jarnos' Lodge, Tarbolton. Adlon ! n heart-warm, fond alien ! Dear brothers of Ihc myslic tyc I . Yofnvor' l. yo enlighton'd few, Qqnrpmtrifebt of my social joy! Tho' I to foreign lands must hie, Pursuing fortune's sliddcry ba', Willi nulling hearl, and brimful eye, I'll mind you ?tili, tho' far awa'. H. Oft have I nut your Kocial band, Ami spool Ibo cheerful, festive night; Oft, honor'd with supreme command, Presided o'er the suns of light : And by that hieroglyphic bright, Which none but craftsmen ever saw ! Strong mein'ry on my heart shall write Those happy scenes, who-v far awa' in May freedom, harmony, And love, Unite you in the grand design, Beneath i he Omniscient Kyc above, "?' The glorious Architect divine! That you may keep the unerring line, Still rising by the plummet's law, Till orUer bright completely shine. Shall be my pray'r when far awa'. IV. And you. farewell! whose merits claim, Justly, thnt highest budge lo wear! Ileav'n bless your honor'd, noble name, To Masonry and Scotia dear! A last request permit mc here,? When yearly ye assemble a,' ^One round,?I ask it wilh a tear,? To liim? the Hard that's far awa' ! ( ROSS rUKPOSKS. -XTAjTEyriNe KTuirr. Tt was certainty q'uecr ! Not that shy. pretiy Mury should fancy her va 1 - eutimi !roii? the elector. With all her shyness, she had peeped at limes from under tli>: long lushes which veiled those sweet blue eves of In is, and littd made Up her mind that he was "nice," which w.iid weanfe n great deal to a gill. She could think o! uo ono front whom .she dhutild.sp l)/.c Ao haye it. come; so the wish was parent of the belief, as many of (Mir wi.-hus are, and /'ml wasn't tjueer But. .that frank Audrey, with his thirty years' cxpiri; nee ul' men and medicine, should fancy for one moment that .Mary wrote his, was queer, decidedly. Though perhaps wishing had sometoTitg to do with that too. Truth is, that experience is thrown away on many people. The doctor was a leurucd maw. ulier his fashion, lie knew ail fcorts of hard names of diseases and bones nod plains. He spoke Ger man like a native, and read Greek plays for amusement. Lie even understood human u?tuic pretty well?elderly hu man nature, that is, which wears lalse teeth and ruflled 11 ij^ht-eup*i, and "en joys"' poor .health. Ho fathomed with out difficulty Goody Colemaii's wiles to introduce brandy as a primary element in her cure, und was clear sighted euough as to want of occupation n"d rrryrim being Mrs. Pembcrton's ailment, though she to style it disordered nerves. But when it came to young ladies, all this pruficigiicy was at fault. Our doc tor, su cool iu the operating-room, so sell-possessed in critical eases, so patient atid playful with pauper imiicnts und I litflo children, was us ill at euso as u I school boy. He saw without seeking, heard without hearing; could not pass a chair without knocking it down, or a lrain without stepping on it. All the girls agreed that it was a dreadful shame such a good-looking follow, and not '?very old either," thoiild^ be so dull and awkward, Bfnd such u blunderer as to be worse than useless in society. All but Mary Bliss, that is. She, as I have be fore remarked, thought him ''nice." Hut why, on receiving (his extraor dinary valentine, did Hr. Aubrey's ? hough's j' inn at once to this same .Mary ? Now don't expect mil to answer the question. How is any finite mind to grasp the thousand little insidious tangled threads which cause men's thoughts?young men's especially ? to jump this way ami that at young ladies? No. I just throw out the question lor what it is worth, and any of ym who, or can, may answer it. But, for one thing, ?Mary Wa$extreme ly pretty ? pretty in that soft, Ino-^s-rose bud st} le which is so lovely in curly youth. Tho doctor had felt the ohurui of that bwcrti face. Aud more than once of late, with what the poof fellow considered iuUnitc tact, bad managed to wedge httuseli into the cornet where she happened Je bo silting, and, soothed by the sweet tones of her voice mid by hi r shyness, even more excesaivo ihau his ..wo, had found Iiis everting considerably Icbs wretched thuu cveniogs spent in company woro apt to be. But to go back tu my former wodcrment. Why iiid he suppose she wrote the Valentino '! As well fancy a violet brandishing the carving'kuife with suicidal intoutions '. For this was the vuleotiuo, concocted by that naughty Julia Luureuce mid'1 Emily Wells iu the Bauetuary of the hitter's bod-room, aud carefully copied niminy-piminy runuiiig.hund, as little liko the ordinary writing of every day us could well be : "Half without seeing, half with sight, 1 saw you coming by ; Blushing i looked, und looking I blushed, For I am young aud shy. "Kindly the eyes you bent on me, Kindly the baud ungloved, Kindly the voicu which spoke, and I Listeuei and liked?and?lovod ! .m* " ? '?A .n '.H / "Is it n wrong to tell the tale * Will you forbid and flown? Aud must 1 choke my timid heart, And gulp my secret down? "Bo you not seo my pnilid cheek, Where roses bloom no more? Ah, diagnose the case, aud speak, Thoao rosc3 to restore ! "To kind St. Valentine 1 11 fly ; lie will the tangle sever, And speed my love, or bid it die, And hi lc my uamo forever." Now those mischiefs, Julia und Emi ly, never for otto moment thought of Mary Bliss when thny scribbled lli^se absurd verses. Tho pcrsou in their eye ?if, indeed, any thing could be said to be there except pure love of fun? was a maiden of koiiiq forty sum- j niers, who was currently reported to | have laid fi tee siege to the heart of Dr. Aubrey under the trnlspurent disguise of liver-complaint! The doctor had gone lilinJly into tho not- f>fpnnod tWv him ; had lei' the pulse, oxiin-iiicd the tongue, advised fresh air, and written a prescription for a heroic d< se yt' ::poti ulino." (which .prescription, of course, went into the lire us soon as he loft), I .nd then?had discontinued his visits, to tho infinite disgust of the would be charmer. Naughty Julia Laurence got hold of the story; and hence the valeu tiiuc, which, with many eh tickles and fits of laughter, was duly posted and marked "1?,"' Brown being the uamc of the lady of the liver. Nobody but u very vnin man or tin absolute goose would so have blundered. Our di.ctor was imt vain, but he was a goose, as many estimabl" people tire, lie had never received a vilentine before in his life, mid now began t.> think, lmd Mnry looked a little pale luteJy? Of course she never meant that about lov ing?(hat was only put in to supp irt the valentine character, or to make nut a rhyme. But supposo there was just a little substratum of meaning in it ; sup pose she really did like him a little, nod, guessing his secret predilection, bad chosen this way of lotting him know it ? Oh dear, eh dear ! what a thought was there! Meantime, pretty Mary was reading and rc reading Itrr valentine, which was beginning to get ijuite worn about the od ires from much carry in if about in nn?k lets. For this, too, Julia mid Emily were responsible. But, bless you, they never nlluded to Dr. Aubrey at all. A certain tall, bl t u-bearded Dr. Webber was the person they meant?a widower, who, having successfully disposed of a brace of wives, was now said to be look ing about fur a thud, aud to have drawn up his seige-traiu iu front of the Bliss resilience. He and Mary had appeared together not long since nt u concert, which putting the notion iu the heads of our naughty pair, the lullowiug was the result: *-kVVtilt audio's* which is nol gloom, With a wish not yet u hope, In every house and in every room 1 patiently, wistfully gropo. ??Grope for a friendly hand, For a sympathetic eye, For space to sow one liltle seed, Which may bo a flower by and by. "Sown in a human heart, This seed ('Love' ia iis name) Grows to a blossom worthy of Tbo heaven from which it came. "If it might bud and bloom, O gentle one and fair I In the swoot garden of yonr heart, "Wrapped in such balmy air, ??Petal and leaf and stem, Unfolding day by day, Would burgeou to a glorious tree, And bless my li?e alway. "May it not bo m>, tl.en ? Will you not plant tho scod, And bo my Love, And be my Wife, And make me blessed indeed ? ?YALBNTIXT'." Dr. Webber's Christiao numo happen ed to be Valontiuo,.nnd the authors of tliis precious production Duffer doubted that Mary, connecting this fact with the signature, would fofin her own conclu sions. But this little shaft massed its mark, for Mary had/ no idea what the "V." in Dr. Webber^ initials stood for and had never (a ken t be trouble to in quire. So she 'd'ornicd her own conclu sions" quite otherwise, thau her friends had hoped, and while poor Frank Au brey puzzled over Iiis poem, was absorb ing hers with inanytbecoming blushes and dewy diinplts, and euch grew daily more certain uf theirg5orre.-p >nd at, and more and more cottAtOus of each other, which is 'in iiiijiort inVliist step in matters of thi.- kind. And 40 the the time sped on until the 11 1. when, in honor of the Fatlu r of his Coiiafr. J uiia Laurence was to Live a^l.irge piifty. In that i|uiet place, hdfjjQWn, hull' village, it was .-till tho custOT^for young men to - ask the prw0T^'e'\of escorting young ladies lo ami from sod i' enter tainments 'f!?e gir?s Slid '?yci" or "no." a> it happened, kilted npt'nir company and,", taking the ar n '?(' the lavoivd ;a\alien;.trotted blitliely oil' to their parties, nftOj? the unmalronized fashion of A inorioauj girls ; nod t hough the pracliee may sojjjudLa little odd to ears r?k en the new: ?he; s uh:c-'. i,Hi}-! I. ? iiai.Mi-ddotime, was !i \ d ! ;. :;. boquvt of the choice t tea roses, ^ nctre,-TiCiftrtg?tlle>^^%ftrjftTi -?h*A. '? and n note, containing those words: "Will Mi->s Uli-a uljow Dr. Aubrey the pleasure of being her escort lo mor row evening V Would she. indeed ! Was ever any thin", BO charming'; But then, after ////// valentine?id'Course ! So the little word of acceptance was written, nod at. the appointed hour, white gloved and well wrapped up, witlr her powers in her baud, Miss BHs,s !trippo 1 d ?wn her lather's steps and too* the doctor's arm. The doctor nefer forgot that walk, or the feeling of the little glovod fingers on his arm. The night was brilliant with lull moon nod hoar frost, and what with the enchanting lights and shadows, the cxhilarati'Mi of the air, and the fact that the pretty creature at his si 1 had half coufevsc 1 a preference Pol him. be found hi.;.self warming into unusual < lOtjitencc And Mary, too: ever sine" ib.; arrival if the famous valentine a lit tle sense of n?*ic*$inil had taken hold of er with regard to the doctor, a sonso iu cxpres.-ibly dear to a young girl. She felt freu by his side, bur tongue was un loosed, words CHtue as easily and glee fully US if she had beim alone with bei mother. It was a*delicious walk to both, each hugging Becriitly their delightful mistake, w hich, mistake as ii was, lud them on as skillfully us ascertained fact could have done. \W :i?*n nl'ton ii.d.'..; e-1 for innen pleasure to the ignorance which i> bliss. "What on earth is (he matter with Mary to-night?" whispered KJmily to dub' later on in the evening, '"t-'lie Ins been sitting behind tho door half the limy with Krank Aubrey, and when Dr. Wcbbor asked bor to dance, she said "be was 'too tired.' Thou he asked it he might t ike her in to supper, but she was engaged, and she has scared y spoken three wards to Do you suppose she is mad about the valentine?" "1 don't know," replied Julia mu singly ; "but I'm going to find out." So, while the company gathered in the sup per-room were deep in the discussion of the cxccellciit oy.-ters, coffee, and home made ieo cream which made up the staple of the village entertainments, she asked aioud, in a sudden ami general manner: "By-thc-way, girls, who bad any valentines this your? Did you. Alice? Hat'y, did you? Did you. Mar) ??oh my, how she blushes ! 1 know tho had one I" Mary, indeed, did ldtisli like any roso, and when, looking up, Bho caught the doctor's eye fixed upon her, she blushed again harder than evei. Meantime Julia rattled on : ' Do tell us all about it. I ruovo that all present read thiir valentines aloud. I'll begin. 1 had three. No, Dr. Aubrey, you shall bogia. Surely you had at least one." Aud now it was Frank's turn to color and bo con (used. "Indeed, Miss Laur ence, I?you?you must excuse mc," ho atainmored. Ho could get no farther; and Mary, forgetting her oWu embarrass ment in his, was conscious of a sudden vague pang of jealousy. Jhul somebody sent Dr. Aubrey u valentine about which he felt it necessary to blush like that ? So she was a little silent going homo, which silence Krank sot down to the re action of shyness at hearing her secret so carelessly handled; nud this idea Warmed his manor with a tender respect fulness which it had never exhibited be fore, and which, comforting Mary's jealous qualms, sent her to bed very happy. And SO, in mutual mistake, time sped on and the intimacy ripened,until, two months later, Dr.Aubrey, with white lips and a pale face, contrived during a long call In summer forth certain words which had for many days burned within his heart unuttcrcd, and was answered by happy, tearful silence, and the pres ur; ol a fair little hand within his own. untie eloquent than speech. "And you really will! you really can make up your mind to endure a clumsy, awkward fellow like mo?'1 cried the enraptured doctor. "Oil yes ; I always liked you. and then?since Vulculinc's Day, yo-u know ?" But hero Mary stopped, for Frank's eyes were fixed ou hers with an cxpres si .it she could not define. "Since Vulcinino'a Day? he repeated. "Since theu, of course, t have liked you better and better; for you are so'rue, I knew .you would never have writteu those verses unless you really meant them and so?" The little fingers slipped again into his, and olos?l the sentence. d )ctor, suddenly, o_ v.aleut+u*J-' uNd, never. 1 can't write verscF, and I never shou-d have dared send you ana even if I could. Bui why do you think I did.'" A sudden flash of illuiuitl itiotl CrOoS cd Frank's mind, but n flash of tact equally sudden kept him tdlcnt. So for answer he clasped more closely the dear little hand ho held, looked straight into the blue cy -i, aud s.ii.l?s mcuiing else! What it was matters no Mary 'found it quite to the purp.isj. Some years have passed since then Whether tlie doctor's reticence has yet yhldcd to the confidential intercourse of a hapy married life we arc unable to say. Certain it is that he still carries in his pocket, Citrciuliy stowed away at the but.k of a prcsmptibMbnbk, the scrap of doggerel ychieh, for nil its absurdity, i was one ol the slight, irrusistiblj li 4ks i which drew und boun 1 him to the htiven I where, longing to be, he dared not eater j ?the haven of love, matrimony, and? ' M.ny.?Harpers Bazar, Liquor License. Al a special term of the Court of Gcn ernl Sussions, held r.t Kingstrce lust mouth, Judge Green decided that there is uu law in this State authorizing the (Jounty Commissioners to grant licenses ??,? .1-, ;- .?;? nf tv.!srj : H.ii: -^t :.. _: . j.- ?.!',.?'-:i _ . ?_ . County Commissioners were indicted for failing to account for a large sum of money collected for liquor licenses. The couusol moved to quash the indictment, ou the ground that, as there- was no law authorizing ihein to collect such monies, they could not bo held liable in their official ca pacity to account for them, and could not th ere fore be criminally prosecuted for uiisappro] riuting them. '1 he Judge concurring in this yiow of the law the Solicitor nol ;?;?'/?.,'?/ the case rather than let it go to a Jury. " \>d l uv against selling without n li cense stands unrcpoalcu. II the County ('omuiissiouers have no authority to grant licenses, no such authority e.\ists. This being the case, if Judge C icon's decision is good litWj uo liquor can be I sold iu the State, except in the incorpo rated l ilies, towns und villages, where tho authority lo grant licenses is 0011 for led upon the municipal governments by their charters. Irregularity und want of mctho I are only supportable in men of great learn ing or genius, who arc often too full to be exact, and therefore choose lo throw down their pearls iu heaps before the reader, rather than be nt the pains to tiring then. - ? - ? -?? - - ? - ? ? - -n w ? - - 'K ^TT- ; I Facts About Trichiii? in Hogs. A Cleveland despatch says: "A well authenticated and undoubted coso of trichinae spiralis is now undergoing in vestigation by our physicians. It has already resulted in tho death of one vie tint', and several more nrc in a danger ous condition. Tho unfortunate sufferers are a family by the name of Martens. For Bcvcral weeks past they have at dif ferent times eaten of pork, either made into sausages or cooked in the usual manner, which was to all appearances in good condition, and there was no 5n d:cation of disease of any kind. A fow days ago the entire family, consisting of Charles Maitcns, big brother Erust, wife and two children, were seised with symptoms that baffled at first all at tempts at discovering their charaotcr; but an examination of the pork partaken of proved conclusively the presence of counties:* trichina) in an encysted state. In spite of all that was done to relieve him, Charles Martens died Monday night. Miss Martens is in a very crit ical condition, and there is but little hope of her recovery. Ouo of tho tshil dren may recover, but the only member of the Jamil v out of danger is the broth er, Ernsf Martens, who ate but little of the affected meat. A microscopic exanc nation made of a piece cut from the mus cle of the arm of the deceased, with an instrument having a magnifying capacity of four hundred limes, revealed the presence of a number of trichinae, some of them still alive and active, but soon dying on exposure to the air, Their average length was one-eighteenth of an inch.. J heir color was a light drab, marked witn shades of a darker color. Experiments have shown that exposure to heat greater than 1G0 degrees effectually destroys these dread insects. The first cases of trichinosis in America Vcre in New York. At Marion, Iowa, in lSfia, i?iqc.uiMtea> same county, eating raw ham containing trichina) (proved afterward by examina tion) caused -the death ot six children at ihr1 same timo. An examination of pork iu ^Chicago by a committee of the Academy of Science ofthat city proved the existence of trichina? in one in fifty of the hogs inspected. Some of the flesh contained from 10,000 to 18,000 of these insects to the cubic iuch."?\Buffa | lo Express. ? ? ? Faomino as a Business.?The fol lowing is from the Farmer and Artisan: A man who is not smart euough to run a store is not Stuart enough to farm. Furniers nrc not to be made of what is left after lawyers, doctors, ministers aud merchants are picked out ; and if a man fails on a farm it is not likely he will succeed in a store, for it requires more talent to be a thriving farmer than to be an average merchant, the one cause of great valu< the disproportion bo t-vee.i a man > farm and his capstal. A farmer's capital is skill, labor, and his money. If he ha "ittlo cash, he must have no more land than ho can thorough ly manage by his own personal labor. Every acre beyond this is an iucum bruuee; one acre well worked is more profitable than twenty acres skimmed over. It is this greed of Sand by farmers j mat nave not mo capital to Keep it, uint i keeps so many poor, tfniull farms arc ' better suited to the capital of common farmers. Barge farmers with large capital arc better than small ones. Farming is u good business for all men who conduct it on proper principles, and have capital accordiug to the size of thir farms, aud a bad one for everybody elso. Wc suppose that nino out of ten housekeepers will contradict us in the statouiont that they do not know how to cook a dish of oysters. By the ordinary routine either the oysters are stewed and shrivelled out of any semblance of them selves in shape, size, nod flavor, or elso the foup and thickening' has a raw taste. Here is the right method: try it once, and wc will warrant you will not need telling the second time. Pick the oysters out of the juice with a fork, us dry as possible, s;ew the juice, thickening the milk or water of which the Boup is to be made until thoroughly cooled : then drop the oysters in, and just as tho coolod soup begins to show signs of simmering empty out altogether, and you will have a rieh soup and plump oysters, luscious enough to make you think you never tasted the real article before We must retire inward, says St. Ber nard, if we would asccud upward. Certain people study all their life; at their death they have icarot everything, excel The man who never alters his'opinion is like standing water, and breeds rep tiles of the mind. The man who can bo nothing but seri ous, or nothing but merry, is but half a man. "Hero lies a man who never had ar en emy r Then here lies a man who never had an idea. A man's possessions are just as large as his own soul If his title deeds cover more, the surplus acres own him, not Nn the acres. A Boston coroner has been accused of presenting bills for viewing bodies that he never saw. He gets 94 a head, and gets ahead about $4 every time. Hospitable Host. "Does any Gentle man aay Puddenf " Prcciso Guest. "No; Sir. No Gentle man says Pudden." . A St. Lou:s lawyer attempted to try a case the other day wK!e ho was half drunk, but the judge stopped him say ing, "no lawyer can serve two bars at a time." A victim of Greeloy'a handwriting soys: "If Horace had written that in Bcription on the wall in Babylon, Bel shazzir would have been a good deal more scared than he was." A thoughful Danbury ?sdy puts lard on the stoop when she wants her hus band to stay home of an evening. Bar. ring an hour or so devoted to rubbing [ his back, the tine is pleasantly occupied. It is safer to adrout some people than to oblige them; for the better a man be as if the professt?ia of opW^na their benefactors were an argument that they lie under no obligation. The sad effects of tobacco on sotno constitutions is pertinently stated in the following paragraph from a Virginia ex change: "Another poor girl has died in Virginia fromrthr use of tobacco, at tho age of one hundred. She was an orphan." They have a man in Poughkcepsie whoso legs are flesh and blood:, but the hardest variety wc know of. * A wagon loaded with brick rolled over them, and half an hour afterwards the owner was running after the driver to recover dan ages. ^ "The first bird I shot in Ameriky," said an Irish'sportsman, "was a forku upiue. I treed him with a barn-shovel. The first time I hit him I missed him, and the second time I hit him, I hit him in the same place where I missed him the first time. An unsophisticated parent in Ports mouth, N. II., observed with pain that his firstborn had no teeth, and hastened to remedy the "deformity" by purchas ing a fifteen dollar set of molars, which he handed to the nurse, with the remark that the buby should'nt suffer if he had to wear only a shirt a week. kJti t O JLi/aii. xiA\/nvj ? GO TO J. P. HAHLEY'S AND buy CHEAP Dry Goods, Boots, Snoes, Huts, Caps, &c, of which be has just rcooivod a fresh Supply.* also F LOU It of nil (Trades. BACON. LAUD, SUGAUand COFFKK of all grades. Besides numerous other urtioles in my Grocery Department all of which I am sell ing at Prides not to be excelled for CHEAP NKSS in tho Town. Come aud see for your selves. XartS* All Persons indebted .o me must pay up Immediately as I am compelled to close my books. A word to tbo wise is sufficient. J. T. IIA KLEY, oet 14 may 27 e 1/ OKANGEBURG?In Pr?datkCourt Ex Parltr Lewis W. DanUWr & Catharine ? E. his wife. Potition for chango of Guar dian. By ordor of tho said Court, I hereby give notice that on the 2f.lth day of February next, I will file my final account as the Guargian of Mrs. Catharine Dandier, (net* Catharine K. Bull), and will apply for my final discharge. BEGIN W. BATES, Guardian Catharine E. Dantslcr, Bull.) Orangeburg, So Ca , January 20th 1872. jaa 27 At