THE ORANGEB?RG NEWS AUGUSTUS B. KN ED1XO GEORGE JUl FlHAKCIAL A.XU 1) SATURDAY, FEB. 3,1873. Every article for the Obakurburo News must be accompanied by the real name of the author??not ncccosa^Uy for publica? tion, but an a guarantee of good iffith on the fart of the writer. Personal. !t?*0-It In assuming, as be does with'the pre s>ri"t issue, the editorial nianagcnWut'of tho ''ORAN-QEBcna News," the.under ?igned, before lapsing into tho more dignified nad distant style which is here after to govern his couverse' wuh its readers, avails himself of a pleasant cus torn, to chat with them lor a : few n>o mcuts, in friendly and easy fashion, concerning his editorial intentions and the viowa which ho is hereafter pub licly to advocate. In tne-first p'acc, it is bis iutontion to make the "News" a thoroughly fiver newspaper iu every respect,?savo the obituary notices. : It will be original, liberal, earucst and charitable It will demand and exercise the right to ( ex *" press its views fervently and cmphati - calby, yet with due regard to the claims of courtesy and the laws of the land? yielding and admitting to others the eamc right, ' willingly, and as of equal It will contain occasional woll-oon bidcrcd uud timely articles upon impor tant questions arising under the Home ? stead aud Exemption laws, in regard to Licusoii.Crops, Planting Leases and the best mode of enforcing them, and other Jega^ subjects of vital interest to every citizen tff our County and State. Recognizing that the farmers arc the. very foundation of our country's pros ? i pcrity?iu fact, that without them we could uot lire at all, the "Nxws" will always Imve something to say couccrn their particular avocation and interests y copied generally from some leading Ag viculturul (for as to his per sonal knowledge of such mutters the editor fraukly udmits that ho cannot toll a bushel of rye from a pcok of win " ' tor wheat?except by the nizo of the measures.) And as farmers, now-a-days, . canuot generally afford to take more than one uews-paper (which ought, for the very name's sake at least, to con tain some news?) and that one must, hereabouts, bo tho "Oranqebuuo News," the most important news of each weok will be condensed for its columns, down to the latest possible dato before publication. Recognizing further that tho ladies, both old (bless them !) and young (God bless them!!) arc nifco an important part of the community, whose good-will it is most desirable to obtain and* to secure, tho "News" will from time to time contain such delightful stems aucnt tho Fashions, "Tho latest thing out" (which it is sincerely hoped will never bo ouc of their husbauds) and other charming and delectable trifllcs, as will cause it to bo a welcome visitor to every household in the County where "womans will has womans winning way." Then as to politics. "Well, when the colored man insists that ho was a great deal happier and better off as a slave than as a free mau; when people gi\ o up t* .????Ii -?- -- ?? ^ ;u MkMihU. boats, and prefer to go from Charleston to New York iu a sailing vessel, or from Orangeburg to Charleston on mule back; when bujiucsa men, iu a great hurry, think the Atlantic cable too fast, aud prefer to scud important dispatches to Europe in three weeks by the old way rather than iu three seconds by the new way; then tho "Oranoeburo News" nwy turn out to be a sound old Democratic newspaper. Uutil then, however, it will be staunchly, hoarlily, boldly Republican ! Until then, or until the M'rllcnium,?. but iu the-Millenium we shall all bo Re publicans. Savu one, oud he-"bball be bouti'l for a thousand years !" AH'GrsTl S B. KNOWLTON. Wcudoll Phillip? is csllod by tile Ediuburg Scotohmait "a tort of Ameri can lloehufort, Gumbetto, and Victor Hugo roiled iut*> one." It might havo added?with more scholarship and eul Litn ibtin til of thsfm eeirJbitM I ?'WaBbiD'i^Q^Cit|^M doubled ite majority aiaeellieSJBpfa election. Radi > eollsm ia* spreading."?Kcp. Exchange. I si| ?ding does loflffta'gfce that they are j ep(cr hffithy \jf/(dcjjrable."?Demo I era tic lewlv'ffjy Prctactly ; but it ia a prbof that how ever much Republicanism resembles small pox, the people c osider it more "healthy and desiriblo" than Democra cy. It's Very certain that Democracy doesn't "spread" much at present. O ? v. ??^a?>??-??aa?i Some months ago, iu rclcrriug to this : subject, we safd that if a better man for ! the Frcsideucy tbau Gen. . Grant could be found, be ought tu Ic .brought, out^ "and that be would doubt'ess be elected. This opinion is most probably shaved by Gen. Grant himself:?be did ( not seek, his present office iu the first p^aoe,, and" it is not at all likely, that lie will make any great effort to hold it. But down to the present moment, wo hav? not beard of. a move promising candidate. Many men have been "named/*" but they are not tbc men who arc likely to be preferred to Gen. Graut. Mr. Grce Icy'a "claims" ore not geuerally regar ded With much favor; ho is a great jour: ualist, but a n-iscrably poor politician! In the President's office ho wbuld be likely to make as much havoc as the tra ditional bull in tbc China shop. Blr. Greeley is the most prominent outside candidate yet named on the Republican side ?for that great and injured man, Carl Schurz, is uuluckily ineligi ble,, owing to a defect in tbc Constitution which tho World kindly proposes to rectify. U seems to be generally ?i sum'cd that tbo time baa not ar rived when the country can with safety be turned over to the Democrats. They had the greatest city in the Union to manage, and tbc mode in which they exhibited1 their pluu of government is tvo well known to need mault descrip tion. People are not prepared to see the Democratic system of Government in New York extended to the whole country, and a line of "Bosses" instilled' iu the "flTh'tc Hou.v. .There can be no doubt that the Democrats are at this mo ment largely assisted by the dissensions of Republicans. The articles against tbo Administration in Democratic papers arc vory wutory things compared whi ttle articles iu the Tribune, Springfield Ifrjuitlicon, and some other papers. But Republicans will, perhaps, grow tired in time of manufacturing ummuni? tion fur Democratic guns; aud if thoy dv> not,'it a;gnh1ca vcry^ little, becauyv'*$J. have always the people to fall back upon. Much importance may be at tached by sorno to the fact that so old a Republican aS Mr. Greeley should de idee against the rcnomination of t he strong est leader the Republicans have?but it is a consolation to reflect that Mr. Gree ley, though a man of .real experience, is not iu fallible. Mr. Greeley, opposed the rcnomination of Mr. Lincoln?but somehow it befell that Mr. Lincoln was re-elected. History has a kuack of re peating itself, and if Mr. Grecley*? pre cNu&iona should turn out to be no noarer the mark now than they were iu 1861, no one but himself would be greatly as tonibhed.?..V. I", Times. The apportionment hill recently passed by Congress, which is now before the President tor his signature is virtually the same that was first passed in the House before the holidays. It provide* for 283 members to the next Houso of Representatives, an increase of lorty over the present House, and fixes the ratio of representation at about one hun dred aud thirty seven thousand This will give five Kepreseutativcs to this State, instead of four as at present,, and will necessitate the re-districting of thw State befcro the adjournment of tbc pre sent Legislature. i Several bills have already becu intro duced, looking to this end. but none of them seem to possess sufficicut merit to ........I ?>-- -** ?, 11 U.1IW1 Unless the State is rc-districted before the adjournment of the Legislature, it will be necessary to elect a Congress man at large, as is now done in Illinois Tbis position is an unpleasant one, as the person filling it, really represents no one iu particular, or any special locality. He has only a negative voice iu recom mendation for office, and is constantly interfering with somo other member, in whatever he may attempt to do for hie State, There is ample time for this work to be done before the 16th of February, at which time wc hope the Legislature in tends to adjourn This new appointment will give this Statt! two additional members in the National Convention to nominate Presi dent aud V icy-President, making tho number fourteen iustcad of twelve.? C'o Rimbia Union. A. fluglo hair from tho heutbof Louis Napoleon is said to have beou sold, ro? ocutly, at a fair iu London;.for 4U00. At this-rate, ho can* soon raise that 50, 000.0OU fVanes to occupy tho throne, as suggested by Thiers. _ JJ_Ui! The fonee U a costly fixture. Illinois is said to have ten time* as much fence aa ?ormg^^D^^?aiiifar^Wi York, mor^thunall Frf^eo. ufjjTO#j path divides furms in France, Germany and HotlarJL ffe South Carolina the improved l*^d,ii estimated to be worth $20.000,00lf fences have coat S16,. 000,000. ThVanuual repair is a tenth of this. A reoent calculation places the cost of fences in the- United 8t*tof ?% ?300,000,000. Nicltotae Biddle, thirty years ago, said the Pennsylvania reneec ^wwt^tlOO.OOO.OOO. J^Ohio they 'arc^ufat 8115,000,000, and in New York, at 9144,900,000. Some day fen ces will probably disappear, and boun daries wit 1 be marked with, fruit; and shade trees, orgeat hedgo-rows. h^M^' r/Av"!!? A VAIUC^t _:A cu rious fact has oome to light bore con cerning Mr. Jcffetson Davis. Evidence has been found to bo in existence that, InVtcid of bbing bom iu Kentucky, its! has Ktways been supposed, and as he has , always asserted, he was really born in Massachusetts, and, therefore, instead of being a pure-blooded son of Southern chivalry, ho is only a Massachusetts Yankee La n man's "Dictionary of Congress" puts Davis down indefinitely is having been born in Christian county, Kentucky, in 1803. Persons who claim to be well informed say that -'Jeff." was born in old Stockbridge, Massachusetts, to 1S0S, and removed to Kentucky with Iiis father when a small child His father t* Kiid to have boon a wheel aright by trade, and the bouse where he lired on one side of the road aud the "shop where he worked on the other side tre well remembered by Jiviu- witnesses. After all, tbo illustrious rebel comes from plebeian stook.? Wash. Cur. of the | y. Y. Times. A dog twenty two years old has jstst died lu lloston. T 1ST OF LETTERS Remain* lj ingin .tbe Orangcburg Post Othco to jTwcuitKjr 30tb, 1871. BV?Will ram Bull. Cr?Mrs. Ctepneaa for Mrs. Thomas Sim mons. D.?P. A. Dawson. G.-Mr. Uibbis for Mi?.-. Kilon Taylor. J.?Peter Jacobs. K.?Patrick Kenncrly. P..? Jauob Robinson (colored,; '{in. Rob trt.. 8.?Peggy Stalcy. ? W..-P. N. WUecl.y. , P.or?yn'i oakling (or iht? above letter* will pleas'-say they are advertised. F. DcMars. P. H. iLst.Ji-mm as ? i ij?l-ii ? . ? ? ?? STILES It. MELLICH AMI*, ,lu ?* . SURVEY Ott Desires to inform .the publio that be is now U?ERMX\KXT^Y LOCAtfn ?> ^ TOWN of ORATs'GEBURG, where he bopea Id receive a continued share of patronage in bia line of business. fob 3 i 4t - NOTICE rfhe FIRST1 A NM V E HS A R Y of the ?OR ANtlElilftC SURVIVORS ASSOCIATION" Jfill be hold on 22d February at the Or ingeburg I'resbytcri.. u Church, at 12 o'clock. AIT ADDRESS will bo made by a member, &nd other suitable exoscu^es will be had. The Indies, Ind public are fnvrred to attnnd and all ex-Confederate officers and soldiers are requested to unite with us. By order of Executiro CoiwuirSie. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Secretary. NOTICE. SEALED PROPOSALS. I* accordance with a resolution adapted by the Building Ceoumittec of the Indepen dent Elliott Horde & Ladder Cowpauy No. 1 of Orang?burg, S. C, SEALED* PROPO SALS will be recoi?od untililho 1 .">thi ihel., for BUILDING ? Itf.W.L and nRUCK HOUSE on the lot ti' the aforesaid Comp? ny. PAGANS and SPECIFICATIONS can be ?cm at the office of the Scoretary, P. De Mar*. Mi ALBUE'MIT, Chairman. T. C. ANDREWS, Treasurer. J. C. HOLM AM. J. O. MoKEWN. W. >r, S.VIS. P, DeMXRS, Secretary, feb 3 24 9fT~*;? *&? 1?. ISiftAUfjiatAJSlf has just received a fiuc lot of SEED IRISH POTATOES which be is offering very low. jnn 27 if NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OnA.Nur.uvau Coixtv, S. C, Sanuury 18th, 1872. 8EALED PROPOSALS will be rceeived at THIS OFFICE until the 10th Febrnary. 1872, for ERECTING two (2) BUILDINGS on the POOR HOUSE Traot near Orange burg. Pinna and Rpeoifioations to b* at this OFFICE. By order of the Board. JAS. Vax TASSEL, jan 20?4t C B. C. C. ._L_' I-1-1 OllANGKBURG?In Probate Court JPi Parter Lewis W. Dantilor & Catharine K. his wife. Petition forohange of Guar dian. By order of the said Court, I hereby give notice that sr. the 20th d*y of February next, I will Sie nvy final account ae the Guargian of Mrs. Catharine 'i. Dantxlor, (? 1 FAMILY 5 - JUST BECEITED ANT ARK l VING AND HORSES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR SALE CHEAP 11 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. We have TMS DAY Admitted ?? a MEMBER of OUR FIRM, Mr. J. 0*0- VOSE, %m* the BUSINMtf will hereafter be t-outinutd under the STYLE and FIRM df FELDER, VOSE & IZLAR. P. 8. FELDER & CO. Orangeburg Januaey 10th, 1872. ? o ? THANKING MT FRIENDS for their PAST PATRONAGE, I will be happy to SEE THEM at the STORK of FELDER, VOSE A IZLAR, where I will Continue to SELL as HERETOFORE at LOWEST PRICES. ja? 20-tf M. QEO. VOSE. THE NEW FIRM FELDER, VOSE & IZLAR, ARK SELLING OFF AT COST Coll and buy your DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES and GROCERIES at Now York Wbolosal? Prior* CHOICEST SELECTION of GROCERIES alwaya on hand. Will DELIVER OOD8 ut tbo Houses of our Village Customers in any portion of tho Town. jan 20?tf FELDER; VOSE i IZLAR. I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THE LA RUES 1 und BEST ASSORTMENT of Planter's Implements and Tools Which I hare just received and am now opening, such as HOES. GRUBBING I10KS, SHOVELS. FORKS. SPADES, PLOWS PLOW IKON nnd St EEL, HAMES, TRACES, PLOW LINES. BACKHANDS, AXES, SAWS, HATCHETS, NAILS, HINGES and everything in that LINE, which I oftar at thd LOWEST PRICES for CASH. I am AGENT mid keep always on hand hVllWAN GUANO, CROP FOOD and DISSOLVED BONE. ATLANTIC VliO.-PilA'lK, K. FRANK GOES PHOSPHATE PERUVIAN GU AM!, LAND PLANTER, arc. law also receiving NEW ADDITIONS to my STOCK of DRY GOODS ARD GROCERIES ANW ROOTS and SHOES, &e.f "? rrery STEAMER, to all of which I respectfully invite you- inspection. GEO. H. CORNELSON. jan 20 oct 3 k 1y FAIR WARNING AND NO HUMBUG! m BUT CALL ON WILLIAM T. LIGHTFOOT, AT THE CORISTKR, And secure a BARGAIN in DRY GOODS GROCERIES, SHOES, HARDWARE. And an ENDLESS VARIETY of the Pest Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco. &c, AM-of which will be sold at once without REGARD to COST and NO HUM B*JG>! Dow DWELLING for aale on Middlcton Street. AW my OLD STAND STORE ou Russell Street. jan 20 dec 2 c 1 v oUi l ull io mdinui In fact ELL RAW MATERIALS, such aa Ccttoa, Wool, Flax and Silk, Which are extensively used in the Manufacture fall DRV GOODS have AD VANTED 25 t? 50 per Cent in nil tho Marts of tbo World As a natural conse quence all DRY GOODS ARE ADVANCING correspondingly, but notwithstanding this fact f. KOHN & BR0. Still continue to sell their goods at tho SAME LOW FIGURES, whioh baa been their MAXIM since established. Persons deairoue of pusehasing DU* SP* UOODS, SHAWLS', Fi.\NXELS, BLANKETS, DOMESTIC aw*H0\7SI4KKE1KG GOOD8 READY MADE. CL09IIINC, HA'US, Mj&B*t &UOK8,*c. Should* noe fail to lay fcu their SLi/RLl'KS NOW, aa we feel oonrinoed delay is dangoroUH Mid will cost you money. I>on't fail to call curly to take advantage of the bargain* now offered by. THEODORE KOHN. A BROTHER, jan 20 1r i OHAXGEBURG COUNTY. In Common Plras. Robert Tottf, 1 ?* j V! 0/ ?. KcHf y Foreclosure. j S. As it i Holm an. j By ?l*tue of an order ot Hen. R. F. QrnS ham, Circuit Judge, in this ceae, I will self at Orangeburg 1'. H. on lb* lat Monday ie* Fobruftr/ nest, at the ristt of the former' purchaser, tiro following Real Estate, vis: All that plantation in Orengebtirg County,' oo. Idaistone Creek, Mill BtahA aad Kdiato* River, containing ebne* I8W fesres more or less, bounded by leads of L. H. Caller, Ws W. Culler and estate of L, C< (Mover. All thai umI na^tettj^ County on* Bull Swamp, containing SUlf Sores, aeors sr" lose, bonaeiod by lands no* or formerly of Gardner, Knolte aad others. All that tract fat said County on wator* of Bull Swamp, contaiiing J?tffvseres, more or' less, bounded by lands bow or forsr-erij of G.irinir. KtuHts an?! others And oft? olher tract Od Ball Stramp irr said County, Containing 884 acres more or los?, bounded by lands uff/Mske of Gard ner , Knotts and otB4rs. * nw Terms?One-third cash, the balance on ef credit of obo and two years, secured b/ bond of. purchaser, bearing ,interest front" day of sale, and a tut rtgage of the premisea. Purchaser to nay for papers, recording and? flj stamps. i * i ALSO ORANGEBURG Hj^NTY In Common Puu?. Mary B. Tread well, Adm's *e John II. Fan ning, et al.' Complaint to Marshall Assets, Le. By virtue of an order of the said Court in- j this action, I will sell at Orangeburg Court House, on Monday, th- . 1st d?y of Febru* ary, next, during the legal hours of sale, the Real Estate In this County, of which tho" late William B. Troadwell, died? seized aad possessed, consisting of the following tracts' j of land, in the Towa of Orangebarg: 1. Trac of 12 acres, bounded north by lands of Thomaa Oliver, east by lands of So.! Ca. Railroad Co., G. Go wan and Estate of" George II. Elliott aad Railroad Avenue, south by Rassel! Street, and west by lands of W. M. Ifutson, Esq. This tract wiU bo intersected by two streets, sod will bo sold' | in 18 lots of convenient sire. 2. The Hotel tract, situated at the corn* of Russell and Brought on streets, and houn ded on the other sides by lands of Mrs. W. B. Tread well and D. Louis. This will bo 1 sold in C Lota, two of them fronting on Rus sell street, aad one of these with a &ood Store already erected thereon, three of them fronting on Broughton street, and the re mainder constituting tho Hotel with ample ?tables, aad buildings, and yard and garden room, being one of the moH eligible pieces of property in the Towa of Orangcburg. 8. Tract of 120 acres, bodnded north by binds of Mrs Ann Andrews, east by Brough-' ton street, south by rirer and-street, and I west by River street. This tract will bo sold in 86 lots, aad will be intersected with [streets properly located, rending the Lots available as Town Lots. A portion will bo Isold in a tract of S acres, and another por tion in a tract of about 20 acres. A tine brickyard is on one of the tracts. A portion of these Lots will be seid on the day indicated, to suit purchasers. Plata sf*J tthe said Real Estate can-be inspected at ths Sheriffs Office. % Tkr*s?One third cash; balance on a' credit of one. two and three years, secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser,j with interest frurit day of sale, payable ?n ^rffir?SF-0X^U^^e^h7m bond is full/ paid up, and satisfied, and to I pay for papers recording sod stamps. ' Purchaser to have privilege of paying all oash, and if any purchaser fails to comply, the promisee so purchased by the party failing to comply to be sold on the same day some convenient ealeday thereafter iipioYi' t?te same terms and at the former purcba-' sera risk. <*> . Sheriff's Offce. V H. Riggs, Orangelrarg C. H. H. C, V S. O. C Jan. 4th, 1871. I* i jinn)- 4 I Sheriff's Sales. OHAXGEBURG COUNTY, Is Probate Court. '?- - >?-- ? --a In re Est. of U. M. Broner. By virtue 0f as order from Hon. Thad. C. Andrews, Judge of Probate, 1 will sell on the 1st Monday i? Eebruary aext, at Or- j angoburg C. H., during the usual hours of All that plantation er tract of land in Or angeburg County, on Bull Swamp, contain ing 21tl acres, more or less, and bounded by lauds of K. Rickenbaker. Louisa Riley, Re becca A. P Riley. Est of D. Hungerplller, aud Bun of Bull Swamp. Terms?Cash sufficient to pay costs of proceedings and expenses of sale, balance payable the first day of October 1872, with interest from date, secured by bond of pnr charaer and mortgage of premises. 1'or chaeer to pay for papers, recording and stamps. ALSO Ex parte Caroline Livingstone shd others. By an order in lhe Probate Gourt, I wilt sell for partition among the petitioners, oa the 1st Monday ia February aext, at Orange burg Court House, A irsot of two hundred anrl ?i?t* ? * i migsiiiiiig ? uunty, bounded on lands of J% the widow Murpb, Daniel Zesgler, A. G. Gaskin, D. Kinder, N. Wannamakcr, Jno. Speigner ami Ham Griderv Terms?Se>-? >m?b>ca/h as will-pay the ex penses of this" urowwling??the balance to be 'paid uMbr^e'iffst*hueiltx, seetrred by a bond 'cwntKrivned to pay ouo-third rhrftrtrof- Jan uary, 1878,-tfce mcxH third 1st January, 1B7?* pnd the last 1st January, l**7tf,-wlfsr hiteresf on the whole snm unpaid, paystlte sncNialty' and a mortgage of the property. Piirclm sers to pay for papers, stamps and record ing. SheritTs Offioe, ) II. BIGGS. Orangeburg C. IL, S. C, V 8. O. C.? 1 Jan. 8,^871. j jaufi 3lt i 1 JUST RECEIVE!* T HE GENUINE PURE N.VPTIUV Sold at the Sign of the RED COFFEE POT at 40 oenls per gallon. ALSO BREAD. CAKES, COXFEC TIOXAR1ES, and the best XIQUORS AND GROCERIES. wanted CORN AND PEAS by ?. E. H. PEARSON NEXT TO W Tf, MCnTFOOT'S Oi l Stand.