THE oranges org news J. FELDER MEYERS?Editob, ?--_ GEORGI. BOIilVER, FWASCtAI. ard business MaNAQSR. SATURDAY, JAN. 20,1872, Every article for the Obanqkbduo News Hut be accompanied by the real name of 111* author--not necessn-Uy for publica tion, bot aa a guarantee of good faith on the part of the writer. Legislative Proceedings. Exciting debate In the House j t?lt the Governor's Message. The Senato was not in session on Sat U *H w?ny the 13th. '^f0** \ In the House, tho codification of the s?ft V I statute laws of tho stnto, have been re ij ferred to the Judiciary Committee and haye been reported on favorably, ffcfiw ? I_ tho Senate, the IIouso resolution eo/V i.- JfroiutJug tjj0 Financial Board to rcquiro rs>7*". .' . 1*dT * r!e-K)r' ^rora tho Financial Agent, wns ? r.} -?.( ?i*^lPP^'i an^ the day fixed at Februa ry rf 5 } *J 'a:r.'j Motions to adjourn on February 15th, odw ja;d 0Q t],0 taDi0> ?M sib fou q_ ?*|0nj tjJ0 tho special Irrnw ?Jncrif ? ? * r v'l ds-I-SSbuT' b?'n? tno consideration of the a* lidad 49pooi_aJL message of the Governor, and ?d) *_*Ahe report of the Committee to investi -Woih> gate books &c, of tho Financial Agent -nt ti -and Treasurer, was taken up. Mr. Bo ' Wen took the floor and made a four hours s*_d til ? ? wo V "P"50*1 . YBjif f, -Among many things that Mr. Bowcn * I v .said? roading first to commence with an" own .nT*?tnu)t from the Now York Post, that ;tbw Oover??r would pay the interest. Stated on tho debt?that tho Governor no ., knew it was falso when ho made it, and thnt it was made to cover up his frauds and he had no doubt that had the Gov ernor been left alone he had no douht he would have been pa}ing interest now, and more bonds would have been issu * :: fog, n_d more bonds would be hypotho r ' catcd. In referring to Treasurer's state I monts, he said he had certified to a lie . and Scott had acquiesced iu it. If then, they wero correct, then his figures were wrong. On the other band, if that ground is "taken, it is a wilful, malicious lie \\~ has told, not only the Legislatur odw i go ^j,e pCOplc 0f the country, and the Treasurer ought to be imp ? Mr. Bowen then reviewed his pr to see if there were rot more boti ?''?' than tho Treasurer said there we nt>: read from page 259] of the Join committee, aud cited porti Kimpton's evidence as to auio " bonds issued, and stated that h Financial Agent) was the crcat ' tho parties, and then reviewed ten's neeeunt. and compared the mentoftho Financial Agent an Ooternor's message. 1v* ' Mr. Jamison wanted to know r* when you (Bowcn) say so and so the agent said so and so, and the crnor said so and so, or did you p isso? Mr. Bowcn replcd that, as oo tho agent wns questioned by him he gave thc?c uncertain answers. Mrr#amison. Then ho made ht? statements under oath; he is to b y^.^eyed, is he, in preference to statements which were not under ... Mr. Bowen. Scarcely a nicmb this floor to whom the Governor ha teld the basest kind of lies time again. Wr. Jamison hero rose to a poi order, that the language of the me ' la ^faa disrespectful, and the chair sustain .., ed the point. U JUr. Bowcn. I should not have made r[ {l>.tfce remark-bad it not been brought out ?wfi ^fliiilli tacmbcr from Orangeburg. I shall proceed and bandle tho Governor, and if I can reach him in my jpcooli as __i _ _ l - . .' i . ? If rii _~__..__.,._ ...J _j UIVV sage, I shall do so, and I am compelled to labor in this against the endeavors of ? those who would keep me close within the'bonds of parliamentary rule. Mr. Bowcn here reviewed at length*eor iarrt portions-of the message, aud argued' to show tile balance in hand of the Financial Agent?, ancT how it was held Mr. Bowcn said, ''You may ask any question yo? nay please, but whatever I mny My here to day Fll never tekc back. I'll stand to c/ery one of my assertions, and yotr mny movo your ex pulsion or anything else." ? lit. Jamison. Whatever volo I may no*!_. * \ . .. , cast, 1 shall not vote to carry out the personal und? the member now seeks I ns ynMr. iDowcn. Whoo Governor Scott, l?j?,o^6ottth Carolina,.was firtt a candidate for Governor, I was cenfttdsred-Iiis best e l l.fpNOinL ' Whrn he wns a oandhlato a Second timo 1 opposed with all my pnw ? ,_f bin vn.iion.Sio.lJnij asd G-O'.'OrtlOr t, ? ? ? " ----- - > Scott spont 620}000 on tho deligation Th? dcligatiou. to which he belonged, ??je *'Wo arc pledged to Governor Scott" l i > n for l,:r>. i^i ecns?n an out of season. Ho had no positive knowledge of frauds until last Septem ber. Tho Governor, in his message, denied that ho had any control over the operations of the Financial Agent. Mr. Bowcu here referred to tho acts author izing the borrowing of uioucy, aud argued the Governor's power in tho premises. He wanted to know if there wero not 82,200,000 fraudulent bonds upon tho market. Mr. B. took tho Chairman of tkc In vestigation Committee to task for mak ing two statements. Tho Chairma i ro plied that in n few days after his state ment, that of thu Committee of Citizens had conic into his hands, which upon examination, had proved nn error of but slight amount. Ho had heard of n person around the streets of New York telling what he wns going to do when ho got to South Carolina. ? Mr Dennis, tho ("Ihnirmnn, wnnfed to know if he (Bowcn.) didn't make simi lar slatomontR. Mr. B. then said the man who wrote the special message is now, and has been living in the house of tho Governor; had brought down to this house a reso lution in his own hand writing, calling for the correspondence between the Gov ernor and the Stato Treasurer, for the purpose of showing that there had been a fraudulent issue of State bonds. At' the same time a man showed him (Bow cu) a resolution in the same hand-writ ing, which could be easily identified, calling upon the State Treasurer to fur uish the opinions given by the Attorney General, and the Govcruor at that timo was trying to prove t.hatNilesG. Parker was guilty of fraudulently issuing bonds. Mr. Boweii, alter describing the inan wer in which he asserted funds had been supplied Hardy Solomon's bank, in which he stated that 83i>0,000 of Stato bonds sold for forty-one coots on the dollar, snd that ?100.000 was realized for the bank purposes from their hypo thecation. Tho Governor had vetoed the appro priation bill at the last session, and the little shaving shop in which tho Govern or and Treasurer were part owners, and lmd all the funds of the State-they could g?t hold of deposited there, was request ed to buy in the certificates of members who hod waited ; all were scooped in. lie I erring to t^ho telegram of tho Gov ernor relative to the surprise of the last named that the t>rnt"R>fer of the agency had been stopped, he, Mr. Bo Wen, stated Iou in, pel . icy ? nt, ; the die an - dr. the ten in the 1 to 1 it mi rks, ivi r of 2uts 3d. pro had or idoC nine ;s of by HI of very wide latitude, nud although he wns fre quently interrupted, he MTtiOgcd to bring to boar a good deal' of what he considered to be solid facto in tho prom ises, The report of the Financial In vestigating Committee was gone through with from lid to lid, nud when ho hau ? ?uisho? wnn it tue book was pretty well used up. It 0 vain undertaking to give iu detail the remarks of the mom ,cr, hut aim ng other things said by him, Latin phrases aside, were tho fol lowing, of the most important points. At the commencement he hoped he should not so far forget himself ?s to indulgo in tho malignity and vulgarity liko the member who preceded him, and ho desired to show that the language uhcu ip the spooial message of the Gov ernor was not of that nature as was c >1 eulatod to draw forth t>he most dirt)-, nasty and infamous conversation that was ever indulged iu beneath tho roof that c ivored any body, and that in the consideration cf this important question bolter sense should have prevailed, and that sinoo he had hoard that the motn bor who preceded him (Mr. BoWeri) had oMot,ed he ho'ul a $12.0011 check in his parkt.*, 1*,.' I;;:-?.! COUJO i:; t!*.;' ROnclu3iOij all that that member had soidawas ufal sus mi unux-Jaftit* in totuM'.'* Mr. Byas then spoko generally to the subject of the issue of State bonds, going over (ho same ground as is traversed in the special message of the Governor, and in particular, regarding the state ment of tho State Treasurer of Octobor 31, 1870, and from that explained tho different issues oC bouds, and inciden tally touched upon tho transactions of the Financial /Went. Mr. Bowen asked in substance??" You say if arrested it would be ruinous for tho Stnto. Then why is it I am blamed for trying to save the State by not letting Kimpton alone V Mr. Byns. I believe that Mr. C. C. Bo wen had become the lawyer of the committee and of Kimpton both. Gov ernor Scott said, right hero in his mcs sago, that he didn't want to retain u man who had spent a portion of his life in tho prison of- his co?otry. Mr. Bowen, under a question of privi lege, then in substance said: "If 1 have spent a portion of my time in the jails of the State, as I stated the other day, I had been unfortunate; troubles bad been hesped upon me. I knew of no man who contributed tnoro than 11. K. Scott. He saw fit, in 18G7, to ordor toy incarceration for making speeches; I never visited his house except by iuvita t inn ; and would ask now, did he not know it ? It ill becomes Governor Scott, or any of bis tools upon this floor, to make nny such charges. There nre those he could mention having in their posses sion evidences of debt for dirty work. There is a man, not standing far from here, who has an evidence of debt for 912,000. ' ricre Mr. Bowcn pointed to Mr. Byas, and said bo could name the parly that hauded it to him. This being demanded by the member, Mr. Bowen named General John B. Dennis, another member, aud the chairman of the Joint Committee that made the financial re port, t?s the man. Mr. Byas denied that he held any stich., and characterised the whole as sertion as fa'so, slating that if tho tneiu bers's statement was true, it was his duty to cause his (Byas') arrest, and bring him at once to trial. It was the duty that every member owed to do this. Thorehiaiuder of Mr. Byas' remarks; which were quite lengthy, were a review of the different statements made con cerning tho debt of the State Mr. Uurly, a member of the Commit tee of Investigation, claimed the floor on a question of privilege relative to his connection with the report and stated that everything contained in the report was from the books of the Treasurer and Financial Agent. That when it was proven that un error had been made then the Committee was willing to ad mit, bat net before, iio didn't carua who it was that was guilty in these transactions, whoever it might bo, let them be brought up before the court ami it would be fouud ns stated. In relcreuco to the sale of the land scrip. Mr. Uurly said : If ysu waut the proof regarding that transaction*, we will pro duce iL. Mr. Byas. Here is the place to pro duce it. Mr. Whippcr. I will send it to th Speaker's desk. Mr. Hurley. This report has been t characterized by tho gentleman as a damnable report. I am strictly tempo rate, and I ask the member not to speak so of other members who were at least his equals. lie has made so many state ments, that if he should see them in print he might sr.y as he once said of his speech in the Constitutional Conven tion?"I don't believe I ever made it." I speak in regard to the I: tiguage used by tho member from Oraugoburg; I | have nothing to do with the Governor's message, and little to do with a large part of the gentleman'^ speech, I regret exceedingly that any person should take stich steps to revenge himself as the member from Orangeburg. Not one of fact or figures has tho gentleman produced to coutradict auy portion of the report, aud I make this statement? every fact and figure contained in this report is from the books of the Fiuan ]||] \ (rnnt. on.) fl"?<.??" ? Mr. Byas. Then you add the contin gent indebtedaess to make up your fig ures ? Mr. Hurley. Kvory one knows that that is as much a part, of the debt as any other, etc , & llegurding the sale of tho land, scrip, give me tine and 1 will put a man upon the stand to provo that ho paid SdJ co""- e " the land scrip aii.-t tho Financial t certifies he only recoieved 72J Tho sterling bonds were signed by the Governor?that is, his name was litho giaphcd upon them?but the gentleman, in his haste, has done 0U0 officer injus tice. 1 ho Treasurer, thinking- ho had no right to issue, refused to sign them. We regret that want of spaco prevents our completing this racy and remarl - bio debate. We will continue it in our next. LIST OF LETTERS Benmlit inj; in I tie Orangoburg l'os? tlllet; h> Uccember 16th, l?7i. H.?Elisabeth Stevens." Person's onllih[* for tho above letters will pi tose say they- arc advertised. IV DeMars, l\ Mi. NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OiiAi-aKnuiu" County, S. C, Sanitary 18th, 1872. s.' APtD PKOPOSAJ.S will bo received at THIS OFFlCE until the 10th February, 1872, for, ERECTING two (2) BUILDINGS on the POOR HOUSE Tract near Ornnge burg. Finnvnd specifications to be scon nt this OFFICE. By order of tlic Board. JAS. Van TASSEL, Jan 20-^41 0, B. C. C. ~removedT CHARLES TIIOKN begs leave to An nounce *o the Public that bo Iiiib left hjs OLD STAND opposito Messrs. Bull, Scovlll Pike. nn>r further information apply or address as above l?r Almanac for If 72. BI LL. SCOVILL .<< PIKE, A^onts at Orangeburg, S. C. jan 'JO woo 8m NOTICE. OiiAivctfciil i?<>?Ln Common I'lkas Wesley Hottser, Adtu'r, v.< Amcnin Spcignor and oibers By order of 'he Court in i! ia cash, I will sell for cash, on the .-a'.'-luy in February next. (1st Monday,) 60 acres of land on the Snntee River, which \\a-< <>f ttie Estate of Fly Hcigler, deceased. Purchaser to pay for title. GEO. DOLlVKR, Jan 12, 1872.?18?Id lloreroc. DK.A. C. DUKES, At the Old Stand of ?R. it. m. sm i r.ic. HAS JUST RECEIVED A fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Ac. ?A Bplendhl lot of 81 ATIONERV. PERFUMERY and SOAPS in great vn rlel v. A* line stork of CIGARS nnd TOBACCO. And one of tho fines! nssorlmenl of POCK ET KNIVES ever offen 1 here at the prices. Prescriptions carefully prepared. OFFICE llolT" on the SABBATH? From 9 t" '.?> A. M., intl from I lo ?'. P. M. doo 2 c ly \,KX ii VelvclCCil?, nml white black VLPACAS, nil :r les nt P. S. FELDEII ft CO.'S COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. We have ThlS DAY Admitted as a MEMBER of ODE FIRM, Mr. J. OEO. VOSE* and the BUSINESS will hereafter be continutil undor tbe STYLE and FIRM of FELDER, VOSE & IZLAR. P. 8. FELDER & CO. Orangeburg J u mm ay 19th, 1872. THANKING MY EH I ENDS for their PAST FATRONAGE, I will be happy to SEE THEM at tbe STOKE of FELDER, VOSE & IZLAR, wberc I will Continue to SELL i?? HERETOFORE at LOWEST PRICKS. jan 20?tf J. GEO. VOSE. THE NEW FIRM FELDER, VOSE & IZLAR, ARE SELLING OFF AT COST Call and buy your DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES and GROCERIES at Now York Wholesale Prices. CHOICEST SELECTION of GROCERIES always on hand. Will DELIVER at the LOWEST PRICES for CASH. I am AGENT and keep always on band ETI WAN GUANO, CROP FOOD and DISSOLVED BONE, ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE, E. FRANK CUE'S PHOSPHATE PERUVIAN GU ANO, LAND PLASTER, Kffc. I am also receiving NEW ADD1TI0N3 to my STOCK of DRY GOODS AUD GROCERIES AND BOOTS and SHOES, &c, By every STEAMER, to all of which I respectfully invite your inspection. GEO. H. CORNELSON. jan 20 oet 3 k ly FAIR WARNING -AND NO HUMBUG! BUT CALL ON WILLIAM T. LIGETFOOT, AT TPIji: CORNETS,, And secure a BARGAIN in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, HARDWARE. And an ENDLESS VARIETY of the Pest Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, &cM All of which will be so Id at onto without REGARD to COST and NO nUMBUG! One DWELLING for sale on Midilleton Street. Also m\ OLD STAND STORE on Russell Street. jan 20 * me 2 c ly COTTON IS RISING! Tn fact ELL RAW MATERIALS, such as Cotton, Wool, Flax and Silk, Which are extensively used in the Mnntilacturc of all DRY GOODS have AD VAN OED 25 to 50 per ('cut in all the Marts of the World. As a natural conse quence all D R Y G 0 O D S ARE ADVANCING correspondingly, but notwithstanding (his fact T. KOHN & BRO. Still continue to sell their goods at the SAME LOW FIGURES, wheh has been their MAXIM since established'. Persons desirous of purchasing DRESS GOODS, ? II AWLS, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, DOMESTIC and [lOUSEKKEINO GOO PSF, READY MADE CLOTHING, II ATS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Should not fail to lav in their SUPPLIES NOW, ns we feel convince ! delay is dangerous and wiii cost you money. Don't fail to call earl) to take advantage of the bt rgaiti8 now offered by THEODORS KOHN & BROTHER, jan 21? ly ???? sml FAIR NOTICE! i Dr. 0LIVER02F bi'gsjonve to inform hi* friends and Customers Unit v.dTn the NEWT YEAU he Ii...? opor.ed a full STOCK OF MEDICINES, &c. ALSO SEED ONION'S and GAHDEN SEEDS. ALSO CANDT?beet quality?guarantied. also RAZOU snd POCKET CUTLERY. also PAINTS, 0iL8, VARNI8H and. BRUSHES/ ?1.SO VACUUM OIL for greasing Harnes?, Boots and Shoes? best inTlie world. livery article sold GUARANTEED to be just as I represent thetn,< and sold on the most LIBERAL cash ierrasV/ ' DR. OLIVER08, D ruggist ypqrphemist. jan G nor 18 ? - iy SCHOOL BOOKS! MUSIC f giTATONEBY, ALWAYS ON HAND at Till ENGINE &?%&1?. The celebrated PEN LETTER BOOK for Copying Letters?used without a Press? every business man should have one. Anything in my line not on band ean be ordered in a short time. KIRK RORIXKOX. jan 8 e ' f-: lr -_?'13_. Carolina Fertffizer TRIUMPHANT! Wilminoton, N. C, Angust 21st, 1871. For the largest product ion of Cotton to the acre, 1,000 lbs. Cakolina Fkutm.ijeep.. For the largest production of Wheat to the acre, 1,000 lbs. Carolina Fertilizer. The Bbove premiums are for crops pro duced with the'use of ihto CarbHne Fertili zer alone, or in combination with plantation manures only, and the awarding of said premiums is- left discretionary with the committee of the Association und^r their rules. ' ??jo'J. SANDERS, DATES & CO., Agents at Charlotte. STEVENS & CURETON, Luueaster, 8. V. .i . .?./ Waxitaws, LancAbt)-.? Corjrrr, 8. To r. P. Zimmerman, JTr/., Secretary o/tht Fair of the Carohmn-, CharioHt,- A' C. t The following, is a correct statement of Cotton mined by Stevens & Cureton, on 1} acres of stubble land, which was manured with 400 pounds of Carolina Fertiliser. The following is the modo of cultivation: It was thoroughly broken up VI inches deep, and laid off in rows Jty foot wide, and the Fer tilizer applied in the drill, then bedded on it on the Kuh of May, ami planted the same day, but owing to-the cool and dry .-weather, did not come up to a stand until about the 1st o' June. First working' it was run. around with a Imlf. shovel and partially trimmed out with a hoo. Second working it was run around with a 3 inch grub, 1 inches Ion;*, und the middies thrown out with a sweep 1H inehes wide. One furrow to a row und t-hinned te a stand with n iToe about I2inckcs between the stocks, and after wards it was ploughed every t*o weeks " with a sweep 18 inches wide, und hoed each time, until it was worked five times. The following is a correot st:i,tcm:ut of the Cotton picked: 1st P;c ?mg..-. ...254 2d Picking.,.?.?410* 8d Picking..1'..:.41* Estimntcd ainnmtt of unopened matured bolls.>..8ltV Total.1,92* RespectftHlv submitted, STEVENS -& OUR ETON. I certify I weighed tho Cotton picked in the adovu stutcmont, and it is correct. October Id, 1871. W. A. GRAHAM. At the request of Messrs.' Stevkms A Curkton, we have examined'the 1} acre of Cation, and tho estimate made above is true to the best of our obi)i;y. D. P. D?RANT, W. A. GRAHAM, JOSEPH HODGES. Premiums awarded to Stbvxns k Ccata tom on ubove certificate. We will sell the aborc Splendid Fertiliser at Forty-Five Dollars cash, or Fifty Dollars,? payable 1st November, with Siterest at 7 per cent, per annum, delivered at our Ware house in Charleston. Agents will sell at sum-' prices, addiog the freight and d ray age to their Depots*. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. jan 18 4m Notice of Dismissal. T\J0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON J,\ the 24th day of January, 1872, wo will file our Final Accounts with the Honorable' T. C. Andrews, Judgo of Probate, and ask for Letters of Dismissal as Administrator of the F.Btate of Jno. U. Ruple, dee'd. A. J. RUPLE, dee 28?4t Administrate . Sheriff's Saigs, The State of South ftm?!??:. OUANGEBUKG COUNTS. v , vfttejB Thaddeus C. Andrews' nud Harriet Andrews Complaint fer his wife Foreclosure. vs Jacob E. Doolcy. , By virtue of an. order mode in this ease; I will sell at public outcry in the. Town of Or angeburg on the uthday of February next, (being tho salosday.) All that tract or parcel of lands; in Coun ty nforcsaiiK situate in the Forks of the Edisto River, with Crane Branch running through it, containing 246 acres, bounded north by lunds of John C. W adkins, on the east by lands of Mrs R. Hughes and estate lands of W. Tyler, on the south by tract No. 7 of plat of lands of II. H. Bonnet as shown on Record in the OBioe of Means Convey ance of Orangcburg County, and elk the west by lands of Jno. R. Miihous, aaid tract being marked and designated as tract No. 8 of said plat of H. 11. Bonnet's land. Terras?Cash enough to pay the coats and expenses, and the instalments due, Ute bal ance psyable ki three eqna! annual instal n teats with interest from day of sale, se cured *>?? bi.iiJ ,?-iid iin.i' tor- "f purchaser. Parehssers tCpav for papers and stimps. SheriCs Oflic*, | H. RK'tltt, Orangebnrg C. H., S. C, V S. O. CJ jan 10, 1872. J jan 18 1 td I A ftpli'iidlcl B AGO.\ tu n a UAIINKSS Complete, very low. Ipptj to P. S. TELDER & QO. ~