The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, December 16, 1871, Image 8

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Patif?TA? ftobiiison, AUCTIONEER?. Ar? now offc|iD?jU? ^CHEAPEST .LOTofj Crockery and Glass Ware ?Ter brought to thia Market, both at Whole sale and Retail. Country Merchants and Dealers generally are requested to cnll nud examine our Sam ples before purchasing elsewhere. We arc also prepared to furnish * French Cliina Tea Setts and all other articles in this line at the LOWEST PRICKS. All orders entrusted to us will recelTC PROMPT and C?HBFUL attention. Hamplet oaaibe seen at * _^ ^KTRK ROBINSON'S Book Store at"'the Engine Uoue sept 38 aug lOc - TB. W PEARSON, f-.a ?M*?SGN OF THE BIG RED COFFEE POT, '* ?,i;lNE?f:TO ?" Y(. T. LIGIITF09TS. I beg leave to inform my friends and the public gaMtMtW^hai Ijbavo moved my TIN SHOP noifjl ||. w?? Lhjblfooi'f Store, where lam prepared to do all kinds of R PAIRING at the shortesl^f?fice arrVv?ry'iotf for'c*nVh: My Work is warranted to giro sat isfactioa. T I !LST "W .A. H I? OP EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO OR DER FOR CASIL fit.. ? - - B. E. H. PEARSON nor 4 c ly ;_,i ! ? '_i_ Fall and Winter Goods! F. W. H. Briggmann VS.juat received a FULL STOCK ?tf ?Mli.r edt o> lie] DRY; GOODS, CLOTH INO FANCY GOODS, iSHOES. "HATS, Ac. * All my goods ie LOW in price to suit the- j times. My motto is small profits and quick sales. My stock of HARDWARE. CROCKERY. WARE, *GROCERTEtt, LIQUORS, WINES, -, -.),AJ^B> ,'. .| ?''<r'il - LAGER BEER, kc., Is of the first quality and low in price. COTTON and all other Produce boughs nt the highest market price..> i F. H. W. BRIGGMANN, oct 14 - oct -fl ly Ieconomy leads to WALTCH ! THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO inform the. r.'tixens of Columbia and surrounding Country, that they have periua nently , . ,,; . LOCATED IN COLUMBIA, I and offar to the public a largo assortment of FABIIf OSAIiLF: CXOTlIISCi ,i ItifsseO f-axoi ... furNisnmq goods. - UATS, CAPS, ETC. 1 ...?,;? iut?tf+urj FURCH ABING OUR GOODS at first class houses and for cash, we defy Competition. Call and examine our STOCK and con vince yourself that yon can..-8AYE MONEY by purcbnsiog at our Establishment. COUNTBVtMERCHANTS aro respectfully invited to examine our Stock, being assured that we can sell CHEAPER than any other_ House in Columbia. S. STRAU? & P.RO., Under'('olr.fibia Hotel, oot 7?tf , Columbia, S. C. ._.?I-1?I?_?. COTTOX GiMv-BHOWK'S Georgia PATENT COTTON GINS nre aimpln, durable, well 'made, of pood mate rials, very light running and unsurpassed in tho quantity of the staple produced. Price $4 per Saw. delivered at any K. R. Depot in this State when the freight does not exceed that of t-a o railroads.' Gullotle Patent Steel Brush Cotton ?ins. The Cotton from these Gins always com mends the highest market price whero ordi nary care is taken in thu preparation. At the Cotton Stiles Fair held at Augusta, Ga., last year, thcro were ten Gins in compel it ion and tho Premium was awarded to tho Gul lett Gin. Price $5 and $,">.f?0 per Saw. Cotton Presses of various Patterns. Horse Powers, Hondley's Portable Steam Engines, Brinly's Kentucky Ploughs. i C. GRAVELEY, 68 East liny St. South of the PoatOflico, Charleston, S. C. aug 20 wee 2ni <*e IIHDR/?Tim _ L]l(yAfER^IEEL, MillJe^arint.Shaftin^Pulleys .aCWO rORACIRCUiAXls^ aept 10 ly ~FIRE INSURANCE. tiik Ricnnoxu BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY, O?ee 1202 Hain and \2tU Streets, RICHMOND, VA. JOHN B. DAVIS, President, JOHN F. C. POTTS. Secretary. MANN S. QUAR-LES, Cashier. T. B. STARKE, General Agent, nnving this day, (Oct. 1.7tb, 1S70.) re ceived the appointment of AGENT for Or angeburg of the above INSURANCE COM PANY, 1 am prepared to take RISKH on Stores, Stocks of Merchandize and Duell ings at reasonable vates. JOHN A. HAMITLON, Agent for Vho Richmond Bunking and Insurance Company, aud Southern Life Insurance Company, Mp'Hei-St., Orangeburg, S. C. oct ?2 1y GEO. S. llACKKlt, fOOK, SASH AND BLIND FACTOY, ChnrK>Hto:i, S. C THIS m AS LAKGK AND COMPLETE a Factory: Iber? ;r: tho Smith We !<ecj: no Northern Work to fill Country Orders. Semi Tor Piico List. Faojlpry and WarevuoiuH Kin'g-S'trccl, op-. ay. positc, Coiinon-St., on lim- <jl Tlailw Address GEO, K. IIAUKUB, iX r.O.Boxi7(>)Charl,.ton> S C. ^jwvo Jy ? 1 y THE OLD ESTABLISHED OF AMJ?RICA. THE SOUTHERN 7 No. 8 N. Charles Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Organlzal and V, i j.- t Knflrfty la /"/v/vt/ fny ?jcu.ny mid Q?idtUc <gtf<fcd ?ffcn TO BECOME TltonOCfiH (P rue I id 11 -4-CCQ in: : i? AXD OVER 2500 YOUNG MEN rhou the SOUTHERN STATES Hart' OR A Dl 'A TED at this IXSTITVTIOX. and are nav /iIliac AVj.'.>?j/.W??and Lturntive Position* in tht LtatlingllAXRS A ED BUStXKSS HOUSES cj tht Country. THERE ARE XO I'ACAT/OXS. Studtnts can tnttr at mnv time. S/ui?t Individual Jnstrnction and success /rumran. tttif. Ssnd/or CvMc/re D'ocnments and s/len/ttd Sf>rci mens of Ftnmnnshif. Stii/ats} tivo J'estaft Statn/t. Addrttt all Ctiit.HiuHiceitfont to jr. U. SA1H.EU, Vrrt't. Southern Business College, BALTIMORE, MD. nov 11 ' t ll 1 !. tl : 1 [ iQ \o iwuo'J t "a. . i i "o *o noi??iH ol THE GR TAP. BLOOG'-p?RIFiER: PoHscaclnff poiverful iiwigiiratinit Thcso Bitters tiro positively invaluable in ALLSKIN Dl SEASLScVLRURTIOWS*. ' Thoy purify the system, and will cm > aM^feyB^^^^fA^M^Mt^l? Itemlt tent and Intermittent Fever?, and are a provontivo of Chills and Fever. 01 St.ASES0fTHE KIDNfcy^BLADQER'-/ _AU yield to their powerful cfScacy. Ase an antidoto to chango cf Water unit DibU NI7AT10N: THEY WILL RE$,TOREYaU,WUliVrcOR' to tho wasted frame, and corrtct all ,T"iKJ3II|aj ji i\ j ij ,i i* ii ujui-jU azwci^jaiftafitias.i^iitiviai^i "Will save days of sofTorin;? to tho tick, and Tho grand 1'auacea for oil tho ills cf life. ..TRY 0Nr^;-6QT.T,U Tie Staudara 3EEKAHY>rra Young or Old, Marriei?^T-AGllTE. 'or Single, theso Bitters are un r?o.uaUod and havo often beta th?^ means of ravin.; lifo. TRY.ONE BOTTLE hot 18 ly OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TONii. We Inkd f'reat j>loasure in nflering the OLD CAKODINA lilT'l F.ilS io the publii*. They arc pompottntlcJ with great care, nml Crnitaitl rfotllC of I lie Lest Ton ics in the Fharniaeopi-j. Asevi?lenee of the superiority of our UJTTE11S over all others, WO have certiticates from many of the lend ingphysicians In ourSftntc, who have pre scribed them in their practyoc. Tho OftM> CAUOIdVA IlfKTTRS Will Ix- found invaluable for Want of Appotite, Qetioral Debility. chills and Fever, and Dy-ptpsia. We do not ofTer mu- fllTTEHS is a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, thry have no rgual. For salo by Di jtgglels and Grocers nxeir where. Pi in? i| al Dcpftf. OOwPUlOiT, \\ INF.MAN ? CO , Importe!-, of ciioice Drags and Cncrrii cnls. Clu r'' .sioii, S ' J mar 'j 1 v Save Your Money ! GO TO J. P. HARLEY'S ?IC .? ? fiw G m ?:? ?1 Nl) buy CHEAP Dry Goods, Boots, . _ 8lioc8, IlutM. Caps, !io., of whltih be } bus just received a fresh Supply.* A1 a Lao FLOUR of nil grades. bacon, LAR?, SUGAR and COFFEE of nil grades. Besides numerous Other articles iu my Grocery Department all of which I am sell ing at Prlftes not te bo excelled for CHEAP NESS in the Town. Come and seo for your selves. " fjfgr All Persons iridekiou io mo irihbt pay Up immediately an I am oempcllcd to cIobo my books. A werd to the wise is sufficient. J. l\ HARLEY. oct 14 j tnav 27 c ly ? ? ? / ? '_*_?_ ' '__J_ cotton ties. !>e?vu. j -?t! i'..u-t'T .a ,\9im ot .V I i We arr Af/cnfs for the Manufacturer* for ?*K V R E K A SWETT, ARROW, ANCHOR & PUTTER TIES. also or Tit? PATENT LOCK TIE. Just Landing 1000 Rdles of the "EURE KA" and LOCK TIES. No Tic can Surpass the "Eureka" for" sim plicity nil A durability, and we offer it ns a Tie that is unexcelled. The ARROW is also well known. We ask yoor order" ynuiranteoing ns LOW PRICES as thoy can bo purchased at in any Southern Port. We hhall be pleased to handle Consign ments of your Cotton, nnd will givo all Ship ments our closest attention. CEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., Cotton Factors, Church St., Charleston, 8. C. sept ?.? wee 2m The People's Bakery. NEXT DOOR TO 11I>D (OI FEE POTf East of I'nsbytn inn Chuixh. IluticlUSt. Just received a fresh supply of FINE CANDIES'. CONE EC r ION ARIES. FEU ITS. N l'TS and TOYS of every description, and at prices to suit the limes. I also keep constantly on band Fit ES II BREAD. , CAKES of every description. PIES, &c. Prices reasonable. A LS?/ WEDDING CAKE prepared with great euro to suit the most faeihioti* tastes. The PATRONAGE of my frl knda and fel low-citizcns is respectfully solicited, THUS. W. ALP.ELGOTTI. oct 14 dco 10 Sn* The Best in the Market1 WATCH KS OF ALL UK A DES. r&(rfcM&* OK EVERY KIND. I HAVE just returned from NEW YORK with tho fi-in kst stock in THE MARKET, embracing WATCHES nt all grades, JEWELRY ot all styles, SILVER and ELATED WAItE of the most modern patterns*; beitutiful in design, durable, cheap and warranted to suit. My STOCK includes everything to bo found in i he New York Market, and I do not intend to bo UNDERSOLD. Call ami examine for yourselves. \tt?ui tive Clerks will gladly show you the finest assortment of articles above named, and ot" Rings, Lockets,-Sleeve Rut tuna, Breast Pins; in facti, everything needed or to be found in a first class Jewelry Store. ISAAC SULC1IACIIER, Under Columbia Hotel, oct 7?El Columbia, S. C. DR. T. BERWICK LEGARE, SURGEON DEN'I 1ST, Carndiinte Baltimore College Denial SlfVffery* OFFICE MARK FT S I'. OVER STORE OF J. A. HAMILTON, Respect fully offers his services t> th Pl/BLIC in the Practice of DEN I AL SUR: liERY iu nil its h/ntichcs. Special at lent ion will be paid to the PRESERVATION of the natural tcctli : equal care being exercised in tho construction of ARTIFICIAL SUBSTL TUTKS, All operations guaranteed m give sal isl'acl ion. Office hours from 0 A. M. to 1:80 P. M. and fl'om il to 0 1*. M. may 29 e ly Kinsman &? Howell, Factors and Commission Merchants. Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. Charleston, S.C. lm IMPOHTAHT TO THE PUBLIC! REPORTS FROM NEARLY ALL parts of the West show that Win ter has commenced with heavj Snow Storms and unusual Cold* Men nntc died in the woods of Utah from tho ee tere cold and exposure. No ?evcrc etorm of consequence hat yet visited this Section, but the time is j ast iu which further freedom from Cold and Snow can be exported. Those who have not already made ample prepara tions for the Coining Storms and Cold will do well to accomplish it immediately. Much suffering niny thus bo avoided, and it is better to prevent suffering than to relievo it. In viow to be PREPARED for this emergency I have thoroughly re PLENISHED my stock of wtISTTEjU GOODS, mg BLANKETS. FURS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS and DRESS GOODS tN ALL LINES . .. . Cassimeres, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Umbrellas, And all the other GOODS necessary for the TRADE. Also FINE FAMILY GROCERIES for the IIOLUDAY SEASON. Also Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Saddles, HARNESS, &0. In groat VARIETY. All of which will bo sold at PRICES to DEKY COM PETITION, and will be shown FREELY and without CHARGE. ??^Corao 'jiic and nil to examine for Yourselves. , GEO. H. CORNELSON. dc? 9 oct 3 k It BBSS T. A. JEFFORDS & CO. HAVE THIS DAY RESUMED BUSINESS AT HIS fffyD :*T.\ND. EI S SELL STUFET arid RAILROAD AVENUE, whcio they will be happy to see llieir friends and former patrons. Everything in the GROCERY LINE Will be bo found here, of GOOD QUALITY and L O W P II I C E 8 . Persons desirous of PURCHASING will DO WELL to CALL and EXAMINE OL II STOCK before going elsewhere. nov 11 c ly i _ ? -? ? ,r r - - i - - - - ? ' MERONEY'S HOTEL. UCSSKLL ST. (>l!AK(,t:iiLli(;f s. c. PRIMS HOTEL TT AS KEEN FITTED UP It EGA Kb LESS OF COST 01$ P.UNS. FOR tho Special Aceotr.'mo lati'oi itf Periirnrioirt arid Transient Hoarder*. The Table win DC Sapplied with fbehesn the Mxrket afford:*, .tlv GocJ i*ta>Mei5 fov the ncewrmncsl.-iltoii of Stock. Terms reasonable. WILLIAM A. MERONEY'S ONTIOCERY I) KP A HTM EST IS SUPPLTflD WITH EVER VTHIS*> NEEDED M THE ~JC Honselirnper. urn? at Trices that no one can complain of, "COUNTRY I'HofH'CE oouglif. and the highest Market prico paid in cash, ?fcfy- In rear *f my STOKE is a GOOD LOT and WELL of WATER, wUi,|< i respect fuily otfer for Iba I'l'DLK'lo us* at their pleasure. -:<?:??? riv/-\T) 4 OP ALL GK A DES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON' HAND. AND I \ J f iaoffared VERY LOW. fry Wholesale and retail. Also a lot of OtfLvRS of the best Rratidr and Flavor made, and at prices can't be b-?? in this Market for Cheapness. a t rr ii 14 h a n YOU WILL FIND the REST. LIQUORS k'ptiu ride Market whioh i trifar to the Public by the Glass and upwards. Com;? arid see our prices* A l("riO\F.i:K.*? IN ADDITION TO THE \R<i\*E I ALSO OtTRTi MV SfER VICES as A UCTIO.N EE it, and guarantee Satisfaction to all. wanted?fi.OOO pounds WO; L. for which the HIGHEST CASH PRICE Will he paid nt the Store of W. A. MlvItOXEY. aug 26 junalOe If ? JUST " KECir^iPSi vit salo Another CHEAP LOT of BACON. \ ALSO An assortment of VUOUSTA FLOUR. PRIME WHITE WESTERN CORN. One TWO HORSE WAGON LIQUORS froni SI.50 ttpwhrcU. Cheap SUGAU and COPPER. .MOLASSES and SYRUl\ One JERSEY WAGON, lour sented arid new ly painted?Warranted. viso set of two house harness I he a pest LOT of pipes and cigars in the village'! W. T. M(JLL1<:U. jltUH e if -1-rr-? a . ... - .? g-? . ? i' V *v .?? ; . ?.. ;i .*?,-.*. ?.? VW?? ? TTTOUT.D ISFOPM THE PUBLIC TH AT HE IS STILI CARRYINfl ON THE C v V riuy^e Making in all its various branches mid will Manufacture or ?' ? Shortest Notice, nil Carriages, Buggies or Wagons. And nm nlso prepared with new pre8s and 0 %; to gin AND pack cotton SHOUT NOTICE. Cotton GINNED AT Mi Ml LI. has brought torn J to j cei t n or than Mint Ginned on the coniinon Gins. OCl 8 apl 2?ly II. lUGOM NEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT!!'. DOYLE, WILES & GO^ RRSPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITIZENS <>K DRANGEI1URG COUNTY THAT thoy have purchased the carriage sikh's and works of 111 os. hay And arc CARRYING ON the CARRIA G K B TJ S I TS3* ? S S In nil its ItRANCIIES. Orders left with US will be PROMPTLY PILLED. All kinds ?f REPAIRING NEATLY DONE and with DISPATCH. COFFINS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. ;i)oym:, ?* c*o., d?c IT c Orangulntrg, s c. Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &c. ? U 1 ? 4V P. P. TO ALE, Shiiuiiaciurcr ami Dealer, No. 'JO Iinync Street ami lloribeck's v> hai-r, i WIT This in the Largesj .and, most Cow ])lolo Factory ?.{' the kind in the Southern Stntes, and all nrticl*wi in rKis line :?an l?e furnished by Mr. V. P. TmalkiiI pi i oes which defy ejufnpVntion. Jt'ri)'" A pampMvL yjfh full and >h tailed list of all sixes of Doors Sasnes and [Hinds, and the prices of each,-will bo tent free cud post l'nid, ou applicaliod to I?. 1*. TOAIiF, ( IIAULLSljON. S C. july to wee ' 1 If METAL1C GASES. THF. DrtDKRSin'NBt) HAS ON ll.\NI> all of the various Sizes pf the abovo Cuacs, which can be 1imi:s!ic 1 iinm Ir?Y?Ty -?n np plieujtou. Also iiinnufiicturei wood COlTlNS as usual, ami i.l ih-i shortest rtatieej Apply to mar Tt?i' ll. KIOGS, Cunix-.-c Matlitfaelurer. Citizens Saviiiffs Bank <f SOUTtH CAKOUXA. WILLIAM MARTIN. KjcHuletH ?1N'?. It i'ALMIM:. Vieo-Fri sident. JX?< 1'. TIMM \s, A. *': IIHKNV'.EU, Cashier. .1. C. 1!. SMITH. A'Ciishlcr. vinr.f rout. K 1 ?11 IhitPTM-:, n. H WftMAthb I. 1?. Thum \s. Ji. i;w tjfsi.. lr. F? W. McM \mi Ret! ,',,i.uax M;i:r:\ A. f IlASKl.i.U !.\<i it. i' j. Km Queuo. 't'n.iM?s ??>. ?krqo, or..\Ni;i;;;r!;?; ? \y,c\\. : \\ rr /. irr: ..iv? ? it /ttwa < AT ?TUR *t>'fr'>nx. *u**r<.'Gnotr:it ^glovey.- i f.OCAL jy.Y.-lAV/: ?' 'UM.'HTTtCK. : Hot:. TIMS. \Vi (fl aVJfft. t-.d. iv\f;. s ? * '' I K*x*. .HMN X ii.WULf,?:,'. Ass/sr.ixr c\s::n;u\ w UfippftltS 0j- sj.OO ;rul !LTr>-?:iv;l IJfTjrTh'EOT allowed at ? j,:,r cent, on S:n ein! f'ortiftn?.W,rt DtrtbW.* On Ordiff-fy S?^ji;?l^. 1v,-;;,. ?Hf/ajent will Cen fen .I ; mojtt'hs ?%n Ac ?w- I - ? u" H -.1 i ? i : t-,i VINEGAR BITTERS ?WIIUYirillM'IBIInMIIVrll } \\ k?b. Ptu r'.li l. n. II. Mctfe*!!.* * Co., r*rn;?-!.'. * U?a. Actnu, Saa fraud*?, C*l., *b?l &4 Cvrunwrto ?tr*rt, N. Y. BULLIONS Rcnr Testimony to their Wo inter la I t'ni-atlvc Kliert?. Tbcy nra not a vile Fancy Drink, Mail? of Poor Hum, \\ liUUoy, l'niut Spirits nnd Rcfuso Liquors doctored, spiced nnd iwuutuued toplease tho trmtc,called "Toulcs." "AiipclUori'," "Itc?torer*,,'&c., that lead the tippler oa to ilrunkeriDciuaiul niiu.bnt aro atrua Medicine, matt? from Hip Nfulva Roota and llorln of Callfornbv free from all Alcoholic Hciaiu Innta. 'i hey uro tho C;it P.AT IM.OOl) lM'Itl FIEItnnd A JI.1KK ?.VJN(i l'ltl NC 11'L.K, a perfect Honovntor n:nl Invigorator of the Syrtem, carry in? ofT all p< >i*onous matter and roatorinR OichJaol to m healtliy condition. No person run take tlie?o nit t?rs accordlnK to dUcctiona mat remain long tinwoil, provitled tliclr bones uro not dertroyed by mineral potion or other means, and the vital organs muted botond tl>o point of repair. They are n Cleuclo Piirenilve?? well hen *??IA vviaanaalne. alw>. tbc i>ectdiar merit of nrtlnf; a-H a iHjwctflll rternt In relicvinp ? onfi-rH?? in ? ? ?>. i t.f the Liver. R'ul all'.beViv-era'Omoni. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, In yonntr or old. niarrio.1 or ?inele. at Uiedawnof woninnbooi! oral Uie tum of life. Uicsc Tonlr Bittert bira no eqnaL For inflauiinntory nml Chronic Ulieuinn tlaui nnd t.onr, Dyaprpatn or Imtlcrailoii, Itlllous, Uouiilleut Had I utoriuiltriil Fe? Ter?, Dlsenaca of ihr Itlnoit, Liver. K!d ueye nnd lllndder, these lliiterajutve u-enmoat ?iiooeRaful. Hitch Dtnenaea are caused by Villuleil lltood, vrhtcb is generally, produce,! by derangoiaeat ?of the IHgcntlst) Orjtaris, DYBPKl'rtIA Olt INOIta.STlON, Head relic. Pain In Iii?Shoulder?,OotlffuS, Ticlitnni.ii of tho Oh(?t. Disziuons, i.rjt Krucljttoni of the hiernach. Had Taatc In tue Month. BlUOal Attarlc.?. Palpitation of tho Heart, loOampiatlou of the Lm i;*. Pain In tho ro elom of ttie Kldncr?, and a bnndred other painful sjmp loin*, aru the o(1i>prii>(? of Urs;>*pala. They iiiTlcerato ttie Stomach und stimulate the torpid Lirer and U.>wol?, wtiicb rouder them of unc<iuall?d affleacy In ct tana lot tL i blood of all Impurities, and Im parting tu w lifo and rigor to the whole ?> ?tcm. FOR SKIN 1) ISKASKS, E.o;.i:..n*. Tetter. Salt Itbeum, Blotebea Spot*, P1iiii>1<'*, Paatutaa, lloiU, Car htinpl.-d. Rlnff?Worm*.Seatd llMal. Sore Ryes, Bry?lpe la?, lleb.Seurfa, UlccotoraUooa of ilie skin. Humors and In-? .-. . of Ihn Skin, of whaleT-;r nanio ur nature, are llterallv due up and rarrirsl out of the ?? stem in a ?hert time by the DSuvl the.--* Hitler?. One t?)tlle in ?ueli will convince tliemost inc.edulom of their cura tire effuct*. Olranao tha Vitl*led Btooil whenever yon find II? Im pnrltlea bunting through tlio akin In Pimples, Erap* lion* or Bores ; cleanM It when you find it obatraeted and slussiob in Hi* vein*: clean**, it when it la foul, and your feeliajra will tell you when. Keep the hl.-od pare, and the hralth of tho intern wilt follow. Pin, Tape, nnd other Worms, turVlne In tha iy?tem of io mruiy ttu".!??Dd*, arc effectually destroyed and r?mo?e<1. Pars a dUtlnirnhhed phrilntnalit, there I* ?rarrely na individual upon the face of the earth whoa< body is exempt from tha pretence of worm*. It I* not upon the henlthy element* of the body that worm*?Xlit,but up-.a tlie di?ea*ed humor* and illiny depo?lt* that breed thw lirti.v mon*tera of diiease. No Sy?tv>m of Medicine, no vermifuge*, no anttielndn'.lo* ?dl freu tho ?y?tein from Vurnu like thoee BlHets. J. WA LR Kit, Propri*t.r. R. II. Mi DONALD A CO., Drn?cl*t* and tien A-renS^Sao Fr uiois o. California, and 32 and 31 Commerce Street, New V<>tk. B3TBOLU UY ALL DRCOOl-TS AM) DfAM.R.a. nu^ -d k ly NOTICE. Mrs. D. M. SHU LSR RESPECTFULLY informs her friends that eh* Is prfgqzfitl ttf/ >( make LADIES' DRESSES, tMITTIMfr fffi,.^ TIN<# and EASTINt Stylos. '-BsWf - ddifii living in .bis ?ay, J ifaus* that her ^jjilliLllM in prosperity will bo her friends in ths da?H ^ days of sad misfortune, She has thus besflgOOjr? prompted to appeal to their aynrpsrtfaiass- . .uaflMtt *ept*i It ? B E O E"?,B~r PTFADiLTEBATED 'AiarMy " ! LAGER BEER. ?? LAGER REER. CONTAINING ' (O'ER RAH sind ALE d<_<<?torcd wi i*~~E!ike' an.i Alum, urc the littet? a?attara?aae ?jji cevercd in Now-Yofk. Professor Mupcs of New-Tora", Kflalyicd the Deer from a dozen different Breweries,- - :? , . und nil were found adulterated with noaHfitsT^ substance. It is nr.Td, tlitit the rf&WWWHW to Prowers, in a profitable prTt rTtlisXafoaaw: fTT This is perfectly infnmons C?cculuS $ adieus' iica. (dogfcutrtoyWnF* **** (lish bevrj) nnx-vom'ic which strychnine is. obtained, are some oi. , the dolectivble jhbstnnces founiT JhY JWwr"***'*** These urc potent poisons, and tUi?Brf^sje% 4l4s4> found, rising them Bb?uldjb^drown?il^cy? in one of Ins own TnTs!^^^^ ~* ?m?>*w*'?,>amuM**~ P. 8.?I am willing to be drarrnciHsi*^ .- ''! own vat?, if any impurities should be fausV in nty Reer. I shall continue to make , a heaiihfuf . , Bcvcre.jje, fa that it may be drank by taW niort-W lioata*Vitbout the least dSmgBH *rjt JOHN C. SEBOEUS, Columbia, 8*. 0. For sale in Orangcburg by the cask or" otherwise, by MERONR&A SAIaaiw i i" ^ jnn 7 e ' """*t .' tt WASHINGTON % Mrs. M. W. Stratton, C0115KR j u t . j i t.i ERY ALS A ASSEMBLY streets' COLUMBIA, & & Convenient to the Grcepvillc ami Charb?stoir-,iw,t(?4 Railroads ami the Business portion of the City. Kate of Transient Uiw llcwrd?Two Dollars per Day. Rejriilar Boarders received at Reasonable Kates. doc 10 -XSJT > sjsjfSj A H HIP W\ M ALK l?b \lm .?u bot ao.-ff Haj\ t i\ LY ? UUZIMK, 74r? Dollar* prr Anntt*\J. tMtttW" ?# :,? ..- trial la o* til !'\<j:;s reading matter. WALKER, EVANS | C()(.;-"?Tl'l.(., ax?t ?? 4?. n r.try .i/o'.v. ^ ? CuA>t.r.sros, S. C. ^ SC* T A-ND J*UOR MAKER* m'^p' I ?> Ef?!*KCT FL" LLY ISFWBrtft* Til* Ol-fl?n C4T f\, ten.-of OraDgcburg, and VjiWlflfr lie has .opened a? i/is ?EW ?Ttn*E uu Raav :veet,. bot Ween M*!<rsi R iRjyft WlTjL?dT ; Co. and MjtNatnan? 4 .lor es, w>lh ?v^mplatW , tt'vtk of LEATHER. .W-.. and' tbwt1,*Sr%l*'*1 igAJ 5..!hcicm Workmen lo till all Ovo^cr?ti^fj^iiI{ ^ c-1 to fciro, Thanking the Public for past pstrowagSV ?P?I re^pectlnily folicits a continuance ef tho . aamk TERMS CASH. I t,T. . W-IT ?t l5 l ! . - jgjjg 1" : -_nrfyrr. i #d TRIAL JUSTICE, . s??**!! IScvidoMf^ in Vor* ^WSAm^ ALL 1:1 si > ESS EtefRCS? tlt hi ? promptly uud ?iarefuliy atUndt'l ie. J1**2},i' t1^, ,noa 1 ? R- Row?? IT. C. ITunctKS. . , ( OITON FACTORS I iftiL b?? ">i-v?t ir. <ir a MM commission MEliCH'ANTS, xo/errr iri.A.vrrc wttaiiK CIIARESTON. S. C. m**Nrili Liberal made on Consignment.; '? m>>di Rrfkb r.? iritlrew Simonds, Esq., Pras't i^t National Rank. Cnarioston, o. v^. may Jl woo . V{ .^f ,'i ?5 *U REEDER & DAVIS, gOTTON I'M j'OUS ? A.xn . - Gt'iR'ial (oijinii.v^ioii 31vicum<iimj, CHARLESTON. S. C. . . ' ttt Iswki*i. Rbkiicr. Zimmbumak Datia^ w?#r? a Vclu eel 16 fits. _-1_*4?.-u~ btU ?uq.trf if. ii la / 1 kd. w, ( arpexteb's It CO.M POE N D FLUID JU^lAta^y* ?-Vli. SA PARlLEA p PE?. IF. f ALTEXTEirs' COMPOUND FLUID ENTRACT OF Rl'cni? These Cvl^brated Prepuratious. 'tiginnlly\-atjoi introduced by Goo.,W. Carpenter, inder tba (?atronact: ot tho medical faculty , have been -o li.u^ extensively used by physiciojia and. . at hem, that they aie generally knowhfor Gioir intiinsic value, and can be relied on as heim; most valuable remedies in all casea^ where Sa?> ipa? ilia < r Ruehu arc HpplioaltlJ|t "^Mi and cannot be too highly recommended' They are prepared in a highly eonecnt rated, form, so ;-.s to render the dose small and can j venient. Orders by mail or otherwise*wilh i>.,ive prompt at tent ion. ... . 0F0 W. CARPENTER. IIGNSZEVJL ''O.. Wholesale iMiemioal Warehouse, V** No. 7S7 Market street, Philadelphia** _t For aal?by I'l'KES.t Sil L I EU, ami E. .1. OLIVE U>S, OrungeburK. S. I .. w,d DOWIK IfOlSR, Whole sale Afcmt-. Charlo?t?n. S. C,