LOCAL. 8ATURDAY, DEC. 16, 1871. ill Advertisements must be handed to the Business Manager before Thursday Noon* _ Sea advertisement of Etiwun Fertill* ken. V. ,? - rri. - cj. _? >>i.?._?_ n_qrt. ahq uIOuu x u'jnyuKVo v,-uuij?lij ?ouu hdvcrtiscmcut in another column. _i - -,,im _ ! m ? ? ! i - Desiraqu: Rbsidknok.?Read Mr. Fowles* advertisement of a desirable residencejfor sale. The School Commissioner gives notice thai he will be ?t his offioo for the transaction of business ou Friday of each week. See notice. Blaokville since September 1st, has Shipped 1,993 bales of cotton to Charles ton end 199 to Augusta. Biuckvillo in the same period has shipped "2,416 baleSi lift D*. Louie.?Our did friend, at hie old stand has a splendid stock of dry goods and groceries just arrived by steamer. Look at his advertisement aud then go arid look at his goods. The County Treasurer informs us that the taxes for 1.8? 1 etc doming lu very slowly. The citizens of Orangeburg will save money by attending to the pay ment of their taxes before the 15th , of January. Do not rely Upon an exten sion of time. iimM|> - t ?111 - Dr. B. E. H. Peak son 1b still hold ing forth in the store next to that for merly occupied by Mr. Lightfoot. The Doctor is a deserving man und should bo patronirod. He has also on hand a full supplv bf groceries and Humors. Sec his eil tettiscmettl in another column. Torn and Christ mas Goods.?Mr. Thc-8. \V. Albcrgotti has just received a fine assortaiont of Toys and such things hs "coma iu" at the season of Christmas Stop in at his store aud select something for yourself and the '-little men," who claim this season fur their own. FojkbT' persons liko prt scuts of dry goods, in this class you wilt find a good many sensible people. Never was there a hotter chance lor them to gratify their desire than.is offered at Theodore Kuhn & Brother's store. Everything in this line is to be found there. Everybody can find something he wants. The murderers of W. B. Fidca at Oakley% Samuel White and Ran. Bal den, have been convicted aud after a most solemn and impressive charge by his Honor Judge Graham, sentenced to be hung on the 2d of February 1872. Irt answer to the sentence White said nothing; but Balden exelaimcd that ke had nothing to do with killing Fidca. Firb Wenns and Stationery.? Boy?, ,'ob 1 boys, see here I Kirk Robinson, (you kndw him well,) has a lot of fire-works. Just the things for Christmas 1 Go and get a roman candle and a wheel-locket and keep them for Christmas night. Wont it be jovial Mr. Robinson also has a number one assortment of stationcy. He advertises enrhi trmua m ?>t.i Capt. F. H. W. Brioqmann.?This house is too well and favorably knowu in our community to need a lengthy no tice. Amid the worthy completion aud sesi of our merchants, ho maintains his position. The great increase of his boslcess has compelled Capt. Brigg mann to enlarge his store, and to em ploy a greater number of olerks. Call at his store and note tho marks of pro gress. Something new and desirable.? Mr. F. H. Carpenter, the proprietor and introducer of * Shailcr's Saab Look and Holder, a most dcsirablo and'convenient invention for windows, paid us a visit this week. The "Sash and Lock Hol der" looks both sashos when closed, holds them, at any place, when open; stops all tattUqg of $ha sash as; cau be put on in one minute and will ncyor wear out. We would advise our rea ders to call at Capt. Hamilton's, who is the local agent for this simple and per fect invention, and admire it. j-?ajix_im... it '"' i mwWjmpLMu?\m New, Spack and Span N*w.? Everything at the now store- of William T. Lighttoot looks fresh and bright and bran new. The customers enjoy the pleasure of beholding everything bright and cheerful, and new. And there is everything that ono wadts in his litte. Dry goods, shoes, groceries, liquors, all are displayed and all sro inviting. This is the time that peoplo must buy and will buy, from a pre-ordained and im? memorial necessity. "So go where brightness, newness Waits you." Go to W at. T. Ltghtfoot's bright, new storo. Tho enterprising and go ahead estab lishment of Messrs. Win. M. Sain & Co. was crowded on Thursday last when we dropped in. These gentlemen are doing a fair and square business, and as uutu ral result, they are doing a heavy busi ness. Our planters, tho solid men of the county, are recognizing the quality and cheapness of their house, and are patrou isiug it ; aud the oolorod men, the hon est and industrious colored men of our couuty wbo ate becoming "settled" and who havo the means of providing the comforts for thelif homes, make it a point to come to this store* fur their wants. We congratulate our friends upon their success, aud omphutically de clare that they deserve It; atld ws re commend our citizens to call aud try them. ??? i ~ I SSSSt*? W. A. Meroney.?This gcntloman returned from Charleston a few days since. A large and \uricd supply of groceries followed directly after hiin. "Why," we imagine some of his many customers will say, "was his storo not crammed already 1" We auswer, "Yes, but it is full to overflowing now." Full, fuller, fullest. Tho latter is the term. It takes a superlative to give one au idea of his stock?aye, two would not be too many if it were not a violation of her Majesty's English to use them. A Christmas supply of groceries, and holi day notions essentially is th.it at Ma rouey's. Aud bo it reinem bored, Mr. Fair is with him yet. What more is necessary ? Nothing but frequeut calls of Mr. .M/s customers. ????> ? - ? ? The Lc^islalurc. Bills have been introduced to abolish the Statu constabulary ; to provide pen sions for widows aud orphans of Ku Klux victims. The House passed, over the Governor's veto, a bill to charter the Northwestern Iluil Road Company. The Senate has udopted a resolution directing the Attorney General to take legal t'tcj s to get possession of the pa pers of tho financial agent. The people of this State, Republicans no less than Democrats, are watching the action of the present Legislature. The Republi can press of the North demaud, as we do, of tho Legislature Investigation I This is the work bef?re them. This is the work the (people ask 'hem to do. No matter how long the present session is, if this work of investigation is per formed, the time will be well-spent. - ? nun ? - 11 un. F. J. Moses, Jr.?One at tending tho session of the Legislature is struck by the ability, ease, and business tact of tbo speaker of tho House, Hon. F. J. Moses, Jr. In pre siding over that body, composed of a conflicting and at times turbulent mem bership. The mind is involuntarily im plUtf?tiU Willi tiiti iUOUgiib i.ulL .>i I . Aiu ses is finely fitted for his poet, and that it would bo difficult to find a substitute, possessed of his talont for the position. Mr. Moses wields an influence over the general conduct of the House which at times is put to its tension, but which would be sndly missed, if ,he were ab sent. Wielding a fluent and able pen, and au eloquent orator, Mr. Moses is certainly one of the powers in his party in this State, wbo aro felt, and upon whom rests, to a groat degreo the re sponsibility of its history. "Coming events Cast their Sha dows before ti1em."?ChristtUQS Ls beyond all reasonable doubt coming ! The analogy of the past eighteen hun dred years proves this. But no less distinctly is its coming foretold by cor tuin, unusual nrrivuls, b certain prepa ration for a particular season, and a display of certain artioles which are not always saleable, but which can bo afforded and which must be had for "Christmas.'" The oven^f Christmas I is coming and its shadows aro cast bo ' ?? '?i ? 'if ? in ft I ?.IIWMllBllll.WMMIIWMWf remarkable. Iudoed the figure must bo relinquished, for these shadows, that Christmas casts before it, are the most substantial things that We know of. to fact they are Called "substuntiuts t par excellence. Life itself has been called a shadow, but to support the shadow, substantial are absolutely necessary. Amid the shadows of the year's evening come theso "Christmas" substantial*. The most genial, cheerful, and practi cal why of keeping Christmas is to "lay in" a bounteous supply of these very "substantials," in the shape A' hams, jellies, seasonings and other groceries, and amid the season's social happiness, to enjoy them. Are we not right ? Then go to the substantial grocery of Mr. J. Gcorgo Vosc, and provide your self. For he has everything substantial to make your Christmas, "merry." So M KT It ING YVOHTH SEEING.-A visit to the magnificent fowl yard of j Mr. Thos. W. Albcrgotti of Orangcburg, is worth the time of any ono. The fin est collection of pigeons, (owls, geese, &o., that we ever saw, are on exhibition in his yard. A day or so ago we dropp ed in, and to give our readers an idea of the extent and variety of things to be seen there, lot us state that in the first department we entered, wcro two beau tiful buff Bru'^uia cocks, one of which although ouly seven mouths old, we thought larger thuu many whose life is in the "sere and yellow leaf." The sec ond department is filled with partridge Cochins, the cock of which variety weighs IS lbs. There arc live or six more yards occupied respectively by dark Brahmas, white Brahmas, &c. Mr. Albergotti has one cock, brother to the one that took the premium at the Fair, that is said to be the finest in the State. In a large yard Mr. A. has a collec tion of suow white ducks, West India geese, and other fowls The lust place we visited was a very large pigeon boose which wo found filled with pigcoub ut the rarest kinds consisting of black and white fau tails, carriers, red rough turbits, swallows, arch au^cl (ouly pair in South Carolina) almoud black tumblers, nulls, white roughs, pouters (these latter reminded us of some young Indies we kuuwj etc. . Upou the whole, the espouse that Mi. Albcrgotti must have gouu to iu order to collect such a rare quauity of1 line birds together, is a matter of won der. No other County we'll warrant, can boast of any such advantage. Those who uro fond of birds (und who are not; we advise to call aud request Mr. A. to show them around. lie assures us he will do so with pleasure. P. S. Any of the above mentioned fowls, pigeons. Ac., can be had from Mr. Albergotti. COMMERCIAL. MARKET REPORTS. Ornea or tub Ora mok bu ao Nhwh, Deeombcr, 10, 1871. COTTON?Sales d?rlng the week 280 bales. We quota > Ordinary.itun.utt.10 (?al7 Low Middling.17J(<$ Middling.18 (Rev P H W Tarrance, L D Clark, Paul Jones. ROU1ES?Pleasant Corbet I, Jacob Salley. JAMISON'S?Addison Hafne, Frank M Pooscr Jacob Govan. ZEIGLEUS?Vandy Murph, Dr J A J j Hilderbraud, Peter Gladden. FOKT MOTTE?Jnhn.'? Duncan, W C Hay no, Ralph Crawford, f BROWNS?John H Phillips. II B Knox, 1 Thomas Pocl. FOG EE'S?Adam R Flood, W R Watt, Archibald McKinlay. FOUR HOLES?W B Logan, S E Rieken backcr Dr. W 8 Barton. ELLIOTTS?Richard Jefferson, W II Ben nett, John C Murph. CLUB HOUSE?A C Williams. Henry Chesoborough, M K HoLman. WASHINGTON SUVINARV?Rolin Moss, Hugo G Sher.dan . ; , BOOKII ARTS ?William Faulting, Wm Green,- Rush. . .. CEDAR GROVE?Allen Brown Juuc Ant ley, Samuel T Ixlur. GRIFFINS?S ItMellifbaiup, Jacob Haig 1er, Solomon Felder. KNOTT'S MTLI_Kttfus Whetstone, Dr B II Knotts, Joseph Rush. ORANGEBURG?J W Meaeley, Malcolm I Browning, E I Cain. EASTERLIES MILI/S-~Eit>?tm?cI Pon, W A Baaterlia, W It Meyers. CORBETTSV1LLE?Jackson Lewis, Eob ' crt Washington, Dr Geo 1 Odorn. FELDERS?Rev Thorn is Phillips, Letiok Bowman, Henry Phillips. BRANCHVILLR?Henry Riley, E 1 R Smoak, D C Myers. ROWE'S PUMP?Vandy Bowman, E V Snell, James May. GLEATONS?D R Shannahaif, J LGibson, Levin Artroc. TYLER8?Joseph FiCkling. Geo'rge Wash ington, John Jordan. For further instructions apply to the un dersigned nt Drangeburg, immediately. By order of Commissioners of Elections. GEORGE BO LIVER, JAMES P. MAYS, Commissioners of Elections, doc 9 2 Sheriff's Sales. OltAMOLJUKO COUNTY, In Probatb Court. J. Hilliard Hook vs Jtio. A. K. Holman and Olivia C. his wife aud others. By virtue ?if an order in this case to me dl reo ted by Hon. Thud. C Andre?.-, .Judge of Probate, 1 will sell at Oraiigcbueg C. II on the 1st Monday in January next, during the usual hours of sale, all that plantation or tract of laud situated in Drang- burg County on Caw Caw Swamp, containing 41i'? acres, more or less, aud bounded by lands now or formerly of Messrs. Legate, Gosper luabinet and Major Felder. The samo to be sold either in whole or in par cels, which will ho made known on day of sole. Terms?One half cash, the balance on a credit of twelve months, secured by Baudot' purchaser bearing interest from day of sale payable annually und a Mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay tor papers, stamps and recording. An t in case any purchaser shall fail lo comply with the terms of sale, the said promises to be resold on the same day, or the sale day thereafter Upon the same torias and at the former pur chaser's risk. A I.SO OYi Wednesday the 'JOth day f Deocmbor lust., at the lato residence of Mrs. Louisa Hook doo'd for cash, tho following personal property, viz: lit Head Cattle?undo variety of II >e luild and Kuchen l'urinure, cousist ng in part of Feather Beds, Matrasses, Beds, ?ads. Chairs, Table, Crockery ware und numerous other articles, SherifTa Office, ) H. R-IGGS, OrangeburgC. !!., S. ('., V S. 0. C. Dec. h, 1JS71. ) dee td EliECJAWT SI 1.1* POPLINS te bo had at P. 8. FELpBR & CO/8 Sheriff's Sales. ORaNGKBURG COUNTY. In tub Common Pleas. AnnB. Pooscr, Ex'x, ] and others. Complaint vs. to John R. Million", Marshall Ansets. ct. al. and others. By virtue of an ordor of the said Court In this action made on the 2d day of December, '?j-'j?. 1S72, I will bcII At Orangcburg Court House, ou Monday, the 1st day df January, 1872, during ttie legal hours' of sale, tho fol lowing tract of land, bsing a portion of tho Itcal Estate of which Georg? II. Pooaar, died seised and possessed : All that tract or parcel of land .situate and being in the County and Stale aforesaid, ia the Fork of the Ed ist? Rivers, contain ing 718 acres, more or less, and bounded on the south and west by th? Dower and Home stead tracts of tho said Ann E. Pooeer, east by the North Edisto River, northeast by lands <>H Daniel Smeuk and north by lands of ?? - ?? Barton. Upon thin tract there is* an tttoViIent Saw Mill in first rule running order, with a plen tiful supply of Water and Tiniber, alsoaonie very fine Swamp Laad, some of which is un der Cultivation. Terms?One-third oash, balance on a credit of 12 mor t is, purchaser to give bond lor credit portion, secured by a mortgage of the premises, and to pay for'papers, record ing and stamps. Purchaser failing t? comply, ths said premises will be resold on tho same day, or first convenient snleday thereafter upon the same trrnts and at the former purchaser's riski ALSO ORANOKBURG COUNTY. In CoMMort Plkas Watson A O'Cain, Adm'r vs Mary Oair, ct al By virtue of an order in this case, from Hon R. F. Graham, Judge of 1st Circuit, 1 will sell at Orangeburg C. H. on tho 1st Monday in January next All that plantation or tract of land con taing 548 acres more or less, situate in Edi sto Fork, on Duck Branch, bounded by lauds of Jno. McMichael, Calvin Hayden, John Murphy, Jesse Pearson, Jacob Pearson, Maj. J. J. Sal ley and the dower tract. And tue interest in remainder in dower of the said Mary Hair after the termination of her life estate in a tract containg 74 acres, bounded by lands of J. J. 8allcy, Mary S. Boutictt and the above stated tract Terms'?One-half cash, the: balance on a [ credit of 12 months, scoured by bond bear ing interest from day of sale, and a mort gage of the premises. Purchasers to pay for papers, recording nnd stamps. In case j the purchaser fail to eomply the premises will be resold on the ndat eouvenint snleday thereafter on the same terms, and at the ri.sk of the" farmer purchaser. ALSO ORANfjKBURO COUNTY In Common Pleas. Mary B. Treadwell, Adm'x vs John H. Fan ning, et al. Complaint to Marshall Assets, Ac. liv virtue of an order of the said Court in this action, I will sell at Orangeburg Court House, on Monduy, the 1st day of Janu ary, next, during the legal hours af sale, the Keul Estate in this County, of which the lato William R. Treadwell, died, seixod and po*?rM1U IUI M'H.T.v at P. S. FELDEE A CO.'S United States Marshal s Sale. W. It. Wesson, ) U. S. Cirouit ve V Court Decree la Jabob E. L, A maker, j Foreclosure. lly virtue ol . tf Dec. 7, 1871. j dec U td notice* ORANGEBURG COUNTY, lit Cctssteoa Plsas. John D. Fairy vs B. D. Myers,- Ex. Under the judgment in this ease,' will t>? sold for cash and at risk of former puren** - [ er, at Orangeburg, on the 1st Menday i i January next, subject IC tire" Hoaneeteau of I Mrs.- A. C. Myers and her children. 1/ All that port ion of the Lot ia Branch ville, on which E. J. W. Myers resided at the time of his death, measuring 310 by feet, nud which is bxnftided north by an all t leading from Matn Street to J. B- Berr I land, east by the othsr portion of same I. ? so ;ih by J.- B. Berry's land, and west fcj . 10 foot alley separating it from D. B. Bc; ?. > land. 2. The remainder, after the determinate i of Mrs. Ann C. Myers' Dower Estate, in ? other part of the same Lot, measuring S.\ * by 140 feet, bounded north by the ai ; leadiug fr?m Main Street, south and east f next, at my place, i ? the Fork of Edtotff, near the plantation ?> Capt. J. 7. Jcfrurng?, the following prop , - ty : * 10 heAd Cattle, 21 head Hogs, 2 good K - ses, 1 .Mule, 1 two horse Wagon, 600 bns<. Corn, about 15,090 lbs Fodder. Bleckst? Carpenter aud plantation Tools, Househ ? i: aud Kitohen Furniture, 1 Loom, 1 L.c r Thresher, 4e. Terms cash. G. W. lynch;, uov 2"? : . 2000 Rn"fcU B'ce wmmt P. 8. FELDER 4 C< nor 18 oct 14 ? notice. H. B. Rice Ex'rof Will of J, C Week* ># Jaby Weeks and othersv Notice is hereby giver* t* the Cred-tverr" Joseph C. Week*, to proro thfefr dtemw" h before me on or before the otghteteWfh1 ork>Bar.) AVTVOUNKY ANd> COUN8BLU>.* AT IAW, OHiXtiEBiKU, ft. c