The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, December 09, 1871, Image 3

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THE 0RANGEBORG NEWS J. FELDER MEYERS?Editob, GEORGE iso im vi-: k, Financial anu Buhinkrb Maxaokr. """sATUKDAY, DEC. 9,1871. i Every nr?icl?HrbV.M>o.'Qij(AN?Bpu?o .ffjws must bo accompanied by tbe real name of the author-not necessarily for publica-" tion, but *> A gusAitfle*!?f good mifh oil the part of tlioWit?M?> 1 A 1 L'i J I ?BIMtBJBSJl"p^^" "ELLIOTT HO0K'lrH> LADDER i .COMPANY.? enilisjio'i?'] . : ? . - i SE*<.9J,p' S?! V^RS A u Y ? ,J? i HrJj boSo* },;.?<? I 30*rtl" n?nt^mber. OtiboOl 0} vi a-; ttf i j f f evil ;ii ;^p6bt lit . - ?> This spirited nod public-spirited Or (ganizatic-n celebrated their second An ( mversarv on Thursday' November SOth, 1871. The parade in the afternoon of "vrbitc eHn ts/' of tho "Eriotts,'' and "Young America reds," presented & beautiful Vcmrp-.d' oet'L" Graced by the prcscnec'Ofl the ?Veiicrablc',,Chief". and ?Tatrod* ?r.'Thomas A. Elliott, who lent dignity to*.tlib scene, tho Companies marcboc^^ljrfl^gii our, principal streets, the truck. aud .engine decorated with handsome wreaths, and the men dis playingJto;,'f?U advantage the splendid matcrial'oT which' these' ?Bbc^e^ics"?rfe, composed"! At the conclusion of the 1 ? i n-'. t. i u i , , parade,i routing, cheers, expressive, of, nntLflf celebrMiou .were given by the "boys." Wo have already published Hfllb'lfst ?f ' Officers fov tho en suing ycar,0clcc'(iai Vi'fic ' "Elliotts" at the annual p^Cctitig ,of the Company on the Eatn9jicy5Utt)g..i,,W/P must recur to the subjectagain . tp congratulate the "ElliolttB" upon thair "Foremen," both tbe reflrrng1 n:.d'the newly chosen. ^ Since tl!p l^ajiTiintTon <d (ho "Elliotts" two years ago, Captain John A. Hamilton has pre^itied^j F,fu;einan. over the ^Com ' pony. -No I ixittcr. choice, could, have been iptrdcj'ltna'- in no small (degree is' this Organization indebted for its snc' cess, to'fdio' ability, courtesy, heartfelt interest, and self-sacrificing devotion of Capt. Hamilton. Through "evil report' and through goor.-," he,bus stood by the Company7,*-4hoi ?Sftie " firm, true and reV liable friend iuiU'chief. These thoughts come ujibniijfcn to the pen of one who il t' ,. ?1/ .-.Oil knows of all jthiB, nud arc expressed here as due Jo, tho,subject. Nowlin the liey-d-ay of assured suc cess i:is well for tbe young Company to remember all the "causes that have cul minate^ so happily ?o that success, and among the early ussociatious of effort just BleudcuViuto victory, should be wrcatlred'tho'iiime bf their "First Fore man " ''WS less do we congratulate our fnendsjhfie j'EUiotis" upon the choice j of Cny^.jJI^niilton's successor, Mr. J. , Gcorgtf ...V.osJq. . Y'oung,, energetic, and of bus toes*habits, Mr. Vosc has already made if* host of friends in Orangeburg, and the "Elliotts" have well studied hi , imi- . :> their own interest in paying this com pliment to hiui. The other offices as published in the Nkws last week are filled by gentlcmau known and fitted for their duties. Capt. Hamilton has been chosen Treasurer of the Company, an office of responsibility, and bis election to the position. iH -a well-.mtriled, quiet but. strong compliment paid to his worth. At 7 in the evening tlte "Jtlliotts'' and (heir guohts the "Young Americas" . sat down to a supper which was deci dedly the bcal of its kind ever ofTercd in Oiangeburg. Taste, variety, beauty, und nfpcncss- in preparation, appoint* ment and arrangement were everywhere displayed, every v'tnide wns cutJait. and tho whole "bijlof farp" recherche and ele gant. - All oflhis is explained when wo rccitetato that ^Yui. A. Merouoy was the caterer and. getter up of tho enter tainment'. Alter these delicacies and substantial* we disposed of, by ''caking them up from the Table," (in p.irlinmsn tary phrase)' jifjd. discussing them iu an exhaustive and thorough manner, the rcsobitiort thill 'MrT^lardTT?yT~wn8 the best iriau fo jlroparc those sort of things was q.uifetly, l>ut unanimously adopted. After'his tile 4<lenft of reason" began and soul flowed, "Tho day wc celebrate" wis drunk heartily, and responded to by Mr, Ho pulton, who, Tn a terse and chnslu.oddfuKi,? roviswed tho history of the WJfnlAts^ and congratulated its mOnibcTB upou llioir great and complete success. Mr. Hamilton* remarks were 4 received with attention and greeted with applansc?fe|0 nded to by Capt. Jns.^F1. lslar, who Veptyed most pleagjptly tofrio sentinisnt of hospital ity and returned reciprocal good feeling and well wishes to the hosts, whose na tal day wss being celebrated. "Our wives, daughters and sweet-hearts," was re sponded to by Mr. A. B. Koowlton, who in most handsome style did justice to his beautiful subject, anon touching the hearts of Iub listening audieuce by those allusions, with which the theme wss so replete, and which were responded { to by alt present; and again causing a burst of merriment at sonio welMnter p?fated humor splendidly put. During his address all were wrapt in attention, and frequent bursts ql applause attested tho hearty pleasure afforded by the speaker. "The Press" was responded to by the writer of this sketch, who, temporarily, in tho abseoco of Mr. Mey ers, presides over these columns?goes to suppers?and recoives little perqui sites in Irs Btead. Modesty forbids to expatiate upou the'eloquence, beauty' and style of this great speaker?olhors unaffected by tho sentiments of modesty, (the accompa niment, be it rcu'bonibered, of - genius) finny arise to tell of and to praise the groat speech but silence reslB upon the great event, save when those who hoard the speech may talk. Suffice it to say thtt the gentlemen mentioned in this ar ticle as having made speeches Upon this occasion dkl well, did: very well; but tlisy were surpassed, ;dutdonc, thrown Into tho shade by one whom modesty (confouud it) uientipu. But jokes aside, .the affair ras one of the most pleasurable of ita kind and stands brightly promioent in the list of thoi-e happy rc-uuions of brotherhood. Long may the pleasant custom bo per petuated. Sentiments, songs, joviali ty, good feeling, merriment mark these .occasions, and render them oasis iu the desert monotony of life." The Xogfslnturc. Kt.W 21 tt.'ili ?? n ; i tt m viii This body have got to business. The Committee on reducing the number of Clerks, ike, have reported and tho mutter is left with the speaker. Whittemore, Bo wen and Hurley aro waging war upon tho administration; demanding reform und retrenchment. Resolutions and bills are offered which will hold the Treasurer and other offioiahi to a strict accountability and will reduce the pow er of the Executive over the Stute finan ces. A spirit of enquiry into the finan cial system of the govcrnmcn is manifest and strong. Among the bills iutroduc cd we notice the following : By Mr. Wilkcs, a bill to declare the use of the words, liar, thief, rogue, scoundrel ft uf omneyenut a misdemean or, punishable by fine and imprisonment and allowing the use of these words to be pleaded in justification of assault and battery; also, u bill to prohibit the. sell ing of .'pirtuous liquors to habitual drunkards. A resolution was adopted iu the House, ordering the magnificicut chandelier to be taken down, because the Beaufort members were afraid of its falling on their heads. Senator Greene has been succeeded by Senator Owens ofLaurens, as Chairman of Finance Committee. The IStli of December has been fixed as the time for commencing bUV . .... and one associate justice. The Kti lilux Trials. The trial* of tho Ku Kliix prisoners are progressing. Tho Grund and I'ctit Juries havo been organized. Tho Grand Jury have bceu sworn, according to the Ku Ivlux Act, that they were never im plicated in tho offences forbidden by the Act. Judge Bond briefly aud plainly charged tho Graud Jury, aud thoy have rcturiiod true bills against Allen Crosby and about fifteen others for outragos iu York County. Tho Grand Jury consists of eight whites and thirtcou blacks; tho Petit Juries twenty whites und thirty-two colored. Tho indictments against Allen Crosby and others contain cloven counts. Mr. Stanbcrry has moved to quash it upon numerous grounds. His argument was able anJ lengthy. Messrs. Chamberlain and Corbin, by ar gument, sustained tho indictmont. It is understood that all the Ku Klux prison ers accused of crimes less than murder may be released on bail, until the de livery of the decision of the Supremo Court, to which final tribunal the case* will undoubtedly be taken on appeal. Manukactukjno Enterprise in Charleston.?Charleston is fast be coming a manufacturing as well as a commercial city. The largest manufac tory of doors, sashes, blinds, Ac, in the Southern States is that of Mr. P. P. Toale, on Horlbeck's Wharf in that city, sales rooms at No. 20 Ilayne St. Mr. Toale's advertisement appeari in another column. T 1ST OF LETTERS Rcmaiin Jtj ing is 'be Orangeburg Post Office to November 4th, 1871. B?-Thomas Daynard. If?]>*.ot?! H?r'i George E Huse. T?Miss 'f homasia Thompson. Z?Mr Zeigler, for Fletcher Riehmond Persons calling for tho above loiters will please say they are Advertised. P. DeMAUS, P. M. HYMENEAL. Mabbiku?On the 80th of November, 1871, at tho resilience of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Simmons, Mr. 0. II. BONNETT to Miss MARY A. E. BOZAKD. All of Or angeburg County, 8. C. NOTICE. ROOMS COUNTY CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. OBANUEDUnU C. II-, S. C , December 8th, 1871. Notice is hereby given that a Convention of the Republican party wilt be held at Or angubujrg C. II., on Saturday, Dembor 10th, 1871, for the purpose of nominating a Can didate for Senator from this County, vice Hou. Josoph A. Grcsne deceased. Tho Convention will bo composed of the same Delegates that served at the bist Elec tion. Where vacancies occurred during tho last year, tho Precinct in which such vacancy exists, will elect a Delegate to till the said vacancy. OEO. 110 LIVER, Chairman County Central dec 9?2 Executive Committee. BHitt K Velveteen*), and white black ALPACA8, nil grdes at P. 8. FELDER k CO. S FIN 4 Ii NOTICE. ? All Per sons baviug demands against tho Es tate of Abram Smoke, deo'd. will present them for payment, also all person* indebted to said Estutc will make payment at ence to DAVID STACK, dec ft?4t* Executor. 4ttention OranKeburgTroop. The Surviving OFFICERS and MKM l8 of the Orangeburg Troop, are request efl to meet at Orangebnrg on tho Kith ins:., on business of importance. A. G. SALLEV, dc<5 6-=l W. V7- CULLER, A JVOTIIEI* 1*?t of Fancy stud A dark CA8SlMEttg al P. 8. FELDER & k CO.'B FOR SALE! Will be sold on Saturday. Deo, 10th, 1871, at tho residence of .Mrs. M. Grave?, near Binnaker's Bridge, 25 head Cattle, consisting of Milch Cows and Calves and Reef Cattle, 8 head Ilo.zf. Household and Kitchen Furni ture, 1 fine Piano, I Horso, 1 Ruggy, Wagon, kc., ko. Mrs. M. GRAVES. deo 0 2 A Splendid WAOO.\ and IIA UN ESS Complete, very low. Apply to P. 8. FELDER & CO. "SANTA CLAUS" HAS COM EU! A cordial Invitation is Extended to both Town and Country to call and soe HIM""" DRUG STORE DR. OLIVEROS' i\o. 100 Jtmtrtl Street, ORANGEIIUHO. So. Ca. Aduission FREE ! deo 0 nov 18 ]y ROOMS TO LET. Apply to P. S. FELDER & CO. S ORANGEBURG?In Common pleas John C. Pike, Trustee, et ut. et. al. va J. W. Mosely, ct. ux. ct. al. Ry virtue of an onlcr of lion. lt. F. Gra ham, Circuit Jiil;-i'. in this case, I will sell at privnte sale, upon liberal terms, the fol fowing lands of the Trust ! state of William R. Rull, nml Julia A. lie wife, viz : 1. Tract of 7f> acre* more or leas, in Orauge Townah'p, about uno mile from Oraugeburg Court House, 1>oii to I vd North by lands of iiai pin Rigg*. East by hind, late of W. T. McKewn and (.'. A rant respec tively. South by lauds of C. Arant, aiol West by So. Ca. 11. Road. Eligibly situated for a suburban farm. 2. Tho McMicluu-l Trnc: of about 2?C acres, in the Ford of Edisto. hounded North by llolman's bridge Roud, Bast by Inuds of A. A Connor, South by Uinnicker's Rriilge Hoad and lands of J. 1>. Smoak, and West by lands of S. Dibble and Mary Kaltzegar. 3. The remainder in the MoMicbacl Dower Tract of about ttt. acres, bouuded North by Binniukers's Rridgo lioad, Kast by lands of A. A. Connor, South by lands <>t J. D. Smoak, and West by the Tract last above deseribed. 4. The Old Hotel Lot in the Town of Or angeburg, on tho East ride of Rroughton street, bounded North by lots of J. P. Ilar ley and D. Louis, East by lota ^ E. J. OH verosand T. K. Sasportas, and ftouth by lot of Adeline II. Smoak. o, Tiiat ioi ?ii the "'. ' ride of Rroughton street, formerly connected with the Old Hotel, b- unded North by lot of \V. T. Mid ler, South by lot of Kachel Jones, and West by lands of J. P. Harley. For further particulars, and for mnking bids for any of the t>aid Tracts, address the uudcrsigntd, at the Store of Messrs. Rull, Scovill & Pike, al Orangehurg, So Ca. JOHN C. IM EE. T rustce. dec 9 *t Ta the Commissioners of Elettions for thi County of Orangeburg: Whereas; Hon. Joseph A. Greene, who. at The General Election held it November, 1868 was chosen a member of the Senate for the Licct'Miik District of Grsngcbttrg County, to servo *br the unexpircd term of Hon. B. F. Itandolph, has since said Flection, deceased; and, whereas, the Constitution of the State of South Carolina directs that innuoh a case a writ of election ahall be issued by the President of the Senate, for the purpose of filling tho vacancy thua occasioned for the remainder of the term for which the member so deceased was elected to serve. Now, therefore, you and each of you, are hereby required, after due advertisement, and with strict regard to all the provisions of tho Constitution and laws of tho said ?Stale, touching your duty in such case, to hold an election for a member of the Senate, fur tho Election District aforesaid, to serve for the remainder of the term for which the said Hon. Joseph A. O. ecne vritn elected; the polls to be opened at the various places of election in tho said District, on Wsdnes day, tho 20th day of December, A. D. 1871, by the various sets of Manager? tor those respectively: ami the counting of the votes cast and the declarations of the result uf ihr election to be in accordance with the pro viaians ot tho lfitb, lUth, 17th and 18th sec tions of an act approved March 1,1870, en titled "An act providing lor the genera' election* and the iituuncr of conducting the sanae." I This writ, together with a certified copy of your return of the election to he held un der it, have before the Senate nt its next meeting after tho election. Witness, the Hon. A. J RANSIER. President of the Senate, at Columbia, S. C, [L. S] fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Bcventy-one. A. J. RANS1ER, President of the Senate. J. WooDncrr. Clerk of Senate. In obedience to the above order and no tice, the following persons are hereby de clared and appointed Managers of tbe Elec tion to be held on Wednesday, tb* 20th day of Decambcr, A. D. 1871. A VING EKS?January McNeil, Alexander Richardson, A P Avinger. LOUISVILLE?Rev F H W Tarrancer L D Clark, Paul Jones. R01U EX?Pleasant Corbett, Jacob Salle;. JAMISON'S?Addison Ilayne, PraiA M Pooaer Jacob Goran. ZEI0LER8?Vandy Morph, Dr J A J Hililerbraud, I'eter Gladden. FORT MOTTE?John G Duncan, W C Hayne, Ralph Crawford. BROWNS?John H Phillips, II B Kuox, Thomas Peel. FOGhE'S?Adam It Flood, W R Wntt, Archibald McKinlay. FOUR HOLES?W B Logan, S E Rivkcn backer Dr. W S Horton. ELLIOTTS?Richard JcfT^en, W II Ben nett, John C Murph. CLUB HOUSE?\ C William?, Henry Cl?e?eberf/>igh, M K HalfeisBt. WASHINGTON SEMINARY?Ro^in Mo?s, il ?(rp G dhtridan BOOllUAHTS ? William Paolling, Wtn Green,-?us?. CEDAR GUO?"E?-AU?? B>'?trn Jnns Ant ley, Samuel T I dar. GRIFFINS?S R MoMichamrf. Jacob Ilaig ler, Solomon Felder. KNOTT'S MILL?Ruf us Whilst sue, Dr B H Kuotts, Joseph Rush. OUANCEHL'BG -J W Mosoley. Malcolm 1 Browning, E 1 diu. EASTERLIES MILLS?Emanuel Pou, W A Eaiterlin, W R Meyors. CORBETTSYILLE? Jaekson Lewis, Rob ert Washington, Dr Geo I Odom. FELDEBS?Rev Thomas Phillips, Lsvick Bowman, llebry Phillips. BRANCHVILLE?Henry Riley, E t R Snioak, D C Myers. HOWE'S PUMP?Vainly Bowman, E V Snoll, James May (J 1.BATONS? D R Shannahan, J LGibson. Levin Argoe. TYLERS?Joseph Pickling, George Wash ington, John Jordan. Fur further instructions apply 'o the un dersigned at Orangeburg, immediately. By order of Commissioners of Elections. GEORGE BO LIVE It, JAMES P. MAYS, Commissioners of Elections, dec 0 '2 Sheriff's Sales. In PronAfp. Court. J. Hilliard Hook vs Juo. A. K. Hulman and Olivia (.'. his Wife and others. Ry virtue of uu order in this ease to me directed l>y Hon. Thad. C. Andrews, Judge of Probate, I will sell nt Orangebucg C. H on the 1st Monday in January next, during the usual hours of sale, all that plantation or tract of laud situated in Orangehurg County on Caw (.'aw Swamp, containing 4 hi acres, more or less, and bounded by lauds now or formerly of Messrs. I.egare, 'Jospcr Inubinet aud Major Felder. The Baute to he solil either in wliule or in par eels, which will bo made known on day of sale. Terms?One half cash, tho balance on n orcdil of twelve months, secured by lWml of piirolt irr hearing interest from day of sala payable annually aud u .Moitgago of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers, stamps and recording. And iu oase any purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, the said premises to be resold on the same day, or tho sale di.y thereafter upon the same terms and at the former pur chaser's risk. ALSO On Wednesday tho '-'Olli day of Dcceuaber inst.. nt the late residence of Mrs. Louisa Hook dee d for cash, the following personal property, vis: In Bead Cattle?and a variety of Houao hol 1 and Kitchen Furniture, consisting i: part of Feather Beds, Matraesee, Bedsteads, Chairs, Xabh, Crockery ware and numeroua other art Leios. She^S1* Office, ) H. R'OGS, Orsngebuurg 0. II., 8. C, [ S. O. C. Uee. s\ 1871. J dec U "I ELEGANT SILK POPLIN* U be.had at ? AVTln ORANGRBCRG COUNTY. In tiik Common Plbas. Ann E. Pooser, Ex'x, ] and others. ' TS. John B. Milhoue, et. al. and others. By virtue of an order of the said Court in this action made on the 2q> da>y oi December, A. u. 1-7 1, I will sell at Orangeburg Court liouse. on Monday, the 1st day of January. 1872, during the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing tract of land, being a portion of the Heal Estate of whtcb George II. Pooser, died Boised and possessed: All that tract or parcel of land situate and beiag in the County and State aforesaid, m the Fork of tho Edisto Rivers, contain ing 71H acres, more or lens, and bounded on the south and west by the Dower and Home stead tracts of the said Ann E. Pooser, east by the North Edisto River, northeast by lands o* Dauiel Smoak and north by lands of-Barton. Upon this tract there ia an excellent Saw Mill in first rate running order, with a plen tiful supply of Water und Timber, also some very fiue Swamp Land, some of which is un der Cultivation. Terms?One-third cash, balance on a crvUil of U: months, purchaser to give boud for credit portion, secured by a mortgage of the premises, and to pay for papers, record ing and stamps. Purchaser failing to comply, the said premises will be resold on the same day, or first convenient saleday thereafter npou the same terms aud at the former purchaser's rink. ALSO ORANGKBURG COUNTY. In Common Pleas Watson A O'Cain, Adm'r va Mary Rair, t> al By virtue of an order in this cssa, from Hon R. F. Umkam, Judge of 1st Circuit, I will sell at Orungeburg C. H. on the 1st Monday in January next All that plantation or tract of lund con taing HIS acres more or less, situate in Edi Hto e'orU. on l)uek Braneli. hounded by lands of Jno. Mc.Michael, Calvin Haydcn, John Murphy. Jesse Pearson, Jacob Pearson, Maj. J J. Salley and the dower tract. And tnc interest in remainder in dower of the said Mary Buir aller the termination of her life estate in a tract coutaing 74 acres, bounded by lands of J. J. Sullcy, Alary S. Honuett aud the above stated tract Terms?One-half cosh, the balance on a credit of 12 months, secured by bond bear ing interest from day of sale, and a mort gage of the premises. Purchasers to pay fur papers, rceordiug and stamps. In case the purchaser fail to comply the premises will be resold on the next conrenint saleday thereafter on the same terms, nod nt the risk of the former purchaser. ALSO OR A XGKBURO COUNT Y In Common Pleas. Mary B. TrendweH, Adm'x v? Jahn H. Fan ning, ct al. Coatfdninl to Marshall Assets, i.e. Ry virtue of an order of ibe s?id Court in this action. I will *cll at Orungeburg Court Honse, mi Monday, the let dtiy of Janu ary, next, during the legal hour* of sale, the Real Estate in thiv County, of which tho Ute William B. Treadwell, died, seised Und possessed, consisting of the following, tracts of land, iu the Town of Orangcburg: 1. Tract of 12 ?eres, bounded north by lands of Thomaa Oliver. e >> i by lands of So. Ca. Railroad, <,,>-. O. Oowan sod Estate of Oeorpc II. ER'totl ami Railroad stenne. sonn by Kpsscll Street, and weet by hinds of W. M. lint son, Esq. This trnci will be Intersected by two streets, and wilt be i?old in It* lots of convenient sir-c. 2. The Hotel tract, situated at tbecorne Of Russell and Droughton streets, an l boon ded on the oilier sides by lands of Mrs. W. B. Treadwell and D. Louis. This will be soiJ to G Lots, two of them fronting on Kns sell ? . '. fid one of these wi.h a good Store already erected Ibereon, three of them fronting on Rrou'hton street, and Ibe re mainder constituting the Hotel with ample stables, aud buildings, olh yard and garden room, being oue of the mo>t c'igibio pieces of property in the Town of Orangeburg. 8. Tract of 120 acres, bodnded north by lands of Mm Ann .Andrews, east by Brough ton street, south by river and-street, and west by River street. This tract will be sold iu ?'???> lots, and will be interseoted with streets properly located, rending the Lots available as Town Lots. A portion will be sohl iu a tract of 8 acres, ami another por tion in a tract of about 20 acres. A fino brickyard is on one of the tracts. A portion of these Lots will be sold on the day indicated, to suit purchasers. Plats of the said tt?al Estate can bt inspected at the Sheriff's Office. TsBMS-.Ono third cash, balance on a credit of one, two and three years, secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser, with interest from day of sale, payable an nually on the whole amcuu't, until the whole bond is fully paid up. aud satisfied, and to pay for papers recording and stamps. Purchaser to have privilege of payiug all cash, and if any purchaser fails 'to comply, the promises so purchased by the party failing to comply to be sold on the sumo, day or some convenient >?l?day thereafter upon the same terms and at the former purcha Sheritrs Offee. ) H. Riggs, Orungeburg C. II. 8. C. \ S. O. C. Dec. Tib, 1ST I. J deo 8 4 Complaint to Marshall Assets. New Goods, New Goods, npUIR undersigned begs to inform his cus tomers and the public generally that he husjust returned from New York with an immense STOCK of Fall and Winter Goods, unsurpassed in Style, Durability and Low Price, comprising an oxtensive assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Murenos, Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, Detains, &c. The greatest variety af CLOAKS, and es pecially SHAWLS ever offered in this mar kst, nli of which the ladies say are the pret tiest and Cheapest in Orungeburg. Gents call and examine of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CLOTHS nod CAS8IMKRE8 which is undoubtedly the largest, riebest and Cheapest collect ion ever displayed by any Merchant in mir Tbwn. A full line of the best TIUMM1.HGS al ways 00 hand. (ireat inducements offered in Readvmsde Clothing. Roots, Shoes and Hats, Flannels, Lkadseys, Jeans, Kerseys. Blankets, Domes tics Hosiery, Olcves and Yankee Notions of every description. A lomplete stock of Sugars, Coffees, Ba con, Lard, Molnsses, Elour, Cheese, Tobac co, Lye, kc, Crockery Ware, Willow Ware, Hardware, and other goods too numerous to mention. All of which are offered LOW* DOWN by JOS. M'NAMARA. CCt n iy Sheriff's Sales. V By Tlrtue of sundry Exemtion* to me di rect cd I win ?eil to the high cut bidders, at Orangeburg Court House, on the tret MON? VikY ia January neat, far cash, t he follow ing property, rix: One tract of land containing ltJO aires mar? or lese, bounded by lands of Est. Jas. Parlor, Mrs. Hiehbourg, Mrs. Hush, and others. Tbe remainder in 860 acres, bounded by lands of Peter Taylor, 1st. Myers, Jack Connor and Dr. 8. Dantsler, (being the family Homestead of Owen Hinder) after the termination of the right of Homestead there* in. Levied en as the property of Owen Shuler, at the suit of Begin W. Bates, Guar dian C. E. Bull. ALSO One tract ef land containing 148 acres, more or less, bounded by binds of Dr. Flood, N. Flood and VY. H. Bull. The remainder in 640 acres, bounded by lands of Dr. Flood, D. D. Dant/ler. W. H. Bull au? Seutee rirer (being the family Homesteud of Jack Dantsler) after the ter mination of tho right of Homestead therein. Levied on ns the property of Jacob Dantsler at the suit of Begin W. Bates, Guardian, C. E. Bull. ALSO All the right, title and interest of im- De feadanta in all that tract of land, known as Belle Broughton, containing 8,000 acres,, more or less, bounded by lands Wm. and Russell Keller, Barber Cummings, Bast, Fclkel and the Hair Way Swamp. Levied on as the property of J. B. Darby and Ar temus T. Darby at the suit of Mary A. 8. Stoudmire. . ALSO All the right, title and interest of Mr. Dorcas Vioe in all that tract of hind situated in Orangc-burg t'ounty containing 1-10 acres, more or loss, and bounded by lamia, of Mary A. S. Stoudmire and others. Levied on at the suit of Patrick M. Carson. Sheriff-* Offen, ) U. BIGGS, OrangeburgC. H.f S.C., [ 8. O. C. Dec. 7, 1871. J dec 0 fld H Id) II ICST Wurlact ricici-: paid for GB1AN at P. 8. FELDEE It CO;'S NOTICE. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. I? Common Pi.has. John D. Fairy Vs B. D. Myers, Ex. Under the judgment in this ease, will be sold for cash and nt risk of former purchas er, at Orangcburg, on the 1st Monday in January noxt, subject to the Homestead of Mrs. A. C. Mycra and her children. 1. All that portion of thu Lot in firanch ville, on which E. J. W. Myers resided at the time of his death, measuring 210 by 70 feot. nnd which i? bounded north by an alley lending from .Main Street to J. B. Berry's land, east by the ether portion of same Lot, youth by J. B. Berry's land, and west by a 10 foot a'lcy separating it from D. B. Berry's lnnd. 2. The remainder, after the determination of Mrs. Ann ('. Myers' Dower Estate, in the other part of the same' Lot, measuring 210 by 140 feel, hounded north by tho alley leading from M>iin Street, south nnd east by .1. B. Berry's land and ivcal by the Home stead. l'urchascrs-to pay for titles. T. W. GLOVEP, dee 0?4 Beferee. *>{J(Jff ) Mice wauled P. S. FELDER & CO. nov 38 oct 14 lira TAX NOTICE. NOT ICR' hereby fi*enr*a.e *? Office of t owity Treaaarew 9vr Orangervorg Coun ty, 8. ?., wWI be Opern Aar the Collection of State, Ctmatj and Szlixni Timgb* fortheyear 1871. on the Twentieth (20f?) **yt>f N'ortmber A. /?. 1871, and will continue efca fvr the Collection of the said Taxes, until lh* Fif teenth (lor*) dety of January A. />. 1*72 af ter which date a PENALTY OF TWENTY (20) PER CENT WILL BE ADDED TO THE TAX, The total rats per centum (at State par pose* i# Seven (7; Mills on a dollar, and the per cent am for General County Pa rpe*?a is three (:1) Mills on a dollar np*m all flit Real and Persoual Property of each Tax Payer. In addition to the above, one (I) Mill upon a dollar upon all the Real and Personal Pro pert _v of each Tax Payer, Las been icvied in comformity to an Act entitled ".In Act to Empower, Authorise and Require the County Commissioners of Oranyeburg County to Build a Bridge Across the Xorth Edisto Rirer, and Establish a Road therefrom to the Town of Branehvillt. Approved March 9, 1871. ' And at School Meetings h.ld in the vnj rious School Districts of the County of ?r angeburg in conforaiity to Section 51 of an Act entitled ''An Aet to Amend an Act entitled An Aet to Establish and Maintain a System of Free Common Sehvols, $e." Approved March 2, 1871. The rales for Schoil Pr//oscs wore fixed as follows, to wit: lu District number one (Vanccs), one ; ? ? ??? *-? III -.. - 4.1t!.).. AimtriM No 4 (Amelia) two mills onn dollar; district No 5 (Providence), three per ceutum on the general tax : district No U (Middle), one-half mill on u dollar; district Nu 10 (Orange), one-half mill on a dollar; district No 18 (New Hope), one-halt mill on a dollar; dis trict No 15 (Edisto), one and three-fourths mills on ? dollar; district No I? (Union), two mills on a dollar; district No 111 (Liber ty), one mill on a dollar ; district No 20 (Goodland), one rail' on a dollar, and dis trict No 21 (llebrou), one mill on a dollar; Elizabeth District, 1} mill on a dollar, and Hockey Grove District l\ mi!' on a dollar, upon all i i.o Heal and Personal Properly in the respective Sohool Districts. FRANK H. GREENE, County Treasurer, fW Orangeburg. Office County Treasurer, OraughurgC. II., October 20th, 1871. oct 28 tt NOTICE. Mrs. B. M. SHULER RESPECTFULLY informs her friends that she in prepared te nure LADIE8' DRESSES, CUTTING, FIT UNO and BA8TINO in. all tka. varies* Styles Being deprived of her only STAY IN LIFE, and having the CARE of TWO LITTLE CHILDREN, she is forced to seek a living in this way. Hoping that her friends in Prosperity will be her friend in the dark days of sad misfortune, she has thus been prompted to appeal to their sympathies. surd 2 U W. M. SAIN & CO., AUCTIONEERS ft BROKERS. AUCTION ***rj SATURDAY ?ad HAJJt DAY Id eseli month. ARTICLES rtceiteoT ??d Stored oloar of H Expenses, wttd'advanoes med? ou same. JlIO Man 3] The State of South Caroling, ORANGEBUR? OOUNTT I bercbj oertlfy that I purchased from1 MESSRS W. M. SAIN A CO., oritfof COL BURN'S PATENT RED JACKET" AXES, and after two weeks constant as* ill' ftlf kinds of wood, I prononnde it superior to- i any other kind of AXES I hare ever friedl' or oaed. This AXE cuta well. Is endarable, *}i and herd 10 break. To those in want of a good AXE, I highly reeomtaen* *KXM^: 21 BURN'S PATENT RED JACKET." B. F. THOMPSON". NoTember 22d, M ft* : ? ' The GENUINE RED JACKET AXJt is* sold in Orangeburg only by ! W.M. SAiNACO. ??m./ s# ..... ? V. ' " ' " ,yV! ?'i?***i??isd* j 1 i-oi. .v ?:<4?*b.-? .fi^j.uij?:., ??se=s* * ? [<% A ?;o:-~ r; ;n-* n bosi 1 !/ if] . - j /. ?i ti^n) *marT ii 5Tew Buckwh?ai ~ just recriVbiv '"? ?' io Qtutt TO STOCK BUYERS!!! E HATE ON HAND* A LOT OF FINE Saddle and Buggy Horses* ALSO BROKE AND IN BROKE MULES .Which we are offering very LOW. I For sale at ?ur SALES STABLES. WM.. M. SAIN It CO. WM. M. SAIN & 00. Also have for Sale 8WEET BUTTER CHEESE, MACCARONI, COD FISH, PICKLED SALMON ONIONS, IRISH POTATOES, NEW FLOUR LEMON CRACKERS BUTTER CRACKERS WATER CRACKERS SUGAR CRACKERS SODA CRACKERS LEMONS IVICA ALMONDS ENGLISH WALNUTS 81CILT FILBERTS RAISINS FRENCH CANDIES ASSORTED CANDIES JELLIES CHOW CHOW P1CCAL1LLA SUGAR CURED HAMS' BACON LARD SUGARS of all grades. COFFEE Cheap ? SARDINES OYSTERS LOBSTERS LIQUORS of ?11 grades SPICES PEPPER TOBACCO SEGARS PIPES CANDLES STARCH ? SOAPS all prices.. 8YR?P 8YRUP far 65 ccnts PICKLES TUBS BUCKET8? kc, kc, ?c, Jte.k. And' everything eMs? kept in a first clafisFaaw ilj Grocery Store.. SAIN k CO.. Corner Markst and Main Streets, Orangeburg, 8. C. sept 16. may 27 c ly