New Goods. New Goods, THE undersigned begs to inform his ous tomers and the public generally that he has just returned from Kow York with un immense STOCK of Pall and Winter Goods, unsurpassed in Stylo, Durability and Low Trice, comprising an t \tcnsivo assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Maronos, Alpscas, Poplins, Plaids, Delains, &o. The greatest variety of CLOAKS, and es pecially SHAWLS over offered iu this mar ket, all of wbioh the ladies say are (lie pret tiest and Cheapest in Orangcburg. Qents call and examino of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CLOTHS and CASSIMEUES which is undoubtedly tho largest, richost ami Cheapest collection ever displayed by any Merchant in our Town. A full lino of the host TRIMMINGS al ways on band. Great inducements offered in* lteodymnde Clothing, Hoots, Shoes and Hats, Flannels, Xindsoys, Jeans, Kerseys, Ulankots, Domes tics Hosiery, Glovos niui Yankee Notions of overy description. A complete Btock of Sugars, Coffees, 11a oon, Lard, Molasses, Flour, Cheese, Tobac co. Lye, &c, Crockery Ware, Willow Ware, Hardware, and other goods too numerous to mention. All of which arc offered LOW DOWN by JOS. MANAMA It A. oct14 ly _' . > ?. ? ? ' ?_? B. E H. PEARSON, SIGN OF THE BIG RED COFFEE POT, NEXT TO W. T. LIGHTFOOT'S. I beg loavo to inform my friends and the public generally that I have moved my TIN SHOP next to Mr W. T. Light foot's Store, whore I am prepared to do all kinds of R P A I R I N C at the shortest notice and vcr}' low for cash. My work is warranted to give satisfaction. TINWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO OR DER FOR CASH. Give mo a -.rial. B. E. H. TEARSON nov4 c ly OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. We take great pleasuro in offering the OLD CA ROD IN A RITTERS to tho public. They are compounded with great care, and contain sonic of the best Ton ics in tho Phnrmacopia. As evidence of the superiority of our HITTERS over all others, we have certificates from many of tho lead icg physicians in our Slato, who have pre scribed them in their rac'.icc. Tito old carolina 'riettrs Will be found invaluable for *Wunt of Appetite, General Debility, Ohills uud Fever, and Dyspepsia, Wo do not c ficr os.v BITTERS as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have ;i<> i quhl. For sale by Ptuggists and Grocers overy v where. Principal Depot., GOODRICH, WIN EM A N & CO, Importers of Choice Drugs and Chotni ?als, Charleston, S. Cj mar c ly Jm^TER WHEEL, Mill Gearin?,Shaftiii?&?uileys t^SEND FORACmCULAXjS* scpt 10 ly Cott:>s (nun. kho.y.v.h Georgia PATENT.COTTON GINS are simple, durable, well In ad b, of good male rials, very Hg'"t rivnitung mi I unsurpassed in tho quantity of t!ic staple produced. Price $4 per Saw. delivered Si any R. R. Dep >t in this State when tho frciirlit does uut nvoe^d tnsi o! t n Q rittrti units. Gullet's Patent Sie? ! Brush Cotton Gins. Tho Cotton from those- Gins always com mnnds the highest market price wher.-ordi nary oaro is taken In Hie preparation. At the Cotton States Fair held at Augusta, Ga., last year, thero were ion Gins in competition und tho Premium v a* awarded to tho G?T lett Gin. Price ..' rid ;">.">0 per Saw. Cotton Pressbs of various Patterns, Horse Powers, llondley's Port a bio Stet m Engines, Drinlv'? Kentucky Plougl s. j C. GRAVE LE y, 58 Ens! Ray St. South of th? Post Otfioa, Charleston, S. C. aug 2(5 wed 2tn ~FIRE INSURANCE RANKING AND INSURANCE C 0 H P A N V, O?cr 12')l2 Main nn. S. H ACKER, Pi 0. Uox 17vi, Charleston, S. C. s:pt 9 wee ly THE STATU OF sol Til CAROLINA? Count* or Uu.vNnBiietih?Cuout Common Pi.kas?George Bolivor as Administrator of I he Estate of Christian Aranl, deceased. Plaint.if ajMiittJacob Arant, Emmanuel D. Arani. John A rant, Nathaniel S. A rant, Martiia Till, wile ?1? John fill, Ellen DaiiU ler. wife of Allen IhiliUlcr, Purvis A. Hriin er, Julius.). liiiincr, Savilla Moorcr, wife ol Samuel Moorcr, William Aranl, Mclvinn Arani. Elaiidn Ar.iuL Tliomns Aranl, James Arant, Benjamin Arast, Jeromo A ran'. Marilia Aranl. Batord Arant, David C. Damp, Walter ti. Orambiia^, James E. or distributeesal Saw of the Said Christian j Amnt, deceased, and persons interested in I lie matters mentioned in the complaint In this notion, unknown, and Laura V. Avill ger. wir.? i the Defendant* ahovt-numtd: You are Ii rcby Binnmoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which is tiled iu llu oiiice of the Clerk ol Common Pleas for ti.o sal ICounty, and to serve a copy of your, answer i<> the said complaint on iho sub scriber at Ids ufliec, Hamberg, South Cnro. Una, or :.t (he ofllco of the Clerk of Common PI -a ? hi (baugoburg, South Carolina, within twenty days aller the Bcryice hereof, exelu sivc of ill" day Qf Biioh Borvloe; and if you fail to an iwcv til ' ?' iliiplainl within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff iu this action will ap ply t.othoCotlri for the relief demanded In the complaint.?Dolod September IS, 1871. AM4. C. DID ISLE, Plaint iff 8 Attorney. Attest: Geb, lloiivor, c. C. P., [L.S.] '/'? ih- Defendant*, nhovi -named: Take no lice Htat the summons in this action of which Hie foregoing is a copy, was tiled in iho office of the Clerk of lho Court of Com mon Pleas, at Orangoburg Soul It Carolina, on the twenty-Ural day ol September, A. D. 1S7I. Take notice further, That the object of this llOtiou. in which a *<;a:hu>.i8 in herewith served irpon yOii, is to obtain a distribution of tho assets ot ilie estate of the lato Chris- I tinn Arafit, deceased, among the parties in torcsted ihoroin, under direction of the Court of Conuaon Pleas of Ornngoburg County, Iho dent:?I Surgery. OFFICE MARKET-ST. OVER STOKE OF J. A. HAMILTON, Respectfully otfors his services ? ?.bjr Rer. A. P. Norris. _ X FARM of 160 ACRES, ouo milo from Ornngeburg, (on BeWillo Road,) 100 acres clear ed laud, 60 aorcs woodland. For Terms apply to RESIDENCE of Jos. J. Mackay, I t ^ I'l.ANTATKlN nw FOIIT Hu Esq , iu Oranireburg, now occupied A.-'iJ'^L-'V JMTTE...8. C- containing! ?LilUy Rot. A. P. Norris! | M'ttfk^fr ?*or ,;0? B?re-' land- ' wUn ' d?lS5^fe" '"Dwelling,?~lin House, Screw, ami Quartern.' -Good water power on the place, with Dam in good order. 10 ACRES Adjoining Mrs. Hall, within the Corporate Limits. ja-miss Kt. fowles, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT. Agent for LIVERPOOL. LONDON & GLOBE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY?Capi tal $20,000.000 GOLD. JZi v Agtfor PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON LI FE IN8URANCH I'OMTANT?Capital $2,.>00,000 J&5y~ I am also prepared to Gin and 1'ack Cotton on reasonable-terms, aug 26 k ly " ' ? j ? >.V . !? sti *? .? ? ? -.... ,i__Jjl!r.[LLjllj^.L_l._L , ??ITC t'.'i' jroia a? AT T HE CO R N E R! S Has Just Opened a Large Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS. Tins is the iriT^feT svroc'K! opened this sea son in the Town of Ora^^chtirj?, and has been Car?d\illy Selected of the ATEST STYLES and VAUU5T1BS ol' t;0!j!>S,;h' the ?NE\V YORK und other Markets. Call and exntnine for yourselves. sept 16?ly i > . :Tj o xj i {=} AT THE CORNER. MERONEYS HOTEL, RUSSELL ST. OR A iVO ED URG, S. C. THIS HOTEL HAS BEEN FITTED UP REGARDLESS OF COST OR PAINS, FOR the Special Accommodation of Permanent and Transient Boarders. Th?? Tn' -e will be'Supplied with thebeal the Market affords. Also Good Stables for the accommodation of Stock. Terms reasonable. WILLIAM A. HIE HONEY'S ROCEIIV DEPARTMENT IS SUPPLIED WITH EVERYTHING NF.F.DEI) BY THE ~JC Housekeeper, oml at Prices thai no one ran complain of. "COUNTRY PRODUCE bought, ami the highest Mark s( price paid in cash. f&jg- In rear of my STOKE is a GOOD LOT ami WELL of WATER, which I respect fuily offer for t!it PUBLIC to use at their pleasure. g rPAT) 4 /T'if^d~\ 0F UT' OR A DES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AND I \ / !"> ;\ \ A ;\ f is offered VERY LOW, by wholesale and retail. Also a lot of CIGARS of the best Brands and Flavor made, and at prices thai ean'l be beul in this Market for Cheapness. a t rr i r ]\ ]\ a r VOU WILL Fl SD bho REST LIQUORS kopl i this Market, which I offarlo the Pttblle by ihv Glass nn'l upwnrdj. Com?? u:i I < ? t?ur pri A IJCTTONKRU.?-- IN ADDITION TO T'.:E ABOVE I ALSo'?FFEK MV SER VICES as AUCTION EE it, and guarantee Satisfaction lo all. i. ? It the HIGIUiST I'r.lCM will W AXTKD-5.000 pounds WO L. :? paid at tk? Store of w. a. 7\I er?isj ky. aug 26 ,1'ino 10 o tf JUST RECEIVED Another CHEAP LOT of HACON. An assortment of A IMl - 'A FLOUH PU1ME WHITE V KS- :: N F LIQUORS Iro n ^1 ':? '-. Cheap SUGAR and ( OFF EE. MOLASSES and SYRUP. .i'E.'VPES'J LCI t>l . i .. junc 17 Fir ALSO? On ? T\ () V-'j-.S': 'V \C:)N*. ' One JEKSBY WAGON, four seated ii newlj painted -Warjfanjied. Also sei of TWO HORSE HARNESS JUi?iw in the village : ? i ii >? i i w. t. \TV ller. .1? ilt ITroCLD INFOPM THE PUBLIC THAT HE ? I'lLI CARRYING ON THE I \\ ? ? rintie Making in nil its various branches and will Manufacture or Repair nl ih< Shortest Notice, all Carriages, Buggies or Wagon*, Ali 1 am also prepareil with NEW PRESS \ND 0 M TO CIN AND LACK (OTTOS' ?E8PECTPULIA INFORMS THE CITIZENS OF ORANGEBUR? COUNTY THAT \, they have purchased I ho CARRIAGE SHOPS AND WORKS OP TII03. KAY And nre CARRYING ON I ho c n j i i a ci<; i ; ? s l n j? ?s s In all its BRANCHES. Ordorslefl with US will bo PROMPT Y BILL&D. All kinds of REPAIRING NEATLY DONE and with'DISPATCH*. * ' COFFINS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. DOYLE. W1I.1S A CO., dec I, c Orangeburg, S c Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &c. P. P. TO CM, Mnnufneitiror ami Healer,^ No. 20 IIrviki Str... - i... J Hotdbvck's Wharf, s of !>:> i - S: dies and Hliuds, and the pri !? j ii! isn:'., -a ill bo seat lice und post Fold, on application* to ?.*. 2?. TO AXE, CHARLESTON- S. C. July 15 woo tf METALIC CAGES. Tili: UNDERSIGNED has ON* HANI) all of toe various Sixes of the r>bovo Gases, which chh be fur ill lied immediately on ap plication. Also iuanuf?c.:nrc3 WOOD COFFINS as usual, and id t!i" shortest holioo. A'pply to II. RIOGS. mac 5-^-Om Cnrringd Manufacturer. OitizSns Savings Bank ... of . SOyTn CAROI.INA. WILLIAM MARTIN, President JNTO. B P A LM Bit, Viee-Presldcrit. ? .INO. P. THOMAS. A. G. BRRN1 '.Kit. Cashier. J. C. Bi SMITH, Assistant Cashier. DI/tMCTQliS. WaI'I: HamI'To.V. IL II. RuTLRnUR. j. P. Titii,n\?. iK R.wrNKi., Jr. F. W. Mo.M isi :t. Rev. vVii.i.iam MAttrui A. ( . II.ISRKI.I.. i'.. Palm;: it. j. Em Git Kau. Thoji'aS IJ, Gkkco. O.ltANOK-DUIlG li'ltANOd, AT THE e.v(' I L FIXAX.Cn COMMITTEE. lion' TIIOS. \\ GLOVER. Cd. PAUL i>. I I'TLDBR': ill KIN A. HAMILTON; .1 s-.n7-/M.v/ ( iSHIER. JAMES If, EOWLBS. CvpositN of i ,ot) ?md Ui>Trard INTEREST ?llmved ; 7 per cent: on Spi clrtl t". rtincntcs, of D.-;. ? On Ordinnn . i Deposits, 6 per cent, will bo i.po'iiii.Ipd evi ry six Qiimtlis on Ac '(fount*. jan '_ I c Cm PI*1.1.IONS Boar Tuwi'iuony to tbclr \Voutlerful Curntlvo Effect?. Tta arc hot avllo Fancy Drlnh, Miute of Toor Rum. Whlake-y, Proof Spirits nnd Itcfuwo l.ii.ioia doctors I. ?picod nnd swotemxitopteaaatho la>tc,oalted "Tonlos," i. ettzera," "fit ?toror?,"4;c., that lead tho tippler on to dninkei?tcssandinilalttatSM strut Mi dli lna,tnade from tho Native Roots ami lierbi life..:.: lit. IVod frort ntl Alrohnllc Hilmn Innta. Th?y are the O It EAT tll.OOl) Pi:itl F|Bit ami A I.I IT. OiVlNU PR I Nt'11'I.E, a perfect Itimovntor ami ".oviirornlor of the System, carrying off jx Uonott? tantt. r ami restoringthelluod to ft liciUtliy condition. No person can tnko these BiU icr* acoordtUR to dlrccttortl and r? main lonfl unwell, provided their Wjr.c.i arc not iteetroyed by mineral puifonor other moansi'anil tho vital orua?? wasted boyoml tho point pt r.-??-.r. Tlu-v art; n ("cnllc) I':; ?.?_;? i'.vi* ua well nan. 't'ouic, poanCM>ng, u..?>. tiie |n.'<:uimrmeia ?i ucilug hi spowctfnl ???r.'':.'- in fcUovicff Oongettion orTnlsm? matlon of tlio I.tvor. o>' l all tlie VtvconU Ursant. flPOR P&MAI.E COM JM..'. I NTS, Inymin?or vi 1. ;...iri ,i i,-, tingle, nt Uied iwn bole ??lern. FOR SKIN DISEASES, EnipMoti?,Tet!*i\ Salt Itbei.m, niotchet, BpoU. Plmplea, l'iistute?, Colli, Car> ban-lea, Klnjr AV^rms. !*catd Head, Soro Byoj< BrrilSF1 laa.Itrh.heurf?. Dlaeoli ..: . efthe s"kln. [Inn - . of the Skin, ol wliat?vr nauio or nature, are literally dug up und rnrii^l out of the srxtem In * iturt timo by tho naeul tlitKc Hitter*. One bottl? In atir't caves will oonvinct tho tuoal incredulous of their cura* tire effect*. fit ii. . th? VI tit ted Blood nhenrwr yon find its Im purities bursting throuch tbo akin In Pimples, Erup tions or Sorea ; clransu it when von flud It obstructc-1 and llngflah In ttia veins; clean*o it when it Is foul, and your feallnfl will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of tho ivstom wilt follow. Pin, Tape, null Oilier Worin?, lurkln? In the ayatt-m of so many tlumvi:m1?. nro effecteaily d-atrored and removed. Says a distinguished ptinloloelsl, tliere Is srarcil. -,<* tndividnnl upon the laco oflhn cartti Is exempt from thu pi -?01100 of worin* I'. Is not np?u i!h> healthy element* i.f the body that wurm. (xist, bnt tits?n thedl?aaed nwmots and slimy dep'?. :t ?? ? dec 10 ? tf cabinet shop, WM. A. BULL offers his services to the? CithioM of Orongcburg County a* CABINET MAKER in all its brauohe*. Funerals attended with promptness. Old FURNITURK repaired and made new. Also VarniSbod without being removed. Shop on the Kastern side of the Railroad. Give me a trial. ? 1 '' -* ?" I will also build Bujrgy and Wagon Wheel* and Bodies cheaper than anybody else InV Orangeburg. WM. A. BULL, mar 11 tf " m ma aiONTiriiY MAGAZIME, I'uro Dntfav. p r A'tmUra.' ** '* " M [ ' Gi pagks Kv; \i)i:>ti matter.. walkeR; iiv.vts * cocv.rr.LL, J). li i'.ii'(7' MRE.\\ ,\ . . j July IG ?r -1_-.-ii,. ^-t^nt'iiuiis i htxLt*-A?.anit> USm M . A iVB i 3il OTT, u i it an? suoe MAKS?. ? i e it? :v:; K2:U t:al c,. ; >:. i: tfc-.i.v ini'okmsthr citiat '*f ? \ . as ol ? . o,nd Vicinity that ... lias !?KW '?">::K ?n II? soll Street, between M-s.-i -. brig^maoa 4,' , C.>. and McNaror.i S Jones, witk a compleia Sti k of : BATilKR, tic, And that he ha?. bii icicnt iVorkmcn to fiiji^^O^dcie r^^itit eil to him.L Tbaukii .' ? i ! ' ? j tor r ir?? : pntrdnagv? , respectfully solicits a continuance si la* s^tno. IKitM^ CA^l." Fmusi i-j J-;:-'; ? ? ? jj '.- .: ?-mL ? T. r. 13 R. R. llvnoixn \\. C llr?utpjs.t 1 " .r , . 33 ? l>ii?;. ^ co. . COTTON FAX TOILS i i . r. t v.t1 I AKtl COM M1 S31 () M E HC ITA NTT3r 1 A'Oyj TU A TL \ 1A TIC WlIA a* /', CIIAUFSTON. S. C. Liberal Advances made 'on Consignmeat. 1st Nat/onal Bauk, Charleston, S. C. may 21 wuc tf REEDER & DAVIS,, COTTON FACTORS axn General Comrilission Mcrehanis, Ailjrr* Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Oswr.I.t. [kEEOER. ZiMMKRifAS DaVis. oet IG 6? : 1 B?JO. 'ii'. CM 21 i*A'TJEIt'S ' ; dmpound fluid f.xtp.act of sab sapaRilla ' gi:o. IP. t MtrvxT/j/rs Ct ip01 (B Kl .UK) I.a tr utof b?ch? . Ft ira^ipns, origiually luoed by t- to. W.parperiter, under the i I KCaltj . have been o long i Ktcnsively used by physicians and jnwrvfly known fer their tud can bo reljed on of [ most vali cdies in all esses where Sarsaparilln < r Bnehu are oppHnable* and e be too highly r. i oi::inended* 1 hre ] r. i a red in n highly . once?lr?tHfi. forni, - i . t- retiilej the dose Hm:"..? ant} con*' i Orders hy \nOvt or ot'l^erwise'wll^ receive l ropipi attontiy?. ,.,;.t j; , ??f i: ii o. w. car PEN TER. rtKNSZETA CfA.% Wholesale ' iicu.ieal Warehouse, 1 No. , . MtirV.-..t ?jrerk I l.illvlelphto* i - 1 . .s 3 MILI.KR, und E, J. ?M.ivri;; s, Ornngebnrg, s. c., and D0WI1. \ MOISE, Wit Agents, CbaYletto?, 8?.