THE QRANGEBlTRG NEWS J. FELDER MEYERS?Editob, GEORCiE BOHVER, 7JXAXCIAL AND BUSINK88 MaNAGEB. SATURDAY, NOV. 25,1871. Every article for tho Orakukburq News must he accompanied by the real nmno of the author-not necessarily for publica tion, but aa a guarantee of good faith on tho part of tho writer. Repudiation. Tho Charleston papers sre still harp ing upon repudiation. Let the readers vf llioso sheets reconcile themselves to 's*their peculiar notions, for it is thoir custom to play upon one striug until it is worn completely out. Perhaps n new subject will present itself after awhile. For their reader' sako we'hope bo, at any rato. Newspaper Enlargement. The Columbia Phoenix has been en larged, aad oontaius a deal mofo news, editorial and otherwise, than it did while subject to its chronic relapses. Col. J. P. Thomas has assumed entire control of the editorial columns of the Phoenix, and we predict for that journal a career moro brilliant than could have been its boast since its rise from the Shermanic ashes of Columbia. The State Debt, The Columbia Union a? Yestorday pub lishes an exhibit of tho State debt, certi fied toby Judge Jus. L. Orr, J. D. Pope, Esq., J. G. Brcnizer, Esq., Cashier of the Central National Rank, aud J. M. Baxter, Esq., of Newberry, showing the 'entire indebtedness of tho State to be only $12,013,908.08. What will the Courier and the unsta ble Neics preach now F Will they ques tion the voracity of Messrs. Orr, Pope, Brenizer and Baxter ? We await to sec. Wanted. To find tho constitutional provision that provides for tho issuing of an in junction by the courts agaiust the Leg islature, restraining that body from on ?Cting certain laws. A daily', published at one cf the loading oitios of the State, suggests such a remedy against our financial troubles. For tho sake of the legal fraternity of South Carolina, wo will omit to. mention the journal's name, for we believe that the author of the idea is a lawyer. ?'And nfcrilhough lif Mr. nnd .Mrs. Qeo. W. Sturgeon, aged thru* weeks. JISI OF LETTERS Rcmain j intf in the Orangeburg Post Otlicc to October 'Jlrft, 187 I. A,?Bykus Adsin. 1$.?Isaac Holton (1. ? Mary Ooodwyn,Christian (li ven. K.?Itev N Keilt 2, Itov I: Krebs. M.?lohn MoCord, Daniel Minor. II.?H K Ramdall, . K.?ll T Shuler, W D Sohoonborg, E C Shulcr, Dr Henry Sally, ltov.1 A Kegler. T.?Annie- Thompson, llovJ W Taylor, John li \N ilsoti. Porsons calling Tor (lie above loiters will please say (hoy arc Advertised. P. 1)i:M A RS, P. M. 1OST?On Saturday I?mI a A BLACK MOHOCO POCKET BOOK OF no use but to tho owner. A liberal reward will bo given, if loft at the store of Messrs Win. M, Sain & Co., or to c .i SASPORT.VS, NOW IS YOUIl TIME rj?o buy; cheap groceries from E. EZEKIEL, Who hasjust recoived a LA ROE STOCK of COFFEE SUGAR. MOLASSES. BACON. LARD. CHEESE. salt, &c, &c. Also u flue Selection of guns. POWDER FLASKS. SHOT POUCHES. WADS. CAPS. &c, &c. Will always keep on hand n good assort ment of F16l>ITS. W A N T E D 10,000 bushels ROUGH RICK. 1,000 bushels COW PEAS, for which ho will give HIGHER PRICES than can be had elsewhere. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &c. repaired as usual. uov 2? ly NOTICE. IN OBEDIENCE To AN ORDER OF Judge Graham, all persona having do mands against William R. Trcadwcll, deceas* od, will present and prove the Baino before the undersigned, on or boforo tlio first duy of December next, or Le debarred payment. MOKT 1MOR GLOVER, Spocial Referee, nov 23 It Attractive Sale. WILL HE SOLI) ON SATURDAY THE 9th day of December next, at my place, in the fork of Edisto, near the plantation of t'apt. J. T. Jennings, the following proper ty : 10 head Cuttle, 'Jo head Hogs, 2good Hor ses, 1 Mule, 1 two horse Wagon, 500 bushels Corn, ulxmt 0,090 Iba Fodder, Blacksmith, Carpenter and plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, 1 Loom, 1 Rice Thresher, &C. Terms cash. G. W. LYNCH. nov 2? 21 01TKICIA."JL,. Omen * Physicians" Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. nov IS |y "^000 ,{,,w,l4'ls at4<'1' wanted V. S. FELDER ? Ct W. H. SAIN & CO., AUCTIONEERS & BROKERS. AUCTION overy SATURDAY and BALE DAY in each month. ARTICLES received and Stored clear of Expenses, and advances n)ado on same. The State of South Carolina. ORANGEBURG COUNTY I hereby certify that i purchased from MESSRS W; til SAIN St CO., one of COL BURN'S PATENT RED JACKET AXES, and a ft.-1 two weeks constant use in all kinds of wood, I pronounce it superior to any other kind of AXES i have ever tried } or used. Thi? AXE outs well, is endurable, nnd hard to break. To thoso iu want of a good AXE, i highly recommend "COL BURN'S PATENT RED JACKET." B. P. THOMPSON. November 22d, 1871. The GENUINE RED JACKET AXE is seid in Orangeburg only by W. M. SAIN & CO. New Buckwheat just RECEIVED. TO STOCK BUYERS!!! We h ivk O^i Jtt^hOT, ()F FIXK Saddle and Buggy Horses. ALSO Bit OKE AND ?XBROKE MULES Which we m e offering very LOW. For sale nt our SALES STABLES. WM. M. SAIN & CO. WM. M. SAIN & 00. Also have for Sale SWEET BUTTER CHEESE, MA CCA RON I, COD FISH, PICKLED SALMON (?M?NS. HUSH POTATOES, NEW FLOUR LEMON CRACKERS BUTTER CRACKERS WATER CRACKERS SUGAR ' BACKERS SODA CRACKERS LEMONS I VIC A ALMONDS PALM NUTS ENGLISH WALNUTS SICILY FILBKItTS I RAISINS FRENCH CANDIES ASSORTED CAN DIES J I.I.LI KS CHOW CHOW PICCALILLA SUGAR CURED HAMS BACON LA KD SUGARS of all grade-. COFFEE * Cheap SARDINES OYSTERS LOBSTERS LIQUORS of all grade-. SPICES PEPPER T( tllACCO" SEGA RS PIPES CANDLES STARCH ; SOAPS til prices. SYRUP SYRUP for f>J> eents. SICKLES TU lit* BUCKETS \.c, 6\c, &c, tie,, Ami everything else kept in n first class Fam ily Grocery Store. SAIN & CO. Corner Market and Main Streets, Orangeburg, 8. C. sept 1? may 27 e ly E . 1 1 . _' x U." 1 to be hud ut P. S. FELDER & CO.'S NOTICE. H. B. Rico Ex'r of Will of J. C. Weck? vs Jtiby WeekM anil others. Notice is hereby, given to the Creditors of Joseph C. Weeks, to provo their demands before me on or before the eighteenth day of January n?xt. ut Orangcburg Q, jf. J. F. IZLAR, Referee. Nov. 10th, 1871.?18?It cow B L.KK Velveteen*, and white black ALPACAS, all grdes at P. S. FELDER & CO.'S United States Marshal s Sale. W. H. Wesson, \ U. S. Circuit vs V Court Deoroo in Jubob E. L, A maker. J Foreclosure. By virtue of the Decree of the Haid Court, will bo sold at Charleston on the 14th De cember next, at 11 o'clock. That vulunble Plantation in Orangoburg County, situate on S. C. Pond, in Sad ler's Swamp, and formerly the Residence of Adam A maker, beuudcd north on lands of Aniaker, east by lands of J. D. KeRt and J. W. Dantzler, ?outli by lands of J. F. Rtley and Estate of L. Smoke, and west by lands of Dr. J. Smoke, Mrs. St nicy and Cupt*. D. Staek. Terms?One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest from date, pay able annually, secured by bond ami mort gage of said plantation. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. LEWIS F~ JOHNSON, U. S. Marshal, nov 18 'It II IG II F.ST NurkH PRICE paid for ORIAN at P. S. EELDEE & CO.'S SHIBBOLETH LODGE No.. 28, A.*. F.\ M.\ A Regular Coininunioation of this Lodgo will bo held on TUESDAY the 1th of De cember next. An ELECTION Tor OFFI CERS for the ensuing year will be had ; and business of importance transacted. Members will take due- notice and govern themsclvs accordingly. W. J. DaTREVILLE, nov 1 1 Secretary. I><><>.US TO LET. Y, Apply to P. S. FELDER & CO.'S NOTICE. ESTATE JAMES A. PARLER. We wiit H'dl at Ptvblio Outcry, at the resi dence of the late Jas. A. Parier, for cash, all the Person il Property belonging to Bald Estate, on the 12'Jtli Jay of November, 1871. W. R. PARLER, J. 1!. SINOLETARV, nov 4?41 Kxccutora. Splendid \\ \< ;<>\ a u ?1 j\ harness i ? ? ?. ? n low. Apply to p.' s. FELDER & CO. NOTICE. Session of the Legislature, the County Com ! ? ? * ! uussjoncrs of Orangcburg County, and the j Town Council, of the Town of Orangoburg. i will apply for have to OPEN A NEW j STREET in extension of Amelia Street to the S. C. Railroad. November \<\ 1871. ? t if TAX NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, thai ?Im Office of I ounty Treasurer foi Orangcburg Colin? ty. S. t'.. will be open for the Collection of State. County and School Taxes for the year 1871, on the Twentieth ^'J<>.'.'.) day of Xoventber A l>. 1871, and will continue open for the Collection of the .'aid Taxes, until the Fif teenth (loth) do>/of January A. D. 1S7?. af ter which date a PENALTY OF TWENTY (20) PER CENT WILL RE ADDED TO THE TAX. The tola! rate per centum for Slate pur poses is Seven (7) Mills on a dollar, and the percent urn for General County Purposes is three (51) Mills en a dollar upon all the Real and Personal Property id' each Tax Payer. In addition to the above, one (1) Mill upon a dollar upon all the Roal and Personal Pro perty of each Tax Payer, has been levied in comforiuity to an Act entitled '.'Alt Act to Empower Attthorin und Require the County Commissioner* of Orangeburg County to Build a liridge Across the Xorth Edisto Hirer, and Establish a lload therefrom to the Town of Uranchvtlle. Approved March 1?. 1871." And at School Meetings h.ll in the va rious School Districts of the County of Or angcburg in conformity to Section ?l of an Act entitled "An Ast to Amend an Act entitled An Act !?> Establish and Maintain n System of tree Common Schools, ,yc." Approved March io (I rovidenco), three per centum on the genorai tax ; district No U (Middle), one-half mill m? a dollar; dint riot No ID (Orange), one-half mill on a dollar: district No 18 i New Hope), one-hall mill on a dollar; dis trict No l? (Edisto), one ami three-fourths mills on ? dollar: district No hi (Union), two mills on a dollar; district No 10 (Liber ty i. one mill on a dollar: district No l2(> (UoodhiU'i), one mill on a dollar, ami dis iricl No (Hebron), one mill on u dollar; Elizabeth Dist rict, I A mill on a dollar, and Kucke*, Orovo District 1] mill on a dollar, upon all Ike Real and Personal Propertj in the respective School Districts. ! l; VNK II GREENE, County Treasurer, Orangoburg. Office Counly Troasurcr, OraugbufgC. 11., October 2tith, 1871. oct 28 tf Notice of Diinissal. ?\TOTlCK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I x\ will, on the llthdaj of December, 1871, hie my final with the Honorable Judge of (ale for Orangcburg Oounty, as Guardian the Estate of A. J. Kittrcll, and ask lot Letters ol Dismissal. J. W. A NT LEY, uov 11? I' Guardian IMPORTANT INFORMA TION!!! T. CARTMILL Is now offering a new lot of those verlor BLACK ALPBCOAtf LADIES CO LOK KD AND WHITE KID GLOVES C It APE AND LACE COLLARS NEW STYLE CALICOS BLANKETS, SHAWLS. FLANNELS CASSIMERES, CLOTHING HOOTS. SHOES, HATS, THUN KS, &c. All of which are offered ut UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES and NO MUM BUG, T. CARTMILL, ??v 2."> lyc oct 7 Russell Street. MALE ACADEMY ORANGEBTJRG-, S. O. THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs tho PUBLIC GENERALLY, especially the Residente in nntl around the Town of Orangebnrg, that he will OPEN on the FIRST DAY of; JANUARY. 1872, an ACADEMY for the INSTRUCTION of YOUNG GENTLE. MEN, in all ihe essential Branches of a Liberal Education; such as will be fully Adequate to FIT THEM for either the Acquirement of Business Pursuits or entering upon the at tainment of a Profession at the l.'niversifies or Colleges of the Country. While Soliciting your Liberal Patronage he hopes to supply A WANT which be is led to believe bus been greatly felt in the community, vis : A GOOD SCHOOL of HIGH STANDING. JAMES ?? IfKYWAKD* In Primary Grade will be Taught Rudiments of English. In First Grade will be Taught English aud Rudiments of Mathematics. in Second Grade will be Taught English, Mathevatic* and French. In Third Grade will be Tuuglit as Second and Ancient Languages. TEKMK-PAYABLE 1WEONTIIL.Y, For Primary Grade.$2 Ol) per month. I Second Grade.$15 00 per month First Grade. :i 00 ?? | Third Grade. 6 00 VACATIONS.?Ten Days at B ister, Ten Days at Christmas, and the two Sumtaar* Months, July and August. Hours ? A. M. till 2 P. M. It F F 1: R E X (' E S * W. j. DkTREVILLE, At!1.'- ?| Law. GLOVER & GLOVER, Att'ys at Law.' W. F. HUTSON. IZLAR .v DIBBLE, Att'ys at Law. N. A. BOLL. W. N. FCOVILL. A. D. FREDERICK. W. F. BARTON. J?1IN A. HAMILTON. JAS. II. FOWLES. nov is oo 7t' ARE NO W OFFF.RING Til E LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SEASONABLE Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes Ever OQered before by thetn. GRE AT BARG A INS IN SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. F(. 1st LE$B OF Black and Colored Alpaccas-. ALL SHADES OP* Plain and Watered Japanese S?Ji? At Reduced Prices A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF' BLACK VELVETEENS At very Low Figures. IN HOUSEKEEPING AND DOMESTIC GOODS. WE KEEP THE FINEST AND CIIAKRR8T STOCK JN THE COUNTY. Littest Styles of Shawls and Cloaks?Very Cheap BAIKJAIX^ IN SILK GRIMPS, FRINGES, VELVET RIBBONS, BUTTONS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS. SASH RIBBOXS, LACK COLLARS. LAC ES, &c, &C. FULL LIN TTJS OTc" HOSIERY. GLOVES, CORSETS, BALMORALS, BOULEVARDS, FLAN' NELS, LADIES' UNDER VESTS, NUBIE3, HANDKERCHIEFS, A;c. Our Extensive Stock of Readymade Clothing;, Boots, Shoes and Hat*, we are Closing ont NEW YORK PRICES. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. THEOBORE K02N & BROTHER.. nov 4 sept 23?3tn lj FOR SALE! Ry permission of t lie Judge of Probate, 1 will sell on the l-Jih November next, m ibe plantation of Adam Moorer, deceased, all the personal property -if luJesinlo, Ik H. W. Ml'OK RR. ool 28? Adm'r. vrt riCK.-lu PeraoiiH Hmv ing claims against the Estate of Adam Moorer will present theni properly Attested, and nil those Indebted will make payment on or before the Oth of November, ls7l. J. W. K. MOOR ER; oet 14?-It Administrator. MOIK i,. Ill Person? In. debted by Note or Account to the late Pinn ofUnkes?A Sbuler will make immediate payment to-MeasraV Iilar .v l>ihb!e my At torneys, or the sane will he sued. J. W. II. DUKES, Survivor. oct 21 -i BLACKSMITH SHOP. IN REAR OB IMTTUAWS li tltftUY. I^RNST MENTZEL offen his SERVICES [j tu Di? Public us au EXPERIENCED BLACKSXIITU, FARRIER, Ac. AR work in Iiis line properly ami well done, ha ia experienced particularly in Horse Shoeing, juoc 10?tf ERNST M ETZEL. ISTOTICE. OJ l ICS OF COUNTY AUDITOR, OiiA.vtiv.urno Covkty, S. C., Oetober'Jfith, 1871. Deputy Connty Auditors of the Several' 1-->*-n em D.strict, will please'hand in to this Ollico aii Assessments made by theam without delay, JAS. VAN TASSEL,. ocl 28 it County Auditor..