The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, September 09, 1871, Image 4

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~TOTei^]TOEB?RG NEWS j. FELDER MEYERS?Editor, BOLIVEK, Financial and Businkbs Maxaqkr. ? SATURDAY, SEPT. 9,1871. Every article for tho Orakokduro Nbws must Ijl accompanied by tho real nnmo of ft'lBB1"**-necessarily for publica tion, but ns a guarnntee of good faith on the plrllfifAimAtev. ^^^j^^etintr Saturday Last. ^*7Ab was announced in The News a Via?? vor ?e i? J* "i? ,%''?': , . , 7 mnsftyi^otjUig.was. held at this place on V Saturday last. Tho attendance was large and enthusiastic, and exhibited the best of feeling throughout. * ^IT.^ifrirnTMEYsrts, Esq., was called **** b enhiV, and in a brief aud fonjiblo manner impressed? tho assemblage with the importance of keeping good ordor. iejj?^oMj|t*."*?M Bald tho meeting had been j caTRi^J^w/feW tlie interests of all par ities, the merchant, the farmer, and every (other citizen alike. There had been too rl sfSIW&n'-* r^ri^0^ Part'ean ?ffnirs in this <jtt?w5toT&*ci*s good, and although the ?eaafasfrikoaa) wdiich tho necessity for the meeting sprang, was prcciniucntly a partisan affair, yet ho wanted his party to show a better spirit t?f 1Istto94dVPj~r,1i!f*u that, and adopt aud rSw^SS?^ SoiH'sAjtehkh would redound to ?I Acthtwiteo^nil alike. ?Xocc;AftrJ MKYfens " "counselled peace and ?0V aifaa Sm ifiKT^rfi iu,^esTcd uPon ?*?opea>5l ?SPf-' JT?'ic?c.n-' *!,C5 importance of ^jyej^^a strict . obedience to tho law, ^ and concluded,.-Wy introducing Judge ljo4Btvhtf Ho'goy-'who spoke for nearly two *^?<f?tb.ftfMAs there was no stenographic reporter present, we> can onlv furnish ,our readers with a synopsis ot his ad eta a*u w * dress. Judge U.Qgo, said in substance : Mr. Chairman and Fellow-citizens: weSafQA n r. It is jio .ordinary occasion that has eaoaada,*j.'ij i ? ; - ., ^cqusc^mQ.Lo leave- home, family and my ^JBrSressmnaf duties at this sickly season k ot tho year, to dclivor an address and \9 ifvaxir a.Tj, ??>.,' ^taW^ouugjl. wi?i .you, tho citizens of ' Ui-anAburg. T como not hero to day ^seeking an office at your hands for my ^?ctf^?r friends. There is no exciting .campaign going ? on ; there has been no sis^kn!&0< k choice- betwe Tto aicejw*." pu?ho favor ; yet, I seo before me an ^^citcd|^rirrcr crowd of thoso whom T, ?on- foVui^^occasions. havo. addressed, when rue subject was purely political. ^A^lujt then is jt Umt calls .us together ? TJjvhy uTT tins feeling ? What means til ufn&i. > uJuisr. 31 " . , these countenances winch sneak a de . .aril 1*3 r term 1 ncdi purnose ; ^10 cau^Qj is one which should bring g?hJ^sfij?Lsjiatuc to the face of all who sj'nmathbp with it ; and which will roT atsvn.T.Jo aui \ ^reTy^l^ing jjts^leaders into disgrace g^^l^|t||B|J'^u-V{,tt^*t0U's ?-ruer of the ^RuTOj|xn|vhin^. winch has caused so j mdeh suffori|i^ in ^tho northern part of j^^pJSb^, J^as^siiown itself to bo strong I numhers^nj'?ur very midst, a^^o^qn^fojj^e^p ,this more than myself. jAHjjgjjCjjtizoji^of South Carolina, aud as UoPral1PiC1^ hjRlyloc.I feel that your fu ture is my future, your interests my in Jfflpffij-: i?,iMn 'Ml1 ucr0 to oay to excite W?i?V^liP IMA^' *i|dun't believo in ex Jj\)lfJlfs'\l [ fhiuk jt would bo better if iVtfd?^S(rft?"a 1 t'2,1,d their attending ex ^||etacn^ sl^pybj come around at longer fif^taia ^*^.iVu';n 000 hundred and jj^tijcd o^bJ disgujsbed men ontern h^p^aji^t; believe are good, it is rjh^^tliij^ ,\vo ^liqn.b.l meet and de jn^ijnr^Voyi c.Vjery honest, man, irrespuo -ec^^l4xWl.iis "vgaui/.ationThere is has in view a good purpose, that requires men to meeto?Ty"at llioileail hour of Tfgfftj'fcfetliC)' tlHunscdvcs'in sheets and masks, and ride through tho quiet towns to the terror ol the' inhabitants. FoVtu ^ftf^lf^OrnngeTlUqij,"?Ih'eYe was no \UW4ffsnW!.??1 There, In .wovor, wore no Itices posted upon tho public offices / iK^?fftiifl^chfptft-haggers, Bcilldwngs ?^??lJtg^V'^ith death and tho fash. [ *J*tf*y WKai-e that"hoi?est men mus trule." 4ff<f ydu o?#f hear * of an honost nun ?biifgs^h,hbnest'mid lawful net, oiver iir??io)rt#^ ftico- with a mask, and riding a._. |]orso cpy,crcd with white sheets ? These men cover their faces nrff! UiftCl hVc tiuia for their hellish T??df$'\\T:t!n' 'nil other criminals work. As I have said, no murder lias be n \ comunltctt npr\ bu: they teilt murder. In^^unrKMor Vork.'l'air?eld, Chcs fer^^No^ufii^y, 'Abbeville, Sparenburg ?rfi |fflron,'WiTs otganization has been c'tM-yiflgi tfh ^t'llcii' atrocious deeds of ftTd'od^rrrr#tlivrkhci''s. tJ myself witnessed BMiri'^cxrrrli<iilW(l',s?x persons brought from 'tillable to count ArViffrhTrl^r'bTisrrlpcs Chey had received. They'w'erd literally covered*With stripes; Wouh; oanriot cx ?1_auu-'jn preis the anguish of their sufforinger''If-| they do this in Spartanburg, they will do similar deeds in Orung^burg.., Wo tro^#dld.ibftV*their,Huissioa is to prevent he aale of ptoleo cotton. If so, why thq. necessity of hiding thcif' facbs, of coining; at midnight and of breathing out threatenings ngainst tho public of ficers? If their real object was to pre vent tlroving , they would have come in tho bright light of day, and then they would have beou assisted by cvory hon est man in Orangeburg. I urn not going to be intimidated from speaking tho truth. I always have artd always shall defend every citizen in what is lawful and orderly, so that they shall have protection for their lives, their liberty nnd thoir property. "Every man's house is hie castle," and the strong arm of tho Government will bo used to protect you, your wives and children. Tho Republican party is charged with fostering dishonesty. Thcro is, no doubt that thero arc, dishonest men in that party; but aro thero not likewiso dishonest mcu in the Democratic party 1 All parties have their sharo of dishon esty. There may bo dishonest men in the Legislature. I don't propose to defend any of these, and will not give them my support. Tho peoplo have a remedy for all this, which is plain, adequate and complete. Not in midnight assassina tion ; not by burnings aud stripes. You can't remedy it by killing colored mcu, or by abusing; and ill-treating them, i If tho object of this K Ian is to kill lot (them take tho thieves, but let alone the jinnoccnt man, whoso only crime is fealty jto the party which gave hint freedom. Hut, no matter what may be a man's crime, it is no just cause for his murder. There is no excuse forgoing into a man's house tit night, taking him out from \\U family and brutally murdering hTtii. Ii' any of the Democratic party know <?l any di^honc t net dotlo by officials, let them go to the grand jury, which is the most terrible engine that can bo brought against them. Aud now. it there are any ol this Klan within the sound of my voice, I can tell them, that, when they kill even n dishonest man, their crime is locked upon by the courts hero below, and thnt*highcr Tribunal above, as a foul and bloody murder. .My follow citizens, lot mo advise you /to call upon Governor Scott for pr?tec jtion. It is his duly to afford it; but my friends, I am almost doubtful if that duty will ho performed. If ho does re fuse, call on the President of tho United States, -General Untnt will r,co that tho laws arc thoroughly executed. Those laws will protect you. Hear what the law known ns the "Ku Klu>: Bill says. A part of section two of this law read.-, tu follows : "If any person go in dtsguiso npon the public highway or upon the premi ses of another, for tho purpose, Cither directly or indirectly, of depriving any person or class of persons of the eijual protection of the laws, or of equal prir ilegct or immunities vudcr tlw lairs, or for the. purpose of 'preventing or hinder ing the. constituted authorities of any State from 'giving or securing to ml per sons within such State the equal protec tion of the laws, or shall conspire together for th" purpose of in any manner im peding, hindering, obstructing, or def at ing the due course of justice in any Stale or Territory, with intent to deny to any citizen of the United States the due and equal protection of the Artcs, or to injure, any person in his person or kisproperty for lawfully enforcing the right of any person or class of persons to the. equal pro teetion ef the laws, <fv., each and every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a high crime, and, upon o~n viction thereof in any district or circuit ^ court of the United States or district or supreme court of any Territory of the United States having jurisdiction of similar offences, ?hall bo punished by a line not loss than five hundred nor more than livo thousand dollars, or bv imnris u..u>Wb, wuh or Without hard labor, as tho court may determine, lor a period of net less thuti six months nor more than six years, as the court tuny determine, or by both such ^icnml imprisonment net tho court ehall d*cri$iriiir*? ^ ^ I If thero aro any of this .MystXndV fOrdtfa^.ryont icjsj, ty-j^y^ Jk* t me say* to them, that strps are even uo\r being taken to ferret out every one of tlx in. (The most of you are known, and if it takes live years', every one of yon will ho brought to justice. It is Governor .Scott's duty to seo thu'i this is done. It makes no dili'orence whether a man is a "carpet-bagger," a "scalLwng" or a colored man, ii he is honest aud compe tent, wc have a right to place him in any position to which we may see lit aud pro per to call him ; and it may as distinctly understood here ti-iny, that we intend to exorcise that Vight wit!,on! any regard'to the threatenings or actions of th j Ku Klux Klun. If all outside so?rces of protection fail, wc have n remedy within ourselves. That a party, which in this State fcuein majority of thirty thousand, should BuO* mit to such outrageous organizations, is astonishing. Governor Scott owes it tir every ono^Ku Kfux well V: o?oM^te. 0 %er%. have thit? order put down at once. Now, what is our condition here? Thoro are two blucks to every white man. Can these two submit to tJr?Awio r\-f*The time is not fur distant v^heujvfor c\ifejj-y otfc 1murdered by the Ktt Klpx Klan dm <?f their number, (.r *i/nipathk<r.<, will suf fer. When that time docs come, who will be held responsible before the world fcr all the wues and afllietious which it will entail ttpnl us ? It is said that the good people of this place are not in any sympathy with this Organization. I don't believe all of them nie, but thoj fact of one hundred and !';,'. 'ty a iued and* disguised men entering the tpwn nt mudnigjit^ avud no effort being put forth for their detection by these yotnt citizen*, shows thai, nt least, tin at* mo.-tt passive or criminal acquiescence in their helli-di ohjceis exists. (They believe that such an organization will destroy the Republican party. They know not the struugth ol this party, which stands by the principles rather! than men. It was this party, my col ored friends, that, advocated the loosen ing of jour chains, when you were pow erless* tp place any one \n office. Keep jtruo to the purty ol' your liberation. Cast behind you the sophistry of the Democrat io party. All the rights yon enji?y this day you received thr< ugh the mighty efforts of tho Republican purty, and it will be as true to you ns was Kulli ul',old, who said. ?? I*.utreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following alter thye, for whither thou g lost, I will go, and where thou lodgest I will lodge ; thy people shall Lc niy people, and thy (Jod my God.'! Ket us, therefore, unite to day as one man. Let us demand from tile Govern >r of this State, not. as tl favor but us a right, ample and speedy protection iigaiuwt lawlessness of any and ovory de scription. J.est I may he ttifcuitdei'sl.!. I again reiterate, that 1 dnl i? <?t cmno here to make a political speech. jfAYe meet here to advise an I consult c ich other. I wish toi find nut the true eon dilion of.affairs. Von del.ire to kuow wiiat prutectioii will U \ afford ? I you. I lind u" cause lot discouragement. \ ou hate tlie proper Hpirit, end twill, no ! ... place the ouwarUs where tli j belong? in th.c roar. I Tho object of the Klan is, Jby striking terror in your, uiihds to drivj you ft (the party of your ch- iee. It will re bound ou their own unfortunate head* If their real object had beim In prevent c ttou stealing, wii would Imve help i them,hut ma -by di.-grsiiu : our.sclyjjs. It is with feel jugs -d' regret thai} 1 tho edirrngee iiiat have token*j dacoNrwiu11?'.' the boasted chivalry of Soilth Cs?'Olitm The time was that when n rtmii Hero ' hiidfcH' deeply insulted Hnd " ?r ... 1 In uliallougbdlhii euctny face ft) Ibee It was n.'.l until llidsc degeucWia days' Ilm! persons, hearing fhc ! j ??>.'.'.?".:.o" of ai :n dress themselves in 'eh obi*, cove lets and blankets, bide*themselves behind p:u trees, it: tho dead";l??uir of night, he hour of- mobil down, ' nml strike their supposed enemy in the b?ck; or ht their ttiysting places amidst fiendish g!.v give him t he end Of-*a rsrpcY. I liopo that what I say here may not offend any ? present, but I can assure } on. men of dark snd bloody deeds, that for cvb'y Republican you kill, there will he ten to take his place. And now, my friends, I would advise you to watch this Kinn; find them out, and keep the information to yoursolves until the pf-pee tiiiio ar rives when you can make good uso of your knowdedge. 'J'n the Ku Klux, I say ' go homo nt-.d- sin no more." Tho time may come when you will pay ten times more to n lawyer to save your neck from a halter, than (ho attention you have bestowed upon the advice I give you to-day. Do yon bolicV''', can you believe, that onoAoiiesf man can belong to such mi or der? No! und tho good people of this county can put the wholo organization down by saying so. T ._.:_1 ? ? ? ? ? .?*. '.??? a recent letter written by Gehcial Ker ilmw, ha said gcritletiich belonged to t!ir iKu Klux. 1 hope the sonti...Cuts ex pressed in that letter'are not his own. I have rOUSOll to know some1 hing of the Confederate sold tors who formed the lvguo a"if"> Au".v ol the armies of th South I have met theni on more than twenty battlefields, ami ns many skirm ishes, -und tln-y were focmcii worthy of any man's Btcol. Thoy were not the men, who under the cover of masks and darkness, would murder any p'enoedbie citizen. Uillil it is proved the v. Jl 'will not be lots that this fimdlsh or" [guiiizutioii is composed ol'cx Confederate I soldier.*. > ? In couchiM- n, I would ml vise- every man of y u, the dolotCd peopled to he honest and upright ; be VIItnC ovory <\>u lederato said you were during the war. When 31m had the power in your own hands nt that time, ho.v did you net ? Ah 1 my Irii-ndK. you hhvo sol an exam plo of self-control, patience ami suffer ing, thaaAvill scarcely ? ver tmcmtnllod, ? ft e v?^r??r ?Seile ^Jtf Mi oil * 1 i*Vou*k 11 c W that your mnstdfs, wcic lig, aguiust nn ' cnkifiS ^j\\A\v\\e. to*dTe^yfftTr deliverers, j Ton toiled and sweat tu feed, not only * their wives und little ones at home. Von were nt onae their protectors ami sup porters ; arid'quietly waited through thy long contest, trusting iu God for your deliverance from tho bondage of slavery. Again I say to you,-be true to your past liistory, and by the gruco of God you will be triumphant in the end. Ono word more about dishonest offi cials. If you know of a single dishon est act done by your Clerk of Court, youlr A Treasurer, your Auditor, your Judgo of Probato or any other of your county officials, it is your duty to report ?hont to tho Solicitor or before the Grand Jury. If you kuow oi any dishouest act committed by them and don't do your duty, you aheuld over afterwards hold your peace. My Republican friends, when the Democrats tell you of dishonest Repub lican officials iu South Carolina, and give you that as a reason why you should desert your patty, point thctu to New York city, governed and controlled by Dementi?, where for every thousand dollars missed hero. th*y ntrnl a millfan. This very city of New York is tho very strong hold of the Democracy. I thank you, my friends, lor the at tention you have given to my remarks, and i trust it will be the List time 1 may ever have cause t<> speak to you on the unpleasant subject that h is causod you to meet this day. ? ???m> ? - ? -?tu?i - Minutes of the Mass-Meeting of Saturday Last. A Mass Meeting of tho Republican party was held at Orangeburg Court Hi.-sc. on Saturday, Septi mber 3d 1871. I J Felder Meyers, l".-q . was called to [ho chair, ami Mr. \Y. Sturgeon to [qucs'.etLto not as Secretary. The Chuuihian in a very forcible and eloquent addtts.s, stated the object for which the meeting was called, and in conclusion, jrarodu'.'od to the audienco, fft?; S. L. IIoge of Columbia, c.\ M. her of Cimgrij?, and formerly ati Asso i-ii;te .Tustico'wu the Supreme bunch of t)ic,'J;tat?. Mr. iloie spoke f.?r nciyly two hours, and vyi.H sevet d tines iuicriopted by loud bursts obtipplnuse. At the conclusion of Mr. iInge's re man..--, a resolution was ..!!"?!-1 and adop ted that :i Committee <-!' thittcmi bo np pointed by life chair, wlnvo duty it j should be, to dr..:'; a s.-t resolutions j ; ii ivc >>r.Uic scii*^ uiy i ft he inc-'t lug. Tiiu chair ?i j ltd l.c _I- LI. ^^^fmnr-^l-rrr-:. s-. nttrPW - A .mm C. OteitiJ, G?o. \Y Sturgeon. Augustus r. , II:ii.,.v'..'.,i. Malctdm i v. XrA.m DV.Vn lly, ife.j V,y..?, Vv A. (i'Caln, far -1. .\. K -Ucr, I Jas 'L. dunils ?., :(iitj Jh I -\ I h?Kps. w.*. i' re: A v d upen, and requested t act on the '.' anmittee, but 'tfactiuftt. At this stage of the proceedin s, Mr ?Meyers was nailed a.v.y IV :n tllO meet I ing by nry cut business cbewhero, and W. .\. Mount, Ksq., was requested to act its Chairman iu stead. On mo tion of Mr. T. C. Alberg)tti, it waa resolved that the speech of Mr. I logo be published in the OliANimuuua N i:\vs. After an absence of half an hour. Aug. 15. Kn iwhou, lv-u . from tho Com mit loo mi ies -lutious, reported the fol lowing, which was unanimously ndop ted : Whereas, V. o tho oitizou.s of OrangO' burg County, in Mass Meeting assent blc.l. do recognize with profound regret that tin <u utilization, whose avowed pur pose is inimical to all the b"Rt interests of the County and State, has recently made its appearance among us?there I fore. /,. -<.'/ /. That it is the sense of this nie? tin-.': /?','.-. t. That all offenOCH against the laws should be punished by the law, a id ?in ii" other way. * ~;, ... uvp.u.u?..".i cunns, whether, by night or by day, iu Common with all good citizens. 77ini. That tro consider the organ.', eation of the Ku Klnx [Clan as opposed to ihe sp?vit, and it-, action against the Bettor, of the law h\ iirth, I hat wo conti n no to discharge .-?r#r.ti< various duties of life, social, com mercial, pi litical and otherwise, as if no such organization existed. /.'.--/i Thai we, the pcoplo assem bled, in order to prevent further viola IIation ol law, do urgently call up >n Gov jfiriior Scott to (:ike such steps as hu is fi.. duly !? no I : i lake, which will put a stop to the operations of this, unlawful organization. That il tho Stale dovcrnmont refuse to take such preyontivo stops, that we. as a people ihotl ?{all Upon the National Government. That when.'if ever, e e shall have np poll led in vain t i nil pOlKSCllbfe and quid modes of dofenoo protection, that ih ii we defend <?ar saored rights in the i manner customary among men and ap ipnoved (d bj tiie Almighty. 'A'.-.//./, That those resolutions be [luolished iii tho OiiAWokiiutui N'VSvtf, if lid'that a copy he forwarded to Gov ernor S?ott l>v tho Chairman ol ?this iiiei!titig. Mi. Sturgeon ofl'erod the following Hcsolutions which were, unanimously j adopted : L AVso/wt/, That ik Committee of seven I be appointed by ihc Chairuiuu of thw meeting who shall, in conjunction with tho Executive Committee of the Repub lican party of this Csunty, confer, iu sin amicable spirit,, with the Executive Coqituiltco 6f life Democratic party of said County, in order to devise means looking towards tho holding of n Muss Meeting of ?he citizens of Orarigeburg, irrespective qf party, so that the real sentiments of the whole law-abiding people may bo expressed, in opposition to such part of our society as are in sympathy with the organization, known us tho Ku Klux Klan. Retolvttl, That the Chairman of this meeting net as Chairman of the Com mittee. The Chair then appointed the follow ing as the Committee : W. N. MOUNT, Chairman, GEORGE BOLIVER, J. FELDER MEYERS, JAS. L. JAMISON, - GEO. W. STURGEON, j F. IT. GREENE, J BENJAMIN BYAS, Mr. Kuowlton, on being called upon, briefly addressed the meeting. Ilia re marks were well timed, atid listened to with the greatest attention. On motion of J. L. Jamison, Malcolm II. Browning, Esq., was requested to ad Jdrcss the meeting. Mr. Browning made a very forcible Iaddress* condemned in strong terms all '.unlawful organization*?appealed to the Iwhito and colored people to live in peace fund harmony, that their interests were identical ; eulogized the colored people for the (|iii< t and peaceable manner in which they assembled here to-day, and Cone tided by saying that he hoped the time was not far distant when all the existing hitter feeling and prejudices would be obliterated: Mr. Browning's remarks were fre quently interrupted by applause, and were well received throughout by all pal ties present. f Mr. .las. 1j. Jamison being called upon, made n strong appeal to all col ored men, to be honest and upright, and advised them to act in concert with the 1 merchant*- of the County ui order to pi* vent 1 discourage cotton stealing, lie told ih-* colored people, they ought i to consult the merchants in their vuri t ens neighborhood.*, and urgently re quested them not In purchase cotton except during the daytime. Ho thought ' if the merchants dmie thrtr duty in this matter, there would be lo:.s stealing and eouseiiiiciitU more t itisfactioii to all. I he chair |hun unnntinced tho next I usinc-o before the meeting Would be |:i>.- e'.ecti;;:i ..f a Chairman for the Ejf, k fSRTve Cotm?fittee ol the Republican party of this County. George Boltver unanimously el eU I :?? the p w.tioii; t\ vote o|;.tlmnkt5 wtrt then tolfd.croi tho H.cyC|'a| . j..-aU M?. ,.|i;'f tllO Cl', ; which, the meeting :idj omi,e.j. ?J IK ) W ? S'I'I KG K< >.\. Secretary.! ?itAM'.F.nunti, S. C., September 4th, 1871. Agfooably to Resolutions adopted at n Mass Meeting of the llopublican party, held at Orangeburg C. II., on Saturday September 2d, 1S71, a Committee appoin ted by the aforesaid meeting to coofcr with the Central Executive Democratic Committee uf the County, for tho pur pose of making n joint call for a Mass Meeting of all oitizons of the county, ir respective of p'irty, assembled in the Court House at 4 o'clock J*. M., Wni. N. Mouuut, Esq., in tho chair. Mr. G. *>V. Sturgeon was requested to act as Secretary. The Chairman in formed the Committed that he had had an interview with 1 'mil S. Felder, Esq., [who was supposed lobe the Chairman of trfc-Executive Committee of. the Dem ocratic or Union Reform party, and that Mr. Felder 1??1 informed him that his functions, as well as those of his Com mitteo, had ceased, there being at pres ?ni mivtv nrir.inixnt.inna existim? in this County. Mr. Felder, however, had shown a disposition to meet the Republican Committee, but not in an official capacity as a meinber of any or ganizod political Committee. Mr. Sturgeon then offered the follow ing preamble ami resolutions which were unanimously adopted : W/icrcas, the undersigned, a Com mittee appointed (by a Mass Meet ing of the Republican party, held en September 2d. 1 >71), for the pur peso of conferring with the Ex ecutive Committee of tho Democratic or Union Reform party of this County, looking t. wards tho calling of a Mass Meet in/ i.( all law abiding, und peaceably disposed citizens, irrespective Of party, ami upon inform ition luruished us by the cx-Cjiairiiitin of the Ute Union Re form Committee, to the effect, that there is no political organisation existing at present in Orung*burg, known ns the Union Reform party, therefore, Resolved, That we hereby call upon all law abiding eitizus of Oi'angehurg County,'witholit regard to their politi cal opinions, to assemble in M.isb Meet ing at Uratigi burg Court House,, on Saturday, September 1, 1871, in order that a full ami candid expression of the sent iments of till good citizens may bo givuu iu ooudouiuatiou. cf til) outrage? ander cover oTany na ate what ever, aud (or the purpose of devising means to suppress any unlawful organi zation that may exjst in this County. Resolved, That/art eaHsstw request the members af the ex Committee of the lato Union Reform pWty, to encourage, by nil means in their* power, ft full at tendance of citizens entertaining opin ions notagonastio to those advocated hv the Republican party, and would cordi ally invite all such citizens, and especi ally the property holders, to meet us, in order that a better understanding rasy be established between the conflicting political elements of thi* County. \VM. N MOUNT, Chairman. FRANK H. GREENE. J. FELDER MEYERS, BENJAMIN BY AS, GKOROK BOLrVKR, GKU..W, STUKGEON, JAS. L. JAMISON, Com mit too. On motion it was Re.<oloeil, that the Secretary furnish a copy of the suid resolutions to Paul S. t elder Esq , late Ch-tirmun of the ex-Committee of the Union Reform party, and that tho proceedings of this meeting be published tu the Ohanok bubo News. On motion, the Committee adjourned. GEO. W. STURGEON, Sec of Committee. PRKSII ARRIVAL*. KVERY WtY.W OF oitoioa BALTISIO11K '<"? ROCKHIVH. CItK A PKST 11 Grocery Storo in (he County! wr. sri.t. only tiik t*rroicf:sr( goods: Wi. rMpfct'fullyVak'fho LAbh:.^ o'fOR ANUKHURU to try our 0RQC8RIE8'. aQrr.aoons uelivbred promptly /'?&'A' of CUARO/i to any r?'i of Town. WM M SAIN k CO. s*pt 8 ly -?i. ..nil ?StllU l'MA ?? '" TT*X ECUTOU\S NOT IC JPj persons indebted to the Estate of Sam'l Bozard, deceased, will make immediate pay. m^iii, und nil these having claims against him must preseut them properly attested. FREDERICK It. BOZARD, > Vmept 9?-8t * Exccutsr. DISSOLUTION OF COPART NERSHIP ?The Copartnership here tofore Existing under tbo Firm Nnine of CAHTM1LL & VINCE, expires by Limita tion on tlio let day of Soptcnibe?-, 1871. Mr. THOMASCARTMILL is aathorixed ?to Col lect ult debts duo the lute firm. THOMAS OARTMILL, THOMAS O. VJNCE. Arangeburg. Sept. let, 1871. Tho Business nip Jdc CpNTJAVElT here after at tW vutuo-pluc*. by the \nldcrsigned on his own account. THOMAS CAlttfMtLL. ? 4?pt 9 4t COTTON ?INN. ? IJflOWX'H Georgia PATENT COTTON GINS aro simple, durable, well made, of jjood mate rials, very light running und uhnufpSssed in the quantity of the staple produced. Price $4 per Saw. delivered nt any R. R. Depot in this State when the freight does not exceed" that of tuo railroads.* Uullett's l'utent Steel Brush -CottOn Oins. The Cotton from these (?ins always com mands the highest market price where ordi nary cure is taken in the preparation. At ihe Cotton Statc3 Fair held at Augusta. Qa., rast year, there wcro ten Gins'in, competition and tho Premium was awarded to the Gul lott Gin. Trice :?"> aaA $">.50 per Saw. Cotton Presses of various Patterns, ITbrse Towers, Ho?.! ley's Portable Engines,. Briuly's Kentucky Ploughs. . ? C. Git AVK LEY, f?3 Enst Bay St. South of th> Post Office. Ciiarlcston, S. C. aug 20 wee 2n> ULO. S. HACKER, DOOR, SASH AND BLIND "FACTOV, Charleston, S. C r.. Tins |S & .DAJTUfJR C-TtrUKTK n Factory ag there i > in jjt j ? :^jtji._ We keep no S'ort '???< n w .; k ;?> fill Cowitry Orders. Send forTflfco TJNt. Fa^tnry n.t l,V.?t: j^r?c-*'is ^??""fil?^^ ?P" posit e'. (' .u , it St?, oil Hue <m City fl-.?-.v.iv. a I tress GKti. s. ita? khk. ;'. ;\ Bos up, <.:;,!..?;.? ::-m*s,. p. Sep< ' wvc ' ?'? I 'ry \Vl^Uil MALE. ~ A. ?.;.*?'. :Aj . ! Compliant for V } Sp- ?:tie An Ircw \\. Miller?*j 1\; :'?i:ii:nwe. Hy virtue of the _Wi ?'ii*?fid C\) -l ii? ibis exsa, I directitt;' :.?.?. ph|0 ;,jr'Oa|jta*Ci mcn 1 I lotted, Iv; 'iiid by !??''. .41 public auction. I will s!l a; liiauj??b.?rg Cum-.? IFouyi*,? o:i j .Moni.-?.. lh< a I i .;.- ??. Oe'.obir \ . ~\/ing the nsital I., ut. til ilio )n?-..*wil^:Vcul c^nt?*. . , All thiit trvel of bin t euiSt.n^i&??O ft?r?s hi ire i-r It -t.. !?::.;.,ic on jlr.Ki I lirmic. w rfry-rrr rorx<<rn litTi.-r;^ l?lUtQ^' River, mi i '? ' ?> > ? 11??? t*iv?h t?y hm Is of HV'mVv :?'<; ?? '. v '. >'! .j 'i .in?, p. M. pFtiim-, ? : ??? .. t?jr IS ff J?!<>.? P. M. Foiji-es an ! ?: > ;. U ? iu \ e i ;l hv Imds ??>(' the estate oT Dainel uo.wihan and ? - I Sik?U. ? -i i v :?!.*?'??" Terms cash. -1 .m;::.^ a: '?vvst: aoj^l !? . r// . M Noliw of Disiili ?3."il! T N't>TiCE IS n;:i:;::v,\?::\ tii.\?-"<).v . ibedHhid/ty-.o: ?>-?: <>; .-vr. T lb<K/wewi!l 1 tilo our Final .Accounts w the Honorable I T. C. Andrews^ Jtvrgc ?f rr^bnte. ??dt i.-i- Letters {of ?? issa] as i's cuiovs iff<)he i'iu f< of Join If ui?/Ti.'iii v. .l>c*.t. I r. CNi.LiiPkLLer.,, . A. II. irCNUERPILLBH, i j a. r,. iii N(iE;;piLu:R., It ' >.n> <)_U EsecutorS. sep. . r-- it j >. t ? -?HA_ Mrs. B. M. BlfBLEft) "R^SPRCTPCLLl" informs her friends slfe is prsparcd, to rnsVo.LADIES' ur.i; C?TTINO, FIT TING and BASTIN?: in all the' various Styles Beiug deprived of her only 8TAY IN LIFE, nnd hfTijpjji |dw <JA!*.K of TWt) LITTLK CIllLDUEN, she, is foreeq to seek a living it; thi-t wny. ff '. ^'^ thit h >* rr:<*'nds in Profpcfity w?l^bj h.'r friend* In ihn (lark days of sad mi^rpvtuno. she has |1um bsen prompted to appeal :o tlivir sympathies, sept 2 tt KENTUCKY'HORSES M U Ii S, ? . . .....j ... ^? r:iji.;V?">o.Oi?^Si?fiS ofBarn\ye!l and Orangcbur^ Counties, ut my STAlil.r.S in BAMBERG, a>out' Hi? 20?h of Sept., (ho of the tincst droves oT"1'^ ! Kentucky Eorri?s & Mules ever brought to the Market. Among them, are lino i Drufi Hors-oM :tit<l Mnlce. F. M. BAMBERO, ? Bamberg, s. C. sept 2 ' 21 mf$ms< ? 1 OFFlt B t4bli??t rOX'.Sl'lSsinNER. t?.:-.?..:rT.rt:.; Cot-^-M ! .?An^ust -lOUi.* F0W'.d Notice is given that ?11 l^WaaQnnds sirens <?f jr.Aii;, Mi in |^a FREE COM MON S.'.ii ?LS ol Ihl >" ?! .ty. nr/notified that the ? oun't.v Board ?( Fvimfnef*,' for OriuigeijAcg ?;?>iia?y, wiU be ia Re*w?ie^?ia this tlllieo, from .M..mluy, Sopiember I8tjb, and connnti'e ... I ??< n racK ?i^y urittiths ?MtpVoWnw). AI! Prrsn:i<! wi*W?? ?o ob. Uiy, PE.tTii'lCAi.*.^ fciiV pfffcai tiieiu selvej? tp ths Boai'd for Examination on oao of trie" ubuve d .ys. EJ?iooY Tfus^os areVol allowed by Ihw t ? Employ only t!:i?s? IJola. ing Certilicatts fr-m this Board. Teachers will mark tlus. * K. i. cm? " folteol ('otnai'lslbnxrf, 0:V.