O .a. Ij ? a*v**M All Advertisements most bo handed to the Business Itaiagep before Thursday Noon. _ The Towa Election. io another column will be found a no tice for the holding of the Municipal iSksetioc of Orangeburg. It wiii come off on the 12th ioat. Aa it ia important that we should have a Town Council . that ?iU be eucrgelic, und at the same tiiuo thoroughly acceptable to our Whole people, it haa been suggested that a meeting of all the voters of Orange bur g be called for the 8th inat.. at the Engine HalL. The meeting will com tnebee at 7J o'clock P M., and will eon eider tho propriety of, and probably make, nominations. So far as our views are concerned, wo think thst it is important that a nomination should be made. Orangeburg is growing daily; her in terests are becoming larger and more Varied; and her citizens should net so as to develop all of her bidden advantages und resources. What ia there to hinder her from being th c cqu ?1, in hygienic qua] itiea, to Aikcn, Greenville or anj other place in the State ? Nothing, Her climate is aa pure and health-giving as that of any of the places mentioned. What is to prevent her from having a reputation as celebrated for health aa the ieat of cur inland Towns? Absolutely nothing, if wc continue to place the right sort of men at the holm of our municipal nffuirs. Let us hare energy a-d enterprise to direct our local govern ment. We want nothing like leprosy t . work fnr the greatest goud. Orangeburg ih "comparatively young yet, but no Town iu the State haa made greater - strides on the n*ad to fume. And now sho hw.ke to her citisnns, old and young - avllk*, to do their tr/o/e duty to lier in this 'emergency. Wo repoat again the uccfsity of le-iviug polities and every other sclfLh consideration out of this contest. What wc want is a good, and energetic Town Council. Let ua hate men whose interests in the growth Orangeburg will be a guarantee of their perseverance in building her up. The present Major and Board of Aldermen have done a great deal for the improve ment and beaut ification of our -streets, and if our citizens will elect another ? Counoil who will exhibit the tame in terest in {he prosperitj of Orangeburg, two years hence our Town will bo love lier still. Let every one. white and col ored, meet at the Engine Hall on Fri day night, 8th iast. Let polities be for gotten, and let a nomination be made that will redound to the welfare of our beautiful Orangeburg. She Mr. F. M. Hamburg's notice of a* Kentucky horses and mules. ??_*? ?? *?? ? ? another column that abe is prepared to do all an ob work ss ??!??k:sg ladiss' dresses, cutting, fitting, banting etc. We bespeak for her a liberal patronage. Board or Health.?Dr. A. S. Hal ley, John A. Hamilton and Townsend D. Wulfe havo been appointed bj the Council a Board of Health for Orange burg. ? aaasaaal ?-? sen 11 ?? Pkake fic Miles.?We direct spe cial attention to the card of theao gen tlemen, which appears elsewhere in Ibis issue. Mr.ssis Peak? & Miles are Fac tors and Commission Merchants, and give the beat ol references. ^jivE Grovm Academy.? This pop ulxr Institution trill be opened again on the 1ft Monday in this month. Its principal-?Mr. Charles L. Edwards? is one el the finest teachers in the coun try, and deserves to bo patronized by our people. See his advertiaomcut ia anoth er column. Sain & Co.? These gentlemen ore just in receipt of one of the fioeet ??ort. meet of Family Groceries that wu over brought to Orangeburg. They aro ?1! right froeh from Baltimore, and we ?n derstand can be bought for almost timore prices. This is a great induce ment for oar readers to giro them n ca'l right away. These gentlemen here the finest sugar cured hums, the best family flour, the best white head cabbage, the sweetest cheese, ever tasted, the best scgars?in short, as we said above, their stock coo siste of the pettiest and soundest arti cles for family use that we have ever seen. And oh! ye followers of Bacchus I hearken when we tell you that they have spirits yc!eped.:4lJocky Club," and '?Sweep Stakes," and "Bass' Ale," and "Schiedam Schnapps"?in fact every thing to make those who love to reel, feel good. Tobaccos, scgars, jolleys, pickles, oysters, potatoes, lemons, &c, &c, Ac, Ac., Ac. Already the trade of these gentlemen has increased (ersuch1 proportions they have boen necessitated to add to their already commodious store. Such is the result of fair and square dealing. We bid them God speed as long as they deal with our fellow citizens iu the future as they have tu the past. - I IBS ??I I A Live Home Journal?Notablk change.?Last October, Hearth and Home passed into the hands of Messrs. j Orange Judd St Co., cf245 Broadway, New York, the well known publishers of the American Agriculturist?a jour nal long without a riral in sterling value and circulation. The marked improve ments then expected to appear in Hearth and Home have been fully realized, und it is now one of the choicest illustrated journals anywhere issued for tho family circle?adapted to both the juvenile and adult people, and meeting the special wants of the housekeeper. Besides it supplies very useful chapters for the garden snd farm, and su impo tatu now* .sheet, giving a valuable rcaimr of the news for a week, up to the moment oft?sue. From $600 to StiOO worth of very flue engraving* beautify each week. ly nunibor. Wa notice now a still fur ther mark i?r enterprise on tho part of (he publisher-*; they hare secured the esctusive editorial service** oi Edward Eggiestnn. n<> widely and lav< ablv known by his writing* in Seribwr'* Monthly, and many other Magazines and Journals, and especially as the elref superintendant Editor of tho New York Indcfiendant for Some timo past. With this notable addition to (he previously large snd strong editorial force. Hearth and Hone can not fail to merit and command a prominent place in every hous hold, in city, village, and country. Specimen copies can doubtless be ob tained of the publishers, as above. Terms only 83 a year. Single numbers 8 cents: Hearth and Home and American Agri culturist together, SI a year. Better add one or both of them to your supply of reading; they are each worth infin itely more than the small cost. - ?? assp Important to Buii.dkrs and Con. TRACTosta,?We learn from our Charles ton exchanges that Mr. P. P. Toalo, the well-known ma ?pacturer of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, ?. :., has established a depot at No 20 Hayne street, where he keep* constantly on hh ' not only all articles from his own manufactory, but ahm every variety of builders' hardware, French and American window glass, both plain and ornamental, slate man* tola, and. in sh irt, everything necessary to finish handsomely a residence, a store, or a church. August 14th. 1871. This is to certify that I purchased, ome time since, from Messrs. Win. M. Saiti & Co., in Orsngeburg, one of "Col burn's Patent Red Jacket Axes," and that I have had the same in constant use ever since?cutting all kind.-* of wood, and can unhesitatingly testify to their cheapness and durability, and fine tem per; and would cheerfully and respect fully recommend them to the public. 1 hace tried them and knoic their excellence. M. W. WALTZ. COMMERCIAL. MARKET REPORTS. Orncs or tiis Osaxorbuso Nsw*. September 1, 1871. COTTON -Hales during tbs week ? bales. We quota: Ordinary.1 f> Cm) Low Middling.ICAf*) Middling.17 (,"> Reran Riob.$1.00 per oushel Cobn..$1.00 per bushel. Cow I'cas.m 00 per bushel. i'i> usas.$1.10 per bushel. ANNUAL FAIR OP THI 0KANGEBUB6 Agricultural Society WILL BE HELD AT Whittomoro':; Factory Building, I f COMMENCING ON * Tuesdaj, Oct. Mill, 1871, nt Noon, AND ENDING Thursday, Oct. Sota, at Five O'clock P. M. Tho following PREMIUMS are offered, and will be Awarded by Impartial Judges. 9 yi - A.?Deport mciat of Crops* Largest yield of Cotton upon 1 acre, $10. Largest yield of Corn upon 6 acres of high land, $15. Largest yield of Cora upon 6 aerea ef swamp land, $16. Largest yield of Corn upon 1 acre of high land. $5: Largest yield of Corn upon 1 acre of swamp laad, $5. Largest yield of Rice upon 1 acre, $5. Largest yield of Peas upon 1 acre, $6. Largest yield of Sweet Potatoes upon 1 area, *5. Largest yield of Irish Potatoes upon I acre, $2.50. Largest yield of Turnips upon } acre, $2.50. Largest yield of Ground Nuts upou 1 acre, $3. Largest yield of Native Graaa Hay upon 1 a ere, $6. Largest yield of Pe. Vi*e Hay upon 1 acre, $5. Largest yield of Sorghum Syrup, from 1 acre, $6. Largest yield of Sugar Can* Syrup from acre, $5. Partie* wishing to compete for these Pre miums must noiify the Executive Committee before commencing to gather tho respective Products, iu order that arrangement* may be trade for an impartial test i*t the rewpec live Yield*. It.--Sampler! of i rons. Ten i'rises, wor a from $1.00 to $10.00. C? Garden and Orchard Pro duct*. Five Prise*, worth from $1.00 to $5.00. Household Dcpmrtmeni. Fifteen Prise*, worth from $1.00 to $5.00. E. ?machinery and Mannfac I it rem. Twenty Prise*, worth from $1.00 to 15.00. F. -Indies* Work of all Kinds. \ j Twenty Prise*, worth front $1.0?) to $5.00. CJ*?Stock Department. Fifteen Prizes, worth from $1.00 to $15.00 JI.?Poultry Department. "Fire Prises, worth froaa $1.00 to $5.00. I. ? Department of Floricnl ture. Five Prise?, worth from $1.00 to $3.00. ?.?Miscellaneous. Ton Prises, worth from $1.00 to $10.00. BEST PLOWING by WHITE PERSON, $5. " ?? " COL'D ? $5. BEST WALKING in WALKING MATCH, $5 Other TRIALS of SKILL and ATHLETIC Exorcises and Amusement* will be arranged, and appropriate Premium* awardad. ENTRIES for EXHIBITION can be made at the Scoretarj'a Office on Monday, Tuea day and Wednesday, from 'J A. M. to 6 P. M.; but all Entries fop Premium* mn.i t> made before tho Puir open*. Competition for Premium* i* open to all person* at Home and Abroad. Ample arrangement* will be made for Stock, and a placo furnished for keeping their Pood ; and Grain and Forage will be provided on the Ground at Markot Rates. Every Precaution will bs taken to Secure Good Order, and the Safoty of Articles on Exhibition. o Terms of Admittance HO cts. Children under ten years of tage, Half Price. Exhibitors* Tickets for the whole Term of the Fair 78 cts. o For further particulars apply to any one of the undersigned. PAUL I. FELDER, WESLEY W. CULLER,: IIARPIN RIGG8, LAWRENCE It. BECK.WITH, SAMUEL DIBBLE, Executive CowttnilUe. aug 19 10t THI8 HOTEL HAS BEEN FITTED UP REGARDLESS OF COST OR FAINS, FOB tho Special Accommodation of Ueunancn* and Transient Boarders. The Table will bo Supplied with (hebest tho Market afords. Also Good Stable* for the accommodation of Stock. Term* reasonable. ~;o: WILLIAM A. MERONEY'S GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS SUPPLIED WITH' EVERYTHING NEEDED BY THE Housekeeper, and at Prices that no one can complain of. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought, and the highest Market price paid (n e*stu aj?- In resr of my STORE is a GOOD LOT and WELL of WATER, which T respect, (ally offer for the PUBLIC to use at their pleasure. ?:o: I ~\ OF ALL ORADES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND I is offered VERY LOW, by wholesale and retail. Also a lot CIGARS of the best Brando and Flavor made, and at prices that can't be beat la this Market for Cheapness. , :ot -A T THE BA.R YOU WILL FIND the BEST LIQUORS kept in this Market which I offer ta the Publie by the Glass and upwards. Come and see our prices. -:o; AIJCTIONEER.---TN ADDITION TO THE*ABOVE I ALSO OFFER MY SER VICES a* AUCTIONEER, and guarantee Satisfaction to all.' WASTED-5.CCC j;.r.;:r,d? V,'G L, for which the iiiu ii'LwT UA8U PRICE will be paid at the Store of W. A. MERONEY. aog 20 jane 10 c tf BACON, BACON. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES !! Received FRESH EVERY WEEK . %t?i~ :- '? .. ; ?t ...... . ? , ? VOSE'S GROCERY. NEXT TO TRKADWEIiL'8 HOTEL, B&- GOODS DELIVERED NEW FLOUR. Now is the Time for Bargains! AT JOS MNAMARA'S. I invite attention to the LARGE ASSORTMENT of DRY GOODS on hand, such as Japanese. Leun*. Muslins. Cambrics, Swiss and Nainsooks, (Moths, Casai meres, Tweeds, Flannel*, Ticks. Sheetings, Shirting-*, Towels, Giughatns, &c, &e., which will now be sold at (]RE.\ TL Y REDUCED PRICES, or r . chnap a.* can he'hoitght'in tiny House in this State for Ca.*h AlT II A SON, Ruta Ra^a Turnip Seed. Flat Dutch Turnip Seed. Ited Top Turnip Seed. Largo Norfolk Turnip Seed. Largo Globe Turnip Sec I. Seven Top or .Johnny Reil Turnip Seed. Large Drumhead Cabbage Seed. Large York Cabbage Seed. Drumhead Savoy C-ibbage Seed. Green Glase Cabbage Seed. All of which arc warranted Fit ESII and GENUINE. For sale by E. EZEKIEL, Sitrn of Big Watch. July 16 feb 18 lye DOWN! DOWN! DOWN!! AT THE CORNER! D. LOUIS IS NOW OFFERING HIS ENTIRE STOCK AT ATtsT> UNDER COST TO MAKE ROOM TOR PALL GOODS. reS" '1 jsrtT% (?-? ' ..'... ? ? - ? PROCLAMATION. TTTHEREA8 the peace and Iranquillty of j Yv certain sections of tho 8 tot* of South Carolina hare been interrupted by assem blages of disguised meat who have assailed ana injured peaceful citizens, to thelD ?e trimcnt and serious injury, involving, ie many cases, atrocious murd s, upon quiet and unoffending citizens: Now. therefore, be it known that I, BOB RRT K. SCOTT, Governor of the State of South Carolina, in order that the parties to those murders and outrage* may b* appro bended and appropriately pi.nished, do iowae this, my proclamation, that a reward of TWO HUNDRKD DOLLARS is hereby offered for the apprehension and delivery of any and every person or persons, in any jail Of this State, with proof to convict them of having aided or participated in an/ or either of these nets of violence and murder, or of having, in - disguise, threatened tb* life of any one within tne State. Said re ward* ahaii be paid to any persons, either military or civilliuns, who may be entitled to receive them by arresting the offender* against the laws. In testimony whereof, 1 have here unto subscribed tny name, and canned the Great 8eal of the State [L. 8 ] tobe affixed, nt Columbia, this 28th day of July, A. D. 1871. and in i he ninety-sis tli year of Amer ican Independence. ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor. L. L. Cabuoxa, Secretary of 8t?te, ang 23 3t Five Hundxed Dollars Re-1 ward. Statb or Soi'TB Carolina, Kxcct Tive DxFABVraiBaT. WII EKE AS information ha* roach thin office that, on Tuesday night, the first of August, a wilful and deliberate murder was perpetrated in the Forks of the Etis+o, on ihe person of JACK PERRY, a citizen of Orangeburg county; and whereas there is strong reason* to ?uspect that MIL LEDGE POUTER and II ANSFORD PORTER residing in the county of Rarnwell, were eog nitant if not participant in said murder ?? Now. therefore, be it known that I, ROB ERT K. SCOTT, Governor of the State afore said, in Order (hat jnstioe may be done, and the majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby issue tin*, my proclamation, offering a re ward of FiVf HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Millflidge Porter ?nd Hanaford Porter, or either of them, in any jail of this State, with prouf to convict. In testimony whereof, I have here unto *<(t my hand, and caused the [L. 8.] Great Seal of the State to be affix ed, this Kith das of August, A. I'.. 1ST], and isBl.o nine!y-sixtb yearoft':e In?kendenro of the United Slates ?ifAmeriea. ROBERT K. SCOTT. Governor. F. L. Caruosa, Secretary or Slat*, nug 10 8t VINEGAR BITTERS *,*?,v,...i.?inira J. VT. They are the GREAT BLOOD PL'RI 1'IP.ttnml A LIKE GlVlffO PRINCIPLE, apcrtaot Renovator and luvlgorator of tho By*****, carrying off ail noiaonona mat tar and r astrsrliio, tnohfcvxt to a healthy condlUon. No person can toh* theo* Bit ter* accord Ins to direction* and remain Ion? unwell, provided their hone? ax* not dcitroyed toy mineral poison or other moans, and the vital oreana wasted beyond the point of repair. Tliey aro a Gentle I'm ran live* a* well as* Tonic, paswesslng, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam tuatlon of tlte Liver, and all tdo VUcerai Organa. FOR FEMALE COMPLA 1NTS, inrowmror .- -. ?._nnnrr. m.~ vawn ?uiii?;>u?n or at the turn cf lite. the?e Tonic Bitters have no equal. For laSaeamatory aud C'brouic Ubeuma* t!ss> asd tisat, !!'.ipr;:s!;: sr LhUktsiI oi:r Rlllea?, Remittent and Intermlttoaut Fe ver*, III sea sea of the Blood, Liver, KIS nera and Bladder, these Hilter? hare been moat ?nooaaaful. Such Dtacaaee are caueedby Vitiated Blood, which I*generally produced by derangement of th* Dlgcsilt c Oraana. DYSPEPSIA UK INDIGEHTIOX, B**S aebe. Pain la the Hhould*ra, (Jonah*. Ticbtoeaa of tb* Chest. Dlisineae.. Snur Rraetalruus of the Stnmaoh. Bad Taste la the Month. Oilioua Attacks, ratpltatlon of tb* Heart. InBamrnalion of the Lunge, Pain In tb* re gion* of the Rldnc) v and a Lutxlra-J other painful symp toms, are tb* oBiprirure of Dyspepsia. Tbey Invigorate lb* Stomach and Bllmalat* tb* torpid Liver anJ bowels, which render tbem or unequal led efficacy in cloanalng the blood of all hopurrU**. and Im pair ting new life and vigor to tb* whole system. FOR SKIN DISKAHES, Brupt Ion?, Tetter. IV It Kbenm, Blotches. Snot*. Plniries. Pustules. Boll?. Car buncle*, Ring Worm*, Scald Head. Bore Bye*. Kryalpe (?*. lUb. Scurf*. OlKoloratlon* of the Skin. Ramon aod Disease* of the Skin, of whatever nam# or Natura, are tlte rally due up and earried oat of the ?y?t?m In a short time bf the uanol tliee* Bitters. One bottle tu *oeh ea*e? will eonviuce the uiost incredulous of their eura tire effect*. Cleanse tb* Vlllsted Blood whenever you find Its Im purities berat log thro i.~b the akin la Pimple*. Brep tioas or Borea ; clean** It when you Bod it obstructed and sluggish la the veins; clean** it when It i* tool, sad your feelings will tell you when. Km* the Meed pare, and the health of tha avstem will follow. Pia, Tape, aad other Warm?, lurking In th* system or so away thousand*, are eShetwalty destroyed and removed. Says a distineuiabed phrslnlaga**. there i* scarcely so individusl upon tb* face of th* earth whoa* body I* exempt from Ihe |riim*s of wc.ms. It Is not epon tb* healthy elraaecJw *f Um b ?iy ?hat Torn>? exlit, but upon the diseased hO>"?f* ana Mmr deemit* that bree/f these livmg anISO* Sri?s disease. No 8yitem of Medicine, no rerorlrWa-ea, a* tS**y Pittl * *** *r*t*e? rroe* worm* Ufte 3. WALKER, Proprietor. R. A. MCDONALD * OOw Druggists and tien. A*ent?. Ban ?nnelseo^OanssVsala, aad ? and 3t Conimeree Street, New Toe*. BarsOLU BY ALL DRCO0I8TB AND PRAt.Kt*. aug SS0 k l v OBANGKBtTR? (f&S&tt, Thon?? Rar, Executor of wHliam Ray, j Cecsp$ft|s*~ deceased, i fay rs. j F?r*cloear*. WiUUa U. Gr?*?: j By Yirtuo of the Jottg??ai AM Bs this ?ose, directing ?bat tbc Und* brisinafift* mentioned, be sold by Bf at pobH? aoctie?, i will sell at Orangeburg Conti Heese, 09 Monday, the fourth day of gaptesabes1 neat, during the usual hour* of eKtot?fl(|nfla^fge^, real estate : ai' [\lR{ i0t or parcel of land in ibe Town of Oiaagsburg, in the Count7 of Orangs burg wnd Statt of Bomb Carolina, known 0? the School House Lot, and bounded by too Belleville Road, and lands of John C. Pik?, Mrs, Ann Louie, and Virgil C, Bibbls, Trustee, and by land formerly of Raj, Brother & Co., Terms?One-half cash, and the balsncs on a crodlt of twslre months, eacured by bond, and mortgage of the preajajstffi*rtf* chasers to pay ?or papers, * cording. Sherir? Office, ) H. _ Orangeburg C. II., 8. C, \ S. O. 01 June 16, 1871. j sej 12 t? 4 to fed ? O LEN S Lover Cotton Press. nAYING RECEIVED A PATENT FOB my Press, 1 am prepared to take CON TRACTS for BUILDING the SAME. This COTTOIST PEE8S hss a.capacity of 576,000 POUNDS, Is simple of Construction, Compact and Du rable, occupies a comparatively sai&ll 'pace, is worked by only TWO HANDS and will PACK a MK> POUND BALK in FOUR MIN UTES. I append Certificates of gentlei in Orangeburg who have my Press in and I unhesitatingly prononnee it the Press in use for Cotton Packing. JAS. T. BOLIS. RF**ERENCES.?Edward Ar go*, T. J. Be Hn. _ en. E. Bolin, W. B. Salley and J. Jl. Livingston. j?d/ * Sen A Great Sacrifice AT 1 P. HARLEY'S who IS OFFERING IIIS ENTIRE STOCK AND UNDER COST! NOW is the TIME FOR BARGAINS COME ONE COME ALL. NOTICE ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Undersigned wilt please come forward and settle immediately, as I am coapelted to close up my books. J. P. II ARLET. rosy -7 e lj SPRIXG GOODS!!! F. W. E. Brifirsrmann A Co. have j?tst RECEIVED A IM. I. 8TOCK OF OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. All car COODS arc LOW is PRICE to aaU tho times. Our stack of groceries liquors \> l.\ES Af.K and I.AGKR BEER Is of PIRST QUALITY and ? ->w in Prlae. Call and see for yourselves. F. II. W. ltRIGGMANN a CO. apl 8 oet 9 |y IN THE ('Ol'RT OF PROBATE. Wiikrras, j. W. E. Moorer hath applied to me lor letters of Administration on the Es tate of Adam Moorer tat? Of Orsngebur* County, deoeased. These are therefore to cite aad admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to bo and appear be fore me at a Court of Probate for the aaJd County, to be holden at Oraagehurg on tha ft : a day of September 1871, at 10 odoek A. M. to snow cause if any, why tha said AeC ministration should not be granted. Gives under my hand and ike Baal of my Coert, this 22d day of Auguea, A. I>, 1871 and in the ninety-sixth year of Acteriean 1 adepoedeflce. TIT\1V C. ANDREWS, a?K 3* ?St Judg? of Probate