The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, September 02, 1871, Image 4

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-t-ML 4-J1M-UXJBL,? L-lJ.-UL^JLt'', , ~ THE 0RAN6EBPKG NEWS * J. FELDER MKYEKS?Kditoh, Fi*anciaj. axo Bui ikk >e Man auer. SATURDAY, 81^7$ 187i> Every article for tho Orange Htm (? Naws atust bo accompanied by the real name of the author?not necessarily for publica tion, bot as a guarantee of good faith on tho part of the writer. The Meeting To-Day. Never before io the history of Or '^^hgeburg County was there such an event as the one which calls her people together to-day. With sorrowing hearts do wo record ii. Here peac? and tran quil ity have watehed over our destinies? ??*ilfad we have prospered. Tu day uu im pulse brings this people together that sever had * place of lodgement iu their hearts before. But aa we havn't the space to speak of it at length wo will rest ourselves with these remarks : This meeting is to be no hot and fire-eating affair. It must be one of cool and de liberate not ion. If the people act right, great good will resuh io all froa. it. Vfi Want every mnn to-day who attends it, to pledge his support to law and order. "We Want it to adopt a course that will protect and benefit all?white and black alike. We want uo bi'tcr partisan af ' fair, and the man that.attempts to make it such will receive our heartiest con demnation. "Let the La* be Enforced." Under this heading our contemporary of the Columbia Vnron has an article, so much to the point, that wo repro duce it. Like tho Inion **c think the time for soil talking aud coaxing has passed. It pains us to say so, but it is nevertheless a truth. It is hard when right-minded Republicans have done all thcy'coold to allay political excitement, that they should be threatened with death. ; It ia hard when a man is d jiug . all he can for the peace and prosperity of the community iu which he lives, to hsve his motives continually assailed dand misjudged. If this world were without sin, or rather were tho men that thus persecute others for opinion's sake, without spot or without blemish them selves, then their course might be re garded at least as pardonable. But we have known persons who took advautage of cireunistanoea to "cut" aud abuse gentlemen because of their political sen timents, who before two shades of poli tics were introduced into this State, they would have shunned aa they Would a leprous wretch , their dofatuers. Now men who once would not associate with Messrs So-and-so, who would not .be caught introducing them into a fash ionable ballroom, are talked of aa "low down fellows" by these same snubb ed creatures. O temjnra! 0 More* ia a hackneyed newspaper phrase, hot BomctitucB it Comes in nicely. This is one of the places. But let us not di grots. "We repeat thnt it is hard for those who have worked faithfully fur the prosperity of this people, to be per petually assailed by thorn as thieves and scoundrels. We are perfectly willing than he that is without sin ainoug the disaffected, should curse to his heart's delight; but we do modestly iusist that those who live in glass houses be quiet. ' j'Vhca we say that {ire have labored ? bard for Oraogeburg County^) wo aro TT* * maM ?AMtA <rv,f* iM|f j-k ?w will not try to gainsay the assertion. Wo have had charge of this journal now for nearly twelve months, aud through all tho discouraging and dishearteuiug messages and intelligences thnt have reached our ears, wo have kept tho even tenor of our way. Republican but honestly battling for tho right, we have tried to injure no man. This our enc mioa will give us credit for. We have steadily condemned corruption where evor we found it. Unskilled in that "'jottrnalism that would ever seek to hide ibd shortcomings of its political confre rcs^e have exposed wrong on every hand. And so has a majority of the leading Republicans in this County. "With them We have oounaellcd peace aud good order; and with them we arc striving to have for this Ststo a better government than it has bcou bleat with aa a whole for the past three or four years. Rut all our efforts, and ail the com bi tied endeavors of both pirtics will l^rcudcied wholly ftuitlcfcf, if lawless uesa continues to roco'vo the tacit ap proval tliut it has elicited throughout tho Stuto. Our province is to council peace, and order, and good government. Tho day when,. ;^eso shall 'bless ub I will only be prolonged by outrage* and wrongs. , We have talked with s< me of the calmest minds in this County, and they thoroughly agreed with uo. And now wc ask : Will not every good eiti sen rally to the cry of peace! Will not oar leading men of both parties put their beads together and try to dorise some plan to avert the dread catastrophe which will as surely follow any acts of lawlessness that are perpetrated in this County, as uight follows day. Wo arc in for peace, aud every, endeavor of ours ahull be spent iu tho work of bringing it about. Here is tho articlo from tho 'Union. It is written by one who has tho authority of knowing. Wo ask our well-thinking mots to ponder it: "Every person who h"b read this journal during the past six mouths ean bear testimony to our efforts to preserve the peace of the Stute, aud bring to jus tice those guilty of offending against its laws. We have never been eparing in our denunciations of the lawlessness und violence which have prevailed in many sections of the State, nor have wo shown favors to political friends when guilty of any misdemeanor or infringement of the law. Yet all our efforts have proved fruitless, tho opposition .press often ac cusing US of printing accounts of out rages solely for the purpose ol stirring up strife. We believe in implicit obedience to law aud authority, even though these may be obuoxious to us, and totally re pugnant to our ideas of right und jus tice ; yet being laws they should be obeyed the same as if they met with our heartiest approval. Not so, however, with thoeo who havo brought all this trouLlc upon us. Esther than live un der laws which they do not approve, and conform to rules nnd usages laid down by a legislature uot of thoir choice, they would see everything go to ruin, the lives and property of citizens put . in jeopardy, business stagnated, and every iuduitry, except such as shall pass their judgment, blighted nnd (.riven out of the S" fate. This is the state of affairs which many of our Democratic journals would like to see, if we may judge by the stuff which appears in their columns weekly. If an outrage occurs iu any porti?u of the State, forthwith these partisan ucwapnpcis begiu to beat about for un excutto for the parties guilty of the crime. Instead of rallying to the support of law nnd order, and condemn ing crime by whoever it may bo commit ted, they seek to palliate it, and to shield tho guilty culprits from punishment. If a white Democrat abuses, whips, or mur ders a poor colored man, it i t deemed .the height of persecution to bring the offender to justice, but let a colored man so much as even insult a white Demo* ?erat, and his life pays the pcuulty. This is called justice. L*t a negro steal a pound of seed cotton, and six years in the penitentiary is not deemed too great a punishment. The Demo cratic journals would never tiro of talk ing of tho crnonnity of such a crime, but midnight murder by a band of masked villains is not of sufficient im portance to call for even a passing word of-condemnation. When a band of nn hunc\red or more of disguised men ride into town, warn the public officers to re sign their places, and merchants to close up their affairs and leave tho State, these virtuous journals have nothiug to say against such high-handed proceedings, but if two disguised burglars should break into a houso at the North, forth with their col,nuns would teem with ac counts of "Ku Klux at tho North," and ! such like trarh. I Tho difference between the conduct of w..?.?. -. -j- - tf als of the North is very apparent. Whenever an outrage against law occurs iu uny Northern Stuie,the \>w. - is never backward in denouncing it, uo matter whether the parties bo black or white, Democrats or Republicans. Here ovory thllig ia worked in tho interests of one party. The luto raid into Orangeburg Iby an hundred more or less, of disguised meu, hardly drew a protest from a single Democratic journal, while sonio of them even seek to cover up and hide tho of fense. Wo havo been desirous that jpeacc aud quiet should prevail, in order jthttt there might bo no reason ror the enforcement of the Ku Klux law, but wc are now coufident that nothing but the strong arm of tho United States [Government will bring pence and order to tho Stute, and this we believe will (soon bo brought into requisition. Many persons in the disaffected sections pro fess to prefer martial law to tho preseut government, and to all such wo will say, tho prospects now are that you will soon have your preferences gratified. For besrauce bus ceased to he a virtuo, aud martial law in certain localities has bo cuiuc ahnest u uevci-sity. We hope the National Government will use every I means at its command to preserve the peace in this Stute, aud will enforce the Ku Klus law to the vory fullest extent. There is no use in being mealy mouthed about these matters any longer. The first, duty of tho government Is^ljjKj protect the lives and property of its oitb sons and when a State government fail* | to do this, it then becomes incuuibont upon tbo National Government to make good the defection. Iu North Carolina tho United States authorities are actively at work arresting those scamps who make night hideous | with their devilish transactions, and we have tho assurance that operations will soon commence bore. Tho first thing we want is an United States marshal who knows his duty iu the premises, and knowing it has the courage to perform it. Such an one We must have, if it breaks every political slate in the State."' j Gen. B. F. Butler. The Charleston Covrier in a long editorial on this gentleman, sml his chances for the gubernatorial chair of] Massachusetts, pays him the following compliment: r "General ButWhas ttaiuod a notoriety which has made his name a familiar word in this country and through most of the civilized World. This notoriety will survive him many generations.*' That's the way we iiko to see justice meted out to a politic ,1 enemy. Nkw Maso.nic Organ.?Dr. A. G. Mackcy, of lliis city?uow a resident of Washington, 1). C.?has issued a prospectus fur a new Mu6ouic .Journal 10 be called Alackcy's Xatiuuul Free mason. It will be issued monthly, and will contain everything calculated to throw light ou the principles aud prac tices of tho order. The Hon. Alfred Piko, of Arkauscs, and IIon. Peury Buist, and other Maaouio lights of this city, will contrilutc io its columns.? Charleston Courier. '?How do I look, Pompcy V said a young dandy to his servant, us he fin ished dressing. ''Elegant, Muss. You look us bold as a lion. ' '? 15. 1.1 us a lion, Pompcy ? How do you know t You never saw a lion." "Oh ye*, Mnssu, I seed one dowu to Massa Jonk's, in his stable." "Dowu at Jenk's, r'wmpey'! Why, you groat fool, Jeuks hasn't got a lion ; that's a Jackass!' ''Can't help it, Massa; you look like him." J? CARD. I am informed that calls for the Meeting of the Republicans at Orangebi.rg Court House ou Satuiday ' September 2d, have been posted at ditfereot places in the County, with my name ?ubncribcd thereto. 1 hav<* neither written nor signed any such notices nor calls, and the use of my name was letalis unauthorized by me; ami further, I am nei ther lbs Chairman nor a member of the Ex ecutive Committee ot'tin* Republican party. 1 feel it due to my?clf to publish the above statement, as a matter simply of faot. As to the call of the meeting, the y ami the object thereof, I express no opinion. If the Executive Commitice of my party deem it expedient to call a meeting, it is for them to do so. If they do no call a inseting, I deem it the duty of the party to attend it. GEORGE BO LIVER. NOTICE. Mi'B. B. M. 8I1ULER R ES I* ECTF U L L V informs her friends that she Is prepared to make LADIES' DRESSES, CUTTING, FIT TING and BASTING In all the various Styles Being deprived of her only STAY IN LIFE, and having the CARE of TWO LITTLE CHILDREN, she is forced to seek, a living in this way. Hoping that her friend* in Prosperity will'bo friends in the dark days of >ad misfortune, nhe has thus been prompted to appeal to their sympathies, sept 2 If NOTICE. ONE MONTH AFTER DATE the DIS TRIBUTION of PRIZES in the ?oulh Caro lina Land and Immigration Association com atones*. UJ arena disappointment procure your Ticket* at once, from J ?. ALBERGOTTl, AgeiH, aanl 2?It At Vom'? Store. NOTICE. AN ELECTION for a MA VOR, an! four A LI) Ell MEN for tho Towu of Orangeburg. So. Ca., will bo held ot the Engine Hall, on Tuesday the CJth dny of September, A. D. 1871. E. J. OLIVEROS, sept 2?2l Clerk O. T. C. KENTUCKY HORSES AND MULES, I will be prepared to offer to the Citiiene of Barnwe'l and Orangeburg Counties, at my STABLES in BAMBERG, about the 20th of Sept., <ne of the finest droves of Kentucky Horses & Mules ever brought to the Market. Among them are fine Draft Horse* land tittles. F. M. BAMBERG, Bamberg, S. C. sept 2 2t NOTICE. COUNCIL CHAMBER, Orangeburg, S. C, Aug., BO, 1871. Prom the repeiatod and Iicotj rains we | have bad, and wc are almost daily bnving; also, from the increase of tbo number of the inhabitant* of our Town, caused by the coming In of n large number of persona wbe have left leas favored plaoea on account of disease ip those localities?feeling the re. sponsibility resting upon us, and desirous of maintaining, .as far as in our power lite, that amount of health so graciously granted to our Town by Almighty Ood, we, the Town Council of Orangeburg, bavo appointed a BOARD OF HEALTH, consisting of Dr. A 8. Bailey, John A. Hamilton and Townsend | V. Wolfe, whe shall 'hare full powers to ex amine And '^ptpott upon the situation and condition of all Premised, Lots and Streets, within the Incorporation, and to Report as to the best and most efficient manner of re moving all-Nuisances and the Maintaining of the Health and Cleanliness of our Town. The good Citizens of the Town are urgent ly requested to yield a oerdial support to tho notions of the Board of Health. n. a. bull; r Mayor. F. J. CLrVF.ROS, Clerk, sept 2 2t PEAKE & MILES, FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFICE, C ET KRAL WHARF, Charleston. n. fJ. RsrcRKScxa?Messrs. Jas. Adger k Co., Charleston, 3. C, Hon. Juo. P. King, Muj. C . T. Jackson, Augusta. Oa., Col. I.. I). ilds, J. P. Southern, Esq., K. Hope, Esq., olCnibia, 8. C. Special attention given to Consignment of COTTON AND OTHER MERCHANDISE, and oRoaas rou YSLhOW^l[ PITCH I'l.VK LUMBER Promptly and carefully filled. 11. T. PEAKE. E. SCOTT MILK?. sept 2 It Pine j|rove Academy. ? Milea Xortli-1 ast or Orange |?urjr., S. C THIS SCHOOL re-opens on MONDAY, September 4th. Tticro will be a vaca tion during Christmas, excrsises being re sumed first Klbudny in January, ami con tinuing until the luttor part of June, 1H72. This is the oyteapeM School <.t its grade in Ithe Stute. .Su-h'ie<"l in part V?y th" Free Srhuol Fund,'and liberally suopoi ted by incnl patron Ago. the best inUiiceim nts are of cre? ihosc Wishing to i.vail i heniM-ives of the benefits jf a good School <>l the least possible expense. I The bi unchrs U tight ci. r.ri c;? everything I pertaining to ajNlrst-cU^ Ae.ol-jic.f d ouin. [j l' is.rithdc a speco by. tint! IVmi au ibip in uil iia U' aiiclics iccv to pari.cul-.ti atti'iiiion. i Ph iiiugraplvyi (i-lioi l-ban 1 w riting) is taught those drifting it. \ onni* nieu washing a Hindi s< rM.k-si'.on. nn'l I'oy and Aiirls doiriti;io prepare for College, hafo^fc Wst lY.eilit cs hero&u\irdcd l heim ? No pains or labor is sparrd in utuUe the School one of Hiebest of ii.s km I?(borough progressive, and up to the tim s. Tho greatest care is lake i to improve the manner* and morals of the Children. The Discipline in strict. The mod's ot instruction and tho Appli slices for Illustration are the nost i.ppr ived extant. The objective Sys e n is.employed as far an possible. ? Arrangements will soon be male in give I'instriicliou in .Music, 't he wife of ihe Prin cipal is one of the best Pianist i in the State. The School is counted in one of the be*t <?t' neighborhood!*, and the healchioc solalUe locality is unsurpassed. Beard can be hud at prices ranging from |\$8.00 to $12 00 per month. Tuition?$J.tK) per month, payable month ly Drawing and Phonography, each $1.00 per niouth additional. For further information, address or apply to CHARLES L. EDWAKDS, Principal, Orangeburg, 8. C. sept 2 ll Kinsman &f Howelly Factors and Commission Merchants, Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. Charleston, S.C, sept 2 4m J ? * 3 <? O? ' ' jo fililiitei im > ? S fsr 2 V, > wJ c 5 ? ? 2 2 51 9 H I -3 3.5.* E. L. HALSEY, LUMBER AM) TIMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wharf; West Kiid Mo?ta*uc>St CHARLESTON, S C auj 157 Jj Family Grocery, | ?CORNER?" MARK KT AKD HAIV-8T?. , gj OPPOSITE POST OFFIOE A ENGINE HOUSE. TTAVISO JOST RECBIVSD FROM xJL BallLuioro,, the largest assortment of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ever brought to this Market, we respectfully invite our Citizens to call and examine for themselves. Our GOODS are all marke 1 down LOW far CASH, as we sell only for CA8H or Country Produce. Choice article of Ooshen Batter, (46 cts.) 4for kale ' j . SAIN A CO. Fine Lard, (16 eta.,) for aale by SAW A CO. } Family Floor, ($8.0>.) for sale by ~ _ 8A1NAC0,. Six ana Mackerel for (26 cts..) for aale by SAIN A CO Oolong Tea?boat brand?($1 ) for tale by SAIN A CO. Fine Swan (76c.) for sale by 8A1N * C?. ? ? ? et Fine Melaaaes (46c.) for sale br SAIN A CO. ?""? _ Do vou want cheap Sogar? Go to SAIN A CO. Do Von want cheap'Coffee ? Go to SAIN A CO. Do you want to cut your wood witbont la bor !?Then buy the Celebrated Patent? RED JACKET AXE for sale by SAIN & CO, Jeffords Sparkling Scotch Ale?good for Dys peptics?for salo by SAIN A CO. Do you want cheap COu. W 1811. IRISH POTATOES, ONIONS, CABBAGE, MACOARONI, CHEESE. RAISINS, NUTS of fll kinds, SYRUP 40 eents per gallon, NAILS CANDIES, CRACKERS, CAN MEATS, BACON, SALT, TOBACCO. sugar, II Kit RINGS, SOAP. STARCH. SODA, PEPPER, SPICE. NUTMEGS 8. K. FLOUR, SARDINES, OYSTERS, KEROSINE. i row DEB, shot. AC. AC , tlo to ( SAIN A CO. ?QTOCK COUNTRY FRIENDS nre leaped fully invited l>t muke a*; of our iVAGON YARD when they vUit Tuwn?GOOD W KLL of WATER, I'KOGGH A -., convenient. Want ED 50,000 lbs DRY HIDES. ?fiT" Goods Delivered promptly to ans part of Town. LIVERYSTABLE WM. M. SAIN & CO. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS the CITIZENS of Orangebarg and of Orangtbarg Ceunty that their STABLES are now completed, and they are ' READY to FURNISH TRANSPORTATION?do any KIND of HAULING?at Short Notice. GKXTL.E l?OicnK? ton MIRK, .FOR THE HA ?ULK OR BUGGY. PIC - NIC PARTIES ACCOMMODATED with TRANSPORTATION at mode rate chargee. LADIES' SADDLE HOUSES Always on hand. PERKOX8 visitiag Town can have their HORSES FED and GROOMED at LIVING PRICES. HTARLES Corner of Market and Church Street*. WM. M 8AIN A CO. Do von want to boy Goads CHEAP then go to SAIN A CO. Corner M ra?t and Ma n Streets, Orsn^eb irg, S: C. mij 27 o ly OFFICE SCHOOL COMMISSI? < Obaxos*v?q? S In 'accordance wfth*4tatlK 4,^jk An) to ameud "An Act entitled Aja Afit to estaf llsh, ?nd maintain * ejstem .J/'Jfrf* ^^^jfL^i Schools for the 8tnto of t5m?th"Xaroli?*] approved March Oth M71. The Trustees of the various School Dis tricts will, as soon as Practicable make out a list of all Text Books needed in their respec School District for the persons attending School, which list when. Property Certified to by snid Trustees, the Clerk shall forward ?add list to this office without delay. ? ,. ? E. I. CAIN, ? augo* ' 1 ' ?8l'^aSfe"4 N?TIGE. ,1 OFFICE SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, OrAMOKai-RO Countr, jfc C.'.1 August i*th,, 1871. In accordance with .Section 33 of the Com mon School Act adopted tun March, 187!, and by He solution of the "County Board of | School Kxarmneri," the. followiug named Persons are her??/ appointed SCHOOL TRUSTEES in and fer tbeir Respective Dis trict vir. : Mf?n vlUl^ej?rf# t?.*ncjfa. sVaW*4 *" SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. K A. P\ A vinger. Hercules" Ison, James Thompson. , POPLAR/ SCHOOL DlSTRttlT/,Na. 2. William Pauling, W. J. Snider, William Green. PINE GftOFE SCHOOL tiirtfRfrrr, No. 8. A <R. Flood. W. W. Vice, .Smith (.;lover. AMELIA SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 4. James L. Jamison, Frederick Buyck, Phil lip Smith. PROVIDENCE SCHOOL* DISTRICT. No. n. Dr. F. W. Vogt, Keitt Green, Lewis JliLj,] Hard. QOODBY 8 SCHOOL DISTRICT. No. ?i Alex McKelvy, Wade Uampton, V. M. Smith. LYONS' SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 7. J. II. Wallace, A. O. Holman, A. C. Wil liams. COW CASTLE SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 8. | Exra Connor, Martin Williams, Pe'cr Car son. MIDDLE SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 9. Thomas Phibip?, II. M. Miller, Shedrick Cam. ORANGE SCHOO!, DISTRICT, No. 10 E. J. Olivere?, Harry (Hover, J. A. Hor rer. . CAW CAW SCHOOL DISTRICT. N*. M. Peter Uluddriv, J. A. J. llildebraud, EJ rick Glover. BRANCHYILLK SCHOOL DD*TiWCT. No \1 W. II. Reedisl?, F. W. Fairy, Edwarl Greej?. NEW HOPE SCHOOL Dl: YRICT. No. 1 V. D. Cowman, S. F. Dualer, George Gavin. . R. V. Djii.i il'.y. Jac.i ic- Wolfe, Rufi? W\u-t- j stone. KDISTO SCHOOL MST'. ICT. I .. S. T. Isltr, AlltJn Uro" n. Adaiu Piu lj.s. . U Nil ON SCHOOL D.STRICT. No. Hi. William pauncrly, W. F. Chaplin, Fiuanu el Pom* ZION S MlOOL DISTRICT. NV 17. R. Turner, Cephas FarrUon, B. H. Bnr: ton. I WILLOW school DISTRICT, N?. ?S. W.'L. W. P.iley, A. D. Dowling, lrvin Jen nings. LIBERTY SCHOOL DISTRICT. No."I". J. L. Gibson, Ruf us Ton, J. H. Livings tan. GOODLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 20. G. R. Sommers, George Baxter, Aaron Ferguson. HEBRON I SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 21. Barny Livingston, J. II. Ax son, Isaac Thompson. ROCKEJ GROVE SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 22. J. H. Phillips, R. W. Boy 1st on, Minus Corbet C HOPEWELL 8CHOOL DISTRICT, Nol: 23. David Jennings, William Peel, G. Hut to. TABERNACLB SflTOOL DISTRICT, No. 24. Kennet Tyler/ Thomas Tyler, David Ty- i ler. Notice is hereby given that all o{ I Wo above named TRt'STEES are required to QUALI FY within 15 days from date, in accordance with the Law. E. I. CAIN, C. S. BULL, T. C. ANDREWS, County Board of Examiners, For Orangeburg County, aus 19 St "NOTICE. OFFICE SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. ' 'P. \ .i.i ]??: CoiUirT, S. C, August Kith, 1871. Notice is hereby give* thai the TRUS TEES Appointed in the various SCHOOL DISTRICTS of Orangeburg County, wilt Proceed at once to tuku the CENSUS of/all the CHILDREN between the ages of six (0) and sixteen (16) years, resident within their respective School Districts, distinguishing between Male and Female,. White and Col ored ; also include in your report ton num ber of School Houses Built, since August 1870, to August 1871, in your respectiv> School District, Material and east thereof, the number Previously Built, Material and cost thereof by whom owned whether owned by Diairict or Private Parlies, also the num ber of School Houses vented to Truttccs, from October 1st 1870, to April ItUtk 1871, and at what price per month. Trustees will also report how uuny Mills on the Hundred have been Assessed on the Property of their respective Districts for School Purposes; sad the CLERK of said BOARD of TRUSTEES, shall Return to this Office a Duplicate Report of the same by 1st of September. Blanks will be furnished by calling st this Office. E. t. CAIN, School Commissioner O. C. tug 10 U orvKR txnwh coHMtmicmzsL, 0*a*OHt?ra*rO?*<y**T, 9. C, $ Autfoirt foth, 1871, Skpthe in hereby gives that all Persons dfv grous of TEACHING la th* FRKI CO*P MON SCHOOLS of tbi* Co??ty,.aW UOtiaW that tbe County Board of Ksattfaare, sW Orangeburg County, will 1m la SVftfoft itf this Otto*, fr?b Monday, ?aa4?Bh?jflitby and continue in gcMiay ?ach day aotlt'tke/ 28d proSirno. All Parsons Wisaiog to* otic tain CERTIFICATES will present. tfa*?V selves te the Beard fow Examination oa ?n* of the above daya. School Trustsfe ere net allowed by law to Employ only !bW BaleV tag Oertinoat*. from tma fetsod.Taaeacr* . Sekael Cltpi mtaeliqay, O. C ?"gl* , ?* OFFICE SCHOOL COa4^ft8gfON?lt, August 191b, 1871. *b.rW a majority ?/ tbe ?mO0?< TRUSTEES of this County aar? ?fe?ed to? Comply with Sect ions 29, GO and M of aar Act entitled "An Act to EstabUaa and Mala tain!* System of Fret Coanaoa Sekaols. &0.," to which their Attention was duly called, the following Section of tbe. same Act is published for the- I&fersaaHen of th* newly appointed Trustees. Theyfa quired to carry it out strictly: "' >vt**? ' ??5*e. 49. An annual meeting "of ea*h School Dislriot shall be held on the last Sat urday of June, of each year,, at 12 w*clock, M., notioe of the time and place being given by the Clerk of tbe Board of Trustees, by posting written or printed notices in three public places of tbe District at least tan days before the meeting." .Special meetings may be called by the 'Board of Trustees, or by a majority ef tbe legal voters of the District ; but notice of such special meeting, stating the purposes for which it is called, ?ball be pouted la at least iureo public places vitbin the District, ten days previous to tbe time of. such meet ing. And no business shall be acted upon at any special meeting not specified- in aaid no tice. ' ' ^ .1 !?'*!>> kt *'"i: * E. I. CAIN, School Commissioner <X C? sag II? *$? OFFICE SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, Ouasucocbo Covxtt, C, Aogadl Kali. ms\. The "ol.'owing Rcaolntteus- were paaacd by ihcRoard of Examiners: I'moir-J, Thai all Oriificalce of. Qualioe* tion. isrucd to Teachers in this County, date! up to Anga.t 1st, 1871, be and the a.\iSki ore hcroby O.nceHed. Knefrtd, TJtat a Session of tbn Board be HeU during the week commencing 18th Hep trai^.--WiTf^4ni^ moi.tii. for the sxaminat'vm ?f Caadixasaa for tbe pro'essien of Teacher, and thnt due Inotice* be g*voa of 'be same through Tua Caastsaaataa Ssws. E. I CAIN, C S. BULL. T. C AN DUETTS, NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ?'?a a so KB I'SO, S C. Aug. HBJsl 1871. Pursnant to Sec. 4 of An Act entitled}4*An Act to Define the Jurisdiction and Dutiea of tbe County Commissi euer*," and : An Act Amendatory thereto, the Board ?I. Canary Commissioners ef Orangeburg County will hold tbfrir ANNUAL MEETING on the FIRST TUESDAY in Sept em ber, 1871. All Claims against the County, must ha ?t?d *i?h<4t* Clerk oft he Beard on or before THAT DAT. otherwise !?ueb Claims w!H not be Audited ?4 Said ANNUAL MEETING. J. FELDER METERS. Cltairmaa B. C. C. JAS. Vi? TASSEL, C. B. C. C. sguIO si KjBJpROBlNSON DEALKB 15 BOOKS, MUSIC A STATIONERY. Pipes, Cigars and Tabtteen, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys and Shades, ENGINE HOUSE. Particular attention to /tecomotodate Cus tomers, and EVERYTHING NEEDED by the Great Reading Pnblic supplied at the I Shortest Nut ice, and Lowe*! Prices. ill?!! ?__'?yg? NOTICE. THE EXERCISES of MISE R. 8. AL BEJRGOTTI's SCHOOL will be resumed < Monday, 11th September, at her. Resident)* off Russell-St reef. By request of Parent* and Guardians, lb* Tuition will be monthly. npiIK WlMKHIt* COTTOK... B Manuitaotcbsb la Atlanta, Ga.?Tbe KuV scribe rs er* tbe Ag-nts far the aal* of ? the above Superior GIN, and bog to call the nitration of Planter* toils Merits. Price $4 per Saw, delivered at any B. F. Station in the Statu. PELZ ER. RODGERS A CO.. Brown A Co.'* Wharf, .aug 2m* Charles?*?, 8. C. Notice of Dismissal TWTOTICR 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the 12th day of 8*piembcr. 1871, 1 wilt tue say Final Account* with tit* HnnwrabU T. C. Andrew?, Judge of Probate, and ask far Lattar* of WnndsuaJ a* Rs??ut?r of th* Estate of E. J. YY. Myers, dee d. B. D. Mf KR*, aug 12?41 ; txMnior.