The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, August 26, 1871, Image 4

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' Dkfk.'CK by a Hun BniaAND.~-Pi.rnga, a hjurII n IIuHgara, was lately the scene ?fit* desperate tragedy. A l'atnqus bun dtfc by the namD of Mnesvansky bod ccz:^ tv iL? lunu io sec a sweetheart. He was recognized ood informed upon. " The house which ho was in wassurround cd, nnd he was summoned toaurrendr. Ho * took rcfugo iu si butcher shop in the basement, and through a hole in the window fircup.upou tho soldiers in front. Tor four hours the fight contiucd, du ring which bo constantly broke out iato fits of fierce laughter, lie wounded dvc Uhlans and the Commissioner of Police. When ho had no wards he loaded with hundred llorin notes, and tho peasants gathered up whatovor of tho fragments wcro to bo louud. At last tho house was fired. Upou this the brigand burned up a package of Lank notes, ? cpencd the wiudow and leaped out, ro ?yolver io hand. The crowd scattered ^??^0 all directions ; but before Maesvan kyj?Vad gottou tweuty paces ofl ho was illcd by n di6ohargo of musketry from c troop. ?to- ? h- i in - iTjicrc aro physicians who contend that lire is no well authenticated case of hy 4*>phobia affecting human beiugn; thut 'is all tho work of the imagination, j&ed on by the fears of the person bit I <on by a mad dog, or ouo supposed to be mad. How do these gentlemen ucco?..' for tho death of a child twenty-ono r^itfoulhs old in Chicago ou the 5th iust., which, about four weeks previously, had been bitten by a rabid dog 1 Tho duc ytt tor in attendance reports thut the child manifested ovcry symptom of rabies, rc //jlAwtog water and all nourishment; u*?<lieeroed endowed with supernatural jjl^a^rength, aud showed all the canine- ten dencies to bite its attendants; and that it died in agony on the four'h day from ?r.t\ tho attack. There was no imagination ?M iV that case, certainly. Bettor that aievory. worthless cur in the laud?muz .lied pt unmuzzled?should perish eud de&lythah that one human being should ,-^1 suffer suoh tortures as tho victim.s of hy ?^?dr?phobia undergo. *iajj#<^-???? ~ ? " ?40>"?AieHKLOns.-,Tho Roman Cc nsore ^'frequently imposed taxes on unmarried *??fefon, and nion cf full ngo were obliged \ by law to marry, unless mentally or phy . mcally disqualified. Tlic Spartan wo mcu, at certain games, laid hold of all tho old bacholors they could get thcii *ljaods ou, and inflicted* on them every n>sx[c?of infam/ and disgrace, dragging 0OQJ3Ka9lK^4kcir altars and handling them very roughly. Iu 1695 tho Eng. lish Parljaoionja^iiid a tax on bachelors ovcrHweoty^rvT years of ago, of twelve pounds and ten shillings for u duke, w,biph was,graduated dowu to one shill iq^Jfop?KsJmmon man. Uncle Sam has been very leoiont to his unmarried ocphowB at all times, but he might do in gO^^pr^P? fyr tuc Vcavy war debt by ^jtomg^ revenue Ctrl' capilxim tux o:i them just now. A l'Veiicliinan said to an American *?Thor? ravon word in your language 1 "fij&not.comprehend, aud all zo limo I tefcaajst<it.v,Tattlctoo, tattlctoo?vat you c moauB ;by .tattlctoo?'" The American insisted that no such word exists in -?Bogltsh. While ho was saying so, his servant came to put coal on the fire, ???j^^id, "Thcro John, that'll do." * ThAjfa'eBigUiuan jumped up, cxcluiming : "Tare, tattlctoo, you sny him yourself, earc j vat mcauB tattlctoo ?"? AT^lichlimn census I higan census-taker found a col ored family named Jones, which had christened, the children "White Eagle," WlrjT,r4^aV:Gock,', ' To ..pest," and "Glad Tidings." It occurred in this way :^Fhey*weTo fugitives from tho sjuth HffiMrf&l rebellion, and settled io ono SPihe towns on Lake Erie. Whenever a chijfd wa? born thoy would give it tho 'tftlftrt/of the first steamboat propeller, or Vessel *-?at arrived ir. nor!. "I have often thought how sad it must hay? beep for those poor lions in tho tfcti Whin Daniel was dropped in among them. How dreadfully must they have felt to ^o1 a sniffling around him and thinking how good he would taste, and tlion Hffffttp ho able to snatch even so much as a solitary small chop oul of the oftf%f^f>auicrHleg!*' .. . An Irish tailor making a gentleman's CoatfiapdiveM. too smnll, was rerjuosted to M'th^n4, out. Some days aflerwurd the gentleman nailing on the tailor, was told tir?tfhfcr 'g.trmcnts happened to lit a countryman of his, and he had "let thom out," at a shilling a wqok. ?e# iy ^*y*A Tip n 8 or Nambs of ,nR^ft^lTlki?lcrB/'or Tinklers, as the S^?l?l? ?all them, were origiually so vi|30 itinerant members of that pftitSsaton Usod to give notice of their l^g^houses \ry making a tink ling noise on an old brass kettle. IT t ?" 1 DR. T. BERWICK LEGARE, RGKON DENTIST, Graduate Baltimore College Denial Surgery. OFFICE MAEKET-ST. OVER 8T0RE OF J. A, HAMILTON, Respectfully ofTors Iiis scrv'toos to (lie PUBLIC in tho Practice of DENTAL SUR GERY ia all it* branches. Specialattention will bo paid to the' PRESERVATION of the natural teeth ; equal oaro being exercised in the construction of ARTIFICIAL SUBSTI TUTES. All operations guaranteed to givo satisfaction. Of?ce hours from 0 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. ami from 3 to C P. M. may 2'J ' e ? ly The People's Bakery. NEXT DOOR TO RED COFFEE POT, East of Presbyterian Chin ch, IltiiscU~St. I am happy to ANNOUNCE to the C1TI /ENS of Orangohurg, that I am now PRE PARED to SUPPLY Foinilcs and Cirn'omers with BREAD, CAKES. PIES, and all other articles generally found in a FIRST CLASS BAKERY. WEDDING CAKE prepared with great caru to suit the moHt fastidous lastos. The PATRONAGE of my friends and fel low-citizens is respectfully solicited. THOS. W. ALBERGOTli. Mrs. ALBEEGOTTI returns thanks for the I'atronnjjo heretofore bestowed, and hopes her friends and Customers will contin ue the same. She will keop constantly on hand an as sortment of FRUITS, CONFECTIONARY and FANCY ARTICLES as usual. dee 10 3ii JUST RECEIVED PURE NAPTHA and LAMP BURNERS, which will be kept constantly on hand by the SOLE AGENT at tho BIG ii 111 jb FAMILY COFFEE POT, ose noon EAST JTvESEYTEUIAN CHURCH. B. E. H. PEARSON TIN WARE of EVERY DESCRIPTION made to order?Wholesale or Retail. RATH 1 NO TUBS. FOOT TUBS. SHOWER BATHS. BAKERS with REFLECTORS, ROASTERS. Any kind of WORK in my Line made and repaired FOR CASH. BLACKSMITH SHOP. IN REAR OF I?ITT1IAA\S 15 A K Kit Y. I71ENST MENTZKL oilers h-s SKI:VIOLS 2j to tho Public as an EXPERIENCED 15LACKSMITH, FAR 111 EH, ?^e. All work in his'line properly and well done, lie is experienced particularly in Horso Shoeing, june 10?tf ERNST METZEL. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON (Formerly of tho New York Rar.) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A T Ii A W , OIlAAUEBl RtJ, N. C. july 8 If COOKIE & COOKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 0 Ji A N G /; J} U It G, ,S. C. Will attend to BUSINE8S in any of the STATE and tho U. S. COURTS for the District of South Carolina. T. II. COOKK. II. P. COOKE. T. IT. COOKE, Trial Jnslice, will 1TTEND PROM PTLY to all RUSINESS entrusted to his car?. If. 1?. COOKE, Trial Just ico, Low vil le, S. C. june 25 tf NOTICE. Dr. CHARLES R. TAPER offers his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the Citi zens of Orangcburg and vicinity. Office at the Drugstore of Dr. Olivcros. Residence "Oak Villn," Broughtcn Street. may LJ 3t REEDER & DA VIS, and Ociicnil Commission Merchants, Arfijer'x Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. OawKt.r. Rssosa. Xjmmkrmas Davis ocl 15 flm W. L. W. IULEY TRIAL JUSTICE, Iteaitfeiire In Fork of K<llNto, ALL RUSINESS ENTRUSTED rdll bo promptly and carofully attended to. july 23 ly FALL A WINTER IM TO UTA TI ON 1871. RIRRONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. Armstrong, Cater ?& Co. MPORTERS and Jobbora of Bonnet, 1 _ Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, R?nnet Silk'. Beiina mid Volvcts, Hlonds, Notts, (.'rapes, Ruches, Flowers, Feat herd, Orna ments, Straw Rennets and Ladies' Hals, Tri mined and Untriinmcd, Shakers, II noils, Ac, 237 and 238 Baltimore Street, Balti more. Mil. Oifcr Iii? largest Slock lo bo found in Ibas Country, ami unequalled in choice, variety and cheapness, comprising tho latest Eu rflpean novelties. Orders solicited, und prompt attention ?i\en. aug 12?it AN ORDINANCE l or the RETTER PRESER VATION of til? TREES etc. in the PlliLK STREETS of ORANGERURG, ?? C>, mid For other Purpose*;. Skot!OX. 1. He it Ordaintd by Cio Mayor and Aldermen in Council assembled that, on and after tho First day September 1S71, any Person or Persons found hitching or tying their Stook, such its HOUSES, MULES cct.,- In any or tho TREES in tile Publio 8troot of the Town of Orongoburg, S. C, shall bo subjected to a lino of five (:>) dollars for eaeh and ovary offence; balf of the fines collected to b? paid to tiio informer v.dien bringing with liim sufficient proof to convict. ? 8ae. 2. That a fine of five (G) do'iars bo Imposed upon any ono who shall ride their Horse, Muto '!tc, on the SIDE-WALKS at said Town ; or caused .to have HITCHED, of TIED, their Slock, such as UorHOS. Mules etc., so as to offer an obstruction or obstacle to tho free passage of Citucus on the side walk. ? Bi'.c. S. That any ILm-bc, Mule etc., found running nllargc hi tho Public Streets of Haid Towa^hall be taken Sinn custody by the Town Marshal, and lodged for nafe kcpping till the owner como forward and p!'-nv.. ??? ?perly and pa/ into the Treasurer or the Town Council five (?r>) dollars lor each and every head of Slo?k SO confined. In Lira event 11 to an id flnn is not paid, the ter rioes of said animals shall bo appropriated for the use* of en id Corporation, until such time a<. Mio FINES and EXPENSES arising thereby may he redeemed. 8kc. 4. All Ordinance or parts of Ordi nance contrary or repugnant to U>la Ordi nance is hereby repealed. X. A. RCLL. Ma v?r. R. J. 0L1YER0S, Clerk. Aug 5 . 2t The State of South Carolina, 6r a n qjbburq co unt v, IN TIMAL .ItSTlCK*? COLIIT, William 11. Rur! on. "1 Summon** for (Hearer) Phi "nt iff, j Money "cmnud against !- (Complaint T. Addison Murphy, 1 Hol defendant. Served.) 7'o T. Add-on .V.irjd;-/, Vtfcndqnt] in Itnt Aclnn. ?> Von arc hereby summoned and required to bo nnd hppoar before Thompson M. Cooke, Esquire, n Trial Justice in aud !'?>? i!o> Cumir ty ami Stale r.lorcsiiil, on the twenty-eighth day i?Y Auguvl, 1>>TI, at ten n'eloofc lb the forenoon, ai his Office in the Town of i Ir.tngc bnrg, in the County and State aforesaid, to litis wer the Complaint of tlx.' Plaintlfi in this Action, which is filed in the Office of tho said Trial Justice. If you fail !o answer Hie Complain! afore said, at the time and plrtCe.aboVe mentioned, the l'laintitl" Will haVedudgmen! against you for lue" sum <d" Dfty dollars with interest at thorate of one and one-half pci c.enlmii per month from the twentieth day of December. Anno Domini l^V?', and for the costs of this action. 17.LAlt ? DlltHfiE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dateil at Ornngtdmrg, 8. C., Jltfte 20, iS7l. Witness niy Hand nnd Seal. T. }1. VoOKE. [ L.S.] Trial Justice To lite Defendant T. Add-on Murphy: Take notice that the Summons iu thil Ac tion, of whioh tho foregoing is a copy, whs Filed in the Office of Thompson It. Ciioko. Esquire, Trial Justice al Oraiigvburg, i.i the Stale of S,mill Carolina, uii lit." lliiitocuth dny of Julv. F;< 1. IZLAll & DIDDLE, Plaintiff'h Attorneys, Ihls'su)! Street-, Orangcbdrg, S. I\ July I t, 1871.r-l3 ' C1 The State of South Carolina, oranjqeninte corntv. IN TIIK TRI AT. J?STI?K'8 CO?KT, Deopohl I.<>uis, "j Summons for Plaintiff, Money Demand, nsaiasl ? (Complaint T. Addison Murphy, not Drkudaut. Served.) To T. AddU.n Murphy, I'.fndnnt in Jh '^ Ac. ttou ?? y/ou are hereby summoned and requtr.? J t<i bcand appear before Thompson II. Cooke, Esquire, a Trial Justice in nnd for the Ooun ty and State aforesaid, oq the twonty-oighth day of August, 1K71. at leu'o'clock in the forenoon ,al his Otlice in thoTowu of Orange burg in the County and Siato aforesaid, to answer Iho Camp! tint of Doopold Louis, the Plaintiff in this Action, which is Filed in the Office ot the said Trial Justice If you fail to answer the Complaint afore said, nl the time and place above montioned the Plaintiff will tako Judgement against you for the sum of sixty-two dollars, togeth er with the ocsis of *hc action. I XL A K ft DIDDLE. Pleintiffs Attorney*. Dated al Orangcburg, S. ('.. .1 unu'J?, 1871. Witness my Hand and Seal. T. S COOKE, [L.S ] Trial Justice. To the Defendant T. Addison Murphy.' Take notice that tho Summons in this nc lion. of which the foregoing is a Copy, was Filed in tho Ollice of Thompson II. Cooke, Esq., Trial Justice, at Ornngcburg, in the County of Orangeburg, in the State oCSouth Carolina, on the thirteenth day nt July, 1871. lAiiaa tv min.i.r., Plaimill's Attorneys, Russell Street, Orangeburg, S. C, July 14. 1871.?15 lit The State of South Carolina, OR A NC, K H U KG COTJ NT In Common Elk as Mnnhn M. Rlnmian, ) Rill for Adin'x of j Account to Absalom Stroman, dead. ! Marshal Assets vs. for ? Watson A. O'Cain, late I Injunction and Ordinary, el. al. J Relief. The Creditors of Absalom Sli oman, dro'd, nrc hereby notified iiiai iiiey aro required, by an ortior in Iho above slated case, Io pre sent and prove their several and respective demands boforo mo, on or before the Diih day of September next, or Ihey will be de barred payment. C. P.. C.I.OVF.K. aug 12?Ct Referee. T. F. Riiodih. R. R. Hnnoixs II. C. Hondixa, BBODIE ^ CO. OITON FAGT0H8 AN-Ii COMMISSION MERCHANTS, &?RT? A TtsA NTW WUARF, CHAUESTON, 8. C. Liberal Advances made on Consignment. llKFr.n to Andrew Sinumds, Esq., Prcs't let National Rank, Charleston, 8. C. wnj 21 weo tt JUST iRECEIYED Another cheap LOT of RAGON. An assortment, of AUGUSTA FLOUR* l'iiiMB white western corn. LIQUORS from Si.00 upward*. Cheap BUG Ali nnd COFFEE. MOLASSES and SYRUP. .- ALSO rar sale Ono TWO IICRSE WAGON. Ono JERSEY WAGON, fot?r /scaled ontl nowly paint cd?Wan ant cd. Also set of TWO HOUSE HARNESS. CHEAPEST LOT Or PUT,.- AND CIGARS IN THE VILLAGE I w. rr. i\ruLT^iT:it. juno 1? tf $500,000 TO BE GIVEN AWAY! TH?3 SOUTH GABOLI 1ST A. AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION Under the ntispicos the ."South Carolina Slate Agricultural af}d Mechanical Society," will give a SERIES OF CONCERTS, lit the Academy of Musi.-,,.. Choi leal on.-S. C, commencing October 1st," 1871. for tha of raising a fund i? enable emigrants to'setllc upon Iniuls selected by the Association for homes of Nor thorn and European farmers nn<l ci hers, iu the State of South Car-;I::in, and for their transport.ition thither and support for Iho first year. REFERENCES IN SOUTH -CAROLINA ?General Wade Hampton. Hon. B. F. Perry. Governor M. L., (teuer;.! Johnson IIjvgQod, linn. Ariuistcad Hurt, Hon. James Ohesnnf, General John R. Preston, IL n. W. 1). Simpsoffj Andrew Simouds, Esqi", Hon. (S. A. Trenbolm, Governor.!. L. Miiurnng; Hon. J. p.. Campboll $500.000 tobe awarded to the Ticket Hol Mrs of tiii Series of Concerts to Coeimoncc on the First of October, 1^71, at the Aohdemy of Mode, Charleston, S. C-, on' which day tlic Drawing commences. i ."is),000 Scoaoei Ticket* of A?itriiH?iott, and no tildCC, at $7i eneli All the premiums, including Duod and Cirtificata of Title to Academy of Music, will be deposited with Iho National Bank of Hip Republic, Now ^ oik. S50CXOOO TIN (i.ll^TS. 1 at Gift, Academy of Music Charleston, S. C. cost in build $2:t0.0fK), having nn annual rental of about$20,000 from Opera IlOnse, fctorea nnd Halls; the building heing about 280 feel by GQ, arid situated corner of King and Market streets, in the centre of the city, and well known to be the finest building arid mast valuable property iu Charleston ; val ued at.250,000 Gift?Cash......1 ?)(?.< !<n? (?iO?Qash.25;000 Gift?Cashr..10.(100 C.ifl?OM.wh.."._5,000 2nd. 3d. Ith. 5th. 25 2"> ?50 250 BOO 1250 Girts?rGnso.each Oifis?Qash.each Gifts?('ash. .c ich Gifts?Cash.,.,-,.each Gifts? Caul..??.e,?oh Gifts?Cash.cadi ::.(><;?>.25,000 500.lli.iKM) 10Q.85.000 f.d.?12.500 I ?.12.500 2,4(1! Gifts, amount lo.$500,000 rctler. onADwroK, <; \i:v & Op., ?.Af/'iify South ('(imfiitii liuvil uuil fnitnu^/'tith^n AfsocJniioh, General M. C. BUTLER, JOIP.' til \P.\V1C\', Esq.; <???? t-WH M. W. G\RY. < lharleston, S. C. COMMISSI'? '.,'.. V.S' \\ Ii SfrpmtX'lSohb rtP till A WIXO: General A. I!. Wright. "; 1 General Bradley 'i'. J.ohhsoli, il Y ' j iiiic 10 Colonel F.. If. Rullcdgj of South Carolina, lion. Roger A. I'ryjdVj of New York. tf 25 cm SAVED IS 25 eis. MADE! GEO. Ho COIiNELSON IS NO'V (M'l'l'.'il.NC 'pjE LAlKlEST STOCK ? () K HViWSi} GOODS LOWEST V\nrK<\ ( ? H ;V.f ! ; A I JO A I ,, 1?. CaTl bulVirc I?11 v * i ? vr <d-i hIi ?:? ?>. und r>xanii!;i. Iiis: SiVl MC. nw?! -t in ?? of LATEST Vtutl MOST DES I HA DEE &TVLES of cvarj VAHIETV DRESS PRINTS, c VtfSLM.KEEvJ, conns. ct'TT Also the LARGEST SELECTl >N i f Ready-mado Clothing, Boots and Shoes of EVERY SI Y I.E and PRICK. Vail,Otic and i-l, and t er -.:!,-? yo-K -?!. \ \ ? TROUBLE TO SHOW GpOD?. . GEC). II. OORNELKON. npl 22 out U k ly NEW ARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT!!! ^E, WILES &; GO., I) ESPECTTl ELY INFORMS THE CITIZENS QR ANGER URO COUNTY THAT \ they have purchased CAHRIAGE SHOPS AND WORKS OF 'II I OS. RAY And arc CARRYING ON tho R I A c; 1 : I l X J B I ISi E S 9 In al) its BRANCHES. Ordersl n with HS will be PROMPTLY FILLED. (Ml kinda or REPAIRING NEATLY DONK iimlWilh DISPATCH. COFFINS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. DOI TE, WII.F.S A <'<>.. ?lee 17 e Orangeburg, S C. TjtTOi LI) INFOPM TIIE PUBLIC Til AT IIP is STILL CARRYING ON THE CAR VV ringe Making in all ii< var.ion.? Iirutiche! tind will M.inui'.ieiiire <>r llopalr'at 0:0 Shortest Notice, all Carriages, Ilngglejj or Wagons. And n:-? also prepared with NEW PRESS AND C %I TO <iIN A NI ? PACK COTTON SHORT* NOTICE. Cotton GINNED AT MY MILL pas brought from \ to J cent more than that Ginned on the OOliitnori Gins. oct 6 aid 2 -lv . Ii". RIG GS. THE L1VE11TOOL mm Fire Insurance Company. ( APH AL?GOLD I7,O0(),OOO.?O, II AS estaee1sii KD AN AOK^OY IN OR ANGER PRC, S. (J. the Terms of ibis W l.LI, A A"> IJ .V ?LD KXtJLJS// C " <7/UA'P are l' AIR, and the Security it offers, Absolute. Apply to JAMES! H. EOWLES, Agout, At Qithten'a Savings liauk. .:ilAi;LES T LOAYM'Ks, t; \ ?< nt, Charleston, &, C: jait 2Jivl o CtU Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &e. p. P. TO ALE, MjiiHiiacltircr Raid J>tjjiier, No. -0 Iliiync Street and Ilorlbuuk'e Whurf, ClIARMOSTOX, S. Q. JB*38r"-This is tbi> borgte' nnd most - Com plete Factory of ITit? kind in the Southern Stales, aud nil articles in tl?is line can bo furnished by Mr. P. P. at prices which defy competition. l>.y A pamphlet with fulj an 1 dctaAl.ed. list of all sites of Doors Hash'eVand liflmls, and the prices of each, will bo sent free and post I'i.i fj ou applicatiod to i?. 1?. TO.ilLi;, (HA It I. KS ION, S. f. july l? weg If METALIC CASES. THE DNRF.RSIONEt) H AS OX IT AVI) all of tho various Sizes <>f Hie above Crises, which can lie (urnislic i immediately on .ap plication. Also mnriiiiHc)fires VTOOD COFFINS as usual, and at the mImji U-M no: ice. Apply to H. HTCOS, mar ???Um Carriage Manufacturer. FIEE INSURANCE. tjij: iit<n.Ho.\i> rank 1"> and insurance C ? .H V a N V, O?op I2?2 M<>>:, tinii 12/? &/?,*/.?, iticuM?N Pi ? V"A JOHN P. davis. President. * .1?>hn V. r. poyts. SecToiary. mann S. Q?ARLES, Cashior. t. Ii. staeki-. General Ag at Irnvin? lln> d ir. (Qfit, 17. a. l'-70.) r? Cpfvcd tub n; i ''i.t; i ?'.' .s'.l.N'i' I' < i an gob ur g ot t!tr>nhovu l> ? I. RAN CK. COM dan v,. I ma prepared ;?< tuico DISKS bn Stpfrlj, s!'?<-? ?? of Mcr-'o-io' ant rii .\ ? .' iugs nt vea* ru!i4s. JOHN A. l!AMtT?.i)\. Ag?ttl for irr Itfclttro : I IJ fuS^tig nn.R.iusur&i ? ? i ?? io , iy. an i SontKei'f I.iTu iim?:: .,???????'???.;? n-y. Mark?!-?'.., O. aa-.?!>.iv/. C. not 22 j y Citizens S.vvl-5-vihr. \Y-u;l.i \m v:; d i?d2 .i SO. P. TM? r\! \ A. IDOvvi"'.'fit! .!. Ki P.. SM' i H, ?'t ??i.r II ?-t:-...-. k t'iIom ?s. A". Mr.'d >^ n a. r. ?? ..'k . a.. I'.i.l I.. . i; Pi ' . ?V I l.MAM >l - . D.'1'm.? IGiicua v K. ???-. oiia-n;::!;; i;.i \>>' AT ; t: ' ? EA'fclSlS 5 5 Ol'31.*... S?U?tTQiiS. Messrs GLOY-ER $ tJI.;>7K*?. i.uiM. r;x.\.\r>: n>-M virrsz. Hon THOS. \V. or.OVEi'.. Col. MIL s. IE I DBlii* ' Capf. JO'lN A. 11 a.Mil. TON. ? .?1SSFS TA XT CA SHIER. JAM KS H. FOWKKS. l><>t>osl(? oT 81.OO and Upward ? ;itccclvcd. INTEREST allowed at 7 per cent, on 8pi cinl Certificates of Deposit. On Ordinary Savings Doposils, C, per ftoal. will be Compounded every six months on Ac counts. jan '21 c Gin The State of South Carolina OR A NGK11U IUI I?31"N'i*Y. In IV.onATT. ('ticttT. J. Milliard Hook, Plaintiff, ] John a. K. ffolmnn and t)livia Gahia wife, an 1 iinia V. 11 ook. and Petition, for 1 ill 111 ion. j T. Hook, William R. Hook. Nicholas I.. Hook and Edwin Dec Hook, ll appearing to my sal is faction ?hat Vic toria Hook, Snlhuo] T. Hook, William D. Hook, Nicholas L. Hook and Edwin Lee Hook, five of Iho Defendants in the above slated Action, reside without tho limit* of this Slate ; it is ordered, Thai they do ap pear and object to iho Division or of iho llenl Estate) of l'eter Hook, daconsed. on or before the I went i<-tb day of October, A. D. ? 871, or their Consent Io the same will be cn n re i of Record. TH a D. o. ANDREWS, Jurigo of probate. July 10th. 1871.^22^12? Tlio State of South Carolina. oi;ANui:i:ri;'-.; coi ntv In Common Cdkas. A'ui E. Poosor, V'a'x, "i of Will or (5eo. H. Poo?er; dec. | et. al. vs. John R. Mi Hi ous, ?I. al. ? Complaint n\ Injuuciieii. M ii ? lldlliii? Assets nnd Holicf. Ry Virtue, of an order in lilts cause, the Creditors of the Estate of Hie lato Oeof^re II. Vooser, dacoksed, ifre bivfbitiad frotW pi-ose^ cutiug or enforcing their deinnpds In sepa rate tietiens, and arc roquired lo file the same in (he (Mevk's Ollice of the Copn flit Common PIM? Ibr Ornng^ur^Gottiil.y, on ?. r bef.-i-e lha fird dav of Sent fnfi n sf. Clerk's ORice", ? | GEO. D<M. Vi. It, if. C. D. Clel k's t)nice, ? I Ornncebuig COnnly, S.(\ v June fltnh, IS71. ) jury 1 *J1VA mJTVrER AT JSifc 4^s^& AMD? ? r/A<ifJH in:/;a . A?iKR HUE j HAS A dieusjtkios dls and coyer d in New-York." : " 'V ? * \ ? I Jus Beer from a dozen 'ttfEsreni nre. vi and all were found adulterated wUJrlioaiou i : ubslaugt. : It is said, that the sale of Drugs lo Brewers, ia a -jroaiaele part of the trade. Tiii-* 'ih p' i d'ccily infamous Cocculue indious (firfh berry) nux-vomiceT (dog button) front v.-hieb ctrjrvbninc is obtained, ere some of I lie ilelt-etdbis .-;abstances fouud in Hear! These arc potent poisons, ami the Brewer found usinK tbcm should be drowned at ouca in one of Ins own vats. P. S.?I am willing to b* drowned in wjr vate, if any impurities ?hould be. found in my Beer. 1 shall continue to make a healthful Beverage, so that it mcy be drank by tbo njost delicate without the least de.ngcr. JOHN t). SEE?EBS, Columbia. S. O. !'..-,? ? by Uie oaek or otherwise"; Ev MCI'ONL'Y .V :-'AlN. ' ggf: j.m t o . m/ WASHINGTON HOUSE BY Mrs. M. W. Stratton, conxkn '?' ' ? .,?> ? ?; ER V A IS Sc ASS KM 15!A' STREETS (OLVSllJIA, S. f? Convenient to the Greenville and Charleston) Railroads and ihn Business portion of the <"i?y. Kate of Transient' Board?Two Dollars' " ;! v \ ~ jjcr Dxy. ? - ' Regu'.nr Bor,rd'cvs received ot Reasonable Bates, ?.- . ' dec 10 tf C^BlNJE't* SIIOJ?. \\T A. Bl'bb offer* hi.< services to Iho V> of Orang&burg County as CABINET In all Eunerals attended wijh prompfrTeft*. Old FO.UNlTURJi repaired oud made new. ABo Varnished without/ b^ing removed. Shop on tho Eastern side of the Railroad. 6}te me a trial. 1 w ill nie. build Buggy mvl Wagon Wheels' acid Bodies cheap si than anybody also in ? fg. WM. A. BULL, mur 11 ??f Tico D*iltri per-AwtMfill ;"v>_, yDLN't'i M I'd ELL. L?.u:r A.V.)'.SU-*... '-r ?iu? r> -.'. I! -I. .Iii?. 14. ?'-* l.ll IM-MRILS TilK CI PI . 1 ? f- -.'mi L' and Vicinity that Iiis N RW S f<)RR on Rus . 1 iween Messrs. Briggmaun ? 1 M '< . .! ?!:? A .Linos, with a comploto i\ TilER, \-n... and ibai he has . . .:. H 10 till all (h 'U'U ,1 II l.rl cd fo h'.m. r . '-: Thanking the Public for past pa'.t?rV?ge, respectfully solicits a coutinm.neo of tho ? . '1UR.M? CASH, fib 5 oct 23 tf CAROLINA BITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. We take great pleasure ih offering the OH) GA UODtN A BITTKRS to thn public. They or'e compounded with great c p. and contain some of the best Ton ??? '?' " -. ,.s vtifenov OMIM superiority r.f our BfTTlJ.RS over all others, we h ivo c'lrt-ilioates fvom many of the lead in;? physicians in our State*, ?-i>o bavo pre scribed them in their practice. The OT,l> CAteOIJXA BJKTTll^ Will be found invaluable for. Want of Appeitile, . u,i<itvmi ?-...itfiy. . . Ctiills nnd Kovor, ?'. nnd Dyspep?;?. We do not offer our BITTERS "as a euro, for all diseases; but as nn Aromatic Tonic, they "have no equal. Fe?' earn by l?in:':?i*ls nnd Grocers orery-. wlic^?. Principal Depot. G < )0 D EIC i I. W1X EM ANT A CO.. Im] . ?! - o( Chplce Drugs nnd CEemU. Is, Cha mar 6' i^WATER WHEEL, Mill Goarinf,Shaf[in|8 Pulleys ^rlsEMO roRA?<ncutns_i&i Kpl .10 ,, >y ' ' \NT>LF..>, SOAP and MAfCfclK*, lo* / d-.wi'. C dl on " W. A. MEROXET A CO