The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, July 22, 1871, Image 2

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Acts and Joint llomHition* FiiRsed by (lie 7,e2is!nttn>?W lion 1870 jukI 1871? ? -, * roint Resolution i Malting tin Appropria tion ~of forty Seven Jhoumnn Dollars for t/ct. Vvmpfetibn vfjth* StateLuna tic Anyfam, and for Other Purposes. Skfflhn ?. Be it resolved by, tha uatc nud House of Representatives of the State of . South Carolina, now met jjnd aittiug in Gcuoral Assembly, and by ffie authority of the-sninc , That tho sum of forty thousand *"^&-jSM?ffi bo and the same is hereby, appropriated, if so much be necessary. to completcte tjlie |?fjri^ufcd Wing Of* the- State lunatic ^J^bxitled, That a'contract slmll into bctweeu the board of nd tho contractor, specifyiug tlio weil k'to'be done, and the manner of doing the aaiifr/,' and the said contract to be approved according to law before any portion of tho appropriation *%KC. 2. That the sum of five thou . ennd dollar.; (9,0,000) 1-', ar/d the .-aloe is hereby, appropriated'to purchase Xur " niture for the. building known as the (<j._... ..?..i:..'.- >* - i V ' ' ? ???'??? ?- ? - "ssw 2cyt>..iil ?hu to loimau ine "oui '^Mylum'." * Ltc. 3. That t.*ie sum of two thou sand, doilurs(82,000) be, and the same , is hereby, appropriated for the purpose . 'of building chimneys and furnishing stoves for heating the "old ?sylum." SEC 4. .That.the above appropriation of forty-seven thousand dollars shall be paid by the State troasurer, upoli the. ovder of Ihn board of regents of the State lunatic asylum, approucd by the Govcruor, and the Bnid orders shall be. vouchers for the same. Appproved March G, 1ST 1. *t? ?? ? . . Joint-Resolutions Anfhorszit*g A. R. Taylor, Henry Arthur ami oth rs, of Dexington county, to ci n iuue, for a Term of Tu? years, tiro Gnies Fr c a?>4v 'i^f'"' -* teil l\'/ them Across the Old State Road, iu ^r7/..7 County, at the beginning ami Terminur, of their Plar.tinq Lands. lie if resolved by the Seuato and House of Representatives of the State * of South Carolina, now met nnd sitting ihority of the same, That A. R. Tay v lor, Henry Arthur nnd others, of the county of Lexington, be, and ibey are ^C'Wcrcr/y, authorized to continue, for a ?^'^Crm of two ycar?.two gates erected by 'them ?erT.?5 tl.c old State r<>nc, in Kaid : county, at the beginning and terminus *Tlrr?fJthcir planting lands. Approved March 2, 1871. 4? m.<&W'X i I-. ? ? . ? . * '-??'????. mh' tU ffk? . jyi *$?rV^'' ^cso'"'.,0'( autfiori.iiig the Staff AMditor aftd County Coiumkaioncrs to KT*-. ? \ 1 -. \ levy certain Tan s. ->* 9t8*ip f\ \u ?::. ? ?.???; ? . Be jt resolved by tho Sccato nnd House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting ..i in General Assembly, and by the au psti ifesfyrS^ -jne sfnici That the Stato An I'lmwiff] ?In^udijU.? ft. bcreby authorised ^^d.,dito etc d to levy, arid cause tobe collected, a tax not exceeding seven (7>* mills.on :t dollar on all taxable property the State are hottby authorized to levy and cause-to be collected, a tax not to exceed three (3) mills on a dollar on the en^Haxohlo property, in the respective coun tics, Ihr thufiswil year 1^71. Approved March 1, 1871. ^v0^r>^"sor!i v.! I-. ? ? ? -'johlt Resolution authorixiua thr State |Ojj?:.J hilft i?ui V/r-f! ,"T I/-."' Treasurer (,, rf-im star* of t/,c State of Soiflk"Ci?.*li,ta. **a* 'lie il 11.>,olved, by the Senate aud . *?THo?80 of Representative* of tho State\ ,,,! oP^ottfti Carolina, now met and sittine *** fti General ArsCmbly, and by the au thority oi the tame. That tho State' Treasurer is' hereby authorized1 and di rected to i.-sue certificates of State of "v ^uin'mm^lctSo. 53. for due July -1, 1?70, interest G percent.; No. 72, for ?1,000, due August -1,1870, 'interest 0 per cent., to Riuah S Cohen, HpCxccutrix of S T Colieu. Approval March 7, J871, '*p*X ??'x^VrVAl ^? .. Joint R* solution authorising tfe fattftrney MtroU flsmral to jUnxAase ?:ji;lr proof tajc iSoA'rt gjf fo At1ornr:r #,/> Of 0+i> M ^aCl . bt S t?j ? He it. ics(dvi d by Lbc Senate and llonfle :Q??^pr?setitativcs of ihr- State 'aioltna, now met and sitting 1 Assembly, and by tho au-' f the same, That the Attov i il 1-". and be i:? hereby, a'utC'o.r rized to pnrchtise a (ire proof safe, for thu used the Alforuej-Gvncrnl's orace,at a oust of not mote than eight hundred dollars. Approved Man li 0, Jf-71. aural p. ??lit>Klt >I KVT3US?KdItob, E2& M...... tutt -xsr. THf^flMM SATURDAY, JULY 1871. Every article for the Orakukbvmu Nbwh dual bo accompanied by (be real natrieo* the author-not necessarily for publica. tiou, but.os a guarantee of good fuith on the part of the writer. Tho Homestead. Tho Fall Term of the Supreme Court trill probably determine some Homestead questions of vlto 1 importance to-thoic who, losing their Homestead lose their nH-who . npr?n an advcr60 decision, will 4. ? e* it?o ' i i . '-? ... be driven into tho world without a rnof trcc to shelter themselves, their wives or their little fries. Wo arc firm belicvors in tho justice of a generous und comprehensive "Homo* stead Law. Such u law, wa believe, subserves the highest' interests of people and of State, and ought, iu all fairness, to be construed liberally aud promptly in lu-vor of those seeking tho bom-fit of J' its provisions Wc Lolievo the tenor of the decisions in this and other States to be, that the right, when once acquir ed, is iualicnablc. and is to he consider i ed not merely us an immunity to be en ?? ? ? . r ? i joyed by the individual, hut ns n high boon, conferred and to be considered iu that spirit of profouuder justice which considers all contracts whether of prior or subsequent date, as much subject to, j and as certainly made in reference to, the changes and chances of municipal law, ns the police or health regulations of any country or government. That the law makers meant well is obvious enough, but that they were upt always fuccccaful in making their meaning as clear as they might have ?on.6, i.? equally plain from tho number of Homestead cases which havo been be t?r? the Courts during the last three or lour years, l tiefe Crtses nave, generally, wc believe, been decided iu the spirit we have mentioned, and it is evident from tho opinions of the Supreme Court in several important cases determined on appeal last December, that the construe- ! jioii of the Homestead Law entertained by thnt Court is ono cdOfijatent with the policy and spirit uot only of the consti tution under which, but of the times iu which, rc live. That tl?c" luw itself, an far as opera ting upon pricr obligations, is repug nant lo a certain theory of jurispru dence, ia unquestionable, but tho history of the Courts of England as well as of this country?in fact of all Courts for which the common law was cither the cradle gr the nurse?proves happily and unquestionably that there is progress not only in tho maker/, but iu tho ex pounders of law?-that the spirit of ad vance has entered into uot mcroly the letter of the law "which killcth" but into tho interpretation thereof which is "unto lire." Our Aim, and the Means to Obtain it. .Not fin 11? from ?? beloved couoty, hu?, from all seotions of tha State, glad tidings of a happy fcaVon and high anticipation of a fruitful harvest, moke joyful tho tongues of the. {flow-worn husbandmen. Summer winds, preguant with tho pollcu of inuturir.g crops, wanton with their burden, aud bhowor their bouuly ?veti upon the little patches that the city man has consecrate .1 to tho kitchen. God has blessed us to our very door steps aud mother earth, tip to the sills of our windows, teems with her ripe and ripening fruits. Once more the common remark is that men begin already to a living chance, a chance to stand beyond grinding pov erty, a chance for there who do not yield to success, but. taking hold upon it with cinrgy, pnah forward to the achievement of a twofold fajyfagjt, tho one in doing the utmost present f/oofl with what wc have, and the oilier in so ?-!- '-? ..?_-? using it as to make it have some, inatc ritil effect on the result of the futuro. However much we may possibly en joy the blessing* which God may send uii, ?fliuu no iihtc uuucjju, our uuiy is but half completed. Our duty towards bur.' ourselves is hut' half (rtgelmrged, for we havo permitted not that tho seed of bounty should spring up and bring forth fruit U tho honor of the giver, but have ?imply received, enjoyed and hidden it away ; aud so, towards tho great giver, wc aot not tho part of the faithful stew ard but of that untrustworthy oub, wlnv when ho. saw the glitter of the talent, saw also ouly the pleasure of his Master in preserving it unused and untarnished, aud so wrapped it f?ay carefully. The koy-ii&c H-h* ? 'p?r&cfc',,T.nt!icui of life is duly. moral, duty, an 1 thitt mu tual. God blesses US. (lies,: his blessings (US rrirT ..-<:? t-.->v.Io<? u-j ?? ? should by us be mal.: to redound to hi? honor aud glory, aud if then our. soup, of thanks giving nervod with a tone of mcrV ited "w. 11 dmeM vibratvs-th;-.ugh mortal wcakiics.--, ot tlie gates of Heaven, . it wiJJ be re-cnforced in the full purity nfits . ?? _ w > ?>".';'? ... intention,J^tbc "spirits uf just m-n ma lo p?;i feei,'": pronuiMvu llj them inglorious chorus at tho throno of Gnd. tlnu j to b? embellished by the never ftNldln** mmm tone of his '-'well dotie." ? \ ?< 1 . i ? ? - Again, life is a never, ending series of duties. and n wt II spe.i.t Ufo ???u;.s'm.s of duties well Acquitted. Aid lie is two fold, that is, material and immateii il. or wo urn}' siy, animal ami morr! For the guidance of these our (Jjuorcnt CXleteti ? God h'ts planted within ui lurcllect aud sentiment, or wo may say mind and heart. And to God are we ve-?p[tflstt&j liO| 0 ily thai our heart-: shall properly a ml pi\.Ul.i bly direct us as moral beings, but lo him in au equal degree arc we acvnntable that cur Uiiudf ?1; ill, i:: like direct u> as animal beings. him who doubts this vet in violation of til y of God';: laws as ' established in in tore and he. will no Imiger tliMtlit that hli his a penalty to pay, whip It will wreak its deuinud through many chanml*, and fi>r pofS'bly. a hug time. This unily of r - sponsioilify *<> God in our two fold ex's - eure throws irresistibly over our mental, i a eoloro 'moral SC,.~'o)ii-)ibi!ity ; and ho who so acts as to bnug misfortune up >n h:s frieuds pr household, feels, undeniab'y. his accountability to sonic authority higher than either, and that authority is , 1 think, Go 1. As to our household so to our Tri snd*, and as to our frjcndd so to our neighbor^ do we stand iu a position of ruLtivo d *ly and thus does this circle of our duty ex tend, from neighbors: lo the on'cTrclftig of the conitnunity, nml tin lo embracing the State, and iu as much as wc diligently' diaeh-trge these duties d i wj reap the approval, first of the Statu then the community, the' congratulations of our friends tho mutual enjoyment and rinde of our happy 'Homes, and in them the bountiful reward of virtu >us uflbrts. It behooves us then, as men in this tho promise of prosperity, m to prepare ourselves, as that "nt its coming wo may may be found having made preparations' so as to use it, that it tun}' do its largest and greatest benrfit. Let our little crop make us think nit>o of our neighbor's orop, and the crops tit large in tho Sfe-0 Let us wish the Stnto prosperity, nrraltc tcrmine to Work earnestly and faithfully to eiiret that, prosperity. And let u.s I work with a will, aud work together for the rcdomption' of the Stale, not only from poverty pecuniary, but nino politi cal. Let us look outside of our fences land lift vp our head.-, feeling assured tuat ijed propn>i s to bless those who deserve well, and who accept all things a? happening, by Hin pleasure- Let our foot slrsy beyond- the furrow and our hearts beyond tho hearth, our interest; overleap the fences, and with a spirit ef liberal inquiry, ask what can he done for tho future. Ftcl that we have passed through a sceno of chastcuiiig of pride that was blind, of starvation, of f olly that was reckless, l.iy aside this pride, lay aside this folly, let tins bu the l?ssbn of the past find let it close Lot us stand upon the present like men, mid with higher resolve look calmly and fearlessly around u?, peiio upon the is sues of the day, live fraues, resolved to represent truth with energy and achieve a position at tho rudder, (/ling not to the past with its fallen gh ry crowned with failure. Cherish-ii aye if you will as much as you will in your sentimental j associations of social I if". Hut lay it aside outside of fbnl, ris Utterly worth* -_??~. i^jfiWjai^ less for good und powerful for the work - J ipg ofd'isseosion. With it, banish from 1 practical lifo its issues, nnd ptepnro yotlf* self to battlo with the evil of to day by tno iigni of to day and not of yesterday, j j We would urge yon with liberality and energy to ? p parc- for the adysucc, and our State cnllfi upon uk all. II. NOTICE. OKANUKBUKO SCHOOL BIST. The I.K8?B VOTKHB of the ORANGE. BURG SCHOOL DISTRICT are hereby uotlftedto'MEETiat ike'B?REA? ?GIIOOL IIOH?b-in said-District on Saturday the 20th' iiiBi., at 8 o'clock P. M., for the pur pose pf RAISING a TAX to SUPPORT FREE" SCHOOLS roeaid District as provided' by an Act approved March 6th, 1871. and mich r.ther Business an umj be demanded in connection Wit1utb,e interest of Froo'*Schoola A. WEBSTER, A. M AltToN, .vchoul Trustees. joK .'J H -,1?. jr-i ? ? ? --',?|f(|'U/ -\?-* FOR SALE! ONE OP THE MOST DE SIRABLE VLACES in the State, about 1$ miles from she _;ftttn of OraiiB?burg. contain ing Otic Hundred Acte? with good FENCES and under Cultivation, with DWELLING HOUSE aud neevssury OUTBUILDINGS, all of which liaabiaen newly repaired. Al?o a very rf.'NS ORCHARD *od EXCELLENT NVA TEH. The place is perfectly Healthy. Pbr conditions of sale and other informa tion apply to JOHN D. KBITT, Ornngcbing, S. C; to ' V2 sp w .t. h? -3 t-1 o T3 s? tr< O a H ? ig??? Notioe of Dismissal. "fYf OTR'K IS IJEItEHY GIVEN THAT (.< JJl the 3d <!.iy of August next. I File my Final Account ns .-vdmiuistiator < r tiie K.-iaia of Joshu; 1* Hatiey. dbeensciK md o:i that d.iy usk for I.ctt'-is .,; Di-iul.?al. J, II. IIARLEV, julj 22?4t Administrator. The State of South Carolina Ora&?eburg t;or.\ rv. Lv I'uoua: ;: Court. J. Milliard Hook, Plaintiff, . vs. John A. K. Ilolman and Olivia C. hie wife, Petition and Lnvltiia F, Hook, und I for Victoria Hook, Satnmd | i'artition. T. Hook. William B. Hook, Nicholas L. Hook ami Ed\Tiu Lec Hook. It appearing to my patialaation that Vic torJa Hnok,? Smnuol T. Hook. William b. Hook, Nicholas L. Hook and Edwin bee Hook, five of the Defendant* in lb* nbove atutcd Action, rsafde without the limit a of this State; it i* ordered, i'but they da ap pear and object to tin? Division or SaJe of tlio Real Estate of PcWt Hook, deceased, on or before I be twentieth day of October, A. D. 18V!, or their Consent to the same will be en tered of Kecord. Til AD. C. ANDREWS, Judge of probate. July I9th, 1871.?22?iat , The State of South Carolina, OK AN'QEBCRO COUNTY. in tub trial jchtick's court. Deopold Louis, ruintitr, a pa hut T. Addison Murphy, Dulcudant. Summons for Money Demand. (Complaint not Sorvvd.) T-y T. A'Uiiou Murphy, Defendant in (hit .tr. You nrc unVoy aummnned and required to Round appear before Thompson II. Cooks, Esquire, a Trial Justice in and for the Cotin 1 ty and Ntste aforesaid, on U>o twenty-eighth day of Angit-t, 1871. at ten o'clock in the forenoon ,st ilia Office in the Town of* Orante burg in tin' County and t-Wuto, aforesaid, 'o iinswvi- the Complaint of Deopobl.Louis, the rinintitf in this Action, which ia Filed in the Of'.iceof the said Trial Justle'oi If you tail to answer the Complaint uforo aaid, at tU> time und place above mentioned the Plaintiff will tako Judgement agnintl yon for iht sum of sixty-two dollars, tsgefb? er with Ihf CO.M? of the ucti >n. 1ZLAR D1RBLK. Fleinlitt t> Attorney Dated at Ornngehurg, S. Juiic ^tl, 1871. Witness my Hand and Seal. T. H COOKK, [1..S 1 Trial Justice. To ihr Dtftndmt T. Addi*6n Murphy: Take itMico that the Summons in this ???? lion, of whieh the foregoing is a oopy, was filed in the OOico of Thompson. If. Cooke, ?Srj., Trial Justice, at ?rungeburg; in the Count) of Oraugcbiirg, in the Statu of South t'.irolinu, the tJtirtcunth da-T af July, 1ST). izLAii dibble; Plaintitf's Allorn.'r--, Ru^:.cll Streit, Ol angohiirg, S. t', July 11'1B7?.?16 (it 1j .1. PBLUER, Exesutur of the WI LI, of "j, J. II. raider, gives nniico that he wfll on the 101 It {lay of July next, apply lo the Cont i af probate for his Final Discharge n ExcCutuTl June Otll lf> It NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OnANOE??cu. S. C. July 8tb, 1871. In pursuance of >'An Act to Provide for the Constructiou and Repairs of Public Highways, Approved March Oth, 1871," au tboriting and requiring County Commission ers to Divido their respective Counties into convenient UIGIIWAY DISTRICTS, and to nppolnt Competent and. Responsible Persons SURVEYERS therein : and ft Resolution of the Rosrd passed this day in the Office of the County Commissioners at Orangcburg, in Conformity to tho Requirements of the "Act" aforesaid, the .following Townships uro designated and declared as HIGHWAY DISTRICTS, and tho Persons whose names appear opposite each Township appointed ?o serve as SUB-COM.MISSIONEK or ROAD Rranchville Tow nship, Dis fact No. l'-W II. Recdisii.' Cow'Cnsllo Towuahip, DnJlrUu- Nty 2?D, M. F. Hutr. . . Providence Township', RisirictNo. .1??L. E. Meyers. Vance's Township, Dictriot No. . 4,-i-Wv Avingcr. New Hope Township District'No: 5?J. I. Dow man. j Middl? Tewusbip,- Dis'rict No: fl?-^J. P. M. Fourcs. OoodBy s Township, District No. 7?Stiles H. Mellichamp: Poplar Township, District' No; 8?A. 3r Hydi-I.dc Orangc Township, District No. 0?L. R. Beck? iih. Lyou's Township, District No. 10?Dr. J. A. Keller. Pine Grove Township, bist riot No. 11?J. M. Crosswolt Pull Swump Townr.hip, Dis'rict No. 12?J. A. Minuickeu. Caw Caw Township, District No. 13?A. J: a as kin. Amelia Township, District Fo. 14?1> V Spuigtier. /ion Township, District No. lo?Rolen Turner. Liberty Township, District No. 1G?J. L. Gibson. Hebron Towntdiip, District No. 17?Mar lin LiyiugstoUy Hopcwcll To'wiifchij), District No. 18?J. lt. D. Wolfe*. Edisto Township, District No 10?Wm.F.. Izlar. Union Township, District No. 20?Clin?. 11. Hall. Willow Township. District No; 21?W. I.. W. Ritey. GoOdland Ti i n.-Iiip, District No. 22?J. C. t'. Au$tla< Rockey Grove Township, District No. 23? lue. II. Phillip*. Tiiberhaclc Township, District No. M? D.: u J? rdan. Tljc Act provides ibat the Surveyors shall Receive FiTm fn Cents for every Ihmr cm- i ployed,, nn 1 that I ho l!oi>I Money shall b* equally Di?bled uad'Turncfl over to the Bc >i-tcHva Sury?h;ona And-as-lt is itnpoitnnt to ilie PlOuTt! fnai y.C-rviSiM-- rtrctn. ?.??.?1 Ii ? A|'pnintcd lo ilirsc Positions, the Commis ri n pect Ail !y resist that ih.> gentle UK'ii bove ?Ii-.-igii.i?i'd will consent lo servo fbe. piMn? and appear : t litis Office at Ihrjii ?m r'iv-t convenience, und receive their Com missions, which I ho law requires, shall he L . ifcd 'v the Board of Cuunty Corimissfon Dy ui ih. r of il.?' Uenrd. J. FELDER MEYERS, < Iiah mail B. C C. .IAS. Van TASS RR. C. It. C. C. In 21 NOTICE. COUNTY AUDITOR S OFFICE, Oiiasukrcro Corxw, S. C, June 2t'.lh, 1871. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT RE jiiirncj of PERSON Ab PROPERTY Within Hie Limits of this County ?hall be MADiJ OUT at: I dt-LVercl to THIS OFFICE on or before the 81st day of July, 1871, for the year commencing July 1st, 1S7I, verified by OATH of the Persons whose duty it is to LIST or RETURN Said Property possessed by him or under his control, either as Owner, Agent, Parent, Husband, Guardian, Execu tor, Administrator, Trustee, Receiver, OIB oer, Partner. Factor or iloldor on the 1st day oT July, with the value of such Personal Property so held or controlled, together with a statement ghow'ng number of Acres nnd Buildings, to or from whom bought or sold pince 1st of September last, in accordanoe with Section .Id of an Act to amend an Act providing for the Assessment and Taxation of Property, passed Sept. loth, 18U8, and all Acts amendatory thereto. InVsscs of Fail uro or Neglect to make the Returns within the time requiicd. it is the d..ty of the Audi tor 1.1 nd I 10 per cent. Penalty upon the .- .... iuw ............. jc..r, nuluii Will oe fctrictly observed. All the iieooaaary Blanks can he had at this Office, TAY PAYI'.RS can make the RETURNS at the following Places en such days as are de signated by Printed Kotieej posted through out the County, vis: A i BrancliVill?', Rowe a Pump und Folders,, by -Jus. Stokes,'Depi'y Auditor. At S. Rickenl>..Uer'.s Hunas, Four Hole Church and Bethel Church, l>y Sam'l Fairy, Dept'y Auditor. Cedar Grove, Easleiiia'a Mills and Jno. p. Kcnnerly by J. J. Bailey, Dept'y Auditor. At Porter's Store, Rib-y's House and Le banon Church, by W, L. W. RhVy, Dept'y Auditor. dealon's Store, Livingston's Mills and Salby's, by Dan'l Livingston, Dept'y Audi tor. Jamisnus, Zciglers, Washington Seminary and RooKUarlS, l>y L. R. Beckwith, B*pt'y Auditor. Fehler s Store, Providciiuc Camp Ground and Avingers, by L. D. Connor, Dept'y. Au ditor. Port Motto 2?th inst., Lewisvillo 24th iiiHt., by V?'. T, Reeves, Dept'y Auditor. Fort Motte, 1 Ith August, and Lewisvillo 12rh August, by Paul C. Jones, Dept'y Audi tor. ( HAS. S. BULL, CfrOnty Auditor. Juhj 1 ti LIVEEY STABLE _____ WM. M. SAIN & CO. BESPKCTFILLY INFORMS the CITIZENS of Orsngeburg and of Orangrburg County that their S'T A B L E S are now completed, and they. are READY to FURNISH TRANSFORTATION?do any Ktvn,.f IMiTTvn Notice. <4F*TI.E HOKftES FOB II IKK, FOU THE 8AOD1E ? ?It m?ClGY. PIC-NIC PARTIES A C OOM MO D ATE D with TRANSPORTATION at mndc rate ehcrge*. LADIES' SADDLE HORSES Always on hand. PKUSOXS visiting Town can have their HORSES FED and GROOMED at LIVING PRICES. ST4.HXES Corner of M?rhot ?im! C'hnrcu Street*. WM. M. SAIN & CO. may 'J7 u ? ly. ? t>vl URE NAPTHA and LAMP BURNERS, which will bo kept constantly ort hand SOLE AOKNT at " bio t? ts FAMILY COM BAST F^gSBYTKIXIA N CUT"BC J i. b. e. h. peakson TIN WARE of EVERY DESCRIpFlOtf miule ?o ?rfeor^->Vliole<?*1? or'W?tL BATHING TUBS. FOOT TUBS. ?HOWEH RATHS. S with REe'i^drtfa^r/ * ROASTERS. Any kind of WOft? in my Line ujauc mm repaired The Stete, of Sq? Carolina^ Oil A N'0*;1.UR0 COOTV - ~ TWYJl AnnE. Pooser, Ex x,^ Complaint of Will ?f for vh. ' Assets John B. Milhon , C and ct. ab i iWiko. f Br? virtue ?F an order tntlrtt" cause, the* i Ci editors ef-the-Et-tttto of th? lote George IL Vooser, deeeoaed, are enjoined froro prose cuting or ejaforeifig thelr_deniaud? in7 sepa rate actiena, nrrd art' retjtilred to tile' the satr.o in jflie Ctetk'a Ofice /oPtho- ^Geaart of ? Common Ploa* for Or*ng*burgCou?^y,,il?n or before the firt?t dav of September next. CSStSt"? iiTZCi., j ........ vuutt no, Orangeborg County. 8.C. \ Jnne 80th, 1871. j July 1 , Ot JUST RHCKIVEO 500 BUSHELS CORN, ; WlHCl.r IS OFFERED VERY LOW SPRING GOODS ! !t F. W. H.-Briggmann & Cb. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FCr.rV STOCK OF Spring Dress Goods, OF AU, DKSt'UIKTlONsl- . All our C?ODS are LOW in-FRICE to salt the times. ?? Our stock of*" GROCERIES LIQUORS WINES ALE and LAGER BEER' 1- of FIRST QUALITY and Low iu iHtW Call and s-f'e for yourselves. t. If. W. BRIGGMANN &?('(). J npl U cct'B ly Tho'Poodle's. llaJuwry. NEXT DOOR TO* ks:i> cori Ki: i-tni j A*".*/ "?/? /*'ly-rl?:.t C'/tot<//, /tu St. ? I ar>'bi-p]?y to AN .\?>UN<" ft t?-?n.? CITl. /.ENS .?I i oi}>,- noK FiSK IV.iU'. > iw. SmviM.Y J'anwle.s 4n ! Cu*'ornate* : .vit'.i BSEAO. CAKE*. PlEV.'Vtid .0? otb-r ?Wficlrs gcr.-rnflv fonh I io a FIRST CLASS. IIA K EBV. w EDIiiS.i- .CAKE prc;?irml xvilh, ?reaV cure to -nil nfosi fiqiiduna iaat.e*. Tue l\\TK*?WV;C of r,y (Vic-id* .-ml fel low citieens-i* u"ji?r!fully Aolic'ted. TdiOS. \\* ALUBKGOTTL Mrs. ALRF.RGOTTI returns thank* the P--.M-on.ige heretofore bcstovycjl.' an-H hop-'w j. ?]? frivads .-,ud Ciummi-rn willtcontin*. uc the e-imn. She will "5'-cjj ?v.n < int',Y on baud an aa? .sortment of FRUITS, t'*)NF. EC TIONARY and- FANCY ARTD'LES r.a nsrial. doe 10 nin William It. Barton. V Summons f*or vi-..?? . BLACKSMITH SHOE. IN REAR OF PTLTTnXWS BAKERY. ENST MENTZEL offcra-his SERVICES ;o the Public aa an. EXPERIENCED* IKS.MITH, FARRIER, &c. All work in his litie properly and well done Tie ia experienced p^r.icolarly in Horae Shoeing, june 10?O EUNST METZEL. o^V 1311ST KT SHoIpL TITM. A. BULL otfofa hia scrricea to the \Y Cilizeas of Or^ugcburg County aa CABINET MAKER in all itaWncW Funt-rals attended ?ith promptos**. Old FURNITURE rcjiai;-..! and niadeknew.. 1*o Varnished without being removed. Shop on the Eastevmside of the-Railroad. Give me a trial. I' will alfu build Buggy and-Wagoii "Wheels and Bodies cheaper than, anybody rlaa in Mrangr-hui-g; WM. ?. BULL, mar 11_ V h**^ e State of South Carolina^ ORANGRBURO COUNTY, in trial justice's co?ttt^ (Bearer i Plaintift- T ii-^ainst j- (Complaint T. Adtliaon Murjdiy, j I ?** defendant. J 3erved.) T. Ail:!:'0n Mvrjiky, l!.'f;;,dui,i in imir " . o :w . v-?^a Y-ns arc hereby summoned and required tb he and appear before Thoiupson It. Cooke^ Estjiiirc, a Trial Justice in *nd for tnaTonn iv and State a/ereaatd, on the t^MMjtr*%bth, day of August, 1?71, at ten o'clock In thw Inr-ottoon. at hisOffico in t!>c T-?nn-of <?range burg, in the County and Stale aforearu>i, tt> answer the ( on plaint of the llaJntlff la this. A.-umi, which \? bk-i in the Ol&ca .0/ tho said Trial Justice. If you fail to answer tho CotnykTiat afore said, at the time and place above mentioned, the Plaintiff will have judgment agiatifit for tho sum of fifty dollars wiiit interest a* the rate of one and ono-hnlf per ccntnm par month from the twentieth day of December, Anno Domini U' tO, and for t?* coats of this action. DlftftUl riain?fTs Attorntry?. Dated at Oranfebnrg, 8. CM Jnn'ow, 1871. Witness nv Hand and Seal T. H. COOKE, [L.8.1 S, VF*\ 3m&t., To ihr Drfaul.tnl T. Ad.l m,.? ?i.Tf.hj, : Take notice that the BtMitheW*1 in 1Ws Ac linn, of which the foregoing is & ooprft. was Filetl in the Oftice of Thompson H. Coo^e, Esqiire, Trial Justice at Oraagebttrg.Ja tha St^te of Sottti? Carolina, on tho thirteenth, day of tnlT, is;i. '/LAB A piRfrUL July 41, 1H71.?13