_i?.-,-^ $. FELDER MSYERB?Editodlj FIxakcial Axa Birstsass Max\a?Br UV 8ATURDAY, atTLY 1,187L BTCTjvnftlvle?
HH?I*MsI> BY A SA1> MISHAP?A WILD 'c*nrB^Tj 1 . euii t. The season being unusually dull, and ici>iW?> gallant Firemen being ever possessed A?>irithYa desire to reliore the monotony of ^?'our town, a week or so nge a challenge ' was Bout from" the "Young Americas" to the Elliott "Hook and Ladders" for a M,^ri?l of speed. The Elliotts accepted i { the challenge, whereupon the afternoou of Wednesday last was fixed as the time for the race. I0* * The Conditions of the contest wcro as follows: I conditions of race. gftj I Ist?: Each Company to be allowed one ? ?man to every 100 lbs weight (of Engine w' or^Truck) or froetionsl part of 100 lbs. 2d. At starting, the front axle of each . apparatus to bo on tho line. Distance to be run, 300 yards.( To tho Fire Well for the Young Americas and to the edgo ? v?f pavement ol Louis' Store for tho El liotts;.) To run on Russell Street. 3d. The Young America to draw from the well near th? Engino House and throw a stream ot water on tho roof of the 'Engine House through ono scetiou (50 It.) of hose. In ?j? The Elliotts to have a tub of water at WfiCtf l ' ? ,tbe tree box nearest the hteps of the Frinting Ofiice, to extend their luddcr to ;t the roof of Louis' Storo and empty a bucket of water on the roof of the store. None to take part in the contest but these dcf.-.ilcd to run with the apparatus. 'nt ..^According to this ngrecmeut tho rc 4j spectivo detachments of the two Com panics vere out in full uniform, and looking their prettiest, by 41 P. M. Notice had been given of the race through the columns of the Newh, and ?ftp)? 5-J\ * * ?>';"?.' ? ' our streets were thronged with lookers f, on long beforo the time appointed for . the contest to come off. ' I We admit that wo were as curious and 83 anxious to sec the boys run, ns the veriest countryman. And we did sec them, tco, to our foul's delight. Wogot a {chair, end seated ourselves under tho shade of a large, sptcading tree. Who can say that we were net "n looker ou hi Venice 7" If our ej'cs were not re galed with a sight so sublime, yet the appearance of our good oud gallaut Fire men was equally as graud. The up-stairs of the Engine House, tho upper story of the new store ou the corner of Market and Russell Streets, and the porticos of the store of Messrs. Rull, Scovill A, Pike, all were filled to ,---fl-~:?"? with ludiea and nontlentcn who had come from far and near to wit ness an event that was new in the histo ry of Oraugeburg- Resides these crowds, the whole of Russell Street, from tho corner of I). Louis' store, up to Cham pey's, was thronged with curious and busy souls. At about 5 o'clock P. M., the "Young Americas" had out their beautiful En gine, with their faces wrcathod in smiles, end evincing an abiding confidence in thoir chance for victory. The roll wus called by Mr. Fonn, and soon tho "Young Americas" were "front face !" to their excellent Presidcut, Mr. J. W. Mosoley. Whispered words of cheer and, encouragement were now given to ^the Company, and thoy were ready. Rut/ while all this was going onr there was another scene equally as beautiful to gszo upon. Let us peep at that scene. It's the Elliotts!, Thoy top are in fojl uniform, and like their brothers of tho Young America, f'nl) of hilari I v. and -.-1 ,^ J,?I Their roll of members Was called, and soon into lino they had placed them selves.] Copt. John A. Hamilton, tho esteemed Foreman of tho Elliotts, Was out with his men, and for what we know, like our friend Mr. Moeoley, whuporod, treffe voce, wbroV ' or*^?ueotftagemcot: to ,ithem Aby*rio^|'\ho la?8;df each member* of the fin?ott Hoot and Lttddcfu, seemed inspired with the hopo of a. complete victory. . The "Young Americas" looked back at their adversaries the seme cx ^ft&idh 0bT- %f?dreUi victory on tboir part, ;!2S*lft.* And thus the ho*ppy occasion proceed ed on to tho end. At 5i ofi fc M. the "Young Americas" matched up Russcl! Street to the spot from which they were to ruu. One observing the manuer in which thoy lagged along up to the "starting place," would not have been prepared to accred it them with tho speed nnd agility they showed on their return. Arrived at the far'' st stand, where his honor, Mayor Ji^.l, was seated, the "Young.Americas" turned their Eugiuo around, and awaited tho signal to start. At this juncture, excitemcut was ou tip-toe. Men, boys, and babies, rushed madly from place to place, aud pnliiug each other aside', and saying in a kiud o' you better look-out stylo, "that's no place," held fust to every inch of ground their feet coald cover. At length all was quieted down, the street cleared by Marshal Wolf, aud every eye turned upon the "Young Americas." Brave boys ! a few seconds moro, and the contest will be decided, so far as you arc concerned. But men, women and children are getting impatient again, the boys espe cially, and the signal "go," is given. Front an almost breathless calm broke forth a Zouave yell from the "Young Americas," and tho boys who, 'like a wounded snake," appeared scarcely ablo to drag themselves along a few moments before, came rustling, crackling, thunder ing down Russell Street; with shout after shout of "go it boys !" aud soou finished the work. Arrived at the Engine House?halted ?cveiy man to bis post?the hose put down iu the well?tho Engine worked and water thrown on tho bouse in one MINUTE ANn TWENTY-NINE SECONDS, was what the Young Americas did on the afternoon of Wednesday 28th of June, 1871. Hero everything that could shout, shouted, and those who couldn't strain their tender voices juinod in tho refrain by slapping their tender hands; bnys ran wildly about, toes were mnshed on all sides, nnd, ob ! la ! one poor crea ture's sensitive corns ground into dust. In a word,' the otmosphoro was rent with shouts of "well-dono !" Soon again things are quictod down, tho Marshal clears the streets, and the sanguino Elliotts are preparing them selves to bent the time made by the "Young Americas." Just before they started off, the latter company gavo them throe cheers, which they returned. Soon all will bo ready again. Men and boys are scrambling for their places, while the exhausted "Young Americas" look calmly on. and feel that the victory is theirs. jiut ion* i inc ?iiit?tts nave arrived, aud will soon start. The Judges arc at their stands?ex citement aud suspense again pervades the brcust of every one present. One ! t wo !! three 1!! and off the El liotts burst. This Company male almost iucrcdiblc speed. Indeoed, they came so fast from the word "go," that' many thought thry would lag fro n pure ex haustion before reaching Louis' Store, upon which they wcro to throw water. But there is no breaking down with the Elliotts, and on they come, yelling, whooping, shouting. Just as they got opposite Stocker's Hall, a signal was given for them to stop To a halt they cajno. The soeno that now ensued was animated.but friendly. It appears that some of the most zealous of tho Hook and Ladders could not bo made to understand the caqse for which they wcro signalled to stop. As soon, however, ni Ihi* wa< generally known, the confusion subsided, the "Young America!." woke up, g*vf^JnW rcflfcK?i^ cheers to the Elliott boys, {fed soon agnin things Wore an "merry as u hud' Tisgebel!" JR#>N# It seem* tbst Mayor Bull, who was judge at the point from which both Com panies were to start, did not, at the mo ment he signalled the Elliotts to rUn, succeed hi making the other Judges catch immediate sight of his sign, hence they could not tituo the race Correctly. For this, iti the lenith oi their activity and speed, the Hook and Ladders Wcro ordered by the judges to stop. Although -almost exhausted, this gal lant Company stuck out that they wore not near whipped, and would try the race over tbch and there. The "Young Americas," as noble and generous rivils '??. set, seemed to he ss much put out at the mishap that befell their brothers, as 'he Elliotts themselves. , ?Tho latter Company, however, was persuaded not to ruu the race over that afternoon, but rait and try it another t'nio. Unshaken snd dauntless though in their courage, they determined to ruu for practice. The strict was cleared, and although tired bt forehand, tho raoo wns made, snd - ater thrown on the top oi Mr. Louis' Store in onk minute and i UIRTV-Tltnkk seconds !~ Considering the fatigue that this Company had un dergoue, this may bo considered an ex traordinary performance. The Elliotta will run ngiinst the t:tno of the "Young Anicticns*' ntn day not far distant, of which event our readers shall hear. I'pon the whole, the affair was admi rable. Indeed, there is that energy and intelligence iu Orangeburg which can make nnythiug ? success that her citzcus may undertake to do. Weducsday last chronicled a new event in the history of our town, and of which we should ?11 be justly proud. We hope another race will, ere lon^, be announced, and a more gcncr.-.l notice given. Wc offer cur services, and will do our sdlnre any time in encournging a repetition of such happy and festive oc Thc Sumtor Aotr.i. winds up tho most of its editorial articles with the nonsen sical phrase, ('7*Ae C?dktitutio? VUist b: restored." How little sense sonic of the cdi tors of our Democratic newspapers hare ! Such talk is the veriest bosh. By and by our contemporary will be brought to think it worse. Why. its own children will laugh at its short sight od ness some of these days. Of course it matters not to us what doctrine Deniot rutie editors may advocate, so they don't follow the Yal lundighnui idea, and steal our livery to fight us in. For them to stick to their constitutional heresies will make the fight all the more easy for us. The "now departuro" is going to be a ridicu lous failure, because its author has taken a real undoubted departure, and can no more contribute his mite towards the enlightenment of Democratic block heads. So upon the whole, with tho Sumtcr A'c/r* hugging to its bosom the Constitu tion as it was prior to the war between tho States, and Yall.-.ndighsm gone, 7,0 have nothing to fc..?. [communicated.] Pino Grove Academy. A Brriufl/id Coming Taffelh ?? tif Mm, ir,:?.^. Un..> fy/-i f Exhibition of Talent ? A (JtofioW* Dinner and a More, Glorious Crnv d to Eat it?Ayst Looking Love tu Egen Which ?neafc hach Lave Again ? Sjiecrhe*, Ceremonies, etc. Editor Orangrhurg Neict: Among the beautiful and simple cus toms of rural lilo which still linger in some parts of our country, arc those of "School Examinations,"?occasions which mark tho closing of the school term, and the commcuccmcnt of tho summer vacation, and is nsunlly largely attended not only by the patrous of the school, but by tho surrounding neighbor hood generally. Thcso delightful occasions are i.ow only to bo met with in the most distant and retired portionsof our county, whero fashion and innovations have not been able to throng in aud trample out all the loved and interesting truces of tho olden time. It was my good fortutic, on last Thurs day 22d iusi, to atteud, as au invited guest, in company with the IIou. J. K. Jilsoo, our worthy Supoiintondant of tho Educational department of thU State, hn "Exatuiuatlon" at "Pine Giuvu" Acadoroj about 6 miles from tho.town .of Orangeburg. We arrived at half past 10 o'clock A. M. at the school house, and found there, seated in the cool shade ot a broad spreading Verandah of oak leaves, a largo number of ladies and gcntleuieu of all ages. Parents and grand parents had Come to witness and to rejoice at the great ahd wonderful progress their children had made under tho bare of that lnost excellent of teach ers, Mr. Edwards. Young ladies and gentlemen, boys And girls, were there to enjoy the occasion generally. rrompuy upon our arrival, we wero met by a*Commiiitec consisting of Mr. Edwards, Cupt II L. Rickonbackor, B. ^Thompson and Maj. J. II. O'Cnin. all patrons and Trustees of the school; aud it is pleasing here to note the rich vein of hospitality which runs through the character of our good nnd sterling farmers, as was evinced in the warm welcome given to us by these gentjomon. The cxainitial ion or exhibition had com me need before our arrival, and with much courtesy we were conducted to a scat reserved for us near the black board, and in front of the large and in teresting audience. _ A class in Geography was then reciting, and it was not only interesting, but wonderful to witness tho rcadincfs with which the entire class answered correctly the manyftnd varied questions rapidly put to tlum by the Professor. Next in order came "Demonstrations in Geometry" by Mr. Luther Rickcnbakcr, and it is with genuine pleasure that I bear testimony, not only to this young man's proficiency, but to tho case and grace, and ficcdom from embarrassment, which charmed the entire audience, as be went through successfully the very dificnlt problem '?by Pythagoras and known as the" 47th broblem of Kuclid. After this highly interesting exhibi tion, there came in regular order. Phonography which reflected much credit upon the Pntfleasor. Also a class in "Arithmetic" ami exercises on the black board by Miss Alice Kickenbach or which was truly charming. Tho Proffessor then announced that the tuomiug exercise had closed ami invited all present to a dinner abundant ly prepared by the parents of the chil dren, anil spread upon tables under the trees uOttlar distant. A procession was then formed and all inarched to and arranged themselves upon either side of the table, which was literally loaded w ith good things and presented an epitome of country abun dance in this von on of overflow ing larders A distinguished p<. 1)., of Cinciuuatti, .1. K. Jilson, Su perihteuduul of Education, Bev. True Whit tier, A. W. (.'iimiuiugs, 1>. B., and others delivered addresses. Taken as a whole, Clnfi.u University is-a sue* cess and is worthy of much praise The ? next scholastic year commences in Oc tober ; we lru-st that evory room will be occupied by earnest, faithful studcuts. ft OST.?From I he Repldencc JI^ of the uiideridgncd, nhnul the 1st June. 1 ?71. a RED If RIPER CALF, It months old; said Calf has HITS on the under part and ends of each KAR cut off. All information lending to its Discovery will be thankfully received and duly rewarded by me. E. W. FETUS. july 1 2t NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR, OHANtiRni-bu Coiktv, 8. C, Juno 27th, 1871. ALL TKIAL JUJTICKS and EX-MAG I8TSATE8 within this County, arc hereby notified to uiuke ltcport in writing lo this Office on or before the 15th July, of all Fines. Tost?, &c., paid into the County Treasurer's Office during the years 1868, I860 and 1870. CHAS. 8. BULL, County Auditor, july 1 Ct NOTICE. Us>OiSi.t AUDITOR'S) OMTKJpS, Okanucoi bu Cocxtt, 8. C, Juno 2rtt!\ 1871. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT RE turns of PERSONAL PROPERTY Within the Limits of this County tdiull bo MADE OUT and delivered to THIS OFFICE on or before the 81st day of July. 1871, for tho year commencing July 1st, 1871, verified by OATH of the Persons whoso duty it is to LIST or RETURN said Property possessed by him or under his control, either as Owner, Agent, Parent, Husband, Guardian, Execu tor, Administrator, Trustee, Receiver, Offi ocr, Partner, Factor or Holder on the 1st day of July, with the value of such Personal Property so held or controlled, together with a statemont showing number of Acres and Buildings, to or from whom bought or sold since 1st of September last, in accordance with Section ?*d of an Act to amend an Act providing for the Assessment and Taxation of Property, passed Sept. 15th, 1868, and nil Acts amendatory theroto. Injcasea of Fail ure or Neglect lo make tho Returns within the Uraa required, it is the duty of the Audi tor to add 40 per cent. Penally upon the Tax of the previous year, whioh will be strictly observed. All the necessary Blanks can be had at this Office. CHAS. 8. BULL, County Auditor july l Mr rem ?a' THOROUOIIBRKD. 8IRB.l?^ ^ "T: FLYCATCHER. APPLY AT OUR STABLER. LIVERY STABLE WM. M. SAIN & CO. RKSPKl TFfLLY INFORMS the CITIZENS of Orangeburg and of Orangebarg Ce???j that IM?r ST A B IiE8 nie now corop]?t?d, and th*j art READY to FURNISH TRANSPORTATION?do nay KIND of HAULING?at Short Notico. ?I C <;i.XTLK HOR.HK* FOR HIKE, .FOR THE fliDDLE OR BlCiClY. PIC NIC PARTIES A CCOM.MODATBD ?ith TRANSPORTATION at aaaele rate ehurgc*. ? ^ n'M\ LADIES' SADDLE HOBSKS Alwaya on hand. PERSONS Waiting Town can nave their HOUSES FED and GROOMED at LIVING PRICKS. STARLES Corner of Market and Church Streota. WM. M. SAIN & CO. P. 8.?Our OMNIRUS LINE will cornroonoc running from LOUIS' CORNER le the DE POT. July 1 at. may 27 ? ly IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. Whrrbas, D. D. Oarriek hath applied to me for letters of Administration de bonia non on th? Ratat? of J. hi. Garriok, late of Or angebarg County, doeoasod. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singnlar the Kindred and Creditor* of the aaid doeeated, to be and appear be fore me at a Court of Probate for t ha aaid County, to be holden at Orangoburg on the 8d day of Jnly, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show oauae If any, why the aaid Ad ministration should not be granted. Given under my hand and tho Seal of my Court, this 18th day of June, A. D. 1871. and in the ninety-fifth year of American independence. TU AD. C. ANDREWS, june 17??t Judge of Piobalo Sheriff's Sales. ? ? . '? tVjr virtue of sundry writs of ft. fo.. to mo directed I ?rill ?eil to the highest bidder, at Orangcburg Court House, oa the first Monday in July next, for cash, all tb* right, title and interest of the Defendant* in th* following property, viz : One tract of land in Edisto Fork, contain lag IOO acre* more or. loa?, bounded north and east by Daniel Smoak, east by North Edtste river ami soutli by Wm. Moss. Also 1 Mule, 1 Horse, 1 Buggy, 1 Wagon and 1 Carriage. Levied on an the property of Oeo. IL Pooacr, dee'U, at the suit of Bed die A. Bowman va Ann Bliia Pooser, Ex's of Oeo. H. Pocser. ALSO One lot in the town of Oratigeburg, on Church Street, bounded north by lot of C. J. Stromun, on the cast und south by lot of N. A. Bull und on the west by Church Street, levied on as the property of Tho*. F Oii ? rer, dee'd, -t !%? ???U of 5. A. !L Hol??*?* va Thomas, Adui'r. ALSO One lot of land near the town of Orange barg containing 1U0 acres more or leaa, bounded by hinds of David IInu6er, C. Whit tcmore. W. R. Trend weih Thomas Oliver and the Public Road. Levied on as t ho pro perty of Thomas Oliver at the rait of Get i Dtra M idler and vtitcrb. L ALSO I One tract of Und in HdTsto Fork, contain t ing 800 acres more or loss, bounded on the [ north by Jo'?n Antlcy, on the east by Thorn - I as Ellzy, on the south by South Edisto river, and-on the west by Wm. Wolfe. Levied on as the property of Wm. Wat kin a at the salt of Wm. Wolfe. ALSO 1. One tract of land containing 350 acre*: more or less, known as the Rosa Gat** place situate on Halfway Swamp, counded north by Chaa. Thompson, east by Estate of L. M. Kcltt and west by Mr*. Gates. 2. One tract containing 180 acres more or less, near Lewisvillo, bounded north and cast by Estate of J. J. Wnnnumnkcr and Es tate of O. M. Dantiler, south by Monks Corner road and west by L. D. Clark and O. IL Farnum. . k 8. And one otl^?r tract containing GOO acre* more or leas, near Lewisrilte, bounded north by T. (I. Zimmerman, oaat by John DV Keilt, smith by J. K. L. Amaker and west by J. G. Keilt and David Stack. And also 14 .Mules, 2 Horses and one Bug gy/ Levied on as the property of A. P.. 1 Amaker at the suit of Milter A Toneray. ALSO One Horse, Buggy and Hnrneaa. Levied on as the properly of J. B. h. Amaker at the rait of Gorman & Badcnhup. ALSO 1 Buggy and Harness, 2 Silver Watches. I Case Dental, Instruments. 1 lot Dookn and 1 Accnrdian. t Levied on as the property of B. A. Maek, dee'd. at the rait of Jacob II. !n abinet vs James Mack and Margaret Mack, Ex'ra. ALSO IOn Tuesday after, savk-dny, at the residenee of A. P. Aaaakor. 8 w*)g?niL.l Ox Cart. 12~ head Cattle, 14 bead Hogs. Farming Imple ments. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Levied on aa the property of A. P. Amsker at the suit of Milter & Toncrsy. Sheriffs OHhw, ) Ji. KtC.CS. Orangcb?rgC. II.. S. C, } 6. it. C June Hi, lbTI. ywnel7 td Sheriff's Sales. IN TUR COBICT OF PROBATE. fflK . ? J V. ' ft. OrtAxt.v.nrma County. Fx path ?? Mary Hickenbaker f In pursuance of"nu order in me directed by : the Honorable Tfiad. C. Andrews, .Judge ?f the Probate Court. I will expose fe public Inuiery on siled.iy in July next, at th* risk of thr ,lcss, in Edlsto Fork, ou Five Mile Branch, bf.undetfby landa uf Jno. Easterliu, Jessie SsndTord and th* saet set off as the Homestead. ALSO Oni other t'sct c?*Ut?^ning. 200 acres, more or less, hounded 'rioYth and west'hy Morgan j Davis and Ueo. Hughes, south and east by Porter Pearson. Terms?Cash sufficient to pay the Bower, and the costs and expenses of the suit, ami the balance p?y ab Jo in one ah&tw*f years. Purchaser to give bond unu mortgage, and pay for papers and stamps. SherifT* Office, ) IL BIGGS, OrangeburgC. H.. S~C, V S. O. C. June 0, 1871. j // junelO td "AN ORIUNAXCE " To Detect Illicit Trauing of Ileef in the Incorporate I.tr*i-_ its or Orangcburx Town, Ho. Section 1. That from and after the 15ih day of July. isms, each and every individual offering UBEF within the Corporate Limit? of Orangeburg Town, either for Barter or Sab?, ?hall bring with said DEEP or BEEVES tho 111". A I is in good condition, which Head or Heads shall be taken to the Office of the Clerk of Council, where shall be kept a Reg istration Rook for the purpose of Recording therein the FLESH MARKS, EAR Mit A KS and other MARKS pertaiiiing loidentity. ? * ? * ? * ? ? * * * * # ? 1871, Iho Clerk shall bo entitled to twanty. five (23) cents Vor each REEF offered for SALE within tho incorporation. Said amount to be paid bv THli PART? offering " the ?aid P.KEP. A Vj.d ition of thlc Oral-, nance ahull subject the Offender to such Pea nit its as