_LOO X,. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1871. AU Advertisements must be handed to the Business Manager before Thursday Noon._. Orange Pxvlinqb. -Monday last was melting hot. /? ?.?Capt. Briggmann has a beautiful ' patch of cotton behiud the Courthouse. -?An ugly word for femalo lips to pronounce, "Infernal rascal." Judge T. C. Andrews has tho fastest steed in Orengebarg County. ??T. K. Saspota*, ox-County Treau rcr, has returned from his trip North. -The Hon. J. K. Jilson was on a Visit to our Towu during tho past w >?ok. ??We had the pleasure of meeting in cur sanctum the Hon. YY. II. Rccdish yesterday. -See advertisement of L. K. Con cor k Son, G93 King Street, Charleston, $. C ??Wc learn that theio is to bo a Religious concert given at the I'retsby teran Church before long. -It is fashionable now in Orange j burg for ladies to drivo out of evenings * by themselves. ?Fortune smiles on those who roll up their sleeves and put their shouldcts to the wheel. -What is it that cau more bedevil a man than an acknowledged terma gant T ? -Catching pollywogs sccuis to bo the mania with si mo of the ex-officials of this County. -Somo of our sidewalks are in a miserable condition, aud should be re paired immediately. Eh ? City fath ers. -Judge J. J. Wright delivered a lecture on education nt the Clafiin Uni versity in this place, on Tuesday uight last? -What will make a timid lady blush t For the mules (mails) to be presented to her by a post mas.or in bis ?hirt sleeves. -FJcaa huvo almost taken p tsscs Taioti of everything in ?rangehurg. It is nothing but scratch, wratch, front d:iy to day, and then you can't get clear of the devils. -The Northern mail closes here now at f? o'clock 1'. M.j the Charleston mail 10 o'clock A. M.j the Colombia mail 11:110 A. M . and the Augusta mail 2:30 I?. M. -"'I am astonished my dvar young" lady, at your sentiments; you make me Mart." ' Well, sir," replied Miss Some body, "1 have been wanting you to start for the lat=t six months." -Oraugnburg will bo blest with jdenty of singers after awhile. Young niockiug birds arc caged all arouud. Some young men speak of caging tho young ladies also! , W. M. 8ain & Co, will start a regular / omnibus Hue, to run front the corner of I D. Louis' store to the depot, after the 1st proximo. Wonder if any "dead bead" tickets will be issued ? -Mr. W. T. Lightfoot has enclosed his lot on Main Street, and will soon, wo understand, commence thereon the erection of a store-house that will udd materially to the boauty of that portion of Orangcburg. -It is written that the :Stnrs are truthfully added that woman's eyes are the poetry of curth ; at any rate, wc know one of 'em whose eyes arc enough poetry for us. -Orangcburg is accused by some of boiog possessed with moro boot-licks than any other town in the State to its size. Wo shall commence to ount thorn, and in the meantime, we request that our country exchanges get about the same work, so as we will be able to decide this matter definitely. -Not long ago, a Justico said to a lawyer, who was habited iu linen, "Sir, I ftm determined to enforce the rules of Court; members of tho bar must be at tired iu a black coat," to which said or phan of the Court replied : "Your hon pr, I'm williug to obey that rule ; but what will the Court do when its black coat }s wprn out 1" -??Not many months ago a gontle nian wh,o tQok a prominent part in a concert, in a certain Township in this Couuty, we arc informed, cotnmitcd a morln'iHj assault upon a. small infant for crying "out iu Church," dmiog his per formance, and is still at large. What has become of tbo infant wo aro not apprised ; certain it is, that it has not bco a heard of siuco said concert. -Joel Lurk ins is still piqued at us because our devil, sometime ago iu our absence, slipped a little paragraph in the News' local columns about the said Joel, and a K. K. egg. Joel's prolonged wroth illustrates the truth of tho lines? I ... "What deep wounds ever closed without it scar? The heart bleeds longest, and put heal to wear That which disfigures it." -A correspondent writing from this place to the Charleston jVefjps, under date 17th inst., says: "Our town is "ooastful of its municipal privileges, late ly assumed, and proffers for accommoda tion of visitors a well kept livery stable, n first-class house for private and tran sient boarders, (which is really an acqui sition,) and. besides, other improvements that keeps the ring of the hammer con stant, there has been a now store erected ! on Market Street." All of which is so. -George G. Washington, the noto rious cow thief, has loft these parts for a healthier climate. For months he was butcher for Orangeburg, in which time uo less than thirty head of cattle were stolen, and it is now evident that ibis scoundrel was the purloiner of them all ; and that ninny of our citizens paid him for their own beef. George was a strict Democrat, and voted at the last election for Judge Carpenter. It is .said that he was uudcr a bond for his appearance at tho ensuing term of Court, for nu ofloncj of the saute kind. -Some one once said that it is the duty of a journalist? "To tench man what ho might he, or he ought; If that corrupted thing could ever such l?c taught." In latter days new rc^ponsibMities have devolved upon him. It is his duty now to praise and flatter the ladies; to fall in lore with false hair; say ii is beautiful iu every breath, either written or uttered; to maintain an heroic si. leucc in regard to tha niaku-up of b r toilet. Tobe shoi t, to see nothing but her beauty and pronounce it perfect. Now under such circumstances, and ar bitrary rules sis these, is it not hard and unkind in; the part of tho good public to say that all journalists are tule-tcllcrd ? We think it is. A min ought not tu 1 c held to an accountability fjr that which he's made to do. If it wasn't for this say-nothing rule, we could give some amusing fiicts from -'behind the scones;" but you --know how it is yourself." We can't do it. -A friend asks i.s bow is the best way to win a young lady ; that bo is desperately iu Jove with' oue who has jilted her dozens; and although he is confident that she has a kind o' penchant for hiui, yet he i.s afraid to tunke any ad vances ; whether if he commences at all or not, if it would be advisable to be profusa iu the use of sighs, flattery and the various arts of deception? As to flattery, wo would recommend that it be poured on untpuringly, but with adroit ness. As to the virtue of sighs, and their power to help a lover's cause, wc will advise our friend iu the language of our favorite pott, who says : "Not much he kens, I ween, of woman's breast, Who thinks that wanton thing is won by sighs ; What enrrth she for heurts when once pos -?..?,1 t Do proper homage to thine idol's oyea ; But not too humbly, or she will despise Thee and thy eult, though told iu moving tropes ; Disguise ev'n tenderness if thou art wise; Brisk Impudence still bent with w oman copes; Pique her and sooth in turn, soon passion crowns thy hopes." Hut after she is won, the same, poet says : "The paltry prize is hardly worth the cost." A 11 ace.?Tho Young Ameriets and tho Elliotts are to run a race over a distance of 303 yards, on the 28th inst. We understand a prize will be awarded to tho successful compotitors. A lively time is expected, as there will be numbers of persons here to witness the race. The Annual Examination of the Claflin University took placo on Tues day an'?. Wednesday, of tho past week. Wo hp.vc no space to-day to devote to an extended notice of said exhibition. In our next issue, howevor, will be found a proper notice of this deservedly popular Institution. AY e ahe in receipt of a lotter from a friend who attended tho examination of the Bohool uf Mr. ('has. L. Edwards, at Pine Grovo Academy in this County, which for want of space, is necessarily deferred until next issue. AYo learn that everything wont off delightfully, and reflected credit both upon this intelli gent tcuchor and his pupils. The newest attraction at Cap'. Briggmaun's now, is a large and beauti ful ice-house. AYe examined it on yes teroay, and wc unhesitatingly say that Orangcburg will soon outstrip all of her sister towns if her citizcus continue to add to her her beauty nud attraction?. "Among bcr most enterprising ia Capt. Hriggman, and of whom she is justly proud. The Captain keeps his beorp, ales, wines, &c, oll iu his icc-houso, which makes them delightful. It spoils beer and ale to put ice iu them, und yet there arc tunny we find doing it ; but if all our friends who aro fond of cool beer, ale &c., will cull at the Captain's they can get almost any drink they want, and get it cool too without putting ice in it. Nothing is more delightful than a visit to Captain Briggmanun'ti those hot days? AYo advise our friends to give him a call. Theodore Koijn A lino's advertise ment appears in a new form again to day. It is not necessary for us to recom mend these gentlemen. The honest and j straightforward manner iu which they j deal with their customers is the best recommendation. This Firm is growing to be one of tho loading ones iu ocr town. We are glad of it. Their desire to please as merchants should place them in the front ranks ; and there wo will bail them before long. A Pleasant Occupation iron ! Ladies.?The liberal percentage offered I by Messrs. Ilm lor. Chadwick \- Gary to those engaged in the rah* of tickets in the great Land and Immigration Scheme, should be u rare inducement to the la dies to undertake the work of disposing of them ; especially those generous, un selfish and uoblo women who represent charitable institutions and desire to raise lunds for their support. No gentleman e. uld refuaO au appeal fr\p?j?$ueli n quar ter and lor such a put pose. It may be safely assumed that not one man iu ten throughout the State, to say nothing of the sedier sex. will fail tu take his risk in securing a fortune from tho -101 prizes to be drawn in Oct'd.mr ncxl Hence, tin* ladies should b>? emiucntly successful i:i the sale uf tickets, and in earning the legitimate profits which attach thereto. COMMERCIAL. .11 ARK KT IC KIMH6TN. Ol i i? OF Titv: OUAN'ORnt'no Ni;\vs. Jone 28. 1871. CQTTON?Sales during the week tfi? bnles. We quote : Ordinary.l? (W 10 Low Middling.1 7 per oushol. 1!qkx.$1.10 t>er bushel. Cow Pkas. 7r* per bushel. Pix?khs.$1. 50 per bushel. NOTICE. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REA'ENUE. Ity virtue of a warrant of distraint from W. K. Clout man Esq., Collector of Internal Rev enue 2d District of South Carolina, I will sell for cash al public outcry hi front of Sheriffs office, Orangeburg S. c. on Satur dny Juno 21th, 1871, at 11 o'clock A. M All that tract of land with the buildings thereon, situated in the Village of Orangc burg, nnd bounded (row or formerly) by Lots of Elizabeth Merchant, Joseph McNn mara. C. Chanlin A-fitroat. Levied on for Taxes due by James P. Mays, to the United States. I\ V. DIDDLE, Deputy Collector Orangeburg, June Od. 1871.? 10?td NOTICE. Dr. CHARLES lt. TARER ofTora his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the Citi zen- of Orangcburg and vicinity. Oflioent the Drug Stor? of Dr. Olivoros. Rosidoncc "Oak Villa," Broughton Street. may \ \ 81 DR. T. BERWICK LEGARE, SURGEON DENTIST, thu PUBLIC in tho Praotiooof DENTAL BUR QERY In all its b.'anehcs. Special at tent ion will be paid to the PRESERVATION of the natural teeth ; equal euro being exercised in tho construction of ARTIFICIAL SUBSTI TUTES. All opcrntiims guaranteed to give satisfaction. Office hours from 0 A. M. to 1:80 P. M. and from ? to ?'. P. M. may 20 Q 11 MO?E NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THEODORE K0H1T & BROTHER'S. ONE CASE OF CHOICE CALICOS SUITAULE for the SEASON. Also Received a large assortment of ST** aw anoi. ft In ALL COLOR*, comprising the LATEST STYLES OF of SUNDOWNS, GYPSIES, ROUND It ATS LABhf. WASHINGTON, kc. These goods we arc enabled to sell at HALF the usual PRICK. OUit DRESS GOODS' STOCK HAS ALSO BEEN REPLENISHED WITH CHOICE PATTERNS, and are helling the same at F.XTK AOK3?IN A BY LOW 1?1UCEN. WE WOULD ADVISE EVERYBODY TO LAY IN THEIR SUPPLY OF DOMES TIC OOODS at the present LOW FIGUHES at which we continue to Bell, notwithstanding tho very great rise in these Goods, caused by the advance ef the Raw Material, we will sell nt the same ASTONISHING PRICES for which we arc celebrated. Croat bargains in CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. FANCY GOODS, &C. PARASOLS ! PARASOLS! ! PARASOLS! ! ! At manufacturer's prices THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. june 24 ly ! DOWN! DOWN!! T H E CORN E R! D, LOUIS I 1$ NOW OFFER 1 NO HIS ENTIRE STOCK AT A N I) U N D E R C O S T TO MAKE ROOM tfOR PALL GOODS. NOW IS THE TIME TO 0 ET DA KG A1NS?COME ONE AND ALL. D, 1 i O TJ I S . june IT?1y AT THE CORNER. JUST RECEIVED Another CHEAP LOTi'or BACON. | ALSO PEIME WHlVr. .. JsTEHN COBN. ' One TWO HOUSE WAGON. LIQUORS from SI.?6.upwards. i One JERSEY WAGON, four seated miJ Cheap SUGAR and COFFEE. newly painted- Wurranted. MOLASSES and SYRUP. Al t> ant ol TWO HORSE HARNESS. CHEAPEST LOT OK PIPES AND CIGARS IX THE VILLAGE! W. T. M T r^TsTSR. june 17 . c if JUST RE ? EIViD AT THE Sign of tin* Bifv Watch, A SELECT ASSORTMENT "* OF OX] T J, i: R V 5 Constating of POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS, BUTTON HOLE CUT TERS, &<\ Also EMERSON'S CELERRATED RAZOR STROPS, all of which are Warranted a.> r en resented. E . K Z E Iv I E L. june 17 feh 1H Ivc THE FIRM Ol1 WM. A. MERONEY cN CO., HAS REEN DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT. WILLIAjm a. MEROtfEl WILL CONTINUE THE OLD BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. Ho also offers for sale a choice assortment ..f FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, his Stock ..f tvhieh will always he Kept full and fresh. rPf'Y|-? ^ \ by the Wholesale and Retail -the BEST BRANDS of tho Weed Itetal- -tfio be?t%ver 'VpiifTed. XF.B HOTIil,. -TRANSIENT nnd PERMANENT liO.vBDF.RS accommodated, I that he, Mr. MERONEY, is quite Mire, ??Knows how to keep n Hotel." Those who agree ! with him will, of course. Patrotilsn iho M'.W HOTEL : those who differ, will certainly he j convinced ?y ?? simple vi*it to his hospitable ami gcucrouslv provi led TABLE. AUl/TLOXEEll.-~In-addiiion to selling his own Uoods, MR. MERONEY ?:' . his services for the disporsnl of otluu p r? ms Conds by AUCTION. Ik-has a happy knack of inducing Didders to buj whether they wish to or not, and of obtaining the II IG BEST PB1CES for niter person-, while conlctited with the lowest prices for himself. tttt? T) A 1) MIL MERONEY has recently boon admitted to tha BAB? i LX ! J l>x\ IV (which he keeps in connection with his GBOCERY.) He has a large praotico already, and though h.v is frc piently "summoned," to prepare "sum mery proceedings" in the shape of ICED DIllNKS, COCKTAILS, ,\.-.. ho never hears any "COMPLAINTS;" nn the contrary, everyone neems to ho "l'LE VS' od with It's LIQUORS nnd to have quite an "attachment' lor MKKONEY'S DAR. iv a i M L Is nothing more than fair To sny that, in his little affair Of distributing groceries ami other cxcollenl fare Merouey i.-- assisted l.y Fair. june 111 c t( SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING! CaOOlKS BOUGHT AT YOSi:\S GROCERY WILL BE DELIVERED Ell EE OK CHARGE TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN. Choice and Fresh Family Groceries Received i:v ERY WEEK, AUGTSTA FLOUR &. C. HAMS. STRIPS, BUTTER, LARD, BACON. Call and exntuiuo. J. GEO. VOSE. jUHC 1" .. Iv JUS! RECEIVED 500 BUSHELS CORN, WHICH IS OFFERED VERY LOW SPRING GOODS!!! F. W. H. Briggmana & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED a WVIaJa stock of Spring Dress Goods, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. AH our GOODS arc LOW in PRICE to anil tho times. Our stock of GROCERIES LIQUORS WINES ALE ami LAOER DEER I? of FIRST QUALITY ami Low in Price. Call and sco for yourselves. F. II. W. BKIGQMANN ? CO. a pi 8 oct 0 ly BIG RED FAMILY COFFEE POT, ose ooon HAST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. B. E. M. PEARSON TIN WARE of EVERY DESCRIPTION made to order?Wholesale or Uetnil. 1$ AT HI NO TUBS. FOOT TU HS. SHOWER RATHS. BAKERS with REFLECTORS. ROASTERS. Any kind of WORK in my Line made ami repaired FOR CASH. METALIC CASES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND rtll of th*? various Sizes of the above Cases, which can be furnished iaunediately on ap plication. Also man it fact u res WOOD COFFINS &h usual, und at the shortest notice. Apply t.o n. RIGOR, mar ?"?-?tiia Chrringe Manufacturer. The People's Bakery* NEXT DOOR TO kei> coffee pot. Kitit of t'reslijfteritw Church, fiu*$tJl~St. I am Unppy to ANNOUNCE to the. C1TI ZENS uf Jlraiigenurg, that 1 am now PRE PARED io SUPPLY Funnies aud Cus'omers with BREAD. CA RES, PIES, and all other articles generally found in a FIRST CLASS BAKERY. WEDDING CAKE prepared with great care to suit the most fsHtidous tustes. The PATRONAGE m iny friends ami fel low citizcus is respectfully solicited. ' TTIOS. \Y. Al.nEHGOiTI. Mr- ALBERGOTTI returns thanks for the Patronage heretofore bestowed, and hopes lier friends und Customers will contin ue i he s&iii ??. she will keen constantly on hand an as sortment uf FRl'lTS, CONFECTIONARY and FANCY ARTICLES as usual. dec 10 3ro Mm A LBREGHT, ROOT AND SHOK MAKER, OR4\(?I UIRO. S. C .. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TFIF. CITl . zens of Ornugeburg and Vicinity that he tins opened at Ids NEW STORE on Rus sell Street, between Messrs Briggmmn & Co. and McNamarf) -t Jones, with a complete Stock of LEATHER, fco., and thai he baa sufficient Workmen io fill all Ordut* cnuuM e?l to hi in. Thanking tho Public for pH?o patrona??, re^peetjnilv solicits a continuance of the sitne TERMS CASH. feh . oct 22 tf 1 vS E E ( i E Ti 9 s 1'Y.t Dl'IiTEH ITE? ALK A\D LAGER BEER YUER BEEK, CONTAINING COPPE _j RAS and ALE doctored with Salt, Lime und Alum, are the latest adulieratioos dis covered in New York. Prnfossor Mapes of New-York, analyzed the Peer from a dozen di-erent Brcwerie?, ami all were round adnltewted with noxious substance. It i? said, that the sale of Drugs to Brewers, is a profitablo part of the trade. This i- perfectly infamous CoccuUi* indicus ;fish berry) nux-voadca. (dog button) from ?l.;.l. ...-\. ?i. _ :.. - : - ?...:_..{ _ ...... _ r .ca 5.ryoau.ne i* ?..,....,,.,, ?rerunieci the delectable ?ubstasices found in Beer! Those arc potent poisons, and the Brewer found using them should he drowned at once in one of Ins own tats. 1'. s 1 am willing to be drowned in my own \r.'.:\ ifaiiy imparities should b.? found .. ? u_ 1 shall continue lo make n healthful Beverage, so thai it may be drank by the most tic lie itc without the least danger. JOHN i' SEEGEKS, Columbia. S. C. For sale in Orangeburg by the cask or otherwise, by MERONEY SUN. jan 7 c ly CA HI N KT KU'OI\ \\rNI- A. BULL offers his services to the Citisens of Orungeburg, Countv as CABINET MAKER in all it* branches. Funerals attended with promptness. sFVn ras fWP an* ? 8^*Seat Free on Application. may 21 wee tf The State of South Carolina, OR ANGEBT!RO COUNTY. f.n the Common Pleas. Dill for Injunction, Ac. I'.y rirtut of an order suede in this case' the Creditors of C. K. Jufcoat, deed, are bcrtby notified that they are required to present and prove their respective demand* before Charles fi. Glover, Esq., Special Keferec. at Orangeburg C. IL, S. C, on or before the 1st day of July A. D., 1871, or the/ will be debarred payment. Clerk s Office. i ?EO. BO LI V EH, Orangcburg. C II.. 3. C . [ C. C. 1?. May 27th, l*7l J may 27 wt The State of South Carolina, ORANCxEBURO COUNTY, Is Tin: Common Plkas. The Staio Ex Reljiione.l Solicitor ot | BtU to the Southern Circuit, V Perpetuate lure ( Ttltlntoajr. Lost Documents. J Ex Parte \ Application to Prove P II. Kickenbach:?-. / left Deed. Application having been made by P. A. Riokenbaoker to provo the past existence loss and contents of a certain Deed of con veyance from John Ricktnbaeker to Uie seid P." H. Rickenbacker during hia life and te uii child-, en after bis death, of all tktt plan in u.n .iv tract of land in the Ossusty and State aforesaid situated lying and aetol to. Two Milt? Swamp waters of the North Mkte River containing four hundred acres, and bounded by the Holman's Bride? read? Ter? Mile Swamp, J Snndford, and other lands In obedience to an order in the said case ! aud on motion of Messrs Knowlton A Bull j Soliciiuvs for applicant it it ordered; That all persons who dcaiie so to do appear And ! cross examine the evidence produced end introduce evidence in reply before me oa the 26th day of June A. D. 1671. at my office Orangeburg S. C. _ QEO. ROLTTFR. tusr 25?Special Referee. GLENN'S SPRINGS, SPAltT.IXB?RG, ?. C. riVUS DELIGHTFUL W'ATERINQ PLACE w ill be open for visitors Juno let, 1871. Doing situated in the Northern part of the State, in a section remarkable fur-delightfe! climate, beauty and bealthfulnrss. This, to get her with the virtues of the Water, maker, it one of the most, desirable Watering Places to be found. The Medicinal Qualities of this water are not excelled, (to which thousand* CAN and WILL TESTIFY.) are a sovereign remedy for all Female diseases, all dis eases of all long standing, diseases of the liver, bowels, kidney a and bladder, chronic diarrhea, eruptions of the thin, syphilis, scrofula. dispep?ia, rheumatism, dropay, fto. Arrangements will ha made to accommo date a large number of Visitors. Good Music will be in attendanee to ru liveu the Ball Room. Fancy Balls during the Neuaon. Ten Pin Alley. Billiard Saloon and Coquet for the amusement of the Guest. A Livery will be kept at moderate char' *s. Charges per day, $SLM] per nor1' to $?!?*>, Beoording to the rooms $2"? to $00 for the Season. stage (rent JjtweevUie di* i w ft row*. junt* 10 P. V. Dibble, Ad mrs. ] dt bonis non t,f | U. E Jcfcoat, ? vs. Elias o. Ilolman, | et. si.