LOO .A. 3L.._ SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1871. >'"jiiU'.iBai';,"i' ?t:u,:r;.*l '. ?jttst ?;. ... ? ? ?? ? Tho weather has been so unusually fylfc for the poet week that soda water ?and ico have beeo in constant domnud. Sheriff Riggs carried tho prisoners, Sentenced at the lust term of Court to -? mm win ?- - Ws know personally of tbirtceu can didates for the next .-heriff tf this County. We might say "that ninny ?hall oiler, but only one can bo chosen." Wk uudcrBtand that a grand pic nic Vus had by thu colored portiou of tho ^population in the viciuity of Brunch ville, on Saturday last, at P. W. tFairey's mill. 'Tiikodohk Koun & Ruo., oilers cx Ura inducements to purchasers. Reud their advertisement, and be profited by it. -mm i ? Comuiuuism bus failed iu France, feud tho Charleston Courier very porti taently nsks, 'what next?'' T5?o Columbia Plucnix dubs the Columbia Cuivn the A'it Klux Itcporter, ?ttvd tho Cttien retaliates by dubbing the tho A'ti Klux Defender, and fcaya it, the Defender, has been recently treated to ginger-pop. ?? IM? U im mit - -A gue.vt BACltlFICK.?Mr. J. P. Hurley offers his cutiro stock tit a sacri fice, lie has ou baud a heavy and select AUjp^ly of goods, of every description, which he proposescs to sell upon the easiest terms Persons wanting good and cheap bargains, can get them by culling at Mr. Hurley's. The communication signed uOno Who Ivnows" from Rrauchvillo, iu referento ?10 the letter of-Oldster" published in our Bust issue, we decline to insert. Our columns arc open lor (reo and honor able discussion ; but "One Who Knows" must learn the honorable part of it preparatory to the commencement of n fohtrovcrsy. lie ccr'ninly djes'nt Lnow it now. i Somehun?: New t ? Ohamiebuuo. In our advertising columns will bo found tho new and attractive advertisement of Win M. Silin & Go. Their splendid LlVKltY STABLES, which have been i.i process of com plot ion for some tituo, are 1 now finished. 1 The.-c gentlcmon tiro now j ready to furnish transportation, nod do all kinds of hauling 114)011 ?h?rt notice, and at reasonable prices. A splendid supply ol horses, either for llio saddle or buggy, will always be found on hand. Parties desirous-of attending pio-nics can pro cure transportation from these Stables at moderate rates. In a word, this Com pauy is prepared to furnish, at all times, saddle horses and turnouts splendidly equipped, either fur pleasure or business They arc expecting, als;), a line supply of . horses from Kentucky, which thay pro pose to sell at a small advance. Persons wautiug good horses, would do well to Icavo thoir names at these Stables., Horse Drovers accommodated. And what is better for our County is hereafter, it will not be necessary for any of our citizens, who, after driving their horsos twenty or thirty miles through | tho heat, upon arriving in town, to have l to hitch them in tho hot broiling sun. For a few dimes they can take them to ijinan st'tblcs havo them fad "ufob^d 1 1 "7 ' "* *'" * . .... ? down and otherwise takou oaro of. And after all, these poor dumb animals are Just ns iond of their dinner, and the shado as their too frequently inconsido rate masters. .Messrs. Sain Si ('?>, Imvo added an important improvement to our town, and we predict for the at sure suc cess T.mk Biblk Explained.?There is sonic sort, of a passage in the IliLlo which Funs, "If thy right cyo offend thee, pluck, it out," &o. Over this sentence it appears that the mind of a certain gentleman of Rranchville. has been se riously exercised for some mouths past Anxious to got the views of every ex pounder of the Gospel upon it, he applied one day to a well known colored theolo gian ofthat place, for his interpretation ol its meaning. The colored miiistor feeling highly complimented, answered iu much apparant earnestness. "Well, sah. I's glad you ask inq dut question, fur I've bin givin it a good 'cal of study an' tent ion myself. It wero fur a long time dat I wero liko you, nu* couldu't see trough die enyiu' ob da Soripter, an* I played dat I mite Bco trough it, fur my mind were boddercd mightily ober it, on' one timo I had do sore eye, an' it were my rite eye too, on' I tought it were jist here whnrc dis Seripter eutued in, un' dat il I wero n good Christian, 1 mu6t pluck out my rite eye. But 1 went pra\in, an'-? ?'Audwhatif Never mind that long rigmarole, but just toll mo what you think ,this passage in quest ion moans, ' interrupted the exercised gentleman. "Deu I'll toll you. It means dis. Ef a n.uns a God sarbiu man, an' tends churolt as he ought to, you. boo dat many times he's irot !'ur to iro widout his wile, bekasc fur do reason dat she wont go wid him. Now L'a studied de Soripter, an' fum tie undcrstandin dat I take ob it, it means your wife an' y ?u ore as one. Well, she niout den be called your rite eye, an' ef she fends you by not sarbin de Lord wid you, an' by holiu you* back, dis Scripter moans dat you must cider cast her off, or pluck out her rite eye It doesn't mean your o%n eye. Now, salt, dats zactly what it means. Doesn't you dtskivcr do pint ? " It is proper to slate that the exercised gentleman did not "diskiver" the p>int, and that bis mind is as unsettled as be fore, ns to the true signification of this metaphorical passigc. COMMERCIAL. 31 AH Ii KT It EPOItTS, Orpizn of tiik OttAXOKnirnn Nfcws, May 19, 1871. COTTON?Sales during the week hales. Wo ijuote : Ordinary.11 Cu) Low Mi.'l Hing.I?|<9 Middling....,.U llnccn I;ic>:.Srl.O? i*?? i- oushol. t ons..$! .10 per bushel. Cow Pbas. 75 per bushel. Pindkiis.per bushel, GOLD. 01? Si LA'KB.05 CHARLESTON MARKET, Cit.vui.usinx, I'i'iiiay Mobxixo, .May 11, 1871. Ordinary.,.12 (./; Gu?iJ Ordinaly.H.V'.<:. Low Middling.16"(f^ Middling.,. I. AT J 1ST Q V C5T ATS OX ov SOUTH RUN SECURITIES, in CHARLESTON, S. C. Cwtc'.cd Wttkly ly ISA X Ii E: 52 raid IlRO&IHl, A*. ?_'.*> Ilroad Str'tt. May 10, 1ST 1] State Skcukitirs?South Carolina, old. (0,76; do now, (a t o ; do, regisi'd stock, ex int (?i.U5. t'iTY Skcuimties?Augusta, Ca., Bonds, KJo>; ; Charleston, S. ('. Stock, (ex >|'* bit) (.i ?".(>; do. Fire Loan Bonds. (?7:1; Co luuibia, S. C. Bon Is. (7< ?'. '. I'.aii.uoau Bonus?Bluo Ridge (first mort gage) (10(a) : Charleston and Savannah, (it.'io ; Charlhtte, Columbia and Augusta, (<2,*5 : Cheraw and Darlington, f; do, (State guarantee) (?,?'???: Northeastern, 7H (it, ; Savannah and Charleston, (1st mort) (3 78 : do, (Stateguarantee) 00(u) ; South Carolina, ( < 7:;; do, 00; Spartan burg and Union, 55. Baii.uoai) Stocks?Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, (<> 40; Greenville and Colum bia, to 2 : Northeastern, (.<.1;': Savannah and Charleston, tu :'.<): South Carolina, (whole shares) ?10; do, (half do) (a 40 F.xoiiAxne, Sc? New York S'ght, \ off par; Gold, 110@lll!; Silver, 103? ?oi ru CAltOLlX'A B\XK BILLS. *Bank of Charleston. (?<, "Dank of Newberry. 3@ Bank of Camdon.SOW Dank of Georgetown. lf?. Dank of South Carolina. 0(g) Dank of Chester.I0(& Dank of Hamburg.16? Dank of State of S C. prior to 1801...43(a) Hunk of Stale of issue 1801 and 1 Si", J..?7'.:, ^Planters' and Mechanics' Dank ot Charleston. (n 'People's Dank of Charleston. ?Union Dank of Charleston. (ry "Southwestern B B Bank of Charles ton, (old I. @ ^Southwestern It B Dunk of Charles ton, (new;. ? Slate Dank of Charleston. 0(ir, Farmer-, and P.xchnngo Bank of Char Icstoit. Exohungo Dank of Columbia.8@ Commercial Dank of Columbia., 8(*j) Merchants' Bunk of Cheraw. 3ui Planters' Bank of Pairlield . 3? State of s c Bills Receivable.'.>:,(,t\ City of Charleston Change Dills.'????(??) * Dills inarkod thus i::) are being redeemed at the Daui; Couc.ters of euch, jun 22 Soi IN THE COURT OK l'ROBATE. Wnr.RKAS, James D. Trc7.c\uut hath ap plied to me tor letters of Administration on the Estate of Mrs. Mary Baker, late ol Or angeburg County, deceased. These are theroforo to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the snid deceased, to he and appear be fore me at a Court of Probate for the said County, to be holden at Orangoburg on the 27th day ot May, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause ir any, why the said Ad ministration should noi Im granted. Givon under my hand ami the Seal of my Court, this 18th day of May, A. D. 1871, and in the ninety-tilth year of American independence. 'I'llAD. ANDREWS, may 20?21 Judge of Probat? Notice of Dismissal. pVTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON tho 27th day of June, 1^71, I will tilo my Final Accounts with the Honorable T. C. Andrews, Judge of Probate, ami atk for Letters of Dismissal ns Guardian of Cbarlos Culler. J. HANE CULLER, mar -1?It Guardian. Notice of Dimissal. "VfOTlCE IS nERERY GIVEN THAT I X% will, on the 27th day of June, 1871, lilo my final account with the Honorable Judge of Frobato f S. <). 0 June 12. IS7I. J may D! id The State of South Carolina, ORANGERURC COUNTY", In the Common Pleas. The State Ex Itclalione, 1 Solicitor of Rill to the Southern Circuit, [ Perpetuate In t'O j T e s t i in o ay . Lust Documents. J Ex l'atie i Application lo Prove F. II. Rickenbacker. j Lost Deed. Application having been made by 1'. A. Ko k libiickor to prove the past existence loss and contents of n certain Deed of con reysnQc from John lUckcnbaokcr to the said P. 11. Hiukcnbackor during his life anil to his children utter his death, of all that plan tation or t raei of land in the County and Stale aforesaid sltuatod lying ami hehl; on Two Mile Swamp waters of the North Elisto Fiver containing four hundred acres, and bounded by I bo Hobnail's Hri Ijr-* road,Two Mile Swamp. J Sandforth and other lands of tli" said Jno. Ilickenbacker. In obedience to an order in tbe said east and on mot ion of Messrs Knowlton A Hull Solicitors tot nppticuul it is ordered : Thai ?ill persons who dosiro so to do appear and cross examine tiio evidenco produced anil Introduce evidenco in reply before me on the SHlli day of Juno A. D. 1871, at my oflloe Orangeburg S. C. GEO, ROLIVER, mar 25?Jim Special Referee. C11GAUN. ttMOU?SCJ AND / CHEWING TOBACCO offered at prices to suit the dull times. b\ wholesale and l!o tnil, At \\ A. MERON KY ? ???. TO HOUSEKEEPERS! WILHELM THEODOJL MULLEU HAS ON HAND A FINE LOT OF FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, WHICH has been SELECTED veUh the UTMOST CARE, aud are WARRANTED to oUIT every body, both In QUALITY and PRICES. A FINE LOT OF BRANDIES. WllLSKEYS, CIN, RUM and WINES of every GRADE, and especially adopted for Fu.ndv Purposes. Also 8EGAILS and TOBACCOS of the FINEST BRANDS, with ono of the FINEST. AS SORTMENTS of PIPES in the MARKET. Come and Examine my GOODS and PRICES before purchasing elsewhere?it is no trouble to show them. may ltl c If E. EZEKIEL \ Has just received a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEW EERY which will be sold LOW DO%"N for cash. N. B.?Clocks, Watches and Jew elry REPAIRED. may Iii \ fob 18 Jyc JUST RECEIVED VOSE'S (UlOCER\ 5 A CHOICE LOT OF Hams, Breakfast Strips, Smoked and I). S. 13 A C (> IS FAMILY ROCERIES ALWAYS (>N HAND. Call at once .1. G KO. VOSE. AlJJC WIJ SI1A FI iOXJR mnv in e 1 v FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! EXTRA Ax!> FAMILY KLOUK FROM GEORGIA AND NORTH CAROLINA MILLS. SUGARS, COFFEES AND POTATOES, CRUSHED, POWDERED, \ WHITE. C YELLOW, AND BROWN SUGARS AT RE DUCED 1 RICES; AXOTfliF.i: rs?7??k*ly of ghhae* c:)ffj:j: i,ns. von si GOOD TABLE P< ' I' Cl'OES. CHOICE NAVY T015ACCO?FOCKET PIECKS. Fur anle by JO3 I N A. I IAM! L-TOnST, a pi 22?ly Kirc Insurance Agent. SPRING OPENI^Gr;! JOSEPH M'NAM ABA, EU: SELL ST I Have just opened ah entire new STOCK* uf SPRINU 00;)I>5, complete in t Lr> various i Di partmenls. 1 DIAGONALS, CLOTH**. OME'tE-L TWEEDS, LINENS, DRILLS an 1 COATINGS, COT'T NAHES an 1:READY-M \DK CLOTHING. . ;*??:??* 1 an i ol nuntr?ld Styles'. DRESS GOODS in vari ... MUSLINS and C,)L1 ?. . ;':' ? latter 10 yds for *l, eras : Cheap any in the ta nk ?*. rill * ii ? inn ['aihioiiahle Pn terns. j YARD WIDE brown upd black Irij.MESf ICS, al Pii, and a complete Bite of all kinds at j corresponding prices. SHOES, GAITERS. H \TS. SHI IT FRONTS. YANKEE NOTIONS, ko. Also GROCERIES, HARDWARE and CROC EERY"-* ARE, w i: h will bo sol I CHEAP as can be bought in any hottsj i:i State for thi C VSH. apl 22 c ly NOT K! E 01! C3 SCHOOL COM MIS Mny HUh. 1*71. Al.I. FKUSOnJ V\ HO II VV .: ! BKS KM PLOYKD as TKAOHRlis in the IT?KK COM MON SCHOOLS >f ibis C unity are 1 equcst eil to present their ACCOUNTS to the Un dersigned at his Oilice ni Ornngebnrg Court House, nt the earliest da> practicable. K. I. CAIN. S. C. (?. C. may 20 ?i DR. T. BERWICK LEGrARE, SUKCJKON I) K nt I.st, Graduate Elitllltnorc ?'ollogf Elenful Siir/jory* OFFICE MAHKKT-ST. <>\i:i: i ft : :: ?>?? J. A. HAMILTON, ^.^ .rt ';; ? ? :> ^ Bfe;-. ?. (f Yyyn" v O ^-L.i.j 3. ? ' ' Itpspcc!fully offers his serviei?? t- :' PUBLIC i'i Ii'*-' Practice I" I Hi NT A L .-! K OKIIY in all its h.-attelu". Sp idnlatttuition will be pahl to tho PKliSKUVATI IN of ihr i toilui'Ai Icvlu : eouitl oare In z < . i.I > ?> the construction of ARTH It IA L SI IS! I TUTHS. All operations gmiruntc t to give satisfn clion. Ofliue hours front 9 A. M. t.. 1:550 1*. M. au I from ". !.. U 1'. M. tuny c ly N?TI?E. OKFICK COUNTY < OMMISSIONF.US, < ItiA \ .? nt tin Curs n. Orangeburg, S. <".. May 10, I-7 1. Tho ATT UN TI ON of Mini!. HKAl.KF.S of Spirituous Liquors, is Di retted t" the fact that ihr TAVERN LICENSES ? f a ma jority of I hem have expin 1, ah it!-! U will j savo them somo TROI BLR ami EXPENSE ' by RENEWING tho SAME at tmco. I By ot .lor ?>f the Board. J AS. Van TASSEL, may IS- .'It f. B. ?'. C. Dr. CHARLES it. TABF.lt offer* his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to tho Citi zens of Ornngcburg and vicinity. Office at tho Drug Store of Dr. ?? is ?. Rcsidonce ,4OaH Vd' i." Broughten Slreet. may I 1 NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, i'KANOEUCllO, .S. (.'., May 19th, 1st 1. In order that PARTIES who are desirous of PUTTING IN FRO POSA LS for REPAIR ING the NEW REID3E CAUSEWAY, may on re fully n i lei- !an 1 what will bo rcjuired of the party contract lug; for the same, the full ::. ? .- j ih Uh ?I for ihoir information : 1st. There are eighl (8) Hollo? Bridges to bo Repa rc 1 ??! a thorough anil wovkraaa like manner, Using not o of the present Tiiu Ler i".! such as would \> ? pronounced 1st hy competent judgos, especially the Tiiubvr us< I Li the Rcpnirs er the Abut . . . 2.1. One I' Hollow Rrhlge to bo Ruilt of Neu ?.latcr:al, ulio in a workmnn-liks inan ! '. The Can! 'way to be Raised by bops, |t,i;-!i an-! San 1. twenty inches abovu High Witt or Mark. llj or.l ??? of tlie Hoard. JAS. Yan TASSEL. Ch rk Ro.ird Couuly Commissioners. Citizans Savings Bank i iy FOUTI1 CAKOEINA. \\ I!.i.l \A \! VRT1N. Presi lent .ISO. II PALMER, Vico-Preshlcnt. .ISO. P. f IIOM VS, A. c I! REN WER, Cashier. J. C. R. SMITH, Assistant Cashier. i)i recto/is. V.'u.r. ILvMiM'ox. IL II. RuTir.nnn. I. P. TltOM \s. I). R\vp..xbl, Jr. F. W. MuMastkb. Rev. William Mabtin a. i . II a*kki.i.. Jno. IL Palmuii. .1. I': i OttKnn. Thomas F.. Oacoii. OKANOEEUriG UitANCU, AT Til K iKxmtfti iioi;8K. Sol.ii/ To h'S. M< - irs. GLOVER .fs 0LOVES. ; local FINANCE COMMITTEE. Hon. Til OS. W. OI.OYER, t !. PAUL S. FELDER. Cup?. JOHN A. HAMILTON. ASSISTANT CASH/Ell, JAMES II. FQWLES, S>0]>o?itH of $1.00 tint! I j?u;rtr?! Ordinary Savings Deposits, H per cent 1 will l?e Compounded every "-''"i months on Ac count-'. hi . Jl c thu NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNER SHIP. rpHK COPARTNERSHIP hcrfioforo ex isting between W. A. MERONEY k CO. is tili? day DISSOLVED by tho WITH DRAWAL of WM. M. SAIN. W. A." ME RONEY win Mill CARRY ON Hie business nt Kcitt's 01*1 8tt>nd under tho Stylt* mid name of W. A. MERONEY ft CO. All persons indebted to the former Company will please mnke immediate payment to W. A. MERONEY, Orangeburg, S. <'., May 19lb, 1871. may 20 4t JUST RECEIVED 500 BUSHELS CORN, WHICH IS OFFERED VERY LOW SPRING GOODS i!! F. W. H. Briggmann & Co. HAYE JUST RECEIVED A FUIili STOCK OF Sprissg Dress Goods, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS All our CO order?W 11? ?T :salc or Retail. BATHING TUBS. FOOT TUBS. SHOWER BATHS. BAKERS with REFLECTORS. ROASTERS. Any kind of WORK In ttiy Line made and i ( paired FOD CASH. GUTTERING and ROOFING done to order. LEAD FIDES repaired. SECOND HAND STOVES, rcpairod and cleaned up. a pi 20 nti !.* 13 3m METALIC CASES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND all ol the various Sixes of the above Cuscs. whiuh can he furnished immediately on ap plication. Ab.? manufactures WOOD COFFINS as usual, and at i!;e ahortcVt notice. Apply lo 11. K1GGS, mar 5?Gm Carriage Manufacturer. The People's Bakery. NEXT DOOR TO IJS-:i> COFFEE POT, East of 1'resbytcritm Cht -r/t, Russell-St. I am happy to ANNOUNCE to the C1T1 ZENS uf Ornngeburg, that 1 am now PRE PARED to SUPPLY Familcs and Customers with BREAD, CAKES, PIES, and all other articles generally found in a FIRST CLASS BAKERY. WEDDING CAKF. prepared with great care 10 suit the in.,-e Mine. 'I MR MS CASH. fob ?* oat 23 tf i s E e c; k u5s 11 .\ADUl/VEIt t ri.? ALE AJ*!> L .i (J R R 11 E H R . T\r.\.\{ BEER, CONTAINING CCPPE j RAS and ALE doctored with Salt. Lime ami Alum, are tho lal ist adultorntioos dis covered i:i New-York; Professor Mapes of Now York. analysed the Deer from a dozen ditforent Breweries, and all were fount! adulterate 1 with noxious substaiicc. It is said, that the sale of Drugs to Browers, i n profitable part of tha trade. This ';?> perfectly infuinous Cooculus Indiens (fish berry) nux-vomicn. (dog button) from ?.vliieh strychnine is obtained, are some of ihe delectable sub lances found in Deer! These arc | il nt poisons, and the Brcwor round using I hem should ho drowned at once in one of Ins own \at.?. P. s. ? 1 aai willing to be drowned in ;ny own vats, if any impuritici should be found in my Beer. 1 shall continue to make a healthful Beverage, *o that j; may be drank by the most delicate without the least danger. JOHN C. SEEGERS, Columbia, S. C. For sale in Orangoburg by the cask or otherwise, bj MERONEY ft SAIN, inn 7 o ly OAB1 N i W SPIOl \ WM. A. BULL offers his servicca to the Citiseus of Orangoburg County as CABINET MAKER in ail its branches. Funorals attended with promptness, old FURNITURE repaired and made new. Also Varnished without being removed. Shop on the Rastern sido of the Railroad. Give mo a trial. I w ill ids.) build Buggy and Wagon Wheels and Bodies cheaper than anybody else In Orongoburg. WM. \. BULL mar II if FOB SAL*S BY WILOOX, GIBES & CO., IMPORTERS cr- DEALERS IN g uanos, 148 BAY Sr., SAVANNAH, Ga. 241 BRO VI) St, AUGUSTA- Ga. 151 Rast Buy, Cll ARLESTO.&, S. C BULL, SCjVILL & PIKE, ORANGEBURG; S. G. For furth r information, apply or ad dress as above for Pamphlet. nuv 1!) web 4in T. F. Muonis. R. R. Huhjim II. <'. Hi txitxs. j3ItOX>! K & CO. oriON FACTORS AMI COM MISSION M ERC II ANTS,. .V (?/.' 77/ . 1 i"/,. I ?V 77 G W1IA RFi CH.VF.KSTON, 8. C. Liberal Advanc ?* made on Consignment. Refer to Andrew Simonds, Esq., Pros't. Ist National Bank, Charleston, S. C. may 21 wee tf p. p. toaleT CllARLESTON, S, C. LaRi " T AND MOST COMPLETE! Mnnuftct iryofDoors.2 i hes,[Rinds, Mould-. tugs, Ac., i:i the f outlienji States. I Pi'i Price J.t$! Duties Compe tition. ?S3-3EXD FOR ONE-?ga : enl Free on Applicatiou.^91 t:: IV 21 WlV tf - 19 v - 111 MONTHLY HAUASUtEj 7'.-j Dollar? per .-in/turn. f.i i V.GES RE VDING MATTER.. SO Puff?? AclvertiKcraenta*, WALKER, bvansn^ COGSWELL,. A N" t> !>. WYATT AIKEX* CitAnLcSTOX, S. jnly 1 i tf / i i:?. W. CARPENTER'S COMFO ;U .'!.: ID EX rilACT OF SAB SAPA RILLA CEO. h. CAR1 'EXTER'S COMPOUND Fl.Uli? EXTRACT OF BUORU These Cclebrnti 1 Pi i?nral ions, originally. introduced by Ceo W. Carpenter* under tUi* palronage ol i i?-? medical faculty, have batn, used by physicians and others, lhal Ibejf ere generally known for . . . > can he reli?d on at iu all cases where HarsapaTills ? r Buoku are applicable, and cannol bo loo highly recommended They arc prepared In a fdghly concentrate^ f\ rm, so ns to nder tlie lose small and eon >?o ui. Older* bj wail oi otherwise will receive prompt attention. ORO. W. CARPENTER, HENSZEY & CO.,. Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No. 7 "7 Market si n et. Philadelphia. For sale by DUKES & Silt'LRR, and E. J. OL1VI UOS, Oral g< burg, 8, C., and DOW1K ,\c MOISE, Wholesale Agohts, Charleston, 8^ I C. VclmiititttrntorHl Police.?All mandt against th? Ksinte "t William II. Trendwell, late of Orangeborg. S. C, debased, will present the sau..- properly ntt'st-vd to Messrs. lz.lar & D.bblf, Attorneys al Law. Ornngeburg, 8. ^ And s.ll person) tod will make imme diate payment to mid VttoiUeys or the un dersigne.1. MAP.Y R. TUE A DWELL, i May Itltli. 1*71. total's an.i i e?t annex 1,1'. 1m