The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, May 13, 1871, Image 5

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I t LOCAL, - -. m< i mi ?-??? ?ATUK?Ar?J*AY l?, 187i. ^Advettisfpcnts will ribt, positively, bo changed, hctcufter Iii lute |Vper ?b lees hauled lo us On Wednesday morn ing-, before biho o'blbtk? ? i ii ijnsi i si i um \VH like to have company in our toffico, but tt ik strictly BguiiiBt tbe rules tof printing oft ecu to read tbo copy on ' tbe cases. Ahd that is a privilege al lowed to none but thoso connected with r nfrdc. Our friends will plouso ro hjueV this. y. publish on our first pngo the Pre ISeo'ttuent of the (trend Jury of this 'County, for the Mftf Term of Court, 1871. ttls*i*toa renfcthy, but will re may a vyereftrt pnfdSal. Sonio charges 'coutnirrett iU It, we sincerely hope way Jtte wj^mtfned away. The past week has been r. mar kable for its changes. Mouday, up to 12 k o'clock M., it was warm. In the after noon tho weather suddenly changed, and ? ^Octj uns been extremely cooi for this Son of the year. We are fearful that lulte will be bad for tho fanners, l?me of the cotton crops have nlroady 'assumed a yellow hue. We hopo. how r, that wo will bo blest with u better . season soon, aud that the crops may |pVoc.n commence to grow again. w - - ?imri.n?i? - Cot; HT re - ass e a. bled on Monday morn ^.itig last/his Honor Judge 11. F. Graham ^'oresiding. A large number of civil casc3 been disposed of. This week's r^$n-oceedings have not been as interest :og as those of tho last, civil business nag so much more prosy than tho ox bemcut of criminaT prosecutions There Icre several Bpceches made last week in fmo of the latter eases, that really de a notice limn us, because of the snts that have b :i made upon f-^-they where splendid. Put we not the space. * "WE?WP- ? -? - <???-? Vk call special attention to the Pro Jkk $rmul Card of Dr. Charles 11. Tuber. :.s now a resident ?.?!" Or.iugeburg, offers his services to citizen* out of vicinity. He is a distinguished biaii, and we oougratui'a'o our eiti ?ii tlu advatttage of thus Uoing f curing tho disease.* \ > which fortunate humanity is heir. ? .\ TT F.:MPT AT PlMtC I,A RY?Oil (.ray4iight an attempt was made by */u.f desperate burglars, to break store of Mcssr? Theodore Kohu Urother. Twi holes* were cut ;h the front door, facing Main ;,--?t, -with a large auger. It is evi at from the positivus of these, that wo'uld bo-burglars, designed to effect ,<>t^ entrance by boring just above the >f the door, so as to enable them, the aid of some instrument, to lift [<t,'and thus open their way. It is the k of professionals, and the sooner p are caught, the better it will be for j^satoty of the community. It is be jred from the circumstances, of the se that Mr. Il nry Kohu (wlu it was iown intended to leave the storo that Lht) was watched, and as soon as out i sight, these night walkers commenced leirwork. Put what caused the n to de ist, at the time when their purpose was learly accomplished is a mystery. We ..suppose though, that sj nothing frighten fed them, perhaps tbe return of Mr. IIjury '4Kohp. Toe traces of their w;*rk w^;.j not discovered until the next m. rning. Wo oongratulato our frionds that the only loss sustaiuod by thotu is tho injury done upon the door of the store. Ami in connection with this we aro led to I offer a little ad vie.- to tho good folks of f, i T, ? ? . ? ? ? our town, it is this : our impression is that there is a bund of regularly orga nised theives right here in our inids;, and the best way to break thorn up, frould he to watch each of them closely, and if they are not seen doing sufficient work to make u livelihood, report (hem fto a Trial Justice as vagrants, and thus ski tho community of not only an infei m1 uuisancc but a set of house-breakers jihd thieves. it kTvuUKY says the people shall I how, when und where the!,- money 19 <tPj doing this," ho adds, "all this fx will ?oaeo, and the shoo will hju?t whvre it ought to." \s suggested by our devil that Tim's .would pinch like the mischief, if Iks tho ca?c. I At*-racy General Chamberlain has written a letter to Geo. A. Trcoholm ofCharlcetoa. Now, Mr. Chamberlain is a man to be appreciated, and we re gret that some of hid assertions or ad missions are to he deplored. Wo think that rcprcsontatiro men of tho Republi can party, could bo a little more judi cious, aud without any hurt to them selves. Whether Mr. Chamberlain's views, os expressed, will do him nuy good cr not. wo . venture t'10 prediction :* that General- W?rtbiugton will be elected the uoat Attorney General. \L yr '? * s-^ Sv The .following sentences were pro nouuc'd^ on tho 5th inst., upen persons convicted1 nt this Term of tho Court, by bis Honor Judgo Graham : I) RF Culler?Assault and Battery ?Fitted twenty-five dollars aud costs, to be paid by 1st October next, or bo im prisoned three months in Coutity jail. Vundy Hampton?Assault und Batte ry?Sentenced to pay the costs by 1st October "CxtjW two o?r>i>t!>tt i?: County jail. Billy Williams alias Billy Smith?As sault and Battery?Appeal from Trial Justice?Ordered that original sentence of Trial Justice bo carried out. Dorcap Cue?Malicious Trespass? Scaled senteuco. Bill Simmons?Grand Larceny?Sen tenced to penitentiary for one year. Moses Aikcn?Burglary aud Larceny ?Sentenced to penitentiary at hard labor for ono vear. I Ahrain Heed?Grand Larceny?Sen tenced to penitentiary at hard labor for one year. Charles II Green and Charlotte Green ?Manslaughter?Each tu bo imprisoned in penitentiary at hard labor for two years. Tue following civil cases were tricl during the past week : W A J ?Urniik vs F Iiiloy? M is'rial?Continued. Calvin Sharp vs N I> Steudinnn ? Trover?Ft ruck off. Thos A Smith vs Peter W Aviqgor? Continued by debt. Donald J 1? me vs Ann C Andrews? ArKUtnpsit?Verd'et for plaiiitiif. ffifjgp^rD r t' ' vv" M ''''""" ot :il ? Assutnpsij?Ityferred to ReTerec, and cunt inucd. Garvin vs W W Pitts?Trespass ? Q (' F?Continued. Joseph Fickliug, Adui'r vs Win S Ty ier?Trover?Referred to liefere ?Con tinued. Jos Ii Ficklitig vs Mary It Tyler? Account?Uuiiurred to ileicrce??Contin ued. N C Whetstone vs Win T Patrick ? Note?Verdict for plaintiff. II () s'nVoak vs M L Uuldwin?Case? Verdict tor plaintiff. J W Davis vs Wilkes Sawyer?Trov er?Continued. Catherine C Palmer vs A Jourdaiu ? As->u:iip>it?Verdict for plaintiff. J W Ant ley vs Thus Ray?Trover? M istrial?Coutiuued. J W Antley vs Sam Dibble?Trover ? M istrial?Continued. David Fertick vs J D Pricket?Tres pass to try title?Continued. J no G Zoigler vs A J Frederick ? Assu'hipsit?Continued. Ben Stevenson v? II II Ktiox ? As Sttmpsit?Continued. Rachel Poosor vs II W Kconerby? Nutc?Str^k off, I ? ~ : ... a wiiV'wO n ^VUlieV ?S it ifcliiga -ii'i.s pass?Continued. Win Dickson vs Q W Kittrcll? Tres pass?Struck off. Jn ? I. Fickling, Adui'r vs D S Ken uerly ot ul?Note?Referred to Refe ree Jno F Picken, I'iX'r vs John F llart zog?Account?Veidict for defendant' J W Sellers et al vs F W Jones, Bx'x ?Note?Special veidict. Win Wutkins vs Win M Wulfe?Tres pass Q C F?Left open. A W Geifer, Kx'r vs The? W Oliver ?Note?Verdict for plaiusifX A W Goigor, Kx'r vs Glenn Oliver? Note?Verdict for plaintiff. Klviu W Bozard vs 11 Biggs?Tres pass ?Left upon. Juo McAlhanuey vs Joseph .Minus? Note?Verdict fur plaintiff. Same vs Edward Minus?Note?Ver dict for plaintiff. Obadiah Syfrot vs Henry Fuiiderburk ?Complaint for Compensation fur Sor ' vi'.'cs?Continued. Ceo. Boiiver, Adtu'r vs Klviu W Bor znrd?Note?Verdiei for plaintiff. D J Humph va Jno F Rilcy?As sumpsit?Mistrial?Continued. Shackto & Richto vs Orangeburg County?Draft?Continued. W S DoTreville vs the same?Coutin lied. Edward Perry vs tho samo?Contin ued. Win C Wolfe vs John F Riloy-^-Ver diet for defendant. COMMERCIAL. MARKET REPORTS. i Officf. or tub ORASoaniino News, May 12, 1871. COTTON?Sales during the week 20 bales. We quote : Q? dinnrv......11 Cub Low Middling.I2$u7> Middling.13 @ Ronan Rick.M.fiO per ottshel. Cohn.$1.10 per bushel. Cow I'bas. 75 per bushel. PlXPSRB.Si.40 per bushel. GOLD. 00 SILVER.06 CHARLESTON MARKET. CnARLRSTOK, FriUAY Morximo, May 5, 1871. Ordinary.-..11 \ (<<\ UoodOvdimiiy..'.12?(<? Low Middling. .18}(<4 Middling.18}?? EAT EST QUOTATIONS of . SOUTHERN SECURITIES, in CHARLESTON, S. C. Corrected Weekly hy BANKER and BROKER, Xo. 25 Brotfl Street. .May 5, 1871. Statk Skoukitiks?South Carol in a. old, 7" ; do new, (?< <>0 ; do, rogistM >i<>j1c, ex'iV: tjii ?'). CiTt niin:s?Augusta, (la., Bonds 78ft : an, S. C. S?o- c. f.*x;.n>i A .:?.... f.oari -;: :: hitiibia. . ' . ? . Railko :? IJoxtii? gag.') r.i.i: Charleston iw'i vil oi i. (ti 08 : Charlotte, C< v oad ? (>i H? : Cheraw and Greenville and Cohn . do, {State, guarantee) 7M {.r : Savanna 1< i '*. ...? inori j (J^7?S; do. ? ? .South Carolina, <?? < ?'? ? ? .? burg and Union. in ?>'. Raimioao Stuc ? ?? liarlotta, Columbia and Augusta, ?'?. 10; t?re'mvUleu?id Colum bia. (" 1 ; Norlliciiyturn, (?b\:>; Savanna a Mini Cli .ilr.-ion. (.<:!.?; South Carol! (who'.u shines) (n IU; do, (hulf do) -' > ExutiAxni:. ??'?New Vmk S'ght, \ off par; Gold, 1K%.M2: Silver,'103? ' ml HI c Miol.t.WV It INK HIl.I.s. '?Wank of Charleston. (S) ?Pank of Newberry. '?''. <; ILltlk Ol Cain lull.R0(in Itituk <?i Goorg?to?vn. Bank of Smith Carolimi. '?'(?? Ihiuk Of Chester. *(<? Lank of Hamburg. "<?'? Ihiuk of Slate ol S <'. prior in 1801 ...'?'.'?<:?'. V,i \j\ioi Stale of issue 1801 und lftt?2-..28(ji) IM.itilers' and Mechanics' Hank of Charleston. @ ?People's ILiitk of Charleston. KUnion Hunk of Charleston. (it ?Southwestern K R Rauk of Cbarloa lon. (old). ? ?Southwestern R R Lank of Charles ton, (new). . (iJ) State Hank of Charleston. ?(". farmers' und Exchange Lank ofCiiar lesion. f?o Exchange Rauk of Columbia. B(o Couiniut'oial Rank oi? Columbia. 7' ?? Merchants' Rank of Cheraw. 3$ Planters1 Rank of Fniriicld . ;>(", S,.-..e of S C Rills Receivable.9&(o Ci y of Charleston Change Rills .9G(S) * liills marked thu.? (*) are being redeemed at the Rank Counters of each. jali '22 Km NOTipE. O RANG TIE URG C. II., S. C, Apkil 3d, 1871. The Eii in of McNAMARA & JONES is tnisday MUTUALLY DISSOLVED hy Con sen! of both parties. JOS. McNAMARA, of the said FIRM, does this day assume the COLLECTING o its ASSETS, ami the 1'AYMENT of its DEBTS. lie also returns thanks for tho Patranitgo heretofore b v! > * .? 1, nn 1 hopes his friends find customers will continue the same. JOS. McNAMARA, ipl 8 tf Citizens Savings Bank OF SOUTH CAROLINA. WILLIAM M A It PIN. President JNO. R PALM MR, Vico-President. JNO. P. THOMAS, A. ?. BR'SNlW.L Cashier. J. C. 11. .SM'i n, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. Wahr Hampton. B. H. Kn J. P. Thomas. 1>. Ravknel, Jr. F. w. MiiMotku. Lev. Wiii.iam Malus A. (. Haskf.i.i.. .I.vo. B. Pai.mkk. J. F.i.i (Jitio;. TuoMy! E. (larcrtt o:t.\N;^:?Ui;t; ?m> oh. AT TIIK Messrs. GIjOV ER & < a')Va>. LOCAL FIX A \r.i ; r li Hon THOS. V m, Col. PA1 1 ' Copt. JPH N A, 'i V '. .. i ON. ASSISfilXfl GAiSa. Ocposlts of SI.OO r.r.ii u pward :Ro<-?iVed. INTEREST allowed at 7 per cent, on Spc ciul Certifioatai of Deposit. On Ordinary Savings Deposits, Oper cent, will bo Compounded overy six months on Ac counts. jau 21 C Om THEODORE KOKE & BRO., BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OK THE PUBLIC THAT HAVING FULLY COM pitted their arrangements for tho Spring nn?I 8ummer Trade by uniting energy and combined efforts, have succeeded in forming ono of tho most Attractive Slock of Goods ever offered in this Town, and simply desire to attract the NOTICE of overy purchaser (o call and examine our GOODS and PRICES, whether with a view to immediate purchase or otherwise, being fully determined to OWEIt competition tn every article in tho House, and feeling fully couviuocd that their Customers, before leav ing, Bhnll be suited in every possible, respect. SPRING AND SU.WMER STYLES' OF DRESS GOODS At Unprecedented Low Prices including tho most Popular Makes now worn for tho Season. Also great Bargains will be offered in WHITE, BUFF and BROWN LAWN, LINEN und DRESS CLOTH FOR SUITS. A 8plcndid Vanoty of WHITE PT?ALS at 2"?, 80, 3"? and 4fi cts. per yard, including a Full Line of every Grade and Quality of Oritandies and Swiss Muslins, Tucked Nunsooks, Jaconet and soft finished Cambrics, Nansooks, striped and cheeked .Muslins, Puttings for Waists, &c, at tho very lowest possible PRICES. Wo offer UNUSUAL INDUCE MENTH in DOMESTIC and HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, MAHSA1LLE8 and HONEY COM 15 QUILTS. Also a fine Assortment of SILK PARASOLS and SUN SHADES at Exceedingly Low PRICES. LADI S* and MISSES' WHITE, BLACK and BROWN *SUN DOWNS and MAGNOLIOS, RIBBONS, CORSETS, HOISERV, UNDER GARMENTS, nt Orcnf Bargains. Our Stock of GENTS CLOTHING-Vnd FURNISHING GOODS is Complete. Fine Lino of MERINO aud GAUZE SUM MF. R UNDERWEAR AT OUK I:SDMi POrtLAK PRICES. THEODORE KOHN & BROTHER. TO HOUSEKEEPERS! WILHELM THEODOR, MULLEE iias on Hand a fine lot of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, WHICH has been SELECTED with the UTMOST CARE, end nro WARRANTED to SUIT every body, both, in QUALITY jnnd PRICES. A FINE" LOT* OF BRANDIES, WHISKEYS, GIN, RUM and WINES of every GRADE, and especially adopted for Family Purposes. . A No SEGABS and TOBACCOS of the FINEST BRAN US, with* one :?f the FINEST AS SORTMENTS of PIPES in the MARKET. Come and Examine my GOODS and PRICES before purchasing elsewhere?it is no trouble to show them. ^ mny I't o tf E. EZEKIEL vast received a fine assortment :CHES, CLOCKS and JEW I which will be sold LOW OWN for cash. H. B.----Clocks. Watches and Jew elry REPAIRED. may 1 ! fob IS lyc JUsibtEGEIVED VOSE'S GROCERY, A CHOICE L( IT OF Hams, Breakfast Strips, Smoked and D. S. BACON FAMILY JJtOCKRIES always C hand. Call at oncu J. GEO. VOSE. a i; c i i rst a fl ott jI may 13 c ly FLOUR I FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! EXTRA AND FAMILY FLOUR FROM GEORGIA AND NORTH CAROLINA MILLS. SUGARS, COFFEES AND POTATOES, CRUSHED, POWDERED, A WHITB, t: YELLOW, AND BROWN SUGARS AT RE DUCED PRICES. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF CHEAP COFFEE 5 I.IIS. FOR 5*1 GOOD TABLE POTATOES. CHOICE NAVY TORACCO?POCKET PIECES. Fur s.ih: by joi i x a. ii.vm i i;ly)x, npl '11?ly Fire lusuruuce A<:ont. SPRING OPENING! JOSEPH M'NAM AR A, RaveJubI opened an entire new STOCK of SPRING GOODS, completo in tho various ^Departments. ^ DIAOONALS, CLOTHS. CA SSI MERKS TWEEDS. LINENS, DRILLS ami COATINGS, ("OTT NAHES and READY-MADK CLOTHING, well selected and ol luinifold Stylos. DRESS GOODS in variety, MUSLINS and CALICOS, the latter Hi yds for $1, or as Cheap as any in the market, nil of the iihmsi- Faeliionablo Pat cms. V MID WIDE brown and Nack DOMESTICS, at l'2\, and a complete lino of all kimls at corresponding ]>riees. SHOES, GAITERS. II \Ts. SHIRT FRONTS, YANKEE NOTIONS. &o. Also GROCERIES, 11 IRDWARE and CROCKERY W VRE, whioh will be sold CHEAP a* can bo bought in any house in this State for the CASH. apl 22 c ly TAX NOTICE. SOT It I'. in hereby ?itcii tlinl the COEPO R \ i C ^ .? i lid ToWn of Ornugeburg, .K, being (2) TWO MILLS f A li?or TWENTY CENTS Iren* Dollar?, &e . ?ball DHUO STOltK OF OIL om this ?Ute (April 20th,}a>nd ? ifnc to receive I ho same, cacb Oar, .. ihu 20th May. vrhen, the Hook* will b?; OlOSS'L Defaulters ?Lall b.? amenable to the L*w. K. I. OLIVEROS, Clerk Town Council. a j.l _".? 4t CA. mow ELL, Administrator of # Humph, nml Adm'r de ban it tum ol John Humph, gi*e;? notice flint on the l-tv of ! June next, he will apply to lion, T. C. An ; ?liow.s, Judge of Probate tor Iii? Final j'in charge. ' ' April 28th, 1*71 20- It ] NOTICE. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Ornngcbnrg, S. ('.. April SI, 1871. IN ACCORDANCE with "An Act to define ? he jurisdiction and duties of the County Commissioners," passed the twenty-sixth day of Soptorobor, A. 13. 1808, and '-An Act" nmendntory thereto, passed March 9th, 1871, nn 1 pnrsuarri to Resolntions passed by the Roard of County Commissioners of Orange burg, NOTICE is hereby given that PROPO SALS Tor IMPAIRING the '-Willow Swamp Bridge," en the llolman Bridge Road, and for REPAIRING the CAUSWAY and HOL LOW BRIDGES leading to he "New Bridge," in the fork of the Edistos, will he received at this Office. All Proposals munt bo accom panied bv two or otore sulbcient Surities, i and must be handed in on or before the 30th I day of .May, 1871. JAMES Van TASSELL, ' npl 22?5( C. B, C. C. JUST RECEIVED 500 BUSHELS CORN, WHICH IS Of FKRKD VERY LOW SPRING GOODS!!! P. W. H, Briggmann & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FILL STOCK OF Spring Dress Goods, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. AU our GOODS are LOW in PRICE to suit ili" times. Our stock of GROCERIES LIQUORS WINES . ALE and LAGER DEER Is of FIRST QUALITY nod Low in Price. Call and see for yourselves. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. npl 8 oct 9 ly B I Gr n Iii 3D FAMILY COFFEE POT, ONE DOOR EAST PRESRYTEItlAN CHURCH. 1). E. II. PEARSON tJ St*3\j it l t J IVll made to order?Wholesale or Retail. RAT HING TUBS. FOOT TUBS. SHOWER BATHS. BAKERS with REFLECTORS. ROASTERS. Any kiml of WORK in 1113' Line imidc nnd repaired FOR CASH. GUTTERING ami ROOFING done to order. LEAD PIPE8 repaired. SECOND IIAND STOVES, repaired and cleaned up. ? npl 20 nug 18 3m CANNON'S STORE fT One Pooh Below W. T. LI G II T F OO TSV RUSSELL STJIEFT, Tho Subscriber lj->'.s leave to inform his old friends and ilie Public generally that ho hoa jttai opened a i'rc?!i nnd general assortment GROCERIES AND LIQUORS w'.dch lie wilLjrijil low down for Cfl'.b. Come one situ rU I wi do my be .t to please 3-011 rn'. Mvo'v :,!-; <....i?.".><?>ion. j?n 7?;f JAS. CANNON. % METALIC CASES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND all of the raviolis Sixo.? of the r'oove CatOS, which can be furnished immediately on ap plication. Also manufactures WOOD COFFINS as Usual, and at lb* shortest notice. . Apply to II. RIGGS, niar ??(jm Carriage .Maiiufaclurer. The People's Bakery. NEXT DOOR TO nr.It COFFEE l?OT, East of Erexbgterian Church, Ruhm fl- St. 1 am happy to ANNOUNCE to the (M l I ZENS ,?f Orangeburg, that I am now PRE PARED to SUPPLY Familesand Cus'omers with BREAD, CAKES, PIES, and all other articles generally found in a FIRST CLASS BAKERY. WEDDING CAKE prepared with great oaro to suit the most fastidous tastes. The PATRONAGE of my friends nnd fcl low-citixens is respect fully solielted. THOS. W. ALBERQOTTI. Mrs. ALBERGOTTI returns thanks for the Patronage heretoforo bestowed, and hopes her friends and Customers will contin ue 11>? same. She will keep constsutlv on band an as sortment of FRUITS, CONFECTIONARY ami FANCY ARTICLES as usual. dec 10 3m ]\r. Ai.i*msohlt, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, ORAXGF.BURG, S. C,. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI rens of Ornngebj 5 nnd Vicinity that he has openod at ids NEW STOKE oa Rus sell Street, between Messrs. Briggmar.n & Co. and McNnmartl? Jones, with a complete Stock ef LEATHER, &c., and that b? has sufficient Workmen to fill alt "vdci* <i.tun ed to Ilitn. Thanking tlu- Public for j^a^t patronage, respectfully solicits a continuance of the siiuc. '1 ER MS C ASH. feb "> oct 'S<i tf ? s; "PT! jr, c v m 1 > ' *~i IIXAOCETERATEO ALE AXB LAGER BEER. IACER HEEK. CONTAINING COPPK j HAS and A l.E doctored with Salt, Lime and Alum, are the latest adult crutloos dis covered in New-York. Professor Mapes of New-York, analyzed Hie Beer from n duzen different Breweries, and all were found adulterated with noxious substance. It is said, that iUe sale of Dvugs to Brewers, is a profitable part of the trade. This is perfectly infamous Cooculus indicus (,i h berry) nux-vo?*iea. (dog laittotd from which strychnine is obtained, are some of ihe delectable substances found itt Beer! The e are p >tcnt poisons, nnd the Brewer fOrttl 1 using them should be drowned at once in one of his own rats. P. 8. ? I nm willing to be drowned in my own vats, if any impurities should bo found hi my Boer. 1 shall continue to make a healthful Beverage, so that it nuty I? drank l>y the most del ion to without the least danger. JOHN C. SREGERS, CoInuMo, S. C. For sale in Orangnbitrg l>v the cask or ?therwise, bv MERONEY & SAIN, jan 7 c ly C A B3 N ET SHOP. \\T M. A. BULL offers his services to the W Citi? ins of Orangoburg County as CABINET MAKER in allits bi-Aiicbes. Funerals alten led with protnptne&t. Old FURNITURE repaired and mad* new. Also Varnished without l<> in^ rent ived. Shop im th< Eastern Bide of the Railroad. Give mo n trial. 1 will also build Buggy and Wagon Wheel* and Bodies cheaper than anybody else in Orangeburg. WM. A. BULL, mar 11 tf FOR SALE BT WILCOX, GIBBS & CO. IMPOR TER8 dV DEALERS IN guanos, 148 BAY St., SAVANNAH, Oa. 241 BROAD St. AUGUSTA, G-t, 151 East Bar, CHARLESTON, 8. C and by BULL, SCOVILL & FIXE, OKANGEBURG, 8. C, For further information, apply or ad dress as a bore for Pamphlet. nov 19 wee 4m t. r. ?;&odie. TT. C. Hnnoiaa. BRODIE <& CO. OTTON FACTORS *?? COMMISSION MERCHANT*, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CIIAItESTON. 8. C. Liberal Advances made on Consignment. Kb. xu to Andrew Simondi, Etq., Praa't 1st National Bank, ChurlentOD, S. C. may 21 wee If pTpTToale, CHARLESTON, 8. C. ? LARGEST AND MOST C?MPtPTI Manufactory of Doors. Sashes, Blinds, Mould* in,-"*. Ac., in the i mithern State*. 6ksj?~ Printed Price R>st Dt?c? Compt fit ton. ftjr~5ENI) FOR ONE-?g fj?jySent Free on Applicatiou.^^g may 21 wee tf ?U GREAT OOliTHEf MONTHLY MAUAZi&E, Two />*V/<ir? per ?mtern. 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30? Pugcs Advertfuei WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, and Ji. WTA TT AI KEN, CvAatasTOK, 8. C. g 1 KO. W. CABPENTEBM COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF 8AR SAPARILLA GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCB0 Theac (>Veh?ated Pivpavatiansv e*ifia*d*F introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medical faculty , bare be** so long extensively used by pbyattias? **4 others, that they are generally kaaMvavfar their intrinsic value, and can be reffed an as being most valuabl* remedta) in all si?as where Sarsapurilla < r Buohu ira applicable, nnd cannot be too highly recommended* They arc prepared in a highly co<>e*utrata? form, so a* to render the dose email aad aaa venient. Orders by mail or otherwise wQI receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, HEN8ZRF *COw Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No. 787 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale hy DUKES & SISULER, and E. J. OLIVEROS. Orangeburg, 8. C, and DOWIE A MOISE, Whtdesare Agents, Charles*??, 8. C. l^?vri?:E.-~Tb?> Copartner* SHIP lately existing between Dr. B. MANLY S1ICLER and the UNDERSIGNED, under the Firm Name of DUKE8 tt SHU LEU, was DISSOLVED on the 80tk day of Mat ob, inst, by the death of Dr. Shuler. All persons INDEBTED to the said FIRM, will make PAYMENT, nnd all persona hariwsr DEM ANDS against tho said FIRM will pr? sent the same, property attested, to tha tas> dersigncd, or to Dr. A. C. DUKES, at la* place of business of the said Firm. J. w. II. PUKS8, apl I??It Surviving ft