c(? and Joint Resolution? Paused by the I^eglslalnr?? Sessions 1870 and 1971. An Act to Charfcr tlie Town of ITamlurg. Sjsu^i?rrj. 3>o it enacicu by iuO Sctiatoand House of Representatives of t)ie Stafe of Sontb Caiolinn, now met nnd riMhaff$6 General Assembly, nnd by thB&uthority of the ntno, That fr )m oim after tho passage of this Act, all citizens of this State having resided sixty days in tho town of Hamburg shall bo deemed, and aro beteby declared to bo, a body7 politic and corporate; and the said towu be called and known by the name of Hamburg, and its corporate limits shall be held and deemed to ox tend from tho Savannah Bridge, leading to Augusta, Georgia, ono mile west, one half a milo east, aud one mile north. Sec. S&That the said town shall be governBK'by au Intendant and four "Wardens, who shall bo citizens of this State, and shall have resided within the corporate limits of said towu lor Bixty days immediately preceding their elec tion, who shall bo elected on tho second Monday in April in every year, ton days' public n?tico thereof being previousjy given; and that all male inhabitants of the age of twenty-ono years, citizens of this State, and who shall have resided in the safd to Mi for sixty days immedi ately preceding tho election, shall bo entitled to vote fur said Intendant and W?rdens. Sec. -3. That tho election for Iutcu daut aws^^mrrdens of the said town shall be held at tho Town Hall, in the said town, from eight o'clock in the morning ujttil four in the afternoon; and when the polls shall bo closed, the Man agers shall forthwith count tho votes and proclaim thA-^lectiou, aud give notice, in writing, to the poisons elected; tho In tendant and Wardens shall appoint three Managers^Jmld the ensuing aud every subsequent election, except tho first, which shall M ' ordered by the County Commirsioncrs of EdgoKeld County im mediately-?Tier tho passage of this Act The Managers, In each case, shall, before they upeUj the polls for said election, take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct tQt sAiej- nod the Intendant and WlA?reW, before entering upon t ho duties of their respective offices, shall take the oath prescribed by the Consti tution of this State, and also the follow ing oath, to wit; "As Intendant (or Warden) of the town of Hamburg, I will equally and impartially, to tho best of my ability, exercise the trust reposed in me, nnd will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace, nnd enrrj' into effect, according to law, the purposes for whioh I have been elected : So help tue God." The said Intendant and Wardens shall hold their officers from the time of their election until tho second Monday in April e'mt?Tng, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Sec. d.tffimt in case a vacancy should occur should occur in the office of In tendant or any of the Wardens, by death resignation, removal, or otherwise, or in case of n tie in said election, an election to till such vacancies shall be held by the appUmteot of the Intendant nud Wnrde^Bfr Warden, (as the case may be,) or the County Commissioners of KdgofitMfc?ouoty, it there should bo uo IntendHBBfwnrdcns. ten days' public notieo Sil' being previously given; nnd in case of the tickness or tempora ry nbseH^ifcf the Intendant, the War dens, fefhlt?g a Council, shall he em powered to elect one of their number to act in his stead during tho time. Sec. 5. That tho Intendant ant1 Wardens/, duly elected nnd qualified, shall, during-their term of service, se verally nnd respectfully, be vested with all the jurisdiction and powers of Trial Justice, or any other inferior Court, within the limits of the said town. And the Intendant it shall and may, as often as ho roa^ttdeem it necessary, summon the VvaTauiis to meet in Council, (any two of tho Wardens, with the lutcudant, shall cona^ij^ute a quorum to transact business;) and they shall bo known as the Town (Jouucil cf Hamburg, aud they nnd their successors, hereafter to be elocted, may have a common seal, which sball be affixed ta all the ordinan ces. A%/X the said Town Council shall have authority to appoint, from time to time, as'they may fee fit, such, aud so many proper persons to act as Marshals or Constables of tho said town, as the said town council may deem necessary and expedient for the preservation of the law good order of the town, aud tho per sons so appointed shall, within the cor porate limit' of said town, have tnc pow ers, pri?Hjes and emoluments, nnd be subject to all the ubligutious, provided by Jaw for tho office of Constable, and aud shall bo liublo to bu removed at the pleasure of said council; nnd the said Town cbuecil shall have tho power to establish, or authorize the establishment, of tho market houso in said town; and und tho said Town council shall have full power onrl imthnrity, under their fel jioiiit'j . eui, 10 muhe ai. .11. U t ulcS, by-laws and ordinances respecting the -rgr*rr-nj_Li.Li.jL ifiyu"f aaaatotS... ,'i . '....I 'i ' 'T fdrccts, roadp, market house, and'the bu siness thereof, nnd the police system of the said town, as. shall appear to them necessary and nropor for the security, welfare and convenience, and ior the preserving health, order and good gov ernment wi hin the same. And the said Town council may impose Hues for offences against their by-laws and ordi- j oance9, aud vppropriite the same to the public uso of said town; and Hie .said Town council shall have tho same power which Trial Justices now have to com pel the attendance of witnesses, and re quiring them to give evieduoe upon the trial beforo them of any person for a violation of any of their by-laws or ordi nances, but no Gne above tho sum of twenty dollars, or imprisonment in tho guard house longer than ten days, sltull be imposed by them, except by suit in the Couri of Common Pleas: And pro vided, also, That ny fine shull exceed fifty dollars; aud, also, that nothing herein contained shall authorise the suid Couucil to make any by-laws or ordinances inconsistent with, or rcpug dant to, the laws of this State; and all tho by-laws, rules and ordinances the said Council may make shall, at all times, bo subject to revisal repeal by the General Assembly of this-State. Sec. G. That the said Intendant and Wardens shull have full power to abate and remove nuisances in the said town; and it shall bo their duty to keep all rouds, ways and streets within the cor porate limits of tho said town opcu aud in good repair, and for that purpose they are invested with all the powers herelo foro trrauted to County Commissioners, and shall have lull power to classify aud arrange the inhabitants ot suid town lia ble to street, road or other public duty therein, and to force the performance of such duty, under such penalties as arc now or shall hereafter be prescribed by law; Provided, That the said Town Council may compound with persons liable to perform such duty, upon such terms and on tho payment of such sums as may be cstabliishcd by laws or or dinances: And provideb, also, That the individual.** who compose tho said Town Council shall be exempt from the per formance of road und police duty. Sec. 7. That tho power to grant li censes for billiard tables, to keep tavern or to retails pirituous liquors, and and all drays and carts hauling roods for which they receive pay, also, ail omnibuses or carriages carrying passengers- within suid town, at such rules and on such terms and conditions as the said council may deem fit and proper; and tho said Intendant and Wardens shell have the full and only power to impose a tax on all shows, exhibitions or public amuse ments, for gain or reward, within the limits of said town. And all money paid for license lor retailing spirituous liquors, keeping tavern and billiard ta bles, dray and cart licenRe, and omni buses or carriages, aud the tax collected on all shows for gain or roward within the said limits, shull be appropriated to the public use of the said corporation. Sec. 8. That tho Town Couucil of Hamburg shall have power and author ity to require all persons owning a lot or lots in said town to keep in good repair sidewalks in front ot suid lot or lots, whenever the tame shall front or adjoin nuy of the public strcet3 of said town, if, in t)|p judgment of the Council, such eidewalka shall be ticcess-iry; the width theroof, aud the mann: r of their con struction, to be designated and regula ted by the Town council; and for de fault or refusal to keep in repair such sidewalks, the Town council may causo the same to be put in repair, and require the owner to pay tho prico of repairing : Provided, That such contract for repair ing bo let to the lowest bidder. Sec. 9. That the said Town council of Hamburg shall have power to arrest and commit to jail for a space of time not exceediug five duy.s, and to fine, not exceeding twenty dollars, any person or persons who may bo guilty of disorderly conduct iu said town, to the unnoyance of the town to make snob arr*s*5, ssd to call to his resistance the poite comitatus, if necessary, and, upon failure to perform said duty, he shall be fined in n sum not exceeding twenty dollars foe each and every ofTence. Sf.c. 10. That the said Town council of Hamburg shall have power to grant or refuse licenses to parties within the limits of said town, and the parties to whom such licenses are granted shall be subject to such regulations as may, by | ordinances, be established. Tccy shall I ulso have power, iu addition to the mon ey collected by licenses, to impose and collect au annual tax. upon tho assessed property of tho said town : Provided, No tax shall bo imposed in any ouc year to exceed tho rate of fifteen cents on each hundred dollars of such assessed property, aad that the money so raised shall bo applied to the use of said town. Tho said Towu council shall have the power to enforce tho payment of nil taxes lovied by the snid Town council, to tho same extent, and iu the same ex tent, and in the same manner, as is now, or hereafter shall be, provided by law for the collection of the general State faxe*. 8 ec. 11. That all property, which wae formerly under tho control of the Town council of Hamburg, shall again revert to tho Town council elected under this Act: Provided, such property is in the corporate limits uf said town, and intended for public use. Sec. 12. That tho saidTntcndunt and W?rdcss, in perse:;, or any ens cf thc:n, may authorize and require uny Marshal or any Constable, especially appointed for that purpose, to arrest and commit to the guard house, (which the said Town Council are hereby authorized to establish,) or to the jail of Edgefield County, for a term not exceeding five days, any person or persons who, within the corporate limits of said town, may bo engaged iu a broach of the peace, any riotous or disorderly couduct, open ob sceuity, public druukouncss, or uny cou duct grossly indecent, or dangerous to the citizens of said town, or auy of* them. Sec. 13. That tho Town council shall, within one month after the ejp: ration of their term of office, make out oud return so their successors a full ac count of their receipts and cxpeuciturcs during their term, and shall pay over .11 moneys in thcio possession bclougiugto the corporation, ulso, deliver all books, rocords, and other papers incident to their office, to their scuuessors, uud on failure to du so, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred (200) dol lars, to be collected by any proper action by the Town Council. Sec. 14. That this Act shall be deem ed a public Act, and shall continue iu force for twenty-one yoary, and until the cud of scs-nuii of the General Assembly of this State then next following, and all Acts of incorporations, or amendments thereof, repugnant or conflicting with this Act, are hereby repealed. Approved February 'IS, 1S71. PACIFIC GUANO COWAN TO, (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOMJHLE PACIFIC GUANO. VpiIS GUANO IS NOW St) WELL KNOWN in nil tlio Southern States for its re marknble effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from us. Its use for five years pnst has established i:s char acter for reliable excellence The large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade, affords I ho surest guarantee of the continued excellence of i's Guano. J. N. HODSON, Soiling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. JNO. S. REESE & CO.,-General Agent! Baltimore, Dec. 24. tf. (ONPOIM) ACID, PHOSPHATE OF LIME. FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. THIS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED by the PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY at Charleston, S. 0., under Superintendence of Dr. ST. JULIEN RA VENE L. When com posted with an equal weight of Cotton Seed, its results have been found fully equal to the best standard fertilizers. Its economy must commend it to the notice of planters gcuer ally. For specific directions for composting and for supplies, apply to .1 N. RORSIN, Selling Agent, Charleston, S <\ 'NO. S. REESE & Co., General Agents, Baltimore. dec 24 td EXECUTIV E I)EPA HTM ENT. STATE TREASURY OFFICE, COLUMBIA, S. C, December 1. 1870. rTMlE BOOKS of the Treasury Office for the Transfer nod Conversion of STOCRS ami BONDS will he closed on and after the nl'uh instant un'il the 1st proximo, for con veienoe in preparing statement of interest due to January 1, 1871. N1LES G. PA 11KER, Treasurer Stute S. C. dec 3 o "EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Bt ' ""aBASUBT Oi l ics. Columbia, SC., i' iceiuWr i, :. rpiIE INTEREST falling du* rtn the Coupon Bonds of the State of South Carolina to the 1st of January, 1871, will be paid IN GOLD on ami after thai date nt tho office of II. H. Kilnptnn, Financial Agent of tho State, No. 0, Nassau Street, New York, and at this office. The interest railing due on the Eogistrrcd Stock of the Slate to January 1st, 1871, will be paid IN GOLD on and after that date at the Treasury office only. N1LES G. PARK ER. Treasurer Slate South Carolina, dec fi c FIRE INSURANCE. THE KICIINONH BAN KING AND INSURANCE COMPANY, Office 1202 Main and \2th Streets, RICHMOND, VA. JOHN B. DAVIS. President. JOHN F. C. POTTS, Secretary. MANN S. QUARLES, Cashier. T. B. STARKE, General Agent. ? Having this day, (Oct. 17th, 1870.) re ceived the appointment of AGENT for Or nngeburg of the nbove INSURANCE COM PANY, 1 am prepared to take RISKS on Stores, Stocks of Merchandize and Dwell ings nt reasonable rates. JOHN A. HAMITLON, Agent for The Richmond Ranking and Insur'inco Company, and Southern Life Insurance Company, Market St., Orangcburg, 8. C. set 32 lr 25 cts. SAVED IS 25 cts. MADE! GEO. H. CORNELSON, IS NOW OFFERING THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPRING GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES! GREAT B ARGAIN8 ?? *>? ?">??*'' Call before buyhig elsewhere, and examine hia STOCK, consisting of all the LATEST and MOST DESIRABLE STYLES of every VARIETY of DRESS PRINTS, CASSlMEItES, GOODS, COTTONS, LINENS, Ac. Also the LARGEST SELECTION of Ready-made Clothing1. Boots and Shoes Of EVERY STYLE and PRICE. Coll, one and nil, and convince yourselves, NO TROUBLE TO 81IOW GOODS. geo. h. cornelson. apt 294( oct 3 k ly D. LOUIS HAS JUST ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK With a LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Not to be SURPASSD in the Market either in QUALITY or PRICE, consist iug of LADIES READY MADE DRESSES. jfc/OIES, MISSES and CHILDREN HATS and SHOES. LA DIE DRESS GOODS Of every VARIETY STYLE and PRICK. READY MADE CLOTHING Will Assorted MEN and 110YS II ATS, CAPS. ROOTS and SHOES. Also a WELL SELECTED Stock of HOUSEKEEPER'S GOODS. Our GROCLBI ES are Fresh and Cheap. CRADLES for Wheat Cutters and CRADLES fur the IJabies. And many other Articles TOO NUMEROUS TO M KNTION, all of which are offered LOW DOWN for CASH. If ym want Bargains call soon. 3D, L O XJ 18'. apl 15?ly AT Til K CORNER. NEWJOAllRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT! i! DOYLE, WILES & CO., RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITIZENS OF ORANGEBURG COVKTY THAT they have purchased the CARRIAGE SHOPS AND WORKS OF 1IIOS. RAY And are CARRYING ON the CARRI A. G 1^ BUSINESS In all its BRANCHES. Orders left with US will he PROMPTLY FILLED. All kinds of REPAIRING NEATLY DONE and with DISPATCH. COFFINS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. DOYLE, WILES ** CO., dec 17 c Orungelmrg, S C. THE LIVERPOOL Tire Insurance Company. CAPITAL?GOLD 17,000,000.00, HAS ESTABLISH KD AN AGENCY IN ORANGE BURG, S. C. The Terms of this WELL KNOWN OLD ENGLISH COMPANY" are FAIR, and the Security it o.Ters, Absolute. Apply to JAMES H. FOWLES, Agent, At Citizen's Savings Bank. CHARLES T. LOW N DES, General Agent, Chat leston, S. C. jan 28 c 3m WOOLD INFOPM THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS STILL CARRYING ON THE CAR riaijfl Making in nil its various brauche? and will Manufacture or Repair at the Shortest Notice, nil Carriages, Buggies or Wagons. And am also prepared with NEW PRESS AND G *1 TO GIN AND PACK COTTON SHORT NOTICE. Cotton GINNED AT MY MILL has brought from \ to } cent more than that Ginned on the common Gins. oct 8 apl 2?ly ft. HIGGS. T. A JEFFORDS & CO ? HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF GROCERIES which they arc offering VERY LOW. Parties buying BACON, FLOUR, WHISKEY, SUGAR, COFFEE, Ac. Will find it to their advantage to CALL and PRICE OUR GOODS. A ncw'Iot of FINE HAMS just received. They will also find a CHEAP lot of DilY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, Ac. o? 154-s.n T. A. JEFFORDS A CO. WASHINGTON HOUSE by Mtb. IL W. Stratton, oourn GERVAIS & ASSEMBLY STREETS COLUMBIA, 8. C. Convenient to the (Jreenvillc und Charleston Railroads and the Business portion of the City. Rate of Transient Board?Two Dollars per Day. Regular Boarders received at Rcasonablo Rates. dee 10 tf mm Water wheel, Mill eeariniShaftingtFutleys t^MHD FORAClRCULAXl^* sept 10 ly CAROLINA BITTERS. a oeligmtfvl tonic. We take great pleasure in offering the OLD CAKODINA BITTERS to the public. They are compounded with great enre, nnd coni uin seme of the best Ton ics in the Pharimicopia. As evidence of (the superiority of our BITTERS over all others, we bare certificates from many of the lead ing physicians in our Stare, who have pre scribed them in their prao'.icc. The OLD CAROLINA BIETTRS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility. Chills and Fever. und Dyspepsia. We de not offer, our BITTERS as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Touic, they have no equal. For sale by Di uggists nnd Grocers every where. Principal Depot. GOODRICH. WIN KM AN A CO. Importers of Choice Brugs and Chemi cals. Charleston, S Cj mar o ly EXPECTORANT, For the Speedy Relief And Permanent Cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. COLDS, And all Diseases oi the LUNGS, CHEST, OR THROAT! PTMIE EXPECTORANT is composed exclu \_ sively of Herbal and Mucilaginous pro duct*, which Perineale the very Substance of the LungH, causing them to throw off tbencrid matter which collects in the Bronchial Tubes, and n* the same time forms a 8?oihing coaling, relieving the irritation which produces ibt cough. The object to be obtained is to cleanse the organ of all impurities; to nourish and strengthen ii when it has become impaired and enfeebled by disease; to renew and in vigorat* the circulation of the blood and strengthen the nervous organization. The EXPECTOR ANT does this to nn astonishing degree. It is active but mild and congenial, imparting functional energy and natural strength. It affords Oxygen to vitalise the Mood, and Nitrogen to assimilate the matter, It Equalize* the "AInous Influence" producing quiet and composure TO CONSUMPTIVES It is invaluable, as it immediately relieves the difficult breutbing ami hurrassing coogh which attands that disease. FOR ASTHMA It is a specific?one dose often relieving the distressing choking, and producing calm and pleasant repose. i;,0 ? a " Hi* i a - No mother should ever bo without a battle of the EXPECTORANT ia the hoime. We have numerous certificates of its having rebcived, [ almost instantly, the little sufferer, when death appeared almo3t inevitable. MOTHERS BE ADVISED! Keep it on IIa ml t Thin dread disease requires prompt action ; as soon as the hoarse, hollow cough is heard, anjdy I he remedy, and it is easily subdued ; Rut Relay ia Dangerous! ggy- The properties of the EXPECTO RANT arc demulcent, nutritive, balsamic, soothing and healing. It braces the nervous system ami products pleasant and refreshing sleep. It Exhilarates and Rtlicres Glftominess and Depression. Containing all these qualities in a conven ient nnd concentrated form, it has proven to be the Most Vulunble Lang Balaam ever offered to sufferers from Pulmonary dis eases. Prepared by ivm. ii. Tin *v laad, AUGUSTA, OA. bold by Druggists everywhere. nov 6 6m CANDLES, SOAP and MATCHES, low down. Cull on W. A. MER0NF.Y CO READ IT la well known tc Doctors and to La dies, that Women ore subject to Bujnireo* diseases peculiar to their sex?such as Sup pression of the Menses,' White*, Painful Month ly 'Periods'' Rheuma tism of the Back and Womb, Irregular Meta struration, Homorrhag* or Excessive "Flew/* and Prolapsus Uteri or or Falling of the Womb. Thea? diaeaac? have seldom been treated successfully. The profession baa sought diligently far ??? remedy that would cubale them to treat these disease* with aueoeaa. At last that remedy baa been discovered by one of the moat skillful physicians in the Slat* of Georgia. That remedy is BRAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. It la purely vegetable, and 1* put up in Atlanta, Ga.t by nnanriaLn* & co. It will purify the blood and strengthen the system, relieve irritation of the kidneis, and is a perfect specific for all the above diseases; as eer tain a cure aa Quinine la in Chill* aad Fev ers. For a history of diseases, and certifi cates of Us wonderful cures, the render ie referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Ever* bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. LaGraxgb, Ga., March 29, 1870.?Bra? riBLD & co., ATi.\NTA, ua.?Dear Sir*: T take pleasure in stating that I have used far* the last twenty years, the medicine yon-are putting up, known aa on. f. aasur xxoV rXMALB bko?lator, and consider it the best combination ever gotten for the diseases far which it is recommended. I have been fa milar with the prescription both a* a prac titioner *bf medicine and in domes tie prac tice, nod can honestly say that I consider it' a boon to suffering female*, and can butbepe that every lady in our Whole Und, who may be suffering in any way peculiar to their ces, may bo able to procure a bottla, that >Ui; sufferings may not only be relieved, but that they may be restored to health and strength. With my kindest regards, I am, respectfully, W. B- FE RR ELL, M. D. We, the undersigned Druggist;., talc*pleas ure in commending te the trad* Dr. J. - BrnUfield'a Female Regulator?believing it to be n good and reliable remedy for th* - disease fer which he recommend* it. W. : >. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga.: Pemberton, Wil son. Taylor & co., Atlanta, Georgia. Rod wine & Fox, Atlanta, Georgia. W. Reel & Son, Marietta, Georgia. dr. FRopurrrs celebrated Ext er MEDICI ne.?It is purely vegetable, and A will aet upon the Liver and Kidneys a* ^ pronptly as Calomel r.nd Ruchu, witheni any danger of salivation or destruction off the bones. Partie* taking this medicine need not fear getting wet, or in any ether reaaoaa ble exposure. Symptoms or Lives Disf.as* :?H*ada*ke Dull Feeling or th* Bines, Sour Stomas* .Sick or Nervous Headache, Heartburn,. In- * : digestion or Dyspepsia, Bad or Bitter Tast :in the AloulJi, the akin ha* a thick, rengl feeling, and is darker than usual;. Go*tit* ness. Melancholy Feelings, Cramps,. Geb F;-et. Colic, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. G'ht'ls as* . Fever, and Piles. In fact, where tb ' Li?a is out of order, you ar* liable to every dis T case that is not contagious. Prophitt's Liv er Medicine, if i?'!*e re^ssaerr* !* : highest degree to oi tiers suffering from ?io ilav disease. I can any that it i* one of th* finest family medicine* now out, certain. Your* truly, W. A. FOREHAND. Doolt Cocxtt, Oa., Oct. 27, 1887.?D* 0. 8. Phopiiitt. I have, daring tbnlatSt eightecu months, used your Pain Kill It, an I consider it unequaled by nnything for pai in the head, breast, back or side; and fer colic nothing given relief half so quieks your Anodyne Pain Kill, it ie doing aaawK good in the community in other families a? my own. Yours, &c, D. T. FOREHAND. Nbwtom Faotouy, Ga., Nov., 1887.?Dr. Prophitt: Last summer my horse sprained his knee severely, causing the whole leg to swell to about twiee it natural rendering him almost helpless; fwo applica tions of your Anodyne Pain Kill It thorough* ly cured it. JOHN B. DAVIS. CERTIFICATE. STATE OF GEORGIA,?Ft j.tox Co-oar?. Know all men by these presents. That 1 hav* this day, for value received, sold and trans ferred to Br&dfield A Co., the sol* right to manufacture and sell my Family Medictn**, and have furnished them with the full re cipes, and have authorised th* said Brad Held h Co., to print, or have printed, any thing they may aco proper concerning *?y and all of above named Medicine*. Tai* loth day of June, 1870. [Signed] o. 8. prophitt In presence of Thomas F. J ease, Rot? t Crawford, Notary Publie. (h. *.) Manufactured and for sale by BRARFIfltL.v * CO., Broad street, AtlsaU, Oa., so'e by all druggist*. Aug 12 1 j