MMBB?pssarsrrr. LQCAL. MAt?KDAY, APRIL 29, 1871. v.-r .'. 1 W&3 not, pceitfcveJy, ? In-this paper utu 4ags Wfere ?toao'cloik. na*? company iu our tin, fcot it 4* strictly against the rules t>f printing offices to read the copy on the ?s?et. And that is a privilege al to none but those connected with Our friends will please ro this. piece of poetry to "A. B. K.,'? We regret to say, was m'ndsid, and not fand in time for this issue. It will ap pear iu our next A article from Malcolm I. Browning, Esq., mpou "the situation," will bo pub lish** fi?kV %eeVu Thej?JiclDi*th*??-u~ -^???tlV ausrucstive. Minority writes us a letter. What he means wo cannot imagine. Cannot "Leo" relieve him of some of his mi nority ideas ? A Letter signed "Amiens" will be found elsewhere in this issue. We have been away all the week, and cannot, therefore comment upon our correspon dent's suggestions in to-days paper. Amicus will get our views, however, is ?est week's issa . .. .i i m ? ? ? ? - Wk certainly hate to be always ask ing the indulgence of our readers, for the non-appearance of reading matter. Wc promise though, that they shall have a treat next week, for we are going to an swer "Amicus." Court Wkkk.?On Monday next the Court of Common Picas end General Sessions will open. Jurors and sntuossos had better be on haud. Wc understand that the Court will have a heavy civil IMPORT AKT TO TAX PAYERS 1 NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB PENALTY OF TWEN TY PER CENT WILL BE ADDED TO ALL TAXES NOT PAID BE FORE 1st DAY OF MAY. TRANK II. GREENE, County Treasurer. i Next Monday will be sajeday, aud also the day on which the Delegates to May Convention will be elected. W? hopo it WAl ,vy?ft a onc-otUod affair, but that all classes will be represented All men who havo identified themselves with this State, and intend to make it their homes, are vitally interested in its prosperity; and wo would say to the people, let this be a movement in which to redress their wrongs as citizens of the commonwealth, and not as a political party. Improvements. ? Our enterprising fellow townsmen, Messrs. Andrews & Sain are erecting a new building on the northeast corner of the Baptist Church i ot, which will add mach to the improve ment of that portion of our thriving Town. TV O icUru itt&t fcuiiSC g??iiulU?? ?uv Iii lend starting a livery sta' j, which has long boon needed iu Orangeburg. Mr. Jno. A. Hamilton is also making improvements ores his store Take to em Down ? Tho horse racks around the Court House square are a nuisance and aught to be removed by our "City Fathers." All day long the business men of the square are annoyed by the snorting and stamping of horses neu iiivre. Some evil disposed persons, Saturday night, shifted the gate of the track at a place near Branchvillo, causing the ears to run off, badly smashing three cars. E Torts warn made to arrest the parties, but they osoaped. Alahm of Fire.?Yesterday morn- j iog about thrco o'clock, our quiet Town was itouaed by the ory of "fire." Soon the bells were ringlog ont their notes of alarm ; and amongst them, the small dinner bell at the dames could be hcurd with distinctness. It Tfas soon ascer tained that the lire was on the promises of Mr. E. W. Fenn near the Claflip University. It was supposed to have originated in the fowl-houso' which to gether with a oow stable was entirely destroyed. Our gallant llremau were promptly on tho spot, aud prevcutcd the further nrnirvc^s of the (laiUCS. s - - o We learn, that after this was all over, the different Companies were the reoipi-' cuts ofsomowarm ''stuff" to keep the j inuer man "cool" at tho 1st Asssitant Chief Briggiuann's store. Who wouldn't be a fireman 7 Severe Storm at Brancuville.? We learn thut a severe itonu passed ovor Branchville on Tuesday last, orca ting a considerable scare, but not inju ring any one. During the storm, a light ning bolt struck a tall pine near the store of Mr. Loryea, shivering it to pie ces and producing such a shock, thut one of tho family of Mr. L.'s was pros trated to the floor, but not much heart. A cool shower of ruiu fell ou Thurs day, imprting a more luxuriant hue to the tolliago of the numerous shade trees that line the streets of our beautiful Town ; and causing tho housewives' eyes to glisten as they saw tho garden "sass" spriug into new lifo. -?,..-.. I pray you iuform her what has t ikcu place." Henry was about twenty-two years old, and was recently a stodent in the School of Fine Arts. Before he was shot ho was asked if he would like to see a' priest, and one of tbo bishop's chaplains offered his service?. Henry refused to ecc hi..i. He was then asked if he would like to sco a Protestant y>of !ei:r. He replied "No : I believe in no God?nono of us do; we are of the uni versal and atheistical republic. Why should I waste my time by fleeing nny priest ?" A Taluudio Legend.?- A prince ooco eaid to Rabbi Gamaliel: "Your God is a thief! He ouco surprised Adam in irfocp, aud stole a rib from him. The Rabbtc's daughter overheard the speech, and whisperod a word or two in her father's ear, asking his permissiou to answer tho singular opinion herself. He gave his consent, Tho girl stepped forward, and feign" tug torror and diemaj, threw her arms aloft in supplication, and cried, "My liege, my liege! Justice! Re* en tie 1" ?'What baa happened ?" asked tho Prince. "A wicked thiof has taken," she re plied. 14A robber has cropt secretly into our houso, aud carried awny a sil ver goblet, and left a g?dd one in its steal." "What nn upright thiof !" exclaimed the Prince. "Would that such robbe ries were of more frequent occurrence *' "Behold, then, the kiud of a thief our Creator was I He stole a rib from Adam, and gave a beautiful witc instead." Mark Twain, in iotrodurd??? ? frioud v^rKntvr- wsoifiC" residents in California, asks them to do all they c .n tp enter tain him, and suggests, among other things, that they call out a vigilance committee and hang a man or two. COMMERCIAL. MAKHKT REPORTS. Orrici: or the OnANosmrno News, April 28, 1871. COTTON?Sales during the week G bales. Wo quote: Ordinary.10 ? Low Middling.111? Middling.12]? Rouau Rica.$1:56 per oushel. Corn.$1.10 per bushel. Cow Peas. 85 per bushel. Pinders.$1.40 per bushel. ? GOLD. 09 SILVER.05 CHARLESTON MARKET. ClIABLKBTON, FPIUAY MoBNINO, April 28, 1871. Ordinary.11 JoTj Good Ordinary.12j?? Low .Middling.lajfn) Middling.18}? LATEST QUOTATIONS or SOUTHERN SECURITIES, in CHARLESTON, S. C. Corrected WeeVty hy DANKER aud RROKKR. Ao. 25 Broad Strrrf. April 28, 1871. State Skcchitiks?South Carolin?, old, (?,75; do new, 00 ; do, regist'd atock, ox int ?65. City Hxcitaitfaa?Augusta, OA., Bonds, 78(?^ ; Charleston, S. C. Stock, (ex qr int) (??'A); .'o. Fire Loan Bonds, stocks?Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, ?40; Grcsnvillo and Colum bia, ?2 ; Northeastern, (^lil; Savannah and Charleston, ?30; .South Carolina, (whole shares) ?40; do, ^half do) (?> -10 EXCO\yr.r.. f:v.?New York S'^ht, \ off par; Gold, I10@l12; Silver, lo;;(.o ?OUTU carolin \ bank hills. *Bnnk of Charleston. (To ?Bank of Nowberry. '?'>, Planters' Hank of Fairfield . 8? Stato of H C Hills Receivable.95? City of Charleston Change Bills .95? ? Hills marked thus(^) are being redeemed :-.\ Hank Counter* oi each, jan '12 ' 3m NOTICE. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Orangeburg. S. C. April 21, 1871. IN ACCORDANCE with "An Act to define tho jurisdiction nnd duties of the County Commissioners," parsed the twenty-sixth day of September, A. D. 18?'?8, aud '-An Act'* nniondatory thereto, passed March OHi, nnd pursuant to Resolutions passed by the Board of Conaty t'oniinissioncrs of Orango bnrg. NOTICE* Is hereby given that PROPO SALS for REPAIRING the "Willow Swamp Bridge," on the Holmnn Bridge Bond, and for REPAIRING the CA US WAY and HOL LOW BRIDGES lending to he "New Bridge," in the Fork of the Edistos, will be received at this Office. All Proposals must be accom panied by two or more sufficient Surities, and must be handed in on or before the 20th day of May, 1871. JAMES Van TA.ssLLL, apl 22?5t C. B. 0. C. c ANDLKS, SOAP and MATCHES, low j dorn. Call on W. A. MERONEY & CO JUST HEO^BIYED 500 BUSHELS CORN, WHICH IS OFFHlt?? VERY LOW SPRING GOODS!!! F. W. H. Briggmaim & Co. HAVE JUST; RECEIVED A FUIX STOCK OF Spring Dress Goods, OF A Mi PK^RIPTIONS. All our COGDB ar?t LOW in PRICE to suit tha time*. Our stock of GROCERIES LIQUORS WINCH A?& and ?Tti LAGER REER Is of FIRST QUALITY and Low iu Price. Cull anil sec for yourselves. F. H. W. BltlOQMANN & CO. npl S hi 9 iy 23 I Gr Tl TO D FAMILY CqpfEE POT, ONK DOOH EAST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. B. E. H. PEARSON TIN WARE of KT ERY DESCRIPTION niadf to order?YYlylcsule or Retail. BATHING TUBS. < FOOT TU BS. . SHOWBa BATHS. BAKERS wit! REFLEi'TDRS. ROASTERS. Any kind of WORK in my Line made ami repaired FOR CASH. GUTTERING and EfiOFINO done to order. LEAD PIPES repaired. SECOND HAND SFOVES, repaired and olenncd up. apl 20 i t:g 10 3n> Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of sundry writs of fi. fa., to mo directed I will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangeburg Court House, on the first Mondamin May next, for cash, all the right^We and interest of the Defendants In the following property, viz : 1. One truct of land containing 71 acres more or lens, hounded north and west by Col. L). Shulcr's hind, south by Homestead, and east by lands of Mrs. Elizabeth Bull. 2. One tract containing lilt) acres more or less, bounded north by Homestead, south by Cantry Branch, east by John Griffin's land, and west by Col. D. Shut er. All situated in St Matthews Pariah, on waters of Providence Swamp. Leviod oti as the property of David Bull at the suit of R W. Dates, Guardian. ALSO One tract of land containing 100 acres more or loss, in St. Matthews Parish, o i Iba Three (.'hop Itond, bounded by lands of F. W. Vogt, Estate of Shell and others. Levied on as the property ot B. F. Parlor at Iiie suit of lt. W. Bates, Guardian, SlteritPs Office, ) H. RIOGS, Ornng.-b'T^ C. IL, ?. C, | S. O. 0 Aprii ti, 1671. J npl H td lS SHIP Utelvc?:- .a-i between Dr. B. M INLY SHU LRR and ifre UNDERSIGNED; under tWS Firm Name of DUKES S SHU LKil, was DISSOLVED on the 30th day of March last, by the death of Dr. Sliuler. All persons INDEBTED to lite Raid FIRM, will make PAYMENT, and ull persons having DEMANDS against the said FIRM will pro sent the same, pfrfborly attested, to the un dersigned, or to Dr. A*. O. DUKES, a) the place of business of the said Firm. J. w II. DUKES, npl 11?tt Survivin g* Puriner. ORANGRBtJRO C. Ii.. S. C, ArniL 8d, IS71. The Firm of MoNAMARA & JONES is tnis day MUTUALLY DISSOLVED by Ton sent of both parties. JOS. MoNAMARA, of the said FIRM, does ibis day assume the COLLECTING o its ASSETS, and the PAYMENT of its DEBTS. He ?l?o returns thanks for the Patranngc heretofore bestowed, and hopes bis friends and customers will continue the same. JOS. MoNAMARA, C. R. JONES, apl S * tf IT'xccntor** Notice?AH Pcr sons having CLAIMS against the ES TATE of Alexander H. Chambors, dco'd, arc requested to present t' ? i i ? i. Cr*v i lw? o..ft?f. .til (.ammmmIa. ...... jiiw ..a. i. ...:r...I.,C?- j tions to be addressed to the Committee. J. B. DENNIS, ? Chairman. Colombia, s. c, April 17. 1871. 120 li t BAL, fJRlSTS nml N. c. F LOU p.. .[vX fresh and always on hand. Call on W. A. MERONEY & CO. NITS, RAISINS and CANDIES of the best Rind* IV. A. MKKoNI.Y Si CO TBE FUTURE PROSPERITY OF THE SOUTH.?There can bo no doUbt that it would contribute greatly to the future pros pcHty of this section of tho Uuion if men f amongst us would turn their onergics and onpitol in now channels of enterprise and business. Tho old roads arc clear, but they nro worn and crowded. Blncc a now path through tho woods for yourself, young man, and you will arrive at the goal of success ahead of your competitors. A striking cx aroplo of the value of this precept is found in the case of Mr P. B. Toale, of Charles ton, S. C, a plain mechanic, who has made himself the head of a largo manufactory of doors, sashes and blinds. THE "PAIN KILLER" may justly bo stylod the great medicine of tho world, for there is norcalon of the globo into which it his not fount its way, and been largtlly used and highly prised. Moreover, there is no elimc to Which ii has not proved to bj well adapted for tho cure of a considerable vari ety of rliseaRC ! it is a speedy and safe rcmed* for burns, ssalds, cuts, bruises, wounds aud various other injuries, as well as for dysen tery, diarrhoea and bowel complaints gener ally, it is admirably suited for every race of men ou the face of the globe. It is a very significant fact, that notwith standing the long period of years that the "Tain Killer" has been Leforo the world, it never lost one whit of its popularity, but, on I he contrary, tho call for it has steadily in creased from its first discovery, and at no previous time has the demand for it been so great, or the quantity made been t>o large, as it is to day. Another significant fact is, that nowhere has the Pain Killer ever been in higher re pute, or been more generally <*-ed by fami lies aud individuals, than it has Been here at home, where it was first discovered and in troduced. That the Pain Killer will contin ue 'o be, what we have styled it, the great mcdizine of the world, there cannot be the shadow of a doubt?[Providence Advertiser. %M7 at fill supply of Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY*, &0., ax waits OX ham). WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY Re paired as usual. VYANTED OLD GOLD, SILVER and OLD BANK RILLS, for which he will givo the highest < Jasll Trices. ffb 18 jnn 28 c ly Citizen's Savings Bank OF SOUTH CAROLINA.. WILLIAM MARTIN, President JNO. U PALMER, Vice-President. JNO. P. THOMAS, A. G. ER ENr. Ravenri., Jr. F. W. McMastf.r. Itev. William Martin A. f. Haskf.ll. Jno. H. Palmer. J. Eli Citron. Thomas E. On con. ORANGERURG BRANCH, AT THE e.vcji.nk house. SObiCl TORS. Messrs. OLOVER & GLOVER. /. 0 C. t /, MXA XCK CO MM/TTEE. Hon. THOS. W. GLOVEIt! Col. PAUL S. FELDER, dipt. JOHN A. HAMILTON. .-I SSJ S TA y T CA SillKR. J AM KS II. FOWI.ESi Deponits of si.oo aiid Upwards ?llC?ClTCd. INTEREST allowed at 7 per cent, on Spe cial Certificates of Deposit. On Ordinary Savings Deposits, fi per cent, will bo Compounded every six months on Ac counts. i.. .ii ;? The State of South Carolina, ORANG KBURG COUNTY, In tue Common 1' The Slate Fx Relations,] Solicitor of Bill to the Sent herd Circuit, [ Perpetuate In ro j Testimony. Lost Documents. J Es Parte ) Application to Prove P. II. Rlekenbacker. / Lost Deed. Application having been made by P. A. Rickenbacker to prove the past existence lo>s and contents of a certain Deed 0< con veyance from John Riokenbaoker to tlie said P. II. Riokenbaoker during his lifo and to his children after his death, of all that plan tation or trai t of 1 ind in the Comity and Stale aforesaid situated lyiilg und bein1 00 Two Mile Swan p waters of'tho North Edisto Huer containing four hundred acre'?, and bounded by the Dolman's Bridge road. Two Mile Swacypj T HanoTord, and oibcT^&U of tho ssid Jiio. Rickenbacker. In ObodicncO to an order in th" said ease and on motion of Messrs Knowlton & Hull Solicitors for applicant it is ordered; That all persons who desire no to do appear and cross examine the evidence produced and introduce evidence iu reply betoro m<* on the 26th day of June A. D. J87I, at my office < Irangeburg S. C. ceo. BOLIVER. msr 2"??"in Speeial Heferee. cANNoiTs ?pa&y Onk Doon Hklow W . T . L I G 11 T I'OOTS' RUSSELL ST? FFT, The Subscriber bogs leave to inform bis oM friends and the Fullio generally tbut lio Iis* just opened a fresh and general assorltneut Of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS which he will sell low down for Cash. Come one and all, I will do biy best to plrnso you nnd give perfect s?t;.-,?.-.ct;o:?. jau ;?tr JAS. CANNON. PETER 6, CANNON G U N S M I T II , At Miss. WISE'S OLD STAND Opposite CANNON'S HOTEL. Is Prepared ^ ^? to do ?Ptp?^ Lino At Sbort Notice and on Reuronable Term* For Cash. dec 21 ?f METALIC CASES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND all of tho various Sices of the above Cases, which can be furnished immediately on ap plication. Also manufactures WOOD COFFINS as usual, nud at the shortest notice. Apply to H. RIGGS, ?nur ??lira Carriage Manufacturer. The People's Bakery* NEXT DT)OR TO RED COFFEE POT, East of JWsbi/tcriiin Church, Russell-St. I am happy to ANNOUNCE to the C1TI 7.F.NS nf Ornngeburg; that I am now PRE PARED to SUPPLY Familcs and Cus'omers with DREAD. CAKES, PIES, and all other articles generally found in a FIRST CLASS BA KERY. WEDDING CAKE prepared with great care to suit the most fa?tidous tastes. The PATRONAGE of my friends and fel low-iitize;is is respectfully solicited. THUS. W. ALBERGOTTI. Mrs. ALBEKGOTTI returns'thanks for the Patronage bereloforo bestowed, and hopes her friends and Customers will contin ue the same. Sun will keep constantly ort hand at: as sortment of FRUITS. CONFECTIONARY und FANCY ARTICLES as usual. dec 10 .1m 5f] AXtBRTilCHT, ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, OKAXUEUUIIG, 8. C,. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TItE CITI , zens of Orangeburg and Vicinity that bo has Opened at hi-; NEW STORE on Rus sell Street, between Messrs. Rriggmann &. Co. and McNamaru .Sc Jones, with a complete Stock of LEATHER, &c, and ihat he has sufficient Workmen to till uR Ordcis tun um ed to him. Thanking tho Pub'ic for past patronage, rc.pcctlullv nolicits a contiuuattce of the Kirne. 1 ERMS CASH. feb 5 oct 2-1 tf' ?X. & T. TEl. AG-ISTE W COLUM1UA, No. Ca., IMP OR TERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARD ware, Cutlery. Guns, Plantation Tools, Blacksmith and Carpenters Tools, House Builders Hardware, lhir Iron, Blow Su-el. Cast, German and Blister Steel, Plow Moulds CARRIAGE MATERIALS in Great Varie ty at less than CHARLESTON PRICES. Paints. Oils, Varnishes and Window Glass. Also Choice FAMILY GROCERIES, con sisting of the largest and best assorted Stock in Columbia, embracing Flour, Molasses, Suit, Tobacco, Raw and Refined Sugars, tine Teas, fresh Canned Fruits and Fish, So.ips, Candles, Flavoring Extracts, and all other Uoods usually kept in a Fir.-t Class Grocery Store, including Fine Whiskey, Choice Otar'd Brandy? Holland Gin, Choice Wines, Ca i fornia Champagne and a .?plcudid stock of all qualities Cigars and Smoking Tobacco. Prices guaranteed ns Low as the Lowest, and a call .Solicited for purchasers. J. & T. R. AG NEW. JOHN AGNEW, Columbia, S. C. THOS. R. AGNEW, Now York; jan 7 c Jim S E It: GtITj 119 s UX A I>I I/CEKATEDALEAXD ? LAGER REER. I" AG ER BEER. CONTAINING COPPE _j RAS and ALE doctor.? I with Salt, Lime and Alum, are the latest adulteratioos dis covered in New-York. Professor Mapes of New-York, analysed the Beer from a dozen different Breweries, and all were found adulterated with noxious substance. It is said, that the sale of Drugs to Brew ers, is a profitable part of the trade. This is perfectly infamous Codculus indicus (fish berry) nux-voinica. (dog button) front which strychnine is obtained, are some of the delectable substances found in Beer! These arc potent pdisous, and the. Brewer found using them should be drowned at onco in ono of his own vats. P. S. ? I am willing to be drowned in my own vats, if any impurities should bo f..und in mv lti>er I shall continue to make a beabbful Boveruge, so that it may be dm;?k by tile most delicate without the least danger. JOHN c. SEEGERS, Columbia. S. C. For sale in Orangehnrg by the cask or otherwise, by MERONEY & SAIN, jan 7 C lv CAT^IjSTKT SHOl?. WM. A. BULL c?v." IT. O. lltocux?., BHODIE ?fc CO. OTTON FACT0B8 ax d COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH ATLANTIC U'lf lUF, C1IARESTON. S. C. Liberal Advances made on Consigument. Br.rEii to Andrew Siinonds, Esq., Fres't 1st National Bank, Charleston, S. C may 21 ? wee tf P. P TO ALE, CHARLESTON, S. C. LA It OUST AND MO.Vf COMPLETE Manufactory Of Doot^. Saghes, Blii.Jw. Mould ings, &c., irt the ?outhe?-u States. OSTPriuteJ Price List Defies Compe tition. BGTSLNT) FOB OXE"^Ba JQi?fFcnt Free on Application.-^j?S may 21 wcc tf MONTHLY BIAGAZIHE, Ttro Dollart per Annum. 64 P?GE3 READING MATTER. 30 Pap?* Advert iftcmcnt?. WALKED. EVANS & C?dSWBTL, a*u D. V. YATT AlKKX, ChAm.?sto*, S. C. july Id tf Q.EO. W; CARPENTCS^I COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SAR. Sinti?*** ? CEO. W, CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU The.-e Celebrated*Preparation*, originally introduced by Oeo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medical faculty . have been so long extensively wed by physicians and others, that they are generally known for their intrinsic value, and can '. relied on as being most valuable rem- lies in all cases where Sarsaparilla c r Bnobu arc applicable, and cannot be too highly' recommended They nrj prepared in a highly concent rated) form, so as to render the dose small and con venient. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. OEO. YY. OAHPE-NTRR, HENSZRY ft CO., Whoiopale Chemical Warehouse, No. 7117 Market street, Philadelphia. For sale by DUKES & SUTLER, ami B. J. OLIVEROS. Orangeburg, S. C. and DOWIB & MOLSE, Wholeaale Agonts, Charleston, 8. ! c. Cotton tor CJaauo. ? KI.OOO fltL.UIU.M :?Wo propose selling a litoiled quantity of our (iiianos for Middling C Uon, at 16 cts., delivered ;>t planter's near est depot, by 1st November next. We al-o offer the magnificeul premium of $1,000 for the liest yield from our Guanos. For particulars apply to our nearest Agent, or address us for Circular. WILGOX, GIBBS cr?.. Impostors and Dealers in Ounnos. < "harleste?", S. C. Savannah and Augusta, lia. 1 fob 18 woo 2r?