PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. rruis guano IS now so well known % in nil the Southern Slates for its re markable effycte ns an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from us. Its us* for fire yoars past has established its char acter for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade, affords the surest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Gunno. J. N. HOBS0N, Soiling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JNO. S. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Dec. 21. tf. compound acid, PHOSPHATE OF LIME. FOE COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SE2D. rjnillS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED ? by the PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY at Charleston, S. C, under Superintendence of Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL. When com-' posted with an equal weight of Cotton Seed, its results have been found fully equal to tbo best stmulard fertilizers. Its economy must commend it to the notice of planters gencr ally. For specific directions for composting and for supplies, apply to J N. ROBSIN, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. "NO. S. REESE & Co., Oeucral Agents, Baltimore. dec 24 td EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. STATE TREASURY OFFICE, CoLfMiiiA, S. C, December 1, 1870. MUMIE BOOKS of the Treasury Office for 'ho Transfer and Conversion of STOCKS and BONDS will bo closed on and after tho nl5th instant until the 1st proximo, for con veiencc in preparing statement of interest due to January 1, 1871. ? NILES G. PARKER, Trcusutcr State S. C. dec 3 o EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. State Tni:.\st hy Office, f'oi.i MniA, S C, December 1, 1870. rpiIE INTEREST falling du? on the ' g Coupon Bonds of tho State *f South llartdiuu tithe lit of .January. 1871, will be paid IN (?OLD on and after that date at the offico of II. II. Kimpion. Finnncinl Agent of the State, No. D, Russen Street, New York, und at this office. Tho interest falling due on the Registered Steck of the Stnte to January 1st, 1871, will be paid IN GOLD on nud after that dntc at the Treasury office onlv. NILES G. PARKER, Treasurer State South Carolina, dec 3 c i Ayer's Sarsapariiia, ron PunirmG tue iu ood, The reputation Oils ex cellent luedleine enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly , marvoUous. Jburetcrata cases of Scrofulous dis coeo, wbero tbo system seemed eaturu'ed wl?* corruption, bn\ been 8untied nnd curou by lu crofulou* affections and . disorders.whlcb were ag gravated by tiie scrofu lous contamination Until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost every sec tion of tiie country, that the public scarcely seed to be informed of Us virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is ono of tiie most destruc tive enemies of our race. Often. Uds unseen and nIi telt tenant of the organism undermines the con. aUtution, and invites the attack of eiuaebling or IV ml diseases, witbout exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, nnd then, on some favorable iiceaslon. rapidly develop into ono or other of its hideous forms, cither on the surface or among tho vitals. In tbo latter, tul>ercles may bo suddenly deposited in tho lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or It shows its nrct*cuco by eruptions on the . !.':::, or feu! uleeration? on ?nme part of the body. Hence the occasional use of d bottle of this Saraaparllla is advisable, even when no netive symptoms of disease appear. Persons af flicted with the following complaints generally Jlnd immediate relief, and, at leugtb, care, by the U?o Of this SAltSAPAlllLLA: St. Ant ho tty's Fire, Hoao or JCryalpelaa, Tetter, Salt Jlhcitm, Salti Head, Jllnytrorm, Sore JCyca, Sore JSnra, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulotts disease. Also In tho more c in coaled forms, ns Jtyapepain, liropay. Heart IHaease, Fits, lipllepsy, Keuralgla, and the various l/7rw*oi|? ?a*c* arc cured "by it, though n long time is re quired for subduing these obstiuntemnladics by any medicine. But long-continued use of this medicine will cure tho complaint. Leneorrhcra or Whites, Uterine Ulerrationa, and Female Diseases, are commonly soon relieved nnd ulti mately cured by Its purifying nnd Invigorating effect. Miniiie directions for each case are found ? ii mir ;?iin;>n.v. , ?i<|i,;i.j.; ? and Gout, when Caasen by ac.< umnlntions of ex traneous matters in tho blood, yield quickly to it, hs also Ltw Complainta. Torpidity, t'oiiffes tion or Inflammation of the Liver, nnd Jnun ttloe. when nrising, as they often do, from the rankling poinons In tho blood.. This SAltSA VAll iLLA is a great roetorer f*r Uie strength, nnd vigor of the pystcm. Those who are Lan ynlil and Listless. Jtespsndent, Sleepleaa, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or J-'ritra, or any of lb" affections symptomntic of 1%'eahnsss. \\\\\ find Immediate relief and coiv. vlncing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY B?r. JT. C. ater &. CO., Lowell, Mais., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. l>r. 10. J. OI.iVKKOM. Agent at Orangeburg C. II. futgft ly FIRE INSURANCE. tiii: men mono BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY, Ofltt 1202 Vain and 11th Streets, RICHMOND, VA. .IOHN B. DAVIS. President. JOHN Vi C. POTTS, Secretary. MANN S. QUAREES, Cashier. T. B. STARKE, General Agent. lJu-wng this Gey, (Pet. 17jh, 1870.) re ceived the appointment of AGENT for Or nngeburg of the above INSURANCE COM PANY, I am prepared to take RISKS on Stores, Stocks or Merchandise aad Dwoll ing* at reasonable rates. JOUN A. HAMITLON, Agfa? t(h> ? . '? ' H ? Vng ami Insurance Company, nnd fcotrtnerP Life Insurance Company, Market-St.. Orangeburg. 8. C. o.eT WILHELM THEODOR M?LLER, HAS JUST RECEIVED A Largo Assortment of PIPE8 and 8KGARS f ruoh TOM BEST MEERSCHAUM MANUFACTORY 5} IX thje v. M, Also a Few Lot of Nine ami Cbolco ?KOCKRIES, To wit: 8MOKED TONGUE.' rJ , V. WILL DELIVER EVERY SATURDAY To ANY FAMILY Rolled ?LSrtot und Meal Mads of! PURE WHITE WESTERN CORN. BEEF. NEW YORK BEEF BALONYS. SUGAR CURED HAMS. Aud all other First Class FAMILY GROCERIES, mar 4 ? ?6^1 respectfully notify the PUBLIC < that my former g bar-room: will be CLOSED from the 4th day of March, S 1871. and will only keep LIQUORS hereaf ter for FAMILY PURPOSES. tf AT THE CORNER!!! -:o: Gr REAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IX WINTER GOODS I>. LOUIS is SELLING the ABOVE GOODS AT and BELOW COST. Now is the time to get BARGAINS'. JUST RECEIVED SPRING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION VERY LOW EOii CASH AT feb 19?ly ID . LOUIS', AT THE CORNER. T A JEFFORDS & CO ? HAVE .H'ST RECEIVED a FINE LOT OF GROCERIES which they are offering VERY" LOW. Patties buying bacon, flour; whiskey, SUGAR, COFFEE, Ac. Will find it to their advantage to CALL and PRICE OUR GOODS. A new lot of FINK HAMS just received. They will also find a CHEAP lot of DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, fee. oct 15?Gin T. A. JEFFORDS & CO. WOULD VVFCFM THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS STILL CARRYING ON THE CAR riatre Mnkli.g in nil its various brsnohee and will Manufacture er Repair at the ?"diertc&t Notice, all Carnages, Buggies or Wagons. And am also prepared with NEW PRESS AND G *I TO GIN AND PACK COTTON SHORT NOTICE. Cotton GINNF.l) AT MY MILL has brought from \ to J cent more than that Ginned en the common Gins. oct 8 apl 2?ly It. RIGG'S. ETTIWAN GUANOS, (I AND SULPHURIC ACID MANUFACTURED AT TUB ETI WAN WORKS, C II A 11 L E S Y OX, So. Ca . BY TITE SULPHURIC ACID AND SUPERPHOSPHATE COMPANY. The now well known Et?wan Ounno is manufactured from the Native Bon I'liOfiphates of South Carolina These Phosphates in their natural state are Iuso Itible, and require to be ground to powder, and made So'able bj Suiphuria Ac tu rins Company have now iu operation the largest Sulphuric Acid Chamber* at the South, und are, therefore, able to Manufacture at the lowest rates, the highes: grade of Fertilizer; It being clear that the greater the proportion of Soluble Phosphate which a my. Fertilise* contains, the less the quantity required per acre. In order to make Hie Fertilizer complete Ammonia und Potash iu sufficient quanti ties aio udded. With these views the Company manufacture and offer fur sale E T I W A N G U A N. O S , Warranted to contain from 16 to 20 per Cctit. ol Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Linie, and from 2 to 2j per Cent, of Ammonia, with a sufficient addition of Peru vian Guano and Potash, to adapt it to all crops, Price 855 p^r ton, cash; un tiuie SCO per ton, and interest 7 percent, per annum. 1HSSO M I I) BOXE, Of high grade, suitable for Manufacturers or Planters, being in itself an excellrnt Fertilizer, nnd specially adapted for compost. As large quantities Ol Sulphuric Acid arc used to dissolve the Phosphate, this will be found a cheap and convenient way to transport that material. The grade furnished will bo from L8 to 2D tjer cent. Dissolved Bone Phosphate. Price S40 per ton cash. Ob time, $45j with interest at 7 per cent, per annum. Still higher grades will bo furuished to order at an additional prico percentage. COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, Specially prepared for composting with cotton seed and other plantation manures. Price per ton ; cash ; on time, 840, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum. GROUND BONE, At much lower rates, consistuig simply of tho Native Boue Phosphates ground to powder. Price ?20 per ton cash. On time, $22 and interest at 7 per cent, per annum. WM. C. BEE & CO., Agents, No. 14 Adgcr's Wharf. Charleston, S. C. G. IT. COttNELSON, Agent, Orangeburg, S. 0. N. B.?The percentage of Dissolved Bono Phosphate of Lime, and Ammonia in all.the Etiwuns. is asccrinincd at tho Works, by their Chemist, before delivery. Should any purchaser bo dissatisfied, ho may return average samples of any pur after delivery, and they will be analyzed anew, nnd any delioiuuuy. tu tuo p^cr c^nu^o guniautced wih be made good to him by the Com pany. jan 29. C 3ni For the Speedy Relief And Permanent (Jure of coisrsuiviipxioisr, BROXCIIITIS, ASTHMA, COLDS, Aud all Diseases of the LUNGS, CHEST, Oil THROAT! rTMIE EXPEP1..RANT is composed exolu I sively of Herbal and Mucilaginous pro liiirt.i, tvhioh Perineale- the very Substance of the LllIIgN, cnu^'ag tbcm to Hunw off tbo acrid matter which collects iu tlio Bronchial Tubes, nud at the same time forms a soothing coaling, relieving the irritation which produces the collgh. Tbe object to be obtnincJ is to elennsc the organ of all impurities; to nourish and strengthen it when it has become impaired nnd enfeebled by disease: to renew and in vigorato tbo circulutiou Of lie blond aud strengthen the nervous organization. The EXPECTORANT does this to an astonishing It is active but mild anil congenial, imparting functional energy and natural strength. It affords Oxygen to vitalize the blood, nnd^sitrogen to assimilate the matter. It Equalizes the llATcrcuus Influence," producing quiet nnd composure TO CONSUMPTIVES It is invaluable, as it Immediately relieves the difficult breathing r.nd h.massing cough which attends that disease. FOR ASTHMA It is n specific?one dnic often relieving the distressing choking, aud producing caltu and pleasant repose. FOB CUOi'P No mother should ever be without a bottle of the EXPECTORANT in the house. We have numerous certificates of its having releivod, almost instantly, the little buffer er, when death appeared almost inevitable. MOTHERS EE ADVISED! Keep it on Hand I This dread disease requires prompt action: ns soon as the hoarse, boll im < nugh is heard, apply the remedy, and it is easily subdued : tint Relay M^DnngcroiiM! Jk^r The proper?tcadlf Ihe EXPECTO ItANT are demulcent, nutritive, balsnmie, soothing nnd healing. It braces the nervous system and products pleas.m; and refreshing sleep. // Exhilarates . Containing all these: qnnliiles in a ennven ient unil concentrated >>. it bus proves! lo be the Most Valunbl? Lxing ILil-nm over offered to suffcrt rs from Pulmonary dis eases. ?4*? Prepared by V?, 11. Ti'T'f A I. \ 7t I>, A CO EST A, CA. kohl htj Pruyt/ittfs i < ; ,-r. r.CV r; cln Iii CAROLINA BITTERS, j A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. We take great pleasure in offering ihe OLD CA ROD IN A BITTERS is tho public. They are compounded with grer?/?Are. anil contain some ol the best Ton ics in the Phnrinnci | ia. As evidence of tbe superiority of our BITTERS i vcr t.ll others, wo have certificates from many of the lead ing physicians in our State, who have pre scribed them iu their practice. The OLD CAltOIANA RIKTTRS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite. General Debility, Chills and Fever, and Dyspepsia. We ?lo not offer our BiTTEUH as vv.t-j for all diseases, Inn us an Aromatic Tonic, they have no ? qual. For sale by Di uggists and Grocers every where. Principal Depot. SOODRICil, WIN EM AN * CO., Importers of Choice Drills and Chemi l ?..i- fbnrlnslon. S l i mar ft ? . ATER WHEEL, MiirGearin?,Shaf!in?8 Pulleys TpOOlE? H?N^^LTlMORE^ h^LsZHD FORACIRCtUAXjfer icjit 10 ly WASHINGTON HOUSE BY Mra TvT m Stratton Uli ?. IU. ?*? k? tsx CbbtA/11, oor.Ni'.u GERVAIS A- ASSEMBLY STREETS COLUMBIA, S. C. 'ionvenirnl *-n Ibe Greenville nnd Charleston Kuilroiid.i anil Ihe Business portion of the City. Rate <>t Transit ul Board?Two Dollnrs per Ib?y. Regular Boarders received at Reasonable Rates. dec 10 if CANDLES, SOAP and MATCHES, low down. Call on W A. MEBON1 V \ CO "WANDO FERTILIZER," T H E PRICE OF THIS POPULAR FERTILIZER HAS BEEN REDUCED FOR THE SEASON O F 18 7 1, TO MEET THE NECESSITIES OF THE PLANTING COMMUNITY, AND II AS RE EN FIXED AT CASH?Fifty Dollars per Ton of 2.000 lh?. at Factory. TIME?Fifty-!!** Dollar* per Ton ?I 2.000 His. at Factory, PAYABLE Ut NOYEMBER, lhTl. without Interest. WM. C. DUKES & CO.. C 11 A R L !?: S T O .\ , SO. C A jan 1 I Rai B?WJBONE STANDARD GUARANTEED MANUFACTURED BY iLTON,WHAN.Sk WSLM!NGTON,DEL. |J ft -?.?3?-, A FOR SALE BY J?wi RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPAATE. The Great Fertiliser for Cotton anp II Crops. a. Tin- nnparallelcl success i (' l! ' GREAT FERTILIZER on ALL CROPS, proves it to be the REST and CUE VPEST M VNURE now ottered in the Mnrkot. Ii lias boon iiscil by many of the in?-: Eminent Plaut era in the South, and In every single instance it lias giv^u Entire Satisfaction. On C i"l?>N its (?RVcts have boon particularly marked. It if no raro th*injr for Wlf ANN'S PHOSPII VTK to inercaj? tho yield from ?NE-OUSDItBU TO TWO HUNDRED l'ER t'I.NT., or even more '. Mr. GEO. G DIXOX, an eminent planter of Cameron, Gn , in a Letter to the Banner \ Planter. - iy? thai in an experiment with aeven leading Superphosphates and Gnanoe. tbo WH ANN'S proved itself the b -1 ?.t all lb ose tried, paying anet yro?i at low market rate ?'!* S'20 JHl per acre of Potion. A Copy of Mr. DIXON'S LETTER furnished on application. F 0 R S A L E E Y CLAGHORN, HERRING & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. AND AUGUSTA, OA. jan 1 I c 3m Eighteen Years of Practical Success. INTRODUCED IX 1852. PATENTED Dec. ?O, 1650. OLDEST SUPERPHOSPHATE MANUFACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. M APES' Nitrogciiizod Superphosphate of Lime COMPOSED OF Bones, Phosphatic Guano, Concentrated Ammonical Ani mal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. No Salt, /Vaster, Suit Vahr. Nitre Cake, NOR ANY ADULTERANT of any Kim/ us