The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, April 15, 1871, Image 6

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PACIFIC tiUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,01)0,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC UUA.NO. rlH?tS r,V\SO IS NOW SO WELL KNOWN X ?n nil tho Southern States for its re markable effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor, us not to require special recommendation from us. Ita use for tire years past has established its ehur aotcr for reliable excellence. The large fixod capital invested by the Company in this, affords tho surest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Guano. i. N. KOBSON, Soiling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JNO. S. REESE CO., General Agents, Baltimore. Deo. 24. tf. COMPOUND ACID, PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SE2D. millS ARTICLE LS MANUFACTURED X by tho PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY at Charleston, S. C, under Superintendence of Dr. ST. J CLIEN RAVEN EL. When com posted with an equal weight of Cotton Seed, its resultb have been found fully equal to the best standard fertilizers. Its economy must commend it to the notice of planters geucr ally. For specific directions for composting and for supplies, apply to J N. ROBSIN, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. 'NO. S. REESE & Co., Geueral Agcn.'s, imoro. dec 24 Id EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. STATE TREASURY OFFICE, Colcmma, S. C, December 1, 1870. rpilE BOOKS of the Treasury OHioe for X the Transfer and Conversion of STOCKS atid BONDS will be closed on and after tho ninth instnnt until the 1st proximo, for con veieacc in preparing statement of interest due to January 1, 1871. ? NILES G. PARKER, Treasurer State S. C. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT State TntAsrr.y Omer., Coi.i mma, S C, December 1, 1870. rpilE INT EHEST falling du? on the * X Coupon Bonds of the State ?f South t'aroiiu? to fche 1st of January, 1871, will be paid IN (?0&D en and after that date at the office of II. II. Kimptou. Financial Agent of tho State, No. Nassau Street, Now York, a ml nl this office. Tho interest falling due on the Registered Stech, of the Stnte to January 1st, 1871, will be pufd I N GOLD on nnd after that dato at the Treasury office onlv. NILES G. PARKER, Treasurer State South Carolina, dco 3 e Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ircm pubxcyxivo the moon. The reputation this ex cellent medicine enjoys, Is derived from its cures, many of which ore truly marvellous. Inrctenua cases of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system seemed saturated wlthr corruption, bare been purillcd and cured by It. Scrofulous affections and ?. disorders,which were ng gravatcd by tho scrofu lous contamination until they were painfully afllic?ug, have been radically cured in such great numliers in almost every sec tion of the countryi that the publio scarcely need to be informed oflts virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destruc tive enemies of our race. Oftnu. thin unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the eon bULution, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or IV tr.! dise?**Sj without exritfng a suspicion of ita presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, nnd then, on some fnvorable occasion,rapidly develop Into one or other of its hideous Tonne, cither on Uic surfhec or among the vitals. Jn tho bitter, tubercles may bo suddenly deposited in tho Inngs or heart, or minors formed in the liver, or It shows Its presence by cmptions on the skin, or foul ulcerauons cn some part of me body. Hence the occasional use of a hot tie of this Sarsaparilla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons af flicted ivitn the following complaints generally Jlnd Imiuediaterelicf, nnd, at length, euro, by the ir e of this SAltSAPAHII.LA: 81. Antho liJ/'s J''irc, Hour or JCryripetaa, Tetter, Salt Jlheum, Scald ITcnd, Jlinmcorm, Sore Jiyea, Sore San, nnd other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also In the more con cealed forms, as lipapcpala, Dropat/, Heart JKaeaae, J it*, lCpilrnair, Netrraloia, and dm *mmwSS I.7c^rJuc*alfecUons of the muscular nnd nervous systems. Si'plitlla or Venereal and Mercurial IHa oaaeswec cured-by it, though a lon#<tioM is re quired for 6ubdulng these obstInnU?innladlcs by nny medicine, lint long-continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. jAiueorrhcea or White?, Uterine Vleeratlona, and Female Diseases, a'ro commonly soon relieved nnd ulti mately cured by Its purifying nnd invigorating ? licet. Minute directions lor each case are foumV In our Almanac, supplied gratis. IthcumatUrn nnd Gout, when caused by aecumnlattons of ex traneous matters in the blood, yield milckly to It, ilan or inflammation oi thelAver, nnd Jdttn ellee, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons In the blood.. This SAKHA" l*AniI.T.A is a great restorer far the strength, nnd vigor of the system, Those who aro j??ffl and J.latleaa, Heapendcnt, Steeplraa, nnd troubled with Serroua Anprehcnalona or Jh'eara, or any of the affections symptomstlo of TFeaXiiiess, will find Immediate relief and con* viucing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. rHEPAHED BY Ufr. 9. C. ATER 4c CO., Lowell, Mas*., Practical and Analytical Chemlatt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. I>r. JE. J. OMVKKOS. Agent at Orangeburg C. II. augfi ly FIRE INSURANCE. Tili: HICU.IIOYD BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY, O?ccYlW Main and 12th Sires!:, RICHMOND, VA. JOHN B. DAVIS, President. JOHN F. C. POTTW- Hecrelnrv. MANN S. QUARLKS, Cashier! T. R. STARKE, General Agent. Having this day, (Oct. 17jb, 1870,) re ceived the appointment of AGENT for Orr angeburgof the above INSURANCE COM PANY, 1 am prepared to take RISKS on Stores, Stocks of Merchandise and DwolL In m nt rcmonoblo rates. '< ?.. IIAMITLON, Ag' ?. Vn* and insurance Company, and Soutln i !? Life Insurance Company, Morkci Orangeburg, 8. C. it-tsa. *r WILHELM THEODOR M?LLER, HAS JUST RECEIVED A Largo Assortment of ^ WILL DELIVER EVERY SATURDAY PIPE8 ?TS SEGARG < I ruoM Tin: Q ?EST MEERSCHAUM MANUFACTORY % IN THE IL Sl? Also a Few Lot of Nine und Cholco OROCEBIES, TO ANY FAMILY Bolted Grist and Meal Made of) l'URK WHITE WESTERN CORN. To Tfit: 8MOKED TONGUE * DEKF. NEW YORK REEF BALONYS. SUGAR CURED HAMS. And ail oi'ucr First Class FAMILY GROCERIES, mar 4 o ? -1 - -3 u i)?r I respectfully notify the PUBLIC < that my former g BAlt-ROOH will be CLOSED from the 4th day of March, r 1871, and will only keep LIQUORS hereaf g tor for FAMILY PURPOSES. tf AT THE CORNER!!! -:o: ?r BEAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IX WINTER GOODS IX LOUIS ?3 SELLING the ABOVE GOODS AT and BELOW COST. Now is the time to get BARGAINS. JUST RECEIVED SPRING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTON feb 18?ly VERY LOW FOR CASH AT I). LOUIS', AT THE CORNER. T A JEFFORDS & CO ? IJAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF GROCERIES which they are offering VERY* LOW. Parties buying BACON, FLOUR, WHISKEY, SUGAR, COFFEE, &c. Will find it to their advantage to CALL and PRICE OUR GOODS. A new lot of FINE HAMS just received. They will also find a CHEAP lot of DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, &c. oct 15?Gin T. A. JEFFORDS & CO. WOULD TNFOrM THE PUBLIC THAT TIE IS STILL CARRYING ON THE OAR riaire Makit.g jn ?11 its various hrnnoher. and will Manufacture er Repair at the ?"^hortest Notice, nil Carriages, Buggies or Wagons. And *m also prepared with NEW PRESS AND G s\ TO GIN AND PACK COTTON SHORT NOTICE, Cotton GINNED AT MY MILL has brought from J ?o J cent more than that Ginned on the common Gins. oct 8 apl 2?ly It. RIGGS. ETTIWAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES AND SULPHURIC ACID MANUFACTURED AT THE ETIWAN WORKS, C IIA R L E S T 0 So. Ca.. BY TitE SULPHURIC ACID AND SUPERPHOSPHATE COMPANY. The now wt-ll known Eowun Guano is manufactured from the Native Bon j Phosphates of South Carolina Those Phosphates in their natural state are luso luble, and require to be ground ((> powder, and made Soluble by Sulphuric Acid riii- ?!<???(? ?t"v have now in f>!!',ro.?i"!> the largest Rolphorie Add tlhaiuhjra ut the South, and are, therefore, able to manufacture at the lowest rates, the highest grade of Fertilizer; It being clour that the greater the proportion of Soluble Phosphate wl'kh aFertilise* contains, the less the quantity required per acre. In order to inuke llie Fertilizer eonipletc Ammonia and Potash in sutficieut quanti ties aro added. With these views tho Company manufacture and offer fur sale ETIWAN G U A N. O S , Warranted to contain from 15 to 20 per Cent, oi Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, and from 2 to '.!'? per Cent, of Ammonia, with u sufficient addition of Peru vian Guauo nnd Potash, to adapt it to all crops. Prico $55 pT ton, cash ; ou iuie 8C0 per ton, uud interest 7 percent, per annum. DISSOLVED BONE, Of high grade, suitable for Manufacturers or Planters, being in itself an esccllrnt Fertilizer, nnd specially adnptod for compost. As large quantities oi Sulphuric Acid arc used to dissolve the Phosphate, this will be found a cheup nnd convenient way to transport that material. The grade furnished will bo from L8 to 20 per cent. Dissolved Bone Phosphate. Prico $40 per ton cash. Ob- time, $45', with interest at 7 per ceut. por annum. Still higher grades will bo furuishod to order at an additional price percentage. COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, Specially prepared for composting with cotton seed end other plantation niannrcs. Price $35 per ton j cash ; on time, f 40, with interest at ? per cent, per annum. GROUND BONE, At much lower ratas, consisting simply of tho Native Boue Phosphate? ground to powder. Prico $20 por ton cash. On time. $22 and interest at 7 per cent, per anoum. WM. C. BEE & CO., Agents, No. 14 Adgcr's WTiarf. Charleston, S. C. G. H. CWtNELSON, Agent, Orangeburg, S. 0. N. B.?The perocntago of Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, and Ammonia in nil.tho Etiwnns. is ascertained at the Works, by their Chemist, before delivery. Should, nnv purchaser bo dissatisfied, he may return average samples of any pur days after delivery, and they will be analyzed anew, nnd any deficiency, tu tue per u;uut?C guaranteed will bo made good to him by tho Com pany. jan 2? c 3m kXPtGTORANT i C0!IGHSrC0LDS,&i:;? For the Speedy Relief And Permanent Cure of consumption, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COLDS, And all Diseases oi the LUNGS, CHEST, Oil THROAT! fTMIE EXPECTORANT is composed oxclu I sivuly of Herbal anil Mucilaginous pro duett, which Permeate the very Substance of the Lungs, causing them to throw off tbo acrid matter which collects in the Bronchial Tubes, nml at the same time forms a soothing coating, relieving tbo irritation which produces the cough. The object to be obtained ia to cleanse the organ of all impurities: to nourish and strengthen it when it has become impaired and enfeebled by disease; to renew and in vigorate the circulatioa of the blood nnd strengthen the nervous organization. The EXPECTORANT does this to an astonishing degree. It is active but mild and congenial, imparting functional '.energy and natural strength. It affords Oxygon to vitalize the blood, amPTSitrogcn to assimilate the matter, It Equalizes the "Ncrcous Influence" producing quiet and composure TO CONSUMPTIVES It is invaluable, as It Immediately relieves the difficult breathing and bar rawing cough which attcuds that disease. for ASTHMA It is a specific?one doie often relieving the distressing choking, and producing calm und pleasant repose. vor tston? N? roolher ahowM ever be without a bottle of the EXPECT* > It A N T in the house. We have numerous certificates of its having rcleivod, almost instantly, the little fifTcror, when death appeared almost inevitable. M OTH ERS BEi A D V i S E D 1 Keep it on Jfaii'i I This dread disease requires prompt action : as soon as the hoarse, hollow tough is. heard, apply the remedy, and it is easily subdued ; Rnt Belay ?m Bangeren?! The properties;'pf the FXPFCTO RANT are demulcent, "nutritive, balsamic, soothing and healing. It braces (be nervous system and products pleasant and refreshing sleep. It Exhilarates ami forlierm Gloominess a'vl Depression. Containing nil these finalities in n eonven ient and ooncMitrated form, it has provcif to bo the Most Vrtiunble ?nns Hal nui ever offered to sufferf re from Pulmonary ilia cases. *?*? Propnred by WML. LI. Tt'T'f & LAND, AUGUSTA, GA. tsohi hi/ Drurftjin's everywhere. r.ov 5 f*?n CAROLINA BITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. We take great pleasure in offering the OLD CA RODIN A BITTERS Is tbo public. They arc compounded with gre.t? eare. nnd contain some ot the best Ton ics in the Pharinacopia. As evidence, of the superiority of our.UlTTERS over i.U others, we have certitieates from many of the lead Ing physicians in our State, who have pre scribed them in their practice. The old CAROLINA BIKTTRS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, Chills and Fevrr. ntid Dyspepsia. \ We do not offer our BITTERS as a eure for all diseases, but us an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by Diugglstg and Grocers every where. Principal Depot. ?OODIUC?, WIN F.MAN A CO., Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemi cals, Charleston, S Cj mar 6 ly Mil! Gearin?,Shaftin?& Pulleys sept 10 WASHINGTON HOUSE BY Mrs. M. W. Strattaon, COKNEtt GERVAIS & ASSEMBLY STREETS COLUMBIA, S. C. (Jonvenient-rn the Greenville and Charleston Railroad* and do Business portion of the City. Hate of Transient Hoard?Two Dollars j.' r Day. Regular Boarders received at Reasonnblo Rates. dec 10 tf CANDLES, SOAP and MATCHES, low down. Call on fi A. HF.ROX1 V & CO WANDO FERTILIZER, itffi T HE PRIC E OF THIS POPULAR FERTILIZER HAS BEEN REDUCED FOR THE SEASON OF 18 71, TO MEET THE NECESSITIES OF THE PLANTING COMMUNITY, AND HAS EE EN FIXED AT CASH?Fifty Dollar? per Toi. of 2.O0O lbs. at Factory. TIJSl-:?Fifty-live Dollar? per Ton of 2.O0O lbs. at Factory, PAYABLE 1st NOVEMBER, 1871, without Interest. WM. C. DUKES & CO., A CJ E N T S C H A RLE S TON, SO. CA. oOl STANDARD GUARANTEED tiES lifts* MANUFACTURED BY WILM1N G TO N, D E L. i/J/- FOR SALE BY i|jjf 0Oto??J* factors IWHANN'S RAW BONE S?PERPH0SPAATE. The Great Fertilizer for Cotton anp all Crops. Tin* hnparalleloil success <f tliir GREAT FERTILIZER on ALE CROPS, proves it to bo tho I1KST ami ?M?: VPEST M VNUUE now offered hi the Market. It has been u-e l by many of the most Eminent Planiere in tho South, and In every single instance it has given Entire Satisfaction. On C TTON Its effects have boon parflnalarty marked. It is no rare tiling for \VH ANN'S PHOSPHATE to increase the yield from ONEHLNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED FEU CENT., or even more! Mr. GEO. C 1MXON, an eminent planter of Cameron, Ga , in a Letter to the Ranncr & Planter, says that in an experiment with seven leading Superphosphates ami Gimnos. the WIIANN'S proved itself the best of all those tried, paying a net pm?t at Hh? low market rute <>f ?20 '.'<* per iicre of Cotton. A Copy of Mr. DIXON'S LETTER furnished on application. F O R S A L E Ii Y CLAGHORN, HERRING & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. AND AUGUSTA, GA. - * jan 1 1 C 3m Eighteen Years of Practical Success, IXTHOOICLD IX 1852. PATENTED Bee. ?O, 105O. OLDEST SUPERPHOSPHATE M ' *~u FACTORED IN THIS COUNTRY. MAPES' Nitrogcnized Superphosphate of Lime COMPOSED OF Bones, Phosphatic Guano, Concentrated Ammonical Ani mal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. No Sah, Pfotrr, Salt Cake, Nttn Cake, NOR ANY ADULTERANTof any Kind Its </. CCsT-Tho Ammonical Annual Matter iu Muj^s* Nitrogcuized Suphosphate of liiino, oouRis^e of tho fle?h (containing 10 per cent. Animouiu) aud the blood (con taining 15 per ooiit* of Ammonia,) of Bcevo*. Horses, Fish aud-other A ui nut Is af ter cxpreision- of the and oil by t> tea lit; / l?rico?$uo lash?$05 on Time with Interest. S?n \ for a Pamphlet. KINSMAN & HOWELL, GENERAL AGENTS, 12S East Bay Charles:?, S. P. jnu 'I c . SUa Uir?,* tlint Women me prestdon the Menses,/j^^^^^H ?Vintes, Painful Month- ^Sb^* struratioH, Homorrltage ^^?^8?^SRr?!^Lc., or Excessive "Flow," and Prolcpstis Uteri 0/ or Fulling of tbe Womb. These dbeasetf have seldom been treated successfully. The' proffesidon has sought diligently lor #onie~ remedy that would enbate them to treat these diseases with success. At hut that rem fly has been discovered by one of the most skillful physicians In the I 8Ute of Georgia, T!?9? '"H" !> BRAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. It is purely vegetable, and I* put up in Atlanta/ tin., by BtAoriai.tifl tt co. It will purify tbo u*Vvd and strength-" the system, re'ieve? iiiii.tion cf tbs kYdh-y-. and is a perfect specific for all the above d'tcases; us cer tain a cure as (JuiniHe if in Chills and Fev ers. For a history of d*scabce, itud ccrtifiJ catesofita wonderful cttres, the reader 11/ referred to the -wrapper around the bottle/ Evcra bottle warranted to give satisfaction '" * or money refunded. LaGhamoe, Ga., March 23, 1870.?Rhad' m 1:1.11 & co., atlanta, oa.?Dear Sirt: t take pleasure in stating f Vat I have used for* the last twenty years, tb.- medicine you are" puttrag up, known ns im. $. ouaufiblo's* I rBMALR bbovlatou, and consider it tbe best i combination ever gotten for the diseases for* I which ii is recommended. 1 hove been fa? I milar with the BTescription both a p^aft titioner of medicine and in domestic prac tice, and can honestly say that I consider it a boon to suffering females, andean but hope (bat every fady in our Whole land, who may be suffering in any wnj* peculiar to their sex, ' ^ uiay be ?bl? to procure r. bottlo, ?h?* their sufferings may not only be relieved, but ths&?w they may be restored to health and i-irength. With my kindest regards, I urn. respectfully/ W. B- FERRELL, M. D. I We, the undersigned Druggists, takepleaa-* ure in commending to the trade Dr. J. Drau field's Female Regulator?believing it , i to be a good and reliable remedy for tbo" disease tor which he recommends it. W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Go.: Ftmberton, Wil son. Taylor & co., Atlanta. Georgia. Rcd I wine & Fox, Atlanta, Georgia, W. Root i & Son, Marietta, Georgia. I DR. PROIMMTT'S CELEBRATED LIV ER MEDICINE.? it is purely vegetable, and will act upon the Liver and Kidneys as pronptly as Calomel and Buchu, without any danger of salivation or destruction of the bones.' Parties taking this medicine nerd not fear getting wet, or in any ether reasona ble exposure. Symptoms or Livr.a BlftTASS :?Headache, . Dull Feeling or tb* Bines, Sour Stomach, Sick or Nervous Headache, Heartburn, In digestion or Dyspepsia, Bud or Bitter Taste mi the Mouth, the ekin has a thick, rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Costive- ' ness, Meiancholy Feelings, (.'ramps, CoM Feet, Colic, Dysentery. Diarrhea*. CO its and Fever, and Files. In fact, where the Liver .7'. ii out of order, you liable to cvory dis ease that is not contagious. Prophitt's Liv er Medicine, if taken properly, will prevent 1 and cure ?*/ disease resulting from a de ruuged liver. Irwiil regulate its functions and thus cure alf discuses.caused by the tail lure of its healthy action. It has been u-sed for a great number of year*, and has given uuivcrsul satisfaction. There is uo brother Sr son claiming to have the original recipe. It is put up in- both Powder ond Fluid "form. Faibbitbb, Ga., Sept. 4. IbGS.?DR. O. S. PROPHITT: Sin: My wife hus been an in valid lor fifteen years, Doctors all agreed she hud "Hver l>Iu;aa?." lit connecliei with thtir praetor" *h? um! vainou? u?d noted remedies, houc of which seemed to do* i any good.?Sometime aga I procured a bottle i of your "Liver Modichlo," of your agent t here, C. A. H u vey. uulcb being givsiv : aocordiirg 10 directions, has affected a com plete earc IRespectfully, &c, ULO. L. llTOMi'oGS'. CW.??hoT>, x. r.. Sept. 24. lSl'8.?I have used Dr. O. S. Prophiti s Liver Medicine ?s . a tonie, nnd found it to b? powerful and cflicuciomr. 1? is excellent tor functional derMti/cSie*! of the Liver or eoustipntiou of the btrwuls; in most cases superseding the* ucc~*&sity of a regular course of medicine. E. J. MEYNARD1E. A. M. Paster Tryon St. Mahios Cor^Tt, Texas, Aug. 1,1869.?Dr. O. S. PaorniTT?Dear Str: I write you this* to in! urn yon that I have been troubled ?* great ideal with indication-, but after using great ? BBS a gootfl thut iJH claim?| YcrH rl I Thil P Pcrrjfl chaa^H fivk E?u B m pain I &&1 thing I j Bites I perfrtH ! Cougtfl indie.M j to p?H ; _B aii d>ra K Dol ? its cfl ^ and N lug S Bflfil RheuH was HNMMBH PropH >ng S inst :9njB ilar H ?!!".?? g^g H I 'S H t>. & H eii'hH ? m cofl H in tM coliofl gootfl my aBj nI BS ProH hit ? ,sweH itiiH H tionH iy c^^hh ^HH 5 Kn9S H I'aisM MMl I.NIlllBIBwTB ter? mill fielH ihiS ?k?: nu<H CtM ? ? JH ? Ii * m