THE ?RANGEBORG NEWS ?:n:? PUBLTX7TFD A T /r a .isro eb uno* Every Satnrtlay Slomint?. T1Y THIS OBANGEBURO NEWS COMPANY ?:o:? TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ono Copy for on? year.??. SC.OO ?? '? ? .Six Months. .. .... 1.00 Any ono srn.finn; ten dollars, for a Wnb of New Subscribers, will receive an Extra copy for one year, free of charge. Any one fending FIVE DOLLARS, for a Club of New Subscribers, wfll receive an EXTRA COPY for SIX MONTHS, free of oharge. RATES OF ADVF.P.TISIXa. 1 Square 1st Insertion...... $1.50 4? 2d " .4... 1.00 a Square consists of 10 lines Rrcvior or on* inch of Advertising spate. Administrator's Notices.?...$5 00 N*tices of Dismissal of Guardians. Ad ministrators, Executor*, io.$0 00 Contract Advertisements inserted upon the most liberal terms. MARRIAGE and FUNEP.AL NOTICES,' ?at ?xaoeding ouo Square, inserted without, ?barge. TermK Cash In Advance. SEABR00K, BROWNING, meyers, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, orrica at Orangebnrg and Ilranchrillc. . s. o. . Mr. MEYERS or DROWNING will bb at Branohville every Monday. 1. 1. SkADROOK. Acting Solicitor Isf Circtlit. MALCOLM I. DROWNING. j. felder METERflj Trial Justice. jan 7 ,. may 14 ly JLTTO It NEYS A N D COL' N S FLLO US ORAKOKRVH^ S. ?. ? AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, cuArles s, dull. Mr. Knewltcn will be at Lewiavillf EVERY SATURDAY, and at Fort Motte oa the 2d r.nd 4th FRIDAYS of every mouth. july 28 tf cooke & GOOKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, O R A N G K B U R G, S. C. ?Will attend to BUSINESS in any of th* STATE and the U. S. COURTS for the District of South Carolina, T. II. COOKE. II. p. COOKE. T. H. COOKE, Trial Justice, will LTTEND PROMPTLY to all BUSINESS ? ntrnilrd to hia care. II. P. COOl&E, Trial Justice; Lcw ?il le. S. C jun*25 tf TiTj^WANNAMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, trm be at ORANGEB?RO, on Mondays, Fridays ami Saturdays. At LKWISV1LLE on the other days of the Week. f?b 12 tf W. Xi. W. RILEY TRIAL JUSTICE, Residence In Fori* of F.diato, ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED vill be promptly and carefully attended to. july ~o iy REEDER & RAVIS^ COTTON FACTORS and General Commission Merchants, Arfger's Wharf} CHARLESTON, S. C. Oswsll Rkkdeh. Zimmermax Davis. oct 15 Cm A. J. SALINAS, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHARLESTON S. C. Liberal advances made on Cotton. A kt er en ce 3?First National Rank, Pco plo's National Bank, Messrs. Jno. Fr?ser St ?Co., Charleston, S. C. july 31?ly ~E. L. HALSEyT LUMBER AND TIMI1EB COMMISSION MERCHANT, IVbarf, West End Montaguc-St, CHARLESTON, S. C. an&'2X ly F OR SAIiE.?ONE BUGGY AND Harness. Also two FINE HORSES W. A. MERONEY k CO'S. D HIED APPLES and peaches, very fine at W, A. meroney k co. OFFICIAL. Act? nnd Joint Resolntlons Paused by the legislature-"* Scsitiou 1870 nnd 1871. An Act to Incorporate the Logan Fulsi leers, of the Vurish of St. Thomas and St. Dennis, Charleston County. Section 1. Re it enacted by the Semite and House of Representatives of the State of Suuth Caiolina, now met and Kitting iu General Assembly, and by the authority of tho jfettrie, That A:.roii Lugtin. G. II. Allen, Ifonjamin Holme?, Wurlej Vonutng, Jonah Mitch ell and Robert Nowcll, nud their asso eiates and successors, arc hereby inado and created a body politic and corpoiute, under tho name and style of the "The Logan Fusilcors." Sec. 2. And said corporation shall havo power to uiako by-laws, not repug nant to the laws of the laud; and ahull have succession of officers aud meuibers according to their elections, aud to keep and use a common seal, the sjuic to alter at will; to sue and be sued iu any Court in this State; to have aud enjoy every ri^ht, power and privilego incident to such corporations ; and it is hereby em powered to acquire, retain nnd enjoy all "such property, real nud persoual, us may be given or bequeathed to, or purchased by it; aud to sell, convey or mortgage the k-ime, or any part thereof, at will. Sec. 3. That said corpjratiou may, from time to t:me, invest their moneys, assett or any property which it may ac quire, iu t-tijh real and personal proper ty, bonds, stocks, or iu tmrctios, in stich sum*, aud on such terms and conditions as it may deem proper; aud to execute bonds, &c, under its corp >ruto seul; Vrov'ded, that the max hint in value of all property hold or owmjtl by said corpora tion .'-hull not exceed twenty-five thou ?"4. This act to cmtttnue in force during GAooil years, and may bo given in evidence without beiug upcciully pleaded. The loregoiny act, having been pre Hontod to the Governor of this State Rjr his up- roval, utld hot having been re turned by hint to the branch of the Gen eral Assembly, in which it originated, within the time prescribed by the Con stitution, has become a law without his approval. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State. An Act to Incorporate the Salamander IJuuk nnd Ladder Company of George town, South Carolina. Section 1. 13c it enacted by the Sou ate ami House of Represent at ivca of the i^tatc of South Carolina, now met and sitting in tieneral Assembly, and by the authority of tho nine, That W. 11. Dor ril, Frederick Arnholtcr, Murry IVior, and their aaso.-iatcs and successors iu office, bo, and thoy aro hereby, constitu ted a body corporate and politic, under the naluu and style of Salamander IIool and Judder Company, with a capital stock which shall nut exceed the sum of five thousand dollars with the right to sue and be sued, to pit ad aud bo im? pleaded, iu any Court of competent ju risdiction, to have and io use a common soul, aud the samo to alter at will aud rffcV? i.. t._ ..?.s .11 .,t pi$SJSnr?j i.::. ? HMy MM ?4 v "J"J OlM" cr rights, privileges aud immunities that are uow, or muy bo hereafter, secured by law to like incorporated bodies. Sec. 2. This Act ?hall be deemed a public Act, arid shall continue iu force for the term of fourtetn years. Approved first day of March A. D., 1871. An Act to Renew and Amend the Charter of Certain Religious Associa tions Heretofore Granted. Section 1. Ro it enacted by tho Sen ate and House of Representatives of the State of South Curolinn, no.v met aud sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the simo, Tho charter in corporating tho Trustees of Fuirview Church, iu the County of Greouvillo, passed December lit, ItHS, be, and the samo is hereby renewed in Dr. David R. Anderson, Thomas C. Harrison, David M. Reden, Wm. L. Hopkins, nnd Cyrus B. Nosbit, and their successors in office, for tho term of twenty-one years from ?he passage of this Act. Sec. 2. That the charter heretofore granted to the Protestant Episcopal Church, in Greenville, be, and the same is hereby, renewed and extended for the period of fourteen yours from the pas sigd of this Act, with nil rights, powers and privileges heretofore granted to suid charch. Sec. 3. That nil Acts done, or autho rised to be dono, by the officers of said cburchcS) since tho expiration of their former charter, be, and the BOftifl are hereby, declared vaiid and binding iu nil respects and to all i?tentil. Approved tho 7th day of March A. D., 1871. An Arf to Incorporate Certain IXcf.'yivus Institutions. Section. 1 Bo it enacted by the Senato nud House of Representatives of tho State of Sooth Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, nnd by tho authority of the r-?ine, That from and after the passage of this Act, nil persons who now ate or who hereafter shall or ^niay becotno members of tho said Society, shall be, and they arc here by incorporated, and arc hereby declared to be a body politic a.:d corporate by tho name nnd style of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, and by the said name shall have a succession of officers nud members, and have a common seal. Sec. 2. That the said corporation i shall have power to purchase, receive j and possess real nnd personal property, and to sell the same, and by its corporate name to suo and be sued in any Court, aud to make such rules and by laws, not repugnant to law. as may be thought tie cossary and expedient. Sec. 3. That from and immediately ! after the passage of this Act, all persons who now are, or who hereafter shall or may become, members of tho Hopewcll Baptist Church, shall be, aud they arc hereby incoporated under the namo nud stylo of tho Ilopcwell Baptist Church of Laureus County, nnd by tho said qamc shall havo sucee sors of officurM nnd^ iiM;ii?SeT^iTii'a "have and use a common seal. Sec. 4. Tho "t-aid corporation shall nave power to purchase, receive and pos soss any roal or personal estate not ex ceeding in value tho'suni of twenty thousand dollars, or to sell thetsamc, uud by its corporate name te suoand be sued iu any Court in this State, and to make such rules aud by-laws, uot repugnant to law, as may be thought necessary and expedient. Sec 5. That Patrick Smalls, Lewis Suirlls, James T. Bolan, John Alexan der, Robert Chisolm, Joseph Idencuttcr and Ctcsar (lillisoti, together with all who aro now, or who hereafter, shall or may become members' of the said Kutaw Baptist Church, of Qrahamville, shall be, and they are hereby, declared to be a body corporate, by the name and st^le of the Second Kutaw Baptist Church, aud by this said name shall have succes sion of oiScers uud members, and have a common seal. Sec. C. That the said corporation shall havo power to purchase, receive und possess any real or personal est ito not exceeding in value the sum of ten thousand dollars, or to dispose of the same by its corporate name, to and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any Court of law or equity i.? this State, ami to make such rules and by-laws, not re pugnaut. to the laws ot the laud, as may be thoughC'pceessury and expedient. Sec. 7. That Samuel Marshall, An tim McKeevcr, Samuel T. Jackson, Lazarus Smart, Abuor Gibson, Cornelius Bell nnd a'l other persons who now are. or who shall or hereafter may become members of tho Paid Society, shall be, and the}' ttf, and to make such rules and by-laws, not repugnant to the laws of the land, as may be thought necessary and expedient. Said Society shall have all the powor and bo subject to all tho liabilities" and restrictions of the Aert, to regulato the formattou of cor ! porations so (ar us applicable. SEC. 9. That tho foregoing Acts shall ' be doomed public Aots, and shall eon j tinuo in lorcc for a term of twenty-five years. ? Approved the \ 1871. * day of March, Ali Ctrl io jfvtiia, and to Inovpon Chattanooga liu Whereas, it is should be a connect twceri BO (Ac point Itailroad and ( hat therefore, Section 1. r.c itinactcd by the Sen ate and Unii- ? ot Stale of South Gu sitting in 0 aocfal authority of the sa tion of n corporate authorized for the ? iug a railroad from Ac Formation of, the Tugah ana d Vompung. rablo that there I by railroad, be-. ? UlUo Ridge iga, Tennessee; ontatives of tho nas now met and tubly, and by the That the forma tnpauy ii hereby pose of conslruct >nio point on the Ulm? I*ii'l Commissioners, . nmy designate, jBchiug flubserip CxeCediuv two ares of mm (tun jutitute a joint rpoaa of con Si nt o Operation each share ofj AU~*l?v i ? f ly author- | the su:n of live the ci mtnist i ?;:> i: ed In take tho Fame (1 Uiira in lawful money of tlio United ! Slates. Sec. 3. ThatVhcn the isum of three hundred thon-nnd dollars shall have been subscribed, in the manner before h' ciGcd, the subscrib rs shall be, und they are hereby, declared to be u body corporate; to bo known by the name and style of the Tugalo, nuJ Chattanooga Kailro d Company, nud may meet and organize tho said (.Vino ny, at such time aud place n.s iji.-i\ be designated by the couiiiiUbioners before rained for Wal halla. Sec. 4. That the srtid Company shall have power, ami theV are hereby au thorized, to construct/one or more brnn rin s from the said r r.\i\ to connect with other road.- in this Scute, lit such point or points as the}' may deem meet and proper, and said Company shall have power to consolidate or unite with any other Compguj or corporation having lii.e p iwfcrs. Sec o. for tha purpose of or ganiziirj th ..-id Company, all the pow er? con fern 1 by tho charter of the Greenville Railroad Company on the Commissioners at Gfoeuvillo shall he, and they are hereby conferred on the Commissioners herein appointed at Wal halla ; and nil the poweas, rights and privih ji - granted by tho said charter audits amendments to the Gieonvillo aud Colombia UailrOftd Company shall lie. and thoj aro hereby, granted to tin: Tugolo and Chattanooga llailroad Com pany, subject to like rcslrictious as arc therein contained,!fls f(l tbo capital stock, the sum necessary to authorize or ;iiuii, and the amount of shares, and except so far ns may be necessary to conform to the special provision's of tiffs Act* Provided, /<< iug), from thu town of i?co noo, shall b,?, and they aro hereby, au thorized and empowered to supply the same by appointment. Sec. 7. That tho charter hereby granted shall continue to euduro fur the term of thirty.six yours from tho dato hereof; and this Act shall bo takeif und deemed to bo a.public Act, and all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act be, and tho same aro hereby, ro poled j Yr?v?ktf, That said Corny auy shall commence tho building of the said road withi-feNfwo years, and have the same completed within six year. Approved March 7th, A. 1). 187i. Belles-Letters?Love letters. Wuisting Time?Huggiug the girls Sky-Lights?Stars. The Art of Kook keeping?Pyff't lend them. Not to inquire after each other's '?chills" is the height of discourtesy in Indiana. During peace a regiment is quartered ; during war time it is occasionally cut to pieces. A witty lady, being asked her opinion of moustaches, rep'icd, "I always set my face against them !" Behind the Veil.?It is uot always the practice of pretty ladies to wear a veil. Not eveti coquetry will dispense with the pleasure of showing a lovely countenance, and the most modest aud retiring beauty likes to be admired (or the regularity aud delicacy of her fea tures. These reflections passed rapidly through the mind of ? Well-known mag istrate riding up town recently. By his side sat a lady, wbo from a single glimpse of her cpuutcnaueo be imagined thut he knew. At last he ventured to remark that the day was pleasant. '?Ye*," murmured the female. ''Why do you wear a veil?" inquired the dispenser of justice. "Lest I attract attentiou." '?It is the province of gentlemen to admire," replied the gallant man of law. ' But I am not." ' Indeed !" ' Oh, no; I'm a bachelor !" The lady quietly removed her teil dis Clusing to the astonished magistrate the , fie:; of bis mothcr-iu-law. lie had busi ness cis? p' In Dccitur, Illinois, a, man who was watching Ii'ih wile while she wuc mukiug a neck-tie, suddenly conceived the idea that there was a fortune to bo made by the manufacture of that article of wear, the principal of which Was to be a steel bow. lie worked at this idea until he became a raving maniac. A man living at Sababurg, Pennsylvania, has been sent to the lunatic nsyltihi as a mono maniac, having been impressed with the belief that the entire comiucmity was engaged in the work of enticing his wife from him AHhoug his intellect is upparuntly perfectly sound on all other subjects, not hi rig Crruld convince him that all his neighbors Were trot Conspir ing against his peace and honor. He threatened to destroy himself unless bis wife would reveal to him the secrets of this imaginary society, and it became necessary to put him ? under restraint. The freaks of a disordered nitud are sometimes most unaccountable. Perhaps there never was a geatcr epi cure in private life than one Mr. Rolg tone, of London, who in ten years lite rally ate up a fortune of one hundred and fifty pounds sterling. He not only traversed all Europe himself for the sole j purposo of gratifying bis appetite, but ho had agents in mChina, Mexico, and Canada, to supply him with tho rarest delicacies. \ =\n*r\s <\hh 1>ni?5 cos* htm fifty pounds sterling. Finally hi* fortune was reduced to a single guinea. With this bo bought a woodcock, which bn bad served up in tho highest style of culinary art. After resting (wo hours ho jumped iffto the Thames from West minster I'ridge. KEttCu>2.N2 - It is said tliat a New York coro nor is preparing a book, tell ing all about what to do in caso of a kcroscno explosion. It don't need a book to toll what to do. AH teat is necessary is to sond your address to an undertaker, just before you light afire with kerosene, aud then let nature take its course. It's nil foolishness to buy a book about it, as it is perfectly evident all the coroner wants is to get bis name before t .ickerosene-buriiin'' public ?-!-? . I A Louisville German, quietly sipping' bis beer and playing "sixty tix" iu a sa loon, is informed by an excited compa triot, rushing in, that bis horse had run away. "Ah ! vy don't you schtop him up a leedlo ?" Boiug told that distance proventc4, Yiv torrrs to His partner. "Come", Shako, hurry up and play dish game out. If dat hoi so git schmush up, my vile gif me Hail Columbus, ain't it*'" Free Schools. Mr. m?br: Your journal being u vehicle of public information, I propose to venture 4 few thbugtits on the topic above indicated. Your readers have already been treated to divers learned and lengthy disquisitions on the subject; but inr.ftnuvh as several of Wore p'oints in tho caso seem to havo been left un touched, perhaps a word or two addi tional may be said without any serious breach of propriety. The erudite scintillations, with which wo have been favored from time to time, havo been, in some respects, edifying in the extreme. Our Free School fj/xtcm, (God save the mark !) baa been paratW before tho public, in all the splendors of rhetorical magnificence. Freo Schools ! "Ho! every oncthnt tbirstcth," they said, iu Substance, "Come, yea, conic ." and drink from the inexhaustible foun tain of knowledge, without money and without price !" As .tho cock windeth his horn to welcome the firstjysigns of opproaching day, so also did jour cor respondents herald the birth of a new era?an era in which an education, with nil its comely ndorm nts, could be eu joyed by every one high, low, rich and poor, nothing beinrz required bat a dis position to accept the priceless boon. Thcso gratifying proclamations, in most cases wound up with vehement do nuncintions of certain imaginary recre ants; who, in tho blizing light of the facts which had been set forth, persis ted iu the insane purpose of refusing to accept the unspeakable blessing so be ningly offered thetn. The utter ungoml lioess of such a course wa\? pointed out with deep reproaches, and the vials of wrath wcro opcfled freely. The guilty offenders were mado a common target, and miestlcs of the brViwi were showered upon them with marked liberality. These? .virJt|.?U* ?bnH'ifif?n? of ruf A*troJ.. - hftn^>'f'?. ccuco were borno with putience, and the tinful public roused inwardly to go its way and sin no more. Tho people were brought to a knowledge of the gross error of their ways. Tho scales fell from their eyes, and the glorious light of dny aud Free Schoo's, beamed upon their benighted vision with an effect somewhat stunning, but altogether glo rious. Ever credulous and gullible, the public regaled itself with genuine gusto upon the prospects of the great advanta ges which wcro about to b*. enjoyed. ?Tho popular heart leaped for joy, aud welcomed it as a soothing cat iplasm to allay the pains of a blistering taxation. The owners of promising juveniles ru minated with intense satisfaction, on the thought of being henceforth, free from the aunoyance caused by the grim, gauut. spectres of threadbare kuights and dames of the ferule coming round with their i'lUtlo accounts*' for collec tion. Hut the heart-; of tho kuights and dames iu question, rejoiced also, aud were niade'cxoeeding glad. Hints of large rolls of ready green-backs, paya ble at the end of each month or quarter, quickened tho pulsations of their stony hearts, whilu the wrongs which they bad formerly suffered from ineousiderato and tardy patrons, were charitably J'orgottou, and nil their energies were directed to the enjoyment of tho delightful day which bad uow dawned upon - them. Verily, it seemed that the Millennium bad come at last. Private schools weru immediately inetatnorphced i.ito Free Schools; while new schools of the free order, sprung up thick and three-fold A rush was made on the School Commis sioner, for "certificates," "bladl -." "money orders," uud other FrCC-Suiioo) paraphernalia, which utterly amaze.i that official. Motley swarms of inter esting pedagogues crowded around bis office every Saturday; und each iu turn rejoiced as that dignitary dispensed the tit-bits of favor or information, Oh. feitet? die* J Oh, happy dreams': Alus, how ffoon these iuuocctit victims were to awaken to a sense of tho hoax which had becu palmed upon them! hong and sorrowfully must they now uibble at the udder of disappointment ? f Alter a trial of several months, tho incstituablo privilego of Krce Schools, bids amazingly fair, to prove un uiimiti 1 gated swindle?a most merciless huirdmx Tho following are a few of the very ur gcut reasons why. In the fir.>t plaoo, bis lmitiitcul to Excellency, the illus trious bead of Froo School affairs, in t':. County,- affords an appropriate commen tary on tho matchless beauties of the so called system. Oner it teed for :?. few hours iu the day his office is upon ftfjc the transaction of kbusiuoss. Hut sine; books, blank*, idforu/atlon, *id to forth, are things not to be obtained oi tu?, all opportunities for business are summa rily cut off?--bencfi the time allotted is fully sufficient. Moreover n reasouabla public cannot justly require a greater stretch of hi* business capacities *haa that he shall find tbo way to his eflhs ouce n week. The' list report of the Grand* -Jsry called public attention to another bliss ful feature of the case, viz : that t?J certiGcates i.-sued to teachers are u* fco wise graded by the qualifications of thoso who Bold theni. Thus.-the half-illit-ra*o instructors of primary classes, arc'foistcd upon a level with classical teachers. In Jtia matter, cotnpotoney is ignored, igne Muoo is favored at the cxpeuso of merit; ihe system (so called) is degraded, and roiumcs are mutely spoken in behalf of ho Examing Hoard. But the half is not yet told. Passing wer.the untold merit* of tho many care [ ess and incompetent Boards of Tras sees, another daazliug betuty of the af l'atr is unfolded. The last and erowuing feature of this marvel ma economy! Trusting tu tho fa Uli of the State, tench teachers have been waiting months for . kfche payment of their dues, pressed by iceessities in every shape, many are com-. celled to dispose of their claims, at loss .ban half the amounts for which they ?re endorsed. Kvery possible expedient ins been reported to to prevent ihn grim Ihnuls of nakedness nod famine from intcring their d mrs. Thoy have met in jonveiition and have forwarded a dutiful petition to our conclave oi1 Solons, pray in.: that sotnothing may for the'r relief. But that august b< dy having been picoecupiod with Railroad swindles res-pert fully ignored tin? complaint. Now and then n'small amount of the apportionment find* its w iv to the Coun ty Treasury. The fact is generally de nied until it can be dh ?? e; ,, . n . blandne-w, p dife'y aitstire? the publio that the asnownt is exltau'stcct in.the dis bursement of teacher'; r-laiiosr "v^ejry projbablc. But sinco those favored par tics arc never known, is it not likely that the public are corroct in supposing that the fuuds an used in thd disbursement of rfluiffts, wliicu have been bought in by that official at one-fourth of their