The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, April 01, 1871, Image 7

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IFIC tiUANO COMPANY'S. (CAPITAL $1,000,000) l.UBLE VAGI fic guano GUANO 18 NOW StSfciELL KNOWN J i'i all tlio Southern Stetes forilaro Qiarkablo effects as an ngeney for increasing tue |>ro?iuota of labor, us not to require, ppectui rcceiutuondrttiou from oh. Its use for five year* p?.st has established ?;? char aoter for reliable excellence. The largo fixed capital invented by the Company In this trade, affords tbfc surest guarantee of the continued excellence oTps Ouano. J. N. U0USO& Soiling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JNO. S. REESE & CO., General Agents. Baltimore. Oec. 21. tf. conroiND acid, phosphate of lime. FOE COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. rflHIS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED 1 by tboPACll It; OUANO COMPANY atCharloston, 8. C, under Superintendence of Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL. When com posted with an equal weight of Cotton Seed, its results been fount! fully equal to the hcHt standard fertilijui-H. Its economy must oommend'it to the notice of plantet.s geuer ally. For specific directions for composting and for supplies, apply to .1 N. R.OBSIN. Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. "NO. 8. REESE & Co., General Agents, Baltimore. dec 24 td EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. STATE TREASURE OFFICE, Comimuia, S. C, December 1, 1870. rpIlB BOOKS of tbo Treasury Oftico for I the Transfer and Conversion of STOCKS nnd BONDS will be closed on and after tho nlCth instant un'il tbo 1st proximo, for con veienco in preparing statement of interest duo to January 1. 1M71. NILES G. PARKER, Treasurer State S. C. dec 3 a EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Statj. Treas?dt Officf, Coi,n>iniA, S C, December 1, 1870. THE INTEREST falling duo on the Coupon Bond3 of tho State of South Carolina (o tbo 1st of January. lftT], will he paid IN COLD on and after that dato at tho office of H. H. Kimpton, Financial Agent of tho State, No. 0, Nassau Street, New York, and at this ol'.ice. The interest faliin;; due on th&TOcgistered 1; of. tue State to January 1st, IS71? JnS ^fPfeN GQj?3,.on a*d after that d u'.J ? ,.. ? ? . RILES G. PARKER1. Treasurer State South Carolina, dt-c 3 o Ayer>s Cathartic Pills, tho purposes of a Laxative Perhaps no one modi cm e Is so universally required by every* body as a cathartic, nor was over any be fore so universally adopted into use, in every country and among all classes, as this mild butcOicicnt purgative I'M. The obvious reason is, that It is a more relia ble and far more ef fectual romcdy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them: tbo?e who have not, know that It cures their neighbors and friends; and all know that what it does onco it does al ways?that it never fails through any fan 11 or ncg gleot of Its composition. We hnvo thousands upon thousands of certificates of Uicir remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and wo need not publish them. Adapted to nil ages and conditions In nil climates ; containing neither, calomel nor any deleterious drug, thoy niny be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh,nnd makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm con arise from their use in any quantity. Thay operate by their powerful Jnllucneo on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action?remove tho obstructions oi?i? Biornacn, bowels, liver, nnd other organs of tbo body, restoring their irregular action to heal th, and by correcting, whorovor thev exist, such de rangement* as are tho llrst origin of disease. Minute directions are given In the wrapuor on the box, for tho following oomplulnts, which theso Pills rapidly euro:? For l>y?pepnlu or Until pout Ion, Jjiatlese* neu?, languor and Ihm of Apmittiit, they should be taken moderately to stimulate tho stom ach, and restore Its healthy tone nnd action. For JLtvcr Complaint and its various symp toms, Billons X5t>nriucu<?, McU Head ache, JTuuiiitlco or Owen HicUnems, Mil lou* Colic and llllious ??<*%???>??, they should be Judiciously takcu for each ease, to corroct the diseased action or removo tho obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but ono mild dose is generally required. For Daeuinutt-uii, 4?out, Oravel, I?ul Sltution of she Heart, Pain ta tae Me. Back and B.oins, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of tho system. With such change those complaints diaai>iu>.nr. . ?: isntinty ana Urainu Bweiiinge they should no taken In largo nnd frequent doses to produce tho effect of a drastlo puigo. For Mupprewaton a largo dose should bo taken as it protluces tho desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dinner Pill, tako ono or two Pill* to yromoto digestion and relieve tho stomach. An occasional doaa stimulates tbo stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a do30 of there, I'IHn mokes him feel decidedly bet ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on tho digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C. AY Jilt et CO., Practical Chemists, ./.o If/;/./,. MA88., IT. B. A. Dr. JE. J. OMU UOH. Agent at Orangeburg C II. aujj6 ly "FT?ETNS?RANCE" tiii: Richmond banking and insurance company, Office 120J Hain and 12th Streets, richmond, va. JOHN V,. DAVIS. President. JOHN l\ C. POTTS, Sooretary. MANN S. QCAELES, Cashier. T. B. STARKE, General Agent. Having thia day, (Oct. 17th. 1870.) re ceived tho appointment of AGENT for Or aflgeburg of the above INSURANCE COM PANY, ! am prepared to take RISKS on Stores, Stocks of Merchandize and Dwell ings at remennblo rates. J< UN A. HAMITLON, be P thmond Hanking and ii.. in.inee Company, and Soulhrrn Lifo IhMuranco Company, .Vnrk?d-St., Orangeburg, S. c. act 22 l.V IIAS JUST RECEIVED A Large Assortment of j "WILL DELIVER EVERY SATURDAY PIPES AND 8 EG A KS < to ? rucTM thk' g ANY FAMILY REST MEERSCHAUM MANUFACTORY 5 Rolled C-rlnt ami Steal IN THE U. 8. m m.,,1,. ,,r Also a Few Lot of Nino itud Cboico O ? T?RE WUTK WESTERN CORN. (Li ICONIC KIES, 52 _ To wit : SMOKED TONGUE.; o jg^j rcspcctfully notify (he PUDLIC " REEF. < that rny forme? NEW. YOR K REEF BALONYS. M ?? SUGAR CURED HAMS. 53 BAR-ROOM And all other FirstCloes will bo CLOSED from the 4th day of March, 1?AMPLY GROCERIES, g tcr for FAMILY PURPOSES. mar 4 AT THE CORNER!!! :o: G REAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IN WINTER GOODS D. LOUIS >8 SELLING the ABOVE ?OODS AT and BELOW COST. Now is the timo to get BARG AINS. J?StTScEIVED SPRING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ? i VERY LOW FOl; CA Ml AT > X> ? I. O U I s % feb 18?ly AT THE CORNER. . T A JEFFORDS & CO ? HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF GROCERIES which they arc offering VERY. LOW. Parties buying; BACON, FLOUR, WHISKEY, SUGAR, COFFEE, &c. Will find it to their advantage to CALL and PRICE OCR GOODS. A new lot of FINE HAMS just received. . They will also find a CHEAP lot of DRY GOODS, SHOES, ? TIA TS. Ac. T. A. JEFFORDS A CO. \T7'm"T n iVfopm the nuBjdc that ue rs stilt. oATtttYiNn on top rfXrt "5 rlajfo Valtii.^ in all it? various hrnnnhr*,! will Manufacture er Repalf'irt fl-.p ?MiortoM Notire. nil Carriages, Buggies or Wagons. And am ahm prepared with VEW PRESS AND G XI TO GIN AND PACK COTTON siiokt NOTICE. Cotton ginned at mv mile has brongh' from } to \ cent more thin tlini C]nncd on the common Cms. oct s ? apt ?*_iy D. riogs. ETTIWAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES AND ^ULPHUIUC ACiD MANn-WfiTUKl? AT THE ETI WAN WOEKS, V. II .1 11 I, i: S T 0 .V, S n. Ca. nv TfijE SPLPHriilC ACID AND SUPERPHOSPHATE COMPANY. The now well known I'tiwufi Gunnn is mnnilfttctured from the Native Ron' . h'Sphates i f South Carolina These Pli ?spliutos in their natural state uro Juso liht, lind reqtiiri to be ground to powder, and mad.* Soluble by Sulphuric Ac-d Ii .i en i. . w in i,i ..-I !i ?! hi t-lui Ii ?? S ?. ?!??'? nri" A eid Chant nitre it f. fbr h ii.. t In i.d ?!?<?. .iE je to in 111 ? 11 .i tore at thu lowest rates,'the highest d id ieiiiiizer; It being clear thut the greater the proportion of Soluble i. spliat? \yl;iel any Fertilizer contains, the less thu <|iintitity required per acre, in i idi r to no ke the Feftilieer complete Amu.on.a and Potash in sufficient quanti (i .- are added. With theso views the (Joinpauy muiiuluoiurd and offor i: T I W A N ?; v i N () S , rr.'iutcd to contain from 15 to 20 per.Cent, ol Dissolved Bonn Phosphate of in.', and Iioiii 2 t<> 2] pet ( eilt, of Amur ntii, with a sufficient addition of Peru an Guniio and Pottttdt, toitdupl it t<> all crops. Pri< e 355 \t-v ton. cash; on time 00 per toll, iilld interest 7 pi r cent, per on on. Disso b y z: 19 ISO N K, Of high grade, Ruitublu for Manufacturers or PI inters, being in itself an excellent Fertilizer, and specially adapted for coiupottt. As large quantities o Sulphuric Acid arc used to dissolve the Phosphate, this will be found a cheap und convenient way to transport that material. The grade furnished will bo from 18 to 20 per cent. Dissolved Rone Phosphate. Pfioo 840 per ton Cush. On time, 845, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum. Still higher grades will bo furnished to order at an additional price percentage. COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, Specially prepared for composting with cotton seed snd other plantation manures. Prico 835 per ton ; cash; on time, ?40, with interest nt 7 per cent, per annum. GROUND BO N E , At much lower rntes, consisting simply of the Native Bono Phosphates ground to powder. Price 820 per ton cash. On time, $22 and interest at 7 per ccut. per annum. WM. C. BEE & CO., Agents, No. 14 Adgcr's Wharf. ChurUston, S. C. Q. II. C?RNELSON, Agant, Orangeburg, S. C. N. B.?The percentage of Dissolved Bone Phosphate of Lime, and Ammonia in nil the Kdwans. is iisccr.uined at the Works, by their Chemist, before delivery. 1 tiId in\ purchaser he di&satisfied, he may return overage samples of any pur .si; - iftei delivery, and thoy will-bo nnnlyxed anow, and any ui;?uu.ooy mi too per cjiua^o giiuiiiiiieed vfrtli bo tuudo good to him by the Com pany. j.ui 2S c A m For the Speedy Erlief And Permanent Curo/of CONSUMPTJ.Q] RROSCniTIJ A ST II M a, V oi,l) .9, And all i>:. ? li LUNGS, (mi K.ST. ok Til boat! TUB EXPECTt "t ANT i cor ipoj*u oxoVn sivcly of Herbal ?cd ^Inciluginous pro ?tuet?, winch Perineale Hie vor.y Sabafaiie** of iii<> cnush g tliom fo throw th" acrid matter which collects in tlie Eroncl.'i-.1 Tubes, and at the snnie time forms A soothing coating, relieving the irritation friilch produces; the cough. * The object to be chtaEtd is to cleanse Ihr organ of nil impuritioV; to nourish and strengthen it when it hjH become impaired and enfeehled by disea?; to renew ami in vigorsto the circnlatio i of the ld?.od ?tu! strengthen the nervous organization. The EXPECTORANT does I d? i<< an astonishing degree. It is active but mild und congenial, imparting functional I hcrgy and natural strength. It affords Oj y. <-n to vitalize the blood, and .Nitrogen to n simil.ito the matter. It Equalizes tin: "a nmis Influence," producing quiet and coi posare to coN?fiirpTLvi:s It is invaluable, r.s the difficult bre nh'.n? which attends that di> immediately relieves harrassihg cough ? fox; Afras.^iA It is a specific?ob's ra? ? 'um relieving the distressing choking, cmf. producing calm nud pleasant reposo. F<ju c^to-ri? No mother should fven bo wit hunt a bottle of the EXPKCTOiCA NT it the bouse. Wo have numerous cerlif cut eslif its having rclcvred, almost insiantlj. thejlbilo sufferer, when death appeared Inlinobf inevitable. mot omrs heb adv ised ! Krep it it Hand ! This dread disease rAuires prompt action: m-ru?n asth* honrsoJmllow . ugh is heard apply the rrmedy, nnl it i? ensilj subdued ; Rnl Delay Jj? I>asi#eroit?! tferTbe propei Iiis of the EXPEC ro ItANT arc d'inuleeii, nutritive, balsamic, soothing aid hralingj II braces t!ie nervous system ami produc? ^ ileasant and refreshing sleep. // Exh'fni'utcH Ji.h) Etlitrr* Gloominess /),/< < airihr?*) ilitir^ in n convrn ?atrat'< Form, i; bus proven to Most Lii? r ll tl nni ^anffx'Rtr! fron i'lrmoimrv ?Ii +4 11:1. ii (TT <fc I.I7V2?, AUGUSTA, OA. Hold }.>/ DrnpyitJH ivnyteltcrc. ^s"A?S ^ri^/Jr^ :0 J3 CAROLINA BITTERS. A DKLUaiTJ jjli TONIC. We take great i lei mi in oh< ribg the OLD f \i.til i.N a ICTTERS to the publie. Thej fcomj ownded ivi'h great care, and ooii'i s0? \e ol the '?est Ton ics in the riiurn. 1 . A- rt\ Ut c ?f the superiority ol our . f 1 i j \ nver M pthirs, we have en .!'? ..' -e... ivy .of the bad ingphysicians i mi ?' ??: fcho e pic scribed ihem ii tin ?'i- i *e. '! n OLiDCAltOi^A Mi i TRS W ill be foun I Rival btr for Want of A ppetil ?. Genera'. I?. ' Hl\, Chills and r ev r, ami Dyspepsia ? We ilo not offer oiir EM ' I US ns a nun for all diseases, but as nn Annmtic Tonic, they have no Cqil il. For lale by Utnggiwa and G rocers every where. Pi Ineipn IN not. OOODKlCil. W IN EM A N t CO , Importers of Choi H Drugs und Cheml* eals, Charleston, S I mar i. ' ly 3R WHEEL, Mill Geaxin?,Shaflin?& Pulleys _^TsEND FORAClRCUiArL&^ sept 10 ly WASHINGTON HOUSE EV Mrs. M.. V/. Stratton, GERVAIS & ASSEMBLY STREETS COLIMMA, S. C. Convenient to tho Oraefcyllle and Charleston Railroads and the Business portion of tho Cily. Kate or Transient Board?Two Dollars por Day. Regular "Boarders received at Rcasonablo Rates, dec 10 tf CHANDLES, SOAP and MATCHES, low ; down, l^nll on ? \ MELONr.V \ < '> iiil.;,ti'rtpfl THE P 11 I C E OF THIS POPULAR FERTILIZER HAS BEEN REDUCED FOB, THE SEASON OF 18 7 1,. TO MEET THE NECESSITIES OF THE PLANTING COMMUNITY, AND HAS BEEN FIXED AT CASllWFifty Dollarn per Ton of 2.000 Jos. at Factory. 'I'IMi:?Fifty-five Dollars per Ton of ?.o.O Ihn. at Fact p.\ yaiua; i?,t NOVEMBER; ibti, without Interest. WM. C. DUKES & CO., .A. G E IST T S CHARLESTON, SO. C A. Factory, ;1 jan 14 RAVBONE standard guaranteed MANUFACTURED BY WIL?y1iNGT0N,DEL, JLlt. AW BOXTE *? ,CKARLESTO>.?- - The Great Fertiiissr for Cotton arip all Crop3. Th'ti linptii i'lele'l -mve?. <>r ibi? CtRE if FERTlfcTZER on W.l. CRops. proro?\it to bp this P.!*.*"' ami Gilt-; M'EST M INURE mow offered in the Mark ?? U Im?; 1.ii used by mmy of the r.oist Eminent Plante? s in the Smith, ami In every single instance it lias giv 11 En tire Satisfootiin. On C TTON itfl ' fecta have boon particularly ?nark?-d. It 5* no rire thlnjrlfnr yfl.i I'lTOflMlATK l?-hici o the ykdd tVom ONfE iU'N'PRKO TO TWO Iin.NbltEI) I'M' ('Ka"1'.. or pvoh inoro! \ ?,tr. fiT30 C ' r.ii eihiooht planter o." C-nniijron, On . in n f?ett?r to the Ranker pbrntor.'t y? Ibnt in an exp-i 'inw nl ?iih B< '..?n V i-.iii.' ?uporpho*?pbate? ami Guanos, the i!AN.nV | i- red ' ?! t>f r.ll those tried, paying a nti pro/it ?t tbe low market of ?*??.'??! '.>'??? ??? nf C ifittn. \ Copy ? f Mr. I)I>:d:.'.> bBTTBlf'uVd on application. F O R S A 1* E Ii Y CLAGHORN, HERRING & CO., CHARLESTON- S. C. AND AUGUSTA; GA. jnii U ? 3m | Eighteen Years of Practical Success. IXTRODU4 ED I.". 1833. PATENTED Dec. 20, 1?*50. OLDEST SUPERPHOSPHATE MANUFACTURED IN THIS COUNTRY. MAPSS' Nitrogenized Superphosphate of Lime COMPOSED OF Bones, Phosphatic Guano, Concentrated Ammonical Ani mal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. No Sai(t /?'.:tier, Suit Oakcx Nitre Cake, NOR ANY ADULTERANT of any Knut tu (/. > BgyTho Ammonical Animal Mutter in Mapon* Nitrngcnized Suphosphate of Lime, coi^is s of tie; li.-h (containing 10 pot cent. Ammonia) ami the blood (con taining 15 per cent, of Ammonia,) of Hcovcs, Horses, Fish and other Animals al ter expression of the fat and oil by steam. Price?$00 fash-?$65 on Time with Interest. ScnJ for a Pamphlet. KINSMAN & HO WELL, ' jail 1 1 GENERAL AGENTS, 128 East Bay Charleston, S. C o 3m Azi JE .A. I XT in well known tu Doctor* and to La^ /!% aies, that Women are l3 subject to n u m o roue xjjr discuses pec u 1 i f r 10 their sex?such as ?up-'-;. prcssion of the Menses, ^VhSjh Whites, Painful Month- ,, ly 'Periods'' Rheuma- 7;' H tisw of the Bnek ami &J'' Womb, Irregular M o ?i: i.i ai ion. llumorrhago or Excessive "Flow," and l'rolapsus \ or Parting of (ho W?,mb. Th have seldom been treated sucofasfullyv pr'jffejsicn h?i? aniight diligently for ly that would an bale them to tluve diseases with success.. At last that remedy has been disco by oho of th* most skidlul physicians State of Georgia. That reuietly is l FIELDS FEMALE REGULATOR, It: purely veg. r.mie. mid is put up in AtitTH,: (la.. by nr. u>t i ji.ns & eo. It will p;t> tin* blood and strengt hen the system, rc.h Peril at ion of the kbhiotn, and is a per: specific for ull tho above <!:/*??? so=; as ?? tain a cure as Quinine is in Chilis an 1 \\ er?. For a history of diseases, cut.! eert etiles of its wonderful eure?, the readevj referred to the vt rupper around the botf Event bottle warrunted to give satisfaotf or money refunded. LaGranuk, U.V., March 23, 1S70.?Ra* vii:i.i) & co., ATLAttTA, OA.?Utnr Sirt. take pleasure in slating that 1 have used - the Inet twenty jcars, the medicine you c putting up, known as na. i. nRAoriBf.1 FEMAt.B RKUlt>ATon, and consider it the bi combination ever gotten for the diseases t which it is rceoinmended. 1 Imvo been ! milar with the prescription both as a pra titioner of medicine and . in domestic pra tice, and can honestly say that 1 consider a boon to suffering females, and can but ho that every lady in our Whole land, who mi be suffering in any way peculiar to their ce may bo able to procure a bottle, that thr sufferings may not only be relieved, but th they may be restored to health ami strengt With try Kindest regards, I nm. respccifulfi W. B- FERRELL, M. D. We, the undersigned Druggists, tukeplct trre in commending to tho trade Dr. BradNdd's Female Regulator?believing to bo a good and reliable remedy for t disease for which be recommends it. W.'' Lansdell. Atlanta, Ga.: Pcmbcrton, N son. Taylor* & co., Atlanta, Georgia. Bo wipe & Forf, Atlanta, Georgia. W. R< &'Son, Marietta, Georgia. DR. PROPIIITT'S CELEBRATED Ll ER MEDIOINE.?It is purely vegetable, at will net upon the Liver nnd Kidneys j pronptly as Calomel and Ihichu, without nt di?ger of ss?Tatlv? ot umirncnen or rj bones. Parties taking this medicine n-.v not fear getting wet, or iu s.ny other reisosi ble exposure. 8vm1tom8 or Livkb Disbasb :?rfleadacf Dull Feeling or tb? Blues, Sour Stomas Siek er Nervous Headache. Heartburn, I digestion or Dyspepsia, Dad or Bitter Taj[ in the Mouth, the skin has a thick, rots feeling, and is darker than usual, Costif ness, Mciancholy Feelings, Cramps. C? Feet, Colic, Dysentery. Diurrhtea. Cbi'ls a Ferer, and Piics. Intact, where the bh is out of order, 3*011 arc liable to every <i case that i? not contagious. Propbitt'i er Medit ino, Ii t>?k u properly, will preti and ewro any dieta* resulting from a i rongtHi liver. It wiii regulate its funclW and thus cure nil diseases caBied by the f? are of its healthy ncTi 1: It has hcen uj for a great number of yeari, and has glj univevs'.'. satisfaction. There is no brotl or son claiming to have tho original r It Ts put up in both tV-.vler and Fluid fort Pai 11 ut* 11 n, Ga., Sept. 4. DR, oj PROPHFTT: Sin: My e, J- lias i <a ait. ., mlid tor fifteen year*. Doctors all a; i j she bad "Liver Disease." In conti'ca lb thair practice she und v.uious I rcrnctlicak Tone of_\v.aicJj.aiy,incd 2? :? { tin: j . ?. ' 1 year "Liter M'.dic'a.c. ' I'.\ ere. C. A. Harvey. wu'ch luing >r-:[ according to directions, ha-> affected a c( Me cure. Eesptoifully, to., CEO. L. THOMPSO? jr. ??.. Sept. 21. n*r.R._i h use.J Dr. O. S. Pr. \ hitt's Liver Mclicim a G)ni\ und ft .um I it to b? powerful j effieueloiis. Ii is < xcclletit for fanetti > derangement ot the Liver or constipating the bowel*; iu most eases supers--'-; necetsiiy ot>a i-?gu!?:v emirs.' of medicine. E, .i. M i.i \ AI DIE. A. M, Pas:or T;yc:i SI O. to kniox CorsrT, Texas, Aug. I, l^i'.i.? S. I'aurtilTT ? I'- 'r >.r: lurjteyouf inform you ihnl I ham been tioubld great ?eul with in-lgestion. but alter tt* one boiiie of your J.iver- Medicine, i great r-liff 1 eliecrfu'.ly rtc.i: mend i a goo<l Family Medicine, and Jec! confitf fliTH it is good for anylbin^ for whW claims t* be aa ant] lote. Very respectfully, DV: K LOCKET? PROPIIITT'S PAIN KILL IT. Ibra it the celebrated medicine ttlt Perry Dkvis. Pinn Killt>r mit of the ninr' wherever ii was sold. Dnvia made Prop Ohange iL? name from Fain Killer to I Kill it. For Hliennia'is-.n, Neuralgia; pain of any kiud it has no equal For C_ Druises, burns, or old Sows, it is the 1 thing you tan use as a dressing. For So, Bites or .viings of Poisonous Insects, ii perfect Antiloto. it is good foj Colic, Ca^ Coughs, or Auwel Complaint. Iis m iudieates io nature fully, li is truly D?t to pain. Manufactured and sold bj It/ m i r. & Go., Atlanta? Ca., and for sab all druggists. Doolt Cot sty, Ga., April, lfr.7.?Th its certify tint I was confined to the ho and most 'of the time to my bed. and suj Rbeun>atiaoi. tor ?*"?? ? .' - ! ing the greueai agony imaginable ing every available remedy, witlinorelii was cured with two bottles of Dr Frophitt'a Ane?lyne Pain Kill It ; r?ch t ing fifty' oenl" only. D relieved me ah insiai.tly. I therefore recommend it ii| highest degree to others Buffering from flar disease I can say that it is one ot finest family me licimus now out, eertaiu. Vours truly, W. A. FOREHAND. Doolt County. Ga., Oct. '27, 1881? 0. H. PaOPBtTr. I have, daring the eighteen month . used your Pain Kill It, I consider ii um mal cd by nnytbing for ; in the head, hi east, back oraide;aa< colic nothing given relief halt so q iit your Anodyne 1 >on Kill. It is doing? good iu the con iiiuuity in other famtlh my own. Yours, \c, D. T. FOREII Nbwtox Factory, Ga., Nov., 18t,7.~? I'rophitt : Last, summer my borse i>pn^ his knee soverely. causing th". whol/H swell to about t\.ice it natural s'ucl i .-itdering him almost helpless; rwo appl tmns of your Anodyno Pain Kill It. thorol ly oured it. JOllN B. DAVB STATE OF GEOID'.IA,?FtLToa Enow ay men by these jireaento, Tl this da* for value r, t-ivc.I, sold fl ferred \\ Br^ifield ,\- (V, the mnnufactVre And sell my Family and haveXfurnishcd ilipm with 'he fttll eipes, aD<\ have authorised Ihe said Hi field St Cd, to print, .,r havu printed, ; thing theyjmay seo j i opcr conoeraing and all oftabovo named Medicines. 1 l?th dayofclune, 1870. [Sknedi O. S.PR0PH1TT In presete of Thomas F. Jones, Rei Crawford, Jf?tary Pnblie. (t.s.) Manufactukdaad fnr ?nie by BRADFIt ? CO., BioVd street, AilAttta sale bv nil dlnggists. A"g^ U ..... 1