THEOPwANGEBORQ NEW S! ?J. FELDER MEYERS?Editor, OEORUE ROUTER, Fisancux and Bumsebs Maha?t?*. SATURDAY, MAR. 11,1871. Z-)L ? > I , L'lVT," , > i '?-U-^J. i . 1 .. TT The Trial of the Porter-Gardner Murder Case. As we promised in our last issue, we lay before oar readers the following ac count of this trial, in which such adocp interest has been manifested, through out this community. This case was the moat important on tho docket for tho ppecial term which began on tho 20th February last. During the first part oriWTree*-, *h? minor cases, where the defendants wero in j iil, were dis posed of, and Friday was appointed for the trial of Irvin J. Porter foY tho murder oTIsaac Gardner. The counsel iu tho case were E B. Scabrook Esq., Solici tor and Malcolm I. Browning Esq., for tho prosecution, and Messrs Knowlton and Bull for tho prisoner. Upon the opening of the Court on Friday morn ing, tho trial of this case was immediate ly commenced. The case was opened for the prosecu tion by Malcolm I. Browning Esq., iu o brief addrcsB, after which the testimony for the State was introduced. The tes timony on tho part of the prosecution showed that the two men, Irviu J. Porter and Isaac Gardner were together with Daniel A. Porter and Henry Sal ley at tnt> Dean Swamp Mill, ou the 26th day of October, that there was some cause of misunderstanding prr-?;0usly ex isting between the deceased and the prisoner, that Isaac Gardner came up to X-hore Ti'vin porter was aitti?in ?ir charges of disturbing the peace and quiet of the Corporation. Kridcnco >.?',' a positive nature bi iitg brought fonvnrri to cotiQrtu the charge*, Council passed the Iii!<>\ving Kcutenccs: Adam 'I homsou, for resisting the Town Marshal, fined 810 ojg 20 days in jail; AJri.ujn Thomson, f5 or 10 days i:i jail. Joseph McBcth, (-.1 McHcih'd Ilal! notoriety,) only ?0 or l? d ").^ in jail. Charity McBcth, for losing her tem per, and attempting to play the bunj ?, by thumping it <>n the Marahtil'a betid, w.ih fined elO or 2<) days in jail. And last, but not least, was Sallio Davis, who, showing mitigating circum stance*, was penuirted to move oil' to the tune of fco. Next in order was a letter from J. Folder Meyer. Ksfj, Chnirtuun H>ord County CoinmNsiouer*, -is follows : ir'.fr'r-, (ibplic.itinn has boon tntido unto us by the Town Council of Or nge burg, that the Couuty CommUsicDon of Orangeburg gcuoty, do graut their leave and authoritlti oall upon Sheriff Riggs for the hey Ja the building known us the old jail jlr.ngimr to the said County^ and ;v;rniitstn. to use tho same for a Guard KottJtftor the said Towu ; und lK.Wr*a?JltQ said H. Kiggs has beon notified of lite upplieutiou ihm made, und IiuS .;iu.rtud bu unwillingness to do liver up rcjU/uildiug and keys ; there fore bo it JicsoUe i, lhat ho bo instructed by the Clerk ol'lhis Board? Mr. James Van Tassel, to furiiwith dejivcr up said old jail with alllho keys, to the Towu Au thorities of 4raugoburg, and that the said Town Council shall have the use of it for their ptjrposcs as a (Juurd J/ouse, ^Uitil otherwise ordered by this Board. ^^ifi?>d J. I'bldek MtsYBUs, V Chairman C. C. Attest Ja?ek Van Tahbel, Clerk B. C. C Jauuiry 28th, 1871. Next in order was the ease of one "Towy" whj, overpowered by the influ ence of a potcut draught, r.ule his steed headlessly tlrougb the streets, regardless of the lives and limbs of pedestruius. IIo was soon escorted by our accommodating Police before the judgment bar. and upou dei)ositiureness in eases of boueset'ing faster than anything be ever applied, Fishermen so often exposed to hurts by having their skoi pierced with hooks, anil tins of fish, can be relieved by bathing with tne Pain Killer ns soon as lb? aeei'lrnt QCeurS; in this way the anguish is som? kbyte 1; bathe as often as once in tire minutes say three or four Urne*, and you will seldom have any trouble. The bites r.nd scratches of dogs and cats are soon cured by baching with the i'.iin Kil'er clear. NOT IX \ :. OFFICE OF COO NT V TREASURER, OttAKOKDCnG Cocstt, Orangeburg, S. C. March S, 187.1. THE TIME ct Orangeburg 0. II. is Ex 3 ici;, ?io. c u. nisr 11 If CA IIJM'T SHOP. \l r M. A. Ill LL nfltvslds services to the |f Cilislns of Orangeburg County as CABINET MAKER in nlfits branches. Funerals Attended with promptness, til l PUlt'lTURE repaired and msda new. Also Varaisied without being removed. ,s!im]i . ! die Haltern bids ot the Itui'.road. Give nto a Dial. V. \i. A. lit Li., mar 11 ) tf ? lxcciitfcr*H Notice.?All l?or J^j eons h4vin>c CLAIMS against the TAi'K ot AluxanJor H. Chainbers, deo'd, are reqtfestctl to present I.He same at once, ? ? lLa undersigned, and all persons Iulcbtdl thereto, uro required to ment to 4 NDItEW MTBLS, Qu. !'.!i.>? patch, ^atis faotloh gtiaranteod o s I. fA>4?Sm W. A. M?lV>! --V. GUANO, FERTILIZERS, and X, I ME. WARRANTED A No. 1. X1KRUVIAN GUANO, also WHANE'S Raw Bona 8UPERPII08rHATE, one of the bent Fer-tUizera offered to Planters. Price *??_??.> in 8lore. MAPES' NITROGENIZED SUPER PHOSPHATE, compounded of Flesh, Bones, &o., by a Company having 18 yearn oxperience in manu^fMp-ing Fcrtiliz era. Prioe $05 in Store. AL90 BOCKP?RT STO?C LIME. BROWN? & HOWE'8 COTTON and CORN PLANTER. Orders oxecute.l for LAND rLASTER. TTVISSOLVED BONE AND DICKKOVS 1 / COMPOUND, ut Importers prices, adding freieht und commission. JOHN A. HAMILTON, At the Court rh>U3a Store, Market Street, mnr 11 lj COBNi HAY, <&C. \tjj-: HAVE JUSTVr.ECBlYED ANOTIPKJ*. LOT OF N O'.R.T H 1.1 V ER II A Y WHICH WE Ol'FEil L 0 W F O it < a sir, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL OTHER GOODS AT PRICES TO SUJT. THE BAUD Tt'MF.3 AT P. II. W. ERIGGMASN & CO. feb ?!?> oct Si ly Citizens Saving's Bank of B?1JT.H CAROLINA, WILLIAM MARTIN, President JNO. B PikLMKR, Vice-President. JN<>. P. TllliMAS, " " A. <: BUENV'.BR, Cusbior. J. C. 15. SMITH, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. ; \Y\ev. Ha.UPTOX. B. H. Rrn.Enr.r. ' J. P. Thomas. D. Ravkxki.. Jr. F. W. MeMaster. Rev. Wii.iiam MAnns t A. f . Haskell. Jso. B. P.m .mki:. .1. En ?heqo. Tfio>iA8 E. Gneoo. OH .vvcKitnn: o;t * \t'11 i -..??..-.>?? at thk kxoim: iioise. SOLICITORS. ?Jesars. GLOVER & GLOVER. LOCAL FIXAXCE COMMITTEE. ? Hon. TWOS. W. CLOVER. ( ul. PA I I. S. FELDER; Cupt. JOHN A. HAMILTON. t ASS (STA XT CASIlIEk. J A M RS H. FOWLF.S. DcpcsiN of ?1.00 t*;>v>art!H Received. INTEREST allowed at 7 per eeut. on Spe ci?! Cent V ,ut? gf Deposit^ , will ix. months onAc i counts. Jun 'il d m Cm Fine Vt'nlttut JEximiiKiOEi TABLE for *?le at W. A. MKR?NET A CO. A Spring and Summer Impor tation 1871, IUfiBOX.S, MIL TJX A It V AM) STRAW GOOI>S. ARMSTONO, CA'IOR A CO. IMPORTERS \sdJOBBERS OF Bone et. Trimming and Velvet K.Lb'ms. Bonnet .^ilks. Satins and Velvet*, Rlriuds; Notts,. ?Crapes, Bitches, Flowers, Feathers, Qrna i raents, Straw Bonnets nud Ladies' Rats, Trimmed and Cut rimmed, Shaker Hoods, , \c. '11? aod '2-i'J Baltimore Street, L.P..? i mere, Md. j Offer the largrn ."lock to b?- found in this Country, and unequalled in choice, .Timely ami eheapness, comprising the latent Eurbp I can novelties. j Orders solicited, and prompt attention I given. feb 2.*? St MEAL. GRISTS ?od N C. FLOUR, frcoh and always mi hand, i nil on IV. A. MERONEY A CO. The St.ite of South Carolina. ORAiNOERURC COL NTV In CtrMSlON Lj.xas. H. W. Kcnnerly. "] Complaint for Administrator, ct. al. Account to Mur vs. [ ^'lnll Assets, sale Samuel Kenncrly, 1 of Land, and Be et, al. J lief. By or l?>r of th* Court, all persons having demand- ngabiat the Estate ot the late J. U. . Kcnnorly, dec-eased, ore required t*i prea ut und prove the same L fore me, or before the I 1st day of A'pril, 1871, or th \y will bo dc> barred payment. AND G. DI LIU K, March 8, 1871. Special Re force. m a i- I 5t VITTS, RAISINS and CANDIES of tho i/> best kinds W. a. MERONEY k CO. 1* YOU WANT Liiti OHS or the following Grades: apple brandy, peach brandy. N. O. CORN WHISKEY, very fine. N. C. " *? Common. RA K WHISKEY of all grades an ! prices ALE, LAOEJ! BEER. SODA N \ PER iu bottles. WINES ot all kinds und quality." OHA MPAIGNF. CORDIAL; FRENCH BRANDY. Go to W. a. MERONEY & CO. feb 18 dee 3 6m The State ol South Carolina, ORAXOEBHRCI COUNTY. In Prorate CotKT. Estate of Samuel N- Kennerlv, \ mpmt ? } E. H. Houser, t t. \i,v. J The CREDITORS of the late Dr. SAMU EL N. KLNNEitLY are required to present and Prove their Demands before tho Probnto dudgeon or before the Rlth day of Marcli. 1871. 0] taoy wt? bo (h tiiurcd toe bOAeSt of the decree in thi/> rase. THAI). V.. ANDREWS, feL 11?51 Prebut. J?d?s <5 o CO 1*1 NEW ORLEANS SYRUP! I M w 0 3 ? AUGUSTA-- FLOUR] ? WILHELM THEODOR has just received A Large Atwortmcnt of J WILL DE LTV ER EVERY FATOBD^ pipes and seg ars < to ? rnO>i tub ' p AN I FAMILY BEST MEERSCHAUM MANUFACTORY < | Uollcd ?;*i?t juitd 1 IX TII13 U. S. b JaSeajf Alsp a Feyr Lot pf Nine nnd Choice O '. ii'HE WUIT| ^TESTER!* CORK, j gro< FZtlES, - 7- " To wit : SMOKED TONCTJE. ^ " j^g" I reppeetfullyt notifj . the PUBL?0 j < tJ u my former g , KAlt-IfOOHI m ill be CLOSED from thtUth day of Metfh, ?lf71. and will onljckesp^TQUORS hepaf: *r ier for FAMILY rij kiminkn * i ?f BEEF. f.EW TOBK BEEF BAT.ONYS. SUGAR CUREp IIAM?. And all other First Claas 1-MAiTT v npnovjM va ? ...... ? ?. i ? ......... . mar 4 if HH5 GEO, H. COR^ELSON, ag km fob Etiwan Guano No. 3, Ammoniatpd with Pure Peruvian Guano. Etiwan Dissolved Bone, ff v /vrti Zells Ammcnialcd jBone Saperplmphale, " Also KEEl S ON U no and receive okd?rs tor PERUTdAN ATLANTIC All pf pphicii is cHferuu SiOr for CAS ft. G'EO, H, CORNEIJSQN. fel> 2.1 mc? S I j. * a'.i'ia iuiji bx wv.uii muYK anv s l< tiv ; j aloi jib's pu3-inji: ?^ DM I t J'S Und upA rcp?u isvic ox mom mmsM jiao lit U? U5L2.?. u iijuLUii uUuHU?iiLi! I V * i a 11(10 008013 ^^P^^-01^ THE T JV] RPOOT iouooi ftifi : Gtaet Fire Insurance Company, 0 CAPITAL?GOLD U,000,OO?.& IIAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN OR AA'GKBURG, S. C. Tie Terms of this WELL EXOUX OLD EScjbtSU COMPANY arc FAIR, nod the Security it ?fter?. Absolute. A j ply t.. JAM KS if FOWLES, Agent, At ^itisou'-s Savings Rank. CHARLES X- LOWNDES, /Jeneral Agent, Chacon. S. C. jan 23 . o ? HEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT! I! * DOYLE, WILES & CO., I>ESPECTFrLEY INFORMS THE CITIZENS OF URANOEBL*RCL-t^JJNIY THAT W thev have purchased tho ? t\\;;iii.\t;i: SHOPS and works o;1 jios. RAY. And are CARRYING ON the () A IX Jl I A O E B V H I K 12 ? S Tn nR ii* BRANCHES. Orders left with US will be. FROMUTLY FILLED. \U kinds of RKFAIR1NH N!" ?". l.\ '???vj: :?-.a with DlSPATCll. .! COFFINS FUttNlSHED AT-s;i,?f.T *?1 IC1L ' de? 17 * 1 0r**?^l*ir?. & Ck