The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 11, 1871, Image 2

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TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, y . ?:?: GOD ^lTSTIO OTJli OOXJiNTIlY. VOLUME 5. SATURDAY MORNING, MffigfT n, isti. ^ ALWAYS IN ADVANCfi. NUMBER * *EE ?R?NGEBUM NEWS ? ?:o:? r\TnLisn?D at OEiNGEBUEG Everf Saturday Morning. BY THE ^RANGfiBtRG NEWS COXTAXY TEliMSTOF fiUESORIPTTON. One Copy for;one jrcar. $2.00 ?? Six.. Moi.lhs. 1.00 Any ose sending TEN DOLLARS, for n Clnh of New Subaeribora, will receive an rEXTRA COP* for ONE YEAR, free Of i' charge. Any ono sending' FIVE DOLLARS, for m Club of Now Subscribers, will receive an EXTRA COPT for SIX MONTHS, free of charge* ?-to:-* RATES OF ADVERTISING. [1 Square 1st Insertion.,. Si.50 ?? 2d . 1.00 A Square consists of 10 lines Brevier or ! 4?o inch of Advertising spaco. Administrator's Notices.$5 00 Hjtices of Dismissal of Guardians, Ad tminlstrntors, Executor*, Ac.$0 DO Contract Advertisements inserted upon tie tnjst liberal terms. ?:o:? IARRIAGE and FUNERAL NOTICE!, he ex:ecdiug one ' Square, inserted withoot eh rge. \ i SP" Tonus Cash in Advance. wABROOK, BROWNING; ^ATTOltNFYS AT LAW, ?rjingelmrg and liranchvlllc, s. c.^ Mr. Meve 118 or browning wRl bo ftt Hrnnchville every Monday. E. r. sear rook, Act inn Solicitor 1st Circuit. ?Malcolm i. drowning! .). felder a! eyep.s, Trial Justice, jnn 7 tnay 1 I 1 v Tf il? ATTEND PROMPTLY to tho Duties e-f his Office! CaU on hijo at the Office, of 3EARROOK, RU?WN1NO & SIEYER3, ? ?. oijuafc. jtn i tf KN0WLT0N & BULL, ATTORNEYS AND UOUNSFLLORS 0?AX?3:Jil'2Ui, S. C. AUGUST USD. KNOWLTON, CHARLES S. BULL. Mr. Knowlton will be at Lewisville EVERY SATURDAY, and at Fort Motto on tho 2d and 4th FRIDAYS of every month. july 20 tf COOKE ?& COOKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, O R A X G E B Q R ?\ S. C, Will attend to BUSINESS in any of the STATE and the U. S. COURTS for the District of South Carolina. T. H. COOKS. H. P. COOKE. T. II. C:05>KE, Trial Justice, will VTTEND PROMPTLY to all BUSINESS entrusted to his care, juue -? tf F. M. WANNAMAKER, ATTORX BY AT LAW, Will be at ORASGERDRO, on Mondays,' Fridays and S?tnrjlay?. At LEWISVIELE on the other days of the Week. feb 12 tf TRIAL JL'STIOK, ALL DCfflNE?3 ENTRUSTED will bt promptly i 'p?f&?\\j attended tc. july 28 3y HEEDER & DAVIS, toiTON FiCTOftS ? ASI> General Coiiiniisaion Merehants, Ailif-,'.i W'inn-r, CHARLESTON, S. C. OswrLt P.kldiu. ZiMMf.a'iAx D.w/s. oet 1"? <im .a. j. Salinas, FACTOR VM> CO3134 aWSSOIsf ai iiilC II AXT, ClTARLESTQN s. c. Libernl advances made on Cotton. RKrKnr.Kcrs?First Nation?*! Ean'-c. Peo ple's Nation.xL^Bi-i?h. MeCsrs. 4no, FifiM>r A Co., Charleston, S. 0. Jtflj ;'> > ?Jy E. L, HAL; EY, r lMJSIIIEU AM) TIMBKR 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT. tViiarf, Wext i:n?l MoMiugwe-.Si, CHARLESTON, 9. C. s The People's Bakery. NEXT DOOR TO RED COFFEE POT, East of Presbyterian Church, K -^H St, I ?nj happy to ANNOUNCE to the C1TI. ZENS of Orungehurg, that I am now PRE PARED to SUPl'LY Farailesnnd Customers with BREAD, CAKES, PIES, ant all other articles generally found in a EIRST CLASS BAKERY. WEDDING CAKE prepared with great caro to suit the most fastidous tastos. The PATRONAGE of my friends and fel low-citizens is respectfully solicited. THOS. W. ALBERGOTTI. Mrs. AT.PERGOTTi returns thanks for tho Patronage hcretofbro bestowed, and hopes her friends and Customers will coutin uo the same. Sho will keep constantly on hand an as sortment of FRUITS, CONFECTIONARY and FANCY ARTICLES as usual. deo 10 3m j3 i o red FAMILY COFFEE POT, onb noon I?AST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. B. E. H. PEARSON Have just received and will keep constant ly on bond, one of the best assorted and cheapest let of COOKING STOVES oTcr offered iu this market TITS- WARE: Made to ortrbr and supplied to Mercnants by Wholesale und Retail nt Charleston prices. (yOTTERIfft? In a do and put tip any where on reasonable terms nnd on short notico. Repairing done at the shortest notice and I Cheap. All I want is atrial to substantiate th_ 1 fads', Rfy motto is Low Prices for Cash, octi 20 ang 18 3m METALIC-CASES. THE ?NDEr,SIGNED HAS-ON HAND nil o< the various Sis a* of tho above Cases, which finished immediately on ap plication. Alsxl mahnfftcturea WOOD COFFINS n.s usual, und ki tho shortest notice. usus -TTTi ;n .) ? t.;n Cavrtiijre MamiTacfurer. COJIPOl'XD ACIO, PHOS I'M ATM OF Ll.MH. FOR CoMl'OSTtNC. WITH COT,TOR SE?L). THIS ARTICLE IS SlAXUFACfnjlRD by the FACH-10 G?AN0 GUM PASTY ut Chavlesren. 8. <\, under Superintendence of Or. Si". .11 UI..n RAVEN-EL, V. hen com posted with an e(;unl vi ijrltt of Cotton Seed, its result* have been found fully P?nal to the be?t standard fertilisers. Its economy must commend it (o the notice of planters gener ally. Fur specific directions for composting and Tor supplies, apply to J N. ItOBSIN, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JNO. S. REESE & CO., Oeucral Agcnta, Baltimore. dec 24 td PACIFIC OUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $I,0tX),0W) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. rrws guano is now so well known \_ In all the Southern Stales for its ro maikuble effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require Special recbtnrHchdttlion from us. Its use for live years post has established its Char acter for reliable excellence, Tho large fixed e.ijdtul invested by the Company in this trade, affords the sturcst guarantee oftlie contimt.-d excellence0i1<8, .1. N. R6DSON, Soiling Agent', Charleston, 8. C. .)XO. 8. REESE Si CO., Oonorul Agcnfs, Baltimore. Dec. 24. tf. 05 First Prize Siednls Awarded. _Til K Q /.' K. 1 V' .... - ?'_ Sut'tiiEK'N Piano ManufacF ) y. MM. KXA?E tSc CO. SiASVFACTUBKllS O? CiiAND. SQ?ATtB A>:n nritlGnT PIA N O FORTES, 11 ti 1 I I m o r <? - ?! ?1. These insirnno-nts h?ive been bofore Ihe Fuhiie for nein ley Thirty years, ntrd upon their excellence alone attained art unpuryhcn f'l frr-a.nniHie., which pronounces thtm un otpiiled. % Tlmir TONE combines great power, sweot ne-= and tine siogirfg quality. ?s well as great purity of Intonation und tfycetnc?i through en! 1 he mil in- RCulo. Their TOUCH is pliant un 1 elastic, ami entirety froo from the KiifTnoaa found in eo mnrfj Planes IN W?Ii'RMANStllP tluy are uneonftllol using nonrr lull the very best, mkaso.nv.o m \tb him., the largo capital employed in our pusi nesa enabling us to Ki ep continually au im mense stock of Utmb.r, kc, on hand. All o.ur Syi tana Piamis have our New Im proved Orcrnfi itHJ iSv<//c and AOB IfFS TfeKBLB. We would call special attention to our late Improvements in GRAND I'lANCS AM) Sgl.'ALE O I.\M>S, F\:;vnn Aifttar I F lbtlti,-which-bring the Piano nearer porfce lien il.;.n ball yet boon attained. \ \. rv Pi..>ioitiPy warranted for Five Years. \fo h'uve made arrangements for the Solk Wuot.v Aoknoy for the most celebrated PAULO!! f?HOANS AM? M'-.LODEONS, which wo offer. Wholeaalo and Retail, at Lowest 1-V.ctory Prlcci. WM. KNAP.E & CO. Baltimore, Md. eept 10 tnt c ANDl.l. '. Sf) \r and MATCHE8j low d..\( n. Call on W. A. M EE ON ET 4 CO TOP,- ' COUDHS^CflLDS^y For the'Speedy Relief And Permanent Cure of CONSUMPTION, KI$OX?IIITI,N, ASTHMA, COLDS, Ami all Diseases of tlio LUNGS, CILEST, Oil THROAT 1 nnin: EXPECTOR^T is composed cxclu S Hivcty of Herbal and Mucilaginous pro duct.*, which Permeate the very ?ubMahoc of the faiiigM, causing them to throw off (lie ucrH matter which toltectfl in the Bronchial Tube?, and nt the same tim- fopnis a soothing conting, relieving the irritation which produces the eotrgh. the object to !)c obtained is to cleanse the organ of nil Impurities; to nourish und strengthen ii when it has become impaired and.onfecble'd by'dls6a?e"j to renew and in vigorate the circulation of the blood and strengthen the. hcYvotis organization. The BXPECTTJRA'NT dors thiel to on astonlsbin'g degree. It is active but mild and congenial; impacting functional energy and natural Strength'. It atRmis Oxygen to vitalize the blood, and Nitrogen to assimilate the matter. It ?anaUScs the ^JfyniniM Influence" producing quiet and composure TO CONSUMPTIVES It is invaluable, as it immediately relieves the difficult breathing and harrnssing cough which ulteniLs that disease. F?2I ASXHSfA It is a specific?one dose often relieving the dis!r<-.-:-n:;r choking, and prodnolug oalm and plcauapi repose. von v?iivi?* NTo mother fhoulj ever bei without a bottle of tlie EXPECTORANT, lathe boitigt We h .ve numerous certrfienUa 11having relcived, almost instantly, lb- lii'ihj sufferer, >vJ?cn deatli r.ppetir? d ;?lmo.sf inevitable. A" /i ft <>? Il nul! This dread disease requires pronjipt action; ns soon iiJ the hoarse, uo'low i-- he-ird, apply the remedy, and it is ca?ily subdued ; Hal Delay in tDaagoroas! j The prftpcrtlesT of the EXPECTO RANT ore demulcent, nutritive, balsamic, soothing and hcsling. It braces the nervous system and products pleasantaud refreshing sleep: It Exltituni!'* and HctiPrcs Glooihincss ami DepH stttbn. Containing all lhe--?; tlities in a conven ient and concentrated form, it has proven to bo the Most Yalitable Lung Balsam ever ofTered to sufferers from Pulmonary dis eases. Prepared by IVM. II. TL*TT A LAN?, AUGUSTA, GA. i^old by Drug ;'&'.$ everywhere. nov ? 6nt Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at onco agreeable*, healthy, and effectual for preserving tbo hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, with the gless and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick Irair checked, ami bald ness often, "though not always, cured by its nso. Nothing can restore tho ! Lair "?ii?i? Lau iuiiicios uro destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But sucii as remain can bo saved for usefulness by this application. Instead I of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi mont, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occa-sional use will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, and ! consequently prevent baldness. .Freo from thoso deleterious substances which i mako somo preparations dangerous, and injurious to tho hnir, tho Vigor can only benefit but not barm it. If wantod merely for a HAIR DRESSING, bothing also can bo found eo desirable. Containing ncithor oil nor dyo, it does not soil whito cambric, nnd yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a gratoful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Cukmistb, IX)WELL, MASS. ?Hx?JU 51.00. 1>r. K. J. OLITEROS. Agent at Orangebarg C. IT. aug 0 ly CANNON'S ?TOfiBl f' Onk !>??)?:,.' RtLOW W. T. L I G II T l- O () T S' li RVRSBLL SlRKFT, The Sub.-^rihcr brgtljsYoto inform his oh friends and the I'uhiic gt&rali/ thai he has] jn-t ojioned ii lV".-h r.ivl g'yirr.V ns.-ortmcn^ GROCKRILS ANji LIQUORS which he will sell low doi Come one und all, 1 please you and give pc;-fc inn 7?if r?Cash. I ) do my best to Bmiji-fsctiou. as. CANNON. PETER G. vkNN 0 N ir U N S M fjF lI, At .Miss. WISH'S CH.i) 5 AND Oj .p<ito CANNON S ii.) R14. Is Prepared ^. 0 jjij to do All Work in hi? 7T<. . t^,^' Lino At Short den 24 ' : 1 :i sisounblo Terms I'or Cr.sU. a i ? i i i:xixttive DEi-^tTMKNr. S-ATK TMF.APUR* tFFlCR, Oom-MiiiA. S. C, Dcctipr 1, 1S70. Tili: ROOKS of the Treasury OffiegOh the Transfer and ConvcfWQtjj&jfOCKS and RONDS will be closed ?-?"!rtid rflrnr the nl'xh itiMtatit nn'il the 1st pioxirao, for con vtdenso in preparing statem**!"- ??/ tn??... title to January 1. 1 S" 1. nii.c.s <;. i vhkfr. dec :i Tr? executive depa Statk Tbk? Com MltiA, R C, TlIK [NT-en MST f?. Coupon Pood> pf t < ?i-idin i intl ?. i ; <.i Jan paid IN r;u\.V <m and nfl ??hie ? pf H. H. Kiit; ? the State. No. ! and at (l.ih , dec .1 NILKS n J A!. KP.P., Tren?nver Stcttf S?u'-v Carolina. " fffil INSURANCE. BANKING AND INSl'RAXOE C 0 M 1? A X Y, OJhc 1202 ihtui uml Yltfi Streets, RICHMONL, VA. JOHN 11. DAVIS. President. JOHN P. C, POTTS, ?ecretery. MANN S. (il'Alll.MS, < ft..U:.-r" T. R. 8TABKF., General A . at. Having this day. (Oct. Jjfli, 1870.) re ocived the ai>]>oHtm? nt oPtvGENT for Or nngeburg of the above INSURANCE COM 1'A.nV, 1 nm prepared to tnke^ltlSKS oi Stores, Slocks of Merdhandixe an I Dwell ings .it reasonable rab s. > JOHN A. HAMITI.'iN, Agont for Tho Richmond Ilnnking and liiMir met} Company, and Southern Life InsuranjittCompnny, Market-St., Orangeburg, S. C. oct. 'J-2 1 v Bp ? ^^5oN :< x-^^y ? ^J?TEMV/HEEL, MMIGeariiit.Shaflin^X Pulleys SEND FORA CIRCULAR? CAROLINA BIETERS. TEUS Uhde 1 with hp hi.-t Ton 11 vki moo of tiie A I'ELHiHTIT'L ? JM(. We take great pleasure in offjrijtg tho OLD CAROLINA BJ! to tho public. They are f. ?^rcnt jure, and contain soffo i>: ics in the FhftrmnCopin, superiority of our BITTERS ovjr ?1! others, we"luiVe certificates from manj* of the ! ad In? physicians Iii mirStatfe, who have pv? soribed them in their prnptloe. 1 lio OI.I> <'AMO*Ll.\i RtJ?TVKS Will ln> found iiiViua!;'.c for Want of Appetite, Gunoral DcbllHjj Chills an I Frvrr. Oiid Dyspepsia, Wo do not offer our for all diseases, but AS i hey have no t i|iial. For stile by i!i uj gl \\ In re. Pyiriclpal De] GOODRICH, Wl Import eis of Choice" pals, Charleston, S. CJ mar 6 '1 rERS as a cure Arotuniic Toni?. nd Oroncra every MAN & CO., Irugs and Chcmi "k he Muster Thief. BY .1 HIN PISKE. The legond of lire Master Thief is no le - remarkable than that of IVoi/hUu. In (lie Scandinavian talo the thiof, wish ing tu gel possession oFu farmer's qx, curefnlly huhgs liiuisell to n troc by the i i dsiflo. Ihe fa rut or, passing by with bis ox, is indeed struck by the sight of tljc dangling holy, but thinks it none of his I usiiiess, and does not stop to in terfero. No sooner b_aa lie passed than the thief lets liiin.srlf d.nvn, nui running RwiUly along n by-path, hangs himself with equal precaution to u second trco. This timo iUq farmer i* uHtoniahcd and puzzled ; but whon for the third timo ho n.cela thu senio unwontou jpec^aclo, tbinking that three suicides in ono morn ing nv< too ll for cany crcdcnco, ho leaves bis ox and runs hack toseo wheth er the other two bodies kto really where be thought lu> saw tb'Mii. WWKj he is Training hypotheses of witchcraft by fw^hto explain tho phenomenon, the. !thje*EH^jiway with the ox. In th* IIiiopadesa->^%"8tory recoivca n fit,er poitit "A Bru1>^_ho had vowcd B crificc, went to the^r**^ to buy I fl oat. Three thieves saw ted to get hold of the goat, fiohed themselves at intervals on on the ligh road. When the Brahman, who nrriftd thn crnfii nri Iii? t?"sk ?iTmmooVioil *<* ? ? ' -r* hhefirst thief, the thief said : "Brahmar, fwhy do you carry a dog on ypur back V kTlu: Brahmau replied: "It is not a [dog; it is a goat." A httle while after Lbo was accosted by tho second thief, P*dio said, "Brahman, why do you carry |a dog on yonr back ?" The Brahmau pelt perplexed, put the goat down, ex amined It and walked on. Soon after ho was stopped by tho third thief, who ^a'td, ''Brahman, why do you carry a dog on your back 7" Then the Brahman was frightened, threw down tho goat, and walked homo to perform his ablutions for having touched an unclean animal. The thieves took tho goat and ate it. The adroitness of the Norso King in "The Three Princesses of Whitcland" shows but poorly in comparison with the keen psychological instght and cynical sarcasm of these Hindu sharpers. In his trav ^tb^s prince met three brothers fight ling bp lonely moor. They had-Jt^rfl" ? fighting for a hundrcd^?>>?3^aDout the Lpossession of a ha*j'?"'cToak, and n pair of bocts, which would make tho wearer invisible and convey him iuEtantly whith ersoever ho might wish to go. Tho King eoriKent? to act as umpire, provi ded he may once try tho virtues of the magio garments; but once clothed in them, ot course ho disappears, leaving the combatants to sit down aud suck their thumbs. Now in tho "Sea of! Streams of Story," written in the twelfth century^by Somadeva of Cash mere, the Indian King Putr;< rtn'g ic ? tft*o ' - Yind hr ra ' larly discomfits C^fjl" brotMW.* Wbu tm quarrelling over a pair of sln?K, which are like the sandals of Hermes, 'and a bowl which has the saino virtue as Alad din's lamp. "Why doa't you run a race for them ?" suggests Putraka, aud the iwo blockheads start furiously oft', i? quickly picks up the bowl, tics on the shoes, and flics away. TMo Stidej-H?ngerford Affair. The Savannah AW*, of tho 22d ult., hns the followiug couccrning the Staley Uungcrford affair, which has been pre viously noticed in tho Noes: Monday evening Mrs. Fogarty, the keeper of the house in which Sue Ilun gorfurd had been well nigh cut to pi ecs appeared at tho Police Barracks in great trepidation, dressed iu iSale costume, and demanded protection for her household She was evidently very much excited, aud very eager that a police guard should be detailed for her relief. Sho told the officer in command that Mr. John A. St?l?y hud called at h?r house that evening und demanded corf .-tin pa pers which bo alleged bad been leA in Sire tluugorford's charge. Mrs. Fagart (y said shn knew nuthirig ol them, but vouhi go in and iuqtutc, rfnd if the pa tcrs wire inert: he should n:,*.vo them, to then demanded sdiflfssiuu to Sue tuiigorT?rtF? rotiul, stating "it was all ighi, aud ltd must k?o her anyhow.'* ?ir.-. fr'orgnrty demurred, stating that in her present weakened condition, Stto ought ftni to sru anybody, and least of nil hiin. At this p dot Ah>. Fnrg .i ty t:o lived the glouih <d a ktifftf; n?j said ' (J?d bless lire! what is that?'1 "It's tho I;into that my wife cut her with," replied Staloy ; "bui. never you mind ? that's all right. I want to fee you pri I vutely. Step back here for a moment." Perfectly terrified, Mrs. Forgnrty com plied With his request, raid asked him what be wanted. "In tho first place," said Staloy, "I want you to promiso mo solemnly that you wou't swear against me, whatever you do, or if you do it will bo tho worse lor you." Mrs. Forgnrty assured bi?j ibut - wnutevor sue might have to say when Called upon for h.?v* evidence it should be tbo truth." Sta ley again c.iutioued her to "mind Jwhat sho was about," and a visitor knot-king for admission, gave Mrs. Fogarty the chance to escapo to hor room, assnmo mule uttiro, and hahtcn witli all speed to the Pulico Barracks, where her story was soon told. In compliance with her rcquoit, tho officer in charge dotailod a pulico nan to remain upon her promisee until b - >v.<; relieved, tlitM relieving for tho time being her fear of ansuSiiaation. Where- Mr. Staloy weQt after bis interview with Mrs. Fogarty, or what hi.i intentions may have been, pusses our conjecture Btio Hungcrford yet r"T" '"'_; \n fliSLOJU*~ p'rccariou.v~s>?**r-~T^^ distress , *.lio lias lT)U:id many personal friends administer to her relief and as sistanc^^a^ifl^ 'ba. rea?rd?d mk e*tr?j!n,,'ly problsni'sU&vv? constitution, nowev-jf, way enable her to recover from tncssevcre injuries she has sustained. ? \ '" Niacty-aix paper mills in this country were destroyed fire during the year. A school teacher in CJarko County, Iowa, has been dismissed for ItisViog the "big girls." Acts and Joint Resolution? Parsed l>y the l,CKlKlatrire Session 1870 and 1871. An Act to cent the tide of the Shite to a Lot of Land in the Vilhgc of Q^aivje burg, of ichii h De.idrirh Klcfptng died tciW, in the Pio~*iSer or Purchasers, tchgjd~*" Vny f?* the preiHiseSy Under "*"a Sale by a Decree of the Probate Court of Charleston Courily, and t? direct the Application <>f the proceed* ~r ? i- u' -' Section, 1. 13c it enacted by tno Sonnte and House of Representatives of the State of South Ciirolina, now met and sitting in General Ass?mbly, and by the authority of the sum*, That the ti tle of tho Stato to a lot of larfdj ajtd tho., buildings thereon, of which Deidrich Klupplrig died seized,situated on Main or Russell street, in the village of Orange and fully oomplyiiu sale of said premises, made 4th April; 1.-70; and if they fail to comply, said title is hereby vested iu any purchasers,' . his, b\rr of their heirs and assigns, for ever, v. ho .-hail buy the premises ou a re sale- ,. ie*i Sf.o Si. Tho proceeds of the salo shall be applied by the Judge of Probate, in the f >!l%>wiiig brier : 1. To the payment of any taxes due on the premises; 2. To tiic payment of the necessary espou ses incurred iu applying for this Act; 3. To tli 3 expins-jj of administration, in Lt*il*S . clddttt-5 jwmaii.ssio is Jus ih i :i 1 aumtiu tor of tho estate of D. Kl:pp'n^; 4. Tu the payment of s.teh dobr.i pf tho said Dcidrieh Kloppitig ns are yet uu kpuid; 5. And th; bi!.ui<;.i (if any) to to Mrs. Mett') Ahlheid Mullor, ttfjthor the sitd Deidrich blleppiug", or*to hjrou or dor. Approve? th ) 231 d ty of f)j^-nb2r, A. ?. 1870. Ali Act to Extend the Tiiv.o for O?sers to Qualify, SEOTl.fJW 1. lie it omictcd by tho Sen tito and House of Representative^ of tha Stato of S??th Carolina, ho.v met arid sitting in General Assembly, arid by the authority of th? ?MnOj That all officora elected at tho recent elections be, and are hereby, allowed until tho fifteenth i'i" January, xoii, in muiuy nud enter upon the ctatica of their respective oflrce.\ and ob failure to qualify within tho specilicii timej their respective offi ces shall be decarcd vacant by the Gor ernor. 2. That all Acts and parts of Acts iacousisToirt with this Act are here by B?spindcd until after the fifteenth of January ::cxt. Approved December 21st, 1870. Ah Act to Re-charter inc. Ptcnpkingiovsn Turnpike Road, in p.'ckcns County. Section 1. l>o it coaoted by the Sta ate and House of Representatives of tho State of South Carolina, m?w met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Turn? piku Road leading from Pumpkingtown to Table Pvockv in Pick'ens County, be and the strfio \ - hereby re-chartered,'fa the name of of Mareut T> Keith, for tff^e term of fourteen years, with the ftamo rates of toil as thuja heretofore.. allo\yed bylaw. ? , , f. * .^,"1>''"! bro. 2. all potions going to and returning from tloctious, churches and mills, shall bo allowed to pase over th^ road freo.-oftoll.