The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, February 18, 1871, Image 11

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Clinrlcston Harbor. ongross is about to make an appro priation for tho improvement of the Ucach Channo!, in Charleston Harbor. lu relation to it, tho Charleston iVcics editorially remarks : "Captain Ludlow, as reported in our Washington correspondence, estimates that tho Cost of removing tho wreoks and the jetty will bo about $15,000. This sum is a more bagatelle iu compar ison with "the undoubted and immedi ate resultswhich it will produce, aud ?we rogrot to learn that Major Gilmoro recommends an appropriation of only $10,000. The difference between the two amounts will not make or mar the fortunes of the country, and we hope that the larger sum will bo given. Sena tors Sawyer and Robertson now have an opportunity of doing Charleston a prac tical benefit, and, and through Charles ton, they will help all South Carolina. Unless the "masquerade bill" occupy their whole timo, the 815,000 appro priation will doubtless pass." The Greenville (Ala.) Advocate of a late date contains tho following argument in favor of the justice of granting di v^Yojroes: "It is difficult to see how any man of ordinary intelligence possessed of a soul could refuse to women the right of divorce 'fYom. a drunken, brutal wretch, whoso very presence is to her like arrows of Bteel piercing her wounded, lacerated aud bleeding heart. The main argument used by the ad ? vocates of tho bill was that empty and oft repeated twaddlo 'whom God hath .joined together lot no man put assunder.' We mean no disrespect for the Bible but simply contempt for the construction placed upon it. Men and women arc joined together all over the world, und-r one form or another, sometimes without the consent of the parties concerucd, The kings and lords of Earopo and Afi? up to a very lato date ha,?e claimed the right to dispose of the hands of their sons and daughters in marriage, eveu while they arc children. Fpnlcreck the Great of Prussia was forced into in"* tiage of this kind with - , J" ? ? woman whom - nc hoartilv * . , .... ,., ,, , v .. ? ticspiscd. W bat did Lod *iavo to do With this '( Tho common peo ple in China of all classc? contract for the marriago of their children, who fre quently never meet uutil the hour ap pointed for the ceremonies to he per formed. Dors Providence take any hand in these unions? There arc numerous ^Istettves which influence people to marry, bnt on? of which has an oVigin with UuJ. Love is divine ; but ambitiou, avarice, lust and selfishness arc not. Nature operates by natural laws aud not according to tho whim or caprice of any particular individual or nation. It is natural for man and woman to live to gether when they love, and when their habits and dispositions are congenial; it is unnatural when this is not the case. Love may have existed at tho time of marriage, but habits and temper may have destroyed that love, and planted in its stoad tho seeds of hate, loathing and contempt. When this is the case would it not bo better to grant them a divorce than to make them live on earth in a perpetual hell, whoso flatucB consume both body and soul? The above was extorted from the edi tor of the Advocate in consequence of an attempt that is boing made by the Alabama Legislature to repeal the Di vorce Laws of that State. We agree with the Advocate that divorce should be granted to a woman who is tied to "a drunken brutal wretch," or for wilful neglect, or adultry ; but not for the one thousand and ono causes proposed by some of our legislators, we do not think The Georgetown Times applauds the first veto of the session, and declares that Governor Scott "has done wisely and well in rebuking tho profligate ex penditures of the County Commissioners of Georgetown, in telling thorn and the wholo State that thero is already a tax on the county 'for o^ and a half to two mills more than b required to meet the current expenses of most other counties in the State/ and so far as he is able, he will put a stop-to tho wild caroer of those who are disposed to indulge in reckless ?cd ruinous extravagance, in the admin istration of tho affairs of tho several counts? -he State." Wo agree with our brother of the yVmrs. Put would it not be equally as t'wise" in Governor Scott to ndmiuibter <'r,eUtt*c?" for "proflifinte expenditures" to some nearer home than the George town, County Commissioners ? For in stance, wouldu't it bo wuse, exceedingly wise in him, to administer a rebuke to tho Legislature, for neglecting to appoint ocommi't'cto investigate the amount drawn f/tfsi. th?) 8 it? i i u^ up (jhis'sVate H?'Vtsev We think so ?OO BUSHELS CORN! LOW FOR CASH. ALSO All Other Goods IN PROPORTION. COTTON IS SELLING LOW. AND SO WE SELL OUR GOODS ! JU8T CALL AND SEE OUR PRICES, DON'T CHARGE ANYTHING TO SHOW OUR STOCK. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN & CO. jan 28 oot 0 ly Citizen s Saving s Bank OF SOUTH CAROLINA. WILLIAM MARTIN, President JNO. B. PALMER, Vice-Prceident. JNO. P. THOMAS, ?? A. O. BBENF'.ER, Cashier. J. C. B. SMITH, Assistunt Cashier. DIRECTORS. Wade Hampton. B. H. RrTi.r.nois. J. P. Thomas. I). Ravknkl, Jr. F. W. McMastkr. Rev. William Mautik A. C. Haskkll. Jno. D. Palmes. J. Eli Ghkqo. Thomas E. Gueoo. ORANGERTTRG RRAXCH, AT THE ENUIrVE HOUSE. SOLICITORS. Messrs. GLOVER & GLOVER. LOCAL FINANCE COMMITTEE. Hon. THOS. W. GLOVER. Col. PAUL 8. FELDER. Capt. JOHN A. H AMILTON. ASSISTANT CASHIER. JAMES H. FOWLES. Deposits or $11.00 nnd ITpwnrds ^Received. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, nnd SIX PER CENT., compounded every six mouths, on Accounts. We will also do nn EXCHANGE BUSI NESS. jan 21 c 6m Th<) People's Bakery, NEXT DOOR TO RED COFFEE PsVj East of ?, ?i)ytcrian Church, Russell-Si. I'm happy to ANNOUNCE to the C1TI ZENS of Orangoburg, that I am now PRE PARED to SUPPLY Familes and Customers with BREAD, CAKES, PIES, and all other articles generally found in a FIRST CLASS BAKERY. WEDDING CAKE prepared with great care ?o suit the most fastidous tastes. The PATRON AD E of my friends and fel low-citizens is respectfully solicited, TU OS. W. AtunKitGOTTI. Mrs. A LBERGOTTI returns thanks for the Patronage heretofore bestowed, ami hopes her friends and Customers will contin ue i iic same. She will keep constantly on hand an as Bortmont of FRUITS, CONFECTIONARY and FANCY ARTICLES as usual. dec 10 8m METALIC CASES. * THE UNDERSIGNED IIAS ON IIAND all of tho various Sizes of the shove Cases, which enn be furnished immediately on ap plication. Also manufactures WOOD COFFINS as usual, and at the shortest notice. Apply to H. RTOGS, mar 5?Gm Carriage Manufacturer. BIG EED FAMILY COFFEE POT, one nooa EAST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. B. E. H. PEARSON nave just received and will keep constant ly on hand, one of the best assorted and cheapest let of COOKING STOVES ever offered in this market TIN W-A.I11S Made to order nnd supplied to Mercnnnts by Wholesale and Retail at Charleston prices. O'UTTERIN(J made'and put up any where Repairing done at the shortest notice and Cheap. All I wnnt is n trial to substantiate the facts. My motto is Low Prices for Cash, oct 20 nug 18 am THE POLICY HOLDERS' LIFE AND TONTINE ASSURANCE COMPANY OP T II E S 0 V T n, SO Broad Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. WM. MoBURNEY, President. E. P. A LEX AN DEB, Vico-President nnd Actuary. GEO. E. DOGOS, Seorctay. JNO. T. DARDY, Medical Adviser. ' There are nn Stock Holders in the Coin pnny. It is Purely Mutual, and all its Sur plus must be Aununlly Divided Equully among tho Policy Holders PHILIP M. PORCHBB, General Agent for South Carolina. E. W. FENi*. Looal Agent. "A. T. DARBY, Medical Examiner. aug 27 Gm E. L. HALSEY, EIJMRER 4M) TIMBER COMMISSION M KRCUANT, IVbarf, Host End Montngnc-St CHARLESTON, S. C. svtg 27 ly ETTIWAN GUANOS, Si?lll MANURES AND SULPHURIC ACID MANUFACTURED AT THE ETIWAN WOEKS, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. BY TIIK SULPHURIC ACID AND SUPERPHOSPHATE COMPANY. The now well known Etiwan is manufactured from the Native Done Phosphates of South Carolina. These Phosphates in tk**rtr natural state are Iiiso luble, and require to be ground to powder, and made Soluble by Sulphuric Acid. This Company have now in operation tho largest Sulphuuo Acid Chambers at the South, and are, theroforo, able to manufacture at the lowest rates, the highest grade of Fertilizer* It being clear that the greater the proportion of Soluble Phosphate which any Fertilizer coutaius, tho less the quantity required per acre. In order to make tho Fertilizer oomplcto Ammonia and Detach in sufficient quanti ties arc added. With tbeso views tho Company manufacture und offer for sale ETIWAN GUANOS, Warranted to contain from 15 to 20 per Cent, of Dissolved Done Phosphate of Lime, and from 2 to 2J per Cent, of Ammonia, with a sufficient addition of Peru vian Guano and Potash, to adapt it to all crops. Price $U5 per ton, cash; on time 870 per ton, and interest 7 percent, per annum. j*. DISSOLVED BOKE, Of high grade, suitable for Manufacturers or Planters, being in itself an excellent Fertilizer, and specially adapted for compost. As large quantities o> Sulphuric Acid are used to dissolve tho Phosphate, tbis will be found a cheap und convenient way to transport that material. Tim grudo furnished will bo from 18 to 20 per ceut. Dissolved Bone Phosphate. Price $40 per ton enshj Ou time, $45, with interest at 7 per cent, per anuum. Still higher grades will ba furnished to order at an additional price percentage. P.QM POUND ACH) PTJOSPO rVT^T. Specially prepared for composting with cotton seed aud other plantation manures. Price $35 per ton ; cash ; on time, $40, with interest at 7 per cent, per anuum. G R OUN D BON E, * At much lower rates, consisting simply of the Native Bono Phosphates ground ti> powder. Price $20 per ton cash. On time, $22 and interest at 7 per cent, pur annum. WM. C. BEE & CO., Agents, No. 14 Adgcr's Wharf. C/lUl'li StOHj S. 0. G. II. OORNELSON, Agent, Orangoburg, S. C. N. B.?The percentage of Dissolved Bono Phosphate of Linie-, and Ammonia in all the Etiwans, is ascertained at tho Works, by their Chemist, before delivery Should auy purchaser be dissatisfied, ho may return average '?anipl< a of any \ ur chasc, within 30 days after delivery, and they will bo analyzed anew, ami nny deficiency in the per c in tage guaranteed will be made good to him !>y thy Com- ' pany. jan 28 c M'NAM AB A & JONES ARE NOW SELLING BEADY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES CLOAKS & DEESS GOODS i REGARDLESS OF Q >ST! Now is the Time to Get Bargal: ... FRESH FAMILY G"RO< I ?1 v A LWAYR ON U AN D?C< LM E A N !1 cK-c 10 <: WORTH OF GOOD, Q\ Q 9 0 V 1 T o a o AT A GREAT SACEIFIGE.! On and after Monday, December 5th, my Enfciro Stock of Goods will le Disposed of at NEW YORK COST and Less!!! HAVING DECIDED TO MAKE A CHANGE IN MY V Those who are desirouH of obtaining BARGAINS Will find it to their interest to examine MY STOCK, at -?. I INDl't have never been offered before in this Market. I would CALL SPECIA L ATTENTION to tho REDUCED IMMCES oi Cloaks. Shawls, Clnthiilg Dress Goods, Blankets, Brown am Hb aehed < ittuns, Calicos, Boots and Shoes, and all other >;?> ?ds, t 10 iiumer ms I ? uienri m ALL iOODS FREEL\ SHOWN and dy ONE PHD E ASKED. dec 3 GEO. H. CORNELSON. Oft 3 k lv T. A rtsO 9 J? *3L HAVE JUST RECEIVED A EINE LO'j OK G R O C E \l i u 8 which they arc offering VERY LOW. Parties buyiii ; BACON, FLOUR, WHISKEY, SUGAR, . COFFEE, &c. Will find it to advantage to CALL and PRICE OUR GOODS. A new lot of FINE HAMS just received. They will also find a CHEAP lot of DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, &c. oct 15?Gm . T. A. JEFFORDS A CO. WOULD INFORM TIIK rrni.TC THAT HE IS BTIL1 I'ARRYINfl ON TitR 0AR ringe Making in all its various bramli s, and will M nufsoture or Roj ie at tlip Shortest Ne'ico, all Carriages, Ruggics or Wagons. An i am Also prepared wltli NEW PRESS AND GIN TO GIN AND PACK COTTON at SHORT NOTICE. Cotton OINNED AT MY MILL has brougll from ] to J cent more tbsn that Ginned on tlio common 'jins. oct R rj-1 2?ly I H RKiQS WASHINGTON HOUSE BY ? Mrs. M. W. Stratton, COENEK GERVAIS k ASSEMBLY STREETS Columbia, s. c. Convenient to the Greenville and Charleston Railroads and the Business portion of the City. Bate of Transient Board?Two Dollars per Day. Regular Boarders received at Beasonuhlo Bates. dee 10 tf C'OnPOVKO ACID, PHOS'I'll ATE OF LIME. FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTONSEED. THIS ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED by the PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY at Charles!?1.;. S. C, under Superintendence of Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL. When com posted with nu equal woight of Cotton Seed, its results have been found fully equal to the best Btnmbiril fertilizers. Its economy must commend it to the notice of planters gener ally. For specific directions for composting und for supplies, apply to J N. B?RSEN, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. .INO. S. HEESE A Co., General .Agents, ibtltimore. dec H I td PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S. (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. rpilS Gl \NO IS NOW SO WELL KNOWN J| in all the Southern States for its re markable effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require .i"i recommendation from us. Its use for five \> ;.\? past has established its char actor for reliable excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the Companyin this i i ad . affords the surest guarantefl of the continn ' i xcellence of its Guano. J; N. BOBSON, S< ll'nnr Agent, Charleston, S. C. .TV>. P. REESE & CO., Genera' Agents, |i tf. FIRE INSURANCE. Till-: RICHMOND HANKING AND INSURANCE ( 0 M P A N Y, Office 1202 .Vain and 12/? Street*, RICHMOND, VA. JOHN B. DAVIS. President, .1 IHN F. C. POTTS, Secretory. MANN s. QU A11 EES, Casino?. T. lt. STARRE, General Agent. Having tl.'.s day, (Oct. 17*h. 1S70.) re iv< ! !!.?? appointment of AOENT for Or . burg ol tho above INSURANCE COM N'Y, ! am prepared to take RISKS on i cs. Stocks ol Merchandise r;. I Dwell-1 . ..: : .-.Hi ibio r.ites. nv \. IIAMITLON, \ n! fur Th? liichmond Ranking I i!: uronce Comp my, , I Southern Life Insurance Company, Murket-St., Orangeburg, S. C. oei lr l"! - l JJi?J'?n W 'tut.; Jl .(Ii TIU. QilfcAT 'r*-i;->^V;-i;j*i\ Sdrtiirrn Piano _J **J Manufactory. IV 31. RA'ABE A t ?>. .; \.\rr \CTCKEtlS of VRAM1. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT 1*1 LYC; FORTES, Haiti lit ore, !U ?1. . , in r.ura-.nts have been before the I'ti > tov h< irlrv Thirtj yi ? and upon Their TONE combine? j\ ?? ' power, sweet in . * and fine singing quality, n- well a*? great ; , of Intonation at I Sweetness through out the entire scale. Tl oi'r TOUCH i- i li .'it and elastic ??> ? entirely free from the siitfness found, in so mhnv Pianos IN WORKM VNSUIF thoy nre unequalled using none but the very host BKASosr.ii v. vtv m'it, the largi capital employed in our busi iicss enabling'ns to keep continually an im? mensr stock of lumber. &c, <:? hand. All our So." auk Pianos huveour New Im pr?v< ?! "i'rungScott and \<.r irrs Theule. We would call special attention to our late improvements in tilt A ND PIANOS AND SQUARE GRANDS, I'm km s o Ahiim 11' ISrJO, which bring the Piano n aver pcrfec lion than has yet i.een attained. Every PianofuBy warrantcd-for FivftYcars, Wo have inndo arrangements for the Sr?t < \Yiiolksali: Aiienov for the most oclehrnted PARLOR ORGANS AND M LOREONS, which v.- oller. Whidosadu and Retail, nt Lowest Facti rj Prices. V. M. KNABE St < s.-pt 10 .1/7. I'lll !OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. Wt take great pi lasuro in oiTcring the OLD CA RODIN A BITTERS to the. public. They are compoundc 1 with cave, ttn' contain nom< ol tho bcs.t Ton* ? >?< the I .? ; ?.. As evidence of the superiority ol out Bl i l'EUS o> r all others, we. have ucrtiueatfH from many of t!.> lead Lug physicians in our State, who have pro scribed lh< tu in tin Ir practice- The OLD CASIO IAN A BIIVr/I'RS Will li fi ind invaluable ior Want of \: polit ?. ti in ral Debility, Oh ills and Foi ? ???. And !'? i ?. We do not offer our BITTERti as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromulio T?nl?, they have no eqnal. For sale by Di uggi ?ts and Grocers every where, l'rinoitonl Depot, QOODRlCiT, WIN EM AN ft ?'<>.. Importers 6f Choice Drugs and eais, Charleston, 8. f.'J niur ? f.v For tlie Speedy Relief Aud Pcrmancrt Cure of OONBXJjVIjPTIOjNT, mtoAciiiTia, ASTHMA, COLDS, And all Diseases ol the LUNGS, CHEST, Oil THROAT I rilHK EXPECTORANT is composed exclu | sively of Ilorbal and Mucilaginous pro du?ts, whioh , Pcrmoalc the very Substance of the Lungs, causing them to throw off the ncrid matter which collects in the Bronchial Tuben, mid at tho same time forms a soothing coating, relieving the irritation which produced the cough. The object to be obtained is to cleanse tbo organ of all impurities; to nourish nnd strengthen if when it has become impaired and enfoCblcd by disease; to renew nnd in vigornto the circulation of the blood and strengthen the nervous organization. Tho EXPECTORANT does this to nn nstonlsbing degree. It is active but mild und congenial, imparting functional energy and natural strength. It nfiords Oxygon to vitalize the n??il Nitroiroi, In M-similntn thn matter. It Equalize* the "Nercoy* Influence?' producing quiet and composure TO CONSUMPTIVES It is invaluable, as it immediately relieves the difficult breathing and harrassing cough which attends that disease. FOIt A ST II31A It is a -?poei?e?one dec often relieving tho distressing choking, and producing calm mi l pleasant repoac. FOU CROUP No m<>;her should ever be without a bottle of tbo EXPECTORANT in the hduso. Wehavo numerous certificates of its having relelyod, almost instantly, the little Bufferor, when death appeared almost inevitable. MOTHERS EE ADVISED ! Keep it on IltiiuJ ! This dread disease requires prompt action: a? soon as the hoarse, hollow Cough is beard, apply the remedy, and it is easily subdued ; I5u< Delay is longerons! t&jf- The properties of tbo EXPECTO RANT ur<- demulcent, nutritive, balsamic, soothing and healing. Ii braue? th> nwToii< system and pi uUuccs pleasant iiild refreshing si or p. /?' Exht'luiwtcs ami Riiiicc* Qlo'.viuu ? a)u? Depression . Containing all these qualities in a conven ient and concentrated lernt, it bat idreyen to 31oc-:L Valuable Lirag mix evpr offered to sufferers from Pulintnm \ uisfe V-.vr>' ti?--?**?-?* .._ Vi 11. ?1. Tt'T * &. I.\7i'i. rtl'STA, OA. .V LI !Prtt ; ?u!$ ' ttt'S n lirrr. rto\ o f>m Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOB Pl'ninOO TUE BLOOD. Tin? reputation tlila ex cellent medicine enjoys, U derived fVom Its cures, inanr of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate ranee of Scrofulous dis ease, where tho t-y^tera Boomed saturated! a. i?i corruption, have been purified and cured by it. scrofulous affecltour, and dUordere.whlchweresg. gravatcd by Ute scrofu lous contamination until thev were paloAitly afflicting, have been radically emcd in such great numbers in almost every s?c tion of the country, Uint tbo public, scarcely ueod to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poixon is one of the most destrno tive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and tin felt tenant of tnc organism undermine* the con stitution, and invites the attack of cnfeeblingor fa tal diseauos, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Agitn. it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable" occasion, rapidly develop into one or oUier of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may bo suddenly Beposited in tho lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or It shows it* presence hy eruptions on the skin, or foul ulceratlons on some part of the body. II? nee tho occasional use of a bol?e of this Saraaparilla is advisable, even when uo octive symptoms of dUeaue appear. Persons .if fllctcd with Uie following complaints generally find immediate relief, and, nt length, cu. o, by tho nie of this S titsAl'Altii.r.A: St. Autho~ ny'? Fire, Jtos'e or Fryr.ipela?, Tetter, Salt Ith tum, Scald lleatl, Itlnatcorm, Bare JCye*, Sore Far*, and other eruptions or visible forms of Serofuloua disease. Also in the more con cealed forms, as l>y*pep?ia, J>ropny, Heart JH*ea*e, Fils, Fpllci\?y, Neuralgin, and Uie various I treroua affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilid or IViwrraf and Mercurial 7)1* eauea are cured by It. though a long time is re quired for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine; But lone-continued ufo of this medicine will cure the complaint. J.eucorrhn-n or IVhitc*. Uterina X'leeratton*. nnd Female matetjr emcd bv it* purifying and invigorating I effect. Minute direction! lor each case are found I bi our Almanac, supplied gratis, itiieumatlam I and (lout, when caused I? iiecumulntions of ex tranoous matters in tin- blood, yield quickly to It, as al^o Lirer Complaint*. Torpidity, Congc* iion or Inflammation of the 7.fiv-r. and Jaun dice, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in tho blood. This SAJtSA FAHli.i.A Isn grent restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who ore Lan guid ami JAttleM*. ltvapondrnt, Steeple**, and troubled with Xrrrou* Appreh'enatona or Fear*, or any of Uie affections symptomatic of H'eaknv**, will tlnd* relief and con vincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. rUPPABED BY Dr. J. C. AIT Kit 4c CO., Lowell, Knia, PmcHcoI and Analytical Chemt*t?. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Dr. E. J. OL.IVJEU03. Agcat at Orati;:ihurg ('. II. augG ]y ^JWater wheel, Mill GEarin?,Shaflin?S Pulleys I IT is well known to Doctors and to La ujcs, ? hat Women are subject to n u m ?? i .mo diseases pec n 1 i a r to th?ir ?es?such as Sup pression of the Menses, Whites, Painful Month ly 'Periods'* Rheuma tism of the Back and Womb, Irregular Aleu ntvurution, Uoniorrhage or'Exccwilve "Flow," and Prolapsus Uteri or ? or Falling of the Womb. These disease* ha\e seldom been treated successfully. Tiie proffession hss sought diligently for some remedy that would enbale them' te treat ? these diseases with success. At lust that remedy has been discovered by one of the most skillful physicians'in the ' State of Georgia. That remedy is ?RAD- * FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR. H ;s purely vegetable, and is put up in Atlanta^r Gu., by uBAPriatus & co.. It will pm'ifn the blood and strengthen the system, reliever irritation of tho I. id no is, and i?> a pcrfrvt specific for nil tho above diseases; as' eer~ tain a euro as Quinine is in Chills and Fw ? ?: ?. For a history of disunites-- and jerOfi*' cntcBofit8 wonderful ourcs, the reader jf referred to the wrapper around the bottle Ev?.rs bottle warranted to give sL'tiaf-cti'-n or mm. y refunded LaGkaK?k, Ga., March 23, 187jl.? field & co., atlanta, OA.? take pleasure in elating thai I bav the last twenty years, the medicine yodere putt Dig up, known as im. J. nunri <t.n's female RtovLATun. and consider it tbcliest combination ever gotten for the dis?USr4fer which it is recommended. I huT? be*.n|fa milar with the prescription both rs a j titioner ol medicine Hnd in domestic tice, und can honestly say the1 I rons] +i it. a boon to suffering feinalea, andean but thai ever* lady in our Whole lwid, who be Buffering in any way pecwl'ur I*> thoi may be note io procure a con to, mat sufferings may not only borelieve-1, fcn they may be restored to healti: and sire With my kindest regards, I am, r-?peei W. B FE PRELL, M. We, the undersigned Drngg'Sfs. take urc in commending to the trade RraUfield'u Female Regulator?boli to be a good and "reliable remedy f. disedse for which he recommends it. Lansde.ll, Atlanta, Ga.; PembcrtonJ son. Taylor & co., Atlanta, Geor^ir. wine & Fox, Atlanta, Georgia. W. Root & Son, Marietta, Georgia. LVR. PROPHITT'S CELEBRATED LIV EB MEDICINE.?It is purely vegetal and will act upon the Liver and Kidney* ?t pronptly as Calomel and Buchu, withsjit any ?langer of salivation *or destruction tst tin ' borte?. Parties taking th'.v medlcinl need not tear getting wet, or in any other it:-son a ble exposure. Svmi'toms or Liven Disr.a"v.:?Hotidtch?. Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sour tftomael Sick oa?-Nervous Headache, Eenrtburn, Ii digestion or Dyspepsia, Bad or BiJor '.av in the olo?th, the skin has a thick, ranpl feeling, and is darker th:.n usual. (Vth u<>.-s. Melancholy ,Fcrlii,-\ Cratps, Cold4? Ftjct, Colic, Dysentery. Di. i rhoea. Chris and; Fe*er, rndPilcs. In fact, where the Li*? i-iiut of order, you are liable to every di-( ?/. ens?1 is not cciiljigii'it.-. Prophitt's Li 4 ?' er Mi lit in?-, if taken rtn Jrly, will prevei t*a and euro any disease re^i dting from a d*-?^ r i - ?i liver. 1 Will pegubito its functiq -tjC - ?. l t' r- ire all d it** asc- ? mst-d ' y th mi l. Us lieftlih} * ? ? :ii;?r. is has '>eoi i , i .t numb r ? f y.-r<, und I.SS g'v? univiTSj-l iatisfat;i< a. Y:.?; ?* i* n.j l ? ii ?oii claiming to ! tvo t :? ? origin*!' re d .- ?>!;! uii in b ah.Vesvl.-r ett'l '. ln$d !'<??' 1 ...hi Lt.. Sept. -i. U*V.'.- -DC. o. PRui'ii 11 i": Si::: \Ji w :' hi* .et i \ \?;id 1?| ;i i'.'.i yctU";. D(.f'< 'S ?il ?f.-Ji '???? i'!?d; --i.iv-r itiafti.,;.*.''? It i? ? tit-ir .:ny ;.u> d. ? RoivVfime^ago Iprc Oi } our ??!.'??.'. r : l-Eci-ia,*' -ofi ;. C. A. Bi'rarey. wflieh te 4 cnrdjUig to f?reetions, has tttiCted - I I l.f r-V.e. U ? ic, GEO. L. T?0MP5?A . i'i:m :. it. x. c. Sept. 24, l^oS.?I Lntjf ? Dr. O. S. Pn phitt k i.ivi > Mudicini- as . lonnf. and foituia it l?> be wowerfui ? -4 iSfiontious! D is c:v?livui fur fuuctioi it .,??.. !???? Uli ..t thjt l.iver or ccVsifpatio i <<if the b??? ??!< : i'i ]?'-si c..>?,?; ^uj^, sei!:ii^ I u necessity o'j n reguial eoiirfC of ftcdicine. E,.J, >iiA na!u.-:e. a. M. Paste. [Tryun it\r.rox c'.i^tv. Texas. Aug {. lSd'' I . S. PliGIMt" '.?/'"</? ? ! ,T.tcy?lli. 9 ? inpirm yen chin I^nVe biwn troub'.i t ; at dciil with in loo. liutrtlter tu:?.\j mtc bottle of your Liver MericThWr^l ' . 1 ????at relief, i chirrrfully ric4tamen<i i. . gooil Fsndly M ??io in?-, an 1 feel c mml i I that it ii good for anything'nor which it c. ima to be i?a uatiddte Wiy. rcspectiudy, DICK AOCh'ETE. PJIOPIIITT'S TAIN KILL IT This is the celebrated me Heine tha Perry Davis, P*tin KiPer oiit of the m?. wherever it wu* soid, Davis made Pr . ohange the mime (Vom Pr.i-,Jviller t? :\id it. For Rhe?matism, Neur:'.. i pain of any kind it has no e.j lal 1j j ItrulscsV Burns, or o'd Si r sr. It ,Ug yon can us.; as a dyesnfel itea ?r Stings oi Poisonoti In 1 p iKet Antidote, it is goooicrj j Cou'gliS, or Aowol Compli ! ind cfttcs its nature fully. I? ii t. pain. . Manufactured aii I viKi.K ii Co., Atlanta. Ga, (ill druggists. Dooi.y COONTV, G.\., Ap. j Itc rtify lixjii I was eonj I nnd most of th< time to i in?; tiie greatest agony j Rhcui'oi.i.Lsm, ?|',-r-ti?t mt^ .x..^ cured v.itlt two bt ! Prophitt's Amodyne Pain ing rifty cents ^nly. It Instantly. I thcrcforo highest degree toot hers j Ear disease. ? 1 csn finest :iuoiiy inediein is nj Yours truly, W. Drvol.y Pot. stv, Ga O. S. PHOIIMTT. I Iii eighteen months, used y< ider i: nneoualcd l>i n tything : par p.^ in the head, br.:.-;, b ?k ar side: antf.Mr colie i'. o hing gives n-'.. ->t m\( sc .tvd W its jour Anodyne Pain Kill. It is doling-a,. h> goo'd in the community in other t?\j>ib?s im my awn. Yours, ;.c? [). J, F0REIIA>D. Newton Factosv, Oi , N?v., ~i$C7.-~Tr Propbitt : Last summ. 4 r\* hoise spr-tti his knee sevei fly. cunsi i^the^fdiole teg to swell to about twice i gainrij sJx.^aad rendering him almost h?: tians of your Anodyne Pn lyourediL j< TEXlTirit STATE OF GEOLGI\,j Know all men by these nrj this day, for-valuereen? fcrrcd io Bradfiold A .'wo apjaioo. till 'i thorongh |N ? DAVB. iTf:. : CbAUJ'^ii told and traifV Jie sole ri>,ht to In [Signe.. j 0,8. PROPHnr i - pr^son^e, of T: . ;-. jc?v . ;u|Mt (. raw lord, Note iy !'?: < >> Vj f \ V .uuf, dm-. 1 ,, ? ,. ?ii,,! h, KimitV* ft CO., Brovl uroct v aa> br nil dr.' t-;.|f