The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, February 04, 1871, Image 2

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?WO DOLLARS. PER ANNUM. S GOD J^NH OTJR COTJltf Y. < ALWAYS IN ADVAIW* VOLUME 4. _ . SATURDAY MOBBING, FEBRUARY 4,1871. i N?MBM? ?l THE ORANGEBtJBGr NEWS PUBLISHED AT IBrery Saturday Horning. BT THE ORANGEBURG NEWS COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ?ne Copy Tor one year.$2.00 ?? ?< Six Months..T 1.00 Any ev.e sending TEN DOLLARS, for a Olab oT Now Subscribers, will receive an EXTRA COPY for ONE YEAR, freo of charge. Any one sending FIVE DOLLARS, for * Club of New Subscribers, will receive an EXTRA COPY for SIX MONTHS, free of ?karge. ?:o:? RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Square 1st Insertion...... $1.50 ?? 41 2d " . 1.00 A Square consists of 10 lines Brevier or ene inch of Advertising space. Administrator's Notices, ......$5 00 Notices ef Dismissal of Guardians, Ad ministrators, Executors, &c.$9 00 Contract Advertisements inserted upon the meat liberal terms. MAERTAOE and FUNERAL NOTICES, ?8t exceeding one Square, inserted without ?b?rge, ?:o:? Terms Cash In A France. *"?a SEABROOKr BROWNIE meyers, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE AT Orangcburg and BrancltTillc, ?. o ? Mr. MEYERS or BROWNING nill be at Brnnchville every Monday. K. B. 8IABKO?K, Acting * jilcitor 1st Cireult. MALCOLM L BR^'.NING. l? FELLER MEYERS, Trial Justice. jaa 7 may 14 ]y . J. FELDER KEYERS, TRIAL JUSTICE. "Will ATTEND PROMPTLY to the Duties ef his Office. Call on him at the Office of SEABROOK, BROWNING & MEYERS, No. 3, Court House Square, jan 7 tf KNOWLTON ft BULL, ATTORNEYS AND COUNc" LORS ORAXGIIRI IU;, S, C. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, CHARLES R. BULL. Mr. Knowlion will be at Lewisville EVERY SATURDAY, and at Fort Motte on the 2d ?ad 4th FRIDAYS of every moulh. jnly 23 tf cooke <fc cooke, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, O HA N G E Jl U R ?7, S. C. T?ill attsr.d io BUSINESS in any of tbe STATE and tho U. S. COURTS for the District of South Carolina. T. H. COOKS. H. P. COOKE. T. IE COOKE, Trial Jaalice, will IT TEND PROMPTLY to aU BUSINESS eatrnsted to bis care. juae 26 tf F. M. WANNAMAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, be at ORANQEBUBG. on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. AI LEWISVILLE en the other days of the Week, fob 12 tf W. X,. W. RXJ&ETY TRIAL JUSTICE, ?CBldence in Fork of Ed into, ALL BUSINESS ENTBUSTED rill bo promptly and carefully attended to. jnly 23 *7 "m. albrecht, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, *OKAXClEBI'I?<J, S. ?,. I3E8PECTFULLY 1NFORMSTI1E CITI f\j scus of Orungnburg and Vieinity that he hae opened nt his NEW STORE on Rus sell Street, betwoeu Messrs. Briggtnann & Co. and MoNnmnr* It Jones, with a complete Stock or LEATHER, fci?? and (hat he has sufficient Worhmen to till all 0?dc?s tnucsi ed to him. Thanking tho Public for post patronage, re-pcotfully solicits a conimuance of the atme. 1 ERMS CASH. feb o out 23 tf FRANK MELLETT, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, MOVED TO Scpir* Ellis' Old Office, OBA?GEBVBG, S. C. Is prepared to do all work in the Above )ino as neat and cheaper than any other man. Please give me a trial. AH work warranted fo give satisfaction. ." FRANK MELLETT. OFFICIAL CIRClJXAls. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Omca or lhs Comptroller General, [ Com-Miua, 3. C, January 10, 7870. ) "VTOTICE is hereby given to ell Agents of JL , >??U7?SG& Cotupaiiictl doing uu?illcS8 in tbis State, that on and after the twenty-first day of February, 1870, they will be ventured to obtain new licenses, end before said licen ses are issued, the Companies will be requir ed to make a deposit of certain bonds or stock with the Act of December 22d. 1801), a oopy of whioh is hereunto appended. The law will bo rigidly enforced, and all Compa nies must make the deposit within the time specified. J. L. NEAGLE. Comptroller General. A N ACT to regulate the Agnncies of Insu i\ ranee Companies not incorporated in t no State of South Carolina. Sectio* 1, enacted by the Senate and Houno of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, uow met and sitting in Geacrnl Assembly and by the authority of the same, That it shall not bo lawful, after the first day of April, ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, for any agent or any Insurance company in tho United States, or any foreign Slate, incorpo rated by the lows of this State, to take risks j or transact any business or insurance in this Stute without first obtaining license from the Comptroller General, which license shall ex pire on the 3lst .ley of March of each year. Sec 2.^ T'oatb 'before the Comptroller General 6jall issue suoh license- to any agent, of any insurance company not incorporated in South Carolina, there shall be filed in his ortice a certified copy of the charter of the company from which the said agent or at torney has received his appointment, aad also a aertified copy of the vote or resolution of the Trustees or Director of said company appointing him such agent, acoompunied'hy a wnvrsut ot appointment under the official seal of tho company, und signed by the President audSecretary. Such warrant of appointment shall continue valid and irrevo cable until another agent or attorney hns been substituted so that at all times while any liability remains outstanding taerd shall . be within the State an agent or ivttjoxlfy n aforesaid, and shall contain a coridctpt ox pressed, authorizing process of law'to bo saved on said agent or attorney for all lia bilities of every nature incurred in this Stato by said company, and that such service made on such agent or attorney in tho manner re quired by thu laws of this State shall bo deemed legal and binding sn the company or companies, in all coses whatsoever, and that every judgment so recovered shall be con clusive evidence of the indebtedness of the company; and in ndditiou to said warrant of appointment, there shall be filed und pub lished a statement, made under oath of its President or Secretary, showing its assets and liabilities, and distinctly showing the amount of capital stock, and how tho same has been paid, and of what the assets of the company consists, the amount of losses duo and unpaid, and all other claims against tho company, or other indeptedncss, whether due or not due at the time ef the filing of the statement above, and shnll further show: 1st. That said companies have fulfilled the provisions of their respective charters, and of the extensions and amendments thereto, in every particulni, and whether there has been any change of charters since last statement. 2d. The amount of policies outstanding as near as can be ascertained. 8d. The character of the risks, and the rule governing companies and their agents in taking the same, both as to locality and amount. 4th. The particular character of the as sets, specifying the amount of each and pub lic, bunk, manufacturing or other stocks aud bonds, or other securities, held by the com panies, with tho evidence that they are held by them, the rule of iuvcslmeut m real es tate, securities, and the general localities of real estute secured to oompanies. 5th. The amount received from premiums, f.Jid whether ouiuviciit to pay IosbuS, Ac. Oth. Whether there have been any chan ges in agencies during the preceding six months. Sec. 8. That every agent or attorney ob taining such license shall also cause Bitch li cense to be published in some uewspuper, to be designated by the Comptroller General, having circulation in the county in which 6e resides. Tue company shall also iurnish the Comptroller General, through their agent, an annual statement of the affairs of the com pany, as provided in the second Section of this Act, and it shall be tho duly of the agent or agents to publish the same. Sec. 4. That if the Comptroller shall bo some satisfied thut. any company is insolvent or unsafe, it shall be his duty to refuse li cense to its agent or agents, and to withdraw any liconso (but has been alreudy issued. Sec. 5. That any person w ho shall deliver any policy of insurance, or collect any pre mium of insurance or transact any business of insurance in this State, for any company in the United States, or foreign State, not Incorporated by tho laws of this Slate, with out having first obtained license as by this Act required, or after his license has been withdrawn, or who shall in any way violate the provisions of this Act, shall be fined for every such offenoe not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five bundred dollar?, at tho discretion of tliQ Judge j Provided, further, That nothing contained in this Sec tion shnll release any oampany or companies upon any policy issued or delivered by it or them. Sxo. 6. That for every license issued by I he Comp, roller Goneral under this Act. he shnll be paid by ths company taking out such license the sum of five dollars for his own use. Sec. 7. That all Aids or parts of Acts in consistent wltk thin Act are hereby repealed. In the Sonata-House, tho fifth day of March, in th? year of aur Lord one thou sand eight hundred aid sixty-nine. D. T. CORPIN, President pro tempore of the 8enate. FRANKLIN J. MOSES, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives Approved the sixth day of March,1801). 11"??:?? J-L. Scott, Qof^rssK STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA At a General Assembly begun to be holden at Columbia on the fourth Tuesday in Novem ber, in tbh year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and thence continue by divers adjournments to the twonty first day of Deoomber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred j and sixty-nine: am act to better fbotict holdem? or in SCBANCK ruLtCtES IN THIS STATS. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senete and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen eral Assembly, and by the authority of the same: No Company or Association which is now organised, or which may be hereaf ter organised in this State, to carry on the business of insurance of any kind or kinds, shall proeccd further with business (as the ease may be) until tbey bare deposited with the Comptroller Genoral of this State bonds or stocks of thin State equal to the sum of fifty thousand dollars par value for each Life Insurance Company or Association, and twenty thousand dollars par value for eaob other Insurance Company or Assooiation. The Comptroller General shall hold such bonds or stocks as security for policy holders in tho Company or Association; but, so long as any Company or Association so depositing shall oontinuo solvent, tho Comptroller Gen eral may permit such Company to eolleot and reoeivo tho interest on such bonds or stocks so deposited. Sec. 2. AVhcnovcr any Company or Asso oiation is, or shall become fully organized, and the eaid Company or Ass oiation have deposited with tho Comptroller General the requisite amount.of State bonds or stocks, it shall become his duty to furnish the Corpora tion or Association with a certificate of such deposit, which certificate or duplicate thereof certified by the Comptroller General, may be used in aud be evidence for a ad against tho Corporation. 8ko. 3, It shall not be lawful for any per son or persons, Corporation of Corporations, Association or Associations to act within this State as agent, or otherwise, in receiving cr procuring applications for insurance of any kind or kinds, or in any manuer to aid in transacting the business of insurance of any kind or kinds for any Company or Associa tioa incorporated by, or organized under the laws of this or any other State Government, or any foreign Government, until such Com pany or Association have deposited with the Comptroller General of this State, for the benefit of the policy holders of such Com pany or Association, citizens or residents of the Uuired States, bonds or stocks of this State equal to the snm of fifty thousand dol lars par value tor each Life Insurance. Com pany or Association, and. twenty thousand dollars par valuo for each other Insurance Company or Association; but, ;e long us auy Compuny or Association so depositing shall continue solvent, tho Comptroller General may permit such Company or Association to collect and recoive the interest on such bonds or : t- *l - no deposited, and* haTO appointed an Attorney in this Stute on whom process of law can be served ; and said Attorney shall huvo filed with the Comptroller General a certified copy of the charter of said Com pany or Association, and nl?o a certified copy of tho vote or resolutions of the Trusteed or Directors of inch Company or Association ap pointing him the Attorney of such Company, which appointment shall ctntinue until another Attorney he substituted ; which shall bo done upon the death, removal or in capacity to uot of such Attorney, or muy be done by such Company or Association at any time. When the foregoing requirements, aud Fitch other requirements ns uow are, or muy hereafter be required by law, shall be complied with l:to Comptroller General shall give a certificate to that effect, and also sta'o the neme of the Attorney, which certificate, when filed in the County Clerk's Oflico of tho County where the agency is to be located, sbull be the authority to commence business Sf.o. 4. Every violation of this Act shall subject the Company or Association, or agent or agents, violating, jointly and severally, to a peualty of five hundred dollars for each violation, which shall be sued for and recov ered in a joint or several civil action, in the name of the State of South Carolina, by the Solicitor of .no Circuit in which the Com pany or Association, or agent or ugonts so I violating, shall be situated; one-half of such penalty when recovered shall be paid into the County Treasury of such County, and I the other half to tho informer of such viola tion ; and, in case of the non-payment of such penally, the person or persons so offend [ ing Khali be liable to imprisonment for a pe riod not exceeding one year in the discre tion of the Court having cognizance thereof. Seo. 5. The Comptroller General shall ! safely and separately keep the bonds or stocks of each Company or Association, and shnll return the identical bonds or stocks re ceived ; ami during the usuul office hours, shall keep the bonds or stocks, subjeot to tho examination of the representative of any Com pany or Association having made a deposit, as required by this Act ; and the State shall be responsible for the return of all said bonds or stocks dy the Comptroller General. v. AU Ast? ans p??i??u Aoia incon sistent or conflicting with this Act are here by repealed. Seo. 7. -This act shall tuko effect sixty days after ita passage. In the Senate-House, the twenty-first day of December, in tho year of our Lord oui> thousand eight hundred ami sixty nine. (Signed) C. W MONTGOMERY, President pro tempore of the Senate. (Signed) FRAN KLIN J. MOSES, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved the 22d day of December, 18tlfl. (Signed) ROBERT K.SCOTT Governor. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Office Sxohetakt or Stats. / I. F. L. . Cardesa, Secretary of 8tate of South Carolina, do hereby certify that tho above is a correct oopy of an Act entitled "An Aot to belter protect holders of insur ance policies in this Stale," on file in this ~iu - - Given under my hand and the acul of the State, in Colum bia, this 24th day of Deae.m ber, A. D. 18H?, and in tho 04th year of American Inde pendence. F. L. CARDOZA, Secretary of State, oct 22 tf 5*1 $70. j EXECUTIVE DEPATMFNT, Ovrina or CoMrTuoLi.t.a-GENSBAi., Columbia, S. C, September 1, 187 THE following list of Lie-used Insurance Agents is published for the information ot all concerned. Tho?r Companies marked* have not complied with the provisions of the Act of December, 18(i0, requiring a deposit of St.ito Securities, snd their Agents ore ?utho; lied to i; i;(n*\<i. b<4u!. bosiBSM only m may be nccassiry for tho fulfillment of con tracts made prior to the twenty-second day of February, 1870. All Agents are required to publish their Licenses, in the Daily Re publican, at Chariest on, o? South Carolina Re fmbli(an, of Columbia, as directed in Circu ar issued from 'hiB office, under the date of ! September 1, 1869. FIRE COMPANIES. CITIZENS. A L Tobias....y..Charleston. GEORGIA -HOME. Thomas S Moorman..Ncwbcrry. A White.Sumter. II E Nichols & Co.Columbia Hut son Lee.t.Charleston. E J C Wood.i.Aiken. J F C DuFre....Abbeville. A D Towers.Anderson. W II llardin.Cheater. W L J Reid.Cheraw. 1> R Durlsoe.Edgefield. W E Earlo.?.Greenville. JJI Henry.....v.Lausens. Qeo II CornclBon......Orangeburg Joseph M El ford.Spar tan burg. J T Hill & Co.Union O U Thompson.,.Winnsboro. G AFenick....Yorkvillo. Wright & Crnm..Bamburg. HARTFORD. Isaac Branch.j).Abbeville. John Ferguson.?. .........Greenville. A II Heyden.,.......Charleston. II E Nichols & Co.Columbia. A L Tobias.1.Charleston. A5TNA. George Hugginsr.. ?.Columbia. CONTINENTAL. W B Heriot.Charleston. II E Nichols & Co.Columbia John Ferguson.Grecuville. Isaac Branch.Abbeville. A B Towers.Anderson. GERMANIA. W L J Reid.Cheraw. I W H Hardin.Chester. U E Nichols & Co.Columbia. John Ferguson.Greenviile. Cornelius Graham.Marion. W F Pratt.?.NcAberry. Bull & Scovill.v.Orongehurg. ! .Joseph M El ford.........Sparinnhurg. Anthony White.Sumter. JohnT Hill ft Co.Union. O R Thompson.I..Winnsboro. T S Jeffreys.?Yorkville. Isaac Bruncy.Abbeville. A B Towers.Anderson. W D .McDowell.Camden. Colburn & Howell.?..Charleston. HOME, NEW 'MAYEN. W D Heriott & Co.Charleslon. Isaac Branch.............Jr-,j.......ILanohvillc. j A B Tower?...,.......,.,?M??x?^.M^.AnU<<ivu>n., Henry G Ely.....Deaufort. ! H E Nichols & Co.Columbia. Hodgson & Dunlap....Cnmden. Gco McD Stoll.Florence. Fovguson & Miller. Greenville. Thomas 8 Moorman.Nowberry. Thomas V Walsh.Sumter. Osmond I* Thompson.Winnsboro. Themas S JetTreys.Yorkvillo. HOME, NEW YORK. Z B Oakes, General.Charleston. E .1 C Wood.A iken. S L l.eaphurt.Columbia. IMPERIAL, LONDON. George Hoggins.Columbia. INTERNATIONAL. S Y Tupper.Charleston LIVERPOOL k LONDON & GLOBE. W K Rlaac.Spartenburg. W F Nance.Nowberry. C T Loudes, General.Charleston. W II Parker.Abbeville. W II Harden.Chester. John II Barksdalc.Laurens. W D McDowell.-.Camden. Charles H Mouc.8umter. J M Johnson.Marion. Robert Bryce.Columbia. S 8 Fraser.Georgetown. Julius C Smith.Greenville. W 8 Brown.Anderson. Wm Godfrey.Cheraw. MANHATTAN. R E Fraser.Georgetown. George Huggins.Columbia. S Y Tapper...Charleston. MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS. linger & liaveuei.Charleston. NATIONAL. Huger & Ravcncl.Charleston. NORTH AMERICAN. 8 Y Tupper.Charleston. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE OF Lonuok .and Enmiurta II E Nichols A Co-.Columbia. Edward Subring....Charleston. ORIENT MUTUAL. Huger A Ravcncl-.Chnrletdon. PHG2NIX, Of BROOKLYN, N. Y. Georgo Huggins....Columbia. 8 8 Kraser.Georgetown. S Y Tupper.-.Charleston fAClFIC. A L Tobias.Charleston. PUTNAM. W B Hardin.....Chester. Colbura k Howell.Charleston. George Huggins.....Columbia. RIODMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE. A White.Sumter. J L Honour.....Charleston. SICLRITY. A White.,.Sumter. 11 E Nichols & Co.Columbia. Q W Mclver.Cheraw. RE Fraaer.Georgetown. 8 Y Tupper.,,,,,,,,.Charleston. UNION, or Baltimore. Colburn ft Howell.Charleston. UNION, or Sah Francisco. Wm B Heriot ft Co.Charleston. Georgo Huggins.Columbia. I o LIFE COMPANIES, CARINA. DuRose. Wiusboro? I ? D Uichaideou, Sudler. M C Butler, Columbia. W C Corrie, Charleston. George Tuppcr, Charleston. ? C McLure, Chester, Quarlcs & Ferrin, Abbeville. O N Butler, Edgefield. 8 B Griffiin, Edgefield. ? -Youmans, Gillisonville. Theo Q Croft, canvassing, Greenville. L Charlton, canvussing, New berry. Jaa II Whitner, canvassing. Lancaster. YY B Metts, canvassing, York. W W & Finncy, canvassing, Society Hill. M.i uro & Fant, canvassing, Anderson. Jaines Q Qibbs, canvassing, Union. DcSanssure & Salmond, canvassing, Camden. J J Johnson, canvassing, Sunitor. COTTON STATES. Laval, Black & Gibbes, General, Columbia. JasC Cullem, Traveling, Aiken. Dr Jos Quattlebaum, Traveling, Aiken. Doko. Thos B Crews, Laurens. h A Towu8end, Union. D It Duncan, Travcl'ng, Spartanburg. B C Elkin, Traveling, Doko. Lovick P Miller, Traveling, Georgetown. Dr M V7 Abnsy, Traveling, JSdgetield C II. Burrel Bros., Charleston. A Fletcher Buff, Ridgcway. Jas W Law, Winsboro. Isaiah 1 Fox, Walterboro. E M Law, Yorkville. John O Wilson, Marion C Ii. David B Clayton, Traveling, Columbia. Dr John S Hugbson, Sumtor. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY, of the Uuitcd States A B Towers, Anderson. J II Henry, Laurens. W B Shaw, General, Charleston. F Mclchcra, Charleston. N Austin Bull, Orangoburg. W F Nance, Nowbcrry. James B Eicll, Columbia. John P Matthews, Jr, Winrboro. Win Joel Smith, Abbeville. T 8 Jeffreys, Yorkville. T II Dick, Traveling, Sumter. A II Dttvega, Chester. Henry E Scott, Columbia. KNICKERBOCKER. George Huggins, Columbia. Wm S Hustie & Son, General, Charleston. NEW YORK. Thorn a* Frost, General, Chrrleston. Win Elliott, Beaufort. T J LaMotte, Columbia. John R London, Rock Hill. W H Parker, Abbeville. J M Davis, Camden. 0 R-Thompson, Winsboro. D R Leckte, Cluster. Ohas H Moise, Sumier. w 11 Campbell, Greenville. PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON. A B Towers, Anderson. B G Heriot, Charleston. Thos B Withers, York. / Thos Sumter Mills, Chester ? Osccola Sitgrcavcs, York. R. G McCaw, Traveling, Yorkville. S D Shannon, Traveling, Hamburg. W K Mlako, S^?rlanburg S B Clowbey, Winnsboro. Leaphart, Jelfcrsou & Ransom, G*ueral, Columbia. Dr Isaac Dranch, Superintendent of Agen cies, Abbeville. J J Wurd'.aw. Abboville. 1 Julius 0 Smith, tircenville. M 0 Berry, Greenville. I II L McGowan, Laurens. 0 L Liiidsey, Traveling, Laurens. ThomalS Moorman, Ncwberry. Wm J Lake. Nswbcrry. I G B Lake, Edgefield. J A C Jones, Edgefield. John S Wilson, Chester. >> .lames H Fowles, Orangeburg. Wm Clyburn, Kershaw. Wulter F Rccd, Kcrshaw and adjoining coun ties. J L Honour, Charleston. S F JefTiusou, Oconee. A W Atkinson, Huruwcll. James B Bell, Chester, York, &c, Gilos A Feniok, ('bester aud adjoining coun ties. T 8 Hey ward. Traveling, Charleston. H II Cook, Rarnwell. D D Moor??, Canvassing, Chester and adjoiu ing counties. SECRITY LIFE AND ANNUITY. W Hutson Townend, General, Aiken. Louis Sherfesse, Traveling, Charleston. C A DeSnussure, WuHcrboro' 1 McP Hutson, Traveling, Bsrnwell. J J Mackay, Traveling. Orongeburg. A J Morris, Traveling. Edgolield. W D Scliocnberg, Truvcling, Columbia. Dr A English Williams, Caurassing, Colleton County. Henderson Si Behre, Canvassing, Walter boro. ST. LOUIS MUTUAL. Robert N Miller. Travelling, Williston. Thomas M White, Anderson. B 11 Teasdalo, Traveling, Charleston. A L Smith, Traveling,'Frog Level. Win Wallace, Traveling, Camden. wm Godfrey, Traveling, Cbaraw. * ?Moore, Traveling, bennett?jvillp. J M Westmoreland, Traveling, Greenville. H A C Walker, Georgetown. Rev Cbrrlos Beits, Traveling. Georgetown. J M Miller, Traveling, Columbia. W B Wilson, Jr, Yorkville. SOUTHERN. (Atlanta DKr-ARTMiNT.) H J Iliek8on, Lancaster. J A Miller, General, Augusta, On. Cash & Wnring, General, Columbia. John L Manning, Special, Manchester. R N Miller, Traveling, Williston. O P Hay, Traveling, Summerville. R E Lyes, Traveling, Angusla, Go. T T May, Traveling. Aiken. R Y Tupper. Chsrlofton CL Yates, Traveling, Charleston. F J Hay, M D, Traveling, Summerville. E D Brnilsford, M D, Traveling, Summer ville. J E Rmith, Traveling, Hopkins. S S Frsser, Georgetown, 8 A Durham A Ce, Marion, C H. E B Brunson, Mars Bin/. J J JJing, Timmonsville. S White, Sumter. S H Sanders. Camden. LC Ti/ompson, Liberty Hill. W MDwight, Wlnsbero. James Pagan, Chester. Jamos F Spearman, Newberry C H. J A Hamilton, Orangeburg. Tobin k Tosely, Lsurons. F 8 Cassidy, Midway. J S Bamberg, Bamberg. W 8 Wooten. Graham's. w H, Kennedy. WillUioa. W M Hnnl er, Wartaweil. C ? Lartigue, Bl nek rille. D R Durisot, Edgefield C H. James Mason, Yorkvillo. F M Godbold, Cekesbury. Dr Alex McCJoud, BennettsvlUe. Dr JE Carnes, Bighopvillt. B F Whitner, Anderson. J 8 Cothran, AbbeviUe. F G DeFont nine. Columbia. Benjamin Rober, Edgefield C IT. John F Green, Traveling, Columbia. James E Black, Columbia. Dr B W Lawton, Traveling, Savannah. Dr T J Goodvryn, Traveling, Orangebnrg. Dr T A Walker, Greenville. Robert W Shand, Union. UNIVERSAL. Rev W T Farrow, Traveling, Greenwood. R E Cochrane, Traveling, Charlotte, N C. Thos A Boone, Traveling, Charlotte, N C. W N Marchant, GranitevUIe. LOUSIANNA EQUITABLE. W J JJeke, General, Columbia. PHG3XIX MUTUAL. Wm J Molyucaux, General, Charlrtton. I J. L. NFAGLE, Comptroller General of Souih CoroUne. I oct 29 tf ITMENT,) 1, 1870. J EZECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Orrtoe ob Comvtrollbb Columbia, 8. C, September To all whom it may concern ; THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOL lowing Insurance Companies, having deposi ted the amount of Securities of this State re quired of them respect fully by the Act of December. 1869, entitled "An Act tc better protect H olders of Insurance PoUcies in this State and having otherwise fulfilled the re quirements of said Act, and of all other Acts relating to Insurance in this State, are au thorized to transact business therein under lioenses heretofore and to be hereafter issued to their Agents, until the expiration ef the time therein specified rias eoMPAXiss. Deposit.$20,000 etch Union, of Baltimore, Md. Union, of San Francisco, CaL iBtna, or New York City. Continental, of New York City. Germania, of New York City. Georgia Home, of Columbus, Go. Hartford, of llsrtford, Conn, hotde, of ^...r YoikCUy. Imperial, of London. International, of New York City. Liverpool and London and Globe, of London and Liverpool. Manhattan, of New York City. Merchants and Mechanics, of Baltimore, Md. National, of Baltimore, Md. North American, of New York City. North British and Mercantile, of London and Kdiuourgh. Orient Mutual, of New York City. Pacific, of San Francisco, Cal. Phenix, of Brooklpn, N. Y. Putnam, of Hartford, Conn. Richmond Banking and lnsunnce, of Rich monJ, Vs. Security, of New York City. lifb com 1'a.niks Deposit.$50,000 each Carolina, of Memphis, Tcnn. Cotton States, of Mncon, Ga. Equitable Lifo Assurance Society of the Uni ted States of New York City. Knickerbocker, of New York City. New York, of New York City. Piedmont ond Arlington, ef Richmond. Va. Policy Holders Life and Tontine Assurance Company of the South, of Chariest on,S. C. Security Lifo and Annuity, of New York City. Southern of Memphis, Tenn. St. Louis Mutual, of St. Louis, Mo. Universal, of New York City. J. L. NEAOLE, oc t 20?t f Comptroller G en er al. EXECUTIYE DEPARTMENT. STATE TREASURY OFFICE, Colvmiiia, S. C.j Deoember 1, 1870. THE BOOKS of the Treasury Office for the Transfer and Conversion of STOCKS and BONDS will be closed on and after the nlfith instant until the 1st proximo, for con veienco in preparing statement of interest ?lue to January 1, 1871. NILES O. PARKER, Treasurer State S. C. dec 3 0 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Stats TnEAsrav Orrirr, Colcmbia, S C, December ?, 1870. rpiIE INTEREST falling due on the 1 Coupon Bonds of the State of South Carolina to tho 1st of Jnnunry, 1871, will be paid IN GOLD on and after that Onto at the office of H. H. Kimpton, Financial Agent of tho Stale, No. 9, Nuosau Buoei, Now York, and at this office. Tho in. ?rest falling duo on the Registered Stock of the State to January 1st, 1871, will be paiil IN GOLD on and after that date at tho Treasury office only. NILES G. PARKER, Treasurer State South Carolina, dec 8 e FOR SALE! Thnl VALUABLE PLANTA TION knewn as "Helle-il'.o," ' formerly owned by Mr. Charles R. Thompson, situated in Or angeburg County, near Fort Motte Depot, containing 1,67Q seres of '-and, a part of which Is WELL TIMBERED, the balenoe CLEARED and admirably adapted te the Culture of COTTON and PROVISIONS, An excellent RANGE for 8TCCS in the Conga rce Swamp, A fine Water Power near the South Carolina Railroad. DWELLING in good order and Outbuilding*, if not before dltpesed of, will be sold tt auction under tho mortgage to Oliver Mid dleton, on the 1st Monday in February next. Terms made known at sale. Apply to JOUN COLCOOt ft CO*., Charleston, S. C. Or COL. A. P. AMAKER, . Si. Matthews P. O., S. C. dee 24 if The Southern Life Insurance ?o? pany. Every effort of opposition, bekrieg a semblance to truth, has been used by Northern Insurance Societies, to wea ken the interests of the "Southern Life" and destroy its rast business, thai is rapidly absorbing the stream of wealth, hitherto pouring into the pockets of Northern Capitalists. .But the abuse to* lavishly and ingeniously expended, hoar proven bot brazen bands of strength, rendering doubly strong and pros perons, thin Home enterprise.. Its bran ches extend orer the entire Southern* Country, and the'shrewdcet financiers of Wall Street rate its stock on a jpar with Govern meat Securities. And eveh' in the Northern cities it is vieing itic cessfully in business with Northern Com panies. It is not our purpose to Ward' off the harmless attacks of Northern' Companies, they hare so long fattened on Southern patronage, that they part with it reluctantly, bnt we wish to offer a few reasons, why Southern people should prefer to sustain a Southern' Com -? pany. 1. Its assets of $1, 200, 000, itr tftire* times in excess of its liabilities. 2. The Capital Stock of ?240,000' U fully paid up, and is rated A No: 1 by the first Bankers of New York. 3. Its dividends to Stockholders paid' annually, are less than the Salary paid: to a President of a Northern Company. 4. The earnings of the Society, are kept at homo to build up our impover ished land. 5. This Company pays its Agents lees, than Northern Companies, and the en tire expanse of Officers and Clerk's Sal aries, does not amount to $12, 000! Its direction and management is in' the bands of such men as General* Wade Hampton, and Gordon. The na ture of the Securities accepted for loan?y are such as to render losses practically impossible And particular care is ob served by the Medical board, that every person offering for assurance is sound* and healthy. In is no longer a1 matter for reflection1,, that every head of a family, who* can, should insure. The precarious ohaneet? of any business; and the certainty of' death, decide that it is a duty. A' small* part of your income sett aside each* year, will secure a maintenance to1 your help*-: less on es in the event of death, aud the dread of leering them unprovided for*, will be removed. If then it is a duty to Insure your life, it is equally a duty to do so in a Company, that isr aHfed' to' you in interest and in- principle. Why support a Northern' Company, when a* Southern Company ir in your midst. Do yourselves the justice to keep your mens here at home,- support the South ern Life Insurance' Company, and re lieve yourselves from Northern1 thevddon? by encouraging a Southern enterprise. A Western editor, on- eotertag- hi* office, and seeing his apprentice- hoy cut ting some queer capers, called' oU4 try him, "Jim, what are you* doing ou the floor V* "Why, sir, I have- had- a? shock." "A shock V "Why,, air/" said the lad, gasping, "one of your sub scribers eame in during your absence?-* said he owed for two years' subscription ?paid it?and also paid another year' in adrauco." An Ets to Business ?From s> west tern paper wo cut the following notice :?' Died?After a short illness-yesterday, my wifo, leaving behind her three infaut children. In the hope that her poor sonl is with God I brg to' i^orsc a"* oustomers that my store will boas well furnished as formerly, having confided' my business to nry principal clerk?who is extremely intelligent and as well Vera? ed in t'uj business as the deceased her self. "N. B.?Freeh corned beef Just re ceived " 0 No Smoking Allowkd.?Old Vr. Stearns, of New London, in hia later tears, kept a drug store. A gentleman, one day purchased a cigar of tho doctor, and, lighting it, began to amoke "Phisc dr. not smoke in tho stor-j/v said Dr. 8., politely, "it is against the rulo.' 4 "But you ssll cigars,'' rejoined the gentlemno,??"rail 'em- to smoke, don't you?'r "Tea, sir, we soil cigars,'' replied the dootor, a little sharply,~-"and see tit physic ; hut we tfan't alh*tv U to operate in th*stare."