j. FELDER MEYERS?Editor, CtEOBGK ISOLXVElt Financial and Business Manaqi SATUHDAY, JAN. 28, or NEWSPA 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from tho pest offico?whether directed to his name tor - another?or whether he Im? sub scribed or mot, is responsible forthepay. ti&HX'wi&Brstp; Tfcit Jtaper discon tinued, ho must pay all arvenrges, or the -publisher may continue to eendjt until pay ment i? made, and collect the whole amount,. , ** vrfctthef ttlsjnJtcii %-oiaTho cflico or not. flj 41i At 4kuawriharj6Edors his paper to be stepped at a certain time, nnd the publisher continues '?r?end it, the subscribeJkis bound to .ptsytrniniU'if heitaktfejibeut oft he post oOice. The law proceeds on the groui.d that, ^a man must P?y~fer whut he uses. ' 4. - The Courts have decided tknt refusing to 'take newspaper* ond periodicals from the ? ?pe^-.o'mce, 'or vomoving and leaving them m uncalled for is ;>nma/?ciVevidcncc of inteu Journal ist if. > Mr; M. vL David lias retired from the* Claroudoa/V^m^'tit tho- course of his Valedictory, the followiug occurs : ' ?t "* * ; ? ? ' . "I regret toBcycr Bp pleasant an inter course, but unavoidable"circumstnnccs have decreed aud T,j]j*^cfcrc, yiold try] her lawB." Hero. now com?./-' tho precious bit 'which strikes us ?i a remarkable pas ^ Sag?j-ia' <:*l,. U "flowers, evergreens," ^'aud "wreathes," and "snowflakes," can contribute at all towards-makiug a thing remark able.1 Listen. "Rut I will not forget my many kind friends, i will carry their names iudela bly_engraven upon my kear,t, and, in . memory to "them,,, will entwine around] i myr heart wreathes of "cvergreon decked with the moSt choiecst flowers; and over entertain and-cherjsh for them, thoiightsJ ? ? A \l ojjs.ii rs ?' t * 7 and feelings as pure as the falling of | snow-flakes." - ?: Now isn't*1 that a noticeable passage * Jar-- ? ** *? t ??* . ' ? for (flowers, etc ? But tho wholo thing is explained iu' the following quotation. Says this retiring editor : "As regards my polities.,,- I know of| ^nothing save Democracy, the ,old rt% stamp." . This explains it you see. He's a '7G man. Hi- bosom yearns after these principles which were *n vogue] wheu our "great groiid ' father was yot a boy. Wonder if all the people in those a- vv^cro^as ^ri^tj-ul^ ffhjtainlv the, ^opcs npKnl^vare not, * For. ourselves, if wo loved bjrds aud "flower /' and Jt ;:4,Bti?w*^fltrk whatever field his inclinations J c? To;-r:- )fl tli Uui C A ?! mil lead* bin,.. , ? , .? ~ ' ^ ?? [COMMUNICATE!*.] Mr. J.Jitor,: Much has-been written from .time .to time about the benefits of educationj tftid as.a general thing tho details-arc considered top dry aud un .interesting for admission into the coluyjs of the. press. I am iuducod to think, however, from your frequent mention-of Free Schools, and of the iuterestwhich I know you must feel iu the organization of these schools, that you will give space to this communication. * In view of the necessity which since the war compels us to ratrench all the usual expenses of living, and to practice t lie most systematic a?d riged economy, the necpla of this State should not only . feel grateful (of tho opp?ft '-.:*y of edu cating their children, but should heartily . endorse that form of Government which, in consideration of the poverty of tho people, a;;d in the exercise of a liberul ^policy, }ias placed tho moans of educa tion without"' cost or expense within reach of all. The heaviest item of expenditure, iu all large families, has heretofore been, the snms cxp'e'ndod in tho education of their children. ' But now the cost can be reduced to almost nothing, and without a cprcspond ing diminution of* the amount or quality ot education, moral, religious, or iutc Icctual which the children would rc 'ttiivo. " : Tt'seclus to be a vexed question in the minds of the intelligent aud influential ortt?n^oTT'fuY^M or not c Schools aro preforablo to tho old eystenr. And indeed there is a certain clasn, who openly oppose the present Hf^r< school system because they think (as B*8^!hey say) it is not rcrpcxtablr to teach rrr send their children to Public Schools. Now I regard ult such objections as above ttrfoc- Wfgi cly-tiw'fwncicw of a mind df?ensed by prrjudico nod hatred, and feel sorry for their ignorance. There <--Ii be no ioobf that children can ro (civeas good ;tu td?O?rtW in tho Public School*, intellectual, uior.il and religious as they would he likely to nttaia nt th.! porthv i'ublit U^fisLprivato, j>r.bpjitdiu? schools. And as a proof of this wo point with pleasure to the long list of namc3 become distin guished for their chafUy %i|c, if you think it will be interesting to any of your many readers. B. 'VTOT1CE. ? Pcrwons Ha ring 1^1 Demands ngaiust the Estate of David D. Smith, deceased, will present the same properly attested, and those indebted will make payment to DcTrevdlc 61 Whaloy, At torneys at Law, Orangeburg, S. C. SARAH PRICKET, Administratrix, jnn 28?It* 8t. Matthews, S. C. \T OTIt JE. ? 1 Vi-hoiih IIuv lllff ll. Demands against the Estate of Manly Smith, deceased, will present the samo pro perly attested, and thoso indebted will make payment to DeTreville & Whale/, Attorneys at Law,* Orangeburg, S. C. SARA IT PRICKET, Administratrix, jan 28?4t* St. Matthews, S. C. ?"Ctxecutor'at Notice.?All Per* Cjj hods having demands against tho Estate ofDianah iieacu iaie of tiua ywU'?ijr, W*Ii present the same properly attested, and alP persons indebted to said Estate, will make immediate payment to tho undersigned. JAMES F. IZLAR, jan 28?eowOt Qualified Executor. SALi:.? All the IIoiiHeuold and Kitchen Furniture, Provisions, one r jno Ruggy aud Harness, Cattle, Hogs, Con tents of Store, Blacksmith Tools ami many other articles will be sold at Auction ou 1st Friu.-.y in February next. Sale commencing at 10 o'clock at tho rtantation 01 jan 28?H Mrs. E. M. JACKSON. 2'R AA REWARD, ? Stolen t/?UU from W. L. LEE, nesr Willis ton, on tho night of the 28d, a RED RAY M A RE, about ? years old with Rlaio Face and White Spot on back, caused by Saddle, about 13 hands high, shod on front feet, and in Good Condition. The above roward will be paid for any in formation leading to recovery. Address . W. L LEE, jan 28?3t* Williston, S. C. -1- ?? ? -? IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. WuEnxAS, J. D. Staley hath applied to mo for letters of Administration on the Es tate of Sam'l R. Staley, late of Orangeburg County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and adoionish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to bo and appear be fore mo at a Court of Probate for the said County, to be holden at Orangoburg on the 7th day of February, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cans.- if any, why the said Ad ministration .should not be granted. Given under my hand and the deal of my Court, this 23d day of Jan., A. D. 1871, and in tho ninety-fifth year of American Independence. THAD. C. ANDREWS, jan -P ?- 2) Judge of Prohn to ?BOO- BUSHELS_ CORN! LOW FOR 0A8H. All Otl^ Goods - - El 1' ?! COTTON IS 0ELLIN? L?W. aivTJv SO WEr?i*LL OUR GOODS! JUST *? ^ CALL AND SEE OUR PRICES, DON'T CHARGE ANYTHING > ?' * * TO* * -? ?* ;^ * ' ** SHOW OUR STOCK. F. IL W. BRIGGMANN & CO. jnn 28 oot 9 ly 3 ? fej kW 3 . a e> ? ? ^ ? 5 a I ? 555 W 3- g " . S ULI ^ pq ?"HS |V| . I 3 1^9 contain from J5to20 per Cent. o( Dissolved Roue Phosphate of ] Lime, and from 2 to 2i per t'eut. of Ammonia, with a sufficient addition of Peru vian Gmviii-end Potash, to adapt it to all crops. Price ?Gf> p?r ton, cash; on time 870 per toUj and interest 7 per cent, per anuum. DISSOIVi;? ISOXK. Of high grjfdc, suitable for Manufacturers, or Planters, being in itself an nxcclbnt Fertilizer, and specially adapted lor compost. As large quantities o. Sulphuric Acid arc used to dissolve the I'liosphate, this will be found a cheap and convenient way to trnnspoit that material. The grade furnished will bo from 18 to 20 per ccut. Dis&Slved Rone Phosphate. Price 840 per ton cash- Ou time, 845, with interest at 7 per cent, per annumv Still higher grades will bo furnished to order at an additional price percentage. ^ m COMPOUND ACID.PHOSPHATH, Specially-prepared for composting with cot *on t.*.cd and tWher plantation mcuurcs. "*J^r tou ; cash ; on time, 840, with interest nt 7 per cent, per annum. GROUND RONE, er rates, consisting simply of the Native Rone Phosphates ground to ice 820 per ton cash. Ou time, (22 and interest at 7 per ceut. per Pncc ? At much" powder, anouui. mmi^ WM. C. REE & CO., Agents, No. 14 Adger's Wharf. ? '*"*' Charleston, S. C. G. IL.COHNELSON, Agent, Orangeburg, S. O N. R.?The~pcrcentngo of Dissolved Dona Phosphate of Lime, an J Ammonia in all tho KliwaTis. is ascevlaiiied nt the Works, by their Chemist, before dorrrsry. Should any purchaser be dissatisfied, he may return average samples of any pur chase, within 30 days af ter delivery, and they will be analyzed uucw, and any deficiency intiio per c. ntage guaranteed W?Ube made good to him by the Coat YOSE'8 GROCERY, Russell Stieet, Next to Treadweli's Hotel. TH RUllG HE ERRATEST INDUCEMENTS EVER OFFERED IN ORANGE G n O C E It I E s HIGH in 01'A LIT IY and LOW in PRICE. Call and examine. Jf^l?I~\ "Xr/^iClT? Late of tho Firm of . UrLW. V V/OJJJ. T. A. JEFFORDS & CO. jan 21 c s m r 2 cfl K 2? > o rr - -i C a E c ? S ? S O g M 9 O ? o w ? o ? Til P3 o 525 C G Cfl W 0 C Hfl er. COO C ? c "X c 71 C tr O > pi ? c/. *5 f3 SS? ??/? o a ? re oo C o o cj o re re rer/i X re crw, as H re H C 9 S *2. ^ re H ft* 0 5 ? ? g WILHELM THEODOU MULLEU, HAS TURNED OVER A LEAF! AND OFFERS TO THE TUBLIC, AND HOUSEKEEPERS IN PARTICULAR, AN As sortment of F J? MIL Y O R OCEHIES, Not to be BEAT ?r EQUALED in this Markot. I t%ill ulso deliver BOLTED GRIST AND MEAL made of PRIME WHITE NORTHERN CORN to any FAMILY every Saturday at MAR KET PRICE. W. T. NUM.LK. dee 17 c ,r NEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT!!! RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITIZENS OF 0RAN0EB?R0 COUNTY THAT they have pnrchased the CAKHIAGE SHOPS AND \VORKS OF 1?0S. RAY. And are CARRYING ON tho CARRIAGE BUSINESS In all its BRANCH ES. Orders loft with US will be PROMPTLY FILLED. Alt-kinds ?I REPAl III Mi NEATLY DONE and with DISPATCH. COFFINS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. JBOYI.K, WIT/Kft ?Jt CO., Oranfeburg, 9 C. ?SOMB?SHW-CrOOD-li MARON1JY & S?JN'S DRIED FRlimt;^ g^j^ PK ACH KS |N D?\ PPLES, Very nice and frrsh?just tho FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE LIQUORS, or all gradeo. COW PEAS, &c All of the above in offered to the pub lic at prices to tu it the tiuica. Give ua a call. -4 7 \\f\ I , T>BRSON8 wishing to buy a PINE HOUSE X or HORSES, WAGONS, ftc, can do so LOW DOWN l>y applying to MARONET & SAIN, GENERAL DEALERS IN Quality and Quantity, KE1TT BROS. OLD STAND, Russell Street, Orangeuurg So. Ca. dco 8 Gm FAIR NOTICE ALL PERSONS ARE FOR WARNED from TRE3PA5SING on any of isy LANDS. Tns Law will be vigorously enforced against all such. THAD. C. ANDREWS, deo 24 > tf CANNON'S STORE H! Onk Door Eelow W. T. L I G II T F 00 T S? R USSELL STREET, t> The Subscriber hegs leave to inform his old friends nnd the Public generally that he has just opened a fresh and general assortment of GROCERIES AND LIQUORS * wh'ch he will sell low down for Cash. t'nme one and all, I will do my best to p*lens?e von and give perfect sntisfnetioa. jiinf?tf . JAS. CANNON. __^_* . ._ PETER G. GANNON G UN S M ITH, At Mism. WISH'S OLD STAND Opposite CANNON S HOTEL. Is P :;arcl i ^ ^ ? to do All Werk in his 2X%^ Line m t,Sliu;t Notio: an 1 on Erafonabrc Term. For Cash. dec 21 . * tf THE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE.? TAKU.V ISTEltNAU.Y,?It CU'.'CS SUlJcil Cold'yJ Coughs, ic: und Weak Storouch, G$uer:;l D.libdily, Nursing : Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint Dy'sp^psia or Indigtetiori;1 Crn -.p or Fain in tho Stomach bowel Com plaint, Painters' Colic, ^Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhuea and Dysentery. APPTIBD EXTERN ALL.?Cure? Felons, Roils, niKt Old Sores, Revere Burns. Scalds, Cut?, Ur.uiaoSj and Sprains, Swelling ?f tho Joints, Ring-Worm and Tut t er. Broken Bre.iMn. Frosted Feel and Chilblains, Tooth ache, Puin in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. It La a sure remedy fci' Ague, Chills and Fersn?. PAIN KILLER,?Taken internally should be adulterated with mi'k or water, as made into a syrup with molasso?. For a Cough a few drops on sugar, eaten, will be r_ ore effective than anything else. See printed directions, which accompany Ieach bottle. Sold by all DruggUl*. ECONOMY AND COMFORT IN BUID1N,G4I ?These oan only be studied and secured by paying proper attention to tho finishing; of . I building. Their*) are many houses in our j country whose windows, without gloss, and ] heavy wooden shutters, cost more than sash and venetiuiK, Mid whose gloomy wooden ceilings arc more expensive tliAn white washed plaster on laths. If you arc going to build, und with your house to bo comfort able at small cost, you should not fail to write for a plan and estimate of nulling to Mr. P. P. Tiulc, Charleston, S. C, the largest manufacturer of doors, sashes* blinds, mouldings, &c, in the Southern States. NOTICE. COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Orangeburg, S. C. Jan. 6, 1871. Notice is hereby given to all PARTIES who have been NOTIFIED as to their ap pointment, as SUB-COMMISSIONERS of ROADS *c by Circular Letter, if sued from this Office, December 23d, 1870. that they must REPORT to tho CLERK of ?ho Board of County Commissioners At an early day. The Condition of certain Highways of the County makes the necessity of this Re port absolutely essential. iiy oi &B3 yjt tl.C H:trd. JAMES Va* TASSEL!,, jan 7?tf C. B. C. C. E. L. HALSEY, lYI'MIUCR AN? TIMBER COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wliiii-f, IVChi End Moulagnc-St, CHAR? I>TOV S. C. ?ug 2T 1? S-E E G E ,R58. Ii JV A I>U I/rEII ATEI> A EE A MO * * j&i BEER. T ACER BEER, CONTAINING COPPB* li IIA? und ALE doctored with Salt, Lisa* and Alun?, ere the latest adulteratiooa dis covered in New-York. Professor Mopes of New-York, analyzed? the Deer from a dozen different Breweries, und all.were found adulterated with noxious substance. It is said, thai tnV&aio of Drag? Brewers,.is a, pr?fnaui? pmt vi lav fnruc This is perfectly infamous Cocculus indicuo (fish berry) nux-vcuma. (dog butf Elizabeth Rickenbaker, deceased, jr.rt 14 4t Lf a1^FeO---A YEAtllEB^? _V A YOUNG M an competent-o TEACH he Rudiments of an EngE>:> 1-Jucatwm, is wautcdjo Teach a School in this County. For Icrmii, Slc, apply to a. M. SN ELL, A Or to .5 .'V SEAj'.ROOK. BRjDWNlNti ? MT.YERS, ~ ji.ii 14? tf y Attorney? at Law. ^1 I.TUR >:?>XICE.^AI1 Perwna ?L who J??t?* i??u*v?tofore left Guns und Pniols w?ih tue to bo Repaired arc hereby notified to call on Mr. H Uiggs. my-Agent, and get them or they will be soid at I'ubl.c Auction, on Salesday in February neat, ta pay for Repairs, jan 7?4t JOSEPH STRAITS, NOTICE.?All I'erfton* llIaT ing any demnnds against the Estate of . O. T. lriok, late deceased, will pr-sent the f.imo;properry attested, and those indebted viil make payment to ? - : U C t W.-R. WA-fTf Administrator. Oi to W. J. DsTUF.VILLK. Atfy at Law, Or:;n-b.:rg. 8. C. J*?Jf. ?*z:-i&??j tf di:iini*(rnf or'* Notice.?All persona having CLAIMS against tho ?;S'l ATE of Benjamin Golson, deo'd, muH bqd i''*tu, properly vouched, to Judge of Probate in or before the 25tb day of Febru ary next, or payment will bo dtbarrod. ?SAMUEL GOLSON, dec 24?td Administrator. Notice of Disisiissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYENvthat or the 28th day of February, 1871,1 will tile lay Final AcooUhts with the Honorable T. 0. Andrews, Judge of Probate, and task for Letters of Dismissal as Guardian 07* Prances D. Staloy. J. H. IIYDRICR. jan 28?It Guardian. Notioe of Dismissal * NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will on the 14th day of February, next, tale my final account with the Hoc rablo Judge of Probate for Orangeburg County, as Guardian of tho Estate "of Edward" Argoe, and ask for Lettes of Dismissal. JOSEPH BUSH, jsn M?4t Guardian. Notice of Dimissal. TVr?TlCE 18 HEREBY 04YEN THAT I |> will, oa the 14th dav of February, 1871, I file my final account with the Heaerahle Judge of Probate for Ovangoburg County, aa Administratrix ofMhe Estates of Ja*es Borr, and ask for Letters of Dismissal. E. R, BARE, jan 14-^4t Administratrix. Notice of Dismissal "\T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on I l| the 7th day of February next 1 will File my Final Account with the Ho*. Thad C. Andrews, Judge of Probate, and ask far Letters of Dismissal OS Ad'.iinintratm- of the Estate of M%W*t^. P$l%??Kff* ? ' ? " 1 ?. , I I? I ? ? 111 1 . ' ^ Notice of Dismissal. TWTOTICE IS HEBJ48Y GIVEN THAT on |_\| the 7th day of February next, I will file my Final Account with the Hoa. Thad. Andrews, Judge of Probate, and ask for Letters of Dismissal as Administrate* do bonis non of Bnsper 8taley, deceased. E. o. HOI.man, jan 7?4t Administrates. j OBANOKBCRO CO^XTT. In Trooate Court. Estate of EliiabctU Rickenbaker. Py virtue of an writer frees Jodge of I ICourt "House, on Saleda'y I? February next, at put/tic ne.ction.tho Ohosoam Actio? of tha I above namo-l Estate, i DONALD R. BARTON, ji.n 1 I A?tssIn:n Raleday tu Feim