The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, December 31, 1870, Image 7

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It' you are buying a carpel tor florae bility choose small figures. An Indiana woman ha* applied for her seventh divorce. In the. Sandwich Islands it is death for a man's mother-in-law to visit him without permission, A priest asked a tipsy fellow, loaning against the fence whero be expected to ? ? when be dird? "If I can't get aloug any better than now/- said bo, "I shan't go anywhere," A bank-note?an old delupidated one ?was found, with a piece of yellow paper pasted on the back of it, on which was written, in a bold, freehaud, "Go it, Bill, 1'H back your ^ Carrying pistols is going out of fashion in Southern Califcruia, and a paper there ?*ya it is "glad to see that most of our citizens have bad sense enough to return to tho use of tho bowie-knife." A farmer in Philadelphia, whoso sbeep had been stolen fur many years,1 ? offered a notorious shecp-stcalcr 8100 u year io let bis flocks alone. Tho Worthy, however, only smiled, and said, 'No, thank you, I thiuk I can do bettor.' A telegrapher and hunter of New Haven has brought into vogue a new und nwt very aportsmnn-like modo of shooting squirrels. lie equips himself with "climbers"?a sort of spur fastened fccurcly to the ankles and used generally for ascending telegraph poles. IIo cau then go up after his game. In. New York on Tuosdny morning a venerable woman named ?]lien Burke, naid to be 205 yc-nrs old. made applica tion to be sent te tho ulmehouso. She informed the Commissioners of Public Charities that sbo was in destitute eircumstauecs, having out-lived every relative she had on earth. She is a nativo of Skibbcrecn, Ireland. Her rc: quest was complied with., Soejc of *ho young women of Pro vidence, II I., seem to have practical notions of woman's rights. A girl of that city, who recently graduated with honors from the High School, immediate ly went into a factory, and having re mained there until she earned 8100, finally, last week, eturtcd for the Oberlin ( Ohio) College, to complete her'educa tion. . ?? At a school in Greenville; Alabama the Bcutcnco 'Mary milk the cow,' was j!:rcn out to bo parsed. The lust word,' was disposed of in the fallowiug m&Buev: 'Cow is a noun, femiuiue gender, singular number, third person, aud stands for Slaty.' 'Stands for Mary'/ said the excited pedagogue; 'how do you make that out?' 'Because/ auswered the intelligent pupil, 'if the cow didn't stand lur Mary, how could Mary milk her V Two physicians were engaged lately to vaccinate the operatives in all the mills of the Dwight Company, Chicopce, Mass., at tbe company's expanse, aud as they went into tho mill No. 2, a girl named Elizabeth Scott, who lately came from Pa (.John's, N. B., wes so frightened at tho idea of being vaccinated that she fell backwards, striking a t pindle, which was driven into the base of the brain killing her nlmost instantly. A farmer of North Shenange. Ta., in 'August last, captured on his farm a rattlesnake about two feet long, aud sporting tcven rattles. His snakeship was placed in a box, and up to this time, nearly four mouths, has not taken a particle of food, thongh he bus been repeatedly tempted with dainties in the way of live mice, etc. The snake is the first one of that Fpctics seen in that vicinity for the past twenty years, aud it was generally supposed that they hud become extinct. This is tho latest t lander on homo? ipsthy :?Huhntmon, the Ii ander of the homoeopathic tchool, was ouo day con sulted by a wealthy EugJish lord. The doctor listened paticned to the statement which the patient made to him. IIo then took a small vial, opened it and held it under the lord's noee. 'Smell. Well, you are cured !' Tho lord asked, in surprise: 'How much do I owe you V 'A thousand francs/ was the reply. The lord immediately pulled out a bank-note und held it under the doctor's nose. 'Smell. Well, yon arc paid !' The claim that tho maizo, or Indian corn plant is indigenous to the soil of the New World, has lately bcon contested, and teccnt investigations of certain Chinese records arc cited to prove that it was cultivated in China prior to tho discovery of America. Chinese authors maintain that it came originally from countries west of China, nnd that it was introduced into that country long bofore the first arrival of tbe Portuguese in j^HJjiw ^oftw *>*, Tho promcnaders of the Jardlu des Plante? in Paris bccon.v daily aware of the diminished number of animals which are exhibited there. The horned ani mals have naarly all disappeared, snd .tho two young beavs presented by Prince Couza have also gono the way of'all flesh iu Paris other than human?that i?, to the restaurant. Birdu, also, are becoming few, but cnglca and other birds of prey, not being suitable for the cuisine, arc ?tili i" br ?cgj? in fheif e?*oWtf?i?edeege*. THE ORANGEB?RG NEWS SATl'Itim. DEC. 31, 1MO. tJkW OF KXWHPAPEBS. 1. Any person who takes ft paper regularly fr?in lue peat office?-whether directed to hi* name or another?or whether ho hc.?) sub scribed or not, la responsible forthopuy. 2. If a person orders his paper diacotl* tinned, he must pay till arrearges, or the publisher' may continue to g\*nd it until pay meat is made, and collect tSo whole amount, whethcr-lt is taken from 'ho office or not, 3. If. a subscriber orders his, paper to be stopped at a certain time, and ths publisher continues to seud it, lift subscriber is bound to pay for it If he takes it eUt of the po?t olSc*. The law .proceeds on the grout.d that a man must pay for what he uses. 4. The Courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers attd periodicals from the post-oQicj, or removing and leaving them uncalleoTor is/rima/acie evidence of inten tional fraud. LtUL1,'.' 1 ,"..U.L 1 ..'.LlilUL- J-LJJ. ?jj.JJ.'U'Jim... JILL1-". Eighteen Seventy. With the setting of to-day'? run, the last chapter of 1870, will 'be completed. A year mule up partly of Blrile and con fusion, replete sitfi party vrr^?y?n^?, and political bickerings, is going?glitu mcring with the things that were. What different views the glass of the old year reveals ? **Ab when in the ocean sinks the orb of tiny, Long on the waro reflected lustres play." Thus it is -with 1S70. Its mctnot"*??: its pceoes?its visions still shine and reflect with playfulness upon the shores of memory, although it itself be gone. At this particular time, it may hot bo cut of place for ua to talk about ouj 8clres and our paper. If wo claim more for our labors thau wc have uieri ted, or if modesty prevents, its from |>u,t rttjg in our claims for all the good wc have done, ihe gcucrous public will auy how award us our just meed of praise. Tbc Orangeticko NLWs has lived through another year of a successful oxistencc. Whether or not through its ? columns has been nt all times sounded the voice, of truth, wc at e witling for tbe facts of our Country to attest. lit have striven to du our duty to the public and ourselves?wc have tried to please cur fellow coutrymcu. But a voiee comes up from the mighty past, aud utters in dispiriting t'ont.8 those words, "Sonic you havo failed to please." Still, we arc not discouraged. A voice like that which would ever fall upon tbo ears of the wandering Jew, when he would seek for a moment to himself, forces iltclf upeti us, when We think for a little brief, Why should we labor so hard, end with an unearthly speech,, whispers, err of; !' co ON ! 1 Aud wc iutend to go on ! For an editor to please every one who may chance to read bis paper, is a task' which nothing but folly could essay to accomplish. A pilgrimage to Mecca would be ono of easier accomplishment. Some persons read a nnwspnpcr. not because they desire to seek information from its columns, but because of a con stitutional temperament to fault-finding, lu other words some read to be pleased, nod others also to be pleased?but to find fault. In onr unadorned and humble at tempts at journalism, tho latter class wc never expect to satisfy. Indeed, the pen of an Addison would fail in tho work. Wo nro contented to let these alone?to let thorn enjoy a temperament to which the superstitions of Moloch would bo preferable. We know that when a man renders bis talents, bo they great or small, sub servient to the benefit of bis people, be fulfill! all the obligations which dovolvc on him as a citizen and a man. Aud at tbo close of the old year, wc pledgo our talents anew to our pcfplc. Wo are determined to bct.d every energy in tbo struggle towards making the News second to no weekly papor published in tbo State. To our en lightened fellow-citizens wo look* for that support in return for our work, that will render their County popcr deserving of their patronage. But to pleaso every tasds in our labors nr l?? pratify iu all respects, tbo wishes of the many, wortld bo a task ?U*|r/>ther which a temperament tho moat sanguine would scarcely iudulgo. However trapsce.ident nitty he the merit of any journal, and however bril liant its success, ?hould the editor listen at all to tho various avenues of public opiuiou, his ear will notwithstanding be saluted by bany uu ungrateful sound. Some renders will complain of what they aro pleased ? io Call its dull monotony ; while others w?ll lament the sacrifice of whet iticy conceive l^Mtcrs of import ance, iu the pursuit of variety. Those who seek for novelty alone, will some times be disappoiutod : while ot'ie.s will start objections, because sufficient re spect is uot accordid to the venerated opinions of the uscd-to he's. . Tho gay may somolitues meet with nothing to excite bho smile of merriment, j nnA tht> ?rave and reflecting may regret to fiutl so little solitude for tbe mind. The editor, howev. versatile his tal ents, who Would bo a favorite with nil of j these, must first be successful in his chase of the ignis fotuus or obtain from that fuiry region in which the rainbow repose* its brilliant nrcb Upon the earth, its treasures of gold. We expect to give energy and vigor j to our paper, aud if we fail to make it what Wo desire it should be, we can only regret it, be. the cause v?hat it may. ? ? * ? m But to give this?virtue, energy nnd eonfidonce to truth, cannot to tally fail to gratify the wishes of thosr whose approbation alone is worth deair-1 ?the wellprincipled of all parlies. The uew year is the time of^gbod resolutions. Each heart feels that it has started on a now stage of life's p?og-J reis. And new resolutions of action are formed for the uew fresh page of life's biography. That, which is wrong and unprofitable must La lopped off, rtud the bearing, living boughs of reality and life must live aud flourish. Th?s is tbe resolution that the heart fondly forms. Well is it thus to resolve rightly i' Abd as the new year revolves with it suns and clouds and da\s at.d (recks will the resolution stand. Life's success is but the grand resolution formed in the pli aut heart aud moulded iu tho granite resolution, performance and ctidurnnt'o. '?Le :rn to labor and to wait." is the ! concluding lino of the Toil's Psalm of life, and it embodies life's whole phi lonphy. These ara the scattering wsifs of thought that come with the autumn revry of retrospection buried beneath Lbo waste of years and tbe bnow of win ter. We offer them rouder for yoti 1 Uesolvc! and in the passing of the year perform tbe grand resolution ond this ia life's success ! This the victory. Its fruition is peace aud happiucss. Well wishes of tho heart aro yours from the pen of him who communes with you week by week. God grant that abundant success that follows over the performance of life's grand resolution to sitcccrd. To rcsolvo is to win. These ore the thoughts, with which we say to our readers A Happy New Tear. [communicated.] On Sunday last, according to notice, tho liev. E. A. Bollcs, immediately after the sermon, proceeded to ro-organiac the Bible Society of Orangeburg County, in the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. Mortimer Glover was called to tho Chair, and Mr.Kirk Hobinsou requested to act as Secretary of ihc meeting. Rev. E. A. Bollcs then read the Con stitution of tho "American Bible Socio ty," for its auxiliaries. On motion the Chair then Appointed the following gentlemens as a committee to wait on the congregation to reccivo mimes and contributions: Dr. E. J. OHveros and Mestr*. J. C. Pike, B. Riggs, S. Dibble. The Committee received fifty-fir* names, and subscriptions to the amount of ?49.80. Tho above named Constitution was then adopted as tho Constitution of the Oranyrburg County Bible Society. The following officers were then elect ed to serve for the ensuing year : Kov. Fi Acld?President. It. T. A. Vice-Prcsi ?i'tit). Kihk Bomwso.v?Secretury, Treasu rer anil Depositarian. Kjcwuliva Committce-a-lXtv. F. Auld, Chairman, &x. o/, Messrs, F. 8. Dibble, John Zciglcr, Kirk Robinson, John Lu cas and W. T. MutUr. The filth Sunday iu Jauuxry, 1871. nt the l'rosbytorieu Church, wub then fixed ob the time aud place for the ucxt meet ing of the Society. Tl^ following rctvoluti?us were offered by tile IUy. F. Auld, and uunuiniouaty adopted j Ji?$olv*d, That we b?4j<ve the Amcri-1 can Bible Society is eug?gud in a great aud philanthropic work-in its efforts to circulate the Holy Scriptures, aud that wo ^rclcotne to our community, the Agent, E. A. Boll*?. liuulccu, Tuwt wo will put forth our personal and untiring efTorts to place a copy of the Word of God in every desti tute family wilhiu the reach of our ope tious. No other business being before the Society, it adjourned with' the singing of the L M Duxology, tiud tbe benedic tion. KIRK llDDlNSUN, Secretary, Traasury and Desp.i.sitarmn of tue Orangeburg Coutjiy Bible Socie Tho Depository of this Btbio rfucioty is at the store ui Kirk Robinson, where where Bibles und uts, can be hud for sale and gratuitous distribution (only to those unable to purehase.) Me wilt-also receive as Treasurer, cmtribu tious, for Bible dittjgubuiiun in this County. [TOR TM ?KMOEBtKU KXWS.] * A Trilrifto DAULINO'li SLEEPING. It is a calm, quiet autumnal eve. The wind is perfectly motionless, save now and then a gentle breeze which faos witli faint und timid sympathy, my burning cheek and brow. My ?ct.'iitg fcmplus jthrob wildly, and all seems happiness aud contentment, out my poor heart which beutB with suchjcarlul ptin wilh in my irouMed breast. Bb you uvk the cause of tltfs awful, this unspeakable an- j guihh which seems rending the chords of tbe soul, aud making it to groan beneath its burden ? ? Darling is leaping und I am ulouo. Not otrcr Irctfrt itt earth's? ,'wic?e aud immeasur.'lbbj i!:*pailfJo pulsates Tor me, or grieve? "when m?ia?w's mantle I is around me,? -bu* noble and loviog ' heart, death's ley Mteh hath stilled. N<? arm supports my trail form aud shields it ftom life's hoW;.ug tempest?that, too lies still within bis nainw h'-ine 'I here is no band to clnnp mine us my weary, tired lent continue their onward pace to wards eternity's dim, untried ocean? | those dear little bauds that so oti it. ressed mine, arc crossed upon the pulse less breast of him whoso loved aud ir. 1 lowcd grave distracts ni) tearful paxu. There is no eye to look loudly upon me, beaming to its dark depths with lotc'h fervor?'.hey ate closed forever to earth ly vision, but to open again upon sceneo of which tho mortal imagination iu its height of enthusiasm cutiu?t rcticelftf. No voice now breathes words of thrilling dovution which oft bkte inuje my sad heart bound with such glorious and un told delight) no step/light and joyous, is beard from upon the threshold?his precious little le?t new tread "the other shore ;" and 1 look a.ouud me in vain to find one traeo of him whom 1 have loved nud l?-t, fur in)' darling is ?Wtetly hlecpiug, while nugchi nuvei ubovq bis lowly couch. It is so truothai we never know bow much rrf" anguish the heart cau end uro until put to lue leartul teat. Memory uloue is loll me aud thai mocks tho real and ouly heightens grief by Calling forth whu' might have been. Yes, my darling is sleeping the sleep that knows no wukiui! ; his pure Spirit has gouo over the tiictu river, where his J loved voice echoes the triumphant shout of the aedcemed. I have stood with eyes uudimmcd by tears, near that hallowed spot, and watched by moonlight, bosidc the graves of my two idols?my dark eyed lost ones who repose sido by side, the beautiful evergreen end sweet-scented jessaiuino. thoir only sentinel My heart which had beat so often before life's terrific aud merciless blast, was breaking now, but I could not weep?not one tear forced it's way adown my cheek whereon a burning fevir bud left it's impress. This cruel world was too cold for my dnrling's warm and tender heart. His little babe bad been long watching bis weary tread, and now called him to her home where sorrow no longer can dar ken, nor one pang disturb their- quiet and peaceful rest. O most merciful Ood : Thy ways arc mightly aud mysterious, und muHt be just. Wc, poor, erring aud sin-stained mortals, cannot, dare not, question their | omnipotent decree ; but oh ; prepare us for that glorious immortality which shines upon thoso we love?our hoart treasures upon "tjic other show." a. 0. ??? ?At ? ??;".gs.jr' .-.-~?~-r-rr-i One who has pretty wall run through the Pacific Slates, shows io the following what ft smart uiao Can do wheu he tries: 1 havo not been hero a year, aud sec what 1 hate douo. First, I wrolB pec try fpr .1 cheap monthly at $2 a column This did not pay I then started a mi' litary company and was elected Captain, married an heiress, nnd became editor and part owner of a California paper, was made president of n temperance so ciety ntld poultry ACSOClatiOu. Sold out, bought a MKiiv in a circus company, moved towards tho Sandwich Islands, mutitied on the wny, lost all the horsca nud traps, aud saved only $100 out of tho enterprise. My wife died, and now I am married a second timo and living very cotufortablo on a farm A California editor is out in a card refusing to speak to any married ludtes of his acquaintance Ho says: *'\Vo trust that our motive?which is puro uowardice?-will not bo iniscotistrueted. Somebody perishes iugloriously every duy for being upon speaking terms with married women, und we do not cure to havo our turn come r und. Deeply gratelui fur the past furbearauuu ot ?'t grieved husbands, we tuake- ur bow and r ill e. LleiOdTter our nods aud stniic. will be iu\i-ii.d up .ii girls unu widow's exclusively j n othen -.ecd apply Whoever hhull attempt to introduce us to bis or. u wile, or that of another man, will be regarded an a conspirator against our precious lite, aud subject to abuse in the cdutnes of this journal." Th'mint Brassey. the great English fail road contractor, whoau death, ou December 9th, has been announced by the Atlantic cable, was born about 1805, and it is stated, begun life ms a Inboring auan, then took small contracts in earth works. CJtcaVetiona. and embankments, and advancing by degrees at last paitieipated in the construction of the principal railroads of Great Britain and the Continent of Europe, extending his operations to France, Spain aud tho countries bordering on the Mediterranean Two of hi.s sons. II. A. Brassey and Thomas Brassey, Jr., aro members ol the present House of Cotn...ons, and be long to tiic Liberal party. K.A.I.R NOTICE ALL PERSON* AHE FOR WARNED from TRESPASSING on any er my LANDS. The Law' will be vigorously enforced against all sncli. TM AD C. AND'RKWfr, dee 24 ff NOTICE1' Cocntv School Commh>m:I''.? OJMt.*. Orangehurg. .S. C, Dee. JllSt. 1S70. ON an I A PTE 2 TII1S HATE. I will he in MT OFFICE at OliANGLF.L'HQ only on EVERY SATURDAY. Persona desirous of SEEING and TRAtM ACTINO BUSINESS wilb mo iu my'o?kial Capacity, need not CALL upon ure only on tItr? ABOVE DAYS, as uo Business,positively will he Attended to. E. I. CAIN, de? 21?It S. C. 0. Office County Commissioners! O It A NG RBUftfl, S. C, DECKvWft?. 21st, 18"70. The attention of RRTAlLEilS of SPIRIT UOUS LIQUORS is called I? Seetiott "V. 1 Statutes at Large of the State of Soltth Carolina, Passed December Huh, 1001, which reads as follows ! "And Lf it Unacted, by authority aforesaid. That any person or porions who shall Retail Spirituous Liquors or keep Tavern without a License or Licenses from said Beard of Commissioners, shall Forfeit and Pay the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250) Did lars, to be reeovered in nny District C*oyrt in this Slate." All parties who SHALL FAIL to COMPLY with the above SECTION, will be dealt with accordingly. Hy order of the Hoard. JAS. Va* TASSEL, (Merk Hoard County'Commissioners, dec 24 3t WIFE WASTED!! Ry a young man of gcnteol and rather handsome ap pearance, agreeable disposition, and good education A YOUNG LADY with similar qualifleatioua will ho eligible to the situation, even if sh?? is pcaniless, while at the same tune one with a large fortune would net be objected to. I ".ant a wife.?oh lsdy fair! Take pily mi me now} And do not doom me long to wear The willow on my brow. Address with stamp. YVADDI LOVE WITLESS, dec 24 Columbia, S. C. AdminlKlrator'n NrtOoo.?All persons having CLAIMS against the ESTATE of Benjamin ttolson, deo'd, must hand lhem, properly vouched, to Judge of Probate in or before the 25tb day of"Febru ary noxt, or payment will he debarred. SAMUEL dOLSON, doe 24?td Administrator. FOR SALE! That VALUABLE PLANTA TION known aa ??Belleville." formerly owned by Mr. t'harlcs R. Thompson, situated in Or finjo-hnva Connty, nuar Fort Motte Depot, containing l.?>70 acres of Land, a part of which i? WELL TIMBERED, the balance CLEARED rtud admirably ndapted to tho Culture of COTTON and PROVISIONS. An excellent RANGE for STOCK iu the Conga ree Swamp, A fine Water Power near the South Carotin? Railroad. DWELLING in good order and Outbuildings. Apply to JOHN COLCOCK & CO.. Charleston. S. C. Or 1 OL. A. P. AMAKER. M. Mailings P. Ow F C doe 1 tf HAPPY NEW YEAPv! HAPPY NEW YEAE! BRO. Have determined with the begin-' ing of the NEW YEAR to make still greater ... um ^maarAuoiB? REDUCT >M\A*TO in the PRICES of their WELL SE LECTED STOCK of TJRESS GOODS, THEODOrlll: KOSH & BR(V dec 31 C .-***?**%^ ''^it****** WILHELM THEODOE 3?TJLLIE, HAS TURNED OVER A LEAff"^*' AND OFFERS TO TIIK P?DLIC, AND IIOUSEKEKPER8 IS PARTICULAR, A3? As sortment of VSWWWMSaTfae Sot t? be BEAT or EQUALED in this Market. I rr*??** ,**M?tl?ia?* I will also deliver *m?| ^>m?jmH?uilsi3 fJttLTEn GRIST AND MEAL made of PRIME VTI1ITE S?ftTllERN CT/RS Id anv FAMILY/ ererj Snhirdar at MAR KET i RICE. W, T. St57LI,Elt. dec 17 c *r?*p! ^WJWW'WISIUISUS _sasa usiii i Hills?f NEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT!!! DOYLE, WILES & ?BT RESPECTFULLY INFORM^ TrfK CITIZESS OP ORANGEBURG COUNTY TU At lh?y hare purchased tt'e CARRI AGE BtfpPS A^D WORKS OF I HOS. RAT. H ~J--?_ am *l *v- a* fe*? 1fi.?iM17X9 CARRYrSQ OS the t lm* itttL C Ti 111 .?. C* 10 13 TJ S J 1ST E B S In all Us BRANCHES. Order? leff *itli Us will be PROMPTLY5 FILLED. Ail M?ds of RKFAlltlN'.i NEATLY DONK ?nd with-PISPATCII. Dt>YEE, WILES %fc CO.. Orangebnrg, 8. C. COFFINS FURNISHED AT SHOUT NOTICE, dec 17 .... HOLLIDAY PRESENTS! a?*a aid ?< fee i#* E. EZEKIEL, ?J_JAS JUST RECi ' \ ED A HANDSOME SELECTION OF GOLD AKT) SILVER AVjJE oi ?hc DttsT NAftft I feLiOtU^tf FINE COLD SETTfl t)F J FAYELRY?The LATEST STYLES. GOLD, JBT, PEARL SHIRT ?nd SLEEVE BUTTONS. MASONIC PfN8r \ YYF.UDISO and fKlKNDSmP RlHUsf . ' S'PECTAawaCL'lSS. SILVER THIMBLES, Ac. 4MssW*Mst ktsa c%ss*H% Comprising the Finest Sehutiun of . ? * ?* :? 4ya? -iUh. satt so> aU JlTtlWsW *& JEWELRY ? Rrcr Offered in this Mnrfcet. All of wldtfh will b? Disposed of at.PANIC PKtOv Ao EXCUSE for not Making n FIXE HOLLIDAY PKENILHT. 13. Ii2,iiKIliL. ?? <??'? SlOX of ">? BIO WATCll. PROBATE OFFICE, UEANGERL'RG, 8. C, Dec. 13th, I8T0. Notice is hereby given thni sll EXECU TORS and ADMlNlfeTRATORS, are re quired to make their ANNUAL RETURNS in the Month of January, 1871. GUAR DIANS and TRUSTEES in the Menth of February, 1871 RULE8 wilt be issued against all DE FAULTERS. THAD. C. ANDREWS, dec 17?tf t Judge af Probat?. IN TIP, COURT OF PRO BAT lb Whereat Charles II. Rull hath applied to me for bi tters of Administration, mt the E? tute of John Marchaut, late of Orungeblirg County, deceased. These are therefore tt cite and admonish all and singnlur the kindred nnd creditor's of the said deceased, to be nnd appear before me nt a Court of Probate for the said Coun ty, to be beiden at Orangcburg on tho 3)st day of December, 1870, ut 10 o'clock A. ..!. to ahow cause if any, why iho said Adminis tration should not be granted. Given under my hand nnd the Seal of tho Court, this lain day of De ember A. D 870, ami the ninety-fourth ycat of Ameri can Independence. THAI). C. ANDREWS, dec 17-^-21 Judge of Prohn to. IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. W in r.?' as. Joseph Cooper hath applied to me for letters of Administration on tho Bs tute of James Ste.vonaon, late ut Orangebnrg County, deceased. These are therefore to cite aad admonish all aad singular the Kindred and Creditors of the St*id deceased, to be aud appear be fore mo nt a Court of Probate for tho said County, to be holden at Oraugcburg on tbe 24th day of Doecmher, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any, why the said Ad ministration should not be granted, (liven under my hand and too Seal of my Court, this 5th day of Dec., A. D. 1870, and in the ninety-fifth year of American Indepnndcncc. TUAP. C. ANDREWS, 1 Ice 10- 21 Judge of Prolate The People's Bakery* NEXT BOOR TO RKD CCWFK? POT, East nf IWsbytcri'in Churckr?*ntll-St. I am hnppy Jo ANNOUNCE to the CITI ZENS uf Orangeburg. that I am uow 'PRB* PARED to SUPPLY Fmnileaand Customers with DREAD, CARES, PIES, and all otbr article* generally found ift a FIRST CI.AI BAKBUY. WEDDING CAKE prepared wl car* to suit the most fa si i dons tastes. The PATRONAGE Of aiy frunds and fel low-citizens 1? retfpectffclly folicited. TIMS. W. ALKEHtiOTTl. - Mrs. ALBERGOTTI retnrns th?nU ft* the Putronago heretofore heal owed, and hopes her friends and Customers will contin ue the Mine. , y t . r #y * ?jr She v. ill keep constantly on band as as sortment of FRUITS, OONFP.CTJONARY and FANCY ARTICLES aa usual; detf 10 ^ VWvmQMMJlt, OAK, 1'INKaml Ur.HTWOOli fat salo Cheap, and delivered any where in Town %lth dispatch. Orders' left at tho Store of Mcjsrs, WA?ONKV 4 8AIN promptly attended, t o 3 if. T\T"irti c u.-eW t rrw?*i tend l^j on Four Stile llraneh, near Mr. Cahift* nogdona' for sale $3.60 per acre, Oneself oash and fhe balance in two years, in Lota to suit purchasers. For further particulars svpplj (?> {t JOHN D. F(HJW?, ^ lee 10~8t On Barn well Road. ATolltT. - AH IVruoiiH l?*Yiii? \\ Demands ?g?itost Ih? Estate of V MV~?-.wn. deceased, late of Orftngcburg County. will present the same properly at tested to Messrs. IILAR A DIBBLE. Attorneys at Law, .ioTy 23- tf tKasn^o>u:r^V. t;,