If you are buying a carpet for dura bility ohoose small figures. Ad Indiana woman has applied for her 8crcntb divorce. In the. Sandwich. Islands it is death for a man's mother-in-law to visit him without permission. A priest asked a tipsy fellow, leaning against the fenco whero he expected to go when b<> died? "If I can't get along any better than now," said he, "I shan't go anywhere." A bank-note?an old delapidated one ?was found, with a pieco of yellow paper pasted on tho back of it, on which was written, in a bold, freehand, "Go it, Bill, V* back you?"^ Carrying pistols is going out of fashion in ?Southern California, and a paper there says it is "glad to see that most of our citlsens have bad sense enough to return to the use of tho bow ic-knife." A farmer in Philadelphia, whose sheep had been stolen for many years. * offered a notorious shecp-stealcr 8100 a year to let bis flocks alone. The worthy, however, only smiled, and said, 'No, thank you, I think I can do bettor.' ? A telegrapher and hunter of New Haven has brought into vogue n new :md not very sportsmau-liko mode of shooting squirrels. He equips himself with "climbers"?a sort of spur fastened securely to the ankles and used generally for ascending telegraph poles. Ho cau then go up after bis game. In. New York on Tuesday morning a ?encrablo woman named Ellen Burke, Kaid to be 105 ycare old, made applica tion to be sent te tho ulmshouse. She informed the Commissioners of Public Charities that sho was in destitute circumstances, having out-lived every relative she bad on earth. She is a natiro of Skibberccn, Ireland. Her re quest was complied with.. Some of tho young women of Pro vidence, Ii I., seem to have practical notions of woman's rights. A girl of that city, who recently graduated with honors from the High School, immediate ly went into a factory, and having re mained there until ehe carued $100, finally, last week, started for theOberlin v-(Ohio) College, to complete her' educa tion. At a school in Greenville^ Alabama the scutenco 'Mary milk the row,' was {MYOn out to bo parsed. The kiBt word was disposed of in the fallowing manner: 'Cow is a noun, femiuiue gender, singular number, third person, aud stands for --Jlary.' 'Stands for Mary,' said the excited pedagogue; 'how do you make that out'" 'Because/ auswercd the intelligent pupil, 'if the cow didn't stand for Mary, how could Mary milk her V Two physicians were engaged lutelylo vaccinate tho operatives in ?11 the mills of the Dwight Company: Uhicopce, Mass., at the company's expense, uud as they | went into tho mill No. 2, a girl named ' Elizabeth Scott, who lately came from St JoIid'f, N. B., wrs eo frightened :tt tho idea of being vaccinated that she fell backwards, striking a ppindlc, which was driven into the base of the brain killing hrr almost instantly. A farmer of North Sbcnango. Pa., in ' 'August lust, captured on his farm a j rattlesnake about two feet long, aud ] sporting ceven rattles. His snakeship was placed in a box. and up to this time, | nearly four months, baa not taken a particle of food, tbongh be bns been | repeatedly tempted with dali.tics in the way of live mice, etc. The snake is the first one of that tpecics seen in that vicinity for the past twenty years, and it j was generally supposed that they had become extinct. This is the latest tlander on homo)-J ' pstby :?Hahntman, the founder of the homoeopathic fchool, was ono day con- j suited by a wealthy English lord. The doctor listened paticucd to the statement which the patient made to him. He then took a small vial, opened it and held it under the lord's nofe. 'Smell. . "Well, you are cured !' The lord asked, I in rurprise : 'How much do I owe. you V 'A thousand francs,' was the reply. The lord immediately pulled out a bauk-uoto und held it under the doctor's nose. ?Smell. Well, yon arc paid !' The claim that the maize, or Iudian corn plant is indigenous to the eoil of tho New World, has lately bcon contested, and recent investigations of certain Chinese records arc cited to prove that it was cultivated in China prior to tho discovery of America. Chinese authors maintain that it canto originally from countries west of China, and that it was introduced into tbat country long bofore the first arrival of the Portuguese in l MPT. The protneuaders of the Jardiu des Plantcs in Poris become daily awaro of the diminished number cf animals which nre exhibited there. The horned ani mals have naarly all disappeared, and .tho two young bears presented by Prince Couza bave also gono the way of ull flrsh in Paris other than human?that is, to the restaurant. Birds, also, are becoming few, but eagles and other birds of prey, not being suitable for the cuisine, are ?till In bfi Jfy?i? in flteif tie^eiVlowedeegtw. ! THE OR?NGEB ??G NEWS j SATCJRDAYrilEC. 31,187u7~ UW OF KEWftFAPEBB. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the pent ofiicc?whether directed to his name or another?or whether he has sub scribed or not, is responsible forthopuy. 2. If a person orders his paper discon tinued, ho must pay nil arrearges, or the puhlishor may continue to Send it until pay ment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether-it is taken from tho office or not. ?. If-a subscriber orders his,paper to be atopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send it, the subscriber is bound' to pay for it if he takes it out of the post office. The law proceeds on the grout.d that a man must pay for whr.t he uses. 4. The Courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the poBt-ofiice, or removing and leaving them uncalled: for is/n~tma/arte evidence of inten tional fraud. Eighteen Seventy. With the setting of to-day's sun, the last chapter of 1870, will be completed. A year made up partly of strife and con fusion, replete with patty wranglings, and political bickerings, is going?glim mering with the things that were. What different views the glass of the old year reveals ? ?'As when in the ocean sinks the orb of day. Long on the wavo reflected lustres play." Thus it is with 1870. Its memories*-; its seeyes?its visions still shine and reflect with playfulness upon the shores of memory, although it itself be gone. At this particular lime, it may not bo out of place for us to talk about our selves and our paper. If wo claim more for our labors than wc have meri ted, or if modesty prevents Us from put ting in our claims for all the pood wc have done, the gcucrous public will any how award us our just meed of praise. The OitANGKnuKu NEtva has lived through another year of a successful existence. Whether or not through its columns has been nt all times Bounded the voice, of truth, wc nro willing for the facts of our Country to. attest. Jfe have striven to do our duty to the public and ourselves?wc have tried to please cur fellow cohtrymcn. Hut a votes eomco up fiom the mighty past, sud utters in dispiriting fonts these words, "Some you I have failed to please.''" Still, wc aro not ! discouraged. A voice like tbsl which Would ever fnll upon the ears of the wandering Jew. '; when be would seek for a moment to rest himself. forces itself upnn us, when We think fora little brief. Why | should we labor so hard, and with , an unearthly speech, whispers, cb Oti ! ' GO ON ! ! And vre iulcnd to go on ! For on editor to please every one who I may chance to read his paper, i.-t a task'j which nothing but folly could essay to accomplish. A pilgrimage to Mecca ! would be one. of easier accomplishment. ! Some persons read a newspaper, not because they desire to seek information ' from its column's, but because, of a con- j stitutional temperament to fault-finding, lu other words some read to be pleased, and others also to be pleased?but to find fault. In onr unadorned and bumble at tempts at journalism, the latter class we uevcr expect to satisfy. Indeed, the pen of an Addison would fail iu tbo work. We arc contented to let these alone?to let thorn enjoy a temperament to which the superstitions of Moloch would be preferable. We know that when a man renders bis talents, bo they great or nail, sub servient to the benefit of bis people, be fulfils all the obligations which devolve on him as a citizen and a man. And at tbo close of the old year, we pledgo our talents anew to our people. We are r.;.in-?t all ': such. TM/ll) C. AXrVlU.WS, ?Ire 24 ff ' NOTICE. Cocntt School Commiox?;i?> OiHcfi. (isaiiRfburr. S. C. Dee. :*1 at. I870. ; ON nn 1 AFTF.it ''ill.- DATE, I will be in MT OFFICE at OliAXGLRUlta only on ! EVERY SATURDAY. l>rs.J ' ACTIS?} UUSINE3S with mo in my'Otticial Capacity, need not CALL upon me only on tho Ai$o\ 1", DAYS, as no Ruainess,positively will be attended t<>. i H. I. CAIN, dee. 24? rtt S. C. O C. j Office County Commissioners ORANGRBURG, S. C . Decuvatin 21rt. is;"n. The attention of URTAILERS of SPIRlt UOL'S LIQUORS is railed I tf Section "\ . 1 Statin-n at Large of the S?ato of Sottth Carolina, Passed Deccuiher 10th, 1801, which reads as follows ! ''And /?y authority fifor-said. That any person or pereona tvho shall Retail Spirituous Liquors or keep Tavern without ;i License or Licenses from said H^ard of CommlssJoriei s. shall Forfeit and Pay the sum of 1 wo Hundred and Fifty ($250) Dol lars, to be reoovered in nny District t oijri in this Slate," All panics who SH ALL FAIL to COMPLY with the above SECTION, Will be doalt with accordingly. Ry order of the Hoard. j AS. V an TASSEL, Clerk Hoard Count} Commissioners. dec 24 3t ITT I FE WANTED!] \ \ Ry a young r.nvn of gentcol ntul rather handsome nj> pesrnnce, agreeable disposition, ami good education A YOUNG LADY with similar nualifieations will bo eligible > the situatiou, even if sho i< penniless, while at the same time one with :i large fortune would not be objected to. 1 ".ant n wifn--frh lady fair! Take pity nn mo now ; And do not doom me loin; to wear The w illow on my brow. Address with stamp. w\A DDI LOVE WITLESS, dee 24 Columbia, S, C. i cliiiiiiiatmtar'n Nrttiro.?All 1 \ persons having CLAIMS ngninst the KSTATE of Renjamin Golsou, dco'd, musl hand tbein, properly vouched, to Judge of Probate in or before the '2*'ih day of Febru ary next, or payment will he debarred, SAMUEL GOLSON, l"c 24?td Administrator. FOP SALE! That \ A LUABLE PLANTA TION known an ??Belleville," formorly owned by Mr. Charles It. Thompson, situated in Or nngfburg County, near Fori Motto Depot, containing 1,070 acres of Land, n part of which is V ELL TIMRERED, the balance CLEARED and admirably adapted to the Culture of COTTON and PROVISIONS. An excellent RANGE for STOCK in the Conga roe Swamp, A fine Wacr Power near tho Snath Carolina Railroad. DWELLING in good order and Outbuilding*. Applv to JOHN COI.COCK A CO., Charleston. S. C. Or ( <>L. A. P. A MAKER, .?t. Matthews P. M", WILHELM THEODOE MtFLLEE, HAS TURNED OVER A LEAF! AND OFFERS TO THE rURLIC, AND HOUSEKEEPERS IX PARTICULAR, AX As sortment of fr AM 1?, Y G R?Gt?toiSS? Sot 1? be PEAT or EQUALED i? thi? Mnrket. 1 nil] alsb deliver ftOt/tWM CttllST aNIT MEAL made of PRIME WHITE NORTHERN CORN loanr KAMI I.V every Sntnrdsy at MAR. KET PRICE. W. T. MVLLE1I. dec I' c tf NEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT!!! DOYLE, WILES & C?*, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS TITK CITIZENS OF ORANGEBURG COUNTY T?\t lhay hare purchased the carriage SHOTS and works* of 1 hos. ray. Aid are CARRYING ON tlie c 11 r i Ji. ci i: b usin e a s In all i'? BRA NC 11 ES. Order* tsfl i^ith <7s will be PHQMPTLV FILLED. Ail Linda of It KI'A I It 1X0 NEATLY DONK ami with DISPATCH. COFFINS FURNISHED AT SlfURt NOTICE. itoYLE, sib CO., dec '7 C Orangeburg, 8. C. _i-i j HOLLIOAY PRESENTS! E. EZEKIEL, as .u st received a handsome selection of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES ol the DKST make". ' y ? tt* t FINE tiOl.D SETTS OF .11.WELRV?The LATEST STYLES. GOLD, JKT, PEARL SHIRT and SLKKYK BUTTONS. MASONIC PIN8. CHILDREN EAR-RINGS. engagement, WEDDING ana friendship R!NU8. Watch guards, S PfjCT A'-j^^V^C Ijl^S, SILVER thimbles, A.c. ^ ^ Comprising the Finest Selcetion of J EW ELRY ? K?er Offered in this Mnrket. All of wldt-h will h? Disposed of at.PANIC PRICKS. *o EXCUSE for not Making a. FIXE HOlM.ils AY Fit EM EXT. ? ? J?. EZEKIEL. at the SIGN of the BIO WATCH*. PRO 11 ATE tittups, OHAXOEUTRG, .s. c, Dec. 13th, 1870. Notice, is hereby girrn tli.it r!1 EXECU TOItS and AD M1N1BTUATORS, ara re quired to make their ANNUAL KKITRXS I in the Month of January, 1871. OUAU DI ANS and THl'STKES in the Month of February, 1871 lll'LKS will be issued again*! nil DK FAULTEHS. Til AD. ('. ANDREWS, dec 17 ? tf Judge of rrobaie. IN THE COU.KT OK PUOHATE, Whereas Clint-lea II. Rull hath applied to m? fur Letter.1 trt Administration-, (hi ih* I - lute of John Marchant, late of Urttngeburg County, deceased. These are therefore t" rite and admonish nil and singular (he kindred und creditors el the said deceased, to be and appear before me r.t a Court of Probate lor tbe said Coun ty, to bo holden at Oratigeburg on the Mist day tri December, 1870, at 10 -'clock A. M. lo show cause it any, why .he said Adminis tration should not be granted, (iiv.-'i under my bund and the Seel of tho Court, tills 13th day of De ember A D H7 0. nml tbe bificty-fourlh year tfl Ameri can Independence. Til AD. C. ANDREWS, dec 17?2t Judge of Probate. IN THE COURT OK PROBATE. Wur.uKAS. Joseph Cooper bath applied to me tor letters of Administration on iho Es tate of .lames Stavonson, late ut Orungebirrg County, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the laid deceased, to be and appear be fore inc at a Court of Probate for the said County, to be holden at Orangchurg on tbe 21th day of December, 1^70, m 10 o clock A. M. to show cause if any, why tbe said Ad ministration should ot be granted, (liven under my hand and the Seal of my Court, this 5th day of Dec, A. D. 1870, and in tho niuetj-tifih year of American Independence TllAP. C. ANDREWS, ' Mk 10- 2t Judge of Pre>bale The People's Baker} ? NEXT DOOR TO red coffee POT, East of Presbyterian Church, Kussel! St. I am hnppv to ANNOUNCE to the CITI ZENS of Ornngeburg. that I am now PRE PARED t? SUPPLY Familesand Customers with BREAD. CAKES, PIES, und all oUrn article* generally found \ti a FIRST CLASS BAKBIlY. WEDDING CAKE prepared with great care to suit the meat fasiidous tastes. The PATRONAGE Of ro> frienda and ffl' low-cit ixcus la rejrpeeM'hlly solicited. TUGS. W. ALRERU0TT1. Mrs. AEBKRGOTTI returns IbaiittS fo* t ho Piilromigo heretofore bestowed, and hopes her friends und Customer* will contin ue the .- ii:."c She t\ ill keep coirst&ntlv on band an aa sortmcnl of FRUITS, OON F B CT ION A R Y snd FANCY ARTICLES as ueuaJ. det' 10 8a* FI HE WOOD. /-\AK, FINK and LIGHT WOOD for : V / rolo I'heap,- and Delivered any i where in Town with dispatch. Orders left at the btirre of Messr*. MABONfcY A SAIN I promptly attended to< I c 8 it Not 11: e.-ootr a er*? rfi Land* on Four Mile Branch, near Mr. CaWUr flogduna' for sale $3.r"-0 per aer*. Onc-fcslf cash n?d fhe h.-tiance 1? two years, In Lots to ruit purchasers. For further particulars applj to JOHJI D. FOGlaK, H^dec 10?flt On BuniKvll Road. No!lev.?All Pemom IfaVituc Demands nguiost Oie Estate of VY. T. MeL.?wn, deceased, late of Orsnpehurg County, n ill present tho satce properly at tested to M??*rs. l/.EAR A PIPRl.F. Attorneys ?t Law, .jid\ : ;t i*?Ain-ein;rj^V. I,*,