*FHE ORANGEBOR? NEWS PUBLISHED AT OBANGEBTTRv^ StcFj Ssiur?sy Morning:. X>RANGEBURG NEWS COMPANY TRRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Sa? C?py for on? year. $2.00 " 4? ?< gix Months. l.ou Any ?no sending TEN DOLLAR?, fer a 'ein* ef New Snbijcrlbors, will receive an EXTRA COFY for ONE YEAR, free of.j ?karg?. Any one sending FIVE DOLLARS, Yer a. Club of New Subscribers, will reCeive *a EXTRA COPY for SIX MONTHS, free of ?bar_ ?:o: WW^KRTISING. 1 8quar? 1st la-srtion, . $1.50 " ?? 2d " .. 1.00 A Squara consists of 10 lines CreTicr or W iaoh of Advertising spsce. Administrator's Notices, ..u.....t:..$5 00 :N?tieos of Dismissal of dUardians, Ad ministrators, Executors, Ac.~$9 00 Contract Advertisements inserted upon tho Wast liberal tarsns. MARRIAGE and F?NERAL NOTICES, \a?t oxssediag out Square, inserted without Terms Cash in Advance. KNOWLTON & BULL, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS OBAXftKBVleU, S. C . 'AUGUSTES B. RNOWLTON, CHARLES S. LULL , Mr. Knordton will be at Lou isville EVERY SATURDAY, and st Furt Motte on the 2d ??4 4th FRIDAYS of every month. J?lj M_tf COOKlS & COOKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, V R A. N G E B V R. G, S. C Will attend BUSTNESS >h any of tholTATK and tbo U. S. C??RTS fbr the District of South Cftroltnai T. H. COOKE. II. F. COOKE. T. II. CbOKEvtrlnl JiihUce, will 1TT?ND PROMPTLY to all BUCINRS8 aatrasttd to his ear*.. jaa? IS tf Sl^E??K, BROWiSfING, MEYER?g ATTORN RYS AT LAW, ?RANGEISllUti C. IIM 9??. Vn. B. B. ?EABROOK, Acting Solicitor 1st Circuit. kALCOLM I. BROWNING. J. FELDER MEYERS, Trial Justice. may 14 ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, W? he at ORANQBBURG, an Mondays. Fridays and Saturdays. At ksYWIBTlLLE on tka other ?Uvo of the W??k. m ??? It tf IZLAR & DIBBLE, ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, ORANGE BUR C, S. C. \Jaubs T. Islak. Samuxl Dibble. f??3* * ly W. Hi. W. RILETr? TRIAL JUSTICE, Residence in Fork of Edlftto, ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED will be promptly and carefully attended to. j?l7 2t ^_ly NOTICE. The Subscriber respectfully informs the CITTERNS of Orangcburg County that he ass on hand and for sale, all tbtf CHOICE VARIETIES of GRAPES, FEA'E ft?tb ROT. Also tho best Collection of Choice PEACH 18, APPLE, PEAR, ROSE TREES nnd EVERGREENS Address A. JOURDAN, Poplar Club, - Mpt 10?tf St.'Matthews, 8 C. Ma A.LBREC3EIT, ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, IQStAXGnttVBG, B. ?,. jfj RSPECT FULLY INFORMS THE CITI 11, sens of Ornllgoburg and V>oinity that he has opened at Iiis NEW STORE on Rus Sell Street, betttcbtl M< ?srs. llriggmapn & Co. and MeNnmaru ft (tones, with a complete Stock of LBATHEH? he, and tbat he haa sufficient WoPrfmbtt tit fill all Ordeir nmui 6d to him. Thanking the PdliUfc fit past patronage, *e?pectfully solicit* H cWMinuance of the fesmr. 'iElt.MS CASH. f-i. 3 dot -j.?. tf _Jk_ FRANK MELLETT, BOOT AN? SHOEMAKKlt, WOVBD TO figure Elite' Old Offi ORAXCtfiBfJStG,' ?4 C. U pffpated to'dViflt f-offc Itf flit Above line as neat and eheaiVe?'fWff anV other mau. Please give me a" trW!: /ft V(Mt ^strrantcd to five satisfaction. FRANfc*!?tLETT. nov 12 Bra NOTICES. THE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL.? Hosteller's United Statea Almanac for 1871, distribution, gratis, throughout ?II the United States, nnd ?11 civilized countries ofthe Wes tern Hemisphere, will be pulitirhcd about ttio Iii-:-t of January, nnd all who ,wish to understand the true philosophy of health shouM read and ponder the valuable sugges tiotiB it contains. In addition ?0 tin aeiniir aVi*i medical treatise on the causes, preven tion atld cure of a grcnt variety of diseases, it embraces a Inrge amount of information interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, tlto miner, the former, the planter, and pro fessionnl men: ?tiei t!ie calculations have been made for such meridians nnd latitudes as are most suitable for n correct and comprehen sive NxyIoxai r.\tnxi>An. Tho nature, uses, nnd extraordinay .-sani tary bffect-s of llostclter's Stomach* llitiers, the staple tonic and alterative of more than half the Christinn world, aro fully set forth in lie pages, which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable reciprR for the household and farm, humorousanccdoles, and other instructive and amusing reading matter, original and selected. Among the Annuals to nppea.f with the opening of the year, this will be one iif the most useful, nnd man be had for the atkiag. Tho proprietor.*. Messrs Hbatettcr & Smith, op receipt cf n two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. Tbc Hitters arc sold in every cily, lown nnd village, and arc extensively used throughout the-entire civilMed world. Pain is supposed to be the lot of ua poor mortals, as inevitable na death itself and lia ble at any time to come upon ns. Therefore it is imperiant thnt remedial agent? should be at hand to bo raised on an emergency, when the set?inal principle lougi'tl lb' ilie system shall develop itself, und w;c feel the excruciating og nies of pain, or tho depress ing intie.eucc of disease. Such r remedial agent K11.1.1 k. \.?u?e ! has made "he circuit of the globe. Amid the eternal ices of the polar regions or beneath the intolerable and burning suu of the trop ics i's yiftliil are known and appreciated: Under all latitudes, from the one extreme to the other,!suffering humtinityha-' found re lief from many of Its ilia by its use. The wide and broad area which this v cdiciuo has spread, attest* itt> value and potency. From a small beginning, the Pain Killer lins push ed grndually along, making l:u own highway, solely by its virtue's: Such unexamplel! sttrccss .tad popularity has brought others ihlU tho field, who have attempted, under similarity of name, to usurp the confidence of the people and turn it to* their own selfishness nnd dishonesty, but their efforts have proved fruitless, while the Pain Killer is still growing in public favor: HOW TO MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE.? Don't have your stairs without banisters, at the risk of breaking your ceildrcu's necks. DtJti'l havo wooden ceilings, that require a coid of light wood to illuminate the room. Don't have windows witltoul glass, Co* ttlat whenever it rains you must shut, out the light of heaven. Don't have sashes without biinds, co that the summer sun will daxzlc your eyes, wrap your furniture and fade your carpet. Hut order all the necessary matcrialsfor finishing your house in comfort able style from P. P Teal*, Charleston, S. C, the largest manufacturer of stich things in the Southern States. METALIC CASES. ? HE I'NDP.RSIONED 'HAS ON HAND ali ot tho various Sizes ? GciHTftl Corn mission Mtrcliants, Affffer't' Wharf, <"llAKIiHSTON, 8. C. OrfvfsV.i Rkrdbr. ZtMMan>tAX Davis. cpt'15 Otn OFFICIAL. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. STATE TREASURY OFFICE, Columbia, S. C, December 1, 1870. THE ROOKS of ?1ie Treasury Office for lite Transfer and Conversion of STOCKS and BOND3 *!??))..be closed on and after tbo ul?th instant tin*il tlie 1st proximo, for con veiencc in preparing statenicut of interest due to January 1, JX71. NILES 0. TARKER. Treasurer Stato S. C. deb 3 0 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. State TnsAaor.T Orrics, Colpmbia. S C,"December 1, 1870. THE INTEREST filling due on the Coupon Ihjnds ff the State of South Carolina to tlio ist ?f January, lbTl, will he paid IN* 6'OLD on and after that date at the office of II. H. Kimpton, Financial Agent of ) tiie State, No. H, Nassau Street, New York, and at this office. The interest falling due on the Registered Stock of the State to Januar* 1st, 1871t will be paid IN COLD on und after thai ?lte at the TrcnsttrV office onlv Nl W\S G. PARKER; Treasurer State South Carolina, dec 3 o _?_? AN ORDINANCE To Prevent ILLICIT TRAUE or TU A FI U uiihiri the Cor* porutc LtuillB of (fruiiscburg, t*. C. Sr.cTtos 1. That from and nfr.r the Gth [ December, IH1<). any 1'ertnn or Persona I ound Soiling; li!iit<-;ni?i Kxchanging, or Disposing of Produce, Goods, Chattels or Merchandise of any character between the hours of 'J o'clock P. M. and 5 o'clock A. M., from the Ist Beplanket ** Iii March, and between tlic beers Hf 10 o'block P. M. and 4 o'clock A. M. from tlio lat March to 1st September, shall subject the Offender to a Penalty not exceeding Fifty (?U) Dollars. 8tb. il. Half or the r*iues Collected shall be given to the Informer when sufficient Protf is given to Convict. Bsc. it. Any Ordinance, or part thereof, (???ntriTv to c- repugnant to this OrdinaCe is r?cr>bj f-o|ie*ied\ N; A. BELL, Superintendent! E. J. O1.1vF.nt1s, Clerk. dec 10 It AMENDMENT TO OKl)I\ 4 \EE id illllle hH$ plica. sic, for 'he Town of Ornngcbnrg. H. C J"J*Fectiox 1. That any Itinerant Vealer or Trader who brings Horses, Mules, Ac. in the Corporate Limits ol Oiwngcbarg iHil! forthwith make a 11 CUT" to tlie Clerk of Council, the number ol Stock on hand. 8bi\ Any Stork, such as Horses, Mules. &c, Sold or Bargained' for and Dolivered within the Corporate Limits or Outside of the Town of OraHgo^tlfa during his or their stay, n^ter making hit of iHeir Roturnt to I'the Clerk, shall be subject to the Tax of One Dollar per Head. 8kc. j. Any Violation to this Ordinane shall subject the Offender to a Fine of not lefiS thrt'! Five ffi) Dollars nor more than Twenty-Five (2oJ iJolHrs: Sec. 4. Any Ordinance, or part thereof. Contrary to or Repugnant to this Ordinanoe, is hereby Rcpcale?k N. AUSTIN BULL, [l.s.] Iutendant. E. J. Omveros, Oer?, dee 10 41 WASHINGTON HOUSE BY Mrs. M. W. I^tr'atton, consr.h GERVAIS & ASSBMHUY STREETS COLUMBIA, S. C, Conveincrif t^ the Greenville and Charleston Rai I road arid the Business portion of the City. Rate of Tranaiont Board?Two Dollars per Day. Regular Boarders received "at Reasonable Rates dec 10 tf FLORENCE! THE It EST Family Sewing MaGhin?l Unorpuded lor SIMPLICITY A'ND DURABILITY OF CON STRUCTION. EXCELLING ALL OTHV'MS in Its OsffBl tf) ror all kiffds 6t HflrW without change 6'r adjustment, and lor lieauty and Elasticity of BtltOh. AGENCTEv??Off.BROAFWAT; N, Y., and in all the principal cities ift the tJ/rrtcd States and Great Britain. SHAFFER & BRO., Agent?? Charleston, 8; %}.' C. n. HALL/ Agtut, Orangeburg, 8. t: rfplSO ff The wb'? et rett Staats aoftly freMaafsr j Night gently folee h#r ??bin wing, To greet the tverfpfg s;nr. Sweet Lun? comeeftem 'neuth the w Her ?ilvery rayaSijjp-l, And looks down : ary earth; From out her AMT 'bed. At this lone hour ft^frtlt boat Mores gently toKt shore ; Into it leaps a maitzgK f?;r, Her lurer plies t And now ?oft BtraiigNK*-. As down the si A light guitar th 1 hat breathe? The one?a noble Hit suit, Confcd A gfaSRIUt ftrtu o! In war's own p: And she. the fairagtp Dear Carolina's Mas ferahiiAed en ? Tobe young Churl's bride. Tea, that fond hear&is all his own, Uo olaapa her wlujfog hand, 'Round her fair fortn ^nc arm entwines? The boat floats for tho laud, .i But do they uee those threatening clottdsj That borer o'er lore's bkt k ? Ah ! no, life 'a but- a'fairy drsam And sweetly sings Uie lark:' The tempest's war is wildly loud, Dark gathering ?Hoave the way to fortune and' pre ferment.?THV $folloVri?g sketch illus iratei this i'uci : ? A sailor, rooghty garbcdj wa8 stroll ing through the street* ol' Now Orleans, i lie-ii in a.rather damp ?cabdit:on ? fron? recent ram .atiif tlie rise of tho %tule. Tu$uiug the corner ol'. u much ? frcqueu tedf and -narrow a!fry. In; nbv.-rvcd a young lady'slanding in perplexity, appie eiuly^jeasuWifj t''e Uepth of tho muddy water betwecu .ty&ajnl the opposite fl walk with no very satisfied' coup.' sdiuirer of beauty, wid certainly the Fair face that.-peeped out from under the | little chip hat, and the auburn curls 1tangimr~glo^,ntid anrl uncoisfined over her in^lj^;ana% might tempt a curioug,, or an admiring*, glhnce.?Perplexed tho ^?iy put forth ouo little foot, -il'oii ;4.:!!::!St sailor. v. V.h in ;???'.! ?!?? claWJ : ^Thttt ^prilry : f\w6^hy\y. should uot ha soiled with the filth of this lane; wait fqp a moment only, and and I \pll make y^u. a path.'' So springing pist^Iicr into a carpen ter's shop* opposite, ho fc-jrgnincd for plaink board that stood in too doonv:-.] ! nnd coming back to the .smiling girl, who was. just coquettehj^iiQtrgh t? nccepj I tlie serviocs of the handsmhc youti! a>t |Mor ^?'*4>riagc(t tho.narrow bTa'ck stream, j nnd. fjfte tripped across vAritti u" merry J 'lykauk you. and n roguish smile, ? thnk I ing hor^yos as daSffiug 'as they could ?o? : a. ?' *AI:is! our young sailor wits perfectly charmed. What else would mako htm catch np nnd thouldcr tho plank, and follow th#l ittle witcli through tho ?liniy etrerts tif he* home sh- twice perform-"^ ing tbo ccrinfonyof walking tlie piauk,|" and each time thanking' him with onu of her eloquent smiles ir hero s?nv tho young ],idy J trip up the maible steps of a palaco of a hou.-c and disappear within its rosewood entrance. For a full minute ho stood 1<>..Nog at the door, and then with wonderful ligb, turned sway, disposed offl his drawbridge bud wended ItiS patb^ baek to Iiis ship. j he next day he was astonished with ai| order of promotion from the Captain. 1*001 Jack was? speechllWfl with amaze ment; be had no ft roam of being exalted to (lie dignity of a second mate's offoe on board one of the most splendid Ships that sailed out ol New Orleans. H< knew be was competent, for instead of ?pending his money for amusement, visiting theatres and bowling alleys ou| bis return front sea. he purchased booksl add had become quite a stulent; but bei expeeted years to intervene before his| ambitious hopes would be realty, d. His superior officers seemed to look| upon him with considerable leniency and uave him many a lair opportunity] in gat lief marine knowledge; und in year the handsome, gentlemanly youin: mate hau acquired unusual favor in thel eyes of the portly comm.mlcr, Captain] Hume, who had fust taken tho Bmari little blaek-eyod fellow, with his tical tarpaulin, and tidy bundle, cs bis cabiu| boy. One night the youg man with all tbe| other officofa was invited to an entertain ment fit the Captain's b nisc. Ho went, and to Iiis astonishment mounted tho| ideutieal steps that, two years before the brightest vision he had ever seen .passed over?a vision he had never forgotten. Thump, thump, went Ilia brave heart as be was ushered into the parlor, and like a sludge-hammer it beat again when Captain Humo brought forward hut blue oyed daughter, and with a pleasant smile; said 5 ? 'This young lady was once indebted toI your kindness for a safe aud dry walk home.' His eyes wero all ablaze, and bis brown check.* flushed hastily ds the noble Captain sauntered away, leaving (trace Hume nt his side. And in all that assembly was not so handsome a cotiple a" the gallant sailor aud the 'pretty lady.' It was only a year from that timo that] the second mnte trod the quarter deck, se'eoud only iu command, and part owner with the Captain, not only in his vessel but iif the affection-* of his duughtor, gentlo Ora*6e Humo who had always cherished respect, to say nothing of love, for the bright eyed sailor. His homely but earnest net of polite ness toward his child bad pleased the Captain, and though tho youth' kucW it uot, Waa the ^actfe of bis first promof m, from biis'nata, Henry W?lls 5* Qaptaux. I w * j uod Grace Httmols.ftcconftttg to polite t parhujc-e, "Mrs..{Captain .,V?cll*. 1*1 facty j the honest sailor ia one of the ric!.. ;! \ nivin in the Crr?oe:.t City; 'And he owes I perhaps, the greater pult or Vis 'projper- j ii v to hia tuet shiil politeness in crossing the?*tre.et. * "V ! > W hS Woman Wods 1 Seme close observer of our sopsl rola-i tions, having looked about among his married fcmnlo Acquaintances, ventures ?toaHjBhg. fullowing list, with an tempi tv indicate the real Reasons whieh inrnence too inanyio mn'rrj" I MAftftYIKft T.Ttl A HOME;. j Number Otfe Tia'a married for a Ifomf. She ha? got tiffid of wording in a facto- | ry or teaching school. She thor . 1 married lifo on etrth washftt motnii: walks, 'boggy vi d ?.???=. ndw bonnt".. nnuiing to do. Well, she. lias pot Ju jaonie ; whether or not she is tired of the,; incumbraucca this \?cporterrtf ctii'l' aof. inasmuch-?? ttils deponent doeauiot \> tively know. COXS?LTIKG FA MII.Y I N T T.\\ V. I . Nnmbcr two married beouus^-shc haB soven yonog ?ftifitors > und d pnjia with:* narrow income. She CQnauhed tho |n ftcrests of bef family. Peihn?? she would bettor nave consulted hor o>?h in terests b&'tafciug in Tight washing or by gpj.rg out by the day to work. SilE UK EC TtIB SOtlHD OF ?!nS. Number three married* because JIvS. sounded so much batter than Mijus. ^he ? '4L i 1 u * v wa s twenty-mno years a:iu sloven mouths old, and another month would have trans formed, her into a regulaY old maid. TlunV how awful that vrodld lta*e bceti \ t?iTJ^'So'MEiiOL'V to pay ii irr; FULLS: Number four married because she wanted-somebody to pay her bills. Ilet hnsbarid married ft love bad taken to himself a second love ! This piece of retaliation might have douo her good at the time, but in the long run number eight found it did Hot pay. wanted SYMPATHY. Number nine married because site had read novels and "wanted sympathy." Sympathy is a Cue thing, but it coob down at a rapid rato if the domestic| kittle, is not kept boilihg, and the do mestic turkey is undone. Novels ntial housekeeping don't run very well togeth er iu harness, to use a spoiling torm;| and number nine's supply of sympathy didn't hold out very Hft'g. MAHRIED FOR LOVE. Number ten married because she loved her husband with all hor heart and soul And sh'o loves him still, and will probably continue to love him and is tho happiest wife in' the world?so she s?)s. We htnt: all tho right motive at last ?ono which when sanctified by a desire and resolution to improvo and clcvute each other, and to live true and holy lives bolero God, cannot fail to call down tho blcssiugs of Ileavor.. But sad is the fete of thoso wii'o marry front Wrong mo tives, to escape their share of life's work, or to get something for which they have nothing to give in rcturu. A Dutchman* in Dcoatnr, Illinois, mar ried a second wife in about ti treck after . tho loss of No. 1. Trfo Sabbath folloi ing the wife nslfei! ffcr Ford to tako her out riding and was duly 'cut op* w- h the foiling response : You diuks I ride out mit nnodcr woman so soon aftof