. _hss=h= LOCAL. S?TU1U>AY,1)EC. 24, 18?9. . *cop?J Cfcv?oh 'tu >ftow ib. session at the ^Cle?in UnivenVtjS ftrAop Simpson pro 'aiding. Manj diatinguibhed Clergymen *from abroad are in Vxercixca IV M. aud evenings at the Col lege Chanel, ffishop Sitntpson preaAca Sabbath morning at 101 o'clock, and af Her the sermon, a Urge tfasH trill be'Or 'arfifSA fcesfcorA. II. J. fro*, SO. D, ?pYeacrfeVa'tk Vrftfck P?. M, followed by 'the Ordination of Riders. A. M. Com iningi "p. D, preaches fc't ^ o'clock Sab cVehing. ; - Bishop Simpson is jpostly rogardad as ^One of the finest pulpit Orators of this ''country and his presence here at the Conference affords the'people of thin TJectieu, an opportunity of hearing a mau or rare-pu^N few**. Public, MehtiNo.?A meetiug of the ?Citizens of Orangoburg Town ra called on Monday afternoon next, at iVyirVt House to select a TeachctN Rftd to take 4irfd ^sftA?Wtfott the oprnmtW'ef a pub 4io eohool for the wnWc ^Sttekoft. ^ _____ ,?/ Show.?Suow fell to the depth of four inches in this plaot Thursday nifcht and Friday morning the boys and girls enowed. The State Constabulary has be*rt dis banded, and many who composed it have returned hone. This ?"anottnennen* we make with pleasure. Got. . Scott is keeping his promises faithfully to the people, and we are suro he will not cease unt'l the last *>oe is falfilcd. At the Kxccutire Department, on the the 20th, T. Y. Simons, Esq., was ap pointed Notary Public for Charleston County. The following persons received par dons: Jesse J. Harrison of Marion : Kexieh Laungeford of KlcMani. Hetail liq??r. dcaicrt mi'At look sharp. The notice from the County Commission era in auother calumrt ?'MS thlfe point. Head it every one of you es* ;? iuji?-i ??'?ill??' Soe Notice School Cotomicnunef f?vI. Cain in another rolumn. ?s?_ ___________ 72 Citt SKCVnfTfin?Augusta, Ca., Bonds, 78@ ; Charleston, 8. C. Stock, (ex ijr hit) ($62; do. Fire Loan Rund?, (*p?i; Co lumbia, S. 0. BohdS-, t RAlLaOAO ?oSuS~"luo Uidgo (first mort gage) ti(J8f> ; Cheraw and Darlington, (*)S'j; (Irccnville and Columbia, (Int mort) (n\#o ; do, (Stato guarantee) ?65; Northeastern, 87 o~ ; Savammii nn south carolina ba.xk bills. ?Rank of Charleston. (?) *Bank of Newberry. t?. Bank of i'amden."'<.?, Dank of Georgetown. 6( Bank of Hamburg. 7($ Ra'rtk or State of S C, prior to 1801 ...43(rr) Baukof State ufiflFtie 18til and 18C.J..30(a) ?Plantora' and Meclu\nic?' !'?nk of Charleston. (a) ?People's Bank of Charleston. ?Union Dank of Charleston. (j) ^Southwestern it R Bank of Charles ton, (old).i. @ "Southwestern It It Bank of Charles ton, (new). (?) State Bank of Charleston. ?r?) Farmers' ami Exchange Bank of Char (eaten...,,. 2f?) Exchange Bank of Columbia. 7(0 per sere. One-half ?sah and ftic balance in two yoat in Loti to suit purchnsiM-s. For further particnlara apply to J-OHN D. FOGUC, gqee 10?8t On Barnwell Road. VT?tlce>.-All FcruoiiH UuVlmr 1^1 Demands against the Estate of \V. r. MeL^wn, deceased, late of Orangebnrg y, A. J. Jackson, Lewis InabinctYnd Peter Houeer. Also one other tract centahiing 50 acres more or less, boauded by laaae of John II. 8nosk, Mrs. Matha Smoak, ?f >nn Wley and A. N. W. Hnmog. Levied tfpen as the pro perty of HlllietU ft. Borke at the suit of Pa-id n Mctver. I AT^O On Tuesday afteY Salesday ?> tho reaf deuce of Billiard It. Curke, at>o^rt.CO bush" els Teas, I'JO bushels Corn, 16 b'uMicla Hioc. 220U lbs Fodder and 1 bank Slips. Levied I on as the property of Hillard K. Burke at the salt of Ds>vid A. Molver. I ALSO j One tract of land "containing lGSO acrca more or I ceil, bounded by lands of--. i being the remainder of the place on wh oh John VY. Dantxler now lives, after deducting I Ms Homestead therefrom. Said lands will be sold in several different trats. Also 7 Mules and 1 rr?rse. AN* tin Tuesday altcV SaVaday nt iT> resi dence of .lohn VY. Danlsler, about 'Jo head Cnltie und 2 Wegout*. Levied'ou ?s the pro perty of John VY. Dantler at the suit of Mary Ann Crook, Ex'x. ? ALSO One tract of hiudcontiiining ?200 acres more or Ivs-, bounded by lands of J. H. I'. T?te, Peter Avinger, Mrs. GtfoVge Thomaon, Kstate Vane- Thomson r.'hd San toe River. Levied on us tho property of F. W. Voght nt the mi it Of i'.ejrin W. Bates, Cuardiau of C. BEu'1. \ ALSO Otic tract of land containing 422 sere's :nor"c 'or lesto, Wounded t>y hinds "of A. IV ?riftihj'Jeihfo L'tsey, Allen Shulor, A. Snell ami Keo'cc'ca Collier. Also the remainder of the tract contain, ing 42fi ncrcs more or less, bounded by lauds of P. P. Sbulcr, U. Danlsler, Middle ton Buir, Calhenn Shuler \2. Khulei-, after taking there* from 287 acres including the Lttiildinga, which was set apart us llomsktend for T. Glenn Shulcr. On Tueadny after Salesday at the resi dence of T. Olenn Shulcr 2 llorsos, about ti bead Cattle - licad .Sheep, lot of Ho^w, 1 lluggy end 1 Carriage. Levied en as the property pf T. Glenn Shuler in the c-.se en titled T 'Glenn Shulor, Adm'r Estate J. U. Vi. Cottier, ogaiust L. I). My er*, ct. ?L ? ALSO One Fish ~et. Levied on us the property of David Smoke at the suit of Peter 11. Salvo. ALSO One tract o> land containing 800 acr?* more or less, bounded aorta and east by Ann Berry, south by J. P. Berry .. ;d wml by Berry and Edwarde. Levt.d on sf the pro perty ol I?. U. M. Berry at the suit o! John P. bei r,?. Cltiardian. A LSO One true; of laud containing 53<*> acres more or lens, bounded north by estate of J. \Y. Kedmond, south ?>y Daniel Rilty, east by Mrs. O. L. Ciraves and west by Mrs. VVolte and Thos. Walsh. Levied ou as the property of Win. M. Ooffncy at the suit of J. W. aud O. Bi Kilay, AdtnTs This property by consent of Judgment Creditors, will be sold or one-half onch, bal anctt on a credit 12 mouths, secured t>y bond and mortgage, with covenant for resale.' * 1.30 One tract of land conlaiuing 470 acres more or less, bounded on north by N. F. Ilerlotig and Olivia Kiley, east by C. A. Staley, ?outh by W. (iaffm.-y and David wolle aud we.-t by tract set off to widow as dower. Also the remainder in dower of the widow in li'ij urres more or less, bounded on cast by the shove tract of 4"0 acres, south by Duvid Wolle, west l?y J. M. Herlong and north by N. F. Her long, Levied on, aa the ps-operty of Jacob \\. ttcdm-ui 1 at the suit ot J. W. and if. It lliley, Ad in r?. By cotiHcnt of Judguient Cre Charles 8. Bull. el. ?L 1 By virtue of an order of yiia ih this efeee, I will sell st Orangcburg, B. C., on Monday, 2d day January nest, during tho legal hour's of sato: AS that House and Lot in tie Yinafte or Orangeburg, oat Uusuell Street 40 feet, \nd in depth ?? feet, btfnhded tin the north by Ilussell Street, east 'by Dr.. K. J. Oliveros, l >uth by Trvst Kata*e bt W. It. Bull Whd wife, and west by L>. Louts. Terms?T)ne-t bird cask, bkJknce en a cred it of oWae'd two years, purchaser to giV> bead for such balanco secured by mortgage o'f The promises with a covenant for resale iu caso of brsach of condition of the bend, and Insure the Building and assign the Policy, and to pay for Tapers, Stampf and HceoVd ??g. % ALSO ttftANGKBURQ?Ik Common Plba? Julia A. McRewn, .bhn'x 1 vs. In the Thomas C, Albcrgetti, J Circuit Court. et. u\. et. nl. ) By virtue *f a'r> ordeV Of. sale made io thin cats hy :hc Laid Couv\ \ VrTll tall at Orange? hur?, S. C, on Monday the V>\ 'iVy of Janu ary next, during* the usual (roan of saleVU the Real La.tado of witioh the latr W. T. U4. Kerni died seized, to wit: 1. All ihat tract of land situate iu tae Village of Orangabusg, on the Five Chop Koad. containing twelve- (12) acres more or less.'jounded by lands ol II. Biggs and Es tate W. T. McKcwn. being tho tract on which the said W. T. McKcwn resided ia bis life time. 2. 'All the tv::) .Inder in dow er in nil that lot er parcel of tadu situated in the Village ! of Orangoburg, on the Five-Chop It od I, con- ' taining four und one-half { 1-'*] acres mot or less, hounded by iKfndl C1 If. Iligj;.., Ueo. llolivcv, und tii ? tract above mentioned. 8. .'.11 the remainder ia doa'or iu all that tract ot land situated iu OrangcburgCouuty, on both aides of tin* Eivc-Xjkep Itoad, (said tract will b'vsold in two paYceltf, the said Koad being tiio dividing lir-c ' containing four buudrcd and fifty tour { V; 11 acres more or less, bounded by lands of Hon. T. '?'?'. (Hover. H. Tliundertwi*. B. F. Simmons, li. Bigj^, autl lands formerly of D. It. Barton, ?iii 1 Linda 'ef I?. W. Bart-iW, 0. Arant, and Joseph Cookc. Terms?-One-half cash, the balance on a credit of twelve mouths purchaser t^> give bond for saiil credit portion bearing in lere? icim d*\y of sale, and secured by mortgage with > covenant for resale on a broach of the condition of the bond, and also to pay for papers and stamps. ALSO OANGKBUKG COUNTY. l*i fits Common I'tEAS. E. T. cVdvo-r, A din'*, for another. ) In the said case, by\Fie raid CottTt, I will sell at Ors.ngeburg, S. C, on Monday, the I'd day of January next, during the usual hours ot sale, tho following land : All that tract of Ipml slfu&Vce on Lime stone, contuir':r."r 2W4 acres mdrn or !c*?, bounded north by !and& of Christian Wolfe, Daniel Larey and J iL /.eic??'' and casd, and west by lands of J. II. Zcigler. Terms?One-half cash, balance in 1 year sctured by bend and mortgage, with Cove nant tor resale on breach of bond, with in terest from dnv of sale. Purchaser to pay for papers sad atA'-np*. \?*hcriir? nfflgU 1 H. RIGt.S, Orangehrrg 0. *H?i'i,C.. [ H ?.).<'. December oSFSTO.-- ) dee 10 id " ~-?? The State of South Caroling COURT OK COMMON PLKAS. Coi'nty or OranokHpho C. A. Staloy; n. W. Staley, ") M. C. Ulmer, F. D. Staler, and Copy Anna I?. Culler anil L. liane Sutumuaa. Culler. HMHtifts < '( Against J FardMief. J. Wesley ilouatr a-id Bache!, ? Oompisint his wife, Hefen Ums. j Served. Tq t\? IWmdont: 3. W-sle-y llouser and RaeY-i Hoarser! ^trou ARK HK IKBT SUMMONED and _JL_ required to answer the complaint in this action, wliieii ia tiled iu lite olnce ol" Ine Clerk ofCoBUiioa Pleas tor the said CouM.y und to serve a copy of year answer to the said complaint On i ic iub;cr?ber- at ihe.ir oltice, in Oranpcbur^ S. C. withio ttveu'y days after th- - tvic? tiereof, exclusive of the day of such service j audit yon fHl! Io answer tie <-j:ni>'..: it within the note afore Haiti, ih.- p!.ii:n : ... ?? action will apply m tti? Court fortbo t< ??? letnaudedin the com plaint. Dated ?'? aH|bbli gDecenibsr8th 1970. IIUTSON8 h LKOAItS, j/.lah k DIBBLE. PlaintitT's Attorneya. I certify that the above Summons is pub lished iimier an order ot tin; Judge of Pro bate for the County which extends the time for answer to six weeks. 8th December P<7". ?EORGH BO LIVER, dec 10?Gt C. C. O C. Notice of Diihissal. 0T1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 IU will, on the 10th da of January, 1871, iile my linal aoeanut wi'li ti?-> llonornblo Judge of Probate for Ovaa : ?'? irj| Co inty, as Adminiatrator of the Estates' b( A. Keitt, an ! ask fer Letters df Dismissal! P. M. IIODSER, dec 10- It Adminjstritor. Notioe of Dismissal; NOTICE IS HER EBV QIVEN THAT ON tho Ubtli day of December next, 1 will Hie my Final Account with the Hon. Thad. 0. Andrews, .Imlge. of Probate, and nsk for la tter" of Di-.nii .saJ us Administrator pf Ja cob a. Daimler, decease ' J. J. HUNUEUPBILLEE, h?r 26 ?It Administrator. IOST Oil NT?IJIX From my j Vyifa about the 25lh Nov. last, her l'OCKBT. BOOK containing ill in Oold, $I;0tJ in Silver and a little Change in Orson bauks, ulso a NOTE against R. O. Sams pay able to tho Executors of the F.statc of Allen Shuler, deceased. Several payments have been made on the Note. Any person finding or give!UK ii)formation loading to the recov cryof said l'ockot Book and N?te will he Liberally Rewarded. All persons aio fofewnrnod from fr^dine; for tatd Note as payment b is been spippeil, dec.i-tf ikvi.n p. dant/.u:i:. F 0 R S A L G m TWO FINE VOUXO MULES, ri l arge Siso si d Weil Brhkvn, .'> ij> ^upaud 7 years old. Jka?h ?? eew TWO HORSB OtONTetieup for cash; Inquire at GEORGE If. C0R> ELSO.N'i*. dee Lt Sheriff's Sales. lN TUE COURT OP PROBATB. Rotiert E. Panaing, j 1 VS. e/ldorV W.Titonrt*, outcry on sale-lay In J?h'CTfry ^'ex:, tkfj fel lowiag tratt of lend,, vhri. ? ,. m .. . One tr.ct of lao'a. efri^n'iilte 90 here* more or )ua, bounded'by lahd'a of J. W. Fen uiog.. Willis D. Fanning, D. TV. Jefeoet and I. "Von. Te'rtoa cash. Farcuascr to pefy for papers and atatnpo. ALSO IN Tili: COUitT OF PROBATK ^ANOKDUKO Cou.tTY. 'irxp'aru Albert If. llunkerpiier, 1 M. Evan Cook, rot-r Coek, ( Latin ic. Cook et. al. In pursuance i > an order lo me dfee^tefl by tbc Honor*bio Thnd C. Andrews Jndgo of the ' Probate Court, I will expose to public out- | cry ?>n saleduy in January next, the I'o^owiag | tract uf land : One tract of land ooutniniTig 1*10 acres I more ot less, inOiengcburg County,*bouud< t by lan Is of -JoliB 1?. fc'tronifcti, Caroline . Vlrai?bllug an I oth'era. j Turins rash. FuVobaE-vs to j ay for pa'* j per* and itatnpf. ALfcO IX TUB COURT OF PROBATE, i 1lit A KU Bill! RU COU N T V. Margaret Hunkerpiler \ Petition 1 vs. . for David Win Hunkerpiler, j Partition. ' In i reliance i p oncrder to me directed , by tii- Honeir?b*c TtVadC. Akdrew* Ju Ige ? I tbo probate Court, I writ tape** to publ I ( ntcry i nsaleday in Jannary next, the rowing tract of In ltd, vjz: All that ti-not or parcel of laud situate and 1 lying andboingitt tho County of Orungcdurir, ! and btale aforesaid, containing sxity acres i'-'t? or less, and bonndod by lands of Weeks, George L. Smith, and Swart. Hun gcr'pcler. Term?.?One-half cash, bulnnoeon a credit of ono \ear. purchaser to ^-ive bund and ltiprt^n;ie. bearing interest from day'of sale, payable annually, with a c?vrn?ut f<.r re nale on s breach ot 'he condition ; s. A LSO IX Till: COURT OF PHOB.iTE, ORAKOKnuru Cut! mt. 8. A. Bull, C. b. Hull. H?le M. E. Bull. } in vs. j Partitiou. Estntu C. J. Bull. \ri pUriuatfoc t'O an order to tne direc-te-1 by We llttiorael- Thad. C. Audrews. Judge of the Probate Court, I will expose to public outcry os salesday in January next, the fol lowing tract of land, vi:: All that Plantation or tract or laud tying in the jowor part of t Matthe; s I'uriek, Orangcburg . vunty, containing iItr?>-- i;uu drcd aud sixty-o.iu acres, Iii.'*;-?' or ic>.-s, bounded by I*. Mart. J. Sellers, it. HanUter, W. Evans, M. Dantxler, aud r. ?V. Vogt. Torrn*?One-third e.i-h. the bubiu:.- p..v atdo in One and two y<>:?i i, Keeurod by bond and mortgage .rit'i intereM from day i?J sale-, witli covenant ! Eiaanuel Gleaton et. al. j By order of the Probat? Court mad* in ;Lin cast, 1 will sail at Oraageburg C. it., en the lai Monday iu January next, fer half cash; the balauea in one .year, eecarad bjr bond xwJ taYtrtgafti. cT premises, wftTi *j t"?-Vf?i. I Uuded by i iion. ? Glcatoa aud IV. .y.):^^n s land and by Lets - und L ?t. 1?1 icrcs, hounded by the above JLel Ii, t?a\\ir \U Lot I, aasigaea te the widow and rly.lt> 8. Morgan'* luud. 5. 2\ acres, grunted Absalom CHcatna ha 1846, akd bounded by !iia lands und these of Tindal an i Ar;jos. ? 6 .r?0 acre*. L .u:; it-: .. ' Dr. I'hia, Da.i 1 r.o?ie, Peter 1 ogle t.id Absalom .. ton. 7. '20 ?eres lining j-.r' of i traei bought by A, ami T. OhMton iro n !!. MbMie i*ed iu tK-Wi, a;.,! irhii ii Was granted t? ?' tu, Ij . . in 177?. the .?.?;:.?? bidti ...... ol ?} ?acr >. ewned in common h; T 01c; ceased. yherltTs Office, | II. UIOHS Ornngoburg C. IL. S. P., - 6. O. C I)ec?i.ibcr t*. 187U. ) de: 10 *td Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of Btuidry ?r,j' of Ji*ft'., to m? ted. und o! lir tfi tll< i. ? t :aeate ei thswolr, I ?el al the ( i I II alee ia the let Mo:: Jay ii January; the ?< property, hwied >?it . tho property ol Fri ;- .. k Motfman rtee'd, at the bin; ot U. F Simmc is iiitd othrrt. lo wit : 1. <>n<> trael of nevri ijibro !, <. i; Orangebnrg County, bounded by Inuds of Louisa Ciilutasure, D. Furtick, Lewis (J< 1 win, O.M. Whetstone, II. D.'J. Wbetsiono and-Riloy, 2. one of oTii neros more or L\"?, in f .?nif i'ounty, hounded 1>V lands of Win. Knotts' Mrs. Redman, L?r ii Goodwin', O. V.. Wbei sioue nndiraci -I hereailer dettcrihod. It. Clue of 27?.J acres more or li-ss. in same County, hounded by lands of G. M. Whet ? ? cti?, Bamberg Pound Jos. Knotts. Lewis (iin l:\ -n und sai;?r ill StuuklanH aud Jane Murk. By concent of the Judgment Credit of. the aale will ho for one-third caehi the balance in two equ?l aiinuil instalments, feenred b; bond a ith interest frotii dale, payable annu all with s inorlgoKO of tile frrjniiseB, and a t'nJehent for resile and collection of tke HMtfle itiHount upon ftrii Hreaoh of the bond Purbhassrsto pay ft?i pa;> rs. stamps and ro ebfditig ?'mi with lue privilege of paying nil easb. II. BIGG?, dec 10- d S. 0. C. Notice of Biiftmssal. VTOTIi I". IS 11 Kit K I) V . PTN' Til VT ON i\ thel'Hlh day of Dceeoiher neat I will r ilc no rinnl Account with tho !!ou Tha i. C. Andreas, Jddge of ProhatCj und ask lor Letter's of Disrrihwal ij Adr*iiniriralor of Iho RstatC ef Oliver >"? iltr. de.-er.sed. R: L. Slit Ll.n. j.' I ? f *"i.o' .i; M ate.* ?oq ????(,? YP.RS?N8 wlahlhg to buVS Vt\v rfORSE ! _ or HORSES, WAGONS, Sc., catl do t i low em RECEIVER'S SALE. ORAX.GliuuiiG cV3\;nty. Tn CoMmo^ Pleas. Valentine Pittaau, ct. ?1.,) In the Ve. Circuit Elizabeth L. Ellis, ct. a), j Court. Rv vir:*-? of an order .?f ?nie made in ti?I-? CuSc < the Hiiid fviurt, I will ?..tll m Orangu< I S. ('., on Muli.lay ihptfd -.la^, ot Jatiua< ? v next, during tbe usual hours oJ nab*: ' 1. AJ1 that tract of land id tun ted in Drange? bttrgCoutity. conmi'i? uu'; hundred and forty ' six i 'd?i :ic: es more o: lens, and bouudeJ lands of J. h. Keitt, .J. G. Wannaniakcr I ,-jiJ tra^t No. 1. 2. All thai lot of land situated iu said j County, containing one hundred and thirteen i (lit) acres more or less, bounded b_\ land I of estate T. J. ? lover, A. t*. Andrews and. J jreci IKo. I. J All that tract cd* land situate In said i C unty eoniaiiiiug one hundred and tbirty? eiaht t!3>( acres more or lese, bounded by lauds of T. ?I. l.cgar.*. eatatc T. J. Glut?-] *i C. Andrews and tract X?>. i. purchasfe.1 D. i Louis, . -i. .*?ii that tract oi lmd siru?t'C on Puss tdl Sirc?. \:\ the fv..n of OfaJifcebitrg. and I tin led St kt* Wf. w. If. 10. EES and J. F. Ular F.?q. ! All iiie bt.'.vr It are r r'Oi ? at the ttak j of tfie f?rraer purchaser!*', iheM? liaring Tailed to comply with the term4 ef sale. Term*?Tlne-tblVd cash, and the balance .on a ? rvdil of "twelve mouths, purchasers la ; j;iv?* Ron.! for sn! 1 balance, beating Interest i from tisy of sale, and secured by a rhortjj..;;* Inf the premises, with a covenant for r.esil? on a breach of the condition .?f said Bond, i and te pay for Papers and Stamps. 0. B. OLOVKR. Receiver. ? Oraupeburg. S. C, Dec. 'J. lbTD.?vd. Assignee's Sale. IX BANKRl" l*TCV. It: tl?o Matter of Joit.\ ('. I-'anxino, Uunkrupt, Ex parle V. Y. Djbulk] As rignea. R\ i rt uof nn*oidcr of sale lo me directed, from tne Honorable Dial riot Court of the t'nited States, for the District of Septa Car olina, 1 will sell at pnblie auction, st Ornti?i burg 0. II en Monday January 2d 1SV1 at ? the hatial hi lira *f sale": I All that plantation or tract of laud lying1 in the Eei k nt EdieTo, Oi aogehurg County. ' containing '. tiol s hiorc er les.-. 1 bunded by I lands of Mrs. M. Gardner, S. A. K lictflo j and. Also nun Rifle Ctunliii i cash. PUrchaaeM to pay for : paper? it ltd stamps. P. V. r-'BLI.E. Asdgnee I .'?/n:. l . Fanning Bankrupt . doc SO id Assignee's Sale. I'M BAKlllilVtiJV. In tin? Mutter ?>!' CALEB L.. fin.>? Rirukrnjd', J.\ port P. Y. Jji^aLE: A8si^n,ec. . **aJ.ii. virtue of >?.n cr.! *r?.f saV to rae d'.rtvl ' el f^VgsAff Honorable Dl trict Court of the Cuile n Meaday; t!i e2d day hi Ja?u { ary.lSn, a: I he oi:ini l.our> of sale: A'! tlio. interest ef t.'aiob O. Staphensj \ Hank rapt, i': all that plantation of tract t\i laud lving ? South Kdisto River. Oranj;.? borg County, eehtaining ft'J*i aeres rhwf'eMor.l I !eBi> bounded hi lands of J. D. Cleckley,.es. ! lato of John S. Jenhings. Smith Edisto River nn l estate lauds of-Thofnaa. i t'on liii ms cas';1.. Purchasers to pny ?'or ' pipers ur.d StaHtns. P. V. DIBBLE, Asjtcnoo Caleb ?. Stephen*. Banki :j t j dec 10 . Id I! I (i R E I > j FAMILY COFFEE POT^ o.in DOOR BAST PtlRRBiTBRIAN CIIUROH, R. K. If. ^F1R^()N Have just received nnd wPl keep con?tan! ly on ban I, otie cf lue liM Assorted and cheapest let of e CO?KIKO KtHYES ever ofTcrcd in tUii(oi8trkct tj n av Am: NJaij !o order ?nd pnpplitrd t- Mcr.nan bv rTholcenle and "e'al. at Cbarleston rie *s. * tVltTTRHI Vf? ' i? r Cbe^p: All I *vaiit is a hnal ? u' *?* .:iatn too funs. Mv pietto Is l fw Priofi T..rC-"o. ? ;t :,'.? ' i tg V < ? WILCuX, GIBBS & CO. IMPOR TEIiS dt VF, A L KRS G U A N O S, 1 18 BAV Irr., dAYANNAH, ?a. Ml BlftVAttSr. AlJdl^tivtoi. 151 Ee'it S*y, Cx? ARLES? ?xt> bt BULL,. SGOVILL & HEB, ORANGKlWRO. a C. \ For further information, spp*/ or afc ? ilrusa RS uborof :r Pamphlet. bu? 1^ vroc 4 tu I. F. Dnouta. U. K. llcxtM. M* C, ricruiN?. 15K01.)II?: iSs CO., OTT?Jj FACTORS C(N M M1 :* 5 10 N M F. RCI i A xt*, : 0h 77/ A Tl A.\ TIC WllA CIlAP.PSTO.V. S. C. Liberal Advanoea made on C-SnaigcniWt. Itaraa to Andrew Hi meeds, ls , titton. \ fJ?-SEXD IN?K OX?^U jeiT*S'':iT Pr?'e or. AppUealion.^^jj MONTHLY 31AOAZIME, ' R . Doil^-'t far A n ivr. f4CPAf7$ fl?lypl^b ?! ATTFK. w?i.xr.n. kvaxjs ? coosweli.. 1*4 Vr AlsXKX, ciiiumi, 0. r jdy 10 ?Mp?i nt : i.i.'ir.? estjuct op sah rAPAF.ll.L v. f7/T0. W cM?l*FS TER' S COMI'Ol KD PLCIH EXTRACT cp bvckit Tbc^-n Celebrated PrepuraUons. criginallT ' introduced ?>y Geo. W. Carpenter, under the I patronage of tho toedioal faculty, hare been ;*>o h>Ip{ cttcns'iisdy used by jhys.;ciaua and j others, that thoy?-aro g?'n/rally ktiirr. fur llicir intrinsic r.tluo, ?u;d nju'riv relied ?>u a? heilig moat Miluifffto ren>odie!? in all oa? s . wflerc Sarsaparttttt r Ruelnt are anpifcwtdi*. attd ' aiiuo! >>o *?4.i highly ivo cut mend od' They ur? prepared io a highly coaoerstrated fofrli, so ?.h t?i render the d?>*e Mnall and e^n ; eentent, Ofucra y u?afl ?r otLefTri'To ttIji ? receive prompt atti4ttidn, geo. w.< AllPK.NTLU, UENSZCYACO.. Vthcdrsale Cbetnieal Warebotise; No. ' i7 Market ntroet. Philadelphia. I or ctle h* DCKL'S L P11?LKH, and &. 1: OLIVKKO.1*, Orangebnrjt. 8. C. 8n i DOVtll? 5t WOI .?, Wholesale Agruh-*. C'hr.rlc3lv>B, s. C. >?> ? .- ?? ?t? " . The State of HtmtB Carolina, or a no i:bi;ro cofnty. Iv TIIF. COMStOfl r i H ? :? I Julia A McXeT'n, 1 i Adu,inistr?trix. Mum I - . V .i. I ''\.'i.??o A. SetS 'or ft nt ?M n> bvfVHl nv?, on r ?? brf *re the flrs* ?t-?* at* Jar. s. (r /, 1*71; or tuey vrill r^ d?t>a* *e4 rayn.er.* ?v.T. fHQ>