JL?bflL ft ?uuo at tfihnd r*b mmen "4? ?uST TWO DOLLARS peu ANN^Nt blO'l (IMPlMtV. YJ.w.nrrK ' w 9^ * ??! *>i* ??p! ^bn?! H^tl jfeidw ?)A?'M j i. . _ >_-* 4t bm*t*9lmii fco? mi Mi?win m^*** tXHUrtiwntraira Mjf TO* r ?W ?*??*! -M-uic-pm ?i .i?fl *> Mlw j *Q 1 ?nt-Moon'? .>ei*.i?!nr? '? ? ?? r^fy^y^ jt^iaif .tt;i{ *?I l'rti? ,i tut??* i?> i-Mflri'a"** ?4? la iw ii ?rf It ?? ???*' t<:.tiotM?L* o) tali?? *sw ?Ufir;4#c4>| i/( Y ' -ijy>l a rfitw aw**'jwm*^**^ A?i (Ul oi>. fci? ' M(j^?i?? bt ? XsoJl** eWj fe>? 'SAH tttt ?M???SM -mvaot 4fc-i ?ia ww %tt?w I tu */?fffuw gaivirrtfa YiU>jt ?4) W . ?I oiw wiMw Yii>iwtfarV>??ft ?Tit* f?io nic'.'ty it^iS^taM J Ali WAYS IN Ai>VANi}i ?the OR?IWeB ?RG NEWS'" ~-:o: Erery Satunl . ter-mToF gt^scRrr'TTn^. iJo?l" Copy for ot:e year. $2.00 'K 'V^iOIonths....... 1.00 .^DBjffQ? tWEgira?^!lta!vil^f.V a] OlnhjfL.Nqyr Subscribers, will receive ?n Warsa Any ono sending FIVE DOLLARS, ir a Club of New Subscribers, will receive ?7.3.^=:-.,'S A Square consists of 10 lines Brevier or ^ll>?^tfVo?M?rti5lnp ?prioe. Administrator's Notices, .$5 00 Notices of, $^nuss|?il of Guardians, Ad ministrators, Executors, Ac.00. { Contract Advertisements inserted upon the vast liberal terms. >?"...._ . "^ JttSlS?lWfl^^y1^^0**12^^- NOTICES, 1? * n?C exoocliftgotic Square, inserted without oh arge/ . KMOWLTON & BULL, A'l|*&l^#S.j5>^^^ TAWyAUGUSTUS B. KN?TVLTON. ;*TF? CHAItLES S. BULL. Mr.*fcnowUon will bo at I.ewisville EV,EJt\p j SATURDAY, and nt Fort Motto on the 2d ; and 4ta FUIDAYS of every month. attohneys at taw, o r a ,v a EB v u a, ?. c.\ Will attend to BUSINESS in nny of rATJSLii.na the ?. S. COURTS fof the ? ntrustad to hit care, juno 25 SEABEOOX, browne 0 MEYEBS, ATTOK N K V S AT i I AW/? /. f! Acting Solicitor 1 sf Circuit. MALCOLM I. BROWNING. J. FELDER MEYERS, TrlaVjustice. ' XV.oT\T.I _^_\S \v JML WANNAMAKEB,'- , ifflWiW LAVV-.'iJ W? a* at ORANGEBURG, on Monday's; Fridays and Saturdays. A* 1.1WUYILLE an tko otkar day. af the U\t 11 / ft J a."I ATTOBNEYS AND SOLICITOR oRAXaxnrnc, & r. ? j*hxb F. IXLl*. ' SaMUKI..DiRB1.K. lab 33 . * 1 v Residence in Fork oi' i: m* j SKSr'i, noti c k . MA^*> .TfBatei Subscriber respectfully informs t lie 'CITIZEN'S* of Orangcburg Conniy that bq hae on;han4-and for sale, nil the CHOICE I ^VARIETIES of GR?FES, FH/.'.'? frgtn ROT. Also ilio best Collection of Clioicc I'KACII *K8. - AFl'LP., FE AH, ROSE TKKB8 and ^^'''TjOulilx. ,vfl., . t?aiH?i??H^?tf St. .Matthew?. S C. AT A T .TVK V^C) 1 I/l\ ;oraxg*:bijiu*\ (? i ES PECT FULLY INFORMS TUE (Iii us of Oratigeliuj g and Vicinity that ,Uci.od at Ids NEW STOKE .... tins eoi, between Messrs. Bi'tggaitAn & l** ?^sVIte ahd MoWanfcMa* Jonsja^tbo qon.pletc P ?WHM^kJIr-fJEn'i'HEK. ^o., und thut hr ins t+* <.sj*0^,tntrter.t tVOrkm-cn to iiU oll Ordo'i- n in >f ^ ?*__fj4^irra;P'f i*- ? iTlnitllW t!-.a?.kin ?? "??*^?^fta id 6he*.pcr than any mliei- mutt. 1 l'leaaa g|yo/m^a t rial. All pork wurr'anl^d;* to ffive satisfaction! .*.t td-..>iFRA>iK.^LELLETT. UW 12 {?? r" *BPfit;AirKOTICKS. ' THE GREAT PICTORIAL AKNU^Ifr dl?trRation, ipyp>j Uir4*gl?out nil the. UniPcd t8|ftf6i;WdJ.*H cJyl.tHtfbtouniries of Ihorst' ,14rnSlou?s}dieia* jfviM?t>c publisucd ab?nt' rBi^tstbrJklotay^.?-??! nil Vho wiib?W> ^ndwi?inda tUrif?eihlliilosophy of health' should, pen?j flitd, pvpdci-tue^.nl^i^lj^guggsAH MM U ?"^?w^? flWifsP? to nn njtynjft able medical treatise on the cniiHea, preven tion nml cirVfe orS great' vni-i ciy'br- diseases, llic miner, tbc farmer, tbc planter, and pro? feaaitinnlhielt; nnd tlie calculut ions havo been made for such meridians and latitudes na ar,o most Suitable for a correct nnd comprcbon* si-re ?fATioxAt. OAT.rsn.vn:-.?*- - The nature, uses, ami cxli-aordiiiay taiy .-tl.c.'s nf HnstQtter'i; Stomach liiMcrs, the staple tonid rtnd nltorntivr of niore tlir.n half tbc Christian world, are fully set forth in its pugfes, which arc also interspersed with pictorial illustration?", valuable recipes for the household and farm, humoivc.s anecdotes, und otber instructive and amusing Tending melte.r, original and Selectol. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will M one ..f the moat useful, nnd may fa? Juijjor ih<- asking. The proprietor*! Messrs Hostetter & Smith, on receipt of n two edit stamp, will forward a copy by nuiil to any person who cannot proouro one in his neighborhood. The Hitlers arc sold in every city, town nnd village, and are extensively used throughout the entire civilized world. ^^^^^^^^^^ l??in is sunpoflod ?o be 'lie lot of us poor J mortals, as inevitable ob death itself ami lia ble at nny timo to come upon us. Therefore it is important that remedial agents should be ;it band to be raised on an emergency, I when the' teminal principle lodged in the j ?h?ll develc the intolerable and burning sun of the rrbp^' ics its virtuos are known and appreciated; Uirrier nil latitudes, from the one extn'mc to the otheiv > ntf.ring humanity ha- fi.uud re- | fro^Aany or it?H|s by its use, JTbe wiao anuoroud area wfiich thia & ediciu? has spread, attests its v*Jue and potency. From i Ismail beginning, th? HnTn 'KilljcJaa pm'i cd g?j?4uallj'.along, mnkjug its ownliirAwtty, I solfllb/jt^irlultl^lOirJ j Such unexampled success n^l popularity has brotightlctn. <;., tho Irrtest .manufacturer of such thing" iu the .Southern States. GUN SMITHING IN A!.h ITS IJUAXCUKS, ?tt^KTt? ttfllUUIt AN 3> WITH DTSPATCMT PETER G. CANNON fcj T: N 8 M r T II ; At Mrs. WISE'S OLP STAND Opposite CANNON'S 1IOTML. nov 27?3m MSTAIIC CASES. b. .11*? 1?(tiiu>^t .<, re, ,. i*Mt ortl ' ?TUR USDi;R?lti.NI.D HAS ON HAND all qI tho various ftiz'es\>f the above Ca?oH, ^n'ieii fKrf bfl '''lvnisTiW'immedbttery on ap plication. i-*?iwi'*i? a&aT* ijiTi*,ft*'r ?Aj^rftianuractures WOOD COFFINS aa uijiuil, and 'he shortest notice. Appi.v in irT^Riops, uiari")?Cm CarrUgo Matltlfaclurer. State of South 'Carolina. I ^oMsa?lHa^?l?ti?*0?A4?> d t? $m] tv> itr- ?t ?r iXA* oMInltH? Aa h? oofe? S Ii MWHH tors of .'.-.hu NKebnat -aV? M-ciiU&CiMtl pre?o>tit an ! pruve th. Ir(Uiiianda tu-tot-ft'o^. Wlflir-Vthrer? nionrtn} froi* this dsiP.' ^l4eh#k ?KO. Brjtft\iB?fl?n t >? November ' i I I < *?? RhMsi?.-*i*i ?:'1,6V. G y '? ?d'r f 3m?J (ttl J??sfq ?1 STATE TREASURY OFFICE, j Colwiuia. S. C, Deeoii.ber If 1870. THE U.00KS f,f tl,P Treasury Oflico Tor the Transfer and Con version oF SI OCKH and BOtiDB will tin elM ott find afT.-i- tin ftlpth instant un'il the 1st proximo, for con veicneo in prcpnring .statement of tulcres! due to JanoaHr l. 1*71. ?II.F.S G..JPARKEH, Treasurer Stato S. C. dec 8 foTJM c EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT tanyrAl* j *? * tJ>W j .3JJO ' Statk Tkuasi ih Officb, . Coi-PMBIa," 8 (J., December 1, 1870. npHR INTEREST falling duo on the X Coupon Bonds of the State oi South Carolina to the let of January, 1871. will be paid UN f?OLD on and after Cmt da"? at the oflico of 11. II. Kimpton, Financial Agent of the Siute. No. '.?, Nassau Street, New VoTk, nr.d at. this bflicii Tbo intereHt falling due on the Regiere 1 ! Stock of the Stato to January l*t, 18ii, mil be p'nfd IN OCT.!) on ami after-that ditte at the Treasury ofliee onl?. tt*Yi? N1LE8 G, PAB?, Treasurer State South Carolina > dec 8 i AN OKIHNANCE. To Frncut X IXICIT TJS.4 IMi or TRAFFIC within the CfcMik ii Convict. Sec. 8. Any Ordinnp.cc, or part Iberoof, j contrary to or repugnrtnt to this Ordiuace is hereby i epcaled. N. A. BULL, t Xu* ^***?* Superintendent. E. J. Ouvnitoa, Clerk. dec 10 _I i mjU i ^Ktmjri jli '5 it tshtx hrtrt? ?AMEND?1MT plleH. ?f?A*.* lor -lie Town cT OrttHKol>ttt*ff. .S. ?. "^Section 1. That uny Itinerant Yen ler or trailer who brings lioracs. Mules, &c.. in the Corporate Limita of Orangcbiirg ?halt forthwith make a Beiern to the Clerk of Council, the number of Stock on h.-i.d. . S?..'. Any Stock, i up li as Horse*. Mules. Sir., Sold or Burgajued for and DoliTexed within the Corporate Limits or Outside of tho Town of OrangiwHirg dining Iii? i)r their slay, alter making .his or their Jtrturns io the Clerk, shajl he subject to tii- I'ax of One Hollar per Head. S: c. o. Any Violation to (his Or iinane ?h?ll aubjcutlU^c Offender to a F;n? ?d not less than Five ("?) Do\liiia nor nioiv tf.an Twenty-Five (J^?) Hollars. Sao. 1. Any Ordinaiice, or part tUereot. Contrary to or llcpuuin.wu to this Ordinance, is hereby Repeal< d. N. AUSTIN BI LL, p..... | intend int. E. J. Ol.lVK.!tOS. ClelK. dec 10 4t .t?m-1 ' Mrs. M. W. Btrattou, v.uinkii OKHVAKS A ASS KM 1>LY STH;.::r COLT.TMRIA, S. V. Convenirnt to the liiiiiaille and ('hui', i. a III e Railroads au? (ho LuMine.->. ;.orii?>n. of Ute en v, Rate of Pfrauslcni !'. ..,..1 -l'wo Hollar." /: :. * r??Re?:\ihif Boarders ?rnccivod at Rowonalffo Rates ^(tto-10' ? W -i-tt .t. X ' . ?f. , l>H>i HKST Family Sewing JMiiiiel UneV :ll Vi-i fs i.f I work without change or ' '-ACKNCIV^ -Wil UltttAhWAV. V. \ .. ltthKr*,i>ciyCi>|i|??| tyth*- Cn tcl ?i?a{SKa??4 Orot t lifbain. t p| i SHAl rLU liRO., Ajtot't?. : ? .. . .. i ?Vsloe. S. C >1 Os?n-AH/.bLi AjarJkt>^k?i.H ' S. C apl 30 \f N.l fi'^^> ?' a Per? Sir 0) ittoth oxolie year. Catholic yonrR.nq planted it hi lu his will li suceeeded\j|j forfeit it if t Wishing Antninc's fV made i die inhabit ;ti tllQ ??BVALTtRICIf. - It**.* -palu^^nMy fffc4t in r ns .ol?r4Mff whi; Yew Mn Lop nana h > < cf Anglieo, the dau^hfe. ?sWcVe bfiweeu I thoniselvca to lovo nnd watch ovc; her] as if she wore thY'r sNter. Now Augliec had a wild, strnft^e | beauty that made other wotnun *cem 1 tamo bc.^ido her j nnd hi the course of! tiwn the young men lyiinj theia^dve.s j regarding their ward not .-? V - ? 'i. . .1 . i . M prccludod their utea of Il' ail 'ai:' Jt Ipm sho p':s-d on,..her 1 act: a - imtuobiU bid re in its Keltiu;;? o wivy gnat h .. r'ilnire or ?ii rou.\ Jiiett . :u .~cs lo:iia u':.rv . CHX." y i ? r f ?? ? ? :? .? ... Uue nifdit hltyiiy Jarditi and Angliro wove n.otj.to be found Th^y had flown ; jhut,v. !iit!ier t; ?!).'Iy Ivii...v. ..ml nt?b^y SiiVlJ A tl! ??...' ' ii ed. It wa- a bynvy 1.1 w I - ;Vul.ji.nu, ^ "lt? had made i>ii his miOirlu inn away ?i i > ? v Wiili her bjllibtdl. , A Wip.ol pupcr slij.iicu friihi a ToT '.?mu on ' Antoinu's tl.. 1., ..i. i jlutti red to his foot! ?Do not ye ii..;,." nd the hit Tt%u?Z<' wy/j i>o sweetness in life for. Unti-. f ' ? - t ?; tual ,Ji^lt>'Ui ^o;iib hau.olapuud, when a lottpr, r. ?im wwm M.- l HB yJT PH?. I **""" j rom h? [iMtjftfcifthfan 3?i ricttnl' t* %ne fc ftbfe rtVioo?M Gnoltgn fo enter n convent. J liu epT?t!o wrts fittishri! hastily f.y n tint her ha nd* in forming AntotWe of Madrtmo ilurtuVfl vk-\;h.; it .-.Isa *"hl him tii.it A?jilic? hau bticti hl.Lecd im board ;i Ytsail shortly tu lc.ivo '.Ii-: i'l.uul for sonic western poVfc 'i'he letter, delayer! hy storm and ship ^e^AHaf^^^tVU wept Over ^t^tm^AnfimVr1?c*,a*^ "*> 1.? ?tH^^blWlif6|;4iotS'-A!;toino utte.c 1 a ory ol'jov and ?uvpiit-c?she wua eo like .the woman ho had worshiped. A* a man's tears are more pathetic, fan ctmttk'^l co ..F; ? -hT* ?: V? . than a Iranians, so is his luve in ore in tense; ndI more enduritig, nor half fit 'SaKtlo^V-t tmc^er.,,'J '* :-' ^?TRfe*pa?|sion that had been crowded down in his heart hvoke out rttrd latched it;, richness on t hi? child, who won to htin not- oniy the. An^ljce uf years ago, hut his mends kntile Jatdtn also. AngHec p.is-vs-e.l the wihl, strange *b3fitrf^ ?P*1ier mother, the bonding, wil lowy form. the. rich tint of skin, the largo tfopieal eyes, that- ? had almost made Fur a mouth or twuAngUeo .v. s wtdly unhappy in her new home. I^hc taKced i.u 1?y of the bright country where s hurli. the Irnits, .n;w> rs. ami kies, ?he tall, fan-lue trees, and su^anis t: i;?t went murmuring oujh them to the sea, Alfcptno could 1 .it pacify her. Hv and bv riilue i<< hriili'an }>nforq the yoat* ended he B^iced thqt j the niddy liu-e h..d Hed fr.mi hercho.-k, that .her eyes hod grown fanpatti and J '4 it* Clfi, ,*tt<*hptv I ' her ^bglit Rgnrn more willowy th in crer. A pliysh-Tan was enuoilted. fie S3 .id j di-cver MflfrYttt; r;r>;\'<:r. with the child, "except this lading nor! drooping. He UfilOi] to ;.?.eoU"t |*,r that It winsome \ ,:,;ie; tLi;.:.uc i.l'iho mind, he said, be yond hisskill. , ^. , So Anglicc jadnd day nMcr day. oho ?P.hlom left the room now. At litst Anfiriint ilWld mH shut r>nt \hc fact that t'lu child whs Parins away. He had le?.-. ned to JoVc oor.Ho. hoart/;..he ;..?id, "what ia't that ails theft?" "liotniiigj utott pore," for so she htm. The winter prrcd. The balmy spring lir hud come mid Auy heo seemed to j re-.ivu In {it little bauili .o .;luiir, on l! c j porch, .-In; swayed tu and ;'ro iu the j 'V. uiant brev'/.c, with a peculiar qtldula ti.^r mot'.oji, like a'grar.nrul ir^e I I Oi -Yt* 9 if ? <*{. .0 At times soniothttlg seemed to Weigh fj /m her Knud.1 Antuine notictnl it ami litfea At lettrrth she spoke uNc?r our homo." said little An^rlieo?"near- our lu>UaO, ou liio ihlaud. the palm-t ivm an; v.avitm iiuvieV ihr blue hky. 0|t| how beautiful! i .-veui to lie Leueath them all Jay long. 1 a'At^t'cry, yery jhappy. I _y.-:irtiC'l lor loom ko much Lliitt I '..i\-vf sick ; dm.'t you thi-.k it w:-.s so, mon ?re!" ** "Mon Diou, yes !" itxfLimod Antoine. -tlddeulc. "Lit u1 lut-teu to t'..,ise pica sunt islands where the pal ills ltr< waving." Aiigliee smiled. 'T . to ;:oiiT;- tlTcr". rv-n !v ' Ay, mdied. A we |D trom that oven inn tiiti Wax Cuidie^ i>ur:cd at Ijcr feel ...ui i.uhead, Ji^htiun here... her jmu> tley. , * j, AH was over. Now was Antonios hVfirf eivtpty. Pe ith. i'lke aholher Kmllo, httse 1 i:i ilio utii'e.td prayer \rW? h? fM* 3*63 tU'rm \ *v .. ?i 'i he .-is i.>uef broko^in t^i^suiiny landj ami in the teol inorniiig twilight, and ul.h.l'all,' A u'oine l'njrere d by ilid grtfre1. 1" Ift' ^RffiW' tiwferfyw xrtth^it etiutfi/h ,h>T? l kA>uO inoiaifigiuhtf''ol'-orVud a Uolieato eUaa, wi',1!. two cujiously-?ha^oti emerald &7&;)$$^ frf flW t]'? control] tho mouiuL At first ho merely noticed it. casually, bnt at length the plant grew so tall, and was"so strangely mt?i? ?laf thing he had ever seen before, that ho | oxa m i.it*d. ik> w?& t**?Ht TTow straight, and graceful, ana'* (piisito it was. When it swung to! and fVo with tin- sumnicV wi?d In the twilight,, it seemed eo Antoimi M 1P4itt4d'AhW|^ Were Mnndin- tl|?ro,i|i #trdo?j ? The days stole hy^t^^^^^M^, the fragile shoot-,, wondering what sort oi blossom it would unfold, whito, or scarlet,, or golden. Ono Sunlij/a steige?, with a brouftd and we?lhe-ftbe'aten fsee'lfkcR sailor's, leaned ores the garden nil and f*.iid to him : "What a fine young date palm you, hare there, sir!" j.. A ?*4 "Mon Dieu !'* cried Pero. Antoiuc. and Kita palm 7 ' Yes indeed," returned the man. "I had no idea the tree would flourish in this climate." ?Mon Dica l" woa all the priest.ociuld ^?'L ?>:-'{":''' ' / ? ';e. ;old*?01> Jf Aritoip* loved the tree before, he | worshiped it n .'?:;???**/ Jtuv'-: ?' Tin years glided away and the date palm and the p.icst grew together-:?onty one became vigorous and the ether foible^ Pera Autoiue had long pa?sed the rn^ ridiau of life. Tdie tree was in its youth. It no longer stood in an isolated garden; lor preti -minus brick and m i.-b'.o houses had dusted about Antoine's cotugo. They looked down Bcowling on,the ( humble ro ,f. The city waj edging up. trying' to crowd mm o*F her land, tint he clu'ug to it ilko lichen and refused to I under the pliant, c p.ilm, lovrag it like an Arab; and there' he sat till the grimmest speculator catne to him. Bat even in denVH Pure An toine was faithful to his ttrust. The owner ofthat land loses it. if he harm the daic-tre* , , sleeft longer thin fjur j o'clock in the morning, and to piy u0 attention to his unwilHugnejd to rise. One in iruing. at the- apjy/intcd titno, the pngo whose tu. a it wa* to attend him, and who had been long ill hi-; service, j einte to his bed and woke him. ?'Let me sleep but 1 little Mnger, - said the monarch. -! am still much ft ? t ? i ? I nl tj 'i tigued. -Your maj 'sty lias -iy>a positive dr-' tiers Ifboiild wake you early." replied o?*~ ate teiwj Tif'lairt ift.-nf?} WCdJagg' . f . I t , . ??But Rtiothcr quarter ' or aa hour more." ,0t ? Not. one minato," anid the-page ] "it 'Jitfs struck f?'" 4iV'ou arc aiiro this has run out, .ire ;tm'(" said.he. .. . ,i t , l>Vell." wa.- the reply, "l :aippossJ it haa. My wife gayo ii to mo, saying it had run out* and I must get it renewed ^^0^ ,? :? '",*''*> tell Then tho olerk held up what w i ? to all uppoarauuc a umrr^gv; Qcrft?eatc. Tho applicant, for iusiuauee s^ued it and departed hastily. tu * utii tit tnAtvri ft?&?#t ? A .coat i m a oo3 ??ri)i *rj| c^t?g/a erfpr?* a tin podle*' t*i|^?&4r?de, iJuijfc ^tfl i**^ ?Tfn? i,aH fA.1>Mlt " Have you a IWWs#4i*?lW *5 ' mfN^Hftply rap^ihjs it^fraut reo edi"4M ^?J*?>yf?^^ Tbe HkW^ d^^hfTOI??* <&lV the runt, and armed nud eOjaippc^^tJi the pwful document, st.ar^ op ch*ae after the offtMidihg J^crani ueliove. tho r the *reprcaeul arictYu^fe^^jS?fdre the^Tu^ftaT WBo read to. inm the warranty and as.a' matter of Turin, bf c?ur aether he yas ffni|ty dt not irdtfiv. '"Sot 'gufity f 1 poddler. The justice and'cot^ble opened wide th-Jr eyes to sujih corrtatsiaoy. They had not fr i nMn meftifli 'ti.nT ?mltfignufh "xSTtitr goitt^t?**^ ?^hntfoMrmer. "Don't yon pcddla gooxl* arottn4&re ?" ' Yes," replied the ?U?^??lfj^/ "Well, hare j>cu a 'noawa**^ asked ilhadam^dthus, iu ?sa^^ieeti''3*i(be?. j :*'Qh, yc^^a^ tltnW??frtf^ftgent. hte ijap^EMMB ?4r^0fw4ft?*4i?AoOTaten ^tiowii^etelbw. tfb? tell thai fJasHiemau that you had no licnisa *tr *m*4 ??'******} aT ?rar Witt? : . "Yen. yot* did," shoatai ;TipatfcC i dtdu t,> rrumdy replied th.3 say a the u ob a wished * Iftfatt ?aaK*^*i I cl?ub jprst tu? Creditor : *'H ?af ofton uiuat three pair of s'-ftiri honors I amuunt of this little account IWblar: '?Doyou think I am sjoiu^ to reut u place oti tho ^Sfe^j^L^^^ffiffl^S^ creditors 11 jfjMliHrj Bwi ^^yiidirjMwiifc." uovv , r^Mteely ^f iut^u^tiun.^^U U^pothing ! up iu slices aud cateu wiihottf/ftajl- An ordinary ''murphy^' iL i& ?>aid, will core >. the most obdtiuaie^fiSfv**1 hottr A new loom, eihibitwd * kw daya I since at Providence, was operated by t the inventor in the pfesoneWft Iftfgo !' dumber of tuamila'auVe?s aud Wirier men. and pr?dnotfl ^rbtn^or^m best ..a.tiity at the .Mv.nuous r.itc of 1.000 A truei motlier in 1 u liaafpdreeently oa^uced ?n.d m krticd^Mfr gfcljfttcr's tn tended, whereat the.#9MWtfc^jrff?fc um* hr.i^el a^l ^y^aVjOf^nre. revengu, set off .a h-iIf-dozen ttUQ/nei!*ot JTre crackaia on under tV.lndai couch. Two yoonw mihaiifft^oaljJ^'fcfwk Can tield *ad Hi Curtis, were burnodlo death i? a shanty near iMymourh, * 'oun., on Thank.?giviog v algW :.Tbfty,^ad been 5 drinking freely, aud took' ?efbgo in the bfit, which wraa occasionally; oewhpiod b) a charcoal burner ^ ?it i-i tew At a fair in New d,s,nbed as -a? heir aeeompusl-.ed, >,^r,.h tor?''no marr'p.' l n; thirty rfiti e, (; -i ? " (l^n el. w \ -rkayou She says ?Mnarnago is a hfttery provflrtt^'uxi at ?esoftiMtg A lite tlmt the Bmnl] tli lub,^and wou as m>'ii.b :r:<. iBSiiMl ae cvengo, howcre., rricd ?> ti.-my \> tmtu i.shrn of the a in a l^itr^ a (??ts> inr.u'r,! [ndi-m^.h's, long t:v.;o b^'ord It it ; ho: : e-t tt^e tcviil tfii^M?e*o4t. Hrt:Tl?a'*^ iu 0