The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, December 10, 1870, Image 8

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m . .-Hum ? .. Bega (o acquaint his friends tl.ut he Utas jus* received a fall supply of GARDEN SEEDS Yrotn the celebrated House of JD. LAN DRETH & SON. All of which are ?warranted to be wbat choy are represent ed. Also ONION SETS. A full supply of SPECT A OLKS to -suit all eyes. WATCHES nnd CLOCKS repaired as usual and warranted'. JEWELRY neatly repaired. , BOV2G fob 12 ly official. EXECUTIVE DEPAR f MKNT, ) CoLUHniA. S. C, June lOth, 1860i j TTNDElt THE ACT FOR TIIF. CONVKK \J SIGN of Slate Securities, the Treasur er of tho State is prepared to issue bonds bearing 0 por cent, interest payable semi annually, for registered stock. Rends nr<> prepared for $,0(K). Fractions hiay be rc turoed in Certificates of Stock. Persons de sirous of convorting their Stock into Bonds will please present their certificates at this office ondorsed upon the back for conversion (witnessed.) Persons holding Coupon Rands, desirous +? procure registered Stock in lieu thereof, will please present the same to thin office with instructions. Whero parties cannot attend in person to transact their business at this office, it is preferable thnt the same should be trans act od by some authorized agent. RILES O. PARKER, Treas. State S. t\ Oct. 22 ,r EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, | Stats Tuca.h ky Omca, j Coi.UMntA, S.C., October 12. ISUn. ) |a_T()TlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN L\ PURSUANCE of an Act entitled -An vet to authorize n loan to redeem the obligat ions known as the .''Hills Receivable of the Rate of South Carolina,"' approved the ?Jtlth august, 1HUD, and of ait Act in amendment hereof, approved the 20th March. lHti'.l, the treasurer of the State of South Carolina is >rspared to redeem all obligations known as he "Rills Receivable of the Slate of South Carolina" that may he presented at the State rrcasury. N1LES 0. PARKER, - Treasurer Slate South Carolina. Oct. 22 tf. OIK POLICY HOLDERS' LIFE AND TONTINE ASSURANCE COMPANY OP THE S 0 U T If, BO Broad Street, CHARLESTON, S. ('. WM. MoHUUNEV, President. g. p. ALEXANDER, Vice-President and Actuary. GEO. K. BOGGS. Sccretay. JNO. T. DARBY, Medical Adviser. There are no Slock Holders in the Com paay. It is Purely Mutual, and all its Sur plus must bo Annually Divided Equally ?meng the Policy Holders. PHILIP M. PORCIIER, General Agent far?tic-nth Carolin?.. E. W. FENN.. Local Agent. A. T. DABBY, Mcdicitl Examiner. attg 27 Cm FIRE INSURANCE. THE KICIIMOXD BAN KIN O AND INSURANCE COMPANY, Office 1202 J/?t'? find 12//., RICHMOND, VA. JOHN B. DAVIS, President. JOHN F. C. POTTS, Secretary. MANN S. QUARLES, Cashier. T. B> STARKE, General Agent. Having this day, (Oct. 17th. 1ST0.) r aeived the appointment of AGENT for Or angeturg of the obove INSURANCE COM PANY, 1 am prepared to take R1SK8 on Stores, 8tooks of Merchandize and Dwell ings at reasonable rates. JOHN A. HAMITLON, Agant for Tho Richmond Banking and Insurance Company, ?ad Southern Lifo Insurance Con.piny, Market-St., Oraugeburg, S. C. .?si 32 J/ m. albrecht; BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. ;ORANOEBUnCa, S. ?,. ff\ BSPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITI rv? tens of Orangcbnra and Vicinity that h7 has opened at his NEW STORE on Bus sell Street, botween Messrs. Briggmann & Co and McNamnru & Jones, with a complete Block of LEATHER, &c., and that he has sufficient Workmen to nil all Orders tnircsj #4 to him. Thanking the Public for past patronage, Tcpectruiiy solicits a continuance of the atuio. 'J ERMS CASH. feb o oct 2.1 tf A. ?T. S'AB, 1"ACTOR AND COM MISS RON MERCHANT, CHARLESTON S. C. Liberal advances mad* on Cotton. Kktrrknoks?First Nation?! Rank. Pco pie's National Bunk, Messrs. .Ino. Fr?ser & Co., Charleston, C. juljr 31?ly E. L. HAL EY, IX HIB ER A NO TIM BEB CO M MISSION .MRHC1IA NT, WliniT, ffesl End Montagnc-Kf, CHARLESTON, S. C. any 27 ly James R. Pringle & Son, FACTORS AXD commission M erc ii A nth, 1 No. 6 Adgcr's North Wharf, CIIALESTON, S. 0. sent 2-1 .tm estabeis.iieo 1865. W. Preston Bowling & Co., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Moved from 4 TO 0 BOYCK'S WHARF, CHARLESTON. Will furnish Dundee Ranging for Uplands Cotton at from 20 els to 22 per ynid anil Ties reasonable, sept 24?3m A. R. STILLMAN'S DRV GOODS HOI'S B, 2S1 King-Si. 4th Dnor below Wcntworth. OPPOSITE THE llfLHERS llOUSE. Where can be found a full Stock of Pry floods. Notions. Hosiery, Shawls, Cloaks, blankets, at the lowest Market Prices for fash or City Acceptance. New Goods re ceived weekly, sept 24?31m WM. ROACH & CO. ^HIPPING & GENERAL COMMISSI 0 N M E H? II A NTS. CHARLESTON, S, C. All Business Cut Abtted to its will he attend ed to in the "remotest and most Satisfactory Manner. Wo nro AGENTS for Merchant's Line. Mc Crady's N. Y. Packets, (' uunrd European Lime Steamers. Despatch & Merchant's Line Host on Packets, New York Double Anchor Bagging, I.nurcncevi1le. Cement Company, Dillons' Universal Cotton Ties. The above Goods will bj sold at bowel Market Hates. aept 24?3m NEW FALL GOODS JUST OPENED AT STOLL, WEBB & CO., so. 2h7. no. aso. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. E REG TO INFORM OUIl FRIENDS and Patrons, also every Citlseu of ban . ( liotf and tin. n.lir.:..:.... it... re have opened ? Large \viitu'.!.'.>;\ i;k RTtink W It No. 2S9 KING STREET, next door io our 1ETAIL STORE, whero we will show TilE LARGEST STOCK n the City. This arrangement is especially convenient or the Planters and Country buyers, both .ADIES and GEN i'LEMEN. * 1st. Selert all the Goods wanted by the 'ieee, an I then look through our RETAIL DEPARTMENT' ind select FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD JOODS of every description. We guarantee to sell ail claws of Goods nst as Cheap as any Wholesale House tu the -'tty. Pl.ANTERSand COUNTRY MERCH A NTS tre specially invited to look through our CHEAP STOCK OK (JOODS jcfore purchasing elsewhere st 2S7 and 28?, detail ami Wholesale Store, STOLL, WEBB A CO. A CARD?Mr. John G. Adams is with ui, ind will he always on hand to serve his Yionds and acquaintances. All ordora will >o promptly attended to. Respeotfullv. s*pt 10?if STOLL, WEBB A CO. i>5 First Prize Medals Awarded. TJii: QREAT SuUTUEHN I'lANO Manulitttory. WM. KNABE *V CO. MANvr.\CTCur.ns or GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, M d. Thcso instruments have been bffor the Ptildic for ifearley Thirty years, and bpon their excellence aloue> attained ari unpurha* edprt-tiT,intnct, which pronounces the mun equaled. Their TONE combines great power, sweA ness and lino singing quality, as well as grat purity of lntouution nud Swoctnsss through out the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, ail entirely free from the Btiffness found in a many Pianos IN WORKMANSHIP thoy arc unequalled] using none but the very best *?asosf.i? >i ~-ty.\ hi a l, the large capital employed in our busi ness enabling us lo keep continually an im mense stock of lumber, Ac, on hand. All our SqDABB Pi anos have our New Im proved OvertirungStillt and AaaArra TsapMc. We would call special attention to our late improvements in (?RANI? PIANOS AND SQUARE .GRANDS, Patsstku Aioust 14' I860, which bring the Piano nearer perfec tion than has yet been attained. Every Piano fully warranted for Five Years. Wo have made arrangements for the Soi.s Wnoi.r.sAi.K AORSCY for the most celebrated PARLOR ORGANS AND M LODEONS, which we oiler. Wholesalo and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNABE k CO. Ualhmon, Md. sept 10 tins NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND O FEE BING LOW FOR C A S II B Y F. E. SALINAS, BAMBERG AND GRAHAM'S T O dec IS tf WORTH ,m GOODS!!! AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! On and after Monday, December 5th, my Entire Stock of Goods will, be Disposed of at NEW YORK COST and Less!!! HAVINfr DECIDED^TO MAKE A CUANGE IN MY BUSINESS, Those who oro desirous of obtaining* BARGAINS Will find it to tluir interest to examine MY STOCK, as euch INDUCEMENTS have never been offered before in this Market. . I would CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION to the. REDUCED PRICES of Cloaks. Shawls, Clothing Dress Goods, Blankets, Brown and Bb-aehod Cottons. Calicos, Bouts and Shoes, and all father Goods, too numerous to mention. ALL ?OODS FREELY' ST I OWN and onh ONE PRICE ASKED. GE?. H. CORNELSON. dec B oct 3 k - ArilEFfORDS & CO IIa vic-JUST* RECEIVED A PI ne.LOT OP GR O C E which they art offering VERY LOW BACON, FL<g .SIWIL, - ~ . ?CO IVULSIvKY, Wm fin?I^W?Weir a>NbWajM?o4>ALL and PRICE OCR GOODS. A now Jot. of PINE ILAiMSjust received. They will also fmd a CIJ eap lot of PI{Y''V;'0<Sps, shoes, <<et l??Con II ATS, Ac. T. A. JEFFORDS A- CO. \T7"C?lJLn IIC FORM THK PUBLIC THAT HE IS ST I T.I, ?.'AURYI NO. OX TTTF. C\". O rinr* Msk'ntr in a1! it- various branches, ami will Manufacture er r.?pair at tV.' Charte*! Notice, all Carriage*, r.nyjrice rr Wagons. And am alao prepared with SOS VP CICI-.SS \\.\P CIN It) (il.N A XV PA' K i;OTT().\ ?I SHORT NOTICK. rotl?n fllNXED AT MY MILL ho.? brou?bt from 1 to 1 cent mon San Dial tiinneii on th< common fliqa. oet 8 anl 2- 1 v II. RTO'iS new fall ato wimm goods D. LOUIS ' at : he o o r n 0 r HAS JUST RECEIVED A PINE ASSORTMENT OF POPLINS. DELAINES. WORSTEDS, ALPACAS. MERINOS. LADIES' SHAWLS, NEW STYLE BALMORALS. arabs, JINGHAMS & DOMESTICS. CALICOES A HOMESPUNS, OPERA FLANNELS. LONOCLOTIIF, Ac. A LS?) FA MILY GROCER L ES, ETC. sept 24? 1v I ) . Xu O XJ I B, AT THE CORNER. BULL SCOYILL & 1>IKE. are alwa#^, BUSY, BUSY; BUSY', . at the . BEE H I VE! CU; '*BEE1 HIVE!! MORE mW GOODS: AND STILL THEY COME! GOLD 1) E C L T NIN G. Wo will Close out our STOCK at BARGAINS!!! BULL, SCOYILL & PIKE. may 29 GUm\l [THING in /ll its branches, o6n?T(oui>i:k axi* with Dj^PATCH PETEIG. CANNON j g In s m i t n , At Mrs. W??8 QhD STAND Opposite CANNON'S HO*L. HOY ,7 3? HEEDER & DAVIS, (OTTON FACTORS 9? ANA G?ttern] Commission Merchants, Atfger'* \Vhar/t CHARLESTON, S. C, Oswri.i. Hr.Knr.?. ^IMMRnMAN Davis. oel I'j Cm ECO'JCRS,C0LDS,&.C 9 For tho. ^fliO Relief \ A lid I 'eriliaiioilt * Ntrc 01' OONSU M lJ'iv\ ON, a s t 11 M a . <)? Li i) S, And all Diseases ui tho lungs, uiijsst, on tnuoat: fill IE E.XI'ECTOIlANT is codi pitted exslu | sively of llcrbal.atid >luoiLtgir,oua pro duct.'. which Permeate the very Siiisstaiiee ?f tliv k.ta:,ji>?, causing them to throw tin* ncrid matter which collects in tho Brohcuir.1 rubes, slid nt tlie y:.tne time forms u soothing coating, relieving the irritation which produces t Iiv cough. Tuj object to be oblaine ' is to cleanse the organ of nil impurities-; to uor.ri.ih nud when it become impaired and end > hied by di?< it sc : to r she.)*, and in vigora'te the circulation of the blood and strengthen Uio nervous organisation. The HXl'HCrOU \NT dors this to an astonishing degree, it t tfibut n Id and con, i .i. impart ju^ functional i'imt^ and i-atur.l Strength. It sifor.js ?xygeti 'to vitalize the blood, and NitrdgVn !p. i:>.~i:nii ittr tho matter, // 'Kijualixes tin ?? .V r i 'u;s fiiflitcnce,'l producing quiet nn I ct mposui ? TO (ipWu.M I TlXgg It i? invaluable, as ! i,<. e.-diutv'/ rcliovfrs lh?;din*ici:it breathing i.itd 2iariff',du ? ugh whit h attends that tlisen >?. It is a specific?one dose often rclierinj |-|ia !i.?treV<?fig ultokfng, Aft'd pvol i ring otlui *\\A pleasant repose ? rost cno?i? Ko mother should ever bfc trlrhndl tt bottle of the EX 1*EOTO B AN'lMn i \*> home. W.. hive numerous ocrtifioates of its having relplvc'd. almost infantl.v. ilic little intftoreTj when death spp-r.i ??? 1 almost incvilnble. MO*i ii KUS ]{!?: ADVrSSP"! K- f.p it on llaml! This dread disease vcqnires 'prompt action; as soon as the hoarse. hollow cough is heard, apply the remedy, and it i- easily subdued : I5u< Delay is Sdaiageroiifl! C8P"T!.o properties .of tlie KXUECTO KANT lira demulcent, nutritive? balsamic, soothii \x un 1 I caliug. It braces the nervous system and ['nodi;: s pleasantuud refreshing sleep. It f'xliH- lut'ca mill ''.via (Hoonune.y tint] /i jirv .'.ii. t.n;it.iinin ; all these qmilitia in a eoriv n icni an 1 concentrated form, ii u^i? pi oven to \>e t'.: S 31osl Y.ilnable luiwx iul nni ever offered lo..sutl'crers from 1'ulmbnaVy dis; eases. Propar'ed by Ai A, OA. ?..././ 1... /?..v.. ./. ... . ../ ? . ~i,J-w?.. nov ? Ayer's Sarsaparilla, BTOF* riRtlll.YO the BLOOD. Tlie reputation Ibis ex rellcnt medicine enjoys, i- derived front Its cutcs, many of which arc truly marvellous. Inveterate casi ! of Scrofulous dis . im\ Vfhoro tho system m.'. med satturatou with coi motion, liayo been iiurlrie.i and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and difor.loi ^.wliii-h wcre?K* 1 - w gravaled by the sorofo ^3SsS>_?AJ-^?fV- fOMa contamination until Uicy were painfully afllle?ng, have been radically cured in ?i*:li great numbers In almost every see tion of Ihn conn try, that the public scarcely need to bo lufoi med o "iu< virtues or utes. 8crofitlous poijon i.-? one of the mcat'dcatruc live enemies of our rare. Often, tin-- unseen and unt'elt tenant of tlie organism undermines the con stitution, ami Invites the attack of enfeebling or fa tal diseases, without exciting a suspieioti of its Bretence. Again, it Becr.t? to breed Infection iron.a..nt the body.nml tlien, on ?oit.? favorablo ore.aston, rapidly develop into ouo or other of its hideous forms, either on the burfaccoramonfitho vital?. In tho latter, tubercles maybe sttdncnly depouited in tho lungs or heart, or tumors formed iti die liver, or itahow? its prcscueo by eruptions on ttie skin, or foul ulceraUons on somo part of t!. ? boity. 1 fence t!aw>.-ea-i.'ii..l tiso of a bottlo of this rargapnrilltMs advisable, even when no aeUvo symptoms of dlBcasn Persons af flicted will) the following complaints'generally flu '. immediate relief, nno, at length, cure, by tlie Die of this .s.l It8A I'.l llll.l.A: Nt. Antho ny'* 1'ivf, or b'rytlprlaa, Tetter, Salt Jtheutii, .'...?/<; Head, Jtiuatcomi, 8ori V.yea, Boro Kara, ami other eruptions or visible forms of Srrofulotta disease. Also in the mure con cealed form?, ns Tiyapojtaila, ltropay, llrart lilitcnae, Fit*, Spuevay, Xctiralfita, and the variun* Ulcerous atfections of tho muscular and irervnuK systems. St/phiU* or r>Mer??l and .Mrrrurlal JM? enji-j are curetl hj it, though a long time U re quired for subduing these obstinate maladies by anv modlchie. Bnt long^conllnnod u=c of this medicine v. ill cure tlie complaint. Lcttearrhttn or Whites, VtiftHnt UteeraUons, ami Femmt* Jbtsenst a , are ??nmmonly soon relieved and ulti lr.stelr cured bv Its purifying and invigorating effcet. Minute directions Tor cat h case are found In our Abnanae, ?applied grati?. /f/irumnftsm and (.'/int, when caused accumulations ofcx traneous matters In the blood, y ield quirkly to It, asaliio Liver Complaints, Torpidity, t'onyrs Konor Inflam mallon of the fdrer.and .f?uin ?-fiee. when arising, a? they often do, from tlio r;.i kill K poisons in t!io-lit?od. This SAHSA' rA til 1 t.A In a great restorer for the strength an.I vi*", ot the System? Those who nrc f.u?i fflthl and Listless, l)r*jmndettl. Sleepless, ami troubled with JVerrona .:ppr> Smsions or join, or any of the affections symptoroatlo of M>/i/.?ir*.?. will faul Immediate relief anil con vincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. p n'E p A n ' E ii n y B>r. JT. <'. ?1KK A CO., I.oi?ell. Mass., Praetieat and Analytical < hemlsts. ?OIJ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Dr. E. 3. Oli?VJBKOH? Agent at CrHngoburg (J. II. ougli ly ^ Water wheel Mil! Gearin$,Siiafiin?*Pulle0 1 _send FORA CIRCULAR ^ sept 10 ? INSTATE XU-ru \:. ~Aj IN r f^j SUNS having ? Isinis diast/'e.|i-i.iie Of Joseph Cool,, i|, i>i*>nt them ?s?ferl\ attested, and lliosoindo^8ll4P sqitl Estate will make pr mpl pavmetf" BENJ. r. tllOf/WiX, oct 2??tf , /<: s? DR. SHALL?HBERCER'8 Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE I Always Stops ttio thi!U. This SIcdicino has beon before ih1: Public tlftoen ycurB, and is still ahead of a 1! other known remedies. Jt does not purge, does lot sicken tho stoinaoh, is perfectly safe In oaj do-.' and under all circumstances, and is the only Modioino that will '' O CURE IMMIOIA TE L V aui permanently every f >r;u of Fever and Agae, because it is a perfect Antidote to HeSariu. fiold by all Drtujrgiata. dct'll . ( ly Tie Great Medical Discovery! lie. WAT.wptrt'a CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, i Hundreds of Thonaan?* ?z ? tf - Hoar ttstimoay to thoir T-QudcrfulV; H-* Curatire EtTiela. WHAT ARE*THEY ? r6j V Fc^rlturn.XTh" ikcy. TVrof Spir its, p.nd liefoho j_i ,.;t.rj. ?ax-.<ii-?it, ^ui. ? I, and?weu!.<nio.rtonlai o iU 1 ??.<..? .v.t'-'lonic*i? " Appetlau ?;.-. ? . <," tu a le t'. t!.i tinnier on U?drank?uussanudruin, Lutatiatrija .*.!?? li.taaUo irusn 1 Kativa J.'t.:i ami U.<rts.ei (>.'.:? rhl t,freo Crom r.Ii/.lcLiholio StirnvtlrmM. 'Ji.. ya 1 <r I Qat??.OOIJ FU 1: n ? 1. -lav. 1 i.ii ? ) c r.'/i ?vq pruv ClPIjliJ. 11 pavXecl I . ?? >c n i lovl^orator ot theBystem,c.Vrnr*a*i iit'-ln 'nr?ou? mailer, and roitV. inn tin fcluo 11 ?> p. 1. r condition. N:> person c^h ta! 10 i!n-.i V uzc^i.ii:.^ to ?>' ? ? t i.-.- r.-: I raiaatd haft IV?'.I. ^ uiu t ?clv?aforn?i:ie?!rs^>!?e*??,pro \. t'19 boTi ? a.'o p ?t HMlroytJ |iT>BitD?ral as or o her near*, and t c v..-l ^-;aui yt.\!\\* I Ih vT- I ?.'?ipniii'ct |fp?*r. For fuR initn djry and Ciironio T.'ier. niit.- ? ' "? I C >at.. Dyspepsia, < :? lndt co tion Hilio.ia. e>:n'.U;>r.t. c \<1 l.-tcr mittc it FoverstfJ) . nescftlia IU->rd. 1, Ki Ineys, tavlUtaducr. ?u? -r>v ta-? havt'li tnMti rrr.?: '. n loh *t):; t&:;3? n-o catMQfl 1/ Vitiat ?-.l P'oo'-l, r ? it ?o'v.-.'.ljr rr.lncwtl I7 aeat Of 1L3 Di^oativo Organs, 'l.i r u?Vlyora*? tv. p'-fflVMini nviia'.j r i torpid liver 1 idbswjt?, roaa? \r>?? ;i?ntl*.l e!!i M/f j.i ??' - i>x tits *? 0- t? f u'l i.n.i'i'l -c?. r. I ii.i.v isj j isJ ".i^or ? ? )i<? Whol' ryst.-tn, _ I ?yapopsla or l:; *:-->?:M?t, - -r.-'-'" 1 rintiaHhejnSd^XfC^asU^Tijiiatnsii.tft. a f.ic*t. I). ? . S j-.r ? . iu?"'i, B i t Vi!:?li t 1 ? >Ioot.h,n; i ,i-t Altat**, j ?l->; c.Som rf t'..a lt-.-.:r, C'*>i>.? l>UsrtarMj rt t ?-. I'&in I? ths't ?r/oiuofth? Kl Inc ?. an t a ban<leMo*hcr p a itut .-ya? >t<? a? J**ic 1 * r> t.' ? e-UiS^jjs of 0:eate*nth? Vltiat 1 J". ?. i whi .' 'ityy\ ? I Im i:n ?.?iritir-?her?:i. .r t ?rgia/'lt iT ..... >_.-. (? ?,i .1. > n<! > r.'ir i.Tiie ? ? v .11 .lyi mS?--?. < t!i- Uldjd pnro c:iii..T i . i^c rix, ta*-::. tni " ,-* _: v i ???-rii th<> *> i-lcniof soravt; I .. Lt, iirj eiiiKtuaU/ 0. tri ?? 1 "irvi rt'a'>\?. .. V*irf-!l ?!.-<!!??!??.. jvs : eirrft*!-/ t'.r? r"rrnt.-r rr.i-.i-wj eacti i^.tli^. {?1 .'.-^i m iour I 1-, V, 1 nt?n', rni.rK, an 1 ? ':. WAIJCE A M (;;vuei?.x<?e ..!, IT. T. L'.0|>H?tor. 71. UeDOKAM) ft CO., Drn^tUUabil0?*?rsl Ar?mS. Ban r^nnrl eo, ( iltf'irbla, an-l 2: kndti u^ ? EOhtX Kt.X. V. . r ^--Mi.;^ r.v At.l DQUOOIST9 axd Dli.vLt.Ud. Sfpt-iO Cni .????? r* fee ** ? K ?" < ? ? ' : .^1 - G "? r~. ??? ~ ' V -1 am* . . . . .?.;,.? ^?.r:^? .. > ..:?? - ?S .v .- v|v\:.j';.'?, ' .-- -t2.m fiSfirii/s?ja ?e'?-'-?-?V'S'?k ? -'^3 J>1 r* . o\j;t^. r> ? f dyspl.^s:a if^i ^rcTic:: ^ a/HOLESALE^RUGGlSrs AT VHOLKS \! R an 1 RKTAUj hv Dr. H. M. Ml M.S .5?, Ori|ggi?l an.I Apolhooarjh iOAROLMA BITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TON K . We take great j lea-are in offering tliL? o\a> cauow^v Sitters to tlie public. Tlicv are .componndecl with ^rrr.t care, ami contain'80100 Or tho hest Ton ics in the Phhrtnncopln', Asevidehc^ <>f th? enjicriprity of our HITTKIIM over all uthCrt, wo have certificates from many of tin lead ingphysicians in'tfnrState, wlm have p.-c serihi'd them in their practice, fhe , tUiOLI.VA BICTXBS Will be found invaluable for wtinl or Appotilo, ? 1 ' General Ot i.ilily,. ,. . Chilis apd Fever, and Dyspopsta, We dolTtot? offer MRT'lllllKRS as a eure for all, bat as au Aromatic TonUjy tin J- ha ve no t qua). For sale by Di ugg'sts nn *. Grocers o . ei v whero. prinzipal Ui |.o?,, OOODRICH, WlNEMAN & CO , lmp.irt -i- of Clniice Hra^l !Vt,d Chcmi i;als, Chvlcattttt, -U'J-l.?'.*-!l'J . ?. .fl-ff I. J!-t!_'-LL 31 13 lA. D . IP i? well known to Doetoiri audlto 1. ml??, that Women urn subject to ii u in c rous iKhoc.hcs ? pec ii 11 n'r their sex?such as ^UU^ pri-sshYn oHheMcusA? ,\UiiteH. ru^^W/intLft, ly ?1'. lio'J: ?' J'.li.'Uiua ? Usiu of- the DAsk ?ahd?'< Womb. Ii rofrnliir Mi'ii stru^Oion, llomorrl:Vgo or Fulling or tbu rtoino. These diseases have "(ddoiu. hoqn- tro?t<-'I flwq%LS?fd-Ufry Th? proilcsaion has sought diligently Jot some remedy that would eiibate tit MTW'treat these d-bwescs with buccuks, ??_ At idst fhht'retndd/lihfl hcft^R severed by one vJ ! be most s-killiu)' physjeiniiiy/in the State of (icoit^iu. That ?i-iiuily is HKAb FIHl.DAS 1 li.MALL.liKKUULATOH^ It is purely vegctaok-. und is put up in Atlanta. Ga., *y *?Anrt?i.^e*VnV'l?**?ll?^urify .he biood ?"/;ly?Bfj^^rAw,^%^,i;v* irritation ot the TcWnejs, and Ii s piriMl [-specific for all .the-,*bto>'e -^Mtpswr^ssi tain a cine as (Quinine is in Chills and Fev-* rrsj Fora historyof ? discades,r"?nd--eertifl cates of its. wonderful cures, the r?S|)?r is referred to the wrapper aronhn Itns bottle. Kvcrs bouloi ssnrrawted" to give satisfaction or money^o/undeil. LaUuanos, (!a., Maren '-'3, lATO.?Ukad txr.iti ?t\,ti).,$ atlakta/?oA.-M4tosa???>* I take plea mho in -rialiug thalj have, used fon til ? lu: t twenty years.' the medlClHe'^s)u er jiiiiting MR?.khag" Pfl 8j ^^^""beat' ii:m.U.k V.i:4n^roh\ and consider^ ^or.. coui.biuutiou evergplt?n fori:tbe?h>**^*8 ^ J which it is recommended. T hip 0 "ce?L milar with the prescription bid t"ni?>uer of medicine and in dorai-stse prae fic*. ?Ibfcau 'ifoffeWl/ifay UlidT'cellllder it 1 jv?i\ to aullenn^ft?;ia;?s?)on4pw??b#Vhopo tiiat every lady in our Whole land, who may be Bittfcring in any way pbtuliar?otboiV ssx. may lie able to procuraa Pottle, that their Bufferings may not onTy he re.lieved.Jbut that they may ?>c rostored Id health trWof Ptr"n?th. With i:v> Kindest regards. I ani. reepectiully,. "' S*mP m?i?? 1} We", tile WJ-le'rsig.flt Druggists, takeples-v ure -in cor.incndinp | te tlie trade Dr. J. liravlfield's 1'einalc hegiilatpr? believipg U. tobe a good and reliable reino-'y'fof ibe disuse lor which he ci i ? ends ifa'jtf. A.. ?r.H'ntde!* A.: nt^. 0?.: I'.-n.l.riton, Wil ..n?n. 'fay-Ayr /i-to,, Atluii?a, j Georgia, tRed' I wins & Fox, Atlanta, Georgia.. W. Iloot I & Son. Wbiridttn,' t;e?.rgU> ? " ,r ?* Mi. PF.OPiUTTIS <.'KLtUUAT4?tt,iLIV I Bit SlFiuIClNE.?!t is purely vogct*jb$o. snd. will aoifujiOn the t Live-i* and KitNie j aa pronptl.v u? Calomel and Buobu, wiiboiu any rtdrtgcr'?f sslivatib'li or^?stTOott?S of tbo boji Parties taking thi.-i lardiciu.?, uesd nol fear pet ling wot, >u- in Rny other r?s,sona? bin exposure. l ib ait SvMi'Tii ts ... :. \ r.n 1'iHuvst :?iTeadach?? Dull Feeling or t'i- F.'.u-s. 'S-.-ur Noniteh, Biok'Ol' Nervous Headache. Henrihtirn. Ia digestion or Uyspep^ia, er IV.tter. ,X*st?i ih the MOJlth, the hkin lias a thick, "roujit IV?'>11. und iS darker than usual,.^CCsiivt ness, Melancholy Fccliugs, Cramps, Cold. Feet, Colic, Dysentery. Diarrhoea. Chl:4? aid Fever, and Files, in fact, where tho j.i*sr is out ofonler.?yot{ar% lia'.detc evsry d ? ease that is not contagious. )*rupbixtja^il.iv* cr Medicine, if takeu proj y, wili'prsveel, und eure any dlsesW rRUIFlng' from a d? runged liver. It witl regulate its fuuciissis a:nl thus ear; all uI-cksc? cauied by the fail i:ra of i ? lu Athf Svtiod. It has bun used' i, i- a : amher of years, hm.'i has ,given> uoivcrs i! satisfaction. There is no bi-oiksr or um claiming to huve^ha original i It Is j-e.t up in l?oth Powder and Kiu'uf forss.. I'.vniBtmx, G.\..'-S<-:>t. i. 1856.?DU. U. ?.. I'I'.ci'MITT: Pia: My w ie \u<" been an i? id for t:i?en ^ ears. Doetovs all ?^r??*ii <he '.;-.d - '.iver Diaeaae?*?'?". . lu eniiu??ti?? a ;ih Jii.-ir ict'.c? t?li?i tis.ed T^ni -.t ua?? noted ic"- !*.e?. Utioe. of tvTtieti -i i-siisd tiny g'o< d?Sometoa ago I proenrad??boitle? ot "vour "I.iver MeJi^Ms," ofyottrajrsaw ? - v ?- ? v to direttioSJ; aH?*r;nV5fttl a ??e?? pl't* i'iir?ty jm ,m . ,u i ., , - Itesijceifnlfy. Ac.. CT. ). b^TCy d^Rt)?<; sc. v.. Sept. -I. l.^l'S. ? *. have u=o i Hr. (>. S's Lj-Vov hr-tlfih* ae a : nie. and leuiid it to tte^uvrecfnl sad m- 'i j. It i* t xr.-llf iit fi>rl fiiuctteaeti ? -i.t ot tl: ? !...?.:? <-r couatipMieu ef !.>.rr>',-?: i-i most ..-.:s.-., superasdinw abas necassit* of* regnliW ^i.-ir-e ol m?dik>*?*i. K.'i. MI.V-NAHU1H. A. M. ! . '-.Mi- i'rye? M.vninx Cm vrv. 7 \ \r, '. j, lj*R9.?Dr. . l>. S. ProruiTT? /?'.'Vr<U,u'.,?l'V#rH^7*rf vhiei fo infoxfu jou t'i*t 4?*WiiiJUcu:i troubled a. I jrrat w,:!i i-iv..;rv.ii^ii, be.l afltr usiag; j Tine hott!? of y..ur bir^^t?licTn'e, I fed, ;reai rflit^.^J c'a;iiu.?y recommend it i f amily Medicnie, and JfVtl eenfid*Sl iliat it Is good for anythidg'ler' whis* iti be an ami-bit*. / , , ,j, . \v,-t ' fespeelfuHy, ?\ct bOCKIT?, II , ? -hi; i Jtalittaj 1 ? rvei.i a . PllOPIlltT'S PAIN Kl!>fim Thi- i? r*?lc*irST?U' WcJlctae tksl I'-nv Uavifo Pain Killer, oat/el"ehe Wai k?K. wherever it was so Davis made rrtekirt. oh'ang^ 1 iic v.ame 1'rivni- Pain KHIer^/irTatat j\i I t:. F >r Uhpti ^aii?m. NjeiiraUji?. er rpaiti of any Vind-lt nas no equal for Cuts. i Urul^os, iluvn?t<.er ..Id Dorfes, it bsst thitit- you can use *? a dressing. For Snake 1 Ilitrs or ?ItTtgs tit r\>I?oi?f>iJb hi<*vtr,'lt is a. perfect antidote, lei-- jcn?>d for Colic, -Gelds? h.--. or Aowel f .mpbilnV. Ii? nest? iud iatra it? nature Cn\ly.,-, istr-aly,^xrm. lo i tin: Nlanufactured end seid by IIsao fbmk f' Afhiatai?.aa.,;auU foraele hy .all drugfcjsis. ?, , PootTt CoTISTY, ?A., April, ISCTi?This is its oeiMifjtt rimt 1 stw conlTned todhd hbuse, and most of tho time to my.bed.'nnd aaffsr liirg this 'ptea'test a'goffjl 'imnginr.ble with r-.iipuinjit.hia, (?r five di 'iiths,.fltid afjartry in'g every avaiUble remedy, with no relief. I vra* cm wl witli two Uottlls of DiV^fl . P, Prophitt's Amodyae Pain Kill It ; each eo0. inj; fifty Cf*nts onty. It re\irvcd ne-?Lnes? ,instantly^ I therefore rcooaipiend U^n tie highesif lleghs'e to others suffering from siss thir disease. 1 pan eajf that it i??ne of the. finest family medicines now out, certain. T-oltfTTrWy, TTTA. !\>!:K!lAM.. Dooi.t CorxTV, Ca., qct.ii?! ?Di. O. ?. PnnntivT. ? 1 hav^.' diwin^'flf-rf lett" eighteen tponths, used your Pain kdl It. a-nd I consider it umjqunh-d by iniy:liiijg for i?eie ir. lite iiead. IfV^Kst, back or -side; ?Vi? for colic no! luii).' gives ?relief h*I/ so- qsdek ee : your Aio..!\no Pain Kill. It i.s diyn^ taueh id i i t'. e Community 'In 'oMiei families as my own. Vours, Ac, D. T. FttllKUAND. Nhwton F.?ctok.t, Oa., Nov., lH?7.--~Dr. Pro| hitt : Last summer my bor,*? -??; ' -.i i.?d his kneo severely, cni:.*ltig th^ whole leg to (?well la nho;?? twite It natural 'sfs%, and rendering him ahppel helpless: .'wonppiioa tions of your Anodyne Pain Kill It thorongh ly cnted it. JOHN B. ?A'VlS. t'enTiFioAVpn KTATB()F.0Ft)K(JlA.~Fti.tok toeVCTV. . Know all men by these prescnte. That I have - 'this day, for ^nine iTceivc'd,**o!d srid trans- - fcrred to Utadfield .V Co.. Ihr sok right to . manufacture tttl sei) my Family .Medioinea, and have Turiiishe'd'lTiein with Uie full re eipee. and bft\e ai.tborhMM' f^ y-i lirsd G?ld Si Cf,, to pl'int, or bsi^e printed;.any thing they may see propei e. i., ? -rising nttv und nil of above named .NlwlW-ihes." Tt - loth day of Junes. lbTO. . | M [Signed] (?. ?,. I'KOPHiyXi, - Tn ffnenee of TlnSmftl F'. .lMits'iiobert^ Crawford, Notary Publte. ^sU'B.)ri: .. WajiufiM-Hired and for sale by UKAliPIKLD* & CO., Hroa?I streu, A?eu'a, Gs , and lor ?nie by nil dntrrglfts. Aug Vi , |y