TEE ORANGEBORG NEWS aiTLKDAY, MARCH. \% jjgjft MALCOLM I. BROWNINO, BdUor. The Pres? Conference, ? ? ?* The Columbia Guardian and others, ?f the Sute press have suggested tuet ?11 of the editors of the State, opposed to the tourpetfoft;*^ toirruptioa'of our State government, meet together in con ference at Columbia on she 16th inst. The Charleston jVW?, in advocating the suggestion, and urging upon all pa per* of the Stele to be represented at ?hie meeting, does not understand that the object of the meeting is to pat forth n platform or any public declaration of policjr, but to Wing the anti-radical edi tors together "bo that they may inter change views and opinions and make themselves acquainted by, conferring to gether, with the feeling and desire of every section of the State," With this we entirely concur, and we earnestly hope that all of our con tempo raries throughout tho State will meet to gether in conference. Let us see what are the chances for us, in the grand ef fort of patriotism, that as a people we are about to make. Let us hear whether the people of South Carolina are ready to unite upon a oourse of action that has buried psst delusions, that admits facts that are accomplished, and that has a bright ray of hope for our future. Let the body of men who band them selves together for the redemption of their State, meet upon a platform that knows uo distinction of class, caste or colorj which recognises white man, and black man, as equally citizen ! Let us make one more rally, one more effort, and let us make it, upon a basis, and by means that arc practical, sensible and that have a chance of success ! We trust that the Press of the State will meet at this Conference, and that they will agree upon a course to be pre sented, and advocated by them to the people, which will unite all the honest citizais of South Carolina, white and black, in an effort to secure the goveru mentfcfoto^he hands of the honest dtnd * the worthyfc unite them upon this sensi ble admission of what is the reality of our situation, and which is the only effort that can be successful! Signs of Pi*ogress. The prompt action of the House of Representatives in the United States Congress, in summarily summoning to its bar for trial, its corrupt members speaks bright hopes, that honesty ia not entirely trampled in the dust of oblivion. We hope that Whittemore's party will promptly repudiate this its exposed ly corrupt member. Nerer mind how good n Republican he may be, however far be maj go in promises and in asso ciating oheek by jowl, hob and nob, with ? the colored people, let them not harbor one whom the world knows to be totally unworthy of the association of honest men. Let tho promptings of an honest heart, be hoard and let tho voters of his congressional district repudiate him, and hoot him from their midst. Another sign of promise s the defeat of Butler's Georgia Bill, which would go to show that crushed as is our sister State "the Poland of America," as she has been called, there is a term to her "durance" and her humiliation. The de feat of this bill and the adoption of Bing hstn's amendment, will discontinue the terms of office oi Bullock and the Legis lature of that State, and give the people the liberty aud right of a ballot in 1870. T&e Census* The Census returns just published ?how the following facts: lu.ehjit Counties o? the State? among which is Orangeburg, both races have increased, ia sixteen Counties both races have dec ceased; in four Counties the whiten have decreased and the black;> increased ; in. two- Counties the whites have iooreased and blacks decreased, tjbere ace Marlboro and Sunder. In, the whole Sute Uie whites have* deensesod 16,426, aad. the blaoks barn decreased 26,181. The exoass of, dwereaae of the blacks over the whiten te 9(762. In 1860 the population of tho Stnto was T0a,T09; I* 1870 it it 661,009. The new apportionment of representa tion consequent upon this eeusus will Counties, four of voters a 1868/ Tax Rural Carolin iah.?The March nun,bor of this sterling month ly, is, as usual, promptly before us, and fully sustains ita reputation. It hex aar? eral particularly noteworthy papers. The Preparation of Laad for Cotton," signed "Low Middling," which we be. Here is from the pen ol General Johnson Hagood, of Barnwell, contains some ?teat timely suggestions, peeked up by the necessary faotr and figure?- '??TxW Promion Cotton Crop," and *iJL Method of Planting and Cultivating Cotton," are also worthy of attention in the same3 connection, and are timely and to the point. Some hints op the "Cultivation of the Castor Bean .and Beue" for oil, from the pen of Qen. E. P. Alexan der, suggest another means of diversify ing our industry. "Poultry Farming for. the South," a beautifully illustrated arti cle on the beet breeds of Fowls, will be interesting and profitable to all who are fond of eggs and chickens. Articles on Sisal Hemp and the cultivation of the Banana commend themselves particular ly to Florida readers. The Editor's "Suggestive Facts" should set our peo ple to thinking. We 1. pe rhey will heed the warning the article embodies? don't neglect everything else to, plant cotton. We are glad to see that the publishers have boen fortunate enough ' to secure contributions from that able architect Alex. Y. Lee, of Columbia, one of whose excellent designs appears j I in the present number Charleston S. C, Walker, Evans & Cogswell and D. Wyatt A ike;;. Two dollars a year. ? mma i Model Workib.8.?A farmer in Greenville has two model tenants. One of them, a white man ban lived on one of his farms for three years, and now pays more for rer.t than was pro duced on the entire p. ce any year pre vious to the last three years. This man is rtally industrious, and although he has a family of eight or nine children, has paid, beside his current domesate ex penses, a good portion of a debt for mon ey advanced him by his landlord. The other, a colored man, named Da ? iel Seaborn, haa been on the farm three years or more, starting with about bread enough far one year, and two small pigs. At this time, according to the Green villa Enterprise, he has .as niuoh bacon as he needs; has bought and paid for two fine milch cows; has a fine lot of stock hogs: has a good (arm horse, worth 1150, upon which he owes $95; has pienty ef flour for breakfast during the year ; has corn in abundance for bread aud stock, also fodder, and some to spare ; has eightween acres of wheat, put in with his own seed, two-thirds of which proceeds will he his own ; hin a half in terests in five bales of cotton, v eighing from 440 to 600 pounds. These are model workers-models worthy of imitation. And it must be remembered that these men had no land commission to help them, and had no labor com missioner to meddle with their affairs. They went manfully to work; and they made money. Work I work ! work ! was tbo sole secret of their sue. cost. Housed.?A young max, J. W. Touey, from Oraugeburg, 8. C, waas.r-.j rested yesterday morning, by the police, for violation of the 18th section. After his arrest, being under the influence of | numerous potations of benzine, he was searched aud$51 found on his person. It was reported that early in the morning this young man had aash assets of 1300, of which be expended ?T5 in the pur chase of a horse, and it was supposed possibly that his exchequer had been fingered by some sharper. A young man, K. C. Reardon, of Granitv ills' ac companying Touey us a friend, exhibit ing some suspicious behaviour in a pri vate and prolonged conference wii'i the latter, was detained b> the Chief ef Pa lice until further explananation is made this morning.?Auguato. Ooiuritutionalitt. Gold.?There appears to be a gener al impression among the financiers in Congress that the recent sudden and continued decline in the price of gold is by no means permanent, and that al though it may fall to 110, yet it will for some time fluctuate between that figure and. 1.20k The probabilities are, howev er,, that it wilt not rise above the last named figure. The question of the re sumption of spcoie payments has not re ceived any additional consideration a mong the Treasury Officials or in the Cabi net on aooount of the decline, and it is understood that Secretary Boutwell is not favorable to. any Congressional legislature looking to resumption, beliexing that in a comparatively short time- the- banks will tattle the question without any in terference by the Government. .???oe??. ^ww~." Ssxe asserts the it is pleasant to be surrounded by a group of ladies'; but he like* to. bo surrounded by one just as er domes 7$ iotoria it tho richeat wido Id. She ha* an income t Ju to render any men h anestie fireside. Her alto ritish Government is ich must be added ?2 from the Duchy ef Lancaster, mnki least a dosen rent-free castles, palaces and mansions. As she accepted a legi^ passed^>!wi!lB^"owo^^ her,) as she inherit^sf^j)00'^f Prince Albert in i?61, and as" she has not spent es frtljaffrrTrfra his death, it is estimated that her Mujte ^e^hcopiseJ, weU^intffg, gajleast, ffPgg*^" ?? teerv.*J 1 GREATEST INV1 HJ j ??Mb ?iiwl "Pf* [tri Mui Cheapness, Dui ?M 1 VAXTKI) J* ' - :tofieU^ur< ialabrated GOLDEN FOIJDiTAIN PJBN. ^ Acknowledged by sjA who have used them to bo the beat Pen' made or .sold in this rcountry. < lsV%Ic*fn%S7;bOizeoVflngile!? Sixty line* *> written ^*rltb on* pen of iuk 1 Will outwear any atfoel pen over made. Hankers, merchants, t*aobers and all classes, endorse them ll the Ii ?best terms of praise. Put qp in neat slid box No. J. for general u*e; No. 2, medium'; J for ladies' tise or fine penmanship. _ ? nt d$ tett i? ?ftero7 tfwmnfi to 'AgenU t* We are prepared 16 gVTf! ""y energeflo per son taking the ag%mry*?' these Pens, a eom .inission which will payW200JK'r month. We Iinvite ab persons a send "forsamptes and Two Sample Doxes > Address-! * WESTERN mar 12_tr hing employment, to Irculars. led ror'uO cents. JLISHING Cf3.Vf { Indianapolis, Ind., ?5 zupneturer's Agent. fI?J ? "a er By virtue of sundry, 'directed I will sell et, Orangeburg r . Monday in April f lowing property,. One tract of 1? more or leas, bounded Summers and .estat east by ThaeYtC. Ai .Felder, south by M west by-estate D A as'the Homestoad pi-oparty, of William Juuicd 1>. Cleohley, i *' ? ?ej tiitit V ;One other tract or less, bounded on ij Summers,^ east by Thi by estate D. A. F. s end truct, and wj end known as > j] Li-vied on as tn uiers at,the sur U E. CoonCrt writs of fi. f?.. tern* to thf* highest bidder, brt JJcase, an the Irst 1 ixt, for cask the Tol i.#ttilm> * ?, containing 270 acres |on the north by Marv if 1>. A. F. Summers, rewa and Mrs. Martha M-irtha Felder and Sumatera, :\"fttQHRtmn Levied en as lit rummers at the suit of .'r L. E. Cooner. ':- f ! ? we taining 830 acres more e north by -Alan. Mary 1. 0. Andrews, south smers and the Home, y Mrs. Mary Summers garet Summers' irnet. perty of Williaw Siuu imes B. Cleokley, Ex'r One tract of lan-< containing ?r? acres more or lass, situate and ly ??'g on Four Hole Swamp, in the County of Orangrburg. Lev ied' 8a as the property of George 31. DuntK r at the suit of John J. Huugci piller, Adm'r. ALSO, Ono tract of hind containing Of. acres, moro or less, situated in Kdiato Fork, and bounded on the north by estate M. Friday, east by estate F. Huffman and south and west by Dr. Finn. Lovied ou as the property of John L. Joiner at the suit of John R. Mil lions. ALSO ' ne tract of land containing 400 acres more or less, bounded by lands of Henry Strock, Way's old'place, David Jonesand Melliclramp. Levied ou as the property of David J. Clayton at the suit at J. A. Parier. J. H Felder, ct. nl% Ex'rs. ALSO One other tract containing 850 acres more or less, bounded by lands of Miss Wiles, Oa briel Sireck, Ellick Rouck, George Ulmer and Dr. Baxter, levied on as the property of1 David J'.XIayton el thi suit of J. A. Parier, J. H. Felder, et. at. Ea rs. ALSO One tree! of land containing ?? acres more or less, situated in St. Matthews. Lev ied on as the property of J. E. L. Amacker at the seit of Clarke A Coffer. ALSO One treat of lan-t containing itetl, Levied en in the ease of Francis "J. i'elier and Francis S. Kodgers (survivors) ts James F. Griffin, Adm'r. ALSO i ? ;? . .-. Two lets in Totaess with the improvements thereon. Levied on as the property of E. S. Thomson at the suit if B.C. McMaker, Adm'r, (for another.) [ ALSO j All that tract of land in the Town of Or sjkgebu^g, with the improvements thereon, - eentainjug-125 aerer mure or leas, bounded on the east by W. T. MaKcwn and the Five Notch Road, on the south by ilarpin Rigge, on the west by the Charleston Road, and on the north by W>N; Soovill, T. W. GJovor. T. A. Jeffords apA others. Levied on as the Eroperty of John C Howe at the suit of D. .. Burton. ALSO One tract of land eontaining 240 acres more or less, situate In Ediato Fork, on Dean Swamp, bounded on the eouih and ease by Joseph C. Fanning, en the east by Jno. ('. Fanning, and on the west by Dean Swamp. Lovied on as the" property of John F. Phil lips at tee suit of James W. Johnson, Adm'r. ALSO, One tmoT Of land containing 414 acres more er less, sitnate in Edisto Fork, bounded on the north by U6 Road, east by H. Abies, sedth by E. Pool and west by J. Williams. Levied on ae the proj ter at the suit o? - acres more or leas, being the Real Estate whereof Silas Griffin died, seized and possessed. x% property of Eldridge Gun* o? James W. Johnsou, Adm'r. ALSO, 1 \' ' ' - ?? Akkrta m hi. One tract of land oontaining 187 acres more or lese, situate in Edisto Fork, hounded on. t*e north by J. Garvin, east by W Gerrit?, south-by Mr*. Johnson and west by E. Guru 'tar. Levied oa aa. the property of Buake lAAaanhtae suit of,James W... Johnson, AdaVx. Sheriff. Oaicav ) H- 141008, OrangebnrgC. H., 8. C.? I S.O.C. Mar. 10, 184??. > mar 12 H ;_? tra ...-_> . M. r*Mi R?KX. ? Two l>e?irsftble ^ I aadComajodioiui RESIDENCES, ohe on Br?ughfan Street and ore on Amelia Street. Apply to JAMES BROWNE, j.a 16 if Id the Circuit Court. U sMk in tkf I will seilet Orange C, on Monday the 4th of April, Best, during the usual hours of sals. All that plantation or tract of land, con- J tain in g 1806 aeves more or less, situate in ] [ flk/Vjftaewsj, ^Bjrtbarg County, bounded an las North by Estalsar J antes vf. Branden burg and Dr. A. B. Tabor, on the East by Dr. 1 A. it. Tuber, on tho West by Dr. A. B. Taber and *. 1. Daxb/.p* aba ?e>u|h Jby CbriaUin Gains. i.jVfd4*f:,y P. partr/and Estate of James W. Brandenburg. Terms. ?One-third cash, and the balance < on a credit of one *nd two years, purchaser tg give bond tor said credit portion, bearing I interest fronf day df sale! payable annually, | *eaM* secured by e mortgage of the premises, with a covenant for re-saloon a breach of the condition of said bond, and else te pay for papers and stamp*. "f ? ? * [jJ ions I Bear ?, ^ ALSO t . * u OiiA?OElilJRGr-l* Equjtt. T. D. V. Jamison. Cem'r \ (for Another,) TS* - Rufus C. Sallcy, Exr ! -ia**- ? By virtue of an order of sale made in this case by the said Court, 1 will eel! at Orange ' barg, 8. f ., on Monday the 4th day of Apri\ neat, during the usual hours of aale. All llial undivided moiety of that tract ef land containing 70 acres, situate en tteed land Swamp, ir. the Count j of Orangeburg and SlatQ aforesaid, with the Mill Seat and Appurtenances, known as Tampej Mill, being the moiety thereof, of which the late Urbane E. Jefcuat died seixed and possessed. Terms?One-half cash, the balance ii. 12 months, with bond and interest papablt an ually secured by mortgage of the property, containing a covenant for resale on breach of the couditiun of the bend, purchaser te puy for papers end stamp*. ALSO ORAJJGEB?RG?In Pmobatk. Thad. C. Andrews, Judge of Probate and sueeessor.to G. D. Keift, Ordinary. \ va. 1 Circuit Court. [ ' Jacob Fogle Adm'r, et. el. By siriao of order ef sale made.in this case by the said Court, f will sell at Orange* burg 8. C. on Monday, the 4th day of April next, during the legal hours of sale: 1. All that tract or.parcel of Lend situate I on both sides of Herman Bridge RONd, in the County of Orntigeburg and State aforesaid, containing 173 acres more or less, and boundeM by lands of C Cooper, Waobiagten .Robinson. Ltenjamin Bars, George Pickerel Mil John Rickenbaker. 2. All that or parcel of Land situate on the Hol tu an Bridge Hood in the County end State aforesaid, containing 1U0 acres more or leas, end bounded by lands of J. J. Salley, David Jaaison. Deniel Kennerly. George 8. Blnnickcr, Jumes Cherry, Esau Bellen and ?Kachel Robiuson. 8. All that tract or parcel of Lao I sit tint e on Robert Swump,*in the County end Slate aforesaid, containing 60 acres more or less, end bounded by lands of David Williamson, Porter Pearson. William Cherry and Derril llrnndt'iibiirg. Terms?One-half cash, the balance en a credit of twelve months, bearing interest truin day uf aale, wit.b bund and mortgage, id covenant for resaleaon breech of condi f.ftii- >.nM| I'mrc^.r, u> paj for i?a r<>ts and stamps. ?*? i am _ ALM> OUANGKUUHG?1? Eqvitt. Thnd. C. Andrews. Jodge of l'iobets \ S. B. Sawyer, et. at. J Under order in this ease. I will sell on the 4th day of April next, fur on?-tnire4ej>rar.(heflV1ard. ,J Cbalrbaan. C. S. BULL. C. B. C. O. mar<6 ; ? ? ? J| -. . ...... ??. O L X> CAROLINA BITTERS. - i ? ??? -rwv-k tv -v w>\?.fvrc A DEjLIOHfjV?L TOXIC. _ We take great pleasure iri ?Bering the OU> CX i? ) U \,\ A tle'A' i1 S'J IU * m^y to the pttbfic Tney ere compountwd^eWn j great care, and contain some of the best Ton ics in the Pb?rraaco| v. As evidence, of the superiority m( t*\T Ui t'f F.RS over all other*, ws have certificates frunv nnany cf the lead ing physicians in onr State, who have pre scribed them lautiert*paeiekree.- The OLD CAROLUIk BlTa*?ffe* Will be found invaluable for WantofAjfW, ffttX General Debility, C kills and Fev?r. ft re* Dyspepsia* , We do not offrr ewr BITTSRS as a core for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For .sale by Di uggista and Grocers- every* ' where* Principal Depot, 1 ? GOODRICH. WFNEWAN A CO., Importers et* Choice Drug* end Chemi cals, Charleston, 9. t. max 6 ly METALIC CASES. THE VNDCRSIGNED HAS ON If AN I) all of the various- Sixes of the above Cases, which can be furnished immediately on ap plication. Also maaufeetures WOOD- COFFINS as usual, and at the shortest notice. Apply to H. R1GGS, mar 6?r>m Carriage Manufacturer. IN THK COURT OF FUOBATK WnxaSAS, George Betievr bathr applied to me for letters of Administration on the Es tate of Catherine Stromao, lato of Orangebueg: County, deceased. These are tlierefc: e tc cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear be fore me at a Court of Probate for the said County, to he holden at Orangeburg on the loth day of March, ISTtLat 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any. Why the said Ad ministration should not be granted. Given under my hand and the 8eal of the Court, this 1st day of March, A. I>. 1870j and in the ninety-fourth year of American Independence. THAD. C. ANDREWS. mar.D?2t Judge off Probate. CABINET MAKER '' A' N D UNDERTAKER, WL AIKEN BULL' 5 Raving opetmd e Cabinet 8hop in the rear of the Baptist Chuaeft* in prepared to attend to ell busies* in hie line, and respectfully offers bis services to the people ?f Orange burg end vicinity. ' f?\ 1ft toudc feb 26?tf FIH8T CLA88 Y YEARS Experience er my services to the Conch Painter. All give sntisfactieu. Or te Office, or Store ef will be prointlyst JAMES A. WILLIAMS. " OPEN AGAIN " .... HUNTER'S? Photograph Gallery; , . ORANGKBl}ltQj{ 4./?7J k|(y 0T1CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAI**" , on the 12th dey of March, 1870, L. O. Ifabiuetwill appjy tog L?jfftM ?f aftffajsjed lat. a* Surviving Administrator of the Ertafe #f 5 11 L. Robipae?. ^^'^^ViMLj^rf'S. THAD. cTkKD*\WB7^ ?It Judge of Probate. _uuA v / t Yc* - Spring and Summer ImportmMom ' i 187 0. . . ! - ?** ran 'i^ ?ki*t RIBBOHSt < MILLINERY. AND STRAW GOODS.. ARMSTBONoTcATiER & W *-* Importers and Jobbers of Bonnet, Trim ming end Velvet Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Sat. ins and Velvets, -Blond* Nstte. Crape*. Ruches, Flower.-. Feathers, Ornaments, Strew rBonnets and Ladies' Hats, Trimmed and 0?^ _ "J trimmed. Shaker Hoods, &c. 287 and 23U Baltimore Street. BALTIMORE, MD. Offer the largest Stock to be found in this Country, and unequalled in choice and ratio- .. ty end cheapness, comprising tht Hellst , Parisisn novelties. a* viv Orders solicited, end prompt attention given. " J - 11 ^'?^?wN*i feb 12 'lev -ivef GOODS J^T' RECEIVED AND *Si:*S: . OFFERING LOW ' roJL * w^ ^ F. E. SALINAS, BAMBEHG ANl> tilfckHAM'S T. O tV8ir*J> dee IS Notice of Disinissal. NOTICE IS HER RUT Ol VBN THAT?W the 200, deit^fvVrVmkj. W^JiSfi^ tile my Final Accounts with the Honorable T. C. Andrew*. 'Judge of Probate, and sat* for Letters of Dismissal as GwaisJlest ef Mas* ria V. Jefc>M4t. formerly Maria Y. Livitigstesv now wife ef Henry W. Jcfcoi.?, and Josh on, Livingston. B. V. l'OL'. feb 26?4i ? >3Te^ W*m,^i~*> Notice rjf lli^QlBsal. TfaTOTICE IS'HEREBY GIVEN* THAT ON> X\ the l?rh day or Mxieh. 1870. 1 will ale my Pin*! AeCmiuts wftf^ the Honorable ^ 1 slT* .'/"^r"" ut'Vrijbue, an l..sk yr Letters of Dismissal ?y '""aVrVdull n)rJrNeljlWaa M?rj?ey. W. F. BARTON, Notice of Bimissal. -feff??*l?* IS. 11 F.RRBV *GItVBN* THAI I XI will, et*Ibc 2ha eW ? e*\M^toju. IsiO, tile u?> Je?uvl. aevpui.t iv'uh th? Honorable Judge of Pr^>atcTor (?ransrrlfiirir t'ennry.Vsja"' Adnnai.eretrix of i1m> Estate ?f Shalrae"* Walts deceased, and1 ask for Letters of Uis missal.. 1 't' JHAkSh) t t \ feb So?4t U tj >:> Q&lfletf ^? V H Notice of Dismissal. , *r'r?1 TTC .l?e?T* ?>#??-> ? ?* ft iVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON t the 21M day of March next, I ?rill lie any Final Accounts with the Hon. T. C. Andrews, Judjte of Pmbute, nud ask for Lette:"? ef Dismissal as Executor of the Bsc Sate of Arthur fteid, Eecoasod. y will be deiej-ved payment. GEORG R.BOtlTERi^ ce, i ? Orasgehnrg. S. C. V Feex He, 1870. J, feb 12 Id -iir The State of South Carolina, On.VNUKHURG J-i.N EqI ITV. John D. D. Fairoy, D. Myers, Ex or. Burns ?I .1 of B. J. W. Myers, et al j Bill for Injunotinnv to set aside irregular proced ing>. to inarchaK ?nsatta, said for Relief. It appearing to my satisfaction that Strafe Pulinan, and-Puliuan, her husband, EHx ebeth Holly end - Holly, hsr husband, four of the Defendants to said Bill, are abaca* from, and reside beyond the limits of this> State, on motion of Messrs. Islar A Dibble, Solicitors for_Cpmplainant, It is ordered*; theSthe said Defendants do appear, and! plead, answer or demur to **id Bill within* forty days from this date, or an order pre* cob ssoeo will 1?? green t?l IfstjUlHl1*? I Clerk's Office. > GBO. BOLI VER, Orange burg. Fob. feb 26 s Office, \ mrg, S. p., [ 2i, 1870. J C. C. P. W * Just Received at I>K. OLIVE?OS" 1 1UKSH GARDEN SEEDS ? SUCH A91 JJ Onion Sets. Cabbage, Turnips, Raddtehr Beet, Beans, Carrot. Celer>\ <'otlardstCeewv I' Cucumber, Egg Plant. Kohl Rebi, Leek, Let tuce. Mustard. Okre. Pagsleys Parenipa Pep per. Salsify. Quash, Spinach,. Tomato, Ac. IVr. Ot,lV ROS respectfully calls the at tention ef the tP^lioi^aM**VARIED' aasb WELL SELECTED Stock of MEDICINES, whine he warrants pure end relish!*. nts lbug expeHence in the. dispsndsB^aaidl compounding of Medicines warrants Jura, in saying that all those of his own mnatifacture? are guarranteed pure in every pasftcular. E. J. OLIV EROS,' M. D. liniff-ia* ?n l PKov>m?r im mm om-- ? " -^mf1 W ? ?? 1