The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, January 29, 1870, Image 11

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m\ HV VVUIWJI by ?tu I <nf: feiritfCf ?*fj ol ,m a BflApMiwaUI <*n*4 v.<t 4,Ytt?n; a?id in'; tbo eccentric-rover sped, Its aimless voyage, 'ike boy whoso ro mart Oed }p-|l|jf^d> aivii vLm 1?-p&tc ?? t< tu> {j Packed full of fancies, ideal crude, abstruse," Throws qf -restraint, from apron strings breaks loose, Ignores tho repm, of h^bv^rid^ii*;*^' And^antshsH acme, at a point for biVl?'r> Than h& wk? of. experience (best of schools) Learned life's menndcrings by its practised jhtlcs. Its snoiils, and its quicksands, wif'b ft pilot's skill Ho close inspects, or steer's far from at will. The Freshman trims his sails" for favoring wind And launching out, leaves Counsel far behind, Glides o'er the lake, like yacht'nea'h easy And rVeksnO dange'r, till he breasts the gale. Now dowu like eagle swooping o'er its prey With lightning speed, the Comet shot his fftiy. ? ' "*'* *";'"'?' ?? ??' Its Making'ficAd disdained Ihol-ssor light Of meteors, asteroids, and planets bright. Since Luna With majestic grandeur rolled Her diamond car, upon tho pave of gold. Oh; 'ra'diant queen : till now you goddess Love. Unrivalled ruled; while proud Minerva strove'' With.aimirou, mien, and languid smile tu win i The golden fiuit, which 'discord's jealous queen Had vengeful cast, amid the courtly guests Viewing rcspicndrint, at P.eleus' nuptial feast. The glittering prize, vain Juno deemed her dWri And \irgcd the Shepherd by a princely throne To name her fairest * * * * Then Venus, queen of laughter, pleasure, grace, Hade the young umpire, judge the fretted Thou; queen of Love, bast .nil the Gods en slaved, Ami men alike, yet none hath respite craved, if'" * " ' *', \ ''*''! *"'*. So 8Uico:fuir Vouuu, hath with jealous.8w?y ] Reigned undisputed while the Gods obey, UponYhlne'ndvcnt, mid the courtly scene The welkin murmurs. LoJ the peerless qneon, Unnumbered millions Sevim tho aerill height And' 'jthle' their lustre fore thy splendor t pale tbci bright. Not unlike Drittnin's fealty once paid To base pretender whom presumption made AspuWit for the triitIrring bauble, fame; Mere tempting as (be obscure, plebian name, Grew gracious on the praise of rabble cry. And loomed like pyramid above obscurity. The wniveruig, vnscillating, fawning crowd, j To-dajfc shout " Vivat Jirx" to-morruw loud'. Withaqunl argument tedr off the wreath Yet?grc#n With freshness of the truekllag's breath, Or German prince, possessed of acres few And threadbare title many ages new TVith??'nte-"achieved by grandsirc'f*' kuightlv Of unmatched deeds which at his mortgaged board, The dolt recites, an hundredth time or more, 'Tis Iiis huge legacy out patrimonial store 'lisaJl now found of louu.-wick's honored rtxnnir ? >. The bantfnpt'Sapling, dons the helm of fame With lordly strut, my prince surveys his ^lutyls Nor^tiljcs./ore breakfast though he walks their bounds. Oh! potent Name, thou evanescent glare When linked will? merit how extremely rare, Not unlike Luna, whose face throws da//ling sheen O'er sleeping lake, and bordering Sylvan Shcfvuletf,presumptive, gorgeous in her rays Of borrowed essence from a brighter blaxe. So unseen merit ofttimcs bides its head, LikeJLqna tit night. J're-wnj'tion rules in Htead. The great natural ourinsity known as Sunfegu^La. c is situated in the Cascade Mountains. about seventy-live miles North-east of Jacksonville, Oregon. The walls arc 2,000 feet htgUj and almost per pent?c-ulUp'runuiug down into the wutcr, and leaving no beach. The depth is un known, the .surface i.- smooth and unrul fled^and it lies so far below the surface of the mountain that the air currents do not affect it. Its length is estimated at twelve ^Ucs^ and Us breadth at teu. JSo living mau,has,' it is said, ever reached the water's edge. Tho lake lies ".silent, still and in; sterioiis. in the bi.soni of the cvctlasting hilln. likua huge well scooped out by the bauds of geuii." K. K. K.?Tho gentleman who wore' ariQStod in Suiutor and indicted on the shafgCCi'being eonuerdrd with the party of tuen who. lust October, made threats saal!53t ?h\ t>nIJoso and Mr. Robertson, sod afterwards burnt tbeir stores, have all been.-discharged. In the .strongest cn*e, in which Mr. Robertson and Iiis employee swore to the identity of three of the party, the accused were acquitted. havlAfWo^fed by the most conclusive St'** l w ' . , , audtuntnipcaehablc testimony, that Mv. llobertson and ins rn?P v..;.-. entirely mirtakttn in their suspicious.' But the giu-housc of Dr. J. B. With* erspaon^tkroo .miles front Sttmter, burn^w Friday, nud tho gin-house of Mr. T. B. FruM?r HUta burned oo the pre vious nignt. These are the natural re sults of Governor Scott's proclamation, which was a-blain invitation Uv the ne groes to take the law into their own hands. Mrs. K^0^}'1!1]^^01"1'11 C?^S vote aod'do a good deaf uf mann work, but When she conA* to ilrilifiig rocks sbo would ?ct the Back-cicho, COIttlvSa&iTO* MERCHANT, *3j. CHARLESTON 8. C. Liberal advances mndc px^Cotion. 11kfbrkncr8?First National Rank, Peo ? plo?s National Rank. Messrs. Jno. FriiBer Co.| Charleston, S. 0. july 81?ly WM. tWILLCOOK^ g | R^ELL" STREET. OKAXUERtiito, s. c. RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITL sons of Ornngeburg County, tloit he is now receiving a largo supply of DRY GOODS AND FRESH FAMILY ^GROCERIES, also Cabinet, Eagle, an.l Hpur bon Ill-amis. Scotch Ale, ami tho famous Ledger Slgars. Hir-atorte- of TIN WARE and HOUSE I FURNISHING GOODS, is tho largest in the County. First-class STOVES Kept constant ly on hand and warranted to work well. I jOly 31 kjj? knay l ly PERUVIAN GUANO PHOSPHATES, Ac. TTpHK SUBSCRIBER WILL KEEP, AND i and receive orders for the following STANDARD FERTILIZERS, to be sold at AGENT'S PRICES, adding Freight and Drnyagc. WANDO. CAROLINA. DICKSON. Also will attend to the purchasing of LAN I) PL AST Kit |? ? i and ? iiissoever Rom;. Tho PERUVIAN GUANO is of Standard quality, diccct from Agent. Also for sale a supply of HOCK TOUT STONE LIME. Western YELLOW PINK EYE SEED PO TATOES. ONION SETTS. EARLY SUGAR PEAS. Par.ics wishing to procure COTTON PIASTERS in tiirtt} for this crop, or any of ihe above FERTILIZERS, should riot derer ordering to the latest moment. The usual supply of GROCERIES, TO BACCO, &c, on hand, sold low for cash, or best .prices-allowid in Darter for RICE, PEAS, fcc, &r. JOHN A. HAMILTON. Market Street, jtin l? ly OCt - AJOUR RAX, Respectfully # otters his services to tho Citizens of Oraugcburg, as Gardener. Parties desiring to have their GnrdciiH or Orchards put in good order, with Choice Fruit Trees and Flowers, can leave their Orders at the NEWS' OFFICE or address the undersigned. Special attention given to the Decoration Of Graves with Choice and Select Evergreens and Flowers. A. JOURDAN, wo l??tf Orange burg. S. C. MISS K M. MA?LE, F V.'llii ?N A dLK Millinery mid Fancy Goods!! 1 lave now Opened And offer to - Ladies of this (' umy. a complete Stock ol' the above goods oi the LATEST STYLES. and tritmnod in Iba b< st manner, with a view t u suit the taste Of Customers. Also FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING promptly attended to. K. XL MAULK, dec 2S?lin* Ku-sell-Street. John A. llamiltoii, Uli A.M.'Kill \R(!} S. (J. Agent for tho Celebrated DICKSON FER TILIZER. Orders received for same. OFFICE OF THE IOcUnoii Fertilizer Coin pa 113 . Augusta. On., Nov. lL'ih. 181111. Having on hnnd a Fair Stock of No. i P E R U V 1 A N (i U A N 0, and a hope now of being able to keep up the supply, wo reduce the price of DLCKSON'S COMPOUND ?0 Sixty-Five ($05) Dollars per Ton of 2,000 lbs. for Cash. Ami on time till November I, ls70. to $7? and Interest, for approved City Acceptance. Draynge, in arHsnses, $1.00 per Ton. Dick son's Compound also will hv dclivcrcij Free of Chnrga, at any Depot in South Carolina, in exchange for Cotton Seed, at the rate of 100 pounds of tin Compound lor l? bushels (?S3 pounds each) of sec 1. Rags for seed also furnished] free of charge. AddrcM ? E. P. ALEXANDER; dec 1?It mm Columbia, S. C. IJlX ELI TORS NOTICE. ? All 2J Persons having demands ngninst the Estate Or F. M. Porlcr, deceased, will pre sent the same properly attested* and till per sons indented to said Estate will make iminc diate payment to the undersigned oil or be fore the first day of March next. ALLEN PORTER. OCt 30?td s Qualified Executor. _*?_ IN THE COURT OF PROBATE. Whereas Mrs. Sarah A. Segreat hath ap plied 10 nie for Letter* of Adinistrattoh. <ui tho Estate of V. D. Scgrost, late of Orange burg County, deceased. Those arc therefore. |o ci'e and admonish ail and tmignioV the Inhufed and creditors of tho said deceased, to be and appear before mo St a Court of Probate for the Rnhl Coun ty, to be- holder, hi (R'angfehYtrg on the 'JOih day of .lannary. 1S"0. at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any. why the said Adminis tration should not be granted. Gl fen ander my hand and tho Heal of the Court, this nth day of January, A. D. 1800, and the ninety-fourth year of Ameri can Independence TIIAD. C. ANDREWS, jnn l??2t Judge of Probate. Executor's Sale. i Bv permission of the Men. Judge of Pro be.te lor (Iran oburg Ccimly. 1 will oiler at public outcry, at the late residence of J. R, F. deceased, on Saturday, I'ebru.i ry 5th, 1^70. Two hundred and li fly-five acres of land. Terras cash. V. M. SMITH, Executor bast Will and Testament of J. It. V. Danztler. jan 8 . tf "r\toliMOiiw Prolific Cotton Seed I 9 The Pnhsoriber offers tor sale '.> bushels of the above Seed, which has becu kept pure Price $2.00 per bushol in lots of 6 bushi Is. For less $'.>.n0 per bushel, jan 15 -2m JAMES II. FOWLES. BLOOD CLEANSER. .7ACL -IBSOt Tliis medicine is known to ihe faculty aB being the concentrated fluid extract of Sar Huparilln united*'with other valuable medl cinnl herbs, und is 0[^^fj^H(^^^,Iy rott TMH-tl-HK or SCROFULA AND CONSUHWaJL:/. :tn>it l?>e?if?i<?>] *d ?ti-o as *iAH I This remedy is compoundedexjfT*ssliJ'jMrl fT?tif^ifOt1 M^ona*^ infirmities, going at once to the fount aiu^liead j of disease. It extinguishes Tumor*, CowntnipUoii, Syphilis, Skin /?iruj?tion$. Sail Itheum. Uoilt, llheumulitm, We nil )tnow tlittt theiroutisciinm^YJLcciiui tioti indulged in durltS the lute vJ-fflffed the most vilhitious diseases. Vaccination pus wns titkeri*" front thfVnrms OT muny "personk full of scrofulous sores Then of ?course the imparprv4'Tf tjtf? aotftf ; fulous putfeut wer? absorbed intlUc^lnoadlgi men otherwise without diseases, and both became infected alike. Men. women utol children throughout nil the Wrsi ar<-most wofully diseased from this cause, and knew not, until a few months ngo, the origin of it. HEN EY'S C< > N ST IT L' T1 <) N . K E N O V A TU R Relieves the Entire Sysum of Pains and aches, enlivens the spirits, and sends new blood HOUNDING THROUGH EVERY VEIN. It imparies a i ,T] Sparkling llrighfnrss t<t th> j A A'" // OV'oc tu /he (Jlteehx A iinuif Tinge t<> tin Lip*, A (.'fettnO'tri ><> til- //r,?i, Jirii/ftfiicss in the Complexion] ?uoyaney to the Sinnt*, Amt i/ii/ijunr** "it aU Si*io*f\ Vor all ni'eclioiis ol t be kidney s it fs unsur. passed. People have been rt BCiied, as it were, from the very jaus o!' death, by a timely use ol this great r< mctly. EXTRACTS FROM VAiUOl 'S LETTf-llS*. . "Doctor. I WHS vioV'iiuted in file hospital. Before that 1 had no skin disease. Until I had a bottle of your ? Constitution Renovator,' I sent me by Mr. Roper, of Columbia, Mo.. I J suffered tortures with running sores. Sine | I used two bottles 1 nni all well except a , small sore on the culf of left-leg, and is! getting well fust. ' This from a lady. ? "And now my skin is j as clear and fair as a babe's. My complexion. ihn1)ks toyoiir "Renovator," is beautiful. ??Vis yes, I may well say such relict was unknown to me bet?re. Enclosed find five dollars for six bonlts; two families hen' want to try it.1' . J , * # , IJiaL'iJ "I was very much troubled with syphiRs. Your remedy seems to be curing me fast, Send I bottles per Express " "No more rheumatism. TtlrVe bottles of Constitution Renovator have made nie a new inuii." ??Doctor enclosed find :*?'?*>. rlcaao scud me a supply. Two families hero want to try your Constitution Renovoioi. We have not space lor more of the nbore extracts, but y ?u can ask \ot:r nciglibrr about the rcuicdy. I'.yirj.f oh{j Uliijfcutuet long good to sny ns it cures every tltllO. For. At.I. DlSKASI'.S OF TUR KIDNEYS. RETENTION OF TilE URINE, i\e.. ke. Ami fr.r I \ matr Ditec*,-*. - Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude, und \V;u.i of Appuiitu, it iauti stirpas-ed. CAUTION !- -In ordering o?r'remrdy al ways place the number of our Post-Oflico li.>x on your letters. Tho new law in our New York 1 ost Otiice eompc s tills Address, Dlt. M E. HENRY \ <'<? . Dii'actor-tieueral Berlin Hospital, Prussia, Agency of tb ??. tin Rod Suites. Laboratory. "J7ti Pearl St )????;. Pi -: (Klieo Rot New York COltST.ITUTi?N REN?>YATOIt Is Si per bottle, si\ bottles for S3. Sent anywhere on receipt of price. Patients art* requested to. correspond confidentially, and reply will he uuido by follow ma in i tl Sold bv all rc.q.seu.hle. Drug.,'isll. A IMA US S A IX R A < ? L.N 1 A B I T I KB A SOVIUIKIUX II KM K II V fl?B I>YS8?r.l?WI t -'""I Disease* arising1 fi-oin a Disordered Condition of tho Stomach and Liver. PKKI'AUKIl iiv <;. W . A I II A it, CHEMIST AND DltU(i(!fST, 4 D "Kino Con. VA.\nnniinn.iT Smsr.T, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sold by all Druggists. ? McKESSEN *i RORDINS, Agents." jau 1 ^ yr* I \ X\ TOAI.K, Afannfachtrcr of, J?/)or.<f, Sash Wind*. Cliarleston, S. C. HAVING THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE V VOTORT in rho Boot In ii States, ninl kef-ping alwHy? on bund..-? large und most coniploto stock of DOOil^ SASHES. BLINDS, Sash Doors. Store Doors, Shutters, Mouldings, &C, fi,Q4t 1 ion enubled to si'll low sud at uiunufiH'turers' prices. N. It.?Strict attention paid to shipping in good order, t > July JI npl Jl jy Notice uf Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the SM day of February. 1S70, we \\\\\ tile our Final return us Administrators of ib> Esllltb of NV. P. Inabiliet, deceased, and ask for Letters of Dlauiissai therefrom. A. J. HOKGER, \ . . ... II. W. K ENN El* I.V. | Adndnistrars. inn 8 It F . IXAli KOTICE, - all Pcr ^ sous indebted to tho E?tr ie of Dl. (i. \v7 ltarnctt, deceased, arc required to make payment Itftrnwliinelj to the undersigned. And rill pocwrtk having claims against said Estate ??ill present, fne hp me proper^ at tested, oli or bpfoec ('no l.-t day of .March, 187(1, or tin3 will be (lobaired payment. BLIZ Vt.l.Tll H. EAKNETT. jaa 8?tit* Qualified Adoiinistratrix. f?llt. I& VINGE, jr^HEAP GOODS FOR CASH! kw? QSH/IJ I DRV GOODS. FANCY GOODS, TRIMMl.NG. AC .ROOTS, 8110 KS, II ATS. C A 1\S AN1) TRI'NKS. ?CHOCIORIES. HARDWARE. OROCKKKY. WOODWARE. &C IID *A MrWB STOCK OF PLANTER'H IMPLEMENTS, such n? PLOUGH MOULDS, SWEEP TRON. TRACE CHAINS, 110KS. AXI$ SPADED, SLINGS. FORKS AND PEOl/GII LINK.-. && Cfl/JA P Foli OA S/I A T CARTMILL & VINCE'S X t JO- r'r.A t . RUSSEI.I, ST., ORANUF.IJURG, S; C. L ) ' jno 22 oct 9 tf 1 . . - . . ETI WAN GUANOS, 8 C) L ?BLE M A N U R E S', AND SULPHURIC ACID, - MANUFACTURED AT CHARLESTON, ?"TNDER TiJE DIRECTION OF N. A. PRATT, CIIILMTST FOR THE Sulphuric Acid nnd Sup< r Phosphate Company. SOLUBLE PHOSPHOttIG ACID, in the form ot SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE OF i.l.ME, or DISSOLVED llONF. PHOSPHATE, is the binds or itit good FcililWrs", niid these arc valuable in the ratio <>l Solulde iMn^fluTiC Acid which xn tii'Ani Tiir imniente./lepo-its of phc^pimiio <tmiriM which were discovered in ISW7, in S->;itIi Carolina. l>y Dr. PEAT T. on-o-t mainly <>l In.oliilijp IMiosphiiteof Lim?, which i? made i^-iii-itiii. ah a Fertilizer liy b*Mg grtMuid i<> powder. Atid reduced l>y Sulphuric A< ?i to fucIi tf condition as texonke ili< huotuhlu phosphate sohtblp in wate.r, and tlios made capable of neirij.' biken up by growibg plants. Tin* insoluble Phosphate found in any commercial Per tiii/t.r is-of no more vn'oe to the plant Ih^u'tlo original Phosphate rock. The ? iter the proportion ot t Ids soluble l' >? which nuy F srt i' izcr <????:: dns |hu U" ? the quantity re quired per acre, and ??nnsi,'|ucjitJy ?Vtejf|lfnPl#tiFertilizcr i that containing the highest per ccntngc of Soluble Phosphate. ImpYeshM with these truth-, the SULPHUillC A< IU AND SUPFJA-PHOSPH ATE COMd'/LNV have erected at t hat !e-ton I he first ckten<:y'e \ u!d ('number! South ol Haiti more, and are able to >do r to planters l?o 11 IC 11 EST I'EE CBNT.VOE OF SOLUltl.? PHOSPHATE OF I.1MI' known itj any maikc}, Their Fertilizers nro pflcred no l.-r two fonn*: 1. r.llwun, ^o. l.-PFUB S'.'.r.i bi: injffsT^r'.TK, ? u... per cent, of IJ;> olved lioin- Phosphat? o( Lime, 'pel ton; 10 per Cent, d sooui '2. Etiunn, ^'o. ?.? PEll 'VI AN S] FE? F IO :PH vTE, Rimrantced 20 p' rc'-ut. of Dissolved Eojie Phofnliute, and 1 \ to jj per cent, of Ammonia, with a shITo eient addition oi l'i ruvi.iij to ful.ipt ii to t\tl Cr >p?. :~T' .. r ihii, 10 psV'oeht. discount for cash. W'K ALSO ()VVV!\i: , DISSOLVED P.ftN'i'. <o* i irrh grau ?. for planters or MJiiiuf*iu;tur.'rs. vv'io mty desire to mix into any other com? ost, irntl wd Riijfgesl that tl> th"c ? ?' I c!i iipf-U tnc<hoi| foi uianofnMiires to transport the Sulpliu'tny Acid contained i.i ':r niixtur f. W ill be sjohl at a ftxed rate tor each per ?c'utrig?. "WM. ?. BEE & CO.. Agent?, No. 14 AUGER'S WHA?F. j jun &* } \ \ j iltn ithiii -2\ soount for cash. ??> contain K A ii M 10 'tt-W ! inchi'.A.' iv .ycct f[Kpifj \.\n lm. irqve your l.iTntb riv using PHJLENIX GUANO, Imported l?y u< ittr?"ck from dc I htunis Island.-. Somn r.icirte Or ? m. \v:m ax. a < .MAMIMI,\1 i.i> (II"ANO. Pr? p. ,.| S.vannah. g.i', : \ i"m:V inn. S. 1*., which has pi'ovo 1 in il?i Soil H? A*i-t Manni ? in i. '?. FOB 8 \I.K BY WILCOX, GIBBS & CO. IWPOETEBS ?t DEALERS IN GUANO m M-j bay stuff r. saw. . a a it. g a. <i 1 EAST d.vy-st.. i'd \ Bf.Efi I'OX, S. <'. 211 BUOA? s'i i r::r, Al tftVr \. u.V. Als... !).>. Agent. Wo also kern IM IMS No. I I'Kt 0 V IA N Ol AM?. pure DISSOLVED BONrh i;iTvK LAND I1 la st EIL For further Information, address fts iiuovV Tor clri'iilur. or subscribe to .s* w. 'A ?/?/. .!;/.??'. evltufuliil, published h\ \V. O Mab murphy >. Co.. nt 'August i riiitI Suvanhhh, Gh., at (tie low pric-<- of 25b. per an num. ? lee I tf PACIFIC (ii;.\.\t) COMl'ANY s OOMTrtt'ko Acid Phosphate of Lime Kor ?pmpnsrtihj? with Cotton Seed. fl-dllS AUTELE rS mancfa< i fkfd I \ \ Till'. Company's. Work-, und r fhc direction ami superintendence nl Dr. Kave ncli It contains the sumo elements of fertility as SOl.URLE PAC1I IC guano, c.\c. ,,i iliiil it is in,: furnished w ith am mos I.A. ll.M prepared expressly fur oomndsting wjtii cot ton seed, which furnishes the element of AMMONIA: the object being to render thai side produot of the pbiiitation iivnilubh to the highest dcgioo tut an element ol fertility. For t on !i- r and i ! ;! u! i r infoi :i.a: i .ii apply to the undersigne I. 'feeing?iJH? cash, or $?? uii 1st November, 1871), for approved t ity acceptance- or othi 1 good security. .1. n robsox, A gent tor South i n i ylintt, I und 'J A i hint to Wharf, Chin IvMon. john S. Ill F.ftR, .hi., General Ag at. Iblltil lord ? oet 80 P. in Notice. -lVrsoftK amlcliltri lo the late linn iij L. d. CL'ARKB 8 <" , of Lewisvillc, uro noli6od not to nny jmj sums to W. 11. Ilchnon, one or the Partners, as he is not authorized to receipt then lor. l>< c. '.?, !.. !.?. CFAliK I*, dec 11 II Orangeburg?-In Equity. L. 1>. Chirk, j BUI for, Settlement vs. , i- Injunction and W. H. liennon. J ' Relief. The undersign. ?I having been appointed ID-Ci iver wi the above staled case, hereby givl's notice to nil persons indebted by note or account to tin* iui?- Firm ot L. D. Clark & Co.. that liny will uitikc p. i> incut to him, ami thai neither ot the said I inn arc an thori^td to receive, or receipt for any ol the said debts. CEC. ROI.l \ FB, Dec. 17. 1 ?00.?18 iH Recrher. A\rHISI4KV l.AIJI I,S > V For Sale at THIS OFFICE. jkvf?l is. per bundrod mtvr ' &CHOOL BOOKS!] rr\hn uN'D!:r.sTfi.\R!>:-hav? kkcbxt. ? ly ]>?:' ' In 1.1 H - New Ph:t? (Iii! j Headers iiU'l ,-*|.. i' -r-. (n I tic* in*U> I of ClWfnrc.6 ?"' ?'0'h !?'< sej They Ibiv'e beeii I prbpl.led i'i.,f. .1. I., Rfytiol Is. 0 1?.. jif S.v: h ? rolsnn I * i?: v Wiry. Th ? S.-ri-* ..>?.-,-; i-.f - v vtoluntW. beninifidly printed'] it. I ??: till.. ilnisifhrod witli UCatU iftll eil- i graving. 1; \ ?!>? - N iv Pielnr i) ??peller. '20 cent*. Reynold's Ni .. Pictorial Primary Render, , J "> pulW ? ? - ' j It uyii oils' Xcw Pietorlnl Firs! RehdYryt-iO k n: s. i\-\n >' '..-' Now Pi. tin i il Si con 1 Retailer. I'ti c nt.v. Reynolds! New Pictorial Third lb mlrr; (! b'jus. Rcyirbhhf N. w Fourth Rcadi r. $1.2"?. V b ?*.--?'?? it Tim improper to rr tea frwi : IInj uUynut.iged aimed ai in p? ?. paring ' .. ? rq ; f.i liTv. I. 'I he enliti ?>??'!.i of n popular sentiment in favor of home enterprise, which is now bv gor iug to -h"U nvt-r Ki" South, 12. To rem 1I3 1 in- evils, complained.of in our schot i.-.. i?i 11 continued change ol T.eil !n. ik>. n ?????i \ b..bii, and one which injures ihe Si I100I?. tiv preventing . h children fuan heilig 1 ill intQ classe s. A m 1 ii s 0-" Iloiui.' lira Igrs. it was AUpposO'l, ivowld he I to n grunt degree and this serious evil thus nvoid ed; School History 0! South Carolina, toM iit a l'amilini*, slyloj by Pr?f, Jus Wood David II, A. V.. '.'u cuiils, Prof, Reynolds' Wilting R >qks, in 11 series of five ni tnb 'rs: No. Ii Rx^ryrsVsj In'the'Shorl Letters. No (' pjtal and Short Words commen cing with Capitals. No. '?'>. Scwt.eiicea Alphabetically arranged. No. 4, Hoys' CoiiimArcial Mini No, Advanced l!""ks for Girls, Sen tene s AJtihajiclicajly arranged* Diitfie Clnipinan's Sc hon! Regislcr lo'lnsl six inniitb-, price In cents. I>ti(t\c'& Chapman's Tablu.Book, pricq 10 cents. Teiiuhcrs and, Educators who wish to e\ auiine any ol the above Works, with a view tq introduction, will have a copj Rent thom un receipt of half 1 he above retail prifl ?. HI Ft IF. ti OH \ I'M AN. HonksYllers and StnHotiers, ColunVbin, S, C. N. h. ? The hbove, nnd numerous other Hooka and Stafioncrv tor sale bv ilvc t-ly? apl '. 7 . R11-seP-Street. DR. SH ALLEN BERCER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Alwnri Stops the Chillis. This Modicino Iuin been beforo tho Public fiftocn years, and is still ahead of all other I known remedies. It doos not purge, does not sicken tho stomach, is perfectly safe- in any doso and tinder all circumstances, and is tho only Medieino that will ? CURE IMMEDIATELY 1 and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, bemuse it is a perfoct Antldoto tM jtl til ii rlu. Sold by all Druggists, dec 11 ly. ?ii_?. ?, . ?* riM> iii;:i"i.-Tv,? n??irabio I and COtnmoiFous IIESIBBNCBS, one oh Street hn,d one on Amelia Street. Anpjj to .1 AM Bo HROV/\K. jau IS ? tf ???i t.... ARE ALWAYS " BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, AT THE t BEE HIVE! AT THE BEE HIVE!! MORE NEW AND STILL THEY COME! OLD DECLINING. Wo will Close oat our STOCK at BAEGAINS!!! BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE 6 'l(Ur? jnu 8 may 21) mr ft bt*i offer BACON, FLOUR, SALT. 4. JEFFORDS & COS CORNER RUSSELL-ST. AND ft. R AVENUE. Has constantly on hand, a Hill assortment i>f GIKHERIE^. which they *r* ingiyElVX'<LQ.W>.?|so a very tine lot of LIO.LORS. ?a V. gihson's xxx wmsRr.v <? pure olo Corn WftlSEEY ? OLD BoLRRON WHISKEY ? BRANDY f \ 00 per Gallon '1 00 per Gallon 1 00 por Gallon G IN & WI? Also a cheap lot of HA!?f S. Parties w idling groceries woul 1 <lo"we!l to call and examine onr SdCh purchasing elsOwhor>jr.f<Psit^jA dec 18 Omc nan -_-:-. ._-rr---?-?-?-,-' FRESH ARRIVALS AT M ! NAMARA & JONES. A V V. RECEIVER "'HIS WEEK FB?)M NEW YOKE. A SEC- CP SUP.l'LY OF NEW Goods, ciyisisUng of ! ???';. pros* Cnods. D.-I.^in -. *".-?* 1.-..*. Flannels. Ralmoral Sfcir.*?! Clatki?; &nanri . Krtfwn nfod F.:.-...-:?. d Hoiiie?pun*, .Sie. Ai-o anoihvr supply.of UsatT CKLEI5RATED V\iRPEMtfKSBU?tL VA. CAPSLMERE, -iuti Broad Clotha, Tweed*, denn.*, K>r?ev?. Ilhinkot*. lloo.s>, SWwt*, IttV.* Cttpsi, Ready Mad? Clothing, &o. Also a cot?plotc s'ock of -. liRDt'KPrC.'. H V'TtDtV'A HE A N"> CttO/^K 1-3 K'V. The above g< Mn w*rv bought t.-.'x nn'.arvuHut oi' the jjrnki i.'.r it? brku, ?u??I soIivU our"friendtjto cull on irs before buying ebniphxrrc * u'>Hii?~ COt'.NTUY l.,itOI>Lt:Kii.:uj:ht..?t ilu: li'/hosr Marhof prto*. '?' ?'?'^ * nor 20 RJ*WB?V Mr NAM AM A & JONES: The "CAROLINA FERTILIZER" is made from the l !n sphatos <d" South 6.?r.?liun, und i- pronounced hy various chemists, one of the I st Mannes k'ii v.n. tn!y inferior : ? Cent via? C3w??to in its Fertilising Propertte??! I'hosphiites ur?* the remains oi' extinct l.ndt.nd sen auinials, and posses* natalities of tH'c u'reaiest value fo ih" Agriculturist. We annex the an iKms id' (VuiWor. Shep:ird. ??LAiBORANCORY OF Till: MBPICAL CpLL&ge OF SOVTII CAROLINA. Analysis of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, personally selected. Moisture cxpelje<j at '2U? F. Organic Matter, with some water of combination expelled at a low red heat.16.50 r*ix< d Ingredients.???.?.06.f)0 Auiouia. ?2.HO Phosphoric Acid?Soluble.O/hl.Equivalent'to 1!.'J7 Soluble Phosphate'of Lime: htsoble.''? 17.Equivalent to Id. IS Insolublo (bone). " Ifl.l:; '24.7? Phosphate of Lime. SulpV.urio Acid.11.01 Equivalent to 28:fW Sulphate of Ltme: Sulpbiiie of Potash. .SO Sulpbnlo of So la. ^ '"?0 . Sand.*V.m On the strenjrtli of these r -suits I r.n glad to certify to th? superiority of the CAR? LINA. FERTILISER* cx.nntln?d. c. i7. N^r.p.iur?, Jr. We will finthis exeellont EERTILlZEll to Plunders,and others at SG? per i'>u of 2,000 pounds. , . CM :o. AV. AY1LI J A MS S?5 CO., ,?vfl? l:u C A <^ T <> ? ?? -:-_-?-u-,-? W let i3 to O M S . DANIEL H. SILCOX, 175. Ih, AND i;<) K'INti STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. I - EE PS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LABOE AND WELL SELECTED ASSORTMENT of Ciihinct Furniture, of the latest and most approved styles, whicli he otfers at price* winch cannot fad lo please, consisting, in yn\.. r.t . Rich i^o'ts >n PARLOR and CliAMREUI Fl RN I'i ORE. Ueudslends, Bureau?. Wn?h?t?ttdrt ami Wfrdrobos, MI.<? ny nod Walnut Solus. Tote a-'fetes. Chair*. Arm Chair*. Rookhig Chairs, What-nots', Sofa and Centre Ta bles. Marble und Muliop-ar.;,-T.?i s, Seererary and lbiidt Caaos, cte. AtsoCUAMEEE. aa*?J COTTAGE SETS of everv description. A'.sii t ... - a K li A S T I (' S P ? 1ST G 1'' Without a ri>al ter EL.NLtiV, KCON? W\, Dt l' \ Fl I,I I Y and HB'ALTHTUFXESS, ift nil CpliolHtery. The best AMortim-nt ev.*t --ft ;v 1 in I hi* Market. . N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY iWCRFt? FOR SHIPPING. may 1 ? f" ? 12 ra " '