THE ORANGEBIJRGNEWS "SATURDAY, JAN. 22,1870~ MALCOLM I. BROWNING, Editor. Our Duty. The following artiole from tho Union Times, has the right ring in its tone: Another year is upon us, and before its close, ire will have another genorn) election. State officers, mombcrs of the legislature and congressmen aro to be elected In us in October next. It i* of vital moment to the best, in terest of our State, that tho present in-* eumbents be ^defeated, and good men elected in their stead. This is practica ble, if we will simply do two things, ?which wisdom demands. ' 1. Tie united. ? He ? who prefers a roan or set of mon to the success of the party opposed to official dishonesty, is not true. He may boasfc, that he is not fettered by purty nominations; but when he pursues h course, which must end in the defeat of' good men, he is himself not a putriot, and not to be trusted. 2. Wo must be practicable. Tho fourteenth and fifteenth amend ments to the Constitution of the United . * States, have settled many things?the first is passed and the second wiii bo. We must real the changes wrought by these amendments. Questions which divided the two great political parties of the Country two years ngo, would appear ridiculous?, if lugged into a political can vass now. They are settled against us. Congressional Reconstruction and Negro Suffrage arc issues of the past, quite as much 80 us the Louisiana Purchase and f tho Mexican War. If wo do not so regard them, wo are impracticable, un wise and destined to defeat. Victory is in our hands, if we will only grasp it. Our platform is one u~~n which white end black may unite and join hands ; it is Opposition to Official Dishon esty. We want no other plunk. Upon this we would nominate good men ; und they would bo elected. We beg our readers to think over these things, and beton to prepare them selves. By July, we ought to have our candidates in the field, without division. Soon, aye very soon, wo should com mence the work jf organization. Let men begin to think of clubs; and let clubs be as brief in their resolutions u? possible. Let them, above all things, be wise, and cereful not to waste their strength in tilting against tcind-mills. The Chester Reporter, highly com mends the article, and snys : "We have been impracticable too long * * * Let us leave for awhile the United States to take care of themselves, and bend all our cuergies to the task of making our condition in South Carolimi more reliable " This is tho right view of the case.? Tho general tone and some of tho ex pressions? of tho Union Times, will re mind our readers of tho views expressed from time to time iu tho editorial col umns of tho Obanokuuro News. It is with a lively feeling of congratulation that we notice this adoption of our views; of congratulation, not that our opiniou ' is concurred in by others, but that others, of tho Press of the State, uro adopting tho proper and practical view of our position and duty. Lot every paper in the State adopt the same tone, and echo the same sentiments, and we shall saved; our birthright aud heritage shall be restored. The adoption of this practical tone by our State papers, and by Hampton and others, of our lenders, are the dim dawning of the day of restoration and redemption, whose sun shall soon beam in its meridian splendor over a happy people Men of Carolina, you may not disre gard your palpable, plaiu nnd sacred duty to your state ! You cauuot stand ftlooFfrom tho real issues of tho hour; you cannot like Don Quixote, erased with a delusive anachronism, waste your strength io. tilting at windmills, while the rush and conflict of real issues hang in tho balance, and the dovotion of your talent and energy will settle them in your favor.} Leave the dead issues 'and prejudices of the past I Leave off the maudlin pro test against their settlement agaiast you! Up, and to the work before you I It is as solemn a duty of patriotism, and of heroic chivalry, to onter into the arena of duty to your state now as it was for you to rally to the oonflict when the cry was "Boot and Saddle." A clarion voioc peals forth our duty i n our ears to-day, as distinctly and as ringing as when tho bugles of Manossas ouuded to tho charge. Craven, coward was he theu who rallied not where n:sn hood and duty called ; and craven is he ?J?- X. UL I.?XI ?*_!-Ht-J^T.l'Jlj'f now, who will not devote energy in this hour, porhnpa of soror trial. The Democratic party, as it vrus is no more; the other great party, with its maohinory, dominates in our State, and its terrible power by the operation of labyrinthine leagues and secret oaths, has fallen into the hands of a small clique in each county aud section of our Stute. Men of no merit, talent or char_ actor have all the positions in the State. The strangor roles and represents. US : our laws are framed at tho North. ]ty in centives, promises, secret associations, and by OW own default, tho agents and emis saries of this party, have acquired com pl jte sway over the colored people. Like a blind giant, the colored majority ex erts its strength and power, not to bene fit themselves, but to augment and per petuate this frightful usurpation. We' say one of tho reasons of this state of things is our oicn default. Instead of at once taking in the real position of af fairs, realizing Reconstruction and color ed suffrage as settled facts, aud using these as data, accepting them and turn ing them into good; \vc have sat down in our ashes, aud amid the ruins of our State, and moaned like women at the ruthless change. One might well nsk, whether (dl the mcu in the South were slain in her war ; whether they all sleep 'ncath her turf, and only the wind and the women are I - -11 to moan aud to la ment at their graves. It is true, the people of this State, and of the other Son then States, did niako one effort, one rally, since the war. But it was an effort to do what? An effort to restore the past. The Dem ocratic party at the North, reared its standard, and to allure the white votes of the South, to save the party in its ex treme need held out tho" delusive hope that negro suffrage would not be permanent. It was a snare! We would admit the freedom of the colored man, but the fond hope that his right of voting must bo qualified ni abolished deluded us, ensnared us. Our effort was not made upon (he basis of faet. and accomplished change, but upon a delusive hope, held out to us, fhnt these issues would bo re considered?that the past would be par tially restored. This wab tho nature of our effort at the Grant aud Seymour elec tion in 18G8. Our effort was a failure, our delusive hopes, blighted. Recoiling from this sccoud defeat and disappointment, we have relapsed into our supine lethargy of inaction, or some have gone over to the agency of the Republican party. There is another, and a propcaeffort to bo made. 'Tis no compromise of prin ciple. 'Tis the plain, sensible realisation of our position, an appreciation of whai is settled and fixed, nod a knowlcdgj o what is our palpable and true duty. Reconstructs r>, colored sufTrage whether politically and metaphysical^ just and right, or not, arc settled fact* tho colored majority is the means b; which whoever governs the State, mus be chosen. This is the position of ou State.* Our duty is reconciliation, sc curing tho friendship, votes, and lahifl of the colored man. To do this, djfl course, he is to bo treated very diH forently from what be was when a slavH We are to start out with the admitsiifl and recognition of his rights of citi/.cH ship. We are to guarantee these righB to him. Ho is not avaricious but I easily appeased aud satisfied. Let 9 treat the colored man as a human bcin"H no longer ridiculing his grotesque iifl portauco or bis ignorance, but let I secure, and assist him, in his liglifl of voting, of acquiring an education, I having a home, of being happy, and I reading the rich rewards of honesty al industry. He does not ask for more than tig and, however prejudice or snphisi>^"| may blind us, ho has a right to tloB things. "???? When we guarantee to him these things, wo, do our duty as an intelligent, Christian people, and, wo secure his valuable labor, tho best adapted to our soil and climatJ, and his friendship. This is our plain duty, by its discharge by this course of treatment of tho colored man wc will acquire the influence over his votes, that tho, Republican party at tbo North, through tho agoney of its leagues holds and sways over him. All the of Caroliu? do out sleep, beneath tho wreathed mounds of her icroes, thousands1 of them 1 vo for h( et. Let tliein do their duty to her now. Their duty, is as patriotic and as sacred, os was theirs who, were sluiu in her but tlos, the discharge of this duty will be at) crowuing and as glorious, as arc those trophies heaped by a pcoplo'a love, upon tho tombs of their martyrs. South Carolina can be redeemed and restored to her sou*. Thcso seutimouts of our cotemporary, and the words of high im part, riiigiug from the lips of Hampton 'cih of that of laudanum huviug been known to kill an infant of nine months, and the man ufacturers of Mrs. winslow's Soothing Syrup sell annually about 100,000 two ouuoc bottles in the singlo State of New York, tho reader can form some idcu of the number of babies that arc soothed to perpetual sleep by this nostrum. Mothers had better stick to catuip tea. Harriot Stowo is^ puzzlod at, tho storm raised againts her among her own coun trymen, with whom sho thought "the cause of woman wus safo and sucrcd." Well, it is, and Mrs. Leigh was a wo num. i ? im i?i mm i i m|t*t?bt?? ThkS...? DoMiNtJo BASOAiK.?The] terms of the proposed annexation ef Bun Domingo are at length before us. By treaty of President Bocx with the com mercial agent of tho United States it is stipulated that for ?1,500.000, to be spent iu pnyiug the debts of Sun Do miugo, that country shall bo annexed to the United States as a territory. Should the debts which arc to bo paid by n joint commission, exceed the sum agreed upon, public lands urc pledged for the excess. All national property, together with complete jurisdiction is ceded to the United States; and the treaty will be did When ratified by ottr Senate and uflrmed by tho vote of tho Domini us. Massachusetts contains twentyfivc -operative hianufucturing nssocitions. I Senator Stewart has prepared a bill secure to the Chinese in this couutjy |ll protection under the civil rights bill. Of the Sixty six members of the nitcd States Senate forty six are wyers. llouse-kecpcrs have nn easy time in Irooklyn. Professor Blot distributes to ie dwelling* of the people of Brooklyn ich food n? civilized human beings ight tn cat and be nourished by?of bod quality, well cooked, nod ut onco Mlatnblc and digestible. A customer rders meals by the card, and they arc lelivercd hot and fresh at his door. Ellgenie, Euiprrss, is said to be in ebt to Ilaussinnnn. displaced Prefect f the Seine. This little fact will prob;. dy net be forgotten by the ex.Prefect it is not ut all a bad thing to have a |iowcrful Empress iu your debt. A German savant publishes the inte resting fact that a bed-bug, after having litten .'.00 times, begins to droop and hud fade away. OBITUARY. Dir.o?On the 12th Inst.. in the 00th year of his age, Mr. JOHN Ml hi.HI'., of Orang.-burg I Count v. FOR SALE. g& UK I NO DESIROUS OP ('IIA XG fijiii. ing niv Business, I olfcr fur sale THK HiilLCANNON HOUSl'.aii I LOT, sitiiaic on IConti House Square. Tho Lot lias, besides the Large ami Commodious Dwelling, nil no. cessnry Outbuildings. A bargain im offered ! if applied for booh. jan -JJ?if JAM KS CANNON. vncK..? All Pcrsens In ilobtcd (o me, eiiurr liy NOT K or AC COUNT, will phase cell and set lie the snme by the 1st day ef February ncxl. or Ihey will he put into the luimls of an Attorimv. jan 22?If. . ? a .JAMKS C.\.V\uN. "~ ' " ~ m Notice to Contractors. OFFICK COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, January 21 I?70. The Bridge ever the North IMisto Hi vir, known as SHILLINGS' HHIHtiE. will be LET OUT to the LOWEST BIDDER on the 17th day of February, lK7ll, at the River. Plan ami Specification to he seen at this Office. WM. X. MOUNT, Chairman. C. S. BULL, Clerk B. C. C. Jan 22 t "I Notice to Con Iractors. OFFICK COUNTY COMMISSI!) KHS, January 21, 1870. The FOOT-WAY over 'he Swamp <>f the North Edisto River at Orangeburg, will ho LET OUT to the LOWEST BIDDER, on the ISth day of February next, at the Orange burg Ri?cr Bridge. Plan and Specifications to he seen at IIiis Office. ____^4Wrr-S~M(>TrNTr^^?? xTsT HI LL, Clerk Hoard C. C. jan 22 :tt OFFICE EN HOLLING OFFICER, Obaxobbbbo County, So. Ca., January l?th, Is7<>. County Committionrrt of Orangeburg County, So. Ca.: G?:nts?I have the honor to inform you that I have COMPLETED the ENROLL MENT of all MALE CITICEN8 between the apes of Eighteen and Forty-Five, and would respictfully call your attention lo SECTION S of An Act to Organize and Govern the Militia of the State of South Carolina, up proved March llJlh, I8GU. I am very respectfully, your obedient servant, ?FRANCIS DaMARS, Enrolling Officer, Orangburg County. Office County Commissioners ORANGEBURG, Jan. 21, l*7o. The attention of h11 concerned is hereby rallc'iothe following! .?In Art to Organize and govern thr Militia of the Sintf. of South Carolina*!. >?*?*** Sr.c. H. That whenever an enrollment shall be made as provided in this Vet, the BoarJ of County Commissioners shall cause t<> be published, once a week for three weeks pre vious to the first day of February, in a news paper with circulation in lite County, <>r by written or printed placards, in not les.s than four public places, n notice that such rolls have been completed and filed as aforesaid ; which notice shall also specify that any per son who claims that he is, for any reason, exempt from military duty, shall, on or be fore tho loth day of February next ensting, file a written statement of such exemption. certified by affidavit, in the office of said Clerk of the Courts of record, <>r before a Justice of the Fence or Magistrate, in said County; ami the publication of Blieb notice shall be sufficient notice of such enrollments to all person* named therein. Such roll shall be made in the form prescribed by the Coremander-in Chief, ami the Adjutant-Gen eral shall furnish all the enrolling officers suitable blanks and instructions for the com pletion of such enrollment. WM. N. MOUNT, Chairman. C. 8. BULL, Clerk B. C. 0. Jan 22 31 SPECIAL. NOTICE. To partios in want of BOOKS, SASHES an'l BLINDS, wo it for to tho advertisement of P. P. Toale, the Inrgc mnnufacturcr of those goods iu Charleston. Price list furn ished on application. July 17 'Jrn WANTEIK?? Large Cooking STOVE?till KAP?A second-hand one in good order will do. Lcnvo descrip tion, staling price at this OFFICE, jan 22 It* XTOTICE. ? All Pcrftoitft arc hereby FOBBID from Hauling WOt>D oil* of my land. All Trespassers will he Prosecuted According to Law. jan 22?at W. T. McKEWN. ESTATE NOTICE.?All Per sons indebted to Absoluta Qleaton, de eeaned. will make payment, and those baring demands against him will present iheoi to T. \V. OLKATON, jan 22?tit Administrator. Sheriff's Sales. Ily virtue of sundry writs ol fi. fa., to rac directed 1 will sell to the highest bidder, ut Ornngcburg Court House, on the first Monday in February next, lor cash the following property, rix : A LSO One tract of land containing 1">0 acres more or los?, hounded by E. II. Bowling, S. II. Sawyer, Win. Pendcrvis, and South Kdisio llivcr. Levied on us the properly .V. 1). Dow ling at the suit of K II ?Liow-liiij?. A I.St) Tin- interest of tho Defendant in one Cir ouhir Saw Mill on Dean Swamp. Levied on as the properly of James O. lb Chancy at the suit ot Win. Knotls. ALSO Ooc tract of land containing 1250 acres more or less, bounded on the north h\ David llouscr, ei?.:-t by .1. II. Smoak, south by estate Margaret Ktitnph and west by F. W. Oliver and tlleun Oliver. Levied on ?s the proper ty of Peter M. llouscr at the suit of B. F. Simmons. ALSO On Tuesday nfter solesday, at the resi lience of P. Sli llouscr, '?> head Mules. 2U head Cattle, '22 head Hogs, I Wagon and 1 Gears, Hhmi |h* Seed Cotton. 2-ilHl lbs Fodder, 180 bushels Corn. 1 Wind Mill. 110 bushels Cotton Seed, and Household and Kitchen Furniture. Levied on as the properly of Peter M. Houser r?t the suit ol lt. F. Sim mons. ALSO One Turpentine Still and one.third inte rest in one other Turpentine Still, also one third interest in one tract of land containing .|*,|| art's more or less. Levied on as the property ot L. A /.eigler at tho suit ot Dau'l /.. igler. ALSO On Toes Ihj after sah sday, a: the residence of I.. A Zetgtt-r. !I Wagons, 2 T.uiber.Carts I and St reiei.ers, I head ol futile, 1 Itiiggy, Oxen, 1 Mure. I Carriag?. 1 Piano, House. : hold ati l Kitclt-n Fiiriiiuir*. Levied on as i the propurly in L. A. /. dglrr at the suit of Dan I /.i igb r. ! ALSO. On Tucsdui after sal.-lay next, at the ' residence ol ./ului L. Ayeis, i "i bushels Corn I i..oh- in- b?.. Levied onus the tirrtperi v ol j Joint I.. Ayr-a: I lie suit of Iti'tib- ii Jn..n.-on. ALSO Oil" hil of 1 in ! in :';e Town of firauohvill . cote a ill io^ I uimnjK i mr? or less, a nil boitu- . ~! hyttie*?. <'??. ?- lt.. J. Fehler Meyers : and others. Levied on as jlic property ??! J W. II. lion, k, Adm'r Leo-nick & St II. ALSO J One tract of land continuing -47~? aero ! more or less, bound et I north bj II. Kiggs, ', east bj Old ( lliirlcstoll It.I. soul a by .1. IV. II. I ol.- ? ami wi.-t by Edis'o Itivcr. ALSO. Our other tract containing 2"?0 acres more or less, and bounded on the north by .1. W. II. Dukes, cast by V\ . T. McKewn. south by Henry Diuksmi and west by A. I) Fred ilk. Levied on as the property of l>. Ii. Ihn ion the -oil of ii. I'.. Ililey, Adm'r. ALSO ?RAN("iEM'UG--in Equity. II. D. Bonnett, Adm'r of Estate ] Oeo. Ilouuclt, vs Jno. F. Ilounctt, Adm'r, et. al. J I nder the order in tili? eise, | will sell at Ornngcbitrg Court Hnusc, on the first Mon day iu February next, for half rash, balance in one year, secured by bond ?ith interest date and mortgage of premises, with covenant for re-ale. Purchaser paying for stamps and papers. A tract of U22 acres more or less, the pro perty of <;. o llounett. deceased, bounded by the North Kdisio Itivcr an I lands of It. s. Mc Michael, Maty llontielt, Henry llounett and .lo-.mli Uonnett. ALSO OHANfIEBUj1 (t?In Equity. P. V. Dibble. Assignee \ IL M. Argue, Sr. J By virtue of mi order of sale made in Cms Case by the said Coon. I will sell at Drage* burg. S C.. on Monday the 7th of E, hruurt next, during the usual hours of sale, at the risk of the former purchaser, who has tailed to comply : .Ml that plan!titi ,i or Irrtcl of land situate in the County of Ornngcburg and State a lore, said, on Onodland Swamp, containing PO acres more or less, and hounded by lauds of Daniel Hair, Edward '? James 1>. Phillip?. Terms ?One-half cash, the balance it. six months, with bond and interest papahlo ini tially secured by mortgage of tho property, containing a covenant for resale on breach of the condition of the bond, purchaser to pay for papers und stamps. ALSO ORANGEBUUG?In Equity. L. A. Zeiglcr, Executor. ) V9. [ \\. Ilonser, Administrator. J Under the order in this case, I will sell al Orangeburg C. IL, tor one half cash, balance in six months, secured by bond, with interest from date, and mortgage <>f premises, with covenant of resale. Purchasers paying for Stamps and papers. ?TI7 acres of land of Estate Lewis Zeigler, hounded by lands of Dr. D. L. Hildebrund, Jacob Hildebrand, N. A. Whetstom Oco. W. Whetstone and David Wannamakcr. Sheritrs Office, \ U. ItlOflS, GranguhurgC. ii., S. C, > Foreclose Jntncs F. Criflin. ) Mortgage Under the decree in ibis case, 1 will sell at Ornngeburg, on the first Monday in Feb ruary, for one-half cash, balance <>n u credit of twelve months, secured by bond with in? lor*st from date, with a mortgage of the premises, the following real estate: All tho right, title and interest which James F. Orilhnand Elisabeth K. Griffin had in and t<> the real estate whereof the late Silas Griffiti died seized and possessed, -itu ate in St. Mut thews Parish, in the County of (Iraugcburg. A LSO ORANG ERURG?In Equity. Franklin \V. Fairy, ) Bill vs. v to For- close D.n'l II Basier. J Mortgage. By virtue ?f an ordor of sale in this ease, i w II sell a; Orutigrhurg ? '. II., on the 1st Monday in Fcbnuiry n? uu Mi linn planiutioti or It icl of hind situate in the County Ornngeburg. on Nortn K?L sto Kivi r. containing Too acres more or less, au I I.??undid by James Stokes, Murray l!<> binsoii and the hdisto Kiver. A LSO ^ All that <.?'?:? platilii'ieii or tract of hind coiitiitiiitig ?O? acres more or less. Rituale in Orangeburg County, on rtolfo Castle Swamp, waters of Cuttle t re k, au I butt tide,) by James Cox. John Bowi an. John Sandte, Sam'l R, nmi Dnn'l Ruver. Conditions? O it -third vn di, balance in mil year with interest', puren..--, r giving twind roe! niorrgnge ? ?! tai- phi til a H. Who coVV nan: id i ? sate in c ??: breauh ill ? lie coll U lions of the bi>nd. I'mvhatvrs to p..y lot I upvl S and -:.ilii| ALSO OttAXti i i,? ;;<;?!.\ ;:..i i v. Ynllcu'ttt? P It hail, ft. til. | In \<. i the Circuit ? Elizabeth L'. I.Iii?, rt. nl. j Court. I By virl ie ot an er let nl sale made in this ' ease by the said Court. I sell ;,i Drang - burg. S. C . on Monday the 7th day of I ch raary next, during the usual Imurs of sale, all lite Real F.sialc ot which Henry F.Iiis li.-'j.. du- I suize 1, suhjcul to ilto widow's Dower, to wit : 1. Ail that tract of boi l situate in the Town of ? ir.-u;; b-ii cohtriuiug 10 ncres mere or lesS. auh houti led by lands of Thom as Oliver, T. B. Whnloy, ami Mrs. M. A. Sif l-y and the Columbia Boa I. beitig the irncl ? >!t which the said Henry Ellis resided ill his lifetime. \1. All that ha of land situate on Russell Street, in tho Town of ttrtingebiirg, hounded by lots of J. VY. II. Dukes and James F. Ix lar, F.sq. All that plantation or tract of land situ ate in Ornngeburg, containing Sol acres more ii ie--. ami bounded by lands of F.. T. Glov er. Adnt'x, J. G. Watinnmaker iiinl Aunt'. Andrews. Terms.?One third cash, and tae balance on a credit of twelve mouths, purchaser t? fjivo bund for said balance, bearing interest from day of sale, und scettred by n mortgage of the premises, w ith a covenant lor resale mi a 'Teach ot the condition ol the Bond, and to pjiy lor p..per- and .--tamps. ALSO OR A Nil GRURG?In Prohatb. hit I'i'r''' ^ Petition Kdwnrd II. Heuser, >? for et. ujc. J Don er. Dy virtue of im order of sale made in this case by the said Court, I will ?eil at Orange burg, S. ( .. on Monday the 7lh day of Feb ruary next, during the usual hours of sale, the following lots uf land, belonging to the stare of the late Samuel n. Keioierly. 1. All Mint lot of land with Dwelling ami Outhouses, situate on Amelia Street in the Tow n nf > rangehttrg, contnining*one and onc linlf acres more or less, and bounded by lands nl' II. Uig^s, lots Nos. 2 and 3 of said K* e. ami Amelia Si reel. ?-. \ll that lot of land situate in the Town of i raiigcburg, at the corner of Amelia anil Bro tghto'i Street, containing one and one liall' acres inure or less, and hounded by lands uf II. Rikgs. l"i No. i of -aid Estate, and Amelia and Brotighton Streets. 3. All that lot of land situate in the Town nf Ornngeburg, on Amelia Street, containing three acres nmre or less, and bounded by lands uf F. II. W Briggmann, George Boll vor and Samuel Dibble, Esij., Amelia Street and lot No. 1 of said Estate. Terms.?l ?ne-third c ash, and the balance on a cre>lit of twelve months, the purchaser to give bond for said balance, hearing inter est from day ot sale, payable annually, se oureil by a mortgage of the premises, in which shall be inserted a covenant for resale in oase of a breach of said bond, and the pur chaser of lot No. 1 to Insure (he dwelling, and nssign the Poliey to secure his bond. 1 urcbasors to paj tor papers und stamps. Sheriff's Office, ") IL RIGGS, OrangebnrgC. IL, 8. C, } S. O. 0. Jan. 12, i860. j jan 15 td Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN Til AT 1 will file my final return with the Hon. Judge of Probate for Ornngeburg County, on the nth day of February next, and ask for Letters of Dismissal as Administrator of the Estate of RHxabeth O'Cain, deceased. DANIRL L. DRAWDV, jan ft?4t* Administrator! ?-? 'j r. L?'vr.Ji ?? s.g'. .??...' ?3* it X, OUR. WIEEIAM II, 1KMVAI1D? FLOWER DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT; . No. 2 Spoor's Wliurf Baltimore, M. Di Good to clioice FINE, SUPER. EXTRA and FAMILY FLOUR, -nimble for Retail ing, constantly oa band. jnn 22 Stti ? - ? - ? ? ? - -?? ? ? ? ? t Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON the Httb day of February, 1870, I Witt tile my Final Account hm Administrator of tbo Estate of Joel F Dookhnrt, in the Honorable Probat? Court, and nek for Letters of 'Dls inissory therefrom.' W. J. BOOKIIABf. jati 22?It Administrator. Notice of Dismissal "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON* the 17th. day of February, 1870, I will tiic my Final Account as Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Rebecca Shuler, deceased, ami on that day ask lor Letters of Dismissal. T. P. STOKES, jan 22?It Qualified Administrator. IN THE COUilT OF PllOBATE. W II KOKAS, ( :esar Avinger hath applied to me for letters of Administration on the Es? tntc of Joseph DtnU'.er, late of Orangeburg County, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all ate I singular the Kiudred and Creditors of the Said deceased, to be and appear be fore me at a Court of Probate for the mid County, to be hidden at Orangcbtirg on the 3d day of February, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause if any, why the said Ad* rainist ration should not be granted. Given under my hand and tbo Seal of the Court, this lHth day of Jan., A. b. 1869; ami in the ninety-fourth year of American Independence. THAI). C. ANDREWS, jan 22?2t Judge of Probate. :vr. a xyrmTCCirr, HOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 0!ia.\of,ui;rq, n. c. Returns thanks for pa?t PATRONAGE .".u-1. Solicits a continuance of the same WORK entrusted to him will RECEIVE his PERSONAL ATTENTION. All Work Warranted, pet 2?, c tf Golletoii Lands for Sale. V."i* 1 b- sohl on the 2'\ February. (WedncsH ?Siy.) on la, premise's, in the higtifsl holder, ??\ ? iv,- hull r-.l t lL'Hi) io-i-'-s more or less, .if i table I.i: d the property ol Renb.:fl St. - ??!o n>? S?'?k' hdteh e I'.iV. i' '?mi- . iy. n i wn tiM<*(s with Dwellings aii-l lind ncce.-sarx t'u: buildings ?hi ??nehL Tcriiis?One-ball cu-h. butane** mi a eretlit ? ?*" one year, with mortgage of premises. Also tin .*. day nud place. i he pr