SAT 8ATUHDAY, JANl^VUYl^jfei The Stock QifWV^fotfcr to Sir ftsrnish the (*4^6%rfe^**Tl><>'l American "$Ioek ?Journal, for one yjar, ft for Two I^]arf, if paid in advance, will f be closed on the 1?4 of .Fcbuury. Per y cooa desirtngMto avail themselves of this | advantageous offer, wilt com: forward sud subcribeor renew their subscriptions bed uro that date. Oc* Opinion oVSalkday's ?Wo wow astonished to hear that we ^ 4*ad given* p$aj$p ^o uinny persons by publicly noticing the drunkenness of] ft sale-day. We spoke of it as it was, noth ing extenuated, uor set dowu aught in ? malice." A pro}>o*, to onr notice of our I aalc-duy, wo quote fur tho, benefit of Q^those uml-?tfte^'"tJto (ipiuiou of one i or two excnarTgca of sale-day in other W places. The Darlington Southerner says: "A "very large, number of persons?white 1 and coloreSWMJ&mbled ut the Village R_ on Monday last, iu accordance to old ?custom, and it would seem by the nuiu \ ber who wcro drunk, that they would have aavctp1 -hroney?iinl time if -ihoj'hujd reumiucd at home." * Tho Ocoueo Courier soy*: "As tho day wuued, . und ; confusion, sup criudneed by iuibibiug too freely of n f iiquid known hereabouts, as tangle-foot, becuuu? only too a ppareut. Man, it seems, is uot only w illing to suffer the ills he ?as, but will fly to those he Lnows not I The Barnwell Jountul taXR: "Towards aw the close of the day many who had im bibed too freely of "tangle-leg" and big angin," we'rof Vc)y boisterous and showed Tight. Many ol'thcni wore taken in nut Of the cold.", it wunl3^4dar-thr::, thai at ether places ' Orangebnrg, drunkenness is golfing to be the characteristic of these occasions, und that the Press in other places untices uud rebukes the lowing evil. 11 their, in tiny disgrace, that attaches is that such brutal drunk 'ciiiH-ss. was exhibited iu our streets, and stores and not that tho OllANOKKUItU j -.' ' " KlCtVH noticed, and rebuked 5lc4v *hc 1^?css-cTcr, nnd every honest ?ca, value $58,223. Dogs, 4,130, value, S21,?(M?. ' Averago value of property appertain ing to merchandize $105,802. Property appertaining to merchandize $105,802! Property uppurtaining to manufactur ing $11,488, Value of manufactured articles, en gines and too)s, ou hand, $40,261. Value of moneys, bank bills, etc. $81, CIl. Value of all credits $100,277. Value of stocks of compauies out of this State $35,717. Jtonds uot exempt from taxation, $14, 692. r2. * t? I o*r p4 ?. ? 0U I t" XOUtUlOtt (TIO X , m m do'S ?? nmod aio-awna i p T*?D J?>d oo'SS ,ti X\'X" K.XOSSIIO ^> ~> xv yivo ij ^KAMMKIHU (IOOr), Oil iififiAV no.\. ;i riT A T IjUXUlUA?ALtjxlAJU. ?S A25.54 KT 21PORTS. OrrtcR of tub QnAXOKniuta Nsws, Junuary 14, 1870. COTTON?Sales during tlie week hales. We quote: Ordinary.21 Mi.Idling.22 MidJliog.12\ Hot on Hict.SI '20 per .ntshcl. t'on.s.$5.20 ? \r bushel. Cow J'eas.$1.25 par bushel. 1'ikoKhs.$1.00 per bushel. UOM). 20 sn.\ i:o.2i) CHAMiKHTON MAHKET. Cll aki.jssto.v, p|MHA.t AloitM.VO. January I t, 1870. Ordinary.22X<7j\2a\ Good Ordinaiy.2\\i(? 2.\\ Low Middling.24l(oiJHJ Middling..341; ETIWAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MA-NURES, SULPHURIC ACID, MANUFACTURED A| CHARLESTON, UNDEll TifgTOftf^gHI^ FOR THE Sulphuric Acid and Suioc'ivriiosplihto Company. '? 'y SOLUIILE I'llOSrilOlUr ACID, in tho form of SOLU RLE PHOSPHATE OF LIMB, or DISSOLVED HONE PHOSPHATE, is the basis of all good Fertilisers, oinL these are valuable in the ratio of Soluble Phosphoric Aoid wrdch is in them. Tho itninenSe'dt'poxits of I'fio'apuhtlo Guanos which were discovered in JPttL, in South Carolina, by Dr. PRATT, consist mainly of Insoluble Phosphate of Lime, which Is available a> a Fertiliser by being ground, to powder, nnd reduced by Sulphuric Acid to mich a condition as to make its insoluble phosphate soluble in water, and thus made capable of Imlng I a ken up by growihg plants. Tho insoluble Phosphate found in any commercial Fer tiliser is of no morn value to the plant than tho original Plnsphato rock. The greater the proportion of this soluble Phosphate which any Fertilixer contains, the leas the quantity re quired por acre, and consequently the cheapest Fertiliser is ?but containing the highest .per eentage of Soluble Phosphate.. ff < ' y-g g.-? S (?, ? Impressed with these^tmUis, the SULPHURICtjtC?r/,,?ND SUPER-PHOSPHATS COMPANY have erected at Charleston the first extensive Acid Chambers'South of Balti more, and ore able to offer to plnntcrs the HIGHEST PEH. CKNTAGE OF SOLUBLE PHOSPH ATE'OF-'LIME known in ppy inavket. i ? '.; , ?? ?.?,.?,.,,. Their Fertilisers are offered under tw j forms: ' .I? 1. EtiMan, No.-I.ittPUBE.SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, guaranteed to contain 24 per cent, of Dissolved Rone Phuapiiate of Lime, $H0 per ton, JO per cent, discount for cash. g. EU.VMU.-1V?*. 3.?PERl'VIAN SUPER-PHOSFHATE. guaranteedtto contain 20 percent! of Dissolved Bono Phosphate, and H to 8 per cent, of AinintHiin. with a suffi cient addition of Peruvian (inane to adapt it to ull Crops, $70 per ton, 10 per cert, discount for cash. WE ALSO OFFER: DISSOLVED RONE, of high grade,' for planters or manufacturers, who may desire to mix into any other compost, and we suggest that this is the IichI und cheapest method for manufactures to transport the Sulphuric Acid contained in the mixture. Will be sold at n fixed rate for each per eentage. WM. ?. BEE & "CO;, Agents, No. 14 ADGER'S WHARF. jan & ,o.n M.: ALBHECHT, HOOT AND SIIOK MAKEH, Returns thanks lor p?*t PATHOSAOE ami Solicits a continuance of the fddic WO UK entrusted to liim will REO El YE his PERSONAL ATTENTION.. All Work >\ arrested. oct 28 . e tf NOTICE To Administrators, Executors, Ouartliaiis, Committees ami Trustees. PRORATE OFFICE. DacxMur.a 27. I8t)9. YOU ARE II ERE It V NOTIFfl.l) THAT your Hcturu mubi he made to*this OHicc dtt rihg the Mentha of .JANUARY and FEHRU AKV. Administrators nud Executors will please make their Returns in January?the others iu February, 1S70. THAI). C. ANDREWS, Judge of Probate. 1'. S.?Administrators, i.e., must make up their own Returns, or get their Attorneys to do it for them. The Judge of l'robaiehss not the lime to spa*-c for Mich purposes. Jan l if G tEO. W- CARPKXtBB'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SAR SAPAP.IU.A <;i:o. ir. cAiiPKXTKirx COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF liUCHU Tbotio Celebrated Preparations, originally J introduced by Uco. IV. Carpenter, uudor the^j patronage of the medical faculty ; hare boen so long extensively used by physicians and Others, that they arc gem-rally known for their intrinsic value, and can be relied en as being most valuable remedies in all eases where Snrsaparilia or Rucliu are spplicable, and cannot be too highly recommended. They are prepared iu a highly concentrated form, so as to render the dose small aud convenient. Orders by mail er otherwise wilt receive prompt aticuiioii. GEO. W. CARPENTER. HB.VSXUY A CO., Wholesale identical Warehouse, No. 747 Market street. Philadelphia. For salo by DUKES k SHUI.KK, and E. J. OL1YEROS, Orangcburg. R. C, and DO WIE I & MOISE. WWctulc Agents, Charleston, S & oct if (?MX?Eil VItti f'Ol'.VTV, PRORATE COURT. Jos A. Fanning, 3 upwards of Twelve Millions.^ iJi J "",, < llh'') -I ALL PROFITS divided nmong the Policy Holders annually. income.:.!.ti.uoo.noo.oo ASSET8.10,OOO,lKX).tH> Tho EQCITARI.e ASSl llANCE SOCIETY offers to ll,. Publicall the real ADVAN TAGE which can with safety bo conceded bV any Company. N. AUSTIN RULL, june 2fl?npl 2?tf Local Agent. Mt. Kioii Institute, \yVL\tN.SJ*OHO. S. 0. A C*lu*?u?1 nj, f Xortinif K. I,,,,,! f,>,- B?u* I^UVlis SENT TO THIS INSTITUTION will lx< thoroughly trained in ?11 the branches of a liberal ??<)m-.-.t ion?unU-ss par ties prefer their sons i?? lake A BUSINESS COURSE, which will embrace careful drilling in Coin mercial Arithuielic ami other English studies, and is designed to tit hoys for mercantile life, or actual business of any kind. A uniform, uniting economy with neatness of costume, will he adopted, the nest year, und the discipline ma le stil! more effective by combining some of the features of the Military Academy with t hoie of tho Normal Sclto I.* Terms per Session of fire months : Boards including tuition in all the branches, only. $100.00. The Scholastic year opens 1st Monday in February. Kor particulars send forcirenters. Address! <}. A. WOODWARD, jan !? tt O I * 111 ETOll. HAVI Ml procured the services of a FIRST CLASS RAKER, Mil. Til OS. w ALnKlUIOTTI. I am novr prepared to do all kind?of RAKING at a moments uotiee, and to furnish custom ers and the Trade generally with a good arti cle, and at Charleston prices, at wholesale and retail to Merchants aud Families. No expenses will be spared on my part to please my Customers. The following list of Bread, Cakes and Cracker? kepi constantly on hand, aud fresh: C A K ES: Pound Cake Large nnd Small. Spunge Cake. Sugar Cake. Drop Cake. Small Fancy Cukes. Scotch Cuke. Lafayette Cake. French Tea Cake. Lcmoa Cake. Lady's Pinters. Large Ginger Nuta. Bolivers and Thick Cakes. CRACKKliS: Trenton Crackers. , Butter Crackers. Seed Crackers. Sugar Crackers. Large ltiscuits. \1 I I T? A.D: Wheat Bread. Ityo Bread. -Graham Bread. French. Twist, Split ami Cap Lo*ycs. The highest cash prices paid for BUTTER and EGGS. The Subscriber respectfully rsturns his thanks to the citizens of Orungeburg for their palronnge in the past, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the ?nme. apl 24?ly V. PITTHAN. CUlli YET IWLAKKU AM) ?? / DER'i'AKER. ? I respectfully solicit work in tlio above line, such as Collins of all styles, repairing Old Furniture, putting New Cane Bottoms in Chairs, und all other work in the above, line dona, with neatness nnd dispatch. All work warranted. Give me a trial. B. J. L?YD, Markel-St., dec 11?-tiui Next to Jno. A. Ilamilt ? Notice lo Utcbtorw und l'rc?St . Qualified Administrator. Notice of Dimissal. iVrOTJCfc IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will, on the 20th da of January. 1870, tile my final account with the Honorable Judge of Probate for Gfsi!^?hnrg County. ?* Administrator of the Estate of J, J. Rush, deceased, and ask for Letters of Dismissal, doc 25?td A. J..II VBRICK. Notice of Dismissal. iyrpT&e is hereby Given tiia t hn the 10th day of January n. I will tile my Final Accounts with the Hon. T. ('. Andrews) Judge of Probate, and oik for Letters of Dismissal as Administrator of the Estate*.of e. t). Carson and George Vice. dec 2.>~td w. w. vici;, I_ ?' ":" ? ?? '?' " t' ' -_ Notice of Dismissal. IVTOTM'i: IS 11 ER E I) V CIYKN THAT 0| I will file uiy final return with tho lion. Judge of Proteite for Orangeburg County, on the nth day of t'ohruary next, and asljr for Letters of Dlsftilssal as Administrator of the i'.state of Elisabeth O'Oain, druousod. | DAM ii I. L. llKVWDY. jan f$?ril* Administrator. N~OTici:. Mr. NATHAN K. WANNA MAKER is my duly appointed Attorney to transact my business during my aVcrice from the State. AMOS ROOKK.J Orr.r.gebur-.'S r.. Jqn. 7th, 1H70. jan 8 * 4i . BULL, SCO?ILL & JPIKE, dfifcfy'wftY. BUSY, AT THE ., .4 .. bee hive! BEE "hIVE !! :o: MORE NEW GOODS i AND STILL THEY COME! gold dec lin in G> Wo will Close out our STOCK at BARGAINS!!! BULL, SCOYILL & jan 8 may 29. STOCKEE'S CHEAP CASH STOEB, i-3 * W M NOW IS TUM TIME TO BUY CHEAP I!! I SHALL, PROM THIS DAY UNTIL THE FIRST ftp MARCH NEXT. OFFER MY i entire Slock of FAIjI? "nd WI2VT?>H OOOIMJ al very Row Prices. Tlio remaining Slock of (Monks. Slot?Is. Winter Dross (Sooih ami doiliiug wilbh^ offered al Cost.* These floods must besohl to make noon for SPRINU HOODS, ('onto soon and get bargains. I have also a Good Stock of Roots, Shoes. Hats. Ctps, Groceries, &.<)., cheap for Cash. jnn 1 aug 23 .ly. JOHN DAYIS & CO., DAELERSIN Choice Family Groceries and Liquors -:o: We respectfully call tlio. attention of our Friends and the Public to our Stock of the above named goods, which we warrant to give satisfaction to all who will favor us with a call. Our prices are ns cheap as any other house this side of Charleston. Try ua. dec 25 ly t. BACON, FLOUR, SALT. a jeffords & co., JL xl ? CORNER RUSSELL?ST. AND R. R. AVISN?E. Has constantly on hand, a full assortment of (i ItOCKIlII^K, which ta?y .?tiering VERY LOW, also a very fine lot of LIQUORS. OJBSON'S XXX WHISKEY f?\ PURE OLD CORN WHISKEY f.a OLD UOl'RHUN WHISKEY (A $8 00 i*sr CjtjlY.BET SURFRUiKi Candy id n varied flavor-? Ami, to irain Vonr Lad- *s favor. (501.1) ?lt SM.VKll W ATCH.'or Chain. Studs or Kur Rings you will fraiii, Hreast-1 Mus, Butt un pm your Sleeve. OFF. Till-; Ft)X.-.mill n t .1 cciv? : PATTKlisON puts Srltl RISK in all! PlSAl'Pol.N;t.\IV3NT ''ANT lllll'A l/L lluy the Box, and \tmr Surprise Will delight your Neighbor's oyoa. W. T. M?LLER, GROCER AND LIQUOR DEALER. OPFERS TO THE PURLIC A WELL SELECTED STOTK OP FRESH PAMILT GROCERIES and Fine lirands of QUO ICE LIQUORS. Calling the attention of Housekeepers to the fact that I am supplied EVERY WEEK with Jfrtmh CABBAGE (Red and White). ONIONS, < <>IM ISll. IRISH POTATOES, DRIED Al'I'I.ES. Also German, Hatcl and Wnllnuts, and Coae? Nuts, and Batter Nuts and S. C. Piccan Nuts, TL? fnlldwing brands are on draft. CABINET, RYE. CORN. MONONOAHALA. FRENCH RR ANDY. HOLLAND GIN. JAMAICA RUM, CATAWBA WINE, PORT, MALAGA, SHERRY and CLARET. Also LAM Fit. CIDFR AND ED1NF.FRC. Al.E. I shall trv and keep onlv an\A?Xo. 1 ARTICLE of a|! I otter for sale. TheOLD ClTtZBNSof the County will be happy to find Mr. .It HIN FAIR, formerly Agent of the S C. H. R., nt this place, with me. Come one nnd all, and sec for vonrselvcs. Just received (1 Barrels'of the" far famed CINCINNATI LAOKIV BBBR. This Lnger needs no recommendation, hut to drink it and pay lor it, Hosprctfully, pOV 13?ly \y, T. MULLKR. ? SCHOOL KOTJCI-. ,a",mm The Exercises- of Mi*? R. S. ALRERG0T January 4tb? 1870/ PW tc*lnaf .apuly H beft Residence, Corner Ruascll St reel and R. I'.-. Avenue. A few Young UdW'tJan i ? m mod.'i ted with Roonl. }ib I---'. - - . ? - - ? - ' ? Office of County Auditor, QRANCRRURC. SL c, Ja.xuu-. 7th, ;?<;.??. Notice is hereby given to ?all parties vrfct havotfOLD, or. otherwise JJlSPOSKD of atfjj/ RKAL l'RXil'KRTY bldwoen 6epl. Kt, ISO*, and Srjii. 1st, 18i!'.\ and who are not liable fur the Tux on the same, are rcijnrstcd to re port to this OlITee. on or hoforc the l?th day of Jan., 187(1, all sides, transfers etc., giv ing the uiiHfiu-r of Ao^os and Rutidings* If nny, where located, and in whose name prev iously returned. All persons failing to re port these sales or transfers cf "Real Pro perty," by the ttme nbevo specified will \ ? eharged with the Taxes on the fame for the Fispal Year, 18, as no corrections will bo mado after (ho ''Duplicato*' is made out. JAK. VanT ASSEL, aafagSf?. !J'__^yA..ditor. Just Received *>t DR. OLIYEROS' T7IRESU 'HARDEN SEEDS?SCCH AS L Onion Sate, Cabbage, Turnips, Kaddj Dect, Leans, Carrot, Celery, Coliard>>, Co ., Cucumber. Egg PIaut, Kohl Rnbi, Leek, t|ice".yJ'Itistar ]ier bottle, ur t?u bottles $!>. Dr. Eichau s Gulden Antidote?A safe, spes/fy. pletisant. and radical cure tf